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The journal is comprehensive academic journals which are edited and published by Editorial Office of Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica, sponsored by Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics and Beihang University, and superintended by China Association for Science and Technology. </p></div> </div> <div class="item-tag language"> <span>中</span> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/0577-6619" class="info-item"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/0577-6619" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Acta_Meteorologica_Sinica.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Acta Meteorologica Sinica</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content"><p>Acta Meteorologica Sinica publishes the latest achievements and developments in the field of atmospheric sciences and related disciplines such as geophysics and environmental sciences. </p></div> </div> <div class="item-tag language"> <span>中</span> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2576-2508" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2576-2508" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Advanced_Ultrasound_in_Diagnosis_and_Therapy.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Advanced Ultrasound in Diagnosis and Therapy</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content"><p>Advanced Ultrasound in Diagnosis and Therapy (AUDT) is an open access, peer-reviewed, international English-language journal, publishing articles related to ultrasound imaging and technology of diagnosis and therapy in both basic science and clinical applications. It was launched in 2017 and has been indexed in databases such as SCOPUS, DOAJ, Embase, EBSCO, PubScholar, SciOpen, Google Scholar, and Baidu Academic. </p></div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2207-9963" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2207-9963" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Advances_in_Geo-Energy_Research.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Advances in Geo-Energy Research</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">Advances in Geo-Energy Research is a monthly open access journal, aims to publish high quality papers rapidly in the fields of natural geo-energy (oil, gas, coal geothermal, and gas hydrate), and focuses on combining theoretical, numerical and experimental approaches to the fundamental scientific advances in geo-energy systems. It is indexed and abstracted in ESCI, Ei, Scopus, CA, GEOBSAE, etc. </div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2957-8701" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2957-8701" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Aging_Research.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Aging Research</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">Aging Research is an Open Access journal addressing the fundamental issues in the biology of aging. It publishes research results of broad conceptual or technical advances in all areas of aging, longevity, aging related disease, public health and social sciences about aging. It aims to foster interactions among different areas of this diverse field of research and to promote new and exciting ideas within and beyond the research community. </div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2522-008X" class="info-item"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2522-008X" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Astrodynamics.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Astrodynamics</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">Astrodynamics is an international peer-reviewed journal aiming to disseminate innovative research results in the field of aerospace dynamics, promote the comprehensive development of space science and technology, and create an internationally leading academic journal of aerospace dynamics. It has been indexed in ESCI, Ei Compendex, Scopus, CSCD, etc. </div> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2055-6187" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2055-6187" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Avian_Research.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Avian Research</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">Avian Research is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles covering all aspects of ornithology. The journal prefers concise, well-written papers focusing on precisely framed questions or hypotheses, and mainly publishes research articles and reviews. It is indexed and abstracted in SCIE, Scopus, DOAJ, Zoological Record, CSCD, and other important databases. </div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="content-info" id="B"> <div class="info-title">B</div> <div class="info-panel"> <a target="_blank" href="/journal/2096-0654" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2096-0654" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Big_Data_Mining_and_Analytics.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Big Data Mining and Analytics</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">Big Data Mining and Analytics discovers hidden patterns, correlations, insights and knowledge through mining and analyzing large amounts of data obtained from various applications. It addresses the most innovative developments, research issues and solutions in big data research and their applications. It is indexed and abstracted in ESCI, EI, Scopus, DBLP Computer Science, CSCD, DOAJ, etc. </div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/0327-9545" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/0327-9545" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/BIOCELL.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">BIOCELL</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content"><p>BIOCELL is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal on molecular and celluar biosciences. It publishes papers of the highest quality from all areas of cell biology, encouraging those that shed light on the mechanisms underlying fundamental cell biological processes, which creates an indispensable reading and publishing area for all scientists, researchers, clinicians, and teachers in colleges and universities.</p></div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2364-3439" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2364-3439" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Biophysics_Reports.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Biophysics Reports</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">Biophysics Reports is an international, open-access journal that serves as a worldwide forum, which publishes novel theories, methods, and protocols, as well as significant improvements in basic research techniques across multidisciplinary areas of the biological and biomedical sciences. The article types include: Commentaries, Methods, Protocols, Research articles, and Reviews. </div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2095-4700" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2095-4700" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Bone_Research.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Bone Research</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content"><p><em>Bone Research</em>, an internationally open-access journal, is published by Sichuan University. Since its inception in 2013, the journal has been dedicated to disseminating cutting-edge research and discoveries in the multidisciplinary fields of bone biology, pathophysiology and regeneration, and supports the foremost discoveries resulting from basic investigations and research related to bone.</p></div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2589-238X" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2589-238X" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Brain_Hemorrhages.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Brain Hemorrhages</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content"><p><em>Brain Hemorrhages</em> welcomes papers that are related to all aspects of brain hemorrhage, including cerebral hemorrhage, subarachnoid hemorrhage, aneurysm rupture, cerebral arteriovenous malformation, traumatic cerebral hemorrhage, and hematomyelia.</p></div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2096-5958" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2096-5958" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Brain_Science_Advances.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Brain Science Advances</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">Brain Science Advances (BSA) is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal reports on all aspects of brain sciences with a focus on molecular and cellular neuroscience, clinical neuroscience, and neural engineering across the Asia-Pacific region. It is published quarterly by Tsinghua University Press and SAGE Publishing. It is indexed in CAS, CNKI, DOAJ, and WJCI. </div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/1996-3599" class="info-item"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/1996-3599" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Building_Simulation.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Building Simulation</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">Building Simulation: An International Journal publishes original, high quality, peer-reviewed research papers and reviews dealing with modeling and simulation of buildings and their systems. The goal is to promote the field of building science and technology to such a level that modeling eventually is used in every aspect of building construction as a routine instead of an exception. </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="content-info" id="C"> <div class="info-title">C</div> <div class="info-panel"> <a target="_blank" href="/journal/2097-194X" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2097-194X" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/CAAI_Artificial_Intelligence_Research.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">CAAI Artificial Intelligence Research</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">An Open Access, peer-reviewed journal, published by Tsinghua University Press, released exclusively on SciOpen. The journal aims to publish the state-of-the-art achievements in the field of artificial intelligence and its applications, including knowledge intelligence, perceptual intelligence, machine learning, behavioral intelligence, brain and cognition, AI chips and applications, etc. </div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2095-3941" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2095-3941" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Cancer_Biology_&_Medicine.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Cancer Biology & Medicine</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">Cancer Biology & Medicine is dedicated to reporting latest advances in cancer research around the world by presenting high quality articles, especially on translational cancer research, to bridge the gap between bench and beside. Meanwhile, the journal promotes academic exchange in cancer area between China and the rest of the world to keep cancer researchers and clinicians updated with current knowledge of novel findings and recent advances in oncology. </div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2770-9191" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2770-9191" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Cancer_Innovation.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Cancer Innovation</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">Cancer Innovation is a high-quality, peer-reviewed, open access journal covering key topics in all aspects of cancer research, focusing on emerging interdisciplinary, strategic frontiers and key common technologies in oncology. Its integrated, multidisciplinary coverage supports progress from basic research to clinical translation as a hub for collaboration and communication across disciplines. It has been indexed by PMC, Scopus, DOAJ, and CAS. </div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2709-2119" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2709-2119" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Capillarity.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Capillarity</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">Capillarity is an open access, peer-reviewed scholarly journal which publishes high-quality original research articles and current reviews on fundamental scientific principles and innovations of capillarity in physics, chemistry, biology, environmental science and related emerging fields. All advances in theoretical, numerical and experimental approaches to capillarity in capillary tube and interface dominated structure and system area are welcome. It is indexed and abstracted in Scopus, DOAJ, etc. </div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2960-0561" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2960-0561" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Carbon_Future.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Carbon Future</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">Carbon Future is an open access, peer-reviewed and international interdisciplinary journal that reports carbon-related materials and processes, including catalysis, energy storage and conversion, as well as low carbon emission process and engineering, aiming at providing a high-quality platform for academic and industrial communities to share their latest findings and insights on carbon. </div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/3007-6552" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/3007-6552" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Cell_Organoid.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Cell Organoid</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content"><p>Cell Organoid aims to provide a worldwide platform for research into all aspects of organoids and their applications in medicine. It is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that publishes high-quality articles dealing with a wide range of basic research, clinical and translational medicine study topics in the field.</p></div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/0254-5071" class="info-item"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/0254-5071" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/China_Brewing.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">China Brewing</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content"><p>Chinese Brewing, established in 1982, is a comprehensive academic journal that publishes cutting-edge research in brewing, covering fields such as food microbiology, biotechnology, biochemistry, bioengineering, fermentation engineering, and enzyme technology.</p></div> </div> <div class="item-tag language"> <span>中</span> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2095-7254" class="info-item"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2095-7254" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/China_Journal_of_Economics.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">China Journal of Economics</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content"><p>China Journal of Economics(CJE) is an academic journal in the field of economics, which is supervised by Ministry of Education of China, sponsored by Tsinghua University, undertaken by School of Economics and Management of Tsinghua University and published by Tsinghua University Press. Officially launched in the first quarter of the year of 2014, CJE is published four times a year and its domestic public issue number is CN10-1175/F. CJE publishes original research articles in Chinese on general economic issues as well as on China-specific topics, and encourages independent and objective research and advocates rigorous methodologies. It serves to make contributions to China’s economic research and analysis.</p> <p>CJE is indexed by the extended edition of Chinese Social Science Citation Index (CSSCI) source journals (2019-2020) in 2019 and CSSCI source journals (2021-2022) in 2021.</p></div> </div> <div class="item-tag language"> <span>中</span> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/1000-9361" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/1000-9361" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Chinese_Journal_of_Aeronautics.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Chinese Journal of Aeronautics</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content"><p>Chinese Journal of Aeronautics (CJA) is an open access, peer-reviewed international journal covering all aspects of aerospace engineering. The Journal reports the scientific and technological achievements and frontiers in aeronautic engineering and astronautic engineering, in both theory and practice, such as theoretical research articles, experiment ones, research notes, comprehensive reviews, technological briefs and other reports on the latest developments and everything related to the fields of aeronautics and astronautics, as well as those ground equipment concerned.</p></div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2096-1529" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2096-1529" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Chinese_Journal_of_Electrical_Engineering.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Chinese Journal of Electrical Engineering</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">Chinese Journal of Electrical Engineering is a quarterly academic journal sponsored by China Machinery Industry Information Institution. With Professor Zhao Zhengming of Tsinghua University serve as Editor-in-Chief, it focus on advanced electrical machinery, smart grid and transportation electrification, renewable energy generation, energy storage, and bioelectrics. The journal is currently indexed by Ei Compendex, Scopus, INSPEC, DOAJ and CSCD. </div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/1673-3185" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/1673-3185" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Chinese_Journal_of_Ship_Research.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Chinese Journal of Ship Research</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content"><p>Committed to publishing new theoretical methods, technical means, design concepts and scientific and technological achievements of ships and related specialties, this journal holds high the banner of innovation, focuses on technical exchanges, and advocates academic contention to promote the theoretical innovation and technological progress, the development of the ship industry, and the modernization of naval equipment.</p></div> </div> <div class="item-tag language"> <span>中</span> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2773-1685" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2773-1685" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Circular_Economy.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Circular Economy</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">Circular Economy is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access journal serving as a sharing and communication platform for novel contributions and outcomes on innovative techniques, systematic analysis, and policy tools of global, regional, national, local, and industrial park waste management systems to improve the reduce, reuse, recycle, and disposal of waste in a sustainable way. </div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2097-5023" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2097-5023" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Communications_in_Transportation_Research.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Communications in Transportation Research</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">Communications in Transportation Research publishes high-quality, original research and review articles that are of significant importance to emerging transportation systems, aiming to become an international platform and window for showcasing and exchanging innovative achievements in transportation and related fields. It was launched in 2021 and has been indexed in ESCI, Scopus, DOAJ, and TRID. </div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2096-9929" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2096-9929" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Complex_System_Modeling_and_Simulation.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Complex System Modeling and Simulation</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">Complex System Modeling and Simulation is a peer-reviewed international academic journal. Aiming to provide an academic exchange platform, it publishes high-level original research papers and review papers in the fields of complex system modeling, simulation, optimization and control after strict peer review. It is indexed by Ei Compendex, Scopus, DOAJ, and Inspec. </div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2096-0433" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2096-0433" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Computational_Visual_Media.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Computational Visual Media</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">Computational Visual Media is a peer-reviewed open access journal publishing original high-quality research papers and significant review articles on novel ideas, methods, and systems relevant to visual media, aiming to provide an academic exchange platform to promote faster development of visual media research. It has been indexed in SCIE, Ei Compendex, Scopus, DOAJ, CSCD, etc. </div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/1526-1492" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/1526-1492" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Computer_Modeling_in_Engineering_&_Sciences.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content"><p>CMES is intended to disseminate state-of-the-art scientific and technological developments to broader scientific research communities. The journal aims to be a reference and a powerful tool for all those professionally active and/or interested in the methods and applications of modeling and simulation. Submitted papers will be peer-reviewed and must significantly contribute to modeling and simulation in general or use modeling and simulation in application areas.</p></div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/1546-2218" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/1546-2218" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Computers,_Materials_&_Continua.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Computers, Materials & Continua</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content"><p>Computers, Materials & Continua is a peer-reviewed Open Access journal that publishes all types of academic papers in the areas of computer networks, artificial intelligence, big data, software engineering, multimedia, cyber security, internet of things, materials genome, integrated materials science, and data analysis, modeling, designing and manufacturing of modern functional and multifunctional materials.</p></div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/1747-079X" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/1747-079X" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Congenital_Heart_Disease.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Congenital Heart Disease</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content"><p>Congenital Heart Disease is the first journal focusing on congenital heart disease in children and adults. The journal includes clinical studies, invited editorials, state-of-the-art reviews, case reports, articles focusing on the history and development of congenital heart disease, and CME material. Occasional issues focus on special topics.</p></div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2096-0042" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2096-0042" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/CSEE_Journal_of_Power_and_Energy_Systems.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems is dedicated to reporting cutting-edge theories, methods, technologiesand applications that will shape the development of power systems in energy transition. The journal is indexed by SCIE, Ei, INSPEC, DOAJ, ProQuest, Scopus, and CSAD. </div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2995-911X" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2995-911X" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Cybernetics_and_Intelligence.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Cybernetics and Intelligence</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">Cybernetics and Intelligence is an Open Access, peer-reviewed academic journal which aims to publish the cutting-edge breakthroughs and insightful reviews in cybernetics and intelligence. The journal is committed to providing a rapid review and publication process, wide publicity of the contents, and high level of service for the authors. APCs are fully covered by the publisher. </div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2097-1087" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2097-1087" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Cyborg_and_Bionic_Systems.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Cyborg and Bionic Systems</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content"><p>Cyborg and Bionic Systems is an Open Access journal published in affiliation with the Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT) and distributed by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). The journal’s main scope includes Robotics, BME and neuro-engineering. It has been indexed in ESCI, EI, Scopus, Pubmed, CNKI, DOAJ and Inspec, with the 2024 JCR impact factor (IF) of 10.5.</p></div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="content-info" id="D"> <div class="info-title">D</div> <div class="info-panel"> <a target="_blank" href="/journal/2949-9240" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2949-9240" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Decoding_Infection_and_Transmission.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Decoding Infection and Transmission</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">Decoding Infection and Transmission is a gold open access, peer-reviewed journal that is dedicated to the rapid publication and global dissemination of the latest research findings about the characteristics and mechanisms of pathogenic infections and disease transmission. All analyses and use of data resources relating to infectious diseases are welcome, including epidemiological data, omics data and biological functional data. </div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="content-info" id="E"> <div class="info-title">E</div> <div class="info-panel"> <a target="_blank" href="/journal/3006-9203" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/3006-9203" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Energy_and_Climate_Management.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Energy and Climate Management</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">Energy and Climate Management (ECM) is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal focusing on energy and climate management issues, especially in policy, economics, governance, and finance. It aims to foster global dialogue among academics, think tanks, and public authorities, offering a platform for research that informs policy decisions in this field. </div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2097-1133" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2097-1133" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Energy_Material_Advances.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Energy Material Advances</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content"><p>Energy Material Advances is an Open Access journal published in affiliation with Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT) and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). The journal’s main scope includes material, energy, environmental, photoelectric, electromechanical, mechanical sciences, physics, chemistry, and biology. It has been indexed in ESCI, Ei, Scopus, CAS, CSCD, DOAJ, INSPEC, and SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System, with the 2024 JCR impact factor (IF) of 14.8.</p></div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/3005-3315" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/3005-3315" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Energy_Materials_and_Devices.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Energy Materials and Devices</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">Energy Materials and Devices is an open access journal focusing on the innovation researches of the whole chain of basic research, technological innovation, achievement transformation and industrialization in the field of energy materials and devices. It publishes articles on the materials design, synthesis, integration, assembly and characterization of devices for energy storage and conversion, etc. </div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2773-0581" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2773-0581" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Environmental_Functional_Materials_.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Environmental Functional Materials </div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">Environmental Functional Materials (EFM) is an international journal publishing quality, cutting-edge research related to the multi-scale environmental functional materials and technology for green environment in water, soil and air, environmental monitoring and analysis. EFM particularly welcomes original, novel fundamental, and engineering research. </div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2069-9643" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2069-9643" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Environmental_Science_and_Ecotechnology.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Environmental Science and Ecotechnology</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content"><p>Environmental Science and Ecotechnology acknowledges the interdisciplinary nature of scientific research in environmental science and technology. It is specifically interested in frontier researches and transdisciplinary topics, including global change ecology, environmental science, environmental technology, and ecological technology.</p></div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2661-8869" class="info-item"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2661-8869" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Experimental_and_Computational_Multiphase_Flow.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Experimental and Computational Multiphase Flow</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">Experimental and Computational Multiphase Flow is an international peer-reviewed journal committed to disseminating innovative research in the field of experimental and computational multiphase flow, and promoting the comprehensive development of multiphase flow basic research, interdisciplinary, and nuclear energy science and engineering. It has been indexed in ESCI, Ei Compendex, Scopus, etc. </div> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/1002-4956" class="info-item"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/1002-4956" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Experimental_Technology_and_Management.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Experimental Technology and Management</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content"><p>Experimental Technology and Management is a peer-reviewed journal focus on natural science and engineering research. It is aimed at universities and research institutes across the country, serving frontline teachers and researchers. It emphasizes the unity of experimental theory and practice, and is committed to becoming a representative and high-level publication in the domestic laboratory system. This journal covers interdisciplinary fields such as materials, chemistry, energy, geology, environment, computer science, and artificial intelligence.</p></div> </div> <div class="item-tag language"> <span>中</span> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="content-info" id="F"> <div class="info-title">F</div> <div class="info-panel"> <a target="_blank" href="/journal/1555-256X" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/1555-256X" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Fluid_Dynamics_&_Materials_Processing.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content"><p>FDMP publishes original research on the interaction of fluid dynamics with materials processing and engineering optimization. It covers theoretical, computational, and experimental studies, with a focus on multiphase flows, complex fluids, and fluid-material interactions in various production and manufacturing processes.</p></div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/3006-6867" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/3006-6867" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Food_&_Medicine_Homology.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Food & Medicine Homology</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">Food & Medicine Homology publishes papers dealing with plants, animals and microorganisms, reporting the food resources and base materials with nutritional and medicinal values and health-promoting effects that are discovered and confirmed using modern scientific theories and technologies, and providing insights into their health-promoting functions, underlying molecular mechanisms of action and regulatory modes. </div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/1002-6630" class="info-item"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/1002-6630" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Food_Science.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Food Science</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content"><p>Food Science, established in 1980, publishes innovative technologies and research outcomes in the food industry. It is recognized as one of the most influential top-tier professional journals in China's food sector. Its main sections include Basic Research, Food Engineering, Nutrition and Health, and Safety Detection, with the objective of delivering premier food science and technology information products to its readers.</p></div> </div> <div class="item-tag language"> <span>中</span> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2097-0765" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2097-0765" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Food_Science_and_Human_Wellness.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Food Science and Human Wellness</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">Food Science and Human Wellness is an open access, peer-reviewed journal produced and hosted by SciOpen on behalf of Beijing Academy of Food Sciences. The objective of the journal is to provide an international communication platform to disseminate the most innovative and influential research papers in food science, nutrition, immunology and interdisciplinary field to the public in a timely manner. </div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2958-4124" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2958-4124" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Food_Science_of_Animal_Products.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Food Science of Animal Products</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">Food Science of Animal Products is a peer-reviewed, open access international journal that publishes the latest research findings in the field of animal-origin foods The research scope includes the quality and processing characteristics of food raw materials, the relationships of nutritional components and bioactive substances with human health, product flavor and sensory characteristics, etc. </div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2095-6355" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2095-6355" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Forest_Ecosystems.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Forest Ecosystems</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">Forest Ecosystems is an open access, peer-reviewed journal publishing scientific communications from any discipline that can provide interesting contributions about the structure and dynamics of "natural" and "domesticated" forest ecosystems, and their services to people. The journal welcomes innovative science as well as application-oriented work that will enhance understanding of woody plant communities. Very specific studies are welcome if they are part of a thematic series that provides some holistic perspective that is of general interest. </div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2223-7690" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2223-7690" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Friction.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Friction</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">Friction is a peer-reviewed open access journal publishing the theoretical and experimental research as well as review articles related to contact, friction, wear, lubrication, surface adhesion and interface science, committed to building an international exchange platform for scholars in the field of tribology. It has been indexed in SCIE, Ei Compendex, Scopus, DOAJ, CSCD, etc. </div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2151-8629" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2151-8629" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Frontiers_in_Heat_and_Mass_Transfer.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content"><p>Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author.</p></div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/1616-8658" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/1616-8658" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Fuzzy_Information_and_Engineering.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Fuzzy Information and Engineering</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">Started in 2009, FIE is now published quarterly by Tsinghua University Press, aiming at being an international, double-blind peer-reviewed, Open Access and interdisciplinary journal. The journal publishes research on pure and applied mathematics, computer sciences, engineering, and related fields. The journal’s primary focus is application-based work, though fundamental work is also accepted. </div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="content-info" id="G"> <div class="info-title">G</div> <div class="info-panel"> <a target="_blank" href="/journal/2352-4820" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2352-4820" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Genes_&_Diseases.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Genes & Diseases</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">Genes & Diseases is an international journal for molecular and translational medicine, focusing on studies of the molecular bases and experimental therapeutics of human diseases. It mainly publishes rigorously peer-reviewed and high quality original articles, authoritative reviews, rapid communications, correspondence, research highlights, letters, research watch, commentary, perspectives, etc. </div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/1674-9847" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/1674-9847" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Geodesy_and_Geodynamics.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Geodesy and Geodynamics</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content"><p><em>Geodesy and Geodynamics</em>, which is committed to the publication of high-quality scientific papers in English in the fields of Geodesy and Geodynamics from authors around the world. Its aim is to promote a combination of Geodesy and Geodynamics, encourage the application of Geodesy in the field of Geoscience, and facilitate scientific research activity from the entire world.</p></div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/1673-9736" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/1673-9736" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Global_Geology.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Global Geology</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">An international academic journal sponsored by the International Center for Geoscience Research and Education in Northeast Asia since 1998. It is a highly influential journal in Northeast Asia, covering new discoveries, theories, and achievements in geology, ore deposit and energy geology, environmental geology and engineering geology, geophysics, geochemistry, experimental geology, etc. </div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2096-9147" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2096-9147" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Green_Chemical_Engineering.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Green Chemical Engineering</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">Green Chemical Engineering (GreenChE) is a peer-reviewed international and interdisciplinary journal for significant cutting-edge research and the latest technological advances in core areas of green and sustainable development of chemistry and chemical engineering as well as other relevant disciplines. Up to now, GreenChE has been included in ESCI, EI, Scopus, DOAJ, and CSCD databases, and the first CiteScore is 6.1. </div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2097-2512" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2097-2512" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Green_Energy_and_Intelligent_Transportation.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Green Energy and Intelligent Transportation</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content"><p>Green Energy and Intelligent Transportation is an open-access and rapid turn-around journal which publishes multidisciplinary papers. The aim is to setup a platform for sharing and exchanging innovations in the area of transportation powered by green energy and intelligence. The scope includes the development of new vehicles (including cars, trucks, trains, boats, and aircrafts) using energy from renewables; advances in energy storage technologies for vehicles; and the integration of intelligence in the whole transportation sector, covering the operation and maintenance of both vehicles and the infrastructure. Studies about the sustainability of vehicles driven by renewable energy are also welcome.</p></div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="content-info" id="H"> <div class="info-title">H</div> <div class="info-panel"> <a target="_blank" href="/journal/2771-1749" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2771-1749" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Health_Care_Science.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Health Care Science</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">Health Care Science is a high-quality, peer-reviewed, open access journal, which aims to provide a platform for the researchers, scholars, administrators, and innovators to share their research in the quality, evaluation, and technology of healthcare service delivery, healthcare manage-ment, and healthcare policy on a scientific basis. It has been indexed by DOAJ and accepted by Scopus. </div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/3007-2689" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/3007-2689" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Health_Engineering.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Health Engineering</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content"><p><strong><em>Health Engineering </em></strong>is a high quality multidisciplinary journal aimed at providing readers with cutting-edge research across all fields of engineering related to health and disease. <em>Health Engineering </em>covers both fundamental and applied aspects of original research on engineering-driven science, technology and methodology ranging from the promotion of health, prevention of disease, maintenance of health to drug development and novel therapeutic options to treat disease.</p> <p>This journal, which accepts both theoretical and experimental studies, serves the interdisciplinary community of chemists, engineers, physicists, biologists and biomedical scientists/physicians, to disseminate and communicate knowledge, discoveries and innovations in engineering sciences applied to biological systems.</p></div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2097-3446" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2097-3446" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/High-speed_Railway.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">High-speed Railway</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">High-speed Railway provides a platform for scientists and engineers in the field of high-speed railway to publish their novel and original findings. It aims to promote transnational knowledge academic exchange and cooperation, as well as to enhance the influence of China's high-speed railway industry and the development of relevant technologies globally. </div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2949-9283" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2949-9283" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/hLife.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">hLife</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">hLife is an open access, peer-reviewed journal which aims to report and highlight original and high-impact discoveries in the health science field, linking basic research to transformative medicine that could improve human health. The disciplines include all aspects of medicine-related research and health policy. </div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2095-9885" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2095-9885" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Horticultural_Plant_Journal.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Horticultural Plant Journal</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">Horticultural Plant Journal (HPJ) is an international open access journal which covers all aspects of horticultural crop sciences: Genetics, genomics and breeding, Cellular and molecular biology, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, etc. HPJ publishes original research articles, reviews and short communications. It is indexed and abstracted in SCIE, Scopus, BA&BP, the DOAJ, CABI Abstracts, Food Science and Technology Abstracts, EBSCOhost, CSCD, etc. </div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="content-info" id="I"> <div class="info-title">I</div> <div class="info-panel"> <a target="_blank" href="/journal/2771-9197" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2771-9197" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/iEnergy.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">iEnergy</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">iEnergy is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access journal aimed at disseminating frontiers of technologies and solutions of power and energy. It publishes research on exploring all aspects of power and energy, including technologies and applications from power generation, transmission, distribution, to conversion, utilization, and storage. It has been indexed by DOAJ, Inspec, and Scopus. </div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2834-443X" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2834-443X" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/iLABMED.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">iLABMED</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">iLABMED is a high-quality, peer-reviewed, and open-access journal in laboratory medicine. The journal is committed to providing a platform for sharing cutting-edge research findings in basic and applied scientific studies, clinical laboratory medicine, and emerging interdisciplinary fields supported by computer and big data technologies. </div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2772-9478" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2772-9478" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/iLIVER.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">iLIVER</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content"><p><em>iLIVER</em> is a quarterly international English journal in the field of hepatology, peer-reviewed and open access. The journal<em><strong> </strong></em>aims to present and disseminate the innovations and practical achievements of clinical medicine, translational medicine, basic medicine and public health in the field of hepatobiliary system.</p></div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2755-2608" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2755-2608" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Industrial_Chemistry_&_Materials.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Industrial Chemistry & Materials</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content"><p>Industrial Chemistry & Materials (ICM) publishes significant innovative research and major technological breakthroughs in all aspects of industrial chemistry and materials, focusing on the important innovation of the low-carbon chemical industry, energy and functional materials. By bringing researchers, engineers, and policymakers into one place, research is inspired, challenges are solved and the applications of science and technology are accelerated.</p></div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2097-0684" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2097-0684" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Infectious_Medicine.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Infectious Medicine</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">Infectious Medicine is an international, scholarly, peer-reviewed and open access journal in the field of infections and infectious diseases which has been indexed within PubMed, Scopus, CAS, CABI, DOAJ and CNKI. It provides an integrated platform for One Health on studying human infectious diseases and animal infectious diseases.</div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2708-6240" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2708-6240" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Intelligent_and_Converged_Networks.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Intelligent and Converged Networks</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">Intelligent and Converged Networks (ICN) is an international specialized journal that focuses on the latest developments in communication technology, co-published by Tsinghua University Press and ITU. ICN draws its name from the accelerating convergence of different fields of communication technology and the growing influence of artificial intelligence and machine learning.</div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2398-7294" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2398-7294" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/International_Journal_of_Crowd_Science.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">International Journal of Crowd Science</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">International Journal of Crowd Science is an international, peer-reviewed open-access academic journal, which publishes inter-disciplinary research on crowd intelligence. It is indexed and abstracted in Ei Compendex, Scopus, Inspec, DOAJ, etc.</div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2631-8644" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2631-8644" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/International_Journal_of_Extreme_Manufacturing.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing (IJEM, 1st in the Engineering, Manufacturing category in JCR 2023) is a new multidisciplinary, double-anonymous peer-reviewed and diamond open-access without article processing charges journal uniquely covering the full spectrum of extreme manufacturing. It is indexed and abstracted in 20+ databases including SCIE, EI, Scopus, CSCD, and DOAJ. </div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/1674-2818" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/1674-2818" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/International_Journal_of_Oral_Science.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">International Journal of Oral Science</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content"><p><em>International Journal of Oral Science</em> (<em>IJOS</em>) is a leading peer-reviewed, open-access journal dedicated to publishing cutting-edge research in the field of oral sciences. Since its establishment, <em>IJOS</em> has been a forum for sharing novel insights, experimental findings, and clinical advances that contribute to a deeper understanding of oral health and disease.</p></div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2834-2860" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2834-2860" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/iRADIOLOGY.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">iRADIOLOGY</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">iRADIOLOGY is an open access journal in the field of radiology, published by Tsinghua University Press, and distributed globally by Wiley. iRADIOLOGY is a high-quality peer-reviewed journal covering key topics in all aspects of radiology and related multidisciplinary research which involve the development and application of radiology techniques to achieve precision medicine and precision health.</div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="content-info" id="J"> <div class="info-title">J</div> <div class="info-panel"> <a target="_blank" href="/journal/1674-8042" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/1674-8042" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Journal_Measurement_Science_and_Instrumentation.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Journal Measurement Science and Instrumentation</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content"><p>Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation seeks to promote international communication and exchange on the latest developments in measurement sciences and instruments and provide a rapid platform for the dissemination of scientific articles focusing on the key and challenging issues in the field.The scope of JMSI is considerably wide, including but not limited to Measurement Theory and Technology, Signal and Image Processing Technology, Novel Instrument and Sensor Technology, Test and Detection Technology.</p></div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2226-4108" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2226-4108" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Journal_of_Advanced_Ceramics.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Journal of Advanced Ceramics</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">Journal of Advanced Ceramics is a peer-reviewed open access journal publishing original research papers, rapid communications, and commissioned reviews relating to advanced ceramic materials in the forms of particulates, dense or porous bodies, thin/thick films or coatings and laminated, graded and composite structures. It has been indexed in SCIE, Ei Compendex, Scopus, DOAJ, CSCD, etc. </div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2709-2135" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2709-2135" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Journal_of_Advanced_Manufacturing_Science_and_Technology.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Science and Technology</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content"><p><strong><em>Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Science and Technology </em>(JAMST) </strong>is an open-access and peer-reviewed journal that was launched by Dalian University of Technology and Engineering Research Center of Advanced Manufacturing Technology for Aero Engine, Ministry of Education, Northwestern Polytechnical University in 2021.</p></div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/1005-5053" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/1005-5053" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Journal_of_Aeronautical_Materials.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Journal of Aeronautical Materials</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content"><p>The Journal of Aeronautical Materials was founded in 1981 and is a bimonthly Chinese journal. The purpose of the publication is to showcase the latest developments in aerospace materials technology research and promote the rapid development of aerospace technology and high-end equipment manufacturing technology. It is indexed by Scopus, CSA, CA, INSPEC, Ulrichs, JST, DOAJ, <em>etc</em>.</p></div> </div> <div class="item-tag language"> <span>中</span> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/1673-923X" class="info-item"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/1673-923X" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Journal_of_Central_South_University_of_Forestry_&_Technology.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Journal of Central South University of Forestry & Technology</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content"><p>“Journal of Central South University of Forestry & Technology” is one of the most important professional academic core journals of forestry in China, and it provides a platform for forestry researchers to display scientific and technological achievements and facilitate the exchange of ideas in the forestry science community. JCSUFT is a monthly journal, published by the end of each month.</p> <p>JCSUFT is dedicated to reporting the latest research and progress inforestry, forestry engineering, ecology (focusing on forest ecology, environmental ecology and restoration ecology), biology (focusing on bioresources, biochemistry and molecular biology), landscape architecture (focusing on garden plants and their utilization), as well as environmental science and engineering (focusing on phytoremediation), food science and engineering (focusing on forest product processing), ecotourism, furniture design and manufacturing (focusing on wood processing), forestrymanagement, etc.</p> <div>JCSUFT is suitable for teachers and students of agricultural and forestry colleges and universities, as well as researchers and management staff in agricultural and forestry research institutes, agricultural and forestry management departments and students, teachers and researchers from related subjects.</div></div> </div> <div class="item-tag language"> <span>中</span> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/1000-9000" class="info-item"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/1000-9000" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Journal_of_Computer_Science_and_Technology.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Journal of Computer Science and Technology</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">Journal of Computer Science and Technology publishes peer-reviewed original research, innovative applications, and surveys/reviews/perspectives from around the world in the field of computer science and technology. It aims at promoting insight and understanding of the state of the art, and trends in technology. It is indexed and abstracted in SCIE, EI, Scopus, DBLP Computer Science, CSCD, etc.</div> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/1671-5187" class="info-item"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/1671-5187" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Journal_of_Dairy_Science_and_Technology.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Journal of Dairy Science and Technology</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content"><p>Founded in 1978, the<em> Journal of Dairy Science and Technology</em> is supervised by Bright Food (Group) Co., Ltd. and hosted by Bright Dairy & Food Co., Ltd., with collaboration from the National Key Laboratory of Dairy Biotechnology and China Food Magazine. Approved by the National Press and Publication Administration, it is a bi-monthly Chinese scientific journal with an ISSN of 1671-5187 and CN number 31-1881/S.</p></div> </div> <div class="item-tag language"> <span>中</span> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/1006-3471" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/1006-3471" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Journal_of_Electrochemistry_.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Journal of Electrochemistry </div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">J.Electrochem. is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal without APC charge. J.Electrochem. is the official publication of Chinese Society of Electrochemistry, scope of Journal includes Electrochemical Energy, Corrosion, Electrocatalysis, Theories and Modeling, Spectroelectrochemistry and Methodology, Electroanalysis and Sensors, Electrodeposition and Manufacture, Surface and Interface, etc.</div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2637-8752" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2637-8752" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Journal_of_Food_Bioactives.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Journal of Food Bioactives</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">The Journal of Food Bioactives (JFB) is the official journal of the International Society for Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods (ISNFF), a disciplinary interest group of the International Union of Food Science and Technology (IUFoST). JFB is the first English language title about cross-field research on food bioactives and their benefits to human health.</div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2096-5990" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2096-5990" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Journal_of_Geodesy_and_Geoinformation_Science.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Journal of Geodesy and Geoinformation Science</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content"><p>The journal, quarterly, accepts papers and articles covering a broad range of Geodesy and Geoinformation related topics, including geodesy, remote sensing, geoinformation, GNSS, 3D modeling, etc. In addition, JGGS also welcomes papers and articles involving new and advanced methods and technologies that focus on AI, smart city, surveying and mapping, big data, and key project.</p></div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/1671-5411" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/1671-5411" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Journal_of_Geriatric_Cardiology.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Journal of Geriatric Cardiology</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">Journal of Geriatric Cardiology (JGC) is a monthly, open access, international, and peer-reviewed journal. JGC focuses on both basic research and clinical practice to the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular disease in the aged people, especially those with concomitant disease of other major organ-systems. It is indexed and abstracted in SCIE, PubMed Central, Scopus, EMBase, Chemical Abstract, DOAJ, CSCD, CAS-OAJ, and Open J-Gate, etc.</div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2305-7068" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2305-7068" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Journal_of_Groundwater_Science_and_Engineering.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering is an OA journal, without any fee. It was founded in 2013 and is indexed in ESCI, Scopus, CAS, CABI, DOAJ, GeoRef, AJ, CNKI etc. This journal is sponsored by the Institute of Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology, CAGS, China Chapter, International Association of Hydrogeologists, and Commission on Hydrogeology, Geological Society of China.</div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2095-6215" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2095-6215" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Journal_of_Highway_and_Transportation_Research_and_Development_(English_Edition).jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development (English Edition)</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content"><p>HTRD publishes innovative and practical research in highway and transportation, focusing on scientific research, technology development, engineering innovation, and industry advancement. Topics include road engineering, bridge engineering, tunnel engineering, traffic engineering, intelligent transportation, environmental engineering, transport economics, automotive engineering, logistics engineering, disaster prevention, traffic management, road construction machinery, and the interdisciplinary and digital integration of the above specialties. Special columns feature content aligned with research projects, major academic conferences, industry trends, and leading scholars' achievements. The journal includes the latest practical and theoretical achievements, in-depth features, as well as news and product roundups, and is released quarterly. </p></div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2096-7217" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2096-7217" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Journal_of_Intelligent_Agricultural_Mechanization.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Journal of Intelligent Agricultural Mechanization</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">Journal of Intelligent Agricultural Mechanization is an academic journal of agricultural engineering, which is superintended by Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the People's Republic of China and supervised by the Nanjing Institute of Agricultural Mechanization, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.</div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2399-9802" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2399-9802" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Journal_of_Intelligent_and_Connected_Vehicles.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Journal of Intelligent and Connected Vehicles</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">Journal of Intelligent and Connected Vehicles covers high-quality, original research and review articles on various aspects of intelligent connected vehicle technology, aiming to provide a high-end academic exchange platform for scholars engaged in intelligent connected vehicle and traffic related fields of technology research worldwide. It has been indexed in Ei Compendex, Scopus, DOAJ, etc.</div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2958-3861" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2958-3861" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Journal_of_Intelligent_Construction.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Journal of Intelligent Construction</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">Journal of Intelligent Construction, is a peer-reviewed journal for publishing original research papers, case studies, reviews and comments regarding the use of novel technologies in all domains of civil engineering. The journal focuses on the application of advanced theories, methodologies, and tools, in all stages of the construction life cycle, which makes the process more intelligent. </div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2352-8478" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2352-8478" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Journal_of_Materiomics.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Journal of Materiomics</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content"><p>Journal of Materiomics included in SCI and Scopus with IF of 8.4 (Q1) and Citescore of 14.3. The following aspects focusing on inorganic and non-metallic materials are of particular interest, but is not limited to: Advanced functional materials, Advanced energy materials, Advanced structural ceramics including ceramic composite materials, Nano-scale and low dimensional materials towards promising technological applications.</p></div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2095-6037" class="info-item"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2095-6037" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Journal_of_Meteorological_Research.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Journal of Meteorological Research</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content"><p>Being the official journal of the Chinese Meteorological Society, Journal of Meteorological Research publishes the latest achievements and developments in the field of atmospheric sciences. It contains academic papers, research program highlights, book reviews, conference reports, and comprehensive discussions on meteorological research undertaken both in China and worldwide.</p></div> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2096-2193" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2096-2193" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Journal_of_Mining_Science_and_Technology.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Journal of Mining Science and Technology</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content"><p>The journal publishes original work from domestic and overseas scholars on theoretical and applied research in the field of mining engineering, safety science and engineering, geological resources and geological engineering, rock mechanics and underground engineering, green mining and clean utilization of coal energy. It offers a platform for the exchanges and reporting of the latest academic progress and serves to nourish promising researchers and scholars in the field.</p></div> </div> <div class="item-tag language"> <span>中</span> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2324-2426" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2324-2426" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Journal_of_Neurorestoratology.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Journal of Neurorestoratology</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">Journal of Neurorestoratology is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal, dedicated to original experimental and clinical research, methodological advances, neurorestorative mechanisms’ exploring, and expert reviews in the field of Neurorestoratology. It is the official journal of IANR. The journal is indexed and abstracted in ESCI (Impact Factor: 3.3), CAS, Scopus, DOAJ, WJCI.</div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2096-1456" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2096-1456" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Journal_of_Prevention_and_Treatment_for_Stomatological_Diseases.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Journal of Prevention and Treatment for Stomatological Diseases</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content"><p><em>Journal of Prevention and Treatment for Stomatological Diseases</em> mainly reports the latest progress, achievements, experiences, technologies and methodologies in the field of stomatology. It focuses on prevention and clinical treatments and related basic scientific research characterized by a combination of theory and practice.</p></div> </div> <div class="item-tag language"> <span>中</span> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2096-6709" class="info-item"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2096-6709" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Journal_of_Science_in_Sport_and_Exercise.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Journal of Science in Sport and Exercise</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">Journal of Science in Sport and Exercise is an international double-blind peer-reviewed journal covering all aspects of sport and physical activities. The journal publishes articles focusing on molecular, cellular, tissue, system and the whole-body response to a broad definition of physical activities. Submissions related to elite athletes, traditional cultural physical activities and exercise for health promotion are also welcome.</div> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2688-5255" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2688-5255" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Journal_of_Social_Computing.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Journal of Social Computing</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">Journal of Social Computing is an open access, peer-reviewed scholarly journal which aims to publish high-quality, original research that pushes the boundaries of thinking, findings, and designs at the dynamic interface of social interaction and computation. It is indexed by Ei Compendex, Scopus, dblp computer science bibliography, DOAJ, and Google Scholar.</div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2095-7548" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2095-7548" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Journal_of_Traditional_Chinese_Medical_Sciences.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Journal of Traditional Chinese Medical Sciences</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">Journal of Traditional Chinese Medical Sciences is an open access peer-reviewed quarterly publication featuring advanced scientific research in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). We welcome submissions of original papers on experimental and clinical studies on TCM, herbs and acupuncture. The journal also publishes case reports, reviews, and articles on TCM theory, standardization, and policy.</div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/1000-0054" class="info-item"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/1000-0054" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Journal_of_Tsinghua_University_(Science_and_Technology).jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Journal of Tsinghua University (Science and Technology)</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content"><p>Journal of Tsinghua University (Science and Technology), started in 1915, is the first journal in China to be named both by the name of the university and the "Journal". It illustrates the chronicle of the development of Tsinghua University in an objective academic language.</p></div> </div> <div class="item-tag language"> <span>中</span> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2096-7675" class="info-item"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2096-7675" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Journal_of_Xinjiang_University(Natural_Science_Edition_in_Chinese_and_English).jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Journal of Xinjiang University(Natural Science Edition in Chinese and English)</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content"><p>The Journal of Xinjiang University(Natural Science Edition in Chinese and English) is a comprehensive scientific and technological academic journal under the supervision and sponsorship of Xinjiang University. Founded in 1975, it is publicly distributed both domestically and internationally, with the ISSN 2096-7675 and the CN 65-1316/N. It is published bimonthly in both Chinese and English.</p></div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="content-info" id="M"> <div class="info-title">M</div> <div class="info-panel"> <a target="_blank" href="/journal/3078-4093" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/3078-4093" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Materials_Reports:_Solidwaste_and_Ecomaterials.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Materials Reports: Solidwaste and Ecomaterials</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content"><p><strong>Materials Reports: Solidwaste and Ecomaterials (MRSE)</strong> is an international journal with the mission of communicating innovative and original research, interesting and critical thinking, development and application of various solid wastes around the world. Original research, reviews, short communications and case studies that have the concept of turning solid wastes into unhazardous, useful, functional, and valuable materials are considered. Through publishment activities, we aim at providing scientific understanding, innovative ideas, sustainable solutions, advanced technologies, affordable practices, and management skills to support total recycling of solid wastes and achieve the goal of zero waste society. The ultimate goal is to build up green ecological environment for both human beings and other living things.</p></div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/1001-8123" class="info-item"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/1001-8123" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Meat_Research.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Meat Research</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content"><p>Established in 1987 and sponsored by the China Meat Research Center, <em>Meat Research</em> is a Chinese scientific journal approved by the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television. It is published monthly and has both an International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) of 1001-8123 and a domestic Unified Serial Publication Number (CN) of 11-2682/TS.</p></div> </div> <div class="item-tag language"> <span>中</span> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2834-4391" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2834-4391" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Medicine_Advances.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Medicine Advances</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">Medicine Advances is an open access general medical journal, with a focus on full life cycle of diseases, including development and progression, screening and early warning, diagnosis and classification, treatment and intervention, prognosis, exploration and innovation in interdisciplinary medical research, as well as new drug development and artificial intelligence applications.</div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2097-1699" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2097-1699" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/mLife.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">mLife</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">mLife is an open access microbiology journal, sponsored by the Institute of Microbiology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, in cooperation with the Chinese Society for Microbiology. The journal publishes novel and high-impact discoveries in all disciplines of microbiology. mLife has been indexed by DOAJ, Scopus, CAS, CSCD, ESCI, etc., and the Article Publication Charges (APCs) are currently waived. </div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2730-9401" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2730-9401" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Molecular_Horticulture.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Molecular Horticulture</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">Molecular Horticulture aims to publish research and review articles that significantly advance our knowledge in understanding how the horticultural crops or their parts operate mechanistically. Articles should have profound impacts not only in terms of high citation number or the like, but more importantly on the direction of the horticultural research field.</div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2150-1203" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2150-1203" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Mycology.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Mycology</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">Mycology: An International Journal on Fungal Biology is a peer-reviewed, open access scientific journal that publishes research in all fields of mycology, fungi, and fungus-like organisms and lichens. It is indexed and abstracted in ESCI, CABI, CSA, PubMed, Scopus, DOAJ, and Biosis Preview, etc.</div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="content-info" id="N"> <div class="info-title">N</div> <div class="info-panel"> <a target="_blank" href="/journal/2097-3837" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2097-3837" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Nano_Biomedicine_and_Engineering.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Nano Biomedicine and Engineering</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">Nano Biomedicine and Engineering is an open access, international, peer-reviewed journal, sponsored by Shanghai Jiao Tong University and published by Tsinghua University Press. Each quarterly issue of this journal presents basic, clinical, and engineering research articles, reviews, conference proceedings, editorials and communications in the interdisciplinary field of nanotechnology, biology, medicine and engineering. </div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2096-6482" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2096-6482" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Nano_Materials_Science.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Nano Materials Science</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">Nano Materials Science (NMS) is an open access scholarly journal. NMS publishes peer-reviewed original articles and reviews on nanoscale material science and nanometer devices, with topics encompassing preparation and processing; high-throughput characterization; material performance evaluation and application of material characteristics; design, preparation, and processing; and performance evaluation technology and nanometer device applications.</div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/1998-0124" class="info-item"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/1998-0124" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Nano_Research.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Nano Research</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">Nano Research is a peer-reviewed, international and interdisciplinary research journal, sponsored by Tsinghua University and the Chinese Chemical Society. It publishes original high-quality research and significant review articles on all aspects of nanoscience and nanotechnology, ranging from basic aspects of the science of nanoscale materials to practical applications of such materials. </div> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2791-0091" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2791-0091" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Nano_Research_Energy.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Nano Research Energy</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">Nano Research Energy is a peer-reviewed (single-blind), open-access and interdisciplinary journal, published by Tsinghua University Press, released exclusively on SciOpen. It publishes original high-quality research and significant review articles on cutting-edge nanomaterials and nanotechnology for energy, including but not limited to energy generation, conversion, storage, clean energy, etc.</div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/nano-transmed" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/nano-transmed" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Nano_TransMed.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Nano TransMed</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content"><p>Nano TransMed is an open access international, peer-reviewed journal that aims to provide a forum to promote and accelerate the translation of preclinical nano research to a clinical application and the communication between researchers and clinicians in a timely manner. The Journal embraces interdisciplinary and cross-boundary research and linkage between nano technology and clinical applications. The emphasis is on hot or emerging innovative topics include preclinical applications of novel nanoscale materials, nano delivery system for stem cell-based therapy, nano fabrication and precise tissue engineering, as well as nanotechnology in pharmacology & pharmaceutics, diagnostics, targeted cancer therapy; translational outputs and evidence-based clinical outcomes of nano research. Non-nano works with significant potentials in future nanomedicine may be considered on a case by case basis.</p></div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="content-info" id="O"> <div class="info-title">O</div> <div class="info-panel"> <a target="_blank" href="/journal/0253-9985" class="info-item"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/0253-9985" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Oil_&_Gas_Geology.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Oil & Gas Geology</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content"><p>The journal of Oil and Gas Geology was founded in 1980. Its objectives are to record the significant achievements in the scientific research of petroleum geology, reflect the academic foreland in this field, promote academic exchanges at home and abroad, and upgrade the scientific research of petroleum geology.</p></div> </div> <div class="item-tag language"> <span>中</span> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/0965-0407" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/0965-0407" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Oncology_Research.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Oncology Research</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content"><p>Oncology Research is committed to publishing high-quality, innovative research that is focused on the entire range of basic, translational, and clinical cancer research, with a particular interest in cancer therapeutics, providing a new platform for the understanding, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer.</p></div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="content-info" id="P"> <div class="info-title">P</div> <div class="info-panel"> <a target="_blank" href="/journal/2096-2355" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2096-2355" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Paper_and_Biomaterials.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Paper and Biomaterials</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">Paper and Biomaterials (included by CAS, Scopus) will publish articles of original research articles and review articles, especially up-to-date achievements and advances in the entire field of raw materials, biomass energy, biomass chemicals, biomass natural active components, pulp and papermaking, and biomass new materials including nanocellulose, cellulose- and hemicellulose-based aerogel, lignin-based biomaterials, etc.</div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2096-6075" class="info-item"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2096-6075" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Peking_Mathematical_Journal.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Peking Mathematical Journal</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">Peking Mathematical Journal is launched by Peking University. It is operated by Beijing International Center for Mathematical Research (BICMR) and School of Mathematical Sciences (SMS) of Peking University. It aims to publish research papers with broad scope which includes all core topics of pure mathematics. All contributions are required to meet high standards of quality and originality.</div> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/1672-5107" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/1672-5107" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Petroleum_Science.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Petroleum Science</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content"></div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/1009-7104" class="info-item"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/1009-7104" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Physics_and_Engineering.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Physics and Engineering</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content"><p>Physics and Engineeringis an academic journal which provides a communication platform for university physics teachers and students. It is supervised by Ministry of Education of China, sponsored by Tsinghua University, published by Tsinghua University Press, under the guidance of University Physics Teaching Steering Committee.</p></div> </div> <div class="item-tag language"> <span>中</span> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/0031-9457" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/0031-9457" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Phyton-International_Journal_of_Experimental_Botany.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content"><p>The journal publishes outstanding research in the plant and ecology sciences, especially in the areas of plant physiology and biochemistry, plant metabolism, plant ecology and evolution, plant bioinformatics as well as horticultural plants, medicinal plants, environmental physiology of plants.</p></div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2097-0374" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2097-0374" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Plant_Phenomics.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Plant Phenomics</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content"><p>The scope of Plant Phenomics covers the latest technologies in plant phenotyping for data acquisition, data management, data interpretation, modeling, and their practical applications for crop cultivation, plant breeding, forestry, horticulture, ecology, and other plant-related domains.</p></div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2957-9821" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2957-9821" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Polyoxometalates.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Polyoxometalates</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content"><p>Polyoxometalates (POM) is a peer-reviewed (single-blind), open-access and interdisciplinary journal, published by Tsinghua University Press, released exclusively on SciOpen. lt publishes original high-quality research and significant review articles on all aspects of polyoxometalates, and clusters of metals, metal oxides and chalcogenides, ranging from basic aspects of the science to practical applications of such materials.</p></div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2398-7324" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2398-7324" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Precision_Radiation_Oncology.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Precision Radiation Oncology</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">Precision Radiation Oncology (PRO), also known as the Blue Journal, is the first English Journal focusing on radiation oncology in China. PRO publishes Original researches, Clinical guidelines, Editorials, Reviews, Research letters and Perspectives related to medical physics, radiation oncology, radiation biology, etc.</div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/1778-3798" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/1778-3798" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Psycho-Oncologie.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Psycho-Oncologie</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content"><p>This French/English-language bilingual journal with an international scope publishes four issues per year, featuring articles in both French and English. Psycho-oncologie welcomes articles on methodology, clinical research, meta-analyses or reviews of the scientific literature, case studies and clinical observations, reading notes, and comments from fields such as medicine, psychology, sociology, anthropology, economics, and other human sciences dealing with cancer patients, their relatives, and caregivers.</p></div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="content-info" id="R"> <div class="info-title">R</div> <div class="info-panel"> <a target="_blank" href="/journal/2755-0907" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2755-0907" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Railway_Sciences.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Railway Sciences</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">Railway Sciences (RS): an international, open access, peer-reviewed journal sponsored by China Academy of Railway Sciences. RS displays advanced achievements in railway theoretical research, delivers timely technical innovation, and captures trending views of experts, including railway design, planning, engineering and digitalisation, operation and management, economy and environment, etc.</div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/1260-5875" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/1260-5875" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Revue_Internationale_de_Geomatique.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Revue Internationale de Geomatique</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content"><p>Revue Internationale de Géomatique (RIG) aims to publish advances in the science of geomatics, covering all related disciplines such as geography, computer science, archeology, agronomy and social sciences. All these research projects require or develop approaches, methods or tools to solve, analyze or represent spatial problems on the geographical space.</p></div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/1000-7598" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/1000-7598" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Rock_and_Soil_Mechanics.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Rock and Soil Mechanics</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">Rock and Soil Mechanics (RSM) is a peer-reviewed, open access, monthly journal. It publishes original, high-quality research papers and review articles in the fields of the rock mechanics, soil mechanics, geomaterials, geotechnical engineering, mining engineering, hydraulic engineering, petroleum engineering, geoenergy, and focuses on fundamental theory and experimental research, engineering research, numerical methods and testing technologies. It is indexed or abstracted by EI, ESCI, SCOPUS, CA, CSCD, DOAJ.</div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="content-info" id="S"> <div class="info-title">S</div> <div class="info-panel"> <a target="_blank" href="/journal/0578-1752" class="info-item"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/0578-1752" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Scientia_Agricultura_Sinica.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Scientia Agricultura Sinica</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content"><p><em>Scientia Agricultura Sinica</em>, founded in 1960 is superintended by Ministry of Agriculture of China and sponsored by the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS), co-sponsored by Chinese Association of Agricultural Science Societies (CAASS). Prof. Wu Kongming is Chairman of the Board, and Prof. Chen Hualan is Editor-in-Chief. Scientia Agricultura Sinica is a leading peer-viewed and multi-disciplinary journal and published semi-monthly in Chinese with english title, abstract, figures, tables and references.</p></div> </div> <div class="item-tag language"> <span>中</span> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2096-8094" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2096-8094" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Smart_Agriculture.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Smart Agriculture</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">Smart Agriculture is an academic journal of agricultural sciences sponsored by Agricultural Information Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS), mainly focuses on agricultural information technology represented by artificial intelligence. Smart Agriculture has been indexed by CSCD, CSTPCD, China's Agriculture and Forestry Core Journals, World Journal Clout Index(WJCI), Scopus, DOAJ, CAB Abstracts, EBSCO, et al.</div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/1541-0161" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/1541-0161" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Sound_&_Vibration.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Sound & Vibration</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content"><p>This journal is an indispensable reading and publishing area for all scientists, researchers, engineers, university and professional teachers, industrialists, and people in business interested in inventing, developing, implementing, commercializing, and using processes and products based totally or partly on sound and vibration.</p></div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2692-7659" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2692-7659" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Space:_Science_&_Technology.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Space: Science & Technology</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content"><p>Space: Science & Technology is an Open Access journal published in affiliation with Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT) and published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). BIT cooperates with China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) in managing the journal. The journal's scope includes space science, space technology, and space infrastructure and services as three major domains.</p></div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2709-1325" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2709-1325" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Stress_and_Brain.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Stress and Brain</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">Brain is the central organ coping with the internal and external stress, and stress persistently affects the function and health of brain. Stress and Brain is an interdisciplinary journal publishing investigations related to the intercommunications between stress and nervous system that are of general interest to the community of brain researcher. It is indexed in DOAJ.</div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="content-info" id="T"> <div class="info-title">T</div> <div class="info-panel"> <a target="_blank" href="/journal/3007-6544" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/3007-6544" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Technology_Review_for_Carbon_Neutrality.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Technology Review for Carbon Neutrality</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">Technology Review for Carbon Neutrality (TRCN) is a multidisciplinary, open-access international journal tracking low-, zero-, and negative- carbon technology innovations around the world. Through expert reviews and in-depth journalism, it supplies credible information, nuanced understanding, and project opportunity for global scientists and engineers, executives, investors, and policy makers.</div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/1876-5092" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/1876-5092" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/THE_CHINA_NONPROFIT_REVIEW.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">THE CHINA NONPROFIT REVIEW</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">The China Nonprofit Review (CNR), is an international, interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed biannual journal for nonprofit sector research including organizations, philanthropy, voluntarism, civil society, and social governance. It aims to advance knowledge of nonprofits through research, discussion, and analysis, offering a platform for global scholars to contribute diverse perspectives.</div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/2095-5421" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2095-5421" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/The_Crop_Journal.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">The Crop Journal</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">The Crop Journal is a bi-monthly, international, peer-reviewed research journal covering all aspects of crop sciences, including crop genetics, breeding, agronomy, crop physiology, germplasm resources, crop management practices, crop biotechnology, and biomathematics. It is indexed in international index systems such as SCIE, Scopus, DOAJ, ProQuest, CAB Information, EBSCOhost, and Food Science and Technology Abstracts. </div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a><a target="_blank" href="/journal/1007-0214" class="info-item oa"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/1007-0214" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Tsinghua_Science_and_Technology.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Tsinghua Science and Technology</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content">Tsinghua Science and Technology started publication in 1996. The journal is a peer-reviewed open access journal published bimonthly by Tsinghua University Press, and aims at presenting the up-to-date scientific achievements in computer science, electronic engineering, and other IT fields. The journal has been indexed and abstracted in SCIE, EI, Scopus, Google Scholar, INSPEC, CSCD, CNKI, etc.</div> </div> <div class="item-tag oa"> <img src="/assets/img/journal/unlock.svg" /> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="content-info" id="U"> <div class="info-title">U</div> <div class="info-panel"> <a target="_blank" href="/journal/2301-3850" class="info-item"> <div class="item-img"> <img href="/journal/2301-3850" src="/journal/journal_cover_image/Unmanned_Systems.jpg" alt="" /> </div> <div class="item-info"> <div class="item-title">Unmanned Systems</div> <div class="item-desc rich-html-content"><p><em>Unmanned Systems</em> aims to cover all subjects related to the development of automatic machine systems, which include advanced technologies in unmanned hardware platforms, unmanned software systems, energy systems, modeling and control, communications systems, computer vision systems, sensing and information processing, navigation and path planning, computing, information fusion, etc.</p></div> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="right-tools" :id="navBarFixed ? 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