{"title":"Factors Influencing Household Expenditure Patterns on Cereal Grains in Nasarawa State, Nigeria","authors":"E. A. Ojoko, G. B. Umbugadu","volume":112,"journal":"International Journal of Economics and Management Engineering","pagesStart":1132,"pagesEnd":1138,"ISSN":"1307-6892","URL":"https:\/\/\/pdf\/10004163","abstract":"<p>This study aims at describing the expenditure pattern of households on millet, maize and sorghum across income groups in Nasarawa State. A multi-stage sampling technique was used to select a sample size of 316 respondents for the study. The Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS) model was adopted in this study. Results from the study shows that the average household size was five persons with dependency ratio of 52 %, which plays an important role on the household&rsquo;s expenditure pattern by increasing the household budget share. On the average 82 % were male headed households with an average age of 49 years and 13 years of formal education. Results on expenditure share show that maize has the highest expenditure share of 38 % across the three income groups and that most of the price effects are significantly different from zero at 5 % significant level. This shows that the low price of maize increased its demand as compared to other cereals. Household size and age of household members are major factors affecting the demand for cereals in the study. This agrees with the fact that increased household population (size) will bring about increase consumption. The results on factors influencing preferences for cereal grains reveals that cooking quality and appearance (65.7 %) were the most important factors affecting the demand for maize in the study area. This study recommends that cereal crop production should be prioritized in government policies and farming activities that help to boost food security and alleviate poverty should be subsidized.<\/p>\r\n","references":"[1]\tFAO (1990): Patterns of Urban Food Consumption in Developing Countries. A Perspective from the 1980\u2019s. Food and Nutrition Division, FAO, Rome, Italy.\r\n[2]\tUSDA (2008): Urban Households: Evidence from Lagos State, Nigeria. Journal of Food Security in the United States: Measuring Household Food Security\". Retrieved 24 July, 2014.\r\n[3]\tNational Bureau of Statistics (2012): Consumption Pattern in Nigeria 2009\/10. Preliminary report for March, 2012.\r\n[4]\tSatterthwaite, D., McGranahan G. and Tacoli C. (2010): Urbanization and its Implications for Food and Farming Phil. Trans. R. Soc B 2010 365, doi: 10.1098\/rstb.2010.0136. Working paper, Department of Economics, University of Texas at Austin, USA.\r\n[5]\tScott, G. J., Rosegrant, M. W. and Ringler, C. 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