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after outcry from nonprofit group" title="News Emmys defend Palestinian journalist Bisan Owda’s nomination after outcry from nonprofit group"/></picture></a></div> </figure> <!-- box/title --> <h2 dir="auto" data-layout="story" data-id="1192652" class="story__title font-fjalla leading-none text-right sm:text-left text-6 leading-none sm:leading-7 md:text-4 md:leading-6 order-3 uppercase my-1 "><a href="" class="story__link ">News Emmys defend Palestinian journalist Bisan Owda’s nomination after outcry from nonprofit group</a></h2> <!-- box/byline --><span dir="auto" class="story__byline text-gray-900 text-3 leading-normal text-right sm:w-full order-last "><a class="story__byline__link" href="">Images Staff</a></span> </article> <!-- - - - /article - - - --> <!-- - - - article - - - --> <article class="story relative overflow-hidden box overflow-hidden mb-5 md:mb-10 grid sm:block pt-5 md:pt-0" data-id="1192653" id="1192653" data-layout="story" data-tags=""> <!-- box/label --> <span 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oversight’" href="" target="_self"><picture><img src="" alt="Maria B. apologises for plagiarising Turkish artist’s work in Palestine collection, calls it ‘unintentional oversight’" title="Maria B. apologises for plagiarising Turkish artist’s work in Palestine collection, calls it ‘unintentional oversight’"/></picture></a></div> </figure> <!-- box/title --> <h2 dir="auto" data-layout="story" data-id="1192651" class="story__title font-fjalla leading-none text-right sm:text-left text-6 leading-none sm:leading-7 md:text-4 md:leading-6 order-3 uppercase my-1 "><a href="" class="story__link ">Maria B. apologises for plagiarising Turkish artist’s work in Palestine collection, calls it ‘unintentional oversight’</a></h2> <!-- box/byline --><span dir="auto" class="story__byline text-gray-900 text-3 leading-normal text-right sm:w-full order-last "><a class="story__byline__link" href="">Images Staff</a></span> </article> <!-- - - - /article - - - --> </div> </div> <div class="container px-3 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