Project Manager Agri-Food Programmes from EIT Food
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Does this sound like you?</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <style> .padding-class-4e0a2365-8bc1-4a51-8f99-2250ca17bfc7 .block{ } @media all and (max-width: 768px){ .padding-class-4e0a2365-8bc1-4a51-8f99-2250ca17bfc7 .block{ } } </style> <div id="4e0a2365-8bc1-4a51-8f99-2250ca17bfc7" class="wrapper-jobs padding-class-4e0a2365-8bc1-4a51-8f99-2250ca17bfc7"> <div class="block block-joblist" > <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-11"> <h2 style="color: #034EA2;"> Current job openings </h2> </div> <div class="toggle-list-mosaic col-md-1 text-right" data-item="toggleListMosaic"> <div data-value="mosaic"> <i class="lni-grid-alt"></i> </div> <div data-value="list"> <i class="lni-list"></i> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="form-group col-lg-3 col-12"> </div> <div class="d-lg-flex col-lg-9 col-12 justify-content-end"> <div class="job-filter-select mb-2 mb-lg-0" data-filter="attribute"> <select id="jobFilter-4e0a2365-8bc1-4a51-8f99-2250ca17bfc7" data-job-collection="jobCollection-4e0a2365-8bc1-4a51-8f99-2250ca17bfc7"> <option value="all" selected="selected" data-subtext="7"> Show all </option> <option value="4e0a2365-8bc1-4a51-8f99-2250ca17bfc7-OtherJobs" data-subtext="7"> Other Jobs </option> </select> </div> </div> <div id="no-jobs-on-filter" style="display:none;"> <div class="row mt-3"> <div class="col-md-12"> Sorry, we couldn't find any job opportunities at the moment. Please check again later. </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="listMosaic "> <div class="brandGroup"> <div class="brandJobs row"> <div data-item-collection="jobCollection-4e0a2365-8bc1-4a51-8f99-2250ca17bfc7" data-filter-country="22" data-filter-city="Leuven" data-filter-region="["Flemish Brabant"]" data-filter-attribute="[]" data-filter-worktype="Employee" data-filter-workschedule="["Full time"]" data-filter-keywordsearchtitle="Communications Manager EIT Community" data-filter-keywordsearchdescription="ABOUT EIT FOOD EIT Food is Europe&rsquo;s leading food innovation initiative, working to make the food system more sustainable,&nbsp;healthy&nbsp;and trusted by consumers.&nbsp;Established by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) in 2017, EIT Food is a fast-growing partnership organisation focusing on entrepreneurship and innovation in the food sector.&nbsp; EIT Food is a member organisation bringing together key industry players, agri-food startups, research centres and universities from across Europe representing the food value chain in Europe. In addition to thematic leadership, EIT Food is also responsible for coordinating a multi-million euro EU grant allocation from the EIT and distributing it among its partners and stakeholders for the implementation of projects.&nbsp; EIT Food headquarters (HQ) are based in Leuven (Belgium) and it has 5 regional offices (Co-Location Centres or CLCs) in Europe (based in Poland, Spain, Germany, the UK and Belgium), each working with and for partners in several EIT Food partner countries. Visit our website: JOB DESCRIPTION EIT Food is part of a larger network of Knowledge and Innovation Communities addressing societal challenges such as Climate Change (EIT Climate-KIC), Health (EIT Health) and Digitalisation (EIT Digital). Some of the projects of EIT Food are a collaboration between these different communities, called Cross-KIC/EIT Community initiatives. EIT Food is leading the Work Package on Communication with the aim to have a joint and aligned communication across all these EIT Community activities.&nbsp;&nbsp; As Communications Manager, you will drive and lead the joint communication and dissemination of all EIT Community Initiatives. This includes the coordination of the communications group consisting of representatives of all KIC&rsquo;s, the coordination of the EIT brand across all EIT Community Initiatives, and the communication and creation of campaigns and calls on topics of common interest. In addition you will be responsible for the coordination and support of events to disseminate the results.&nbsp; MAIN DUTIES/RESPONSIBILITIES:&nbsp; You will coordinate the Communication Work Package in the cluster &lsquo;Shared Services&rsquo;.&nbsp; Co-leading the communication group that consists of all KIC&rsquo;s communication managers by organizing and chairing monthly meetings, set up clear objectives, implement the strategy and roadmap, and a shared platform for collaboration. Coordinate the brand alignment process for all EIT Community initiatives, carrying out checks and follow-ups, supporting the implementation of necessary changes across all initiatives to ensure a cohesive identity for all initiatives. Coordinate the dedicated section on EIT&rsquo;s website, providing a central resource for information. Implement a set of communication tools such as videos, a series of interviews and templates, boosting the alignment and the visibility of EIT Community initiatives. Coordination and creation of communications campaigns and calls on topics of common interest (education courses/programmes, citizen engagement, business creation and stakeholder events, etc.) Coordinate and facilitate joint access to communications portals (such as website) and monitoring tools (e.g. media monitoring) Coordinate the communications of EIT community initiatives at national, regional, and global level, in particular on the EC dissemination channels (in particular the Horizon Results Platform) Showcase and promote EIT Community initiatives at high level events, fairs and exhibitions across Europe; providing meeting/exhibition spaces and allowing start-ups associated with the EIT Community to meet with potential investors and key stakeholders&nbsp; Coordinate the EIT Community Initiatives communication internally at EIT Food and for the EIT Food Community &nbsp; EXPERIENCE &amp; SKILLS You hold a Bachelor or Master degree in Marketing, Media, Communications or Journalism OR another master degree associated with communication or equivalent by experience. You have experience in the coordination of communication activities in a European context with a wide variety of activities and different target groups&nbsp; You have experience in leading international projects that involve multiple stakeholders from different type of organisations&nbsp; Experience in EU-funded project communications (H2020 or similar) is an asset&nbsp; You speak and write fluent English with a good knowledge of French, Dutch or any other European language&nbsp; You enjoy working in a matrix-organisation in a multinational team&nbsp; You have a strong sense of ownership with proven record of delivering results&nbsp; You combine strong communication and representation skills&nbsp;&nbsp; You can build alliances and consensus between different stakeholders and their agenda&rsquo;s&nbsp; You are proactive, independent and trustworthy&nbsp; You respect timelines and deadlines&nbsp;&nbsp; You show a can-do attitude and you are willing and eager to find solutions for challenges in the implementing process WHAT WE OFFER Working at EIT Food means joining a team of like-minded individuals who are dedicated to creating a better future through food innovation. We cultivate a culture of collaboration, inventiveness, inclusivity, and constructive feedback. All employees are encouraged to contribute their ideas and expertise towards our mission of creating a more sustainable and inclusive food system. Together, we're making a real impact on the food industry and we're looking for talented individuals like you to join us. As a valued member of our team, we'll provide you with a competitive salary and comprehensive benefits package. CONTRACT TYPE Full-time permanent position. LOCATION &amp; TRAVEL FREQUENCY EIT Food HQ, Leuven (Belgium), with a hybrid work schedule. Frequent travel within Europe. Please note that all applicants must be legally authorized to reside and work in Belgium. APPLICATION Interested candidates are asked to upload their CV and Cover Letter in English in electronic format to CV Warehouse before 10.12.2024. Shortlisted candidates may be invited for an interview and may be asked to prove their background, qualifications, skills and experiences by providing relevant documents. &nbsp; EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES EIT Food is an equal opportunity employer, offering each candidate matching the minimum obligatory qualifications and experiences an equal chance in employment and promotion procedures." class="col-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4"> <div class="jobItem"> <div class="mosaic-item"> <a class="jobLink" data-item="readmore" data-jobid="333386" data-titleslug="Communications-Manager-EIT-Community" href="?q=Communications-Manager-EIT-Community&job=333386&companyGuid=2b9735ff-75aa-430c-aa9c-33ea2f65f013&lang=en-US"> <div class="job-image has-logo"> <img src="" loading="lazy" /> </div> <div class="job-title">Communications Manager EIT Community</div> <div class="additional-data"> <div class="workType"> <i class="lni-briefcase"></i> Employee </div> </div> <div class="readmore"> Read More <i class="lni-chevron-right arrow-right"></i> </div> </a> </div> <div class="list-item"> <a data-item="readmore" data-jobid="333386" data-titleslug="Communications-Manager-EIT-Community" href="?q=Communications-Manager-EIT-Community&job=333386&companyGuid=2b9735ff-75aa-430c-aa9c-33ea2f65f013&lang=en-US"> <div class="job-title">Communications Manager EIT Community</div> <div class="additional-data"> <div class="workType"> <i class="lni-briefcase"></i> Employee </div> </div> <i class="lni-chevron-right arrow-right"></i> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div data-item-collection="jobCollection-4e0a2365-8bc1-4a51-8f99-2250ca17bfc7" data-filter-country="22" data-filter-city="Leuven" data-filter-region="["Flemish Brabant"]" data-filter-attribute="[]" data-filter-worktype="Employee" data-filter-workschedule="["Full time"]" data-filter-keywordsearchtitle="Digital Communications Manager" data-filter-keywordsearchdescription="ABOUT EIT FOOD EIT Food is Europe&rsquo;s leading food innovation initiative, working to make the food system more sustainable,&nbsp;healthy&nbsp;and trusted by consumers.&nbsp;Established by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) in 2017, EIT Food is a fast-growing partnership organisation focusing on entrepreneurship and innovation in the food sector.&nbsp; EIT Food is a member organisation bringing together key industry players, agri-food startups, research centres and universities from across Europe representing the food value chain in Europe. In addition to thematic leadership, EIT Food is also responsible for coordinating a multi-million euro EU grant allocation from the EIT and distributing it among its partners and stakeholders for the implementation of projects.&nbsp; EIT Food headquarters (HQ) are based in Leuven (Belgium) and it has 5 regional offices (Co-Location Centres or CLCs) in Europe (based in Poland, Spain, Germany, the UK and Belgium), each working with and for partners in several EIT Food partner countries. Visit our website: JOB DESCRIPTION EIT Food is looking for a cross-channel digital communications expert with strong stakeholder management skills and a flare for community building and social media strategy. The Digital Communications Manager will be responsible for running our cross-channel campaigns in collaboration with the relevant teams and agencies as well as developing our data-driven digital channel strategy on a pan-European level. You will be part of the Brand &amp; Communications team, a team of highly motivated communications professionals spread across Europe. You will report to the Senior Brand &amp; Digital Manager. Your responsibilities will include: &nbsp; Campaigns Developing and implementing impact-oriented marketing campaign strategies across digital channels to position EIT Food as a leader in the food ecosystem and generate engagement and leads. Project managing several high impact campaigns per year, and monitoring performance across digital channels throughout. Using strong stakeholder management skills to act as the bridge between different teams and agencies to make these campaigns a strategic success for the business Managing freelancers, creative agencies and graphic designers as needed to deliver content needs &nbsp; Social Media Building EIT Food&rsquo;s organic and paid social media strategy and overseeing our social media presence Managing our social media and content experts for content creation &amp; scheduling including live social media at events, content calendar management, community management, social media requests, graphic design and our CEO&rsquo;s LinkedIn channel. Leading the YouTube and video strategy for the organisation, developing inspiring and optimised content whilst aligning the video needs of wider teams Creating and implementing EIT Food&rsquo;s influencer (changemaker) outreach strategy for social media and campaigns in collaboration with the rest of the team, nurturing changemakers across channels to become ambassadors for EIT Food and keeping them active and engaged Managing our paid social media strategy and plans in collaboration with our Web and Data Manager to position EIT Food as a convenor, a funder and an advocacy partner and drive leads for the rest of the organisation. Overseeing requests from colleagues and partners via our customer service tool (Freshdesk) &nbsp; Digital channel strategy and data Supporting the Senior Brand &amp; Digital Communications Manager to develop and embed a data-driven digital strategy, using insights to understand audience behaviours and tailoring campaigns and content to meet their needs Building and maintaining EIT Food&rsquo;s brand, visual identity, TOV and messaging across all digital channels Ensuring our social media, paid and campaign articles on our knowledge library are up to date to ensure adequate communications support is provided to colleagues across the organisation and reduce the number of requests received Analysing and interpreting data to report on key metrics and to make sure we optimise our data-driven strategy, working with our Web &amp; Data Manager to obtain the data and embed a culture of digital excellence across the organisation. Managing quarterly data sessions for the team and developing digital training programmes for the organisation in close collaboration with the Web &amp; Data Manager &nbsp; General Working with the whole organisation to identify compelling stories to tell on our digital channels and translate colleagues' needs into strategic brand and communication initiatives. Working closely with the other members of the Brand &amp; Communication team and support on ad hoc basis in other areas of communication when required Ensuring effective budgetary management EXPERIENCE &amp; SKILLS Undergraduate or higher degree (e.g. Bachelor or Masters of Arts) in communications, digital marketing, social media, advertising, data analytics and/or related fields Extensive experience in digital communications, campaign project management, stakeholder management, digital strategy or related field Strong project management skills and ability to juggle multiple projects simultaneously and within budget in a rapidly changing organisation Brand creative mindset with an understanding of what content audiences like to consume and how to transform this into successful visual campaigns Advanced stakeholder management skills and the ability to work in a matrix-organisation, to interact and communicate effectively with individuals at all levels of the organisation with tact and diplomacy, and with a high level of cultural sensitivity, understanding their needs and translating these into strategies that work for colleagues and the brand, Strategic insight and overview with the ability to develop and deliver high impact approaches in the areas of digital communications and campaigns, Excellent reviewing, writing, presentation and visual communication skills: Experience in copywriting, social media content creation, video storyboarding, visual design will be a strong asset, Very high level of spoken and written English. Other languages will be an asset. A data-driven mindset and experience with native platform analytics and leveraging data to optimise campaign performance and drive strategic decisions. A can-do attitude, strong sense of ownership and delivering results and the ability to work both independently and in small (multi-national) teams Respect of timelines and deadlines and attention for detail Ability to summarise and solve complex problems in a structured way, and to communicate these solutions clearly and directly Active interest in the food sector WHAT WE OFFER Working at EIT Food means joining a team of like-minded individuals who are dedicated to creating a better future through food innovation. We cultivate a culture of collaboration, inventiveness, inclusivity, and constructive feedback. All employees are encouraged to contribute their ideas and expertise towards our mission of creating a more sustainable and inclusive food system. Together, we're making a real impact on the food industry and we're looking for talented individuals like you to join us. As a valued member of our team, we'll provide you with a competitive salary and comprehensive benefits package. CONTRACT TYPE Full-time permanent position. LOCATION &amp; TRAVEL FREQUENCY EIT Food HQ, Leuven (Belgium) or an agreed regional office (Bilbao, Madrid, Reading, Freising, Warsaw), with possibility of hybrid working.&nbsp; Please note that all applicants must be legally authorized to reside and work in Europe. Some travel within Europe can be expected APPLICATION Interested candidates are asked to upload their CV and Cover Letter in English in electronic format to CV Warehouse before 26/11/ 2024. Shortlisted candidates may be invited for an interview and may be asked to prove their background, qualifications, skills and experiences by providing relevant documents. &nbsp; EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES EIT Food is an equal opportunity employer, offering each candidate matching the minimum obligatory qualifications and experiences an equal chance in employment and promotion procedures." class="col-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4"> <div class="jobItem"> <div class="mosaic-item"> <a class="jobLink" data-item="readmore" data-jobid="332771" data-titleslug="Digital-Communications-Manager" href="?q=Digital-Communications-Manager&job=332771&companyGuid=2b9735ff-75aa-430c-aa9c-33ea2f65f013&lang=en-US"> <div class="job-image has-logo"> <img src="" loading="lazy" /> </div> <div class="job-title">Digital Communications Manager</div> <div class="additional-data"> <div class="workType"> <i class="lni-briefcase"></i> Employee </div> </div> <div class="readmore"> Read More <i class="lni-chevron-right arrow-right"></i> </div> </a> </div> <div class="list-item"> <a data-item="readmore" data-jobid="332771" data-titleslug="Digital-Communications-Manager" href="?q=Digital-Communications-Manager&job=332771&companyGuid=2b9735ff-75aa-430c-aa9c-33ea2f65f013&lang=en-US"> <div class="job-title">Digital Communications Manager</div> <div class="additional-data"> <div class="workType"> <i class="lni-briefcase"></i> Employee </div> </div> <i class="lni-chevron-right arrow-right"></i> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div data-item-collection="jobCollection-4e0a2365-8bc1-4a51-8f99-2250ca17bfc7" data-filter-country="22" data-filter-city="Leuven" data-filter-region="["Flemish Brabant"]" data-filter-attribute="[]" data-filter-worktype="Employee" data-filter-workschedule="["Full time"]" data-filter-keywordsearchtitle="Grant Manager" data-filter-keywordsearchdescription="ABOUT EIT FOOD EIT Food is Europe&rsquo;s leading food innovation initiative, working to make the food system more sustainable, healthy and trusted by consumers. Established by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) in 2017, EIT Food is a fast-growing partnership organisation focusing on entrepreneurship and innovation in the food sector. EIT Food is a member organisation bringing together key industry players, agri-food startups, research centres and universities from across Europe representing the food value chain in Europe. In addition to thematic leadership, EIT Food is also responsible for coordinating a multi-million euro EU grant allocation from the EIT and distributing it among its partners and stakeholders for the implementation of projects. EIT Food headquarters (HQ) are based in Leuven (Belgium) and it has 5 regional offices (Co-Location Centres or CLCs) in Europe (based in Poland, Spain, Germany, the UK and Belgium), each working with and for partners in several EIT Food partner countries. Visit our website: JOB DESCRIPTION The grant manager will be an integral member of the Grants Management Team and will be reporting to the Head of Grants and Funding. Together with the rest of the team you are responsible to implement each stage of the grant cycle. This includes: the preparation of the business plan; the performance-based monitoring of the implementation of the projects by internal and external stakeholders; the amendment of the business plan and the reporting. &nbsp; The grant cycle-manager will implement key processes in a timely manner, such as: Manage the implementation of the different Grant Agreements (mostly EIT funded but also other EU funded grants where EIT Food participates); Ensuring that the colleagues and participants have the necessary processes, information and tools for a smooth implementation of the grant; Improve processes, raising red flags where needed and proposing solutions to manage risks; Ensure the Business Plan is compliant with the Horizon Europe regulations. Keep abreast of the different regulations for the different grants and ensure that the processes are adapted where/when Ensure the organisation and participants are aware of the key changes and the processes adapted to the current regulations. Coordinating the drafting of key documents such as business plans and technical reports; Supporting the organisation to roll out the different processes around grant cycle milestones. Managing the iterative feedback process with participants at key reporting milestones; Contribute to the optimizaztion of the IT tools ensuring that they are fit to support the processes of the grant implementation and monitoring &nbsp; EXPERIENCE &amp; SKILLS Bachelor or Master degree in a relevant field;or equivalent by experience Between 3-5 years of relevant working experience; Knowledge of the EU grant cycle, the EU&rsquo;s Horizon Europe Programme. Experience in process implementation, with a high degree of attention to detail and respect for timelines and deadlines in a fast-paced environment; Fluency in English; Very good knowledge of Microsoft Office tools (including Word and Excel), good IT skills and willingness to adapt to new systems; Flexible to work both independently and in small (multi-national) teams; Very good communication skills, service oriented and confident to communicate with international stakeholders; Logical thinker, motivated to drive continuous improvement based on sound analysis; Knowledge of the EIT environment will be considered a strong asset. Can-do attitude, driven to learn and realise impact, a self-starter; WHAT WE OFFER Working at EIT Food means joining a team of like-minded individuals who are dedicated to creating a better future through food innovation. We cultivate a culture of collaboration, inventiveness, inclusivity, and constructive feedback. All employees are encouraged to contribute their ideas and expertise towards our mission of creating a more sustainable and inclusive food system. Together, we're making a real impact on the food industry and we're looking for talented individuals like you to join us. As a valued member of our team, we'll provide you with a competitive salary and comprehensive benefits package. CONTRACT TYPE Full-time permanent position. LOCATION &amp; TRAVEL FREQUENCY EIT Food HQ, Leuven (Belgium) with the possibility to work from home. Please note that all applicants must be legally authorized to reside and work in Belgium. This position requires occasional travel within Europe. APPLICATION Interested candidates are asked to upload their CV and Cover Letter in English in electronic format to CV Warehouse before 23 11 2024. Shortlisted candidates may be invited for an interview and may be asked to prove their background, qualifications, skills and experiences by providing relevant documents. We will screen and interview candidates throughout the time this position is open and reserve the right to close the vacancy earlier than the deadline stated if required. &nbsp; EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES EIT Food is an equal opportunity employer, offering each candidate matching the minimum obligatory qualifications and experiences an equal chance in employment and promotion procedures. If you need any special conditions during the interview process, please let us know." class="col-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4"> <div class="jobItem"> <div class="mosaic-item"> <a class="jobLink" data-item="readmore" data-jobid="324581" data-titleslug="Grant-Manager" href="?q=Grant-Manager&job=324581&companyGuid=2b9735ff-75aa-430c-aa9c-33ea2f65f013&lang=en-US"> <div class="job-image has-logo"> <img src="" loading="lazy" /> </div> <div class="job-title">Grant Manager</div> <div class="additional-data"> <div class="workType"> <i class="lni-briefcase"></i> Employee </div> </div> <div class="readmore"> Read More <i class="lni-chevron-right arrow-right"></i> </div> </a> </div> <div class="list-item"> <a data-item="readmore" data-jobid="324581" data-titleslug="Grant-Manager" href="?q=Grant-Manager&job=324581&companyGuid=2b9735ff-75aa-430c-aa9c-33ea2f65f013&lang=en-US"> <div class="job-title">Grant Manager</div> <div class="additional-data"> <div class="workType"> <i class="lni-briefcase"></i> Employee </div> </div> <i class="lni-chevron-right arrow-right"></i> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div data-item-collection="jobCollection-4e0a2365-8bc1-4a51-8f99-2250ca17bfc7" data-filter-country="81" data-filter-city="Munich /Freising" data-filter-region="["Bayern"]" data-filter-attribute="[]" data-filter-worktype="Employee" data-filter-workschedule="["Full time"]" data-filter-keywordsearchtitle="Internship Communication and Programme Manager Support" data-filter-keywordsearchdescription="ABOUT EIT FOOD EIT Food is Europe&rsquo;s leading food innovation initiative, working to make the food system more sustainable,&nbsp;healthy&nbsp;and trusted by consumers.&nbsp;Established by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) in 2017, EIT Food is a fast-growing partnership organisation focusing on entrepreneurship and innovation in the food sector.&nbsp; EIT Food is a member organisation bringing together key industry players, agri-food startups, research centres and universities from across Europe representing the food value chain in Europe. In addition to thematic leadership, EIT Food is also responsible for coordinating a multi-million euro EU grant allocation from the EIT and distributing it among its partners and stakeholders for the implementation of projects.&nbsp; EIT Food headquarters (HQ) are based in Leuven (Belgium) and it has 5 regional offices (Co-Location Centres or CLCs) in Europe (based in Poland, Spain, Germany, the UK and Belgium), each working with and for partners in several EIT Food partner countries. Visit our website: JOB DESCRIPTION Be part of a dynamic team and gain valuable on-the-job experience in supporting day-to-day activities within the &ldquo;knowledge triangle&rdquo; of EIT Food: Education, Innovation and Business Creation. Tasks will vary from helping with communication tasks first (such as press-requests, newsletter or webpage organisation) to support of the EIT Food Acceleration Network, and many more.&nbsp;&nbsp; MAIN DUTIES/RESPONSIBILITIES:&nbsp; Writing news and reports about startups,&nbsp; third-party funding and ownership of the application procedure on national and international level as well as keeping the CLC Central website ( up to date Facilitating strategy development for the EIT Food Accelerator Network, as well as the management of diverse backoffice tasks, e.g. keeping track of the project development, pushing forward an effective communication, researching subcontractors, partnerships, contracts and reporting. Supporting the monthly EIT Food Central-newsletter as well as the EIT Food-public platform &ldquo;; in cooperation with the editors of &ldquo;;. All Communication activities (g. press conferences) within the EIT Food &ldquo;knowledge triangle&rdquo;: Education, Innovation and Business Creation. Office management support including EIT Food Central-events organization and other activities. &nbsp; EXPERIENCE &amp; SKILLS A passion for communication, food, innovation and sustainability&nbsp; Educational background related to communication, the agri-nutrition-food space, entrepreneurship, public policy, political affaires or other relevant fields The ability to take ownership and initiative to get things done&nbsp; Team worker with strong coordination and communication skills, as well as the ability to manage several projects at the same time First experience in the administrative processes and work flows in an office environment is highly desired Experience with third-party funding acquisition is a strong plus Excellent command of the Microsoft Office products (particularly MS Excel &amp; PPT) Fluency in German and English&nbsp; &nbsp; WHAT WE OFFER Working at EIT Food means joining a team of like-minded individuals who are dedicated to creating a better future through food innovation. We cultivate a culture of collaboration, inventiveness, inclusivity, and constructive feedback. All employees are encouraged to contribute their ideas and expertise towards our mission of creating a more sustainable and inclusive food system. Together, we're making a real impact on the food industry and we're looking for talented individuals like you to join us. As a valued member of our team, we'll provide you with a competitive salary and comprehensive benefits package. CONTRACT TYPE Full-time and payed for a duration of 4 - 6 months. Employment contract under the German labor law. Possible as a working student as well.&nbsp; LOCATION &amp; TRAVEL FREQUENCY This position will be based at the Co-Location Centre (CLC) Central in Munich (based in Freising, Weihenstephan), Germany. The internal will work in the deopartment of the Senior Communications Manager (Spokesperson for Germany, Austria and the Netherlands)&nbsp; Occasional travel within Europe can be expected.&nbsp; APPLICATION Interested candidates are asked to upload their CV and Cover Letter in English in electronic format to CV Warehouse before 15 08 2024. Shortlisted candidates may be invited for an interview and may be asked to prove their background, qualifications, skills and experiences by providing relevant documents. &nbsp; EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES EIT Food is an equal opportunity employer, offering each candidate matching the minimum obligatory qualifications and experiences an equal chance in employment and promotion procedures." class="col-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4"> <div class="jobItem"> <div class="mosaic-item"> <a class="jobLink" data-item="readmore" data-jobid="324584" data-titleslug="Internship-Communication-and-Programme-Manager-Support" href="?q=Internship-Communication-and-Programme-Manager-Support&job=324584&companyGuid=2b9735ff-75aa-430c-aa9c-33ea2f65f013&lang=en-US"> <div class="job-image has-logo"> <img src="" loading="lazy" /> </div> <div class="job-title">Internship Communication and Programme Manager Support</div> <div class="additional-data"> <div class="workType"> <i class="lni-briefcase"></i> Employee </div> <div class="workType"> <i class="lni-laptop"></i> Partial Remote Job </div> </div> <div class="readmore"> Read More <i class="lni-chevron-right arrow-right"></i> </div> </a> </div> <div class="list-item"> <a data-item="readmore" data-jobid="324584" data-titleslug="Internship-Communication-and-Programme-Manager-Support" href="?q=Internship-Communication-and-Programme-Manager-Support&job=324584&companyGuid=2b9735ff-75aa-430c-aa9c-33ea2f65f013&lang=en-US"> <div class="job-title">Internship Communication and Programme Manager Support</div> <div class="additional-data"> <div class="workType"> <i class="lni-briefcase"></i> Employee </div> <div class="workType"> <i class="lni-laptop"></i> Partial Remote Job </div> </div> <i class="lni-chevron-right arrow-right"></i> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div data-item-collection="jobCollection-4e0a2365-8bc1-4a51-8f99-2250ca17bfc7" data-filter-country="22" data-filter-city="Leuven" data-filter-region="["Flemish Brabant"]" data-filter-attribute="[]" data-filter-worktype="Employee" data-filter-workschedule="["Full time"]" data-filter-keywordsearchtitle="Project Manager Agri-Food Programmes" data-filter-keywordsearchdescription="ABOUT EIT FOOD EIT Food is Europe&rsquo;s leading food innovation initiative, working to make the food system more sustainable,&nbsp;healthy&nbsp;and trusted by consumers.&nbsp;Established by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) in 2017, EIT Food is a fast-growing partnership organisation focusing on entrepreneurship and innovation in the food sector.&nbsp; EIT Food is a member organisation bringing together key industry players, agri-food startups, research centres and universities from across Europe representing the food value chain in Europe. In addition to thematic leadership, EIT Food is also responsible for coordinating a multi-million euro EU grant allocation from the EIT and distributing it among its partners and stakeholders for the implementation of projects.&nbsp; EIT Food headquarters (HQ) are based in Leuven (Belgium) and it has 5 regional offices (Co-Location Centres or CLCs) in Europe (based in Poland, Spain, Germany, the UK and Belgium), each working with and for partners in several EIT Food partner countries. Visit our website: JOB DESCRIPTION You will create, implement and support dedicated programmes, activities and instruments of EIT Food dedicated to representatives of public sector, students, farmers, researchers, entrepreneurial talents and other stakeholders from agrifood sector in the Nordic and Central European countries.&nbsp; Reporting to Regional Director and Regional Portfolio Impact Programme Manager in CLC North-East&nbsp; Your responsibilities will include:&nbsp; Co-orchestrate publicly co-financed programmes such as Scale-Up Regenerative Agriculture and Regenerative Innovation Portfolio in the CEE region: programme coordination, procurement, communication,&nbsp; Coordinate business development of Regenerative Innovation Portfolio in new countries of the region and other types of production than arable crops, such as diary or meat processing industries&nbsp; Cooperate with startups and industry partners around regenerative agriculture incl. innovation scouting for regenerative agriculture solutions from the EU and associated countries,&nbsp; Search for external funding to develop and expand the activities within the EIT Food regenerative agriculture programmes,&nbsp;&nbsp; Establish and maintain insightful relationships with farmers, farming associations and companies in the CEE and Nordics,&nbsp; Present EIT Food and EIT Food Regenerative Agriculture programmes at industry events and meetings,&nbsp; Perform other activities around agriculture-related business development and public programme management as required.&nbsp; EXPERIENCE &amp; SKILLS To be successful in this role, you should have strong interpersonal skills, be comfortable working in a fast-paced environment, and have experience in agriculture and business development. You should also have a deep understanding of the food processing industry and be passionate about promoting sustainable and healthy food systems.&nbsp; Ideally, you bring:&nbsp; A Master's degree in a relevant discipline, e.g. agriculture, agronomy, or agroecology, or alternatively a master's degree in business management with appropriate work experience in the agriculture sector,&nbsp; or equivalent by experience At least 5 years' experience in a similar programmes&rsquo; management or business development role in the agriculture sector,&nbsp; Experience of working in the agri-food sector and/or an understanding of the needs of agri-food processing industry in terms of transition to more sustainable food production,&nbsp; Strong team player skills; willingness and openness to work with other members of the partnership team to improve the partner experience together,&nbsp; An Impact mindset: Strong focus on driving measurable outcomes that contribute to the success of the partnership,&nbsp; Collaborative approach: Ability to work closely with teams across EIT Food, as well as with external collaborators,&nbsp; Strong communication skills: Ability to communicate effectively with partners, stakeholders, and senior management, using a range of channels and formats,&nbsp; Excellent presentation and public-speaking skills; comfortable talking to media and representing EIT Food,&nbsp; Fluent English language skills, fluency in languages of relevance to individual regions is welcomed,&nbsp; Flexibility: the ability to work in a rapidly changing organisation,&nbsp; Organisational sensitivity and business acumen: ability to translate business needs and problems into solutions.&nbsp; Openness and proven ability to establish trust as well as the capacity for building alliances between industry, public sector, research, education and other stakeholders, including remote communication with international teams&nbsp; Taking initiative, independent and trustworthy&nbsp; Respectful of timelines and deadlines and attention for detail,&nbsp; Ability to work both independently and in small but multi-national teams&nbsp; Organised, proactive, service-oriented and capable of multi-tasking&nbsp; WHAT WE OFFER A challenging and stimulating position within the leading European food innovation initiative&nbsp; The opportunity to work in a human-sized, dynamic and excellence-oriented environment&nbsp; An attractive remuneration package incl. annual bonus, and private medical care,&nbsp;&nbsp; A full-time replacement contract with no trial period&nbsp; CONTRACT TYPE Full time one-year replacement contract under the Polish Labour law. &nbsp;. LOCATION &amp; TRAVEL FREQUENCY Regional Office North-East in Warsaw, Poland. Hybrid format with 2 days' work from office after the onboarding process, as an option.&nbsp;&nbsp; Frequent travel within Europe (+/- 5 days per month). Please note that all applicants must be legally authorized to reside and work in Poland. APPLICATION Interested candidates are asked to upload their CV and Cover Letter in English in electronic format to CV Warehouse before 18 12 2024. Shortlisted candidates may be invited for an interview and may be asked to prove their background, qualifications, skills and experiences by providing relevant documents. &nbsp; EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES EIT Food is an equal opportunity employer, offering each candidate matching the minimum obligatory qualifications and experiences an equal chance in employment and promotion procedures. &nbsp;" class="col-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4"> <div class="jobItem"> <div class="mosaic-item"> <a class="jobLink" data-item="readmore" data-jobid="333394" data-titleslug="Project-Manager-Agri-Food-Programmes" href="?q=Project-Manager-Agri-Food-Programmes&job=333394&companyGuid=2b9735ff-75aa-430c-aa9c-33ea2f65f013&lang=en-US"> <div class="job-image has-logo"> <img src="" loading="lazy" /> </div> <div class="job-title">Project Manager Agri-Food Programmes</div> <div class="additional-data"> <div class="workType"> <i class="lni-briefcase"></i> Employee </div> </div> <div class="readmore"> Read More <i class="lni-chevron-right arrow-right"></i> </div> </a> </div> <div class="list-item"> <a data-item="readmore" data-jobid="333394" data-titleslug="Project-Manager-Agri-Food-Programmes" href="?q=Project-Manager-Agri-Food-Programmes&job=333394&companyGuid=2b9735ff-75aa-430c-aa9c-33ea2f65f013&lang=en-US"> <div class="job-title">Project Manager Agri-Food Programmes</div> <div class="additional-data"> <div class="workType"> <i class="lni-briefcase"></i> Employee </div> </div> <i class="lni-chevron-right arrow-right"></i> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div data-item-collection="jobCollection-4e0a2365-8bc1-4a51-8f99-2250ca17bfc7" data-filter-country="22" data-filter-city="Leuven" data-filter-region="["Flemish Brabant"]" data-filter-attribute="[]" data-filter-worktype="Employee" data-filter-workschedule="["Full time"]" data-filter-keywordsearchtitle="Senior Investment Manager @ AgriFoodInvest BV" data-filter-keywordsearchdescription="About AgriFoodInvest by EIT FOOD AgriFoodInvest BV is an impact investment holding company that is fully owned by EIT Food ivzw. &nbsp; EIT Food ( is the largest agri-food Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC), part of the European Innovation &amp; Technology Institute (EIT). EIT Food&rsquo;s mission is to create a world where everybody can access and enjoy sustainable, safe and healthy food, with trust and fairness from farm to fork. EIT Food&rsquo;s role is to bring all stakeholders together and guide them to accelerate the innovation process to support the transformation of our food system. Its main strength comes from the partnership, which represent over 150 of Europe&rsquo;s leading agri-food companies, research institutes and universities. EIT Food is headquartered in Leuven (Belgium) and has regional offices in Warsaw (Poland), Munich (Germany), Reading (UK), Bilbao (Spain) and Madrid (Spain). &nbsp; EIT Food is a springboard for launching, accelerating and scaling up innovative agri-food ventures through EU-wide incubation and acceleration programmes, which provide access to the market and financing via the EIT Food network ( &nbsp; AgriFoodInvest BV is the holding structure of EIT Food, which aims to hold minority stakes in some of Europe's best early-stage agri-food start-ups, with investment tickets ranging from &euro;500,000 to &euro;1.5 million. &nbsp; JOB DESCRIPTION AgriFoodInvest BV plans to strengthen its team with a Senior Investment Manager to achieve its ambitious investment plan and attract co-investors to support the development of innovative companies that will accelerate the transformation of the food system. As Senior Investment Manager, you report directly to the Managing Director and play a key role to develop AgriFoodInvest in a successful impact investment holding company and to actively manage the investment portfolio. &nbsp; KEY RESPONSIBILITIES &nbsp; Reporting to the Managing Director, your key responsibilities include: &nbsp; Fundraising: as a priority, you actively participate in fundraising for the co-investment vehicle, leveraging your and EIT Food&rsquo;s networks, targeting the right potential investors and communicating EIT Food&rsquo; story and AgriFoodInvest&rsquo;s value proposition, engaging with potential investors to convince them to partner and invest in the vehicle. &nbsp; Portfolio Management: as a second priority, you hold responsibility for monitoring and reporting investment portfolio performance. You manage the post-investment portfolio and assist in the value creation process. You act as board observer to selected portfolio companies and build strong relationship with them. You assess risks and define/implement exit strategies. &nbsp; New Investments: you also support new deal flow and, together with the team, you discuss, provide feedback, and decide which companies to advance past the first screening stage and agree on who will be the deal lead. Under specific circumstances, you can take the lead on a deal in which case you will be responsible for the next stages of analysis, supported by the Investment Analyst(s), including e.g., calls with the company, doing due diligence, and writing / presenting the investment memo. &nbsp; Investor Community: you manage together with the team the relationships with investors that meet the Investor Community criteria (pan-European agfood focus). Your primary focus is on the portfolio, introducing portfolio companies to trusted external investors. &nbsp; EXPERIENCE &amp; SKILLS You hold a Master or PhD, preferably in finance, economics or engineering, ideally with an MBA, or equivalent through experience. A CFA certification is a plus. You have at least 5 years of relevant experience within VC investment or corporate venture capital (preferably), and/or start-up accelerator, venture builder or strategy consulting firm linked to the agrifood sector. You possess excellent verbal and written communication &amp; presentation skills. A positive team player with an adaptive and flexible approach who can work independently and in small (multi-national) teams. Experience with an international environment. Strong Microsoft Office skills (especially Microsoft Excel). You fluently speak English (min. C1). Knowledge of any other language is considered a plus You are proactive and flexible, with excellent problem solving and analytical skills. You are entrepreneurial and creative. You constantly challenge the status quo. Ability to work effectively under pressure and to deadlines. WHAT WE OFFER Working at EIT Food means joining a team of like-minded individuals who are dedicated to creating a better future through food innovation. We cultivate a culture of collaboration, inventiveness, inclusivity, and constructive feedback. All employees are encouraged to contribute their ideas and expertise towards our mission of creating a more sustainable and inclusive food system. Together, we're making a real impact on the food industry and we're looking for talented individuals like you to join us. As a valued member of our team, we'll provide you with a competitive salary and comprehensive benefits package. CONTRACT TYPE Full-time permanent position. LOCATION &amp; TRAVEL FREQUENCY EIT Food HQ, Leuven (Belgium) with the possibility for hybrid working. Travel within Europe might be required Please note that all applicants must be legally authorized to reside and work in Belgium. APPLICATION Interested candidates are asked to upload their CV and Cover Letter in English in electronic format to CV Warehouse before 15/12/2024. Shortlisted candidates may be invited for an interview and may be asked to prove their background, qualifications, skills and experiences by providing relevant documents. &nbsp; EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES EIT Food is an equal opportunity employer, offering each candidate matching the minimum obligatory qualifications and experiences an equal chance in employment and promotion procedures. If you need any special assistance during the interview process, please let us know." class="col-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4"> <div class="jobItem"> <div class="mosaic-item"> <a class="jobLink" data-item="readmore" data-jobid="325668" data-titleslug="Senior-Investment-Manager-AgriFoodInvest-BV" href="?q=Senior-Investment-Manager-AgriFoodInvest-BV&job=325668&companyGuid=2b9735ff-75aa-430c-aa9c-33ea2f65f013&lang=en-US"> <div class="job-image has-logo"> <img src="" loading="lazy" /> </div> <div class="job-title">Senior Investment Manager @ AgriFoodInvest BV</div> <div class="additional-data"> <div class="workType"> <i class="lni-briefcase"></i> Employee </div> </div> <div class="readmore"> Read More <i class="lni-chevron-right arrow-right"></i> </div> </a> </div> <div class="list-item"> <a data-item="readmore" data-jobid="325668" data-titleslug="Senior-Investment-Manager-AgriFoodInvest-BV" href="?q=Senior-Investment-Manager-AgriFoodInvest-BV&job=325668&companyGuid=2b9735ff-75aa-430c-aa9c-33ea2f65f013&lang=en-US"> <div class="job-title">Senior Investment Manager @ AgriFoodInvest BV</div> <div class="additional-data"> <div class="workType"> <i class="lni-briefcase"></i> Employee </div> </div> <i class="lni-chevron-right arrow-right"></i> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div data-item-collection="jobCollection-4e0a2365-8bc1-4a51-8f99-2250ca17bfc7" data-filter-country="22" data-filter-city="Leuven" data-filter-region="["Flemish Brabant"]" data-filter-attribute="[]" data-filter-worktype="Employee" data-filter-workschedule="["Full time"]" data-filter-keywordsearchtitle="SENIOR PROGRAMME MANAGER (Maternity Leave Cover – 9 Months)" data-filter-keywordsearchdescription="ABOUT EIT FOOD EIT Food is Europe&rsquo;s leading food innovation initiative, working to make the food system more sustainable,&nbsp;healthy&nbsp;and trusted by consumers.&nbsp;Established by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) in 2017, EIT Food is a fast-growing partnership organisation focusing on entrepreneurship and innovation in the food sector.&nbsp; EIT Food is a member organisation bringing together key industry players, agri-food startups, research centres and universities from across Europe representing the food value chain in Europe. In addition to thematic leadership, EIT Food is also responsible for coordinating a multi-million euro EU grant allocation from the EIT and distributing it among its partners and stakeholders for the implementation of projects.&nbsp; EIT Food headquarters (HQ) are based in Leuven (Belgium) and it has 5 regional offices (Co-Location Centres or CLCs) in Europe (based in Poland, Spain, Germany, the UK and Belgium), each working with and for partners in several EIT Food partner countries. Visit our website: JOB DESCRIPTION EIT Food is seeking a Senior Programme Manager with extensive experience in the agrifood sector to lead and maintain programmes excellence for a 9-month maternity cover. This role is central to implementing high-impact initiatives, with a strong focus on diversity and inclusion, and social impact.&nbsp; This role is integral to EIT Food&rsquo;s commitment to social impact, inclusivity, and systemic change in the agrifood sector. As Senior Programme Manager, you will lead high-profile programs, cross-functional teams, coordinate and engage diverse stakeholders to maximize program effectiveness, scalability, and financial sustainability, playing a strategic role in aligning program delivery with EIT Food&rsquo;s mission and goals.&nbsp; As a strategic leader, you will oversee programmes design, implementation, and evaluation, ensuring alignment with EIT Food&rsquo;s mission and European regulatory standards. In this position, you will drive the strategic direction of our initiatives to create meaningful social impact in the agrifood sector. Your expertise in program management will be essential in elevating the influence of EIT Food&rsquo;s social innovation agenda across Europe and beyond. You will report to the Director of Programmes Delivery.&nbsp; Key Responsibilities: Programme Leadership and Strategic Innovation&nbsp; Drive the strategic planning and implementation of EWA and other social innovation programs, advancing diversity, social equity, and impactful change within the agrifood sector. Co-design, implement and oversee program strategies that enhance social innovation, emphasizing measurable outcomes and impact for inclusivity, diversity and sustainability. Manage all aspects of programmes delivery, including budgeting, resource allocation, and timeline management, while ensuring compliance with Horizon Europe and other relevant regulations. Lead the continuous improvement of program frameworks, aligning them with EIT Food&rsquo;s core objectives and adapting to emerging challenges and opportunities within the food sector. Stakeholder Engagement and Strategic Partnerships Serve as a primary liaison for EWA and social innovation programs, cultivating relationships with key stakeholders, including governmental agencies, industry leaders, NGOs, and community organizations.&nbsp; Collaborate with EIT Food&rsquo;s regions and stakeholders to expand program reach and foster cross-regional synergies, creating a unified and scalable approach to social impact.&nbsp; Drive financial sustainability by identifying and securing partnerships and funding opportunities with public and private sector entities.&nbsp; Represent EIT Food in conferences, forums, and public engagements, showcasing leadership in social innovation and strengthening EIT Food&rsquo;s position as a thought leader in the agrifood ecosystem.&nbsp; Team Leadership and Cross-Functional Collaboration Lead a cross-functional, multidisciplinary team, fostering an inclusive, results-driven culture focused on achieving high standards of program delivery and impact.&nbsp; Promote a learning environment that encourages creative solutions, continuous improvement within the team, and innovation culture.&nbsp; Mentor and guide team members to maximize professional growth, foster knowledge-sharing, and ensure efficient collaboration within and across teams.&nbsp; Coordinate with other Programme Managers, Directors, and EIT Food&rsquo;s operational teams to align initiatives with broader organizational goals.&nbsp; Impact Measurement and Data-Driven Insights Develop and oversee robust frameworks for monitoring, evaluation, and impact assessment to drive informed decision-making, evaluate program performance, optimize strategy, and communicate results to stakeholders and funders.&nbsp; Implement performance tracking systems, utilizing KPIs to drive informed decision-making, enhance program efficiency, and inform long-term planning and innovation.&nbsp; Conduct regular evaluations to assess program effectiveness and identify areas for improvement, creating comprehensive reports that highlight progress, outcomes, and opportunities.&nbsp; Utilize data-driven insights to enhance program performance, scalability, and alignment with EIT Food&rsquo;s strategic goals.&nbsp; EXPERIENCE &amp; SKILLS Extensive Agrifood Sector Experience: Solid background in program management within the agrifood or social innovation sectors, ideally with a focus on gender equity and social impact. International Program Management: Proven track record managing complex, multi-regional programs, ideally within a large pan-European organization.&nbsp; Leadership: Demonstrated success in leading complex, multi-regional programs and managing cross-functional teams in a fast-paced, international environment.&nbsp; Data-Driven Mindset: Strong analytical skills with experience in KPI development, impact assessment, and data interpretation for strategic decision-making.&nbsp; Business Acumen: Strong business mindset with an understanding of financial sustainability.&nbsp; Stakeholder Engagement and Management: Ability to cultivate and manage diverse partnerships with corporate, governmental, and community organizations.&nbsp; Communication Skills: Excellent verbal and written communication abilities in English; additional language skills are an asset.&nbsp; Adaptability and Problem-Solving: Skilled at navigating challenges with creativity and resilience, maintaining flexibility in a rapidly evolving sector.&nbsp; WHAT WE OFFER Working at EIT Food means joining a team of like-minded individuals who are dedicated to creating a better future through food innovation. We cultivate a culture of collaboration, inventiveness, inclusivity, and constructive feedback. All employees are encouraged to contribute their ideas and expertise towards our mission of creating a more sustainable and inclusive food system. Together, we're making a real impact on the food industry and we're looking for talented individuals like you to join us. As a valued member of our team, we'll provide you with a competitive salary and comprehensive benefits package. CONTRACT TYPE Temporary maternity cover (9 months), full-time.&nbsp; LOCATION &amp; TRAVEL FREQUENCY Any of our EIT Food hubs (Belgium, Poland, Spain, Germany or UK) Frequent travel within Europe. Please note that all applicants must be legally authorized to reside and work in the EU (or UK for UK based candidates). APPLICATION Interested candidates are asked to upload their CV and Cover Letter in English in electronic format to CV Warehouse before &nbsp;18.12.2024. Shortlisted candidates may be invited for an interview and may be asked to prove their background, qualifications, skills and experiences by providing relevant documents. &nbsp; EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES EIT Food is an equal opportunity employer, offering each candidate matching the minimum obligatory qualifications and experiences an equal chance in employment and promotion procedures." class="col-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4"> <div class="jobItem"> <div class="mosaic-item"> <a class="jobLink" data-item="readmore" data-jobid="333414" data-titleslug="SENIOR-PROGRAMME-MANAGER-Maternity-Leave-Cover-9-Months-" href="?q=SENIOR-PROGRAMME-MANAGER-Maternity-Leave-Cover-9-Months-&job=333414&companyGuid=2b9735ff-75aa-430c-aa9c-33ea2f65f013&lang=en-US"> <div class="job-image has-logo"> <img src="" loading="lazy" /> </div> <div class="job-title">SENIOR PROGRAMME MANAGER (Maternity Leave Cover – 9 Months)</div> <div class="additional-data"> <div class="workType"> <i class="lni-briefcase"></i> Employee </div> </div> <div class="readmore"> Read More <i class="lni-chevron-right arrow-right"></i> </div> </a> </div> <div class="list-item"> <a data-item="readmore" data-jobid="333414" data-titleslug="SENIOR-PROGRAMME-MANAGER-Maternity-Leave-Cover-9-Months-" href="?q=SENIOR-PROGRAMME-MANAGER-Maternity-Leave-Cover-9-Months-&job=333414&companyGuid=2b9735ff-75aa-430c-aa9c-33ea2f65f013&lang=en-US"> <div class="job-title">SENIOR PROGRAMME MANAGER (Maternity Leave Cover – 9 Months)</div> <div class="additional-data"> <div class="workType"> <i class="lni-briefcase"></i> Employee </div> </div> <i class="lni-chevron-right arrow-right"></i> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <style> .padding-class-f52c3d94-e64a-ff0e-091f-15e4a12df1eb .block{ } @media all and (max-width: 768px){ .padding-class-f52c3d94-e64a-ff0e-091f-15e4a12df1eb .block{ } } </style> <div id="f52c3d94-e64a-ff0e-091f-15e4a12df1eb" class="wrapper-custom padding-class-f52c3d94-e64a-ff0e-091f-15e4a12df1eb"> <div class="block block-content block-content-image" > <div class="container"> <div class="row flex-md-row align-items-md-center"> <div class="col-md-12 text-center"> <div class="img-width-automatic"> <img src="" class="img-fluid" loading="lazy" /> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <style> .padding-class-157d0524-2f11-42ec-911a-aaef510898a7 .block{ } @media all and (max-width: 768px){ .padding-class-157d0524-2f11-42ec-911a-aaef510898a7 .block{ } } </style> <div id="157d0524-2f11-42ec-911a-aaef510898a7" class="wrapper-aboutUs padding-class-157d0524-2f11-42ec-911a-aaef510898a7"> <div class="block block-about-us" id="about-us" > <div class="container"> <div class="inner"> <h2 style="color: #6BB745;"> </h2> <div class="clearfix" style="color: #034EA2;"> <p>EIT Food is a consortium of 70+ partners from leading businesses, research centers and universities across Europe EIT Food’s vision is to put Europe at the center of a global revolution in food innovation and production, and its value in society. EIT Food is engaging consumers in the change process, improve nutrition, and making the food system more resource-efficient, secure, transparent and trusted.<br /><br />EIT Food is boosting the innovation skills and entrepreneurial spirit in the sector and we unlock the potential of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which in turn accelerate innovation, create jobs, benefit businesses and increase Europe’s competitiveness.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script src=""></script> <footer class="fixed-footer"> <div class="container"> <div class="row align-items-center justify-content-center"> <div class="col-12 mb-4 mb-md-0 text-center text-md-left col-md-8"> <div><strong>EIT Food iVZW<br /></strong><br />Ubicenter A Philipssite 5 box 34<br />Leuven (3001 Heverlee)<br />Belgium</div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-4 text-center text-md-right"> <div class="follow-us"> Follow us <a href="" target="_blank" class="socialMediaLink"> <i class="socialmedia_default_style 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Established by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) in 2017, EIT Food is a fast-growing partnership organisation focusing on entrepreneurship and innovation in the food sector. </p> <p>EIT Food is a member organisation bringing together key industry players, agri-food startups, research centres and universities from across Europe representing the food value chain in Europe. In addition to thematic leadership, EIT Food is also responsible for coordinating a multi-million euro EU grant allocation from the EIT and distributing it among its partners and stakeholders for the implementation of projects. </p> <p>EIT Food headquarters (HQ) are based in Leuven (Belgium) and it has 5 regional offices (Co-Location Centres or CLCs) in Europe (based in Poland, Spain, Germany, the UK and Belgium), each working with and for partners in several EIT Food partner countries.</p> <p><em>Visit our</em><em> website: </em><a href=""><em></em></a></p> <p><em><br /> </em><strong>JOB DESCRIPTION</strong></p> <p>EIT Food is part of a larger network of Knowledge and Innovation Communities addressing societal challenges such as Climate Change (EIT Climate-KIC), Health (EIT Health) and Digitalisation (EIT Digital). Some of the projects of EIT Food are a collaboration between these different communities, called Cross-KIC/EIT Community initiatives. EIT Food is leading the Work Package on Communication with the aim to have a joint and aligned communication across all these EIT Community activities. </p> <p>As Communications Manager, you will drive and lead the joint communication and dissemination of all EIT Community Initiatives. This includes the coordination of the communications group consisting of representatives of all KIC’s, the coordination of the EIT brand across all EIT Community Initiatives, and the communication and creation of campaigns and calls on topics of common interest. In addition you will be responsible for the coordination and support of events to disseminate the results. </p> <p><strong>MAIN DUTIES/RESPONSIBILITIES:</strong> </p> <p>You will coordinate the Communication Work Package in the cluster ‘Shared Services’. </p> <ul> <li>Co-leading the communication group that consists of all KIC’s communication managers by organizing and chairing monthly meetings, set up clear objectives, implement the strategy and roadmap, and a shared platform for collaboration.</li> <li>Coordinate the brand alignment process for all EIT Community initiatives, carrying out checks and follow-ups, supporting the implementation of necessary changes across all initiatives to ensure a cohesive identity for all initiatives.</li> <li>Coordinate the dedicated section on EIT’s website, providing a central resource for information.</li> <li>Implement a set of communication tools such as videos, a series of interviews and templates, boosting the alignment and the visibility of EIT Community initiatives.</li> <li>Coordination and creation of communications campaigns and calls on topics of common interest (education courses/programmes, citizen engagement, business creation and stakeholder events, etc.)</li> <li>Coordinate and facilitate joint access to communications portals (such as website) and monitoring tools (e.g. media monitoring)</li> <li>Coordinate the communications of EIT community initiatives at national, regional, and global level, in particular on the EC dissemination channels (in particular the Horizon Results Platform)</li> <li>Showcase and promote EIT Community initiatives at high level events, fairs and exhibitions across Europe; providing meeting/exhibition spaces and allowing start-ups associated with the EIT Community to meet with potential investors and key stakeholders </li> <li>Coordinate the EIT Community Initiatives communication internally at EIT Food and for the EIT Food Community</li> </ul> <p><em> </em></p> <p><strong>EXPERIENCE & SKILLS</strong></p> <ul> <li>You hold a Bachelor or Master degree in Marketing, Media, Communications or Journalism OR another master degree associated with communication or equivalent by experience.</li> <li>You have experience in the coordination of communication activities in a European context with a wide variety of activities and different target groups </li> <li>You have experience in leading international projects that involve multiple stakeholders from different type of organisations </li> <li>Experience in EU-funded project communications (H2020 or similar) is an asset </li> <li>You speak and write fluent English with a good knowledge of French, Dutch or any other European language </li> <li>You enjoy working in a matrix-organisation in a multinational team </li> <li>You have a strong sense of ownership with proven record of delivering results </li> <li>You combine strong communication and representation skills </li> <li>You can build alliances and consensus between different stakeholders and their agenda’s </li> <li>You are proactive, independent and trustworthy </li> <li>You respect timelines and deadlines </li> <li>You show a can-do attitude and you are willing and eager to find solutions for challenges in the implementing process</li> </ul> <p><strong>WHAT WE OFFER</strong></p> <p>Working at EIT Food means joining a team of like-minded individuals who are dedicated to creating a better future through food innovation. We cultivate a culture of collaboration, inventiveness, inclusivity, and constructive feedback. All employees are encouraged to contribute their ideas and expertise towards our mission of creating a more sustainable and inclusive food system.<br /> Together, we're making a real impact on the food industry and we're looking for talented individuals like you to join us.</p> <p>As a valued member of our team, we'll provide you with a competitive salary and comprehensive benefits package.</p> <p><strong>CONTRACT TYPE</strong></p> <p>Full-time permanent position.</p> <p><strong>LOCATION & TRAVEL FREQUENCY</strong></p> <p>EIT Food HQ, Leuven (Belgium), with a hybrid work schedule.</p> <p>Frequent travel within Europe.</p> <p>Please note that all applicants must be legally authorized to reside and work in Belgium.</p> <p><strong>APPLICATION</strong></p> <p>Interested candidates are asked to upload their <strong>CV</strong> and <strong>Cover Letter</strong> in English in electronic format to <strong>CV Warehouse </strong>before <strong>10.12.</strong><strong>2024</strong>.</p> <p>Shortlisted candidates may be invited for an interview and may be asked to prove their background, qualifications, skills and experiences by providing relevant documents.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES</strong></p> <p>EIT Food is an equal opportunity employer, offering each candidate matching the minimum obligatory qualifications and experiences an equal chance in employment and promotion procedures.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> </div> <div class="row py-5"> <div class="col-md-4"> <a href="javascript:" class="back-button"><i class="lni-chevron-left"></i> Back</a> </div> <div class="col-md-4 text-center"> <a class="btn btn-primary btn btn-primary btn-apply" href="/ApplicationForm/AppForm?job=333386&q=Communications-Manager-EIT-Community&companyGuid=2b9735ff-75aa-430c-aa9c-33ea2f65f013&channel=own_website&lang=en-US" target="" > Apply </a> <div data-channel-analytics-src=""></div> </div> <div class="col-md-4 text-right"> <div id="cvwShare"> <button type="button" onclick="CVWShare.shareThisJob('facebook')" class="cvwshare_default_style cvwshare_button_facebook" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="Share on Facebook"> <i class="icon-facebook"><span class="sr-only">Share on Facebook</span></i> </button> <button type="button" onclick="CVWShare.shareThisJob('twitter')" class="cvwshare_default_style cvwshare_button_twitter" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="Share on X (Twitter)"> <i class="icon-twitter"><span class="sr-only">Share on X (Twitter)</span></i> </button> <button type="button" onclick="CVWShare.shareThisJob('linkedin')" class="cvwshare_default_style cvwshare_button_linkedin" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="Share on Linkedin "> <i class="icon-linkedin"><span class="sr-only">Share on Linkedin </span></i> </button> <button type="button" onclick="CVWShare.shareThisJob('email')" class="cvwshare_default_style cvwshare_button_email" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="Send by e-mail"> <i class="icon-email"><span class="sr-only">Send by e-mail</span></i> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div data-jobdetail-job-id="332771" data-has-sections="false" data-section="" class="d-none"> <div> <div class="job-detail-media d-none detail-default"> </div> <div class="job-detail"> <div class="container"> <div class="row mb-3"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="backLinkButton btn-xs"> <a href="javascript:" class="back-button"><i class="lni-chevron-left"></i> Back</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <h2 class="job-title"><strong>Digital Communications Manager</strong></h2> <div class="additional-data"> <div class="workType"> <i class="lni-briefcase"></i> Employee </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12 jobDescriptionText"> <p><strong>ABOUT EIT FOOD</strong></p> <p>EIT Food is Europe’s leading food innovation initiative, working to make the food system more sustainable, healthy and trusted by consumers. Established by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) in 2017, EIT Food is a fast-growing partnership organisation focusing on entrepreneurship and innovation in the food sector. </p> <p>EIT Food is a member organisation bringing together key industry players, agri-food startups, research centres and universities from across Europe representing the food value chain in Europe. In addition to thematic leadership, EIT Food is also responsible for coordinating a multi-million euro EU grant allocation from the EIT and distributing it among its partners and stakeholders for the implementation of projects. </p> <p>EIT Food headquarters (HQ) are based in Leuven (Belgium) and it has 5 regional offices (Co-Location Centres or CLCs) in Europe (based in Poland, Spain, Germany, the UK and Belgium), each working with and for partners in several EIT Food partner countries.</p> <p><em>Visit our</em><em> website: </em><a href=""><em></em></a></p> <p><em><br /> </em><strong>JOB DESCRIPTION</strong></p> <p>EIT Food is looking for a cross-channel digital communications expert with strong stakeholder management skills and a flare for community building and social media strategy. The Digital Communications Manager will be responsible for running our cross-channel campaigns in collaboration with the relevant teams and agencies as well as developing our data-driven digital channel strategy on a pan-European level.</p> <p>You will be part of the Brand & Communications team, a team of highly motivated communications professionals spread across Europe. You will report to the Senior Brand & Digital Manager.</p> <p><strong>Your responsibilities will include:</strong></p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p><strong>Campaigns</strong></p> <ul> <li>Developing and implementing impact-oriented marketing campaign strategies across digital channels to position EIT Food as a leader in the food ecosystem and generate engagement and leads.</li> <li>Project managing several high impact campaigns per year, and monitoring performance across digital channels throughout.</li> <li>Using strong stakeholder management skills to act as the bridge between different teams and agencies to make these campaigns a strategic success for the business</li> <li>Managing freelancers, creative agencies and graphic designers as needed to deliver content needs</li> </ul> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p><strong>Social Media </strong></p> <ul> <li>Building EIT Food’s organic and paid social media strategy and overseeing our social media presence</li> <li>Managing our social media and content experts for content creation & scheduling including live social media at events, content calendar management, community management, social media requests, graphic design and our CEO’s LinkedIn channel.</li> <li>Leading the YouTube and video strategy for the organisation, developing inspiring and optimised content whilst aligning the video needs of wider teams</li> <li>Creating and implementing EIT Food’s influencer (changemaker) outreach strategy for social media and campaigns in collaboration with the rest of the team, nurturing changemakers across channels to become ambassadors for EIT Food and keeping them active and engaged</li> <li>Managing our paid social media strategy and plans in collaboration with our Web and Data Manager to position EIT Food as a convenor, a funder and an advocacy partner and drive leads for the rest of the organisation.</li> <li>Overseeing requests from colleagues and partners via our customer service tool (Freshdesk)</li> </ul> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p><strong>Digital channel strategy and data</strong></p> <ul> <li>Supporting the Senior Brand & Digital Communications Manager to develop and embed a data-driven digital strategy, using insights to understand audience behaviours and tailoring campaigns and content to meet their needs</li> <li>Building and maintaining EIT Food’s brand, visual identity, TOV and messaging across all digital channels</li> <li>Ensuring our social media, paid and campaign articles on our knowledge library are up to date to ensure adequate communications support is provided to colleagues across the organisation and reduce the number of requests received</li> <li>Analysing and interpreting data to report on key metrics and to make sure we optimise our data-driven strategy, working with our Web & Data Manager to obtain the data and embed a culture of digital excellence across the organisation.</li> <li>Managing quarterly data sessions for the team and developing digital training programmes for the organisation in close collaboration with the Web & Data Manager</li> </ul> <p> </p> <p><strong>General</strong></p> <ul> <li>Working with the whole organisation to identify compelling stories to tell on our digital channels and translate colleagues' needs into strategic brand and communication initiatives.</li> <li>Working closely with the other members of the Brand & Communication team and support on ad hoc basis in other areas of communication when required</li> <li>Ensuring effective budgetary management</li> </ul> <p><strong>EXPERIENCE & SKILLS</strong></p> <ul> <li>Undergraduate or higher degree (e.g. Bachelor or Masters of Arts) in communications, digital marketing, social media, advertising, data analytics and/or related fields</li> <li>Extensive experience in digital communications, campaign project management, stakeholder management, digital strategy or related field</li> <li>Strong project management skills and ability to juggle multiple projects simultaneously and within budget in a rapidly changing organisation</li> <li>Brand creative mindset with an understanding of what content audiences like to consume and how to transform this into successful visual campaigns</li> <li>Advanced stakeholder management skills and the ability to work in a matrix-organisation, to interact and communicate effectively with individuals at all levels of the organisation with tact and diplomacy, and with a high level of cultural sensitivity, understanding their needs and translating these into strategies that work for colleagues and the brand,</li> <li>Strategic insight and overview with the ability to develop and deliver high impact approaches in the areas of digital communications and campaigns,</li> <li>Excellent reviewing, writing, presentation and visual communication skills: Experience in copywriting, social media content creation, video storyboarding, visual design will be a strong asset,</li> <li>Very high level of spoken and written English. Other languages will be an asset.</li> <li>A data-driven mindset and experience with native platform analytics and leveraging data to optimise campaign performance and drive strategic decisions.</li> <li>A can-do attitude, strong sense of ownership and delivering results and the ability to work both independently and in small (multi-national) teams</li> <li>Respect of timelines and deadlines and attention for detail</li> <li>Ability to summarise and solve complex problems in a structured way, and to communicate these solutions clearly and directly</li> <li>Active interest in the food sector</li> </ul> <p><strong>WHAT WE OFFER</strong></p> <p>Working at EIT Food means joining a team of like-minded individuals who are dedicated to creating a better future through food innovation. We cultivate a culture of collaboration, inventiveness, inclusivity, and constructive feedback. All employees are encouraged to contribute their ideas and expertise towards our mission of creating a more sustainable and inclusive food system.<br /> Together, we're making a real impact on the food industry and we're looking for talented individuals like you to join us.</p> <p>As a valued member of our team, we'll provide you with a competitive salary and comprehensive benefits package.</p> <p><strong>CONTRACT TYPE</strong></p> <p>Full-time permanent position.</p> <p><strong>LOCATION & TRAVEL FREQUENCY</strong></p> <p>EIT Food HQ, Leuven (Belgium) or an agreed regional office (Bilbao, Madrid, Reading, Freising, Warsaw), with possibility of hybrid working. </p> <p>Please note that all applicants must be legally authorized to reside and work in Europe.</p> <p>Some travel within Europe can be expected</p> <p><strong>APPLICATION</strong></p> <p>Interested candidates are asked to upload their <strong>CV</strong> and <strong>Cover Letter</strong> in English in electronic format to <strong>CV </strong>Warehouse before <strong>26/11/ 2024</strong>.</p> <p>Shortlisted candidates may be invited for an interview and may be asked to prove their background, qualifications, skills and experiences by providing relevant documents.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES</strong></p> <p>EIT Food is an equal opportunity employer, offering each candidate matching the minimum obligatory qualifications and experiences an equal chance in employment and promotion procedures.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> </div> <div class="row py-5"> <div class="col-md-4"> <a href="javascript:" class="back-button"><i class="lni-chevron-left"></i> Back</a> </div> <div class="col-md-4 text-center"> <a class="btn btn-primary btn btn-primary btn-apply" href="/ApplicationForm/AppForm?job=332771&q=Digital-Communications-Manager&companyGuid=2b9735ff-75aa-430c-aa9c-33ea2f65f013&channel=own_website&lang=en-US" target="" > Apply </a> <div data-channel-analytics-src=""></div> </div> <div class="col-md-4 text-right"> <div id="cvwShare"> <button type="button" onclick="CVWShare.shareThisJob('facebook')" class="cvwshare_default_style cvwshare_button_facebook" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="Share on Facebook"> <i class="icon-facebook"><span class="sr-only">Share on Facebook</span></i> </button> <button type="button" onclick="CVWShare.shareThisJob('twitter')" class="cvwshare_default_style cvwshare_button_twitter" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="Share on X (Twitter)"> <i class="icon-twitter"><span class="sr-only">Share on X (Twitter)</span></i> </button> <button type="button" onclick="CVWShare.shareThisJob('linkedin')" class="cvwshare_default_style cvwshare_button_linkedin" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="Share on Linkedin "> <i class="icon-linkedin"><span class="sr-only">Share on Linkedin </span></i> </button> <button type="button" onclick="CVWShare.shareThisJob('email')" class="cvwshare_default_style cvwshare_button_email" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="Send by e-mail"> <i class="icon-email"><span class="sr-only">Send by e-mail</span></i> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div data-jobdetail-job-id="324581" data-has-sections="false" data-section="" class="d-none"> <div> <div class="job-detail-media d-none detail-default"> </div> <div class="job-detail"> <div class="container"> <div class="row mb-3"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="backLinkButton btn-xs"> <a href="javascript:" class="back-button"><i class="lni-chevron-left"></i> Back</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <h2 class="job-title"><strong>Grant Manager</strong></h2> <div class="additional-data"> <div class="workType"> <i class="lni-briefcase"></i> Employee </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12 jobDescriptionText"> <p><strong>ABOUT EIT FOOD</strong></p> <p>EIT Food is Europe’s leading food innovation initiative, working to make the food system more sustainable, healthy and trusted by consumers. Established by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) in 2017, EIT Food is a fast-growing partnership organisation focusing on entrepreneurship and innovation in the food sector.</p> <p>EIT Food is a member organisation bringing together key industry players, agri-food startups, research centres and universities from across Europe representing the food value chain in Europe. In addition to thematic leadership, EIT Food is also responsible for coordinating a multi-million euro EU grant allocation from the EIT and distributing it among its partners and stakeholders for the implementation of projects.</p> <p>EIT Food headquarters (HQ) are based in Leuven (Belgium) and it has 5 regional offices (Co-Location Centres or CLCs) in Europe (based in Poland, Spain, Germany, the UK and Belgium), each working with and for partners in several EIT Food partner countries.</p> <p><em>Visit our</em><em> website: </em><a href=""><em></em></a></p> <p><em><br /> </em><strong>JOB DESCRIPTION</strong></p> <p>The grant manager will be an integral member of the Grants Management Team and will be reporting to the Head of Grants and Funding. Together with the rest of the team you are responsible to implement each stage of the grant cycle. This includes: the preparation of the business plan; the performance-based monitoring of the implementation of the projects by internal and external stakeholders; the amendment of the business plan and the reporting.</p> <p> </p> <p>The grant cycle-manager will implement key processes in a timely manner, such as:</p> <ul> <li>Manage the implementation of the different Grant Agreements (mostly EIT funded but also other EU funded grants where EIT Food participates);</li> <li>Ensuring that the colleagues and participants have the necessary processes, information and tools for a smooth implementation of the grant;</li> <li>Improve processes, raising red flags where needed and proposing solutions to manage risks;</li> <li>Ensure the Business Plan is compliant with the Horizon Europe regulations.</li> <li>Keep abreast of the different regulations for the different grants and ensure that the processes are adapted where/when Ensure the organisation and participants are aware of the key changes and the processes adapted to the current regulations.</li> <li>Coordinating the drafting of key documents such as business plans and technical reports;</li> <li>Supporting the organisation to roll out the different processes around grant cycle milestones.</li> <li>Managing the iterative feedback process with participants at key reporting milestones;</li> <li>Contribute to the optimizaztion of the IT tools ensuring that they are fit to support the processes of the grant implementation and monitoring</li> </ul> <p> </p> <p><strong>EXPERIENCE & SKILLS</strong></p> <ul> <li>Bachelor or Master degree in a relevant field;or equivalent by experience</li> <li>Between 3-5 years of relevant working experience;</li> <li>Knowledge of the EU grant cycle, the EU’s Horizon Europe Programme.</li> <li>Experience in process implementation, with a high degree of attention to detail and respect for timelines and deadlines in a fast-paced environment;</li> <li>Fluency in English;</li> <li>Very good knowledge of Microsoft Office tools (including Word and Excel), good IT skills and willingness to adapt to new systems;</li> <li>Flexible to work both independently and in small (multi-national) teams;</li> <li>Very good communication skills, service oriented and confident to communicate with international stakeholders;</li> <li>Logical thinker, motivated to drive continuous improvement based on sound analysis;</li> <li>Knowledge of the EIT environment will be considered a strong asset.</li> <li>Can-do attitude, driven to learn and realise impact, a self-starter;</li> </ul> <p><strong>WHAT WE OFFER</strong></p> <p>Working at EIT Food means joining a team of like-minded individuals who are dedicated to creating a better future through food innovation. We cultivate a culture of collaboration, inventiveness, inclusivity, and constructive feedback. All employees are encouraged to contribute their ideas and expertise towards our mission of creating a more sustainable and inclusive food system.<br /> Together, we're making a real impact on the food industry and we're looking for talented individuals like you to join us.</p> <p>As a valued member of our team, we'll provide you with a competitive salary and comprehensive benefits package.</p> <p><strong>CONTRACT TYPE</strong></p> <p>Full-time permanent position.</p> <p><strong>LOCATION & TRAVEL FREQUENCY</strong></p> <p>EIT Food HQ, Leuven (Belgium) with the possibility to work from home.</p> <p>Please note that all applicants must be legally authorized to reside and work in Belgium.</p> <p>This position requires occasional travel within Europe.</p> <p><strong>APPLICATION</strong></p> <p>Interested candidates are asked to upload their <strong>CV</strong> and <strong>Cover Letter</strong> in English in electronic format to <strong>CV Warehouse </strong>before <strong>23 11 2024</strong>.</p> <p>Shortlisted candidates may be invited for an interview and may be asked to prove their background, qualifications, skills and experiences by providing relevant documents.</p> <p>We will screen and interview candidates throughout the time this position is open and reserve the right to close the vacancy earlier than the deadline stated if required.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES</strong></p> <p>EIT Food is an equal opportunity employer, offering each candidate matching the minimum obligatory qualifications and experiences an equal chance in employment and promotion procedures. If you need any special conditions during the interview process, please let us know.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> </div> <div class="row py-5"> <div class="col-md-4"> <a href="javascript:" class="back-button"><i class="lni-chevron-left"></i> Back</a> </div> <div class="col-md-4 text-center"> <a class="btn btn-primary btn btn-primary btn-apply" href="/ApplicationForm/AppForm?job=324581&q=Grant-Manager&companyGuid=2b9735ff-75aa-430c-aa9c-33ea2f65f013&channel=own_website&lang=en-US" target="" > Apply </a> <div data-channel-analytics-src=""></div> </div> <div class="col-md-4 text-right"> <div id="cvwShare"> <button type="button" onclick="CVWShare.shareThisJob('facebook')" class="cvwshare_default_style cvwshare_button_facebook" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="Share on Facebook"> <i class="icon-facebook"><span class="sr-only">Share on Facebook</span></i> </button> <button type="button" onclick="CVWShare.shareThisJob('twitter')" class="cvwshare_default_style cvwshare_button_twitter" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="Share on X (Twitter)"> <i class="icon-twitter"><span class="sr-only">Share on X (Twitter)</span></i> </button> <button type="button" onclick="CVWShare.shareThisJob('linkedin')" class="cvwshare_default_style cvwshare_button_linkedin" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="Share on Linkedin "> <i class="icon-linkedin"><span class="sr-only">Share on Linkedin </span></i> </button> <button type="button" onclick="CVWShare.shareThisJob('email')" class="cvwshare_default_style cvwshare_button_email" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="Send by e-mail"> <i class="icon-email"><span class="sr-only">Send by e-mail</span></i> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div data-jobdetail-job-id="324584" data-has-sections="false" data-section="" class="d-none"> <div> <div class="job-detail-media d-none detail-default"> </div> <div class="job-detail"> <div class="container"> <div class="row mb-3"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="backLinkButton btn-xs"> <a href="javascript:" class="back-button"><i class="lni-chevron-left"></i> Back</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <h2 class="job-title"><strong>Internship Communication and Programme Manager Support</strong></h2> <div class="additional-data"> <div class="workType"> <i class="lni-briefcase"></i> Employee </div> <div class="workType"> <i class="lni-laptop"></i> Partial Remote Job </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12 jobDescriptionText"> <p><strong>ABOUT EIT FOOD</strong></p> <p>EIT Food is Europe’s leading food innovation initiative, working to make the food system more sustainable, healthy and trusted by consumers. Established by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) in 2017, EIT Food is a fast-growing partnership organisation focusing on entrepreneurship and innovation in the food sector. </p> <p>EIT Food is a member organisation bringing together key industry players, agri-food startups, research centres and universities from across Europe representing the food value chain in Europe. In addition to thematic leadership, EIT Food is also responsible for coordinating a multi-million euro EU grant allocation from the EIT and distributing it among its partners and stakeholders for the implementation of projects. </p> <p>EIT Food headquarters (HQ) are based in Leuven (Belgium) and it has 5 regional offices (Co-Location Centres or CLCs) in Europe (based in Poland, Spain, Germany, the UK and Belgium), each working with and for partners in several EIT Food partner countries.</p> <p><em>Visit our</em><em> website: </em><a href=""><em></em></a></p> <p><em><br /> </em><strong>JOB DESCRIPTION</strong></p> <p>Be part of a dynamic team and gain valuable on-the-job experience in supporting day-to-day activities within the “knowledge triangle” of EIT Food: Education, Innovation and Business Creation. Tasks will vary from helping with communication tasks first (such as press-requests, newsletter or webpage organisation) to support of the EIT Food Acceleration Network, and many more. </p> <p><strong>MAIN DUTIES/RESPONSIBILITIES:</strong><span data-ccp-props="{"201341983":0,"335551550":6,"335551620":6,"335559738":360,"335559739":240,"335559740":259}"> </span></p> <ul> <li><span data-contrast="auto"> Writing news and reports about startups, third-party funding and ownership of the application procedure on national and international level as well as keeping the CLC Central website ( up to date</span></li> <li><span data-contrast="auto"> Facilitating strategy development for the EIT Food Accelerator Network, as well as the m</span><span data-contrast="auto">anagement of </span><span data-contrast="auto">diverse </span><span data-contrast="auto">backoffice tasks, e.g. keeping track of the project development, pushing forward an effective communication</span><span data-contrast="auto">,</span><span data-contrast="auto"> researching sub</span><span data-contrast="auto">contractors, partnerships, contracts and reporting.</span></li> <li><span data-contrast="auto"> Supporting the monthly EIT Food Central-newsletter as well as the EIT Food-public platform “” in cooperation with the editors of “”.</span></li> <li><span data-contrast="auto"> All Communication activities (g. press conferences) within the EIT Food “knowledge triangle”: Education, Innovation and Business Creation.</span></li> <li><span data-contrast="auto"> Office management support including EIT Food Central-events organization and other activities.</span></li> </ul> <p> </p> <p><strong>EXPERIENCE & SKILLS</strong></p> <ul> <li>A passion for communication, food, innovation and sustainability </li> <li><span data-contrast="auto"> Educational background </span><span data-contrast="auto">related to communication, the agri-nutrition-food space, entrepreneurship, public policy, political affaires or other relevant fields</span></li> <li><span data-contrast="auto"> The ability to take ownership and initiative to get things done </span></li> <li><span data-contrast="auto"> Team worker with strong coordination and communication skills, as well as the ability to manage several projects at the same time</span></li> <li><span data-contrast="auto"> First experience in </span><span data-contrast="auto">the administrative processes and work flows in an office environment</span><span data-contrast="auto"> is highly desired</span></li> <li><span data-contrast="auto"> Experience with third-party funding acquisition is a strong plus</span></li> <li><span data-contrast="auto"> Excellent</span><span data-contrast="auto"> command of the Microsoft Office products (particularly MS Excel & PPT)</span></li> <li><span data-contrast="auto"> Fluency in German and English</span><span data-ccp-props="{"201341983":0,"335559685":714,"335559739":200,"335559740":276,"335559991":357}"> </span></li> </ul> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p><strong>WHAT WE OFFER</strong></p> <p>Working at EIT Food means joining a team of like-minded individuals who are dedicated to creating a better future through food innovation. We cultivate a culture of collaboration, inventiveness, inclusivity, and constructive feedback. All employees are encouraged to contribute their ideas and expertise towards our mission of creating a more sustainable and inclusive food system.<br /> Together, we're making a real impact on the food industry and we're looking for talented individuals like you to join us.</p> <p>As a valued member of our team, we'll provide you with a competitive salary and comprehensive benefits package.</p> <p><strong>CONTRACT TYPE</strong></p> <p>Full-time and payed <span data-contrast="none">for a </span><span data-contrast="auto">duration of </span><span data-contrast="auto">4</span> - 6 months<span data-contrast="auto">.</span> <span data-contrast="auto">Employment </span><span data-contrast="none">contract under the German labor law. Possible as a working student as well.</span><span data-ccp-props="{"201341983":0,"335551550":6,"335551620":6,"335559685":720,"335559739":160,"335559740":259}"> </span></p> <p><strong>LOCATION & TRAVEL FREQUENCY</strong></p> <p>This position will be based at the Co-Location Centre (CLC) Central in Munich (based in Freising, Weihenstephan), Germany. The internal will work in the deopartment of the Senior Communications Manager (Spokesperson for Germany, Austria and the Netherlands)<span data-ccp-props="{"201341983":0,"335551550":6,"335551620":6,"335559685":720,"335559739":160,"335559740":259,"469777462":[1095],"469777927":[0],"469777928":[1]}"> </span></p> <p><span data-contrast="auto">Occasional travel within Europe can be expected.</span><span data-ccp-props="{"201341983":0,"335551550":6,"335551620":6,"335559685":720,"335559739":160,"335559740":259,"469777462":[1095],"469777927":[0],"469777928":[1]}"> </span></p> <p><strong>APPLICATION</strong></p> <p>Interested candidates are asked to upload their <strong>CV</strong> and <strong>Cover Letter</strong> in English in electronic format to <strong>CV Warehouse </strong>before <strong>15 08</strong><strong> 2024</strong>.</p> <p>Shortlisted candidates may be invited for an interview and may be asked to prove their background, qualifications, skills and experiences by providing relevant documents.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES</strong></p> <p>EIT Food is an equal opportunity employer, offering each candidate matching the minimum obligatory qualifications and experiences an equal chance in employment and promotion procedures.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> </div> <div class="row py-5"> <div class="col-md-4"> <a href="javascript:" class="back-button"><i class="lni-chevron-left"></i> Back</a> </div> <div class="col-md-4 text-center"> <a class="btn btn-primary btn btn-primary btn-apply" href="/ApplicationForm/AppForm?job=324584&q=Internship-Communication-and-Programme-Manager-Support&companyGuid=2b9735ff-75aa-430c-aa9c-33ea2f65f013&channel=own_website&lang=en-US" target="" > Apply </a> <div data-channel-analytics-src=""></div> </div> <div class="col-md-4 text-right"> <div id="cvwShare"> <button type="button" onclick="CVWShare.shareThisJob('facebook')" class="cvwshare_default_style cvwshare_button_facebook" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="Share on Facebook"> <i class="icon-facebook"><span class="sr-only">Share on Facebook</span></i> </button> <button type="button" onclick="CVWShare.shareThisJob('twitter')" class="cvwshare_default_style cvwshare_button_twitter" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="Share on X (Twitter)"> <i class="icon-twitter"><span class="sr-only">Share on X (Twitter)</span></i> </button> <button type="button" onclick="CVWShare.shareThisJob('linkedin')" class="cvwshare_default_style cvwshare_button_linkedin" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="Share on Linkedin "> <i class="icon-linkedin"><span class="sr-only">Share on Linkedin </span></i> </button> <button type="button" onclick="CVWShare.shareThisJob('email')" class="cvwshare_default_style cvwshare_button_email" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="Send by e-mail"> <i class="icon-email"><span class="sr-only">Send by e-mail</span></i> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div data-jobdetail-job-id="333394" data-has-sections="false" data-section="" class="d-none"> <div> <div class="job-detail-media d-none detail-default"> </div> <div class="job-detail"> <div class="container"> <div class="row mb-3"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="backLinkButton btn-xs"> <a href="javascript:" class="back-button"><i class="lni-chevron-left"></i> Back</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <h2 class="job-title"><strong>Project Manager Agri-Food Programmes</strong></h2> <div class="additional-data"> <div class="workType"> <i class="lni-briefcase"></i> Employee </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12 jobDescriptionText"> <p><strong>ABOUT EIT FOOD</strong></p> <p>EIT Food is Europe’s leading food innovation initiative, working to make the food system more sustainable, healthy and trusted by consumers. Established by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) in 2017, EIT Food is a fast-growing partnership organisation focusing on entrepreneurship and innovation in the food sector. </p> <p>EIT Food is a member organisation bringing together key industry players, agri-food startups, research centres and universities from across Europe representing the food value chain in Europe. In addition to thematic leadership, EIT Food is also responsible for coordinating a multi-million euro EU grant allocation from the EIT and distributing it among its partners and stakeholders for the implementation of projects. </p> <p>EIT Food headquarters (HQ) are based in Leuven (Belgium) and it has 5 regional offices (Co-Location Centres or CLCs) in Europe (based in Poland, Spain, Germany, the UK and Belgium), each working with and for partners in several EIT Food partner countries.</p> <p><em>Visit our</em><em> website: </em><a href=""><em></em></a></p> <p><em><br /> </em><strong>JOB DESCRIPTION</strong></p> <p>You will create, implement and support dedicated programmes, activities and instruments of EIT Food dedicated to representatives of public sector, students, farmers, researchers, entrepreneurial talents and other stakeholders from agrifood sector in the Nordic and Central European countries. </p> <p><strong>Reporting to Regional Director and Regional Portfolio Impact Programme Manager in CLC North-East</strong> </p> <p>Your responsibilities will include: </p> <ul> <li>Co-orchestrate publicly co-financed programmes such as <a href="">Scale-Up Regenerative Agriculture</a> and <a href="">Regenerative Innovation Portfolio</a> in the CEE region: programme coordination, procurement, communication, </li> </ul> <ul> <li>Coordinate business development of Regenerative Innovation Portfolio in new countries of the region and other types of production than arable crops, such as diary or meat processing industries </li> </ul> <ul> <li>Cooperate with startups and industry partners around regenerative agriculture incl. innovation scouting for regenerative agriculture solutions from the EU and associated countries, </li> </ul> <ul> <li>Search for external funding to develop and expand the activities within the EIT Food regenerative agriculture programmes, </li> </ul> <ul> <li>Establish and maintain insightful relationships with farmers, farming associations and companies in the CEE and Nordics, </li> </ul> <ul> <li>Present EIT Food and EIT Food Regenerative Agriculture programmes at industry events and meetings, </li> </ul> <ul> <li>Perform other activities around agriculture-related business development and public programme management as required. </li> </ul> <p><strong>EXPERIENCE & SKILLS</strong></p> <p>To be successful in this role, you should have strong interpersonal skills, be comfortable working in a fast-paced environment, and have experience in agriculture and business development. You should also have a deep understanding of the food processing industry and be passionate about promoting sustainable and healthy food systems. </p> <p>Ideally, you bring: </p> <ul> <li>A Master's degree in a relevant discipline, e.g. agriculture, agronomy, or agroecology, or alternatively a master's degree in business management with appropriate work experience in the agriculture sector, or equivalent by experience</li> <li>At least 5 years' experience in a similar programmes’ management or business development role in the agriculture sector, </li> <li>Experience of working in the agri-food sector and/or an understanding of the needs of agri-food processing industry in terms of transition to more sustainable food production, </li> <li>Strong team player skills; willingness and openness to work with other members of the partnership team to improve <a href="">the partner experience</a> together, </li> <li>An Impact mindset: Strong focus on driving measurable outcomes that contribute to the success of the partnership, </li> <li>Collaborative approach: Ability to work closely with teams across EIT Food, as well as with external collaborators, </li> <li>Strong communication skills: Ability to communicate effectively with partners, stakeholders, and senior management, using a range of channels and formats, </li> <li>Excellent presentation and public-speaking skills; comfortable talking to media and representing EIT Food, </li> <li>Fluent English language skills, fluency in languages of relevance to individual regions is welcomed, </li> <li>Flexibility: the ability to work in a rapidly changing organisation, </li> <li>Organisational sensitivity and business acumen: ability to translate business needs and problems into solutions. </li> <li>Openness and proven ability to establish trust as well as the capacity for building alliances between industry, public sector, research, education and other stakeholders, including remote communication with international teams </li> <li>Taking initiative, independent and trustworthy </li> <li>Respectful of timelines and deadlines and attention for detail, </li> <li>Ability to work both independently and in small but multi-national teams </li> <li>Organised, proactive, service-oriented and capable of multi-tasking </li> </ul> <p><strong>WHAT WE OFFER</strong></p> <ul> <li>A challenging and stimulating position within the leading European food innovation initiative </li> <li>The opportunity to work in a human-sized, dynamic and excellence-oriented environment </li> <li>An attractive remuneration package incl. annual bonus, and private medical care, </li> <li>A full-time replacement contract with no trial period </li> </ul> <p><strong>CONTRACT TYPE</strong></p> <p>Full time one-year replacement contract under the Polish Labour law. .</p> <p><strong>LOCATION & TRAVEL FREQUENCY</strong></p> <p>Regional Office North-East in Warsaw, Poland. Hybrid format with 2 days' work from office after the onboarding process, as an option. </p> <p>Frequent travel within Europe (+/- 5 days per month).</p> <p>Please note that all applicants must be legally authorized to reside and work in Poland.</p> <p><strong>APPLICATION</strong></p> <p>Interested candidates are asked to upload their <strong>CV</strong> and <strong>Cover Letter</strong> in English in electronic format to <strong>CV Warehouse </strong>before <strong>18 12</strong> <strong>2024</strong>.</p> <p>Shortlisted candidates may be invited for an interview and may be asked to prove their background, qualifications, skills and experiences by providing relevant documents.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES</strong></p> <p>EIT Food is an equal opportunity employer, offering each candidate matching the minimum obligatory qualifications and experiences an equal chance in employment and promotion procedures.</p> <p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> </div> <div class="row py-5"> <div class="col-md-4"> <a href="javascript:" class="back-button"><i class="lni-chevron-left"></i> Back</a> </div> <div class="col-md-4 text-center"> <a class="btn btn-primary btn btn-primary btn-apply" href="/ApplicationForm/AppForm?job=333394&q=Project-Manager-Agri-Food-Programmes&companyGuid=2b9735ff-75aa-430c-aa9c-33ea2f65f013&channel=own_website&lang=en-US" target="" > Apply </a> <div data-channel-analytics-src=""></div> </div> <div class="col-md-4 text-right"> <div id="cvwShare"> <button type="button" onclick="CVWShare.shareThisJob('facebook')" class="cvwshare_default_style cvwshare_button_facebook" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="Share on Facebook"> <i class="icon-facebook"><span class="sr-only">Share on Facebook</span></i> </button> <button type="button" onclick="CVWShare.shareThisJob('twitter')" class="cvwshare_default_style cvwshare_button_twitter" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="Share on X (Twitter)"> <i class="icon-twitter"><span class="sr-only">Share on X (Twitter)</span></i> </button> <button type="button" onclick="CVWShare.shareThisJob('linkedin')" class="cvwshare_default_style cvwshare_button_linkedin" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="Share on Linkedin "> <i class="icon-linkedin"><span class="sr-only">Share on Linkedin </span></i> </button> <button type="button" onclick="CVWShare.shareThisJob('email')" class="cvwshare_default_style cvwshare_button_email" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="Send by e-mail"> <i class="icon-email"><span class="sr-only">Send by e-mail</span></i> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div data-jobdetail-job-id="325668" data-has-sections="false" data-section="" class="d-none"> <div> <div class="job-detail-media d-none detail-default"> </div> <div class="job-detail"> <div class="container"> <div class="row mb-3"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="backLinkButton btn-xs"> <a href="javascript:" class="back-button"><i class="lni-chevron-left"></i> Back</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <h2 class="job-title"><strong>Senior Investment Manager @ AgriFoodInvest BV</strong></h2> <div class="additional-data"> <div class="workType"> <i class="lni-briefcase"></i> Employee </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12 jobDescriptionText"> <p><strong>About AgriFoodInvest by EIT FOOD</strong></p> <p>AgriFoodInvest BV is an impact investment holding company that is fully owned by EIT Food ivzw.</p> <p> </p> <p>EIT Food (<a href=""></a>) is the largest agri-food Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC), part of the European Innovation & Technology Institute (EIT). EIT Food’s mission is to create a world where everybody can access and enjoy sustainable, safe and healthy food, with trust and fairness from farm to fork. EIT Food’s role is to bring all stakeholders together and guide them to accelerate the innovation process to support the transformation of our food system. Its main strength comes from the partnership, which represent over 150 of Europe’s leading agri-food companies, research institutes and universities. EIT Food is headquartered in Leuven (Belgium) and has regional offices in Warsaw (Poland), Munich (Germany), Reading (UK), Bilbao (Spain) and Madrid (Spain).</p> <p> </p> <p>EIT Food is a springboard for launching, accelerating and scaling up innovative agri-food ventures through EU-wide incubation and acceleration programmes, which provide access to the market and financing via the EIT Food network (<a href=""></a>).</p> <p> </p> <p>AgriFoodInvest BV is the holding structure of EIT Food, which aims to hold minority stakes in some of Europe's best early-stage agri-food start-ups, with investment tickets ranging from €500,000 to €1.5 million.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>JOB DESCRIPTION</strong></p> <p>AgriFoodInvest BV plans to strengthen its team with a Senior Investment Manager to achieve its ambitious investment plan and attract co-investors to support the development of innovative companies that will accelerate the transformation of the food system.</p> <p>As Senior Investment Manager, you report directly to the Managing Director and play a key role to develop AgriFoodInvest in a successful impact investment holding company and to actively manage the investment portfolio.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>KEY RESPONSIBILITIES</strong></p> <p> </p> <p>Reporting to the Managing Director, your key responsibilities include:</p> <p> </p> <ol> <li><strong>Fundraising:</strong> as a priority, you actively participate in fundraising for the co-investment vehicle, leveraging your and EIT Food’s networks, targeting the right potential investors and communicating EIT Food’ story and AgriFoodInvest’s value proposition, engaging with potential investors to convince them to partner and invest in the vehicle.</li> </ol> <p><strong><u> </u></strong></p> <ol> <li><strong>Portfolio Management:</strong> as a second priority, you hold responsibility for monitoring and reporting investment portfolio performance. <ol> <li>You manage the post-investment portfolio and assist in the value creation process.</li> <li>You act as board observer to selected portfolio companies and build strong relationship with them.</li> <li>You assess risks and define/implement exit strategies.</li> </ol> </li> </ol> <p><strong><u> </u></strong></p> <ul> <li><strong>New Investments: </strong>you also support new deal flow and, together with the team, you discuss, provide feedback, and decide which companies to advance past the first screening stage and agree on who will be the deal lead. Under specific circumstances, you can take the lead on a deal in which case you will be responsible for the next stages of analysis, supported by the Investment Analyst(s), including e.g., calls with the company, doing due diligence, and writing / presenting the investment memo.</li> </ul> <p><strong><u> </u></strong></p> <ol> <li><strong>Investor Community:</strong> you manage together with the team the relationships with investors that meet the Investor Community criteria (pan-European agfood focus). Your primary focus is on the portfolio, introducing portfolio companies to trusted external investors.</li> </ol> <p> </p> <p><strong>EXPERIENCE & SKILLS</strong></p> <ul> <li>You hold a Master or PhD, preferably in finance, economics or engineering, ideally with an MBA, or equivalent through experience. A CFA certification is a plus.</li> <li>You have at least 5 years of relevant experience within VC investment or corporate venture capital (preferably), and/or start-up accelerator, venture builder or strategy consulting firm linked to the agrifood sector.</li> <li>You possess excellent verbal and written communication & presentation skills.</li> <li>A positive team player with an adaptive and flexible approach who can work independently and in small (multi-national) teams.</li> <li>Experience with an international environment.</li> <li>Strong Microsoft Office skills (especially Microsoft Excel).</li> <li>You fluently speak English (min. C1). Knowledge of any other language is considered a plus</li> <li>You are proactive and flexible, with excellent problem solving and analytical skills.</li> <li>You are entrepreneurial and creative. You constantly challenge the status quo.</li> <li>Ability to work effectively under pressure and to deadlines.</li> </ul> <p><strong>WHAT WE OFFER</strong></p> <p>Working at EIT Food means joining a team of like-minded individuals who are dedicated to creating a better future through food innovation. We cultivate a culture of collaboration, inventiveness, inclusivity, and constructive feedback. All employees are encouraged to contribute their ideas and expertise towards our mission of creating a more sustainable and inclusive food system.<br /> Together, we're making a real impact on the food industry and we're looking for talented individuals like you to join us.</p> <p>As a valued member of our team, we'll provide you with a competitive salary and comprehensive benefits package.</p> <p><strong>CONTRACT TYPE</strong></p> <p>Full-time permanent position.</p> <p><strong>LOCATION & TRAVEL FREQUENCY</strong></p> <p>EIT Food HQ, Leuven (Belgium) with the possibility for hybrid working.</p> <p>Travel within Europe might be required</p> <p>Please note that all applicants must be legally authorized to reside and work in Belgium.</p> <p><strong>APPLICATION</strong></p> <p>Interested candidates are asked to upload their <strong>CV</strong> and <strong>Cover Letter</strong> in English in electronic format to <strong>CV Warehouse </strong>before <strong>15/12/2024</strong>.</p> <p>Shortlisted candidates may be invited for an interview and may be asked to prove their background, qualifications, skills and experiences by providing relevant documents.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES</strong></p> <p>EIT Food is an equal opportunity employer, offering each candidate matching the minimum obligatory qualifications and experiences an equal chance in employment and promotion procedures. If you need any special assistance during the interview process, please let us know.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> </div> <div class="row py-5"> <div class="col-md-4"> <a href="javascript:" class="back-button"><i class="lni-chevron-left"></i> Back</a> </div> <div class="col-md-4 text-center"> <a class="btn btn-primary btn btn-primary btn-apply" href="/ApplicationForm/AppForm?job=325668&q=Senior-Investment-Manager-AgriFoodInvest-BV&companyGuid=2b9735ff-75aa-430c-aa9c-33ea2f65f013&channel=own_website&lang=en-US" target="" > Apply </a> <div data-channel-analytics-src=""></div> </div> <div class="col-md-4 text-right"> <div id="cvwShare"> <button type="button" onclick="CVWShare.shareThisJob('facebook')" class="cvwshare_default_style cvwshare_button_facebook" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="Share on Facebook"> <i class="icon-facebook"><span class="sr-only">Share on Facebook</span></i> </button> <button type="button" onclick="CVWShare.shareThisJob('twitter')" class="cvwshare_default_style cvwshare_button_twitter" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="Share on X (Twitter)"> <i class="icon-twitter"><span class="sr-only">Share on X (Twitter)</span></i> </button> <button type="button" onclick="CVWShare.shareThisJob('linkedin')" class="cvwshare_default_style cvwshare_button_linkedin" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="Share on Linkedin "> <i class="icon-linkedin"><span class="sr-only">Share on Linkedin </span></i> </button> <button type="button" onclick="CVWShare.shareThisJob('email')" class="cvwshare_default_style cvwshare_button_email" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="Send by e-mail"> <i class="icon-email"><span class="sr-only">Send by e-mail</span></i> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div data-jobdetail-job-id="333414" data-has-sections="false" data-section="" class="d-none"> <div> <div class="job-detail-media d-none detail-default"> </div> <div class="job-detail"> <div class="container"> <div class="row mb-3"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="backLinkButton btn-xs"> <a href="javascript:" class="back-button"><i class="lni-chevron-left"></i> Back</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <h2 class="job-title"><strong>SENIOR PROGRAMME MANAGER (Maternity Leave Cover – 9 Months)</strong></h2> <div class="additional-data"> <div class="workType"> <i class="lni-briefcase"></i> Employee </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12 jobDescriptionText"> <p><strong>ABOUT EIT FOOD</strong></p> <p>EIT Food is Europe’s leading food innovation initiative, working to make the food system more sustainable, healthy and trusted by consumers. Established by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) in 2017, EIT Food is a fast-growing partnership organisation focusing on entrepreneurship and innovation in the food sector. </p> <p>EIT Food is a member organisation bringing together key industry players, agri-food startups, research centres and universities from across Europe representing the food value chain in Europe. In addition to thematic leadership, EIT Food is also responsible for coordinating a multi-million euro EU grant allocation from the EIT and distributing it among its partners and stakeholders for the implementation of projects. </p> <p>EIT Food headquarters (HQ) are based in Leuven (Belgium) and it has 5 regional offices (Co-Location Centres or CLCs) in Europe (based in Poland, Spain, Germany, the UK and Belgium), each working with and for partners in several EIT Food partner countries.</p> <p><em>Visit our</em><em> website: </em><a href=""><em></em></a></p> <p><em><br /> </em><strong>JOB DESCRIPTION</strong></p> <p>EIT Food is seeking a <strong>Senior Programme Manager</strong> with extensive experience in the agrifood sector to lead and maintain programmes excellence for a 9-month maternity cover. This role is central to implementing high-impact initiatives, with a strong focus on diversity and inclusion, and social impact. </p> <p>This role is integral to EIT Food’s commitment to social impact, inclusivity, and systemic change in the agrifood sector. As Senior Programme Manager, you will lead high-profile programs, cross-functional teams, coordinate and engage diverse stakeholders to maximize program effectiveness, scalability, and financial sustainability, playing a strategic role in aligning program delivery with EIT Food’s mission and goals. </p> <p>As a strategic leader, you will oversee programmes design, implementation, and evaluation, ensuring alignment with EIT Food’s mission and European regulatory standards. In this position, you will drive the strategic direction of our initiatives to create meaningful social impact in the agrifood sector. Your expertise in program management will be essential in elevating the influence of EIT Food’s social innovation agenda across Europe and beyond. You will report to the Director of Programmes Delivery. </p> <p><strong>Key Responsibilities:</strong></p> <p>Programme Leadership and Strategic Innovation </p> <ul> <li>Drive the strategic planning and implementation of EWA and other social innovation programs, advancing diversity, social equity, and impactful change within the agrifood sector.</li> <li>Co-design, implement and oversee program strategies that enhance social innovation, emphasizing measurable outcomes and impact for inclusivity, diversity and sustainability.</li> <li>Manage all aspects of programmes delivery, including budgeting, resource allocation, and timeline management, while ensuring compliance with Horizon Europe and other relevant regulations.</li> <li>Lead the continuous improvement of program frameworks, aligning them with EIT Food’s core objectives and adapting to emerging challenges and opportunities within the food sector.</li> </ul> <p>Stakeholder Engagement and Strategic Partnerships</p> <ul> <li>Serve as a primary liaison for EWA and social innovation programs, cultivating relationships with key stakeholders, including governmental agencies, industry leaders, NGOs, and community organizations. </li> <li>Collaborate with EIT Food’s regions and stakeholders to expand program reach and foster cross-regional synergies, creating a unified and scalable approach to social impact. </li> <li>Drive financial sustainability by identifying and securing partnerships and funding opportunities with public and private sector entities. </li> <li>Represent EIT Food in conferences, forums, and public engagements, showcasing leadership in social innovation and strengthening EIT Food’s position as a thought leader in the agrifood ecosystem. </li> </ul> <p>Team Leadership and Cross-Functional Collaboration</p> <ul> <li>Lead a cross-functional, multidisciplinary team, fostering an inclusive, results-driven culture focused on achieving high standards of program delivery and impact. </li> <li>Promote a learning environment that encourages creative solutions, continuous improvement within the team, and innovation culture. </li> <li>Mentor and guide team members to maximize professional growth, foster knowledge-sharing, and ensure efficient collaboration within and across teams. </li> <li>Coordinate with other Programme Managers, Directors, and EIT Food’s operational teams to align initiatives with broader organizational goals. </li> </ul> <p>Impact Measurement and Data-Driven Insights</p> <ul> <li>Develop and oversee robust frameworks for monitoring, evaluation, and impact assessment to drive informed decision-making, evaluate program performance, optimize strategy, and communicate results to stakeholders and funders. </li> <li>Implement performance tracking systems, utilizing KPIs to drive informed decision-making, enhance program efficiency, and inform long-term planning and innovation. </li> <li>Conduct regular evaluations to assess program effectiveness and identify areas for improvement, creating comprehensive reports that highlight progress, outcomes, and opportunities. </li> <li>Utilize data-driven insights to enhance program performance, scalability, and alignment with EIT Food’s strategic goals. </li> </ul> <p><strong>EXPERIENCE & SKILLS</strong></p> <ul> <li>Extensive Agrifood Sector Experience: Solid background in program management within the agrifood or social innovation sectors, ideally with a focus on gender equity and social impact.</li> <li>International Program Management: Proven track record managing complex, multi-regional programs, ideally within a large pan-European organization. </li> <li>Leadership: Demonstrated success in leading complex, multi-regional programs and managing cross-functional teams in a fast-paced, international environment. </li> <li>Data-Driven Mindset: Strong analytical skills with experience in KPI development, impact assessment, and data interpretation for strategic decision-making. </li> <li>Business Acumen: Strong business mindset with an understanding of financial sustainability. </li> <li>Stakeholder Engagement and Management: Ability to cultivate and manage diverse partnerships with corporate, governmental, and community organizations. </li> <li>Communication Skills: Excellent verbal and written communication abilities in English; additional language skills are an asset. </li> <li>Adaptability and Problem-Solving: Skilled at navigating challenges with creativity and resilience, maintaining flexibility in a rapidly evolving sector. </li> </ul> <p><strong>WHAT WE OFFER</strong></p> <p>Working at EIT Food means joining a team of like-minded individuals who are dedicated to creating a better future through food innovation. We cultivate a culture of collaboration, inventiveness, inclusivity, and constructive feedback. All employees are encouraged to contribute their ideas and expertise towards our mission of creating a more sustainable and inclusive food system.<br /> Together, we're making a real impact on the food industry and we're looking for talented individuals like you to join us.</p> <p>As a valued member of our team, we'll provide you with a competitive salary and comprehensive benefits package.</p> <p><strong>CONTRACT TYPE</strong></p> <p>Temporary maternity cover (9 months), full-time. </p> <p><strong>LOCATION & TRAVEL FREQUENCY</strong></p> <p>Any of our EIT Food hubs (Belgium, Poland, Spain, Germany or UK)</p> <p>Frequent travel within Europe.</p> <p>Please note that all applicants must be legally authorized to reside and work in the EU (or UK for UK based candidates).</p> <p><strong>APPLICATION</strong></p> <p>Interested candidates are asked to upload their <strong>CV</strong> and <strong>Cover Letter</strong> in English in electronic format to <strong>CV Warehouse </strong>before <strong> </strong><strong>18.12.</strong><strong>2024</strong>.</p> <p>Shortlisted candidates may be invited for an interview and may be asked to prove their background, qualifications, skills and experiences by providing relevant documents.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES</strong></p> <p>EIT Food is an equal opportunity employer, offering each candidate matching the minimum obligatory qualifications and experiences an equal chance in employment and promotion procedures.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> </div> <div class="row py-5"> <div class="col-md-4"> <a href="javascript:" class="back-button"><i class="lni-chevron-left"></i> Back</a> </div> <div class="col-md-4 text-center"> <a class="btn btn-primary btn btn-primary btn-apply" href="/ApplicationForm/AppForm?job=333414&q=SENIOR-PROGRAMME-MANAGER-Maternity-Leave-Cover-9-Months-&companyGuid=2b9735ff-75aa-430c-aa9c-33ea2f65f013&channel=own_website&lang=en-US" target="" > Apply </a> <div data-channel-analytics-src=""></div> </div> <div class="col-md-4 text-right"> <div id="cvwShare"> <button type="button" onclick="CVWShare.shareThisJob('facebook')" class="cvwshare_default_style cvwshare_button_facebook" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="Share on Facebook"> <i class="icon-facebook"><span class="sr-only">Share on Facebook</span></i> </button> <button type="button" onclick="CVWShare.shareThisJob('twitter')" class="cvwshare_default_style cvwshare_button_twitter" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="Share on X (Twitter)"> <i class="icon-twitter"><span class="sr-only">Share on X (Twitter)</span></i> </button> <button type="button" onclick="CVWShare.shareThisJob('linkedin')" class="cvwshare_default_style cvwshare_button_linkedin" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="Share on Linkedin "> <i class="icon-linkedin"><span class="sr-only">Share on Linkedin </span></i> </button> <button type="button" onclick="CVWShare.shareThisJob('email')" class="cvwshare_default_style cvwshare_button_email" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="Send by e-mail"> <i class="icon-email"><span class="sr-only">Send by e-mail</span></i> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script> document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { console.log('Lazy Loading of the Layout working.'); 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