2U Convenes Over 350 Academic and Industry Leaders for 2023 edX Global Forum

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</div> <div class="post-title"> <h1><span id="hs_cos_wrapper_name" class="hs_cos_wrapper hs_cos_wrapper_meta_field hs_cos_wrapper_type_text" style="" data-hs-cos-general-type="meta_field" data-hs-cos-type="text">2U Convenes Over 350 Academic and Industry Leaders for 2023 edX Global Forum</span></h1> </div> <div class="press-meta"> <h4>Top voices share insights and expertise to create a better future through online education; Curtin University presented with 2023 edX Prize for Exceptional Contributions in Teaching and Learning </h4> </div> <div class="post-body"> <span id="hs_cos_wrapper_post_body" class="hs_cos_wrapper hs_cos_wrapper_meta_field hs_cos_wrapper_type_rich_text" style="" data-hs-cos-general-type="meta_field" data-hs-cos-type="rich_text"><p>LANHAM, Md. – October 4, 2023 – 2U, Inc. (Nasdaq: TWOU), the company behind global online learning platform edX, this week convened more than 350 attendees from over 150 institutions and 17 countries at the 2023 edX Global Forum. The invite-only event celebrated the impact of the more than 4,300 online courses and programs on the edX platform and brought together diverse voices in education, business, and the nonprofit sector to share expertise and insights on how high-quality online education can create a better future for all. <br><br>Centered on the theme of fueling the ambition of institutions and learners around the globe, the first joint meeting of 2U and edX’s partner networks included over 25 panels and sessions featuring 70 expert voices across company leadership, 2U partners, and guest speakers such as&nbsp;Steve Case, co-founder of America Online and chairman and CEO of <a href=""><span>Revolution,</span></a> Sean Decatur, president of the <a href=""><span>American Museum of Natural History</span></a>, Kristina Johnson, co-chair of the <a href=""><span>National Advisory Council on Innovation and Entrepreneurship</span></a>, Barbara Snyder, president of the<a href=""><span> Association of American Universities</span></a>, and Jill Tiefenthaler, CEO of the <a href=""><span>National Geographic Society</span></a>.&nbsp;</p> <!--more--> <p>Leaders shared their vision for increasing access and affordability, innovating online education delivery, meeting the needs of today’s learners, and training the workforce of the future.</p> <p>“Part of why we partner with 2U is to leverage what’s possible,” said Todd Nicolet, vice provost for digital and lifelong learning at UNC-Chapel Hill, during a panel discussion about the power of partnerships in online learning. “Our partnership is an important tool in our toolkit, and my job is to give our team access to the world’s best tools and resources.”&nbsp;</p> <p>“The future is in the hands of our students,” said Barbara Snyder during a panel discussing the essential mission of the university. “The pace of change has increased, but the willingness of people, including faculty and especially students, to adapt to changing times is remarkable. That adaptability will serve us well for the challenges of tomorrow, and our ability as a higher education community to pivot and face big challenges in partnership continues to excite me.”&nbsp;</p> <p><span style="font-size: 18px; color: #454545;">On the same panel, Julio Frenk, president of the University of Miami, said: “We’re at the threshold of a revolution in education, driven by the convergence of three forces: the dynamic labor market shaped by AI and automation, advancements in learning science, and the incorporation of new technologies to enhance student experiences. This paves the way for a more active, personalized, adaptable, and flexible approach to education.” </span></p> <p>“Our company is deeply committed to supporting our partners as they​​ leverage digital learning to expand their reach, close skills gaps, and empower future generations through the promise of higher education,” said Andrew Hermalyn, president of partnerships at 2U. “I would like to thank all of our panelists and participants for their time and contributions at this year’s Global Forum – the insights and stories shared this week have resulted in an exciting and meaningful dialogue about how we can continue to innovate and reshape the future of education.”</p> <p>During the event, Dr. Ben Milbourn, Dr. Wenn B. Lawson, Professor Sonya Girdler, and Katherine Browne from <a href=""><span>Curtin University</span></a> were announced as the winners of the eighth annual <a href=""><span>edX Prize for Exceptional Contributions in Online Teaching and Learning</span></a>. This prestigious award acknowledges the group’s outstanding work and creation of an open course on titled “<a href=""><span>Autism and Mental Health</span></a>.” The course, designed and developed by CurtinX team members Nicole David, Belinda Lux, Brendan Ameduri, and Blake Treharne, is dedicated to celebrating the unique qualities, strengths, and skills of individuals with autism and is designed to equip autistic individuals and those around them with the knowledge and tools to navigate the relationship between autism and positive mental health outcomes.</p> <p><img src=";height=383&amp;name=edx-prize-winner-2023-v2.png" width="573" height="383" loading="lazy" alt="edx-prize-winner-2023-v2" style="height: auto; max-width: 100%; width: 573px;" srcset=";height=192&amp;name=edx-prize-winner-2023-v2.png 287w,;height=383&amp;name=edx-prize-winner-2023-v2.png 573w,;height=575&amp;name=edx-prize-winner-2023-v2.png 860w,;height=766&amp;name=edx-prize-winner-2023-v2.png 1146w,;height=958&amp;name=edx-prize-winner-2023-v2.png 1433w,;height=1149&amp;name=edx-prize-winner-2023-v2.png 1719w" sizes="(max-width: 573px) 100vw, 573px"><br><em>2U leadership presents Curtin University with the 2023 edX Prize.<br></em><br>"Dr. Ben Milbourn, Dr. Wenn B. Lawson, Professor Sonya Girdler, Katherine Browne, and the entire CurtinX team have truly exemplified the spirit of innovation and dedication in education,” said Anant Agarwal, edX founder and 2U’s chief platform officer. “This remarkable achievement underscores the power of online learning to transform lives and create a more inclusive world. Congratulations to the winners from Curtin University for their outstanding contribution."</p> <p style="text-align: center;">###</p> <p><strong>About 2U, Inc. (Nasdaq: TWOU)<br></strong>2U is a global leader in online education. Guided by its founding mission to eliminate the back row in higher education, 2U has spent 15 years advancing the technology and innovation to deliver world-class learning outcomes at scale. Through its global online learning platform edX, 2U connects more than 78 million people with thousands of affordable, career-relevant learning opportunities in partnership with 250 of the world's leading universities, institutions, and industry experts. From free courses to full degrees, 2U is creating a better future for all through the power of high-quality online education. Learn more at <a href=""><span></span></a>.</p></span> </div> <div class="post-boilerplate"> <h3>About edX</h3> <p>edX is the global online learning platform that fuels the world’s ambition. edX was developed in 2012 by Harvard and MIT to make the world’s best education available to everyone. Today, as a part of 2U, Inc. (Nasdaq: TWOU), edX connects over 86 million people with online learning to meet every professional moment. Together with top-ranked universities and organizations at the forefront of their fields, edX offers thousands of job-relevant programs across nearly every career discipline, from artificial intelligence and robotics to sustainability and public health. Find online courses, certificates, boot camps, and degrees that fuel your ambition at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p> <h3>Contact</h3> <p><strong>Email: </strong><a href="" target="_blank"></a></p> </div> <div class="back-link" style="padding-top: 2%;"> <a href="">‹ Back to The Latest</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--END DESKTOP POST--> <!--START MOBILE POST--> <div id="post-body" class="desktop-hidden row-fluid-wrapper"> <div class="row-fluid row-inner"> <div class="span12 widget-span" style=""> <div class="post-bg-inner"> <div class="post-featured" style=""> <img src="" alt="Post Banner Image"> </div> <div class="blog-post-content lander-inner-full"> <div class="press-tags"> October 4, 2023 / edX </div> <div class="post-title"> <h1><span id="hs_cos_wrapper_name" class="hs_cos_wrapper hs_cos_wrapper_meta_field hs_cos_wrapper_type_text" style="" data-hs-cos-general-type="meta_field" data-hs-cos-type="text">2U Convenes Over 350 Academic and Industry Leaders for 2023 edX Global Forum</span></h1> </div> <div class="press-meta"> <h4>Top voices share insights and expertise to create a better future through online education; Curtin University presented with 2023 edX Prize for Exceptional Contributions in Teaching and Learning </h4> </div> <div class="post-body"> <span id="hs_cos_wrapper_post_body" class="hs_cos_wrapper hs_cos_wrapper_meta_field hs_cos_wrapper_type_rich_text" style="" data-hs-cos-general-type="meta_field" data-hs-cos-type="rich_text"><p>LANHAM, Md. – October 4, 2023 – 2U, Inc. (Nasdaq: TWOU), the company behind global online learning platform edX, this week convened more than 350 attendees from over 150 institutions and 17 countries at the 2023 edX Global Forum. The invite-only event celebrated the impact of the more than 4,300 online courses and programs on the edX platform and brought together diverse voices in education, business, and the nonprofit sector to share expertise and insights on how high-quality online education can create a better future for all. <br><br>Centered on the theme of fueling the ambition of institutions and learners around the globe, the first joint meeting of 2U and edX’s partner networks included over 25 panels and sessions featuring 70 expert voices across company leadership, 2U partners, and guest speakers such as&nbsp;Steve Case, co-founder of America Online and chairman and CEO of <a href=""><span>Revolution,</span></a> Sean Decatur, president of the <a href=""><span>American Museum of Natural History</span></a>, Kristina Johnson, co-chair of the <a href=""><span>National Advisory Council on Innovation and Entrepreneurship</span></a>, Barbara Snyder, president of the<a href=""><span> Association of American Universities</span></a>, and Jill Tiefenthaler, CEO of the <a href=""><span>National Geographic Society</span></a>.&nbsp;</p> <!--more--> <p>Leaders shared their vision for increasing access and affordability, innovating online education delivery, meeting the needs of today’s learners, and training the workforce of the future.</p> <p>“Part of why we partner with 2U is to leverage what’s possible,” said Todd Nicolet, vice provost for digital and lifelong learning at UNC-Chapel Hill, during a panel discussion about the power of partnerships in online learning. “Our partnership is an important tool in our toolkit, and my job is to give our team access to the world’s best tools and resources.”&nbsp;</p> <p>“The future is in the hands of our students,” said Barbara Snyder during a panel discussing the essential mission of the university. “The pace of change has increased, but the willingness of people, including faculty and especially students, to adapt to changing times is remarkable. That adaptability will serve us well for the challenges of tomorrow, and our ability as a higher education community to pivot and face big challenges in partnership continues to excite me.”&nbsp;</p> <p><span style="font-size: 18px; color: #454545;">On the same panel, Julio Frenk, president of the University of Miami, said: “We’re at the threshold of a revolution in education, driven by the convergence of three forces: the dynamic labor market shaped by AI and automation, advancements in learning science, and the incorporation of new technologies to enhance student experiences. This paves the way for a more active, personalized, adaptable, and flexible approach to education.” </span></p> <p>“Our company is deeply committed to supporting our partners as they​​ leverage digital learning to expand their reach, close skills gaps, and empower future generations through the promise of higher education,” said Andrew Hermalyn, president of partnerships at 2U. “I would like to thank all of our panelists and participants for their time and contributions at this year’s Global Forum – the insights and stories shared this week have resulted in an exciting and meaningful dialogue about how we can continue to innovate and reshape the future of education.”</p> <p>During the event, Dr. Ben Milbourn, Dr. Wenn B. Lawson, Professor Sonya Girdler, and Katherine Browne from <a href=""><span>Curtin University</span></a> were announced as the winners of the eighth annual <a href=""><span>edX Prize for Exceptional Contributions in Online Teaching and Learning</span></a>. This prestigious award acknowledges the group’s outstanding work and creation of an open course on titled “<a href=""><span>Autism and Mental Health</span></a>.” The course, designed and developed by CurtinX team members Nicole David, Belinda Lux, Brendan Ameduri, and Blake Treharne, is dedicated to celebrating the unique qualities, strengths, and skills of individuals with autism and is designed to equip autistic individuals and those around them with the knowledge and tools to navigate the relationship between autism and positive mental health outcomes.</p> <p><img src=";height=383&amp;name=edx-prize-winner-2023-v2.png" width="573" height="383" loading="lazy" alt="edx-prize-winner-2023-v2" style="height: auto; max-width: 100%; width: 573px;" srcset=";height=192&amp;name=edx-prize-winner-2023-v2.png 287w,;height=383&amp;name=edx-prize-winner-2023-v2.png 573w,;height=575&amp;name=edx-prize-winner-2023-v2.png 860w,;height=766&amp;name=edx-prize-winner-2023-v2.png 1146w,;height=958&amp;name=edx-prize-winner-2023-v2.png 1433w,;height=1149&amp;name=edx-prize-winner-2023-v2.png 1719w" sizes="(max-width: 573px) 100vw, 573px"><br><em>2U leadership presents Curtin University with the 2023 edX Prize.<br></em><br>"Dr. Ben Milbourn, Dr. Wenn B. Lawson, Professor Sonya Girdler, Katherine Browne, and the entire CurtinX team have truly exemplified the spirit of innovation and dedication in education,” said Anant Agarwal, edX founder and 2U’s chief platform officer. “This remarkable achievement underscores the power of online learning to transform lives and create a more inclusive world. Congratulations to the winners from Curtin University for their outstanding contribution."</p> <p style="text-align: center;">###</p> <p><strong>About 2U, Inc. (Nasdaq: TWOU)<br></strong>2U is a global leader in online education. Guided by its founding mission to eliminate the back row in higher education, 2U has spent 15 years advancing the technology and innovation to deliver world-class learning outcomes at scale. Through its global online learning platform edX, 2U connects more than 78 million people with thousands of affordable, career-relevant learning opportunities in partnership with 250 of the world's leading universities, institutions, and industry experts. From free courses to full degrees, 2U is creating a better future for all through the power of high-quality online education. Learn more at <a href=""><span></span></a>.</p></span> </div> <div class="post-boilerplate"> <h3>About edX</h3> <p>edX is the global online learning platform that fuels the world’s ambition. edX was developed in 2012 by Harvard and MIT to make the world’s best education available to everyone. Today, as a part of 2U, Inc. (Nasdaq: TWOU), edX connects over 86 million people with online learning to meet every professional moment. Together with top-ranked universities and organizations at the forefront of their fields, edX offers thousands of job-relevant programs across nearly every career discipline, from artificial intelligence and robotics to sustainability and public health. Find online courses, certificates, boot camps, and degrees that fuel your ambition at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p> <h3>Contact</h3> <p><strong>Email: </strong><a href="" target="_blank"></a></p> </div> <div class="back-link" style="padding-top: 2%;"> <a href="">‹ Back to The Latest</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--END MOBILE POST--> </div> </div> </div><!--end widget-span --> </div><!--end row--> </div><!--end row-wrapper --> <div class="row-fluid-wrapper row-depth-1 row-number-3 "> <div class="row-fluid "> <div class="span12 widget-span widget-type-custom_widget " style="" data-widget-type="custom_widget" data-x="0" data-w="12"> <div id="hs_cos_wrapper_module_168322905239313" class="hs_cos_wrapper hs_cos_wrapper_widget hs_cos_wrapper_type_module" style="" data-hs-cos-general-type="widget" data-hs-cos-type="module"><script type="text/javascript"> // Adds the data-ot-ignore attribute to images that originate // from Array.from(document.images).forEach((imageAttr) => { if (imageAttr.hasAttribute('data-src') && imageAttr.dataset.src.includes('edx')) { imageAttr.setAttribute('data-ot-ignore', ''); 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