Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology

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INTRODUCTION :: START --> <div id="page-content"> <div id="journal-header" class="secondlevel-tabnavigation-detail colorscheme10-normal"> <div class="container"> <div class="flt-left" style="width:100%; position:relative;"> <div class="journal-name">Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology</div> <div id="journal-left-infosection" class="col-sm-15"> <div class="sryDesc"><a class="bluelink-style" href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"><b><span class="wysiwyg-color-silver"><u>Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology</u></span></b></a></div> <a href="" onClick="">Read more</a> <div class="top-margin-1x"> Published by <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Japan Concrete Institute</a> <span class="fa fa-external-link external-link-icon"></span> &nbsp; </div> </div> <div id="journal-right-infosection" class="col-sm-6"> <div class="fs-16"> 1,013 registered articles<br> <span class="italic-style fs-12">(updated on November 27, 2024)</span> </div> <div class="top-margin-15x fs-12"> Online ISSN : 1347-3913<br> ISSN-L : 1346-8014 </div> <div class="mrg-t-20"> <span class="fs-20">1.6</span><br> <span class="fs-11">2023 Journal Impact Factor (JIF)</span> </div> </div> <div class="journal-thumbnail-wrap"> <a href=""><img src="" id="journal-thumbnail" alt="" /></a> </div> <div class="journal-tags-clearfix"></div> <div id="journal-tags"> <div class="global-tags" style="max-width:640px;"> <span class="tags-wrap original-tag-style" title="JOURNAL">JOURNAL</span> <span class="tags-wrap peerreviwed-tag-style" title="PEER REVIEWED">PEER REVIEWED</span> <span class="tags-wrap freeaccess-tag-style" title="FREE ACCESS">FREE ACCESS</span> <br> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="journal-tags-clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- JOURNAL INTRODUCTION :: END --> <!-- SECOND LEVEL TAB NAVIGATION :: START --> <div class="colorscheme10-normal"> <div class="container"> <div id="second-level-nav-tabs"> <ul class="nav 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slider-ft-article" id="past-ft-article-slider"> <div class="slider-ft-item"> <div class="feature-artilce-item"> <div class="col-sm-24 feature-artilce-cont"> <div class="feature-article-vol"> Volume 21 (2023) Issue 9 Pages 695-718 </div> <a href="" class="feature-article-title">The Efficiency of the Ordinary Polypropylene Fiber in Producing One-part Alkali-Activated Slag Composites with Strain-Hardening Behavior</a> <div class="feature-article-authors"><span title="Allahverdi Bahrami, Kiachehr Behfarnia, Reza Soltanabadi" class="customTooltip">Allahverdi Bahrami, Kiachehr Behfarnia, Reza Soltanabadi</span></div> <div class="feature-article-information" style="overflow: hidden; max-height: 7.5em;"> <span class="feature-article-abstract"><p>This paper evaluates the efficiency of polypropylene fibers in improving the tensile and flexural characteristics of fiber-reinforced alkali-activated slag composites with strain-hardening behavior. Several different composites were produced and the mechanical properties of the composites were investigated during compressive and flexural tests. Furthermore, the mid-span curvature of the beams was measured by applying the digital image correlation technique to the flexural tests, and the curvature-deflection diagrams of the composites were analyzed and demarcated by structural mechanics. Finally, an analytical model considering strain-hardening behavior was proposed by fitting the calculated moment-curvature diagrams to the experimental results to recognize the tensile behavior of composites more precisely than the existing indirect methods. The results showed that an ultra-high tensile strain capacity was obtained for composites cured under laboratory conditions. Also, it was found that the fiber interfacial bond with the matrix was improved by using slag with lower Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> content. Moreover, weakening the interfacial transition zone between the fine aggregate and the paste, the heat-treatment curing reduced the fracture energy of the composites which is favored to make strain-hardening cementitious composites.</p></span> </div> <a href="" class="italic-style bluelink-style" title="Read more">Read more</a> </div> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> <div class="feature-article-editor-picks"> <strong class="editor-picks-lb">Editor's pick</strong> <p>JACT selected this article for this year's outstanding paper 2024 (2023.7-2024.8).</p> </div> </div> <div class="slider-ft-item"> <div class="feature-artilce-item"> <div class="col-sm-24 feature-artilce-cont"> <div class="feature-article-vol"> Volume 21 (2023) Issue 8 Pages 631-642 </div> <a href="" class="feature-article-title">Pozzolanic Reaction of Carbonated Wollastonite Clinker</a> <div class="feature-article-authors"><span title="Frank Winnefeld, Florian Läng, Andreas Leemann" class="customTooltip">Frank Winnefeld, Florian Läng, Andreas Leemann</span></div> <div class="feature-article-information" style="overflow: hidden; max-height: 7.5em;"> <span class="feature-article-abstract"><p>Carbonated wollastonite-based clinker is proposed as a potential novel supplementary cementitious material. The clinker can be synthesized from limestone and a silica source, and exhibits a CO<sub>2</sub>-footprint after carbonation, which is approximately 60-70% less than the one of Portland cement. When carbonated, a silica-rich amorphous phase forms besides various polymorphs of calcium carbonate. When the carbonated clinker is blended with Portland cement, hydration is accelerated, and a significant pozzolanic reaction of the silica-rich amorphous phase takes place. This leads to a positive contribution to compressive strength. In a blend with 30% replacement of Portland cement by the carbonated wollastonite-based clinker almost the same mortar compressive strength is reached after 28 days compared to the plain Portland cement. Further investigations, especially regarding the production of the carbonated clinker, the durability of concrete incorporating this novel material, and life cycle analyses as well as economical assessments are needed.</p></span> </div> <a href="" class="italic-style bluelink-style" title="Read more">Read more</a> </div> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> <div class="feature-article-editor-picks"> <strong class="editor-picks-lb">Editor's pick</strong> <p>JACT selected this article for this year's outstanding paper 2024 (2023.7-2024.8).</p> </div> </div> <div class="slider-ft-item"> <div class="feature-artilce-item"> <div class="col-sm-24 feature-artilce-cont"> <div class="feature-article-vol"> Volume 22 (2024) Issue 6 Pages 344-371 </div> <a href="" class="feature-article-title">Meso-scale Modeling of Anomalous Moisture Transport in Concrete Considering Microstructural Change of Cement-based Material</a> <div class="feature-article-authors"><span title="Puttipong Srimook, Keigo Ogawa, Ippei Maruyama" class="customTooltip">Puttipong Srimook, Keigo Ogawa, Ippei Maruyama</span></div> <div class="feature-article-information" style="overflow: hidden; max-height: 7.5em;"> <span class="feature-article-abstract"><p>Moisture transport is the key phenomenon indicating the deterioration of the durability and structural performance of concrete structures. Although various studies have attempted to evaluate moisture transport in concrete, an anomalous behavior, which does not follow the root-t law compared to other porous material, was not explicitly taken into account. To quantitatively evaluate anomalous moisture transport, this study developed a couple of numerical methods between the truss-network model (TNM) and the rigid-body-spring model (RBSM) for this purpose. The colloidal behavior of calcium-silicate-hydrate (C-S-H), which is the major phase of cement-based material, was introduced to consider the anomalous behavior and mechanical response regarding the microstructural change of cement paste as well as cracks that significantly accelerate the moisture transport in concrete. The numerical results indicated that both microstructural change of cement paste and rapid absorption through cracks cause anomalous behavior. In addition, the numerical results suggest that volumetric change of cement paste should rely on water content related to the colloidal behavior of C-S-H in order to reproduce the realistic expansion and the closure of cracks during a rewetting process that affects structural performance and durability of concrete.</p></span> </div> <a href="" class="italic-style bluelink-style" title="Read more">Read more</a> </div> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> <div class="feature-article-editor-picks"> <strong class="editor-picks-lb">Editor's pick</strong> <p>JACT selected this article for this year's outstanding paper 2024 (2023.7-2024.8).</p> </div> </div> <div class="slider-ft-item"> <div class="feature-artilce-item"> <div class="col-sm-24 feature-artilce-cont"> <div class="feature-article-vol"> Volume 22 (2024) Issue Special_Issue Pages S-1-S-95 </div> <a href="" class="feature-article-title">Temperature-Time Effects on Properties of Concrete Materials and Structures</a> <div class="feature-article-authors"><span title="Fragkoulis Kanavaris, Miguel Azenha, Asamoto Shingo" class="customTooltip">Fragkoulis Kanavaris, Miguel Azenha, Asamoto Shingo</span></div> <div class="feature-article-information" style="overflow: hidden; max-height: 7.5em;"> <span class="feature-article-abstract">Temperature has widely been recognised as an instrumental factor which affects the development of the fresh, mechanical and durability properties of concrete. On the same time, with the recent advents in cement and concrete technology, new binders materials emerge which are affected by temperature and time differently when compared to traditional cements and this could potential induce adverse consequences during design, production, construction and service life of concrete materials and structures. In addition to the above, ongoing climate crisis and change may result in unusual temperature observations that can affect the ageing performance of materials and structures. It, therefore, is of paramount importance to encapsulate the progress in understanding, predicting and monitoring the combined effects of temperature and time on the behaviour of concrete and cementitious systems. The present special issue includes 6 pertinent articles addressing several aspects of the combined effects of temperature and time on concrete properties. Article 7295 (S2-S16) deals with influence of temperature on the hydration, setting and strength of cement pastes with the addition of Triethanolamine and Triisopropanolamine as accelerating or retarding admixture agents. Article 1038 (S17-S31) presents an experimental and numerical study using nanoparticle-based magnetic induced heating with particular applications to oil well cement slurries. Article 5589 (S32-S44) investigates the application of maturity method for estimating the mechanical and durability properties for engineered cementitious composites. Article T0209 (S45-S58) explores the potential of incorporating steel fibres towards improving the thermal resistance of engineered cementitious composites after exposure to elevated temperatures. Article 5508 is an examines that influence of temperature on the evolution of early-age elastic modulus on paste and concrete level and finally, article 6130 studies the effects of temperature on early-age hydration and setting of mixes with ground granulated blast-furnace slag. The articles within this special issue present a wide range of research advancements towards the understanding of the combined effects of temperature and time on properties of cementitious systems. The contributions range from advanced experimental methods at isothermal and non-isothermal conditions, applications of non-conventional concrete materials and measurement of physical and chemical properties of cement-based materials to insightful applications of maturity methods, numerical simulations and discussions on activation energy. It is hoped that the present special issue would provide the state-of-the-art as well as inspiration for further research on the topic.</span> </div> <a href="" class="italic-style bluelink-style" title="Read more">Read more</a> </div> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="slider-ft-item"> <div class="feature-artilce-item"> <div class="col-sm-24 feature-artilce-cont"> <div class="feature-article-vol"> Volume 21 (2023) Issue Special_Issue Pages S1-S81 </div> <a href="" class="feature-article-title">Recent Advances in High-Performance Fiber-Reinforced Geopolymer Composites for Resilient and Sustainable Construction</a> <div class="feature-article-authors"><span title="Behzad Nematollahi, Kazuo Ichimiya, Minoru Kunieda" class="customTooltip">Behzad Nematollahi, Kazuo Ichimiya, Minoru Kunieda</span></div> <div class="feature-article-information" style="overflow: hidden; max-height: 7.5em;"> <span class="feature-article-abstract">One of the primary concerns of concrete engineers in the 21st century is the simultaneous improvement of resilience and sustainability of civil infrastructure. High-performance fiber-reinforced cementitious composites (HPFRCC) are a unique class of fiber-reinforced concrete exhibiting a pseudo strain-hardening (PSH) behavior in tension after first cracking, accompanied by multiple cracking up to relatively high strain levels. The PSH behavior of HPFRCC leads to significant improvement of fracture toughness and energy absorption capacity of the material, which prevents catastrophic failure during extreme events, such as earthquakes and projectile impacts. High cement content is, however, used in ordinary HPFRCC, resulting in high autogenous shrinkage, heat of hydration, and cost. In addition, the associated increase in carbon emissions and embodied energy arising from producing ordinary Portland cement (OPC) can compromise the sustainability credentials of HPFRCC. To tackle this issue, several studies have been conducted in recent years to develop high-performance fiber-reinforced geopolymer composites (HPFRGC) as a sustainable alternative to HPFRCC by completely replacing OPC with geopolymer. Geopolymers, including alkali-activated materials, are sustainable alternative binders to OPC. The development and application of HPFRGC are expected to support the resilience and sustainability of our civil infrastructure simultaneously. This special issue is planned to present the recent advances in the development and application of HPFRGC for sustainable and resilient construction. This special issue includes five pertinent manuscripts. The first manuscript (S-1) focuses on the characterization of HPFRGC, while the second manuscript (S15) presents a micromechanics analysis of HPFRGC. The third manuscript (S28) reports the static and dynamic properties of HPFRGC reinforced with hybrid PVA and recycled steel fibers. The fourth and fifth papers (S43 and S56) focus on the performance of HPFGC reinforced with polypropylene fibers. We hope this special issue inspires concrete researchers and practitioners worldwide toward future research and development in HPFRGC.</span> </div> <a href="" class="italic-style bluelink-style" title="Read more">Read more</a> </div> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> </div> <a href="" class="bluelink-style pastfa-link">View all featured articles</a> </div> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <!-- LEFT SECTION :: START --> <div class="col-md-18"> <!-- INNER SECTION :: START --> <div id="journal-current-issuse"> <div class="section-divider"> <div class="section-title-18-nonsticky"><a href=""> 2024 Volume 22 Issue 11 </a></div> <ul id="journal-current-issuse-list"> <li class="notoppadding"> <div name="" class="clickable_div"> <div class="ci-content-wrap"> <a href="" class="ci-article-name customTooltip" title="Recycled Aggregate Concrete with Industrially Pre-carbonated Recycled Concrete Aggregates and Low Clinker Content">Recycled Aggregate Concrete with Industrially Pre-carbonated Recycled Concrete Aggregates and Low Clinker Content</a> <span class="ci-authors-names customTooltip" title="Andreas Leemann, Davide Sirtoli, Johannes Tiefenthaler, Frank Winnefeld">Andreas Leemann, Davide Sirtoli, Johannes Tiefenthaler, Frank Winnefeld</span> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> </li> <li> <div name="" class="clickable_div"> <div class="ci-content-wrap"> <a href="" class="ci-article-name customTooltip" title="Quantification of CO2 in Cement Pastes with Different Degrees of Carbonation">Quantification of CO<sub>2</sub> in Cement Pastes with Different Degrees of Carbonation</a> <span class="ci-authors-names customTooltip" title="Haruka Takahashi, Ippei Maruyama">Haruka Takahashi, Ippei Maruyama</span> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> </li> <li> <div name="" class="clickable_div"> <div class="ci-content-wrap"> <a href="" class="ci-article-name customTooltip" title="Thermo-Mechano-Chemo Dynamics of Clay’s Reactivity and its Correlation with Limestone Calcined Clay Cement (LC3) Performance">Thermo-Mechano-Chemo Dynamics of Clay’s Reactivity and its Correlation with Limestone Calcined Clay Cement (LC<sup>3</sup>) Performance</a> <span class="ci-authors-names customTooltip" title="Miral Fatima, Khuram Rashid, Nosheen Blouch">Miral Fatima, Khuram Rashid, Nosheen Blouch</span> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> </li> <li> <div name="" class="clickable_div"> <div class="ci-content-wrap"> <a href="" class="ci-article-name customTooltip" title="Recent Approaches to Modify the Interaction between Cement-based Materials and Electromagnetic Waves: Effectiveness of Functional Fillers and Structural Modifications">Recent Approaches to Modify the Interaction between Cement-based Materials and Electromagnetic Waves: Effectiveness of Functional Fillers and Structural Modifications</a> <span class="ci-authors-names customTooltip" title="Nguyen Minh Hai, Mai Thi Thu Thuy, Pham Duc Quang, Huynh 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XRD/Rietveld Analysis with an External Standard Method for the Quantification of Mineral Components in Carbonated Hardened Cement Paste</p> <p class="grey lh18"> Released on J-STAGE: October 19, 2024 | Volume 22 Issue 10 Pages 602-619 </p> <p class="grey lh18">Naohiko Saeki, Ryo Kurihara, Ippei Maruyama</p> <p class="grey lh18">Views: 408</p> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> </li> <li> <div name="" class="clickable_div"> <div class="most-popular-articles-list-left colorscheme10-lighter"> 2 </div> <div class="most-popular-articles-list-right"> <p class="customTooltip" title="Numerical Modeling of Cathodic Protection for Sustainable Cementitious Materials Incorporating Rice Husk Ash">Numerical Modeling of Cathodic Protection for Sustainable Cementitious Materials Incorporating Rice Husk Ash</p> <p class="grey lh18"> Released on J-STAGE: October 08, 2024 | Volume 22 Issue 10 Pages 620-635 </p> <p class="grey lh18">Carlos Alberto Caldeira Brant, Amanda Pereira Vieira, Simone 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Composites (ECC)</p> <p class="grey lh18"> Released on J-STAGE: November 06, 2004 | Volume 1 Issue 3 Pages 215-230 </p> <p class="grey lh18">Victor C. 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