Bug Fields

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Only certain status transitions are allowed.</td> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="header_row"> <td colspan="2">Open Bugs</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <dl> <dt class="new bz_NEW">NEW </dt> <dd class="new"> This bug report has recently been entered into Red Hat Bugzilla, and must be processed. Bug reports in this state may be moved to <b class="bz_ASSIGNED">ASSIGNED</b> or <b class="bz_CLOSED">CLOSED</b> They can also be reassigned to another engineer or component. </dd> <dt class="assigned bz_ASSIGNED">ASSIGNED </dt> <dd class="assigned"> This bug report is being worked on by the Assigned Engineer. Use of this state is optional. </dd> <dt class="post bz_POST">POST </dt> <dd class="post"> This bug report has a fix that has been posted for review, either upstream or internally, by the Assigned Engineer. Use of this state is optional. Some teams, such as kernel and virtualization, use it. </dd> <dt class="modified bz_MODIFIED">MODIFIED </dt> <dd class="modified"> This bug report has been fixed, unit tested and checked into source control by the Assigned Engineer. </dd> <dt class="on_dev bz_ON_DEV">ON_DEV </dt> <dd class="on_dev"> This bug report is being worked on by the Assigned Engineer. Use of this state is optional. </dd> <dt class="on_qa bz_ON_QA">ON_QA </dt> <dd class="on_qa"> This bug fix is available for the Assigned Quality Engineer to test. If not using the Errata Tool, typically moved to <b class="bz_ON_QA">ON_QA</b> by RCM when the bug fix has been incorporated into a build which is available to be tested. If using the Errata Tool, moved to <b class="bz_ON_QA">ON_QA</b> automatically when the bug number is added to the erratum鈥檚 bug list, and a build is available to be tested. Test cases or plans are written and available. </dd> <dt class="verified bz_VERIFIED">VERIFIED </dt> <dd class="verified"> This bug fix has successfully finished testing by the Assigned Quality Engineer. If not using the Errata Tool,bug reports may move to <b class="bz_CLOSED">CLOSED</b> once verified in a build. </dd> <dt class="release_pending bz_RELEASE_PENDING">RELEASE_PENDING </dt> <dd class="release_pending"> This bug fix is being prepared for delivery to customers by the Assigned Release Configuration Management Engineer. The most likely next state is <b class="bz_CLOSED">CLOSED</b>. If using the Errata Tool, this state change happens automatically when the advisory is shipped. It is also possible that the bug report may transition back to <b class="bz_ASSIGNED">ASSIGNED</b> if a problem has been found. </dd> </dl> </td> </tr> <tr class="header_row"> <td colspan="2">Closed Bugs</td> </tr> <tr> <td> <dl> <dt class="closed">CLOSED </dt> <dd class="closed"> This bug fix has been resolved by the Assigned Engineer. The <b>CLOSED</b> state includes the resolution field which describes why a bug report is closed. See Resolution descriptions. If the <b>CLOSED</b> resolution <b>ERRATA</b> is set, the bug report cannot be reopened. Instead, enter a new bug report for a new problem. </dd> </dl> </td> </tr> <tr> <td id="resolution" colspan="2"> <h2>RESOLUTION</h2> The Resolution field indicates what happened to this bug. </td> </tr> <tr colspan="2"> <td> <dl> <dt class="currentrelease">CURRENTRELEASE </dt> <dd class="currentrelease"> The problem described has been fixed in the current supported release. </dd> <dt class="duplicate">DUPLICATE </dt> <dd class="duplicate"> The problem is a duplicate of an existing bug report. Marking a bug report duplicate requires the bug number of the duplicate bug report. </dd> <dt class="errata">ERRATA </dt> <dd class="errata"> The problem described has been fixed and is available as an update from our support web site. </dd> <dt class="notabug">NOTABUG </dt> <dd class="notabug"> The problem described is not a bug. An explanation of why this resolution has been chosen should be supplied as a comment. </dd> <dt class="wontfix">WONTFIX </dt> <dd class="wontfix"> The problem described is a bug report which will not be fixed. An example of why this might be true is due to significant divergence from upstream. An explanation of why this resolution has been chosen should be supplied as a comment. </dd> <dt class="cantfix">CANTFIX </dt> <dd class="cantfix"> The problem described is a bug report which cannot be fixed. It may be for a component which we do not support, or a bug report that has not received a reply after requesting "needinfo" of someone for a while. If possible, use more common resolutions such as <b>WONTFIX</b> or <b>NOTABUG</b>. If you must choose this resolution, provide an explanation of why this resolution has been chosen in a comment. </dd> <dt class="deferred">DEFERRED </dt> <dd class="deferred"> The problem described is a bug which will be fixed in the next supported release, but which is not planned to be released in the release against which the bug was filed. If a release flag is being used on this bug report, it is preferred to move it to the next release flag instead of setting the Status field to <b>CLOSED</b> and the Resolution field to <b>DEFERRED</b>. If you must choose this resolution, provide an explanation of why this resolution has been chosen in a comment. </dd> <dt class="insufficient_data">INSUFFICIENT_DATA </dt> <dd class="insufficient_data"> The problem description is insufficient for the assignee to work on the bug report. This may be due to a lack of clear requirements or insufficient information to reproduce the bug. Before using this resolution, please use the needinfo flag to request more information and allow a reasonable time for the information to be provided. If you must choose this resolution, provide an explanation of why this resolution has been chosen in a comment. </dd> <dt class="nextrelease">NEXTRELEASE </dt> <dd class="nextrelease"> The problem described has been fixed in the next supported release of the product, and is not planned to be fixed in the release against which the bug was filed. If a release flag is being used on this bug report, it is preferred to move it to the next release flag instead of setting the Status field to <b>CLOSED</b> and the Resolution field to <b>NEXTRELEASE</b>. If you must choose this resolution, provide an explanation of why this resolution has been chosen in a comment. </dd> <dt class="rawhide">RAWHIDE </dt> <dd class="rawhide"> The problem described has been fixed in the latest development release of our product obtainable from our ftp site. This resolution should not be used for Red Hat Enterprise Linux bugs. </dd> <dt class="upstream">UPSTREAM </dt> <dd class="upstream"> The problem described has been filed in an upstream bug tracker or reported to the upstream mailing list. This typically includes almost all feature requests and enhancements, and most bugs that we don't consider release showstoppers. (Moving bugs upstream typically increases the chance that someone will have time to look at it, and often the upstream developer or bug owner even works at Red Hat.<br><br> Moving bugs upstream simply allows us to keep everything in one place, and work better with open source community developers outside of Red Hat. We only keep bugs open on to track our immediate short-term items, or issues with our patches and/or packaging, or because the upstream package in question has poor bug tracking.<br><br> The main focus of development for most packages is the upstream community, even when Red Hat is a big contributor to the community.) Some upstream bug trackers include,, and This resolution should not be used for Red Hat Enterprise Linux bugs. </dd> <dt class="worksforme">WORKSFORME </dt> <dd class="worksforme"> The problem described is not a bug. It is preferred that resolution <b>NOTABUG</b> be used if problem has been determined to not be a bug, or use the needinfo flag if more information is needed. If you must choose this resolution (in Fedora, for example), provide an explanation of why this resolution has been chosen in a comment. This resolution should not be used for Red Hat Enterprise Linux bugs. </dd><dt class="eol">EOL </dt> <dd class="eol"> The release is no longer supported, a Fedora specific resolution. See the <a href="">Fedora wiki</a> </dd> <dt class="migrated">MIGRATED </dt> <dd class="migrated"> This bug has been migrated to another issue tracking site. It has been closed here and may no longer be being monitored. Bugs with this resolution will have an external tracker link to the new site. <p> If you have permission to view the external tracker link then the link will be directly to the new issue. If you lack permission then the link will be to the root of the new site. </dd><dt class="completed">COMPLETED </dt> <dd class="completed"> This bug is a workflow task and it has been completed. </dd> </dl> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <h2>Other Fields</h2> <dl class="field_descriptions"> <dt id="alias">Alias</dt> <dd>A short, unique name assigned to a bug in order to assist with looking it up and referring to it in other places in Bugzilla. </dd> <dt id="assigned_to">Assignee</dt> <dd>The person in charge of resolving the bug. </dd> <dt id="blocked">Blocks</dt> <dd>This bug must be resolved before the bugs listed in this field can be resolved. </dd> <dt id="bug_id">Bug ID</dt> <dd>The numeric id of a bug, unique within this entire installation of Bugzilla. </dd> <dt id="cf_category">Category</dt> <dd>What kind of bug is this? </dd> <dt id="cc">CC</dt> <dd>Users who may not have a direct role to play on this bug, but who are interested in its progress. </dd> <dt id="delta_ts">Changed</dt> <dd>When this bug was last updated. </dd> <dt id="classification">Classification</dt> <dd>Bugs are categorised into Classifications, Products and Components. classifications is the top-level categorisation. </dd> <dt id="cf_clone_of">Clone Of</dt> <dd>The bug listed here was the bug cloned to create this bug </dd> <dt id="cf_cloudforms_team">Cloudforms Team</dt> <dd>This records what team is working on the bug. </dd> <dt id="longdesc">Comment</dt> <dd>Bugs have comments added to them by Bugzilla users. You can search for some text in those comments. </dd> <dt id="longdescs.isprivate">Comment is private</dt> <dd>A custom Unknown Type field in this installation of Bugzilla. </dd> <dt id="component">Component</dt> <dd>Components are second-level categories; each belongs to a particular Product. Select a Product to narrow down this list. </dd> <dt id="content">Content</dt> <dd>This is a field available in searches that does a Google-like 'full-text' search on the Summary and Comment fields. </dd> <dt id="creation_ts">Creation date</dt> <dd>When the bug was filed. </dd> <dt id="cf_crm">CRM</dt> <dd>Poor alternative to External Trackers </dd> <dt id="deadline">Deadline</dt> <dd>The date that this bug must be resolved by, entered in YYYY-MM-DD format. </dd> <dt id="dependent_products">Dependent Products</dt> <dd>Dependent Products allows you to track when a bug in one product has an impact on other products. <p> e.g. The version of Java shipped in an operating system may impact middlewar in another product. </dd> <dt id="dependson">Depends On</dt> <dd>The bugs listed here must be resolved before this bug can be resolved. </dd> <dt id="cf_release_notes">Doc Text</dt> <dd>This field is the basis of the errata or release note for this bug. It can also be used for change logs. <p>The Technical Note template, known as CCFR, is as follows:</p> <dl> <dt>Cause</dt> <dd>What actions or circumstances cause this bug to present.</dd> <dt>Consequence</dt> <dd>What happens when the bug presents.</dd> <dt>Fix</dt> <dd>What was done to fix the bug.</dd> <dt>Result</dt> <dd>What now happens when the actions or circumstances above occur.<br> Note: this is not the same as <em>the bug doesn鈥檛 present anymore</em>.</dd> </dl> <p>When documenting a Known Issue, use the CCWR variation as follows:</p> <dl> <dt>Cause</dt> <dd>What actions or circumstances cause the bug to present (if known).<br> Note: if the cause is not known or is not fully diagnosed,<br> current hypotheses or theories should be noted.</dd> <dt>Consequence</dt> <dd>What happens when the bug presents.</dd> <dt>Workaround</dt> <dd>What actions, if any, reduce the bug鈥檚 effects or prevent it from presenting entirely.</dd> <dt>Result</dt> <dd>If the bug鈥檚 effect is only reduced, what consequences still flow;<br> if the bug is prevented, what restrictions does the workaround impose.</dd> </dl> <p>When documenting a new feature (e.g. an RFE), use the FRR variation as follows:</p> <dl> <dt>Feature</dt> <dd>Describe the new feature that has been added.</dd> <dt>Reason</dt> <dd>Give the reason why this feature was needed.</dd> <dt>Result</dt> <dd>Describe the functionality, work-flow, or appearance etc. that has changed, or is now available, due to this new feature.</dd> </dl> </dd> <dt id="cf_doc_type">Doc Type</dt> <dd>This field is a pull-down used to indicate the type of documentation to appear in the next field "Doc Text". Depending on the value chosen, the template in the "Doc Text" field will change accordingly. </dd> <dt id="docs_contact">Docs Contact</dt> <dd>The person responsible for documenting once the bug has been resolved. </dd> <dt id="cf_documentation_action">Documentation</dt> <dd>Inscrutable drop down. </dd> <dt id="cf_embargoed">Embargoed</dt> <dd>This issue is currently under an embargo. </dd> <dt id="cf_environment">Environment</dt> <dd>This field is used for unformatted text that helps to further describe the bug report. </dd> <dt id="longdescs.extra_groups">Extra Private Groups</dt> <dd>A custom Unknown Type field in this installation of Bugzilla. </dd> <dt id="cf_fixed_in">Fixed In Version</dt> <dd>The full package version. PGM uses to check if brew build is in errata tool. </dd> <dt id="requestees.login_name">Flag Requestee</dt> <dd>A custom Unknown Type field in this installation of Bugzilla. </dd> <dt id="setters.login_name">Flag Setter</dt> <dd>A custom Unknown Type field in this installation of Bugzilla. </dd> <dt id="">Flags</dt> <dd>A custom Unknown Type field in this installation of Bugzilla. </dd> <dt id="rep_platform">Hardware</dt> <dd>The hardware platform the bug was observed on. <strong>Note:</strong> When searching, selecting the option "All" only finds bugs whose value for this field is literally the word "All". </dd> <dt id="has_migration_link">Has Migration Link</dt> <dd>A custom Integer field in this installation of Bugzilla. </dd> <dt id="importance">Importance</dt> <dd>The importance of a bug is described as the combination of its Priority and Severity. </dd> <dt id="keywords">Keywords</dt> <dd>You can add keywords from a defined list to bugs, in order to easily identify and group them. </dd> <dt id="cf_last_closed">Last Closed</dt> <dd>When this bug was last marked as closed. Used for statistical purposes. </dd> <dt id="ext_bz_bug_map.ext_bz_bug_id">Link ID</dt> <dd>A custom Free Text field in this installation of Bugzilla. </dd> <dt id="ext_bz_bug_map.ext_last_updated">Link Last Updated</dt> <dd>A custom Free Text field in this installation of Bugzilla. </dd> <dt id="ext_bz_bug_map.ext_priority">Link Priority</dt> <dd>A custom Free Text field in this installation of Bugzilla. </dd> <dt id="ext_bz_bug_map.ext_status">Link Status</dt> <dd>A custom Unknown Type field in this installation of Bugzilla. </dd> <dt id="ext_bz_bug_map.ext_description">Link Summary</dt> <dd>A custom Free Text field in this installation of Bugzilla. </dd> <dt id="external_bugzilla.description">Link System Description</dt> <dd>A custom Unknown Type field in this installation of Bugzilla. </dd> <dt id="external_bugzilla.url">Link System URL</dt> <dd>A custom Unknown Type field in this installation of Bugzilla. </dd> <dt id="locked">Locked</dt> <dd>A bug that has been locked can only be updated by users with 'editbugs' rights on the bug's product. </dd> <dt id="cf_mount_type">Mount Type</dt> <dd>How a disk is mounted </dd> <dt id="longdescs.count">Number of Comments</dt> <dd>A custom Unknown Type field in this installation of Bugzilla. </dd> <dt id="op_sys">OS</dt> <dd>The operating system the bug was observed on. <strong>Note:</strong> When searching, selecting the option "All" only finds bugs whose value for this field is literally the word "All". </dd> <dt id="cf_ovirt_team">oVirt Team</dt> <dd>When opening bugs or RFEs on oVirt, if you don't set the oVirt team in the bug, these bugs go through some initial scrubbing mechanism, to determine which vertical is responsible for them. <p>However, in most cases the one opening the bug should be able to know what team it is related to. In some cases the issues are in between verticals, but in such case they can be set to one, and worst case they will be moved to another vertical, if needed.</p> <p>The main values are:</p> <ul> <li>Network - network issues either originated by the host, or the engine.</li> <li>Storage - storage related issues, either originated by the host, or the engine.</li> <li>Spice - spice/virt-viewer related issues.</li> <li>Infra:</li> <ul> <li>Authentication Issues.</li> <li>General DB issues (not ones related to specific vertical flow).</li> <li>Host monitoring/communication issues, host statuses, etc.</li> <li>Host deployment/upgrade issues.</li> <li>Certificate issues.</li> <li>engine-config issues.</li> <li>engine-notifier issues.</li> <li>Fencing issues.</li> <li>Scale issues.</li> <li>Satellite/Foreman integration issues.</li> <li>General REST-API issues (not ones related to specific vertical flow).</li> <li>Python SDK, Java SDK and CLI issues.</li> <li>IOPROCESS / python-pthreading / python-cpopen issues.</li> </ul> <li>Reports - Reports engine issues.</li> <li>Metrics:</li> <ul> <li>Data warehouse (DWH) issues.</li> <li>Metrics store issues.</li> <li>Alerting framework issues.</li> <li>Metrics visualizations issues.</li> </ul> <li>SLA:</li> <ul> <li>MoM.</li> <li>Engine-related SLA issues (CPU / network / storage QOS).</li> <li>Scheduling and load balancing issues.</li> <li>Placement related issues.</li> <li>CPU pinning.</li> <li>NUMA.</li> <li>Affinity.</li> <li>hosted engine HA issues.</li> <li>HA VMs issues.</li> <li>Quota.</li> <li>Optimizer.</li> </ul> <li>Node:</li> <ul> <li>ovirt-node issues.</li> <li>oVirt appliance.</li> </ul> <li>Virt:</li> <ul> <li>VM issues.</li> <li>Emulated machine errors.</li> <li>VM console issues (VNC, SPICE, serial console).</li> <li>templates / instance-types issues.</li> <li>VM import/export, conversion via virt-v2v integration.</li> <li>VM life-cycle issues.</li> <li>general ovirt-guest-agent issues.</li> <li>VM Pools.</li> </ul> <li>Integration:</li> <ul> <li>engine-setup / upgrade / cleanup issues (not ones related ot other vertical rfes / flows).</li> <li>engine-backup / restore issues.</li> <li>iso/image-uploader issues.</li> <li>log collector issues.</li> <li>hosted engine setup / upgrade issues (not ones related ot other vertical rfes / flows).</li> <li>windows guest agent install/update issues (not virtio / spice / guest agent issues).</li> <li>DWH &amp; Reporting setup / upgrade / cleanup issues.</li> <li>ovirt-live issues.</li> <li>ovirt releng issues (unless releng should be used for upstream too).</li> <li>debian packaging issues.</li> <li>CentOS Virt SIG packaging issues.</li> </ul> <li>UX:</li> <ul> <li>General UX issues (not ones related to specific vertical flow).</li> <li>UI Plugins.</li> </ul> <li>i18n - translation issues (i.e. issues that require a translation update, not an English-text update).</li> <li>Gluster - gluster issues.</li> <li>Docs - documentation issues.</li> <li>Rel-Eng - Anything related to product release engineering (tagging / Brew / etc).</li> <li>Sub-Eng - anything related to Red Hat support plugin.</li> <li>External - Anything that depends on another team not covered in the list above.</li> </ul> </dd> <dt id="tag">Personal Tags</dt> <dd>Unlike Keywords which are global and visible by all users, Personal Tags are personal and can only be viewed and edited by their author. Editing them won't send any notification to other users. Use them to tag and keep track of bugs. </dd> <dt id="">Pool</dt> <dd>The Agile pool this bug is assigned to. See <a href="docs/en/html/integrating/api/Bugzilla/Extension/AgileTools.html">Agile Docs</a> </dd> <dt id="bug_agile_pool.pool_id">Pool ID</dt> <dd>The id of the Agile pool this bug is assigned to. </dd> <dt id="bug_agile_pool.pool_order">Pool Order</dt> <dd>The order of this bug in it's Agile pool. </dd> <dt id="">Pool team</dt> <dd>A custom Unknown Type field in this installation of Bugzilla. </dd> <dt id="priority">Priority</dt> <dd><p>This field is a pull-down of the internal weighting of the bug report's importance and can have the following values:</p><dl> <dt>urgent</dt><dd>extremely important</dd> <dt>high</dt><dd>very important</dd> <dt>medium</dt><dd>average importance</dd> <dt>low</dt><dd>not very important</dd> <dt>unspecified</dt><dd>importance not specified</dd> </dl> </dd> <dt id="product">Product</dt> <dd>Bugs are categorised into Products and Components. Select a Classification to narrow down this list. </dd> <dt id="qa_contact">QA Contact</dt> <dd>The person responsible for confirming this bug if it is unconfirmed, and for verifying the fix once the bug has been resolved. </dd> <dt id="cf_regression_status">Regression</dt> <dd>What kind of regression is this? </dd> <dt id="reporter">Reporter</dt> <dd>The person who filed this bug. </dd> <dt id="cf_atomic">RHEL 7.3 requirements from Atomic Host</dt> <dd>Poor alternative to External Trackers. </dd> <dt id="bug_severity">Severity</dt> <dd>This field is a pull-down of the external weighting of the bug report's importance and can have the following values:<dl> <dt>urgent</dt> <dd>catastrophic issues which severely impact the mission-critical operations of an organization. This may mean that the operational servers, development systems or customer applications are down or not functioning and no procedural workaround exists.</dd> <dt>high</dt> <dd>high-impact issues in which the customer's operation is disrupted, but there is some capacity to produce.</dd> <dt>medium</dt> <dd>partial non-critical functionality loss, or issues which impair some operations but allow the customer to perform their critical tasks. This may be a minor issue with limited loss or no loss of functionality and limited impact to the customer's functionality.</dd> <dt>low</dt> <dd>general usage questions, recommendations for product enhancement, or development work.</dd> <dt>unspecified</dt> <dd>importance not specified</dd> </dl> </dd> <dt id="cf_story_points">Story Points</dt> <dd>A poor alternative to Original Estimate. </dd> <dt id="rh_sub_components">Sub Component</dt> <dd>Some components have sub components in order to help bug triaging. A sub component has its own default assignee, qa and docs contact. </dd> <dt id="short_desc">Summary</dt> <dd>The bug summary is a short sentence which succinctly describes what the bug is about. </dd> <dt id="target_milestone">Target Milestone</dt> <dd>The Target Milestone field is used to define when the engineer the bug is assigned to expects to fix it. </dd> <dt id="target_release">Target Release</dt> <dd>The Target Release field is used to define when the bug is expected to be fixed. </dd> <dt id="cf_target_upstream_version">Target Upstream Version</dt> <dd>Target upstream version where the bug fix or feature is planned to be merged. If this is a kernel bug, please use the Upstream Kernel Target field instead. </dd> <dt id="cf_type">Type</dt> <dd>Keywords in a custom field. </dd> <dt id="bug_file_loc">URL</dt> <dd>Bugs can have a URL associated with them - for example, a pointer to a web site where the problem is seen. </dd> <dt id="cf_verified_branch">Verified Versions</dt> <dd>A way to store what branch a bug is fixed in without making it a useful link like an External Tracker would. </dd> <dt id="version">Version</dt> <dd>The version field defines the version of the software the bug was found in. </dd> <dt id="votes">Votes</dt> <dd>Some bugs can be voted for, and you can limit your search to bugs with more than a certain number of votes. </dd> <dt id="status_whiteboard">Whiteboard</dt> <dd>Each bug has a free-form single line text entry box for adding tags and status information. </dd> </dl> </div> <footer id="footer"> <div class="intro"></div> <ul id="useful-links"> <li id="links-actions"><ul> </ul> </li> </ul> <div class="outro"><a href="page.cgi?id=redhat/privacy.html">Privacy</a> <a href="page.cgi?id=redhat/contact.html">Contact</a> <a href="page.cgi?id=faq.html">FAQ</a> <a href="page.cgi?id=terms-conditions.html">Legal</a></div> </footer> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $('form').submit(function( event ) { dt_submit(); }); $('#site_menu').accessibleMenu(); $('#account_menu').accessibleMenu(); $('#site_menu').addClass('loaded'); $('#account_menu').addClass('loaded'); }); if (window.self !== { $('#header').addClass('bz_default_hidden'); $('#footer').addClass('bz_default_hidden'); $('.navigation').addClass('bz_default_hidden'); $('body').css('background-image', 'none'); } </script><script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { selectize_standard_selects(); }); </script> </body> </html>

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