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row cell atext"> <value>OpenLink Virtuoso offers two primary types of licenses : Open-Source and Commercial. The open-source version is covered under the GNU General Public License (GPL), whereas the commercial license comes with more advanced features and professional support.</value> </div> </div> <div class="embeddedsparql results row even custom"> <div class="embeddedsparql results row cell query"> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> </div> <div class="embeddedsparql results row cell qtext"> <value>Can I use the open-source version of OpenLink Virtuoso for commercial purposes?</value> </div> <div class="embeddedsparql results row cell answer"> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> </div> <div class="embeddedsparql results row cell atext"> <value>Yes, you can use the open-source version of OpenLink Virtuoso for commercial purposes. However, it's important to understand that it is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License (GPL), which requires you to release any modifications you make to the source code.</value> </div> </div> <div class="embeddedsparql results row odd custom"> <div class="embeddedsparql results row cell query"> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> </div> <div class="embeddedsparql results row cell qtext"> <value>What are the advantages of the commercial license over the open-source license?</value> </div> <div class="embeddedsparql results row cell answer"> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> </div> <div class="embeddedsparql results row cell atext"> <value>The commercial license of OpenLink Virtuoso offers several advantages over the open-source version, including access to more advanced features like advanced security, custom reasoning & inference, high-availablity replication, and professional support. It also lifts some restrictions imposed by the GPL license, allowing for OEM-related customization if required.</value> </div> </div> <div class="embeddedsparql results row even custom"> <div class="embeddedsparql results row cell query"> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> </div> <div class="embeddedsparql results row cell qtext"> <value>How is the price of the commercial license determined?</value> </div> <div class="embeddedsparql results row cell answer"> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> </div> <div class="embeddedsparql results row cell atext"> <value>The pricing for the commercial license of OpenLink Virtuoso is based on several factors including the required features, the number of servers, and the nature of support services. Please reach out to OpenLink directly for a custom quote.</value> </div> </div> <div class="embeddedsparql results row odd custom"> <div class="embeddedsparql results row cell query"> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> </div> <div class="embeddedsparql results row cell qtext"> <value>Is there a trial version of the commercial license available?</value> </div> <div class="embeddedsparql results row cell answer"> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> </div> <div class="embeddedsparql results row cell atext"> <value>Yes, OpenLink usually offers trial versions of their commercial licenses for potential customers. The trial version is typically available for a limited time and allows you to evaluate the product before purchase.</value> </div> </div> <div class="embeddedsparql results row even custom"> <div class="embeddedsparql results row cell query"> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> </div> <div class="embeddedsparql results row cell qtext"> <value>If I start with the open-source version, can I later upgrade to the commercial license?</value> </div> <div class="embeddedsparql results row cell answer"> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> </div> <div class="embeddedsparql results row cell atext"> <value>Yes, you can upgrade from the open-source version to the commercial version at any time. You will need to reach out to OpenLink directly to facilitate the switch and ensure a smooth transition.</value> </div> </div> <div class="embeddedsparql results row odd custom"> <div class="embeddedsparql results row cell query"> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> </div> <div class="embeddedsparql results row cell qtext"> <value>What kind of support does the commercial license offer?</value> </div> <div class="embeddedsparql results row cell answer"> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> </div> <div class="embeddedsparql results row cell atext"> <value>The commercial license offers professional support which can include bug fixes, feature enhancements, performance tuning, and general consulting on best practices. The specifics of support can vary depending on your agreement with OpenLink.</value> </div> </div> <div class="embeddedsparql results row even custom"> <div class="embeddedsparql results row cell query"> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> </div> <div class="embeddedsparql results row cell qtext"> <value>Can I modify the source code of the commercial version of OpenLink Virtuoso?</value> </div> <div class="embeddedsparql results row cell answer"> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> </div> <div class="embeddedsparql results row cell atext"> <value>Modification of the source code of the commercial version of OpenLink Virtuoso is typically restricted. You'll need to review the terms of your license agreement or consult with OpenLink directly for specific guidelines.</value> </div> </div> <div class="embeddedsparql results row odd custom"> <div class="embeddedsparql results row cell query"> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> </div> <div class="embeddedsparql results row cell qtext"> <value>What happens when my commercial license expires?</value> </div> <div class="embeddedsparql results row cell answer"> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> </div> <div class="embeddedsparql results row cell atext"> <value>If your commercial license expires, you will no longer have access to the advanced features, performance improvements, and support services that come with the commercial version. You may have the option to renew or downgrade to the open-source version.</value> </div> </div> <div class="embeddedsparql results row even custom"> <div class="embeddedsparql results row cell query"> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> </div> <div class="embeddedsparql results row cell qtext"> <value>Are there any discounts available for educational or non-profit organizations?</value> </div> <div class="embeddedsparql results row cell answer"> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> </div> <div class="embeddedsparql results row cell atext"> <value>OpenLink may offer discounts for educational institutions and non-profit organizations, but it's best to contact them directly for specifics related to these cases.</value> </div> </div> </div> </div><!--end embedded sparql element--> <script type="text/html" id="virtfaq-template"> <div> <div class="headwrapper"> <!-- <h2 class="oplembedFAQType" data-content="qtn"></h2> --> </div> <div class="post panel"> <div class="header"> <h4 class="panel-title 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itemprop="" href="">n9:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n19:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n21:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n13:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n20:this</a> <a itemprop="" href="">n16:this</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n14:this</dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n4:products</a> </dd> <dt>schema:name</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">What types of licenses does OpenLink Virtuoso offer?</span> </dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:Question</a> </dd> <dt>schema:acceptedAnswer</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n15:this</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n7:this</dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n4:products</a> </dd> <dt>schema:name</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Can I use the open-source version of OpenLink Virtuoso for commercial purposes?</span> </dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:Question</a> </dd> <dt>schema:acceptedAnswer</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n8:this</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n17:this</dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n4:products</a> </dd> <dt>schema:name</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">What are the advantages of the commercial license over the open-source license?</span> </dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:Question</a> </dd> <dt>schema:acceptedAnswer</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n5:this</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n2:this</dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n4:products</a> </dd> <dt>schema:name</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">How is the price of the commercial license determined?</span> </dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:Question</a> </dd> <dt>schema:acceptedAnswer</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n12:this</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n9:this</dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n4:products</a> </dd> <dt>schema:name</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Is there a trial version of the commercial license available?</span> </dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:Question</a> </dd> <dt>schema:acceptedAnswer</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n10:this</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n19:this</dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n4:products</a> </dd> <dt>schema:name</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">If I start with the open-source version, can I later upgrade to the commercial license?</span> </dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:Question</a> </dd> <dt>schema:acceptedAnswer</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n23:this</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n21:this</dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n4:products</a> </dd> <dt>schema:name</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">What kind of support does the commercial license offer?</span> </dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:Question</a> </dd> <dt>schema:acceptedAnswer</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n22:this</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n13:this</dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n4:products</a> </dd> <dt>schema:name</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Can I modify the source code of the commercial version of OpenLink Virtuoso?</span> </dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:Question</a> </dd> <dt>schema:acceptedAnswer</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n18:this</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n20:this</dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n4:products</a> </dd> <dt>schema:name</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">What happens when my commercial license expires?</span> </dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:Question</a> </dd> <dt>schema:acceptedAnswer</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n25:this</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n16:this</dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n4:products</a> </dd> <dt>schema:name</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Are there any discounts available for educational or non-profit organizations?</span> </dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:Question</a> </dd> <dt>schema:acceptedAnswer</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n24:this</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n15:this</dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n4:products</a> </dd> <dt>schema:text</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">OpenLink Virtuoso offers two primary types of licenses : Open-Source and Commercial. The open-source version is covered under the GNU General Public License (GPL), whereas the commercial license comes with more advanced features and professional support.</span> </dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:Answer</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n8:this</dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n4:products</a> </dd> <dt>schema:text</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Yes, you can use the open-source version of OpenLink Virtuoso for commercial purposes. However, it's important to understand that it is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License (GPL), which requires you to release any modifications you make to the source code.</span> </dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:Answer</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n5:this</dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n4:products</a> </dd> <dt>schema:text</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">The commercial license of OpenLink Virtuoso offers several advantages over the open-source version, including access to more advanced features like advanced security, custom reasoning & inference, high-availablity replication, and professional support. It also lifts some restrictions imposed by the GPL license, allowing for OEM-related customization if required.</span> </dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:Answer</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n12:this</dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n4:products</a> </dd> <dt>schema:text</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">The pricing for the commercial license of OpenLink Virtuoso is based on several factors including the required features, the number of servers, and the nature of support services. Please reach out to OpenLink directly for a custom quote.</span> </dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:Answer</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n10:this</dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n4:products</a> </dd> <dt>schema:text</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Yes, OpenLink usually offers trial versions of their commercial licenses for potential customers. The trial version is typically available for a limited time and allows you to evaluate the product before purchase.</span> </dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:Answer</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n23:this</dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n4:products</a> </dd> <dt>schema:text</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Yes, you can upgrade from the open-source version to the commercial version at any time. You will need to reach out to OpenLink directly to facilitate the switch and ensure a smooth transition.</span> </dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:Answer</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n22:this</dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n4:products</a> </dd> <dt>schema:text</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">The commercial license offers professional support which can include bug fixes, feature enhancements, performance tuning, and general consulting on best practices. The specifics of support can vary depending on your agreement with OpenLink.</span> </dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:Answer</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n18:this</dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n4:products</a> </dd> <dt>schema:text</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">Modification of the source code of the commercial version of OpenLink Virtuoso is typically restricted. You'll need to review the terms of your license agreement or consult with OpenLink directly for specific guidelines.</span> </dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:Answer</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n25:this</dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n4:products</a> </dd> <dt>schema:text</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">If your commercial license expires, you will no longer have access to the advanced features, performance improvements, and support services that come with the commercial version. You may have the option to renew or downgrade to the open-source version.</span> </dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:Answer</a> </dd> </dl> <dl itemscope="itemscope" itemid=""> <dt>Subject Item</dt> <dd>n24:this</dd> <dt>wdrs:describedby</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">n4:products</a> </dd> <dt>schema:text</dt> <dd> <span itemprop="" lang="en">OpenLink may offer discounts for educational institutions and non-profit organizations, but it's best to contact them directly for specifics related to these cases.</span> </dd> <dt>rdf:type</dt> <dd> <a itemprop="" href="">schema:Answer</a> </dd> </dl> </div> </div><!--OSDI structured data (HTML5-MD) injection end--> <!--OSDI structured data injection end--> <script src="//"></script><script src="/skin/bootstrap-2022/js/jquery-ods-shopcart/jquery.ods-shopcart.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script src="/skin/bootstrap-2022/js/jquery-ods-shopcart/jquery.hoverIntent.minified.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script src="/odsui/js/ods-auth.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script type="text/javascript"> // function strHash(str) { if (str) { return str.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9]/g, '') } } function embedDataPostHook(datid) { var id = $(datid).attr("id"); 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