August 2012 – Papers & Pencils

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data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{&quot;aperture&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;credit&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;camera&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;caption&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;created_timestamp&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;copyright&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;focal_length&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;iso&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;shutter_speed&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;title&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;orientation&quot;:&quot;0&quot;}" data-image-title="Link-Tossing-Boomerang-at-Octorok" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file=";ssl=1" data-large-file=";ssl=1" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-11780" srcset=";ssl=1 872w,;ssl=1 300w,;ssl=1 768w,;ssl=1 863w,;ssl=1 247w" sizes="(max-width: 863px) 100vw, 863px" data-recalc-dims="1" /></figure></div> <p>Lately it seems as though all I post about is the Legend of Zelda Adventure System that I&#8217;ve been working on. Which isn&#8217;t really surprising, I&#8217;m inspired to work on it and I don&#8217;t have anything else related to tabletop games drawing my attention right now. I enjoy the OD&amp;D game I participate in on Monday but don&#8217;t have a lot to say about it beyond that, and it&#8217;s been awhile since my Pathfinder group has found time to get together. So when I work on tabletop stuff, it&#8217;s focused on the Legend of Zelda.</p> <p>But I thought that instead of posting <a href="">another monster constructed with a half-finished monster system</a>, I&#8217;d adapt one of the most classic Zelda enemies to Pathfinder: The octorock. It&#8217;s a land-based octopus that shoots rocks out of its mouth. Literally, that&#8217;s how it was originally conceived. See?</p> <div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="aligncenter"><img decoding="async" width="239" height="172" data-attachment-id="11781" data-permalink="" data-orig-file=";ssl=1" data-orig-size="239,172" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{&quot;aperture&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;credit&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;camera&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;caption&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;created_timestamp&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;copyright&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;focal_length&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;iso&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;shutter_speed&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;title&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;orientation&quot;:&quot;0&quot;}" data-image-title="octorok" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file=";ssl=1" data-large-file=";ssl=1" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-11781" srcset=";ssl=1 239w,;ssl=1 150w" sizes="(max-width: 239px) 100vw, 239px" data-recalc-dims="1" /></figure></div> <p>As with all of my recent Zelda work, however, I&#8217;m using the Link to the Past as my source. That game&#8217;s conception of the creature was a little less silly looking I think. Unfortunately, there is no art for the creature that I am aware of, but I did find this nice image of the game&#8217;s sprite:</p> <div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="aligncenter"><img decoding="async" width="600" height="600" data-attachment-id="11782" data-permalink="" data-orig-file=";ssl=1" data-orig-size="600,600" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{&quot;aperture&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;credit&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;camera&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;caption&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;created_timestamp&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;copyright&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;focal_length&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;iso&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;shutter_speed&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;title&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;orientation&quot;:&quot;1&quot;}" data-image-title="enemy-octorok" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file=";ssl=1" data-large-file=";ssl=1" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-11782" srcset=";ssl=1 600w,;ssl=1 150w,;ssl=1 300w,;ssl=1 108w" sizes="(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px" data-recalc-dims="1" /></figure></div> <p>I&#8217;d also like to note that starting with this post, and from now on, I will not be using the &#8216;proper&#8217; methods for creating monsters in Pathfinder. It takes far too long, and the results are not worth the effort it involves. My monsters will have no skills, nor will they have any feats, nor will they be constructed with painstaking care to ensure that the CR is &#8220;accurate.&#8221; Personally, I don&#8217;t even use the CR anymore, preferring that my players learn the fine art of running away if they encounter something beyond their ability. I&#8217;ll still include the most accurate CR I can, but it will be estimated, not calculated.</p> <h1 class="wp-block-heading">Pathfinder Octorok</h1> <p>The Octorok is an aberration which makes its home in plains. It is often incorrectly assumed that the octorok prefers plains of dirt, but this is only an illusion. Octoroks often migrate to grassy plains rich in plant and insect life, but they quickly overgraze the land, reducing it to an expanse of dirt where the creatures must forage for worms, beetles, and nutrient-rich soil.</p> <p>Part of this confusion rises from the assumption that the nozzle on an Octorok&#8217;s face is a &#8216;mouth.&#8217; For lack of a better word, it is in fact a kind of sphincter which the octorok uses to expel waste products. The octorok&#8217;s actual &#8216;mouth&#8217; is an unusual scooping apparatus located on the bottom of its body. Octoroks feed by moving across the ground at high speeds, picking up soil, insects, and plant life as they do so. The octorok&#8217;s digestive tract quickly siphons part of this collection into the octorok&#8217;s stomach, where it is digested and used to produce energy. Meanwhile, any unneeded food, or inedible substances such as stones, are shunted to the octorok&#8217;s colon, where they are coated in an unusual kind of adhesive juice which is actually quite valuable if it can be harvested. This organ shapes the &#8216;leftovers&#8217; into a solid ball, which the octorok can hurl with some force from its forward nozzle. The ball formed by this process is quite hard, making this hurling ability an effective defense mechanism for the octorok.</p> <p>While similar in appearance to the aquatic Octopus, Octoroks differ in a number of important ways to help them survive and thrive on land. On close inspection, their eight &#8216;legs&#8217; more closely resemble the bodies of snakes than they do the suckered tentacles of a cephalopod. While these legs might not seem practical, they actually allow this aberration to move much faster than many larger creatures. Most of the Octorok&#8217;s body is also covered by a soft &#8216;shell&#8217; which protects the creature from most attacks. While this shell is not calcified as a turtle&#8217;s shell is, meaning it can be pierced or cut, it is actually much more resistant to cracking, and distributes the force of an impact more effectively. This is a useful ability when traveling in a herd of creatures which are constantly hurling heavy objects around.</p> <h2 class="wp-block-heading">Octorok</h2> <p><em>A dull red creature darts past you on a mass of wriggling legs. A strange nozzle protrudes from its face.<br></em></p> <hr class="wp-block-separator"/> <p>Octorok; CR 2; [Aberration] [Plains] [Temperate/Warm Climate] [Diurnal Cycle]</p> <hr class="wp-block-separator"/> <p><strong>XP: 600</strong><br>N Tiny Aberration<br><strong>Init</strong> +9; <strong>Senses</strong> Darkvision 60ft, Perception +0</p> <hr class="wp-block-separator"/> <p style="text-align:center">DEFENSE</p> <hr class="wp-block-separator"/> <p><strong>AC</strong> 17, touch 17, flat-footed 12 [10 + Dex(5) +Size(2)]<br><strong>HP</strong> 3<br><strong>DR</strong> 3/Slashing, Piercing<br><strong>Fort</strong> +9 <strong>Ref</strong> +4 <strong>Will</strong> +5;</p> <hr class="wp-block-separator"/> <p style="text-align:center">OFFENSE</p> <hr class="wp-block-separator"/> <p><strong>Speed</strong> 45 ft.<br><strong>Melee</strong> +2 Slam (1d4)(Bludgeoning)<br><strong>Ranged</strong> +7 Rok Hurl (1d6)(15ft)(Bludgeoning)</p> <hr class="wp-block-separator"/> <p style="text-align:center">STATISTICS</p> <hr class="wp-block-separator"/> <p><strong>Str</strong> 10 <strong>Dex</strong> 20 <strong>Con</strong> 10 <strong>Int </strong>2 <strong>Wis</strong> 14 <strong>Cha </strong>10<br><strong>BAB</strong> +2; <strong>CMB</strong> -2; <strong>CMD </strong>13<br><strong>Languages</strong> None<br><strong>SQ</strong> Quick Initiative</p> <hr class="wp-block-separator"/> <p style="text-align:center">ECOLOGY</p> <hr class="wp-block-separator"/> <p><strong>Environment</strong> Plains. They prefer grassy plains, but quickly reduce these to large expanses of dirt.<br><strong>Organization</strong> A &#8216;Tangle&#8217; of Octoroks is usually between 6 and 20. They are rarely seen in smaller groups.<br><strong>Activity Cycle</strong> Octoroks are diurnal, so they function during the day and sleep at night.<br><strong>Diet</strong> Plants, Insects, Earthworms, Nutrient-Rich Soil; <strong>Natural Enemies</strong> Hawks, Leevers, Most Medium-Large Aberrations<br><strong>Treasure</strong> Typically None</p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> <footer class="entry-footer"> <span class="date-author"><span class="posted-on">Posted on <a href="" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date published" datetime="2012-08-31T05:45:14-07:00">August 31, 2012</time><time class="updated" datetime="2019-02-12T14:43:13-08:00">February 12, 2019</time></a></span><span class="byline"> by <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="">LS</a></span></span></span><span class="cat-links">Posted in <a href="" rel="category tag">Merciless Monsters</a></span><span class="tags-links">Tagged <a href="" rel="tag">Merciless Monsters</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Monsters</a>. </span><span class="comments-link"><a href="">4 Comments</a></span> </footer><!-- .entry-footer --> </article><!-- #post-## --> <article id="post-2588" class="post-2588 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-single-post-discussions tag-my-games"> <header class="entry-header"> <h1 class="entry-title"><a href="" rel="bookmark">What I Need to Improve on as a Game Master</a></h1> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <div class="entry-content"> <div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="aligncenter"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="400" height="550" data-attachment-id="11784" data-permalink="" data-orig-file=";ssl=1" data-orig-size="400,550" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{&quot;aperture&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;credit&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;camera&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;caption&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;created_timestamp&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;copyright&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;focal_length&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;iso&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;shutter_speed&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;title&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;orientation&quot;:&quot;0&quot;}" data-image-title="CaptainN" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file=";ssl=1" data-large-file=";ssl=1" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-11784" srcset=";ssl=1 400w,;ssl=1 218w,;ssl=1 79w" sizes="(max-width: 400px) 100vw, 400px" data-recalc-dims="1" /></figure></div> <p>I work hard to be the best game master that I can, and if I do say so myself, I&#8217;m not too bad at it. My groups always seem to have a lot of fun, or at least enough fun that they&#8217;re willing to return to my table. Plus there&#8217;s the few hundred people who seem to think I&#8217;m interesting enough to warrant reading this site, so I figure I can&#8217;t be failing completely. Unless a <em>lot</em> of you are just google bots and image wranglers.</p> <p>&#8230;damnit, that&#8217;s exactly what you are, isn&#8217;t it?</p> <p>Regardless, I believe that a person should always look for ways to improve, and I need to improve as a GM in more ways than I&#8217;m comfortable admitting. I rarely come away from a game session without feeling as though there&#8217;s something I could have done <em>much</em> better. I am honestly embarrassed to admit to some of these flaws, and I questioned whether or not I even wanted to share this post. But I also believe that the best kind of writer is one who is brutally honest. Especially regarding themselves. So here we go;</p> <p><em>I wet the bed into my teen years.</em></p> <p>There. Everything after that should be easy, right?</p> <p><strong>Consistency</strong> is a big personal battle for me, and my failure to be consistent has often affected my GMing in numerous ways. The extent of my preparations, for example, varies wildly. Occasionally I&#8217;ll come to a game with ten or twenty pages worth of notes, but more often I&#8217;ve got maybe a page of sloppily assembled chicken-scratches. I have a terrible habit of letting other concerns get in the way of my game mastering responsibilities.</p> <p>Fortunately, or not, my greatest strength as a GM is improvisation. I can pull a varied and interesting game out of thin air without too much effort. But I think this ability can become more of a crutch than a boon. Even the best improvisations are rarely consistent with games I&#8217;ve run in the past. Players start to notice little oddities: &#8220;If half of the villagers have disappeared, shouldn&#8217;t there be empty houses we can stay in? Why do we need to stay in the mayor&#8217;s spare room?&#8221;</p> <p>Perhaps my worst inconsistency is in my scheduling of games. I often put off arranging the next game session, because I find social situations so draining. It&#8217;s strange that someone like myself, who always feels exhausted after spending an extended amount of time with people, would be so attracted to a game that is inherently social. I&#8217;m a walking contradiction, apparently.</p> <p><strong>Overland Travel</strong> has been a weakness of mine for years. The way I handle it <em>did</em> vastly improve <a href="">when I began mapping my overworlds with hexes</a>. But drastically improved does not mean good enough. I still truggle with basic elements of presentation. I currently have my players indicate how they&#8217;d like to travel on a hex grid, and I fill in the blanks as they do so. Not only is it a waste of time to have me filling in hexes, but I hate that my current method has players interacting with a grid, rather than using their imaginations to create the environment for themselves.</p> <p>I&#8217;ve been reading <a href="" data-versionurl="" data-versiondate="2021-10-30T13:49:55+00:00" data-amber-behavior="">a series of posts written by The Alexandrian on this subject</a>, which address many of the issues I&#8217;ve had with running hex crawls. Hopefully after tinkering with it, and trying to run a hex map according to his guidelines, I&#8217;ll have a firmer grasp of how a game like that should function. I would like overland travel to be one of the highlights of my games, where adventure hooks lurk behind every hex, and players can spend an entire session being entertained by a lengthy journey. I&#8217;ve been able to capture some element of that in my games so far, but I want&nbsp;<em>more.</em></p> <p><strong>Economies</strong> in my games never make much sense. Going back to the problem with consistency, there&#8217;s rarely a set buying power for a gold piece, or any real gauge on how common it is. When my players approach their wizard friend and ask for a completely reasonable magic device that they should be able to acquire (but for which there is no precedent),&nbsp; I come up with a price that &#8216;seems right.&#8217; Only later do I realize that I&#8217;ve significantly over or underestimated the item&#8217;s value. I also have a bad habit of being a great deal more generous with treasure than I ought to be, because I&#8217;m worried about keeping my players engaged in the adventure if they don&#8217;t feel suitably rewarded.</p> <p>Yes, I know that&#8217;s ridiculous.</p> <p><strong>Focus</strong> isn&#8217;t something I even realized I was failing at until recently. I started making audio recordings of my games, and realized that my group and I spend a lot of time chit-chatting during game sessions. Worse: more often than not those tangents originate with me. Time for a big surprise: I like the sound of my own voice. You could make the argument that so long as everyone is having fun, it&#8217;s not really a problem. But, having <a href="">played in Brendan&#8217;s OD&amp;D game</a>, I&#8217;ve seen how much better the game is when everyone keeps their attention on the game. Brendan does a great job of gently guiding everyone&#8217;s focus back to the game when it strays. In that way he&#8217;s provided a model for me to learn from.</p> <p><strong>Traps</strong> are my weakness when it comes to dungeon crawls. Otherwise, I think I do a pretty decent job of making dungeons work in my games. But when it comes to traps, I&#8217;ve never been able to pull them off satisfactorily. Either they&#8217;re so non-threatening as to be boring, or they&#8217;re so deadly as to be cheap. In part, I blame the game systems I&#8217;ve GMed for this one: D&amp;D 3.X and Pathfinder. Skill checks are not a very fun way for a player to search for traps, nor are disable device checks a fun way to get rid of them. I covered this a bit in my skills analyses of both <a href="">perception</a> and <a href="">disable device</a>. However, having now played in Brendan&#8217;s OD&amp;D game where traps are handled <em>properly</em>, I feel as though I have a better understanding of what makes them fun, and why I&#8217;ve only had limited success with them in the past. I guess here, again, Brendan has provided a model to help me improve my own GMing. Thanks!</p> <p><strong>Low Magic</strong> eludes me. I dislike fantasy settings where magic serves as technology. It can be fun now and again, but the world is much more interesting when magic is rare. Yet I always seem to end up in high-magic games. I&#8217;m not quite sure how it happens. One minute there&#8217;s only one wizard in the area, and he&#8217;s a crusty old curmudgeon. The next moment I&#8217;ve offhandedly mentioned to my players that there&#8217;s a wizard&#8217;s college in the capitol city. Fuck! Butter luck next campaign.</p> <p>There you have it. My biggest failings as a GM. Hopefully I can get them sorted out soon and move on to more minor issues with my style.</p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> <footer class="entry-footer"> <span class="date-author"><span class="posted-on">Posted on <a href="" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date published" datetime="2012-08-29T05:45:29-07:00">August 29, 2012</time><time class="updated" datetime="2019-02-13T09:00:01-08:00">February 13, 2019</time></a></span><span class="byline"> by <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="">LS</a></span></span></span><span class="cat-links">Posted in <a href="" rel="category tag">Single-Post Rules Discussions</a></span><span class="tags-links">Tagged <a href="" rel="tag">My Games</a>. </span><span class="comments-link"><a href="">12 Comments</a></span> </footer><!-- .entry-footer --> </article><!-- #post-## --> <article id="post-2546" class="post-2546 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-legend-of-zelda-adventure-system tag-lozas tag-theorycrafting"> <header class="entry-header"> <h1 class="entry-title"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Legend of Zelda Adventure System: Notes on Combat</a></h1> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <div class="entry-content"> <div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="aligncenter"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="863" height="693" data-attachment-id="11786" data-permalink="" data-orig-file=";ssl=1" data-orig-size="950,763" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{&quot;aperture&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;credit&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;camera&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;caption&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;created_timestamp&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;copyright&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;focal_length&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;iso&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;shutter_speed&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;title&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;orientation&quot;:&quot;0&quot;}" data-image-title="290187-1173168686467" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file=";ssl=1" data-large-file=";ssl=1" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-11786" srcset=";ssl=1 950w,;ssl=1 300w,;ssl=1 768w,;ssl=1 863w,;ssl=1 134w" sizes="(max-width: 863px) 100vw, 863px" data-recalc-dims="1" /></figure></div> <p>I would like for the LOZAS system to be a paradigm example of simplicity in motion. Combat in gameplay should move&nbsp; quickly, because combat in the source material moves quickly. Hacking and slashing your way through a room full of enemies is part of a Zelda-style adventure, but it rarely takes center stage. When it <em>does</em> take center stage, it can be an intense experience, but rarely a long one. My goal, then, is to build a simple and easy to run combat system which can still model complex tactics. Combat should be fast, but that doesn&#8217;t mean it should be easy.</p> <p>In approaching this aspect of the game&#8217;s design, my thinking is to start simple. First, figure out how the bare bones of combat will be handled, then add in the core mechanics I want to use for the game. Once those two elements are in place, I&#8217;ll call it done until playtesting shows me that something more is needed. And&nbsp;<em>if</em> that happens, my first question for myself will be &#8220;Was the GM able to handle it?&#8221; If so, are additional rules really needed?</p> <p>A <strong>basic attack roll</strong> will be handled by rolling 1d20 against a target number. Since I&#8217;m trying to create a numerically simple game without too many bonuses or penalties for players to keep track of, the maximum armor class will be pretty low. Likely somewhere between 18 and 24. If the player rolls a 20 on their attack roll, it is an automatic hit. If a 20 would have hit anyway, then it is a critical hit as well. Upon a critical hit, the player doubles the number of dice they roll for damage. GMs are also encouraged to make critical hits&#8211;both for and against the players&#8211;memorable. Not through painful attempts at florid prose, but by having the hit affect the battle in a more significant way than simply causing extra damage. A broken weapon or bone, a scar, losing a finger; any of these would be appropriate.</p> <p><strong>Called shots</strong> will be a central mechanic in the game. I discussed this in detail not too long ago so I won&#8217;t re-tread that ground here. Essentially speaking, the players are encouraged to declare that they are attacking a specific part of the creature, such as an arm, or an eye. The GM makes a ruling on the spot regarding the difficutly of this maneuver, and tells the player that it will be Easy, Moderate, Difficult, or Nearly Impossible. Only after hearing how difficult the attack will be does the player decide whether or not they&#8217;d like to attempt the attack. If they do, standard critical hit rules apply. Some creatures may be particularly strong or weak on different parts of their bodies.</p> <div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="aligncenter"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="575" height="336" data-attachment-id="11787" data-permalink="" data-orig-file=";ssl=1" data-orig-size="575,336" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{&quot;aperture&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;credit&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;camera&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;caption&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;created_timestamp&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;copyright&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;focal_length&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;iso&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;shutter_speed&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;title&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;orientation&quot;:&quot;0&quot;}" data-image-title="290200-1173168808773" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file=";ssl=1" data-large-file=";ssl=1" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-11787" srcset=";ssl=1 575w,;ssl=1 300w,;ssl=1 185w" sizes="(max-width: 575px) 100vw, 575px" data-recalc-dims="1" /></figure></div> <p><strong>Battle Maneuvers</strong> cover a large range of different things. If a player would like to trip their foe, or attempt to break their opponent&#8217;s weapon, or try to blind their opponent by throwing dust in their eyes, then both the attacker and the target make opposed battle maneuver checks. This is a 1d20 roll, with the individual&#8217;s battle maneuver score added to it.</p> <p>The battle maneuver score is calculated by taking both a character&#8217;s body and agility score. For each score, 11 counts as 0, while any number higher than 11 adds +1, and any number lower than 11 adds -1. So a body score of 14 would grant a +3, while a body score of 9 would confer a -2. Once both body and agility have been calculated in this manner, add the two numbers together, and this is the character&#8217;s battle maneuver score.</p> <p>Anything a player wants to do within combat is either an <strong>action, or a non-action</strong>. Things such as talking, dropping an item or drawing weapons are non-actions. They do not require a significant amount of time or attention, and so they do not use up a player&#8217;s turn. Whereas things such as moving, swinging a weapon, throwing an item, using a special ability, attempting a battle maneuver or casting a spell, all count as actions. Each player is allowed to make 2 actions during their turn. So on a single turn, a soldier could move their full speed twice, or they could move their speed once and attack, or they could attack twice.</p> <p>Regarding <strong>movement</strong>, I see no reason to handle it differently than the way Pathfinder did. Hylians (the game&#8217;s only playable race) move at a default speed of 30ft per action, and each square on a battle grid will represent 5ft. I like the system and it works well enough. However, it&#8217;s important that the game can be run <em>without</em> a battle mat as well. Grids are useful for tactical battles, but for games played over the internet (which are increasingly popular) they can be more of an inconvenience than they are worth. Running a game without the mat is usually just as simple as choosing not to use a mat, but I would like to create a subset of rules which allow players to benefit from their character&#8217;s speed even when a mat is unavailable.</p> <p>On that note, I&#8217;ve always felt as though Pathfinder was missing an opportunity by keeping movement speed largely static. The ability to move an extra 5 ft represents an interesting tactical advantage in combat, and the reverse is an interesting disadvantage. Different movement speeds will play a more pronounced role in this game than I&#8217;ve personally seen in other games.</p> <div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="aligncenter"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="600" height="413" data-attachment-id="11788" data-permalink="" data-orig-file=";ssl=1" data-orig-size="600,413" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{&quot;aperture&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;credit&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;camera&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;caption&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;created_timestamp&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;copyright&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;focal_length&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;iso&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;shutter_speed&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;title&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;orientation&quot;:&quot;0&quot;}" data-image-title="290203-1173168896822" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file=";ssl=1" data-large-file=";ssl=1" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-11788" srcset=";ssl=1 600w,;ssl=1 300w,;ssl=1 157w" sizes="(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px" data-recalc-dims="1" /></figure></div> <p><strong>Initiative</strong> will be handled in an OD&amp;D style, because as I&#8217;ve mentioned, I quite like it. A &#8216;designated initiative roller&#8217; will roll 1d6 for the party, while the GM will roll 1d6 for the monsters involved in the combat. Whoever wins the roll will go first as a group, followed by the group who failed the roll, after which initiative will be re-determined. GMs are encouraged to offer minor initiative bonuses or penalties to groups who put themselves in a particularly good bad position at the end of the round.</p> <p><strong>GM rulings</strong> and on-the-fly modifiers are very important to the LOZAS combat system. Game masters are encouraged to allow characters to make extra actions, give penalties or bonuses to any type of roll, or otherwise modify the rules during play. This is not a subversion of the game&#8217;s rules, or a type of haphazard house-ruling, it is an essential part of making the system work correctly. The mechanics above provide combat with structure. The die rolls inject the simulated battle with chaos. The rulings of the GM provide the final piece, by rewarding or punishing the player&#8217;s tactics.</p> <p>For example, there are no attacks of opportunity written into these rules. None the less, there may be times when a player or an NPC will leave themselves vulnerable to an attack. If a player is engaged in a duel and chooses to turn tail and run in the opposite direction, their foe should be given an opportunity to attack them as they flee. No rule covers this eventuality, but GMs are encouraged to take advantage if they feel it is appropriate.</p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> <footer class="entry-footer"> <span class="date-author"><span class="posted-on">Posted on <a href="" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date published" datetime="2012-08-27T05:45:30-07:00">August 27, 2012</time><time class="updated" datetime="2019-01-24T13:45:46-08:00">January 24, 2019</time></a></span><span class="byline"> by <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="">LS</a></span></span></span><span class="cat-links">Posted in <a href="" rel="category tag">Legend of Zelda Adventure System</a></span><span class="tags-links">Tagged <a href="" rel="tag">LOZAS</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Theorycrafting</a>. </span><span class="comments-link"><a href="">13 Comments</a></span> </footer><!-- .entry-footer --> </article><!-- #post-## --> <article id="post-2565" class="post-2565 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-page-by-page-gary-gygax-dmg tag-gary-gygaxs-dmg tag-osr tag-page-by-page"> <header class="entry-header"> <h1 class="entry-title"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Page by Page: Gary Gygax’s DMG Part 7</a></h1> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <div class="entry-content"> <div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="aligncenter"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="1446" height="334" data-attachment-id="11790" data-permalink="" data-orig-file=";ssl=1" data-orig-size="1446,334" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{&quot;aperture&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;credit&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;camera&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;caption&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;created_timestamp&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;copyright&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;focal_length&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;iso&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;shutter_speed&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;title&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;orientation&quot;:&quot;0&quot;}" data-image-title="GaryGygax_DMG_CurvedSword" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file=";ssl=1" data-large-file=";ssl=1" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-11790" srcset=";ssl=1 1446w,;ssl=1 300w,;ssl=1 768w,;ssl=1 1024w,;ssl=1 863w,;ssl=1 468w" sizes="(max-width: 863px) 100vw, 863px" /></figure></div> <p>Wow, it&#8217;s been almost two months since I updated the <a href="">Page by Page</a> series! I&#8217;d like to apologize to those who have been following this one. I really let it get away from me without noticing. This is the seventh installment of my continuing series on the 1979 Dungeon Master’s Guide, written by Gary Gygax. This post begins with the section “Special Types of Attacks” on page 70, and continues to the end of page 79.</p> <p>To recap:&nbsp; This is not a review of the DMG. I am not attempting to evaluate its quality, nor the quality of the AD&amp;D system. I am merely going through the book as a modern gamer, learning about the roots of RPGs, and making note when I see something surprising or interesting, or something which could be adapted for modern games.</p> <p><strong>Attacks With Two Weapons:</strong> I found this a little odd. &#8220;Characters normally using a single weapon may choose to use one in each hand (possibly discarding the option of using a shield).&#8221; The way I read that, it sounds as though characters who choose to dual wield <em>might </em>need to give up using their shield, but might not. Would they somehow wield two swords and a shield at the same time?</p> <p>I&#8217;m not entirely sure what Gygax meant by this, but I find the imagery amusing. Perhaps he was making allowances for forearm mounted bucklers which don&#8217;t cover the wielder&#8217;s hands? Those existed, right?</p> <p><strong>Breaking Off From Melee:</strong> Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? Attacks of opportunity? In my first edition? Apparently it&#8217;s more likely than I thought! I realize this isn&#8217;t exactly as comprehensive as the AoO in 3.x/Pathfinder, but it functions in much the same way. For so long I&#8217;ve heard old-school players complain that attacks of opportunity are part of the needless complication of the modern game&#8217;s battle system. And yet here I find pretty much exactly that. How curious!</p> <p><strong>Monk&#8217;s Open Hand Melee</strong>: I like this idea a great deal: a monk&#8217;s unarmed damage is only really functional against human sized, human-weight opponents. It recognizes the limitations of the human body, thus preventing monks from becoming wholly supernatural beings as they are in Pathfinder. Unfortunately, the way this limitation is notated is awful. Listing a max height and weight in the first place is too much work for the GM. I much prefer the kind of size categories seen in Pathfinder. And then, on top of that, to have the max height and weight increase incrementally at each level, two inches by two inches, is just obscene in my humble opinion. What is the difference between a 6&#8217;6&#8243; humanoid and a 6&#8217;8&#8243; humanoid?</p> <p>I do quite like that undead who cause negative effects by touching their foes will inflict that effect on a monk who punches them. Gary seems to have envisioned the monk as a very interesting, but still grounded class. Using your fists as weapons has advantages, but there&#8217;s no attempt to make a monk&#8217;s fists as effective as a sword could be in the name of balance.</p> <p><strong>Actions During Combat And Similar Time-Important Situations:</strong> There&#8217;s a lot that I dislike about this section. I can understand and enjoy a game where the GM curtails excessive strategist by having events move forward around the players. <a href="" data-versionurl="" data-versiondate="2021-10-29T19:24:39+00:00" data-amber-behavior="">Brendan</a> frequently does this in <a href="">our weekly OD&amp;D game</a>, and it keeps us from getting off track. It also adds a sense that the game is happening in real time, which is fun. Here, though, Gygax seems to recommend penalizing even slight hesitations on the player&#8217;s part. As a player, I try not to waste anyone&#8217;s time. But sometimes I need a moment to decide what I want to do on my turn, and I&#8217;d prefer not to be pressured into acting immediately.</p> <p>But really, that&#8217;s just a nitpick compared to this passage:</p> <blockquote class="wp-block-quote is-layout-flow wp-block-quote-is-layout-flow"><p>In a similar vein, some players will state that they are going to do several actions, which, if allowed, would be likely to occupy their time for many rounds. For example: &#8220;I&#8217;ll hurl oil at the monster, ignite it, drink my potion of invisibility, sneak up behind it, and then stab it in the back!&#8221; How ambitious indeed. Where is the oil? In a pouch, of course, so that will take at least 1, possibly 2 segments to locate and hurl. If the potion is in the character&#8217;s back pack, 3 or 4 segments will be taken up just finding it, and another 1 segment will be required to consume its contents. (See Drinking Potions.) Now comes the tricky part, sneaking up. Assuming that the potion has taken effect, and that our dauntless character has managed to transfer his or her weapon back to his or her hand (for certainly all the other activity required the character to at least put the weapon in the off hand), he or she is now ready to creep around the fringe of the combat and steal up behind the foe to smite it in the back. If the space is not too crowded (remember, his or her friends can&#8217;t see the invisible character either) and the monster not too far away, the time should only amount to about a round or so. Therefore, the character&#8217;s actions will fill something over two complete rounds.</p><p>As DM, simply note these actions, and begin them accordingly. Then, when the player starts to give instructions about additional activity, simply remind him or her that he or she is already engaged in the former course, and that you will tell him or her when that is finished and new instructions are in order.&#8221;</p></blockquote> <p>No. I&#8217;m sorry, Gary. I love you, but that&#8217;s dickish GMing. To simplify the advice being given here: sometimes players will not understand the limitations of an action. If that happens, act as though they can do what they said they want to do, then pull the rug out from under them on their next turn.</p> <p>Perhaps I&#8217;m misunderstanding what is being prescribed here. Maybe all Gary is saying is that the GM should be prepared to enact a player&#8217;s plans over the course of multiple rounds. If that&#8217;s the case, it&#8217;s a little bit odd, but whatever. Perhaps I don&#8217;t have a sufficient understanding of how combat works in AD&amp;D. But this just doesn&#8217;t come off as good advice to me.</p> <p><strong>Example of Melee</strong>: For some reason, this is way more interesting to follow than any of the play examples I&#8217;ve read in modern books. Go figure.</p> <p><strong>Non-Lethal and Weaponless Combat Procedures:</strong> I like the idea that attacking players and defending players each get to roll a secret die, and then choose whether they&#8217;d like to apply it as a bonus/penalty to the &#8220;to hit&#8221; roll, or if they&#8217;d like to apply it as a bonus/penalty to the &#8220;damage&#8221; roll. That makes good sense to me as part of brawling combat. When somebody is kicking you in the balls, you can either bring your leg up to block it, or you can cup your hands over your balls and hope for the best.</p> <p>Though, may I just say, this is more complicated as the grappling system in D&amp;D 3rd edition. That system got a lot of grief, and rightfully so, for being obtuse and difficult to remember. But There are nearly two full pages about grappling here. None of this looks any easier or more enlightened than the mess which was 3rd edition grappling.</p> <p>Thank goodness for Pathfinder&#8217;s combat maneuvers!</p> <p><strong>Combat Tables</strong>: Tables, tables, tables, tables, tables, tables, tables. On and on, from page seventy four through page seventy nine, filled with matrices to determine how difficult something is to hit.</p> <p>I don&#8217;t like excessive matrices. They just strike me as poor design.</p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> <footer class="entry-footer"> <span class="date-author"><span class="posted-on">Posted on <a href="" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date published" datetime="2012-08-26T09:45:06-07:00">August 26, 2012</time><time class="updated" datetime="2019-01-24T13:46:57-08:00">January 24, 2019</time></a></span><span class="byline"> by <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="">LS</a></span></span></span><span class="cat-links">Posted in <a href="" rel="category tag">Page by Page: Gary Gygax' DMG</a></span><span class="tags-links">Tagged <a href="" rel="tag">Gary Gygax's DMG</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">OSR</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Page By Page</a>. </span><span class="comments-link"><a href="">10 Comments</a></span> </footer><!-- .entry-footer --> </article><!-- #post-## --> <article id="post-2555" class="post-2555 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-colorful-characters tag-colorful-characters tag-my-games"> <header class="entry-header"> <h1 class="entry-title"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Colorful Characters 20: Melina Ayvon, The Apothocary</a></h1> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <div class="entry-content"> <div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="aligncenter"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="540" height="349" data-attachment-id="11792" data-permalink="" data-orig-file=";ssl=1" data-orig-size="540,349" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{&quot;aperture&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;credit&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;camera&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;caption&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;created_timestamp&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;copyright&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;focal_length&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;iso&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;shutter_speed&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;title&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;orientation&quot;:&quot;0&quot;}" data-image-title="waterhouse_the_sorceress" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file=";ssl=1" data-large-file=";ssl=1" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-11792" srcset=";ssl=1 540w,;ssl=1 300w,;ssl=1 167w" sizes="(max-width: 540px) 100vw, 540px" data-recalc-dims="1" /></figure></div> <p>Melina Ayvon&#8217;s goal in life was to coast by as easily as she could. That&#8217;s why she applied to the wizard&#8217;s academy in the first place. She thought&nbsp; if she could control the fabric of the universe, everything else would be child&#8217;s play. She never anticipated quite how many long hours and sleepless nights were required to master even the most basic cantrips. To Melina&#8217;s credit, she wasn&#8217;t stupid. She managed to avoid much of the work expected of her for a time, skirting along at the bottom of her class. That couldn&#8217;t last forever, though, and before she&#8217;d finished her second year at the academy, she was expelled. She cursed the wizard&#8217;s college for spurning her, accusing the ruling council of elitism and bias against their slower-learning students.</p> <p>One of the wizards of the college, an archmage named Edilon, felt sympathy for her. He&#8217;d seen her potential, and had felt for some time that the academy&#8217;s headmasters were becoming too elitist&#8211;though he could not know then that her claim was a selfish one born of humiliation, rather than a reasoned critique. Edilon took his leave of the academy, and went to the young wizard. He offered to tutor her in the mystic arts, and without any better options before her, Melina readily agreed. Over the years they spent together, Edilon showed remarkable patience, and for her part Melina put forth a greater effort than she had in the past. Though she never accepted any responsibility for her expulsion from the wizard&#8217;s college, she none the less realized that Edilon was her last chance to learn the mystic arts.</p> <p>But Melina never tried to change her own nature. She was an immature girl who could not recognize her own flaws, and found no great joy in the study of magic. Though she applied herself, her resolve in this matter was finite. Over time, Edilon came to understand that his pupil&#8217;s talent would never be able to compensate for her lack of drive. Still, he pushed her, hoping he could draw a passion for study out of her. His patience only came to an end when he discovered Melina attempting to deceive him. For months the two had worked, trying to teach her a somewhat complicated spellcasting technique. She became frustrated with the time spent on the subject, and attempted to fool her teacher by hiding a wand up her sleeve so she could cast the spell more easily. Furious, and disappointed, Edilon rescinded his offer of tutelage, and cast her out of his tower. As she indignantly stormed away, Melina convinced herself that the old man had wanted her to fail, and so put a problem before her which was too difficult for her to solve.</p> <p>With nowhere to go, she traveled south from the city to settle in one of the smaller villagers. There the moderate magic she possessed would be prized and feared.</p> <p>Melina tried to settle in several communities, and they were always happy to have her for a short while. As she had predicted, the villagers were eager to make use of even her limited magical abilities. But it never took long before she found herself unwelcome. Her brash demeanor and privileged attitudes did not engender friendship among the townspeople, and her increasingly exorbitant demands eventually always led to the town asking her to leave. And in the next town, she&#8217;d tell stories of the how the last village she&#8217;d visited did not appreciate her, and how it was filled with rubes too frightened of a little magic to realize what a benefit she could have been.</p> <p>It only took a few years for Melina to run out of towns to live in. On the furthest reaches of civilization, she was surrounded by woodspeople and hunters. Gruff folk uninterested in her petty conceits about her own importance, but willing to let her live among them so long as she didn&#8217;t bother anyone. The once proud mage set herself up as an apothecary, dispensing herbs and elixirs to the townsfolk, and adventurers who passed through the area.</p> <p>More than once, Melina tried to join those adventuring parties. Each time she&#8217;d board up her shop and brag about the riches she would find, but she&#8217;d always be back soon enough. She&#8217;d say the party had tried to rob her, or that they&#8217;d been incompetent, or didn&#8217;t know how to stand away from the spell she was casting. Occasionally she wouldn&#8217;t say anything about why she&#8217;d left, which was fine, because nobody really cared anyway. She soon gave up on adventuring as well, resigning herself to a life peddling cures for rashes and bald spots. It&#8217;s not the easy life she wanted, but it&#8217;s the one she got. Sometimes she waxes poetical about how the world has wronged her and how her potential isn&#8217;t being realized, but the words are beginning to sound hollow even to her.</p> <p><strong>Melina Ayvon (CR 1)</strong><br>XP: 400<br>Female Human Wizard 2<br>CN humanoid<br><strong>Init</strong> +2; <strong>Senses</strong> Perception -1</p> <hr class="wp-block-separator"/> <p style="text-align:center">Defenses</p> <hr class="wp-block-separator"/> <p><strong>AC</strong> 13, Flat Footed 10, Touch 13 [10 + Dex(2) ]<br><strong>hp</strong> 10 (2d6 +4)<br><strong>Fort</strong> +2 <strong>Ref</strong> +2 <strong>Will</strong> +2</p> <hr class="wp-block-separator"/> <p style="text-align:center">Offense</p> <hr class="wp-block-separator"/> <p><strong>Speed</strong> 30ft<br><strong>Wizard Spells Prepared</strong> (CL 2nd; Concentration + 5)(+1 Conjuration DCs)<br>1st&#8211;<em> Mount, Summon Monster I, Unseen Servant</em><br>0 (at will)&#8211; <em>Light, Touch of Fatigue, Mage Hand, Mending</em><br><strong>Wizard Spellbook</strong> Melina&#8217;s spellbook doesn&#8217;t contain anything more than what is shown here. Learning more spells than she could prepare would be a waste of her time.<br><strong>School</strong> Conjuration<br><strong>Opposition Schools</strong> Enchantment, Abjuration<br><strong>Conjurer Abilities</strong><br><em>Summoner&#8217;s Charm (Su)</em>&#8212; Whenever you cast a summoning spell, increase the duration by a number of rounds equal to half of your wizard class level.<br><em>Acid Dart(Sp):</em>&#8212; 6/day, As a standard action you can unleash an acid dart targeting any foe within 30ft as a ranged touch attack. The dart deals 1d6 + 1 damage. Ignores Spell Resistance.<br><strong>Arcane Bond</strong>: A pair of wings crafted from gold with a sapphire between them, mounted on a golden chain and worn about the neck.</p> <hr class="wp-block-separator"/> <p style="text-align:center">Stats</p> <hr class="wp-block-separator"/> <p><strong>Str</strong> 12 (+1) <strong>Dex</strong> 14 (+2) <strong>Con</strong> 15 (+2) <strong>Int</strong> 16 (+3) <strong>Wis</strong> 08 (-1) <strong>Cha</strong> 07 (-2)<br><strong>Base Atk</strong> +1; <strong>CMB</strong> +2; <strong>CMD</strong> 14<br><strong>Feats</strong> Scribe Scroll, Heighten Spell, Spell Focus(Conjuration)<br><strong>Skills</strong> Bluff (+0), Craft(Alchecmy)(+8), Knowledge(Nobility)(+8), Knowledge(Nature)(+8), Spellcraft (+8)<br><strong>Languages</strong> Common<br><strong>Gear</strong> Fancy Red Robes, 4 ornate golden rings, 230 gold.</p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> <footer class="entry-footer"> <span class="date-author"><span class="posted-on">Posted on <a href="" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date published" datetime="2012-08-24T05:45:47-07:00">August 24, 2012</time><time class="updated" datetime="2019-01-24T13:47:38-08:00">January 24, 2019</time></a></span><span class="byline"> by <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="">LS</a></span></span></span><span class="cat-links">Posted in <a href="" rel="category tag">Colorful Characters</a></span><span class="tags-links">Tagged <a href="" rel="tag">Colorful Characters</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">My Games</a>. </span><span class="comments-link"><a href="">2 Comments</a></span> </footer><!-- .entry-footer --> </article><!-- #post-## --> <article id="post-2539" class="post-2539 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-reviews tag-appendix-n tag-book-review"> <header class="entry-header"> <h1 class="entry-title"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Apendix N: The Divine Comedy</a></h1> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <div class="entry-content"> <div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="aligncenter"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="3984" height="3184" data-attachment-id="11794" data-permalink="" data-orig-file=";ssl=1" data-orig-size="3984,3184" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{&quot;aperture&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;credit&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;camera&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;caption&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;created_timestamp&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;copyright&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;focal_length&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;iso&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;shutter_speed&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;title&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;orientation&quot;:&quot;0&quot;}" data-image-title="DVinfernoDoomedSoulsCrossAcheron" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file=";ssl=1" data-large-file=";ssl=1" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-11794" srcset=";ssl=1 3984w,;ssl=1 300w,;ssl=1 768w,;ssl=1 1024w,;ssl=1 863w,;ssl=1 135w,;ssl=1 1726w,;ssl=1 2589w" sizes="(max-width: 863px) 100vw, 863px" /></figure></div> <p>It is ridiculous of me to sit here and pretend I can seriously write a piece about Dante&#8217;s divine comedy. I&#8217;m a second-rate blogger who writes about tabletop games; The Divine Comedy is one of the greatest classics of medieval European literature. It stands beside such epic poems as the Aeneid, or the Odessey and is no less remarkable than those masterworks. Even Dante&#8217;s own arrogance in proclaiming that his work stands next to Virgil and Homer&#8217;s does not diminish his achievement. It&#8217;s not pompous if you can back it up.</p> <p>But I was recently asked not once, but three times by three different people, to write about the books which inspire me as a GM. As <a href="" data-versionurl="" data-versiondate="2021-10-29T19:24:39+00:00" data-amber-behavior="">Brendan</a> put it, my personal &#8220;Appendix N.&#8221; I&#8217;ve written extensively about the video games I am inspired by, such as the old Zelda, Dragon Warrior, and Final Fantasy games. If I&#8217;m being honest, this is probably because video games have had a more profound impact on my life than books have. I tend to read slowly, and I&#8217;m not as widely read as I feel I ought to be. I <em>can</em> fit in with the lit nerds when I want to. They accept me as one of them, but I have to say &#8220;Ya know, I haven&#8217;t actually read <em>that</em> one yet!&#8221; a lot.</p> <p>But the Divine Comedy, and <em>Inferno</em> specifically? I&#8217;ve read the shit out of that. It has been a never ending font of inspiration to me since I first picked it up for a medieval literature class back in 2008*†. Dante&#8217;s description of Hell represents the most vicious and memorably fantasy I&#8217;ve ever experienced. And one which is remarkably simple to read for a piece written 695 years ago. Though, if you&#8217;re not an expert on 14th century Florentine politics, it helps to have a version with copious footnotes.</p> <div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="aligncenter"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="1952" height="2447" data-attachment-id="11795" data-permalink="" data-orig-file=";ssl=1" data-orig-size="1952,2447" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{&quot;aperture&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;credit&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;camera&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;caption&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;created_timestamp&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;copyright&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;focal_length&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;iso&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;shutter_speed&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;title&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;orientation&quot;:&quot;0&quot;}" data-image-title="DVinfernoHomerClassicPoets_m" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file=";ssl=1" data-large-file=";ssl=1" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-11795" srcset=";ssl=1 1952w,;ssl=1 239w,;ssl=1 768w,;ssl=1 817w,;ssl=1 863w,;ssl=1 86w,;ssl=1 1726w" sizes="(max-width: 863px) 100vw, 863px" /></figure></div> <p>As most everyone knows, the story gave us our now-commonplace vision of a hell. It shows us a land of descending circles where punishments are ironically tailored to progressively more grievous&nbsp; sins. Dante himself is the story&#8217;s protagonist, who becomes lost while on a stroll, and finds himself on a road which can only lead through hell itself. He is accompanied on his journey by his literary forebear Virgil. There&#8217;s a hilariously self-indulgent scene where Virgil introduces Dante to the other great poets of history, and they accept him as one of them. Seriously. The bulk of the story is a collection of interviews as Dante meets hell&#8217;s sufferers, and speaks with them about their punishments. Some are figures from Greco-Roman mythology, while others are Dante&#8217;s personal enemies, or those of his family. A few are even friends Dante, and there are numerous popes found in hell&#8217;s lowest reaches, including <a href="" data-versionurl="" data-versiondate="2021-10-30T13:44:58+00:00" data-amber-behavior="">one who was still alive at the time</a>.</p> <p>I don&#8217;t really care for the book&#8217;s morality, but that&#8217;s hardly surprising. I&#8217;m an atheist who grew up in a catholic household and made a conscious decisions to reject that system of beliefs. I think it&#8217;s pretty disgusting to assert that suicides, sodomites, and simonists need to be punished for all eternity. But I also believe that history ought to be judged within context. And just because I&#8217;m an atheist, doesn&#8217;t mean I feel the need to cut myself off from thousands of years of human art and culture, simply because it was inspired by philosophies I believe to be flawed. The forest of the suicides is one of the most beautifully haunting places I&#8217;ve ever seen in fiction. So much so that it featured predominantly in <a href="">a game where my players chose to travel to the Abyss</a>. (Though I did edit the purpose for the tree&#8217;s existence).</p> <div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="aligncenter"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="600" height="773" data-attachment-id="11796" data-permalink="" data-orig-file=";ssl=1" data-orig-size="600,773" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{&quot;aperture&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;credit&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;camera&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;caption&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;created_timestamp&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;copyright&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;focal_length&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;iso&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;shutter_speed&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;title&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;orientation&quot;:&quot;1&quot;}" data-image-title="6241705140_6755c44e6b_o" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file=";ssl=1" data-large-file=";ssl=1" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-11796" srcset=";ssl=1 600w,;ssl=1 233w,;ssl=1 84w" sizes="(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px" data-recalc-dims="1" /></figure></div> <p>I think part of what makes the poem such a perfect source for inspiration is its breakneck pace. The plot is just a vehicle for describing the various environments and torments of hell. First Dante encounters &#8220;the Neutrals,&#8221; who were too cowardly to choose between good or evil in their lives. He describes them almost like zombies, &#8220;the woeful people who have lost the good of the intellect.&#8221; But Dante has barely finished speaking of them when Virgil ushers him forward.</p> <blockquote class="wp-block-quote is-layout-flow wp-block-quote-is-layout-flow"><p>He replied: &#8216;I will tell thee in a few words. They have no hope of death, and so abject is their blind life that they are envious of every other lot. The world suffers no report of them to live. Pity and justice despise them. Let us not talk of them; but look thou and pass.&#8217;</p><p>And I looked and saw a whirling banner which ran so fast that it seemed as if it could never make a stand, and behind it came so long a train of people that I should never have believed death had undone so many. After I recognized some of them I knew the shade of him who from cowardice made the great refusal, and at once and with certainty I perceived that this was the worthless crew that is hateful to God and to His enemies. Those wretches, who were never alive, were naked and sorely stung by hornets and wasps that were there; these made their faces stream with blood, which mingled with their tears and was gathered at their feet by loathsome worms.</p><p>And then, directing my sight farther on&#8230;&#8221;</p></blockquote> <p>That&#8217;s it. Dante glances over to see an impossibly huge group of people running along the shore chasing a banner (which, as I understand, represents self interest) and being tormented by hornets, wasps, and worms. Then he glances back to the path ahead of him, and moves on to the next terrifying sight. (Which, in this case, is actually just some people waiting by the shore, but you get the point).</p> <div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="aligncenter"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="554" height="715" data-attachment-id="11797" data-permalink="" data-orig-file=";ssl=1" data-orig-size="554,715" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{&quot;aperture&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;credit&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;camera&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;caption&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;created_timestamp&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;copyright&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;focal_length&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;iso&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;shutter_speed&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;title&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;orientation&quot;:&quot;0&quot;}" data-image-title="nb_pinacoteca_dore_divine_comedy_inferno_10_farinata_degli_uberti_addresses_dante" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file=";ssl=1" data-large-file=";ssl=1" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-11797" srcset=";ssl=1 554w,;ssl=1 232w,;ssl=1 84w" sizes="(max-width: 554px) 100vw, 554px" data-recalc-dims="1" /></figure></div> <p>I highly, <em>highly</em> recommend this book to anyone looking for hellish inspiration. The density of information makes this relatively short epic more useful than many of the sourcebooks I&#8217;ve read. Plus, having read it allows you to pretend you&#8217;re significantly more educated than you actually are. If you are interested, I suggest you get <a href=";qid=1345427043&amp;sr=8-1&amp;keywords=dante%27s+inferno+John+D.+Sinclair" data-versionurl="" data-versiondate="2021-10-30T13:34:55+00:00" data-amber-behavior="">the translation by John D Sinclair</a>. Not only does it have those copious footnotes which are helpful for understanding the politics in the book, but each Canto is followed by an insightful analysis which helps in understanding the nearly 700 year old writing style.</p> <p>Oh, and by the way, Gustave Doré made some absolutely beautiful fantasy art based on the Divine Comedy. That&#8217;s what I&#8217;ve been posting here, but there&#8217;s tons and tons more. Check it out if you like fantasy art!</p> <hr class="wp-block-separator"/> <p>*<em> On that note, every class I took with Professor Nicholas Margaritis is a source of inspiration for me. I&#8217;ve had the privilege of studying under some remarkable individuals, but none of them affected me the way that man did. I felt as though I personally failed him when I didn&#8217;t finish a reading assignment on time, and the single A- he ever gave me remains one of the most profound compliments I&#8217;ve received in my entire life.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;† <em>That&#8217;s also the year which Dante&#8217;s exile from Florence was finally rescinded by the Florentine City Council. So, ya know, you&#8217;re welcome, Dante.&nbsp;</em></p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> <footer class="entry-footer"> <span class="date-author"><span class="posted-on">Posted on <a href="" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date published" datetime="2012-08-22T05:45:47-07:00">August 22, 2012</time><time class="updated" datetime="2019-03-05T15:27:52-08:00">March 5, 2019</time></a></span><span class="byline"> by <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="">LS</a></span></span></span><span class="cat-links">Posted in <a href="" rel="category tag">Reviews</a></span><span class="tags-links">Tagged <a href="" rel="tag">Appendix N</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Book Review</a>. </span><span class="comments-link"><a href="">2 Comments</a></span> </footer><!-- .entry-footer --> </article><!-- #post-## --> <article id="post-2521" class="post-2521 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-legend-of-zelda-adventure-system tag-converted-from-another-game tag-personal-stories tag-theorycrafting"> <header class="entry-header"> <h1 class="entry-title"><a href="" rel="bookmark">System In Progress: LOZAS</a></h1> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <div class="entry-content"> <div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="aligncenter"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="610" height="951" data-attachment-id="11799" data-permalink="" data-orig-file=";ssl=1" data-orig-size="610,951" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{&quot;aperture&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;credit&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;camera&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;caption&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;created_timestamp&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;copyright&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;focal_length&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;iso&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;shutter_speed&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;title&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;orientation&quot;:&quot;0&quot;}" data-image-title="3821.Gannon" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file=";ssl=1" data-large-file=";ssl=1" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-11799" srcset=";ssl=1 610w,;ssl=1 192w,;ssl=1 69w" sizes="(max-width: 610px) 100vw, 610px" data-recalc-dims="1" /></figure></div> <p>My ladyfriend is 3 years younger than I am. It&#8217;s a little strange for me, since most of my relationships in the past have been with older women. And though the difference in our numerical ages is small, it sometimes feels as if those few years belie a massive generational gap. Particularly with regards to vidya games. My first&nbsp; console was an NES, while her was an <em>N64</em>, how does that even happen? The poor whippersnap missed the greatest era of gaming: the one <em>I</em> grew up with! I often become frustrated when I make a funny reference, only to realize she probably never used the Konami code, or blew dust out of a cartridge, or heard of games like <em>Doki Doki Panic!</em></p> <p>So what in Oerth does this have to do with tabletop RPGs? I&#8217;m getting to that. Be patient, geeze.</p> <p>Recently, because my ladyfriend is pretty cool, she asked me to recommend an oldschool game. Probably because she was impressed by all those cool jokes she&#8217;s too young to laugh at. I considered carefully which game would be a good introduction for her, and unsurprisingly settled on my favorite of all time; The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. That game has had a defining impact on my life. It shaped my views on fantasy settings, and informed my opinions about what it means for a game to be &#8216;good.&#8217; It&#8217;s the first game I ever wholeheartedly fell in love with, and that love is part of what originally led me to pursue writing. Hells, the &#8220;L&#8221; in my monicker stands for &#8220;Link,&#8221; and I&#8217;ve been known by that name for almost half my life. Even ignoring all of the personal value the game has for me, it&#8217;s still one of the most polished, well-designed games I&#8217;ve ever encountered. And since my ladyfriend is already a fan of the later Zelda titles, it&#8217;s about time she was introduced to a proper dark-haired link, rather than the boyband reject seen in more recent games.</p> <p>Maybe it&#8217;s just nostalgia, but I think the game is best when played on the Super Nintendo, with that fantastic controller. But before I set her up with the cartridge, I thought I should take a look at it. The last few times I played through LttP I was either using a game boy, or an emulator. Because of that, my SNES copy hadn&#8217;t been used in a few years, and I remember experiencing some audio glitches the last time I played it. Plus, with the game being over 20 years old, I worried that the battery wouldn&#8217;t be able to hold a save any longer. So I drew the cartridge from its shelf, gently cleaned the connectors with alcohol, nestled it into the console&#8217;s bosom, and flipped the big purple power switch up with a satisfying &#8220;clack.*&#8221;</p> <div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="aligncenter"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="166" height="338" data-attachment-id="11800" data-permalink="" data-orig-file=";ssl=1" data-orig-size="166,338" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{&quot;aperture&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;credit&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;camera&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;caption&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;created_timestamp&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;copyright&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;focal_length&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;iso&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;shutter_speed&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;title&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;orientation&quot;:&quot;0&quot;}" data-image-title="as_link_in_sisters_room" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file=";ssl=1" data-large-file=";ssl=1" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-11800" srcset=";ssl=1 166w,;ssl=1 147w,;ssl=1 53w" sizes="(max-width: 166px) 100vw, 166px" data-recalc-dims="1" /><figcaption>Yes. That is me. Dressed as Link for Halloween. I was a cool kid.</figcaption></figure></div> <p>Yeah, she hasn&#8217;t gotten a chance to play it yet. I&#8217;m on the second-to-last dungeon in the game and having the time of my life. But again, what does this have to do with tabletop RPGs?</p> <p>Well, one evening after I&#8217;d been playing, I was in bed with a notepad. I began to lazily jot down notes for a Zelda tabletop RPG rooted in the spirit of the pre-Ocarina of Time games. Those random notes quickly evolved into a project which I&#8217;ve dubbed the Legend of Zelda Adventure System, or LOZAS for short. It&#8217;s what I&#8217;ve been blathering on about for the past week. I originally didn&#8217;t want to be open about the source material I was working with, in part because I didn&#8217;t want to feel obligated to finish it. But it&#8217;s become clear to me that I want to take this seriously, so there&#8217;s no point in being subtle any longer. Though I don&#8217;t know if it actually counts as subtle, since I&#8217;ve been tweeting about &#8216;my zelda system&#8217; every 15 minutes.</p> <p>I confess, I feel more than a little arrogant announcing that I&#8217;m trying to adapt one of the most celebrated games of all time to tabletop. Who the fuck am I? I&#8217;m an untested, aspiring game designer. To be perfectly frank, I don&#8217;t think I&#8217;m up to the task. Oh, I&#8217;ll do my best, and I&#8217;ll finish the game, and maybe some people will like it. But this is just a goofy little project I started working on for my own amusement. When I do eventually finish LOZAS, it will be the first game I&#8217;ve ever designed from the ground up. And like any &#8216;first,&#8217; it&#8217;s probably going to be terrible. But it will be a labor of love, and I can only hope that will help mask some of my inexperience.</p> <p>So now that I&#8217;ve wasted 786 words telling you what the project is and how I came to work on it, why don&#8217;t I share a little bit about how the game is shaping up and what my goals are? That way future posts referencing the LOZAS system can at least have some context. While my list of goals is extensive, each one descends from this single goal:</p> <p>Recreate the style and &#8216;feel&#8217; of A Link to the Past in a tabletop environment, without forcibly including elements which are not well suited to tabletop play.</p> <p>Given that, the question becomes: what <em>is </em> the style and feel of LttP? Exploring that question has been an ongoing process as I work on the game, but I do have my thoughts:</p> <div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="aligncenter"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="500" height="734" data-attachment-id="11801" data-permalink="" data-orig-file=";ssl=1" data-orig-size="500,734" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{&quot;aperture&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;credit&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;camera&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;caption&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;created_timestamp&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;copyright&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;focal_length&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;iso&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;shutter_speed&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;title&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;orientation&quot;:&quot;0&quot;}" data-image-title="290212-z3_link_in_dungeon" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file=";ssl=1" data-large-file=";ssl=1" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-11801" srcset=";ssl=1 500w,;ssl=1 204w,;ssl=1 74w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" data-recalc-dims="1" /></figure></div> <p><strong>Dungeons</strong> Zelda games are about dungeons. Even though every game in the series has lots for the player to do outside of dungeons, the underworld is where the real meat of the game can be found. It&#8217;s where the player encounters the most varied enemies, finds the most interesting treasure, fights bosses, and achieves the most important quest-progressing goals. As such, the game will be geared towards exploring dungeons. Hyrule is an ancient land, where many forgotten kingdoms have made their home. It is riddled with dozens, hundreds, or perhaps even thousands of underworld citadels just waiting to be explored by heroes.</p> <p>While dungeons can vary wildly, most dungeons will contain the following elements:</p> <ul class="wp-block-list"><li>Lots of monsters.</li><li>Lots of traps.</li><li>Lots of treasure.</li><li>A wondrous item (discussed further below).</li><li>A heart container (discussed further below).</li><li>A Great Monster.</li></ul> <p>Great Monsters are special creatures within this world. In game terms, you would call them bosses. However, within the setting, they are monsters who have acquired an immense amount of power. They did this either by defeating their fellow monsters and rising to the top of the food chain, or by forging an alliance with a great evil being. Upon defeating a great monster, all the heroes who were involved in the combat gain a level. Defeating great monsters is the <em>only</em> way to advance in level in this game. There are no experience points.</p> <p><strong>Characters</strong> There are two big things about A Link to the Past which do not translate well to a tabletop environment. First, not every adventure can be set in motion by Zelda being kidnapped. Second, not every player can be Link. The former problem is up to the GM to solve, but I hope to give GMs a useful toolbox with my methods for creating dungeons and great monsters. The latter problem, however, is all on me.</p> <p>Long story short, I&#8217;ve determined that the game will use only three classes. The Adventurer is the closest of the three to what Link would be. It&#8217;s a class with respectable fighting skills, but which focuses on special abilities. An adventurer can leap across long gaps, climb walls quickly, move without making any sound, etc. Soldiers focus purely on physical combat, and receive bonuses to their attack, damage, critical range, armor class, and battle maneuver score as they increase in level. Sages are the mystics of the game, and probably the class I currently find most interesting. At each level, the sage can permanently add one more spell to its repertoire. I&#8217;m doing my best to balance the spells at about the same power level, so that there will be no need for multiple &#8220;spell levels.&#8221; Each time a spell is cast, the sage must roll an ability check. They are currently allowed to fail the check a number of times per day equal to their level, after which they must rest before they can cast again. Though I worry this may become tedious at higher levels, even with a current max level of 10.</p> <p><strong>Numerical Simplicity</strong> There aren&#8217;t many bonuses or penalties in a Zelda game. Sure you might get an upgraded sword or new armor now and again, but the rest of your equipment provides a unique function rather than improving the effect of a function which already exists. So far, the only bonuses and penalties which currently exist in the game are either determined at character creation, or by a character&#8217;s class as they level up. The game will employ an maximum AC, and even at high levels health will likely be pretty low for most creatures. So including a lot of +1 items would just make the game messy. Instead, the game should be filled with items like a magic grappling hook which always finds something to latch onto, or a magic glove which lets you see through any wall you touch.</p> <div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="aligncenter"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="550" height="427" data-attachment-id="11802" data-permalink="" data-orig-file=";ssl=1" data-orig-size="550,427" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{&quot;aperture&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;credit&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;camera&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;caption&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;created_timestamp&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;copyright&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;focal_length&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;iso&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;shutter_speed&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;title&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;orientation&quot;:&quot;0&quot;}" data-image-title="290211-z3_link_dungeon_entrance" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file=";ssl=1" data-large-file=";ssl=1" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-11802" srcset=";ssl=1 550w,;ssl=1 300w,;ssl=1 139w" sizes="(max-width: 550px) 100vw, 550px" data-recalc-dims="1" /></figure></div> <p><strong>Heart Containers</strong> One of the staples of every Zelda game is heart containers. The player begins the game with 3 life. By defeating bosses, the player can gain heart containers which increase that life by 1. Minor as it may seem, I think this is a great idea to use in the game. A sword to the chest kills a great knight just as surely as it would kill a peasant. However, by delving into dungeons, adventurers can find magic items which absorb into their body, allowing them to survive wounds which would kill most people.</p> <p>Those are some of the larger ideas which come to mind now. I&#8217;m sure I&#8217;ll continue to write about this project as it progresses.</p> <p><em>*Seriously, why in the world did the SNES have such a loud power switch? It was as though Nintendo was trying to alert your parents of when you were playing rather than doing your chores.</em></p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> <footer class="entry-footer"> <span class="date-author"><span class="posted-on">Posted on <a href="" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date published" datetime="2012-08-20T05:45:11-07:00">August 20, 2012</time><time class="updated" datetime="2019-01-24T13:52:54-08:00">January 24, 2019</time></a></span><span class="byline"> by <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="">LS</a></span></span></span><span class="cat-links">Posted in <a href="" rel="category tag">Legend of Zelda Adventure System</a></span><span class="tags-links">Tagged <a href="" rel="tag">Converted From Another Game</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Personal Stories</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Theorycrafting</a>. </span><span class="comments-link"><a href="">8 Comments</a></span> </footer><!-- .entry-footer --> </article><!-- #post-## --> <article id="post-2500" class="post-2500 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-single-post-discussions tag-dice tag-product-review tag-randomization tag-theorycrafting"> <header class="entry-header"> <h1 class="entry-title"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Are Zocchi Dice Viable?</a></h1> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <div class="entry-content"> <div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="aligncenter"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="2208" height="1359" data-attachment-id="11804" data-permalink="" data-orig-file=";ssl=1" data-orig-size="2208,1359" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{&quot;aperture&quot;:&quot;2.9&quot;,&quot;credit&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;camera&quot;:&quot;FinePix E510&quot;,&quot;caption&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;created_timestamp&quot;:&quot;1345072371&quot;,&quot;copyright&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;focal_length&quot;:&quot;4.7&quot;,&quot;iso&quot;:&quot;100&quot;,&quot;shutter_speed&quot;:&quot;0.47619047619048&quot;,&quot;title&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;orientation&quot;:&quot;1&quot;}" data-image-title="DSCF30151" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file=";ssl=1" data-large-file=";ssl=1" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-11804" srcset=";ssl=1 2208w,;ssl=1 300w,;ssl=1 768w,;ssl=1 1024w,;ssl=1 863w,;ssl=1 175w,;ssl=1 1726w" sizes="(max-width: 863px) 100vw, 863px" /></figure></div> <p>Upon going through my budget for the month I realized I had some spare money to spend on toys. After ordering <a href="" data-versionurl="" data-versiondate="2021-10-30T13:41:28+00:00" data-amber-behavior="">a hardback copy of ACKS</a>, as well as <a href="">a kickass shirt</a>, I decided to take care of something which was long overdue. I hunted down, and purchased, a set of Zocchi dice. For the uninitiated, Zocchi dice (named for their creator, Lou Zocchi) are role playing dice which are funnier than the funny dice we&#8217;re all used to. Every tabletop gamer quickly becomes well acquainted with the standard set: d4, d6, d8, d10/d%, d12, and d20. A full set of Zocchi dice includes a d3, d5, d7, d14, d16, and a d24. Mine arrived a few days ago*, and I&#8217;m rather in love with them. I think my girlfriend is getting really frustrated by the incessant clattering of my d5, as I roll it over and over again to marvel over the way it consistently lands on its edge. It doesn&#8217;t look like it should,&nbsp;<em>and yet it does!</em></p> <div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="aligncenter"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="1104" height="893" data-attachment-id="11805" data-permalink="" data-orig-file=";ssl=1" data-orig-size="1104,893" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{&quot;aperture&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;credit&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;camera&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;caption&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;created_timestamp&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;copyright&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;focal_length&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;iso&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;shutter_speed&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;title&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;orientation&quot;:&quot;0&quot;}" data-image-title="5-sided" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file=";ssl=1" data-large-file=";ssl=1" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-11805" srcset=";ssl=1 1104w,;ssl=1 300w,;ssl=1 768w,;ssl=1 1024w,;ssl=1 863w,;ssl=1 134w" sizes="(max-width: 863px) 100vw, 863px" /></figure></div> <p>Long time readers may recall that <a href="">I have something of an obsession with randomization</a>, so gaining access to different ranges of numbers I can randomize is exciting. I will admit that zocchi dice lack some of the beauty inherent in regular polyhedrons, but in my opinion, they make up for that lack of <em>inherent</em> beauty by being examples of the beauty which is human ingenuity. Seriously, that d5, mang. It mystifies and fascinates me. I also have a more utilitarian need for the dice, since Dungeon Crawl Classic (which I received as a birthday gift) utilizes a full range of Zocchi dice, as well as a d30 (which I also purchased). Furthermore, while fiddling with the mechanics of the RPG system I&#8217;ve been working on, I&#8217;ve concluded that part of the game will work best if a d24 is used.</p> <p>I think the last week&#8217;s worth of posts have referenced that project. I guess it&#8217;s pretty easy to tell what has inspired me to write recently. But after all of this talk, I&#8217;m going to look like a real dick if I&#8217;m not able to deliver, wont I?</p> <p>The decision to include a d24 in my game has given me pause. While I have no delusions of grandeur about my project, I do hope I&#8217;ll be able to share it someday and get feedback from others. As it stands, this will be my first full-fledged attempt at game design. It&#8217;s hard enough to get people to pay attention to a sourcebook written by an untested designer. If people need to buy a new die to play the game, will they even bother? I wonder how Gygax and Arneson felt when they created a game which required a 20 sided die way back in the &#8217;70s.</p> <p>The relative success of DCC RPG would seem to imply that there is a market for games using non-standard dice. After all, the designers of DCC were able to get a wide release for not only one hard cover sourcebook, but a special edition as well. Given that, I have no doubt that it&#8217;ll be easier to release a game using Zocchi dice now than it would have been before. But I still wonder if I can get away with putting such a game out there, without it being completely ignored. It doesn&#8217;t help that a complete set of these dice is a pain in the ass to find.</p> <p>I put it to you, readers: would you buy Zocchi dice if a game you were interested in required them? If you aren&#8217;t willing to buy the dice, would you be willing to play the game using standard dice to model the appropriate ranges? You could always replace a d24 with a d12 and flipping a coin. (heads is normal, tails add 12 to the result).</p> <p><em>*My set, oddly, is missing the 7-sided die. Further research indicates that Game Science (Zocchi&#8217;s company) does not produce d7s using the same style or materials that they use to produce their other dice. I couldn&#8217;t figure out why this is, however, so if anyone has information I&#8217;d love to know!</em></p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> <footer class="entry-footer"> <span class="date-author"><span class="posted-on">Posted on <a href="" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date published" datetime="2012-08-19T09:45:56-07:00">August 19, 2012</time><time class="updated" datetime="2019-01-24T13:53:49-08:00">January 24, 2019</time></a></span><span class="byline"> by <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="">LS</a></span></span></span><span class="cat-links">Posted in <a href="" rel="category tag">Single-Post Rules Discussions</a></span><span class="tags-links">Tagged <a href="" rel="tag">Dice</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Product Review</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Randomization</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Theorycrafting</a>. </span><span class="comments-link"><a href="">8 Comments</a></span> </footer><!-- .entry-footer --> </article><!-- #post-## --> <article id="post-2509" class="post-2509 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-legend-of-zelda-adventure-system category-merciless-monsters tag-merciless-monsters tag-monsters tag-theorycrafting"> <header class="entry-header"> <h1 class="entry-title"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Merciless Monsters V: LOZAS Skeleton and Popo</a></h1> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <div class="entry-content"> <div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="aligncenter"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="541" height="360" data-attachment-id="11807" data-permalink="" data-orig-file=";ssl=1" data-orig-size="541,360" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{&quot;aperture&quot;:&quot;11&quot;,&quot;credit&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;camera&quot;:&quot;NIKON D100&quot;,&quot;caption&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;created_timestamp&quot;:&quot;1081586263&quot;,&quot;copyright&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;focal_length&quot;:&quot;28&quot;,&quot;iso&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;shutter_speed&quot;:&quot;0.008&quot;,&quot;title&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;orientation&quot;:&quot;1&quot;}" data-image-title="11550022Cerianthus" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file=";ssl=1" data-large-file=";ssl=1" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-11807" srcset=";ssl=1 541w,;ssl=1 300w,;ssl=1 162w" sizes="(max-width: 541px) 100vw, 541px" data-recalc-dims="1" /></figure></div> <p><strong>If you haven’t yet, there’s only today and tomorrow left to fill out the <a href="">first annual Papers &amp; Pencils survey</a>! It honestly means a lot to me, so if you enjoy the blog, and you have a couple minutes, I would really appreciate your time!<br></strong></p> <p>It&#8217;s been a long while since I made a Merciless Monsters post. <a href="">The Draugr</a> were all the way back in March, and my only attempt since then was when I <a href="">adapted Telecanter&#8217;s work</a> in April. For awhile after the Draugr, I avoided writing another MM because they took so damned long to get done. Then I had <a href="">my big rant</a> denouncing Pathfinder&#8217;s complex methods of stat block creation. Since then I haven&#8217;t really been sure about how to approach making monsters. I figure I ought to come up with my own style of Pathfinder-compatible statblock which allows monsters to be built faster, but I haven&#8217;t gotten there yet.</p> <p>So instead, I thought it would be fun to waste everyone&#8217;s time by working out some of the monsters for my in-progress LOZAS system. Below are two of the monsters which will appear in that game, built using the current iteration of the rules. First is the Skeleton, which I&#8217;ve included to serve as a connection between the tried-and-true (skeletons in fantasy RPGs) and the new-fangled (the LOZAS system). The other creature, which I&#8217;m currently calling a Popo, is a little more unusual, and to my knowledge hasn&#8217;t appeared in a tabletop RPG before.</p> <p>None of these rules are quite pinned down yet, so these creatures may end up changing before I&#8217;m done. I&#8217;ve also added some commentary to the statblocks, to explain my reasons for making certain choices. Despite my joke above, I hope you find this enjoyable rather than annoying. <a href="">The survey</a> isn&#8217;t over until tomorrow, but a lot of people have noted that they&#8217;d like to read more about my amateur game design.</p> <h2 class="wp-block-heading">Skeleton</h2> <p><strong>HP</strong> 8<br><strong>AC</strong> 20<br><strong>Body</strong> 10; <strong>Agility</strong> 26; <strong>Wisdom</strong> 3<br><strong>Speed</strong> 40<br><strong>Special Protection:</strong> Skeletons take no damage from piercing weapons unless it is a critical hit.<br><strong>Special Weakness</strong> None<br><strong>Attack</strong>s Claw (+5/1dmg); Throw Bone (50ft)(+8/1dmg)<br><strong>Special Moves</strong></p> <p><em>Disengage</em>: As an action, the skeleton may leap straight back 20-50ft. If there is a wall within that range, the skeleton is not harmed by colliding with it, instead gracefully sliding down the wall to land at the bottom.</p> <p><em>Stealthy:</em> A sneaking skeleton is able to move with complete silence, and hide itself within deep shadows. While sneaking, a skeleton can move at full speed. While hiding in deep shadows, it must remain still while it is being observed, or it will be revealed.</p> <p><strong>Description</strong> With magically animated joints the skeleton glides silently across the stone floors of a crypt. While the creature was once a person, all flesh and humanity have been stripped from it, leaving only a collection of bones with a fervent desire to harm the living. Skeletons are created either by powerful and evil sages, or by the sheer evil presence of a monster even more merciless than itself.</p> <p><strong>Tactics</strong> Skeletons much prefer to fight from range, breaking off spare bones from their rib cage and throwing them with deadly accuracy. If a skeleton ever ends up in melee range, it will sometimes attack with its claws, but its immediate reaction is to leap straight backward. Skeletons are not very bright creatures. They&#8217;re barely more than an automaton, with only a rudimentary understanding of friend &amp; foe, and not much ability to think ahead. Clever players could potentially trick a skeleton into using its disengage ability to take a blind leap into lava, or some other dangerous substance.</p> <p><strong>Design Notes</strong> In this game, the the range of human ability can go as low as a score 2, and as high as a 22. Given that, the skeleton shown here has an average body score, extremely low wisdom score, and <em>supernaturally</em> high agility score. Lacking the constraints of flesh and sinew, skeletons are more flexible and fast than the world&#8217;s greatest gymnasts and runners. I&#8217;ve never liked the portrayal of skeletons as level 1 cannon fodder, possibly because of my love for the 1963 film <em>Jason and the Argonauts.</em> My hope is to make them a little more menacing in this game.</p> <p>While individual GMs are free to run the skeleton however they like, obviously, I thought it would be fun to play up the graceful aspect of the skeleton, making it a quick, stealthy foe. I particularly like the idea of skeletons being able to avoid melee range, thus allowing them to force their foes to use arrows&#8211;which they are immune to.</p> <h2 class="wp-block-heading">Popo</h2> <p><strong>HP</strong> 2<br><strong>AC</strong> 12<br><strong>Body</strong> 16; <strong>Agility</strong> 11; <strong>Wisdom</strong> 5<br><strong>Speed</strong> 30<br><strong>Special Protection:</strong> None<br><strong>Special Weakness</strong> None<br><strong>Attack</strong>s Constricting Barbs (Auto-hit on <em>entangled</em> foes/1dmg)<br><strong>Special Moves</strong></p> <p><em>Entangle:</em> If a popo enters the same space as a target, then that target becomes entangled. The target cannot move until the popo is either killed or shaken free with a successful agility check. Once entangled, a target is vulnerable to the popo&#8217;s <em>Constricting Barbs</em> attack, which does not require any attack roll.</p> <p><strong>Description</strong> &#8216;A multicolored mass of wriggling tentacles with no other recognizable anatomy&#8221; is the simplest way to describe the popo&#8217;s appearance. While primarily colored in shades of orange and purple, a popo&#8217;s tentacles can fall anywhere on the color spectrum. The creature uses its bright colors and wriggling movements to attract potential predators. Once it is attacked, the popo latches on tightly, extruding small barbs which allow it to draw bloody sustenance from its would-be attacker. Even the strongest or most agile creatures find it difficult to rid themselves of a popo once it has latched on.</p> <p><strong>Tactics</strong> Popos are simple creatures who live in &#8216;clusters&#8217; which generally range from 4-10. Often, members of a cluster will hunt separately. But when threatened, the creatures demonstrate remarkably unity by gathering together, and moving in union. In doing so, they cover a larger surface area than a single popo would, making it more difficult for attacks to avoid getting their feet entangled.</p> <p><strong>Design Notes</strong> I&#8217;m experimenting with mechanics which have &#8216;absolute&#8217; results in this game. Above, you saw how the skeleton is almost completely immune to piercing weapons (as opposed to Pathfinder, where skeletons have DR/bludgeoning). The popo is another example of a mechanic with an absolute outcome: if the popo enters the same area as a PC, that PC <em>is entangled.</em> No saving throw or chance to avoid it. The player&#8217;s best chance to avoid being entangled by a popo is to deprive the monster of the opportunity in the first place.</p> <p>You might note that all of the attacks mentioned deal a set amount of damage, rather than a dice range. At present, the game uses different rules for monsters and players in this regard. On the one hand, monsters can have any number of HP, and player weapons deal damage using a dice range. Players, on the other hand, start with only 3 HP, which can be increased one at a time by adventuring, and discovering magical items which allow them to resist wounds beyond what a normal human could sustain.</p> <p>I don&#8217;t really like that method very much, but it&#8217;s what I&#8217;m working with for now.</p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> <footer class="entry-footer"> <span class="date-author"><span class="posted-on">Posted on <a href="" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date published" datetime="2012-08-17T05:45:42-07:00">August 17, 2012</time><time class="updated" datetime="2019-02-13T09:23:23-08:00">February 13, 2019</time></a></span><span class="byline"> by <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="">LS</a></span></span></span><span class="cat-links">Posted in <a href="" rel="category tag">Legend of Zelda Adventure System</a>, <a href="" rel="category tag">Merciless Monsters</a></span><span class="tags-links">Tagged <a href="" rel="tag">Merciless Monsters</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Monsters</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Theorycrafting</a>. </span><span class="comments-link"><a href="">3 Comments</a></span> </footer><!-- .entry-footer --> </article><!-- #post-## --> <article id="post-2490" class="post-2490 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-single-post-discussions tag-theorycrafting"> <header class="entry-header"> <h1 class="entry-title"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Taking a Look at Called Shots</a></h1> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <div class="entry-content"> <div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="aligncenter"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="271" height="400" data-attachment-id="11809" data-permalink="" data-orig-file=";ssl=1" data-orig-size="271,400" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{&quot;aperture&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;credit&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;camera&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;caption&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;created_timestamp&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;copyright&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;focal_length&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;iso&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;shutter_speed&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;title&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;orientation&quot;:&quot;0&quot;}" data-image-title="called_shot" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file=";ssl=1" data-large-file=";ssl=1" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-11809" srcset=";ssl=1 271w,;ssl=1 203w,;ssl=1 73w" sizes="(max-width: 271px) 100vw, 271px" data-recalc-dims="1" /></figure></div> <p><strong>If you haven’t yet, there’s only 4 days left to fill out the <a href="">first annual Papers &amp; Pencils survey</a>!</strong></p> <p>Everyone who has played a tabletop RPG, loved the concept, and thought to themselves &#8220;Hey, I bet I could make a better system than that!&#8221; has come up with at least a few of the standard newbie ideas. These are the ideas that <em>sound</em> really good, but the trick is finding a way of putting them into practice in a tabletop environment. I was guilty of more than a few of these myself. If I ever find the notes for my Metal Gear Solid RPG, I&#8217;ll prove it to you. Many of the thoughts new players have revolve around injecting a higher level of &#8216;realism&#8217; into the game, particularly with regards to combat. And while there are certainly some very good games with more realistic combat than D&amp;D, it&#8217;s important to realize that abstraction is a gamer&#8217;s friend. Pointless realism can make an RPG about as exciting as doing your taxes.</p> <p>One idea in particular I&#8217;ve heard a few times is separating a person&#8217;s body into segments. Something like left arm, right arm, left leg, right leg, torso, and head, each with their own hit points, armor class, etc. I won&#8217;t say that no game has successfully pulled this off before, because there are a lot of games I haven&#8217;t played. But, in my experience, where this idea always fails (and where most realism ideas fail) is in formulating simple mechanics. This level of realism implies a lot of complexity which can&#8217;t easily be made gameable.</p> <p>But just because it&#8217;s not easy doesn&#8217;t mean it&#8217;s impossible, right? In the system I&#8217;m currently working on, I have two design goals which are relevant here. First, the game should be simple for the GM, and extremely simple for the player. The way the it&#8217;s taking shape right now, a GM should be able to completely explain character creation to a new player within about 5 minutes, after which the actual characters should be generated in half that time. The other relevant design goal is that I want to encourage mythical battles, where players must tailor their tactics to suit the creatures they are facing.</p> <p>To that end, I&#8217;ve been thinking a lot about monsters with &#8220;weak spots.&#8221; There&#8217;s tons of literary precedent for that kind of thing. Such as Bard the Bowman firing his black arrow into the tiny area of Smaug&#8217;s belly where a single scale was missing. Or Odysseus and his crew ramming a spear into the eye of the Cyclops. I like the idea of a game where monsters are often completely immune or at least extremely resistant to standard forms of attack. A game where the players need to think: should we just attack the creature straight out, or should we attack its legs to see if we can slow it down? Pathfinder does this somewhat with DR, SR, etc., and older editions of D&amp;D did it more so with monsters who couldn&#8217;t be hurt by weapons below a +X bonus. But I&#8217;d like to see a game where player skill could be used to overcome these difficulties, rather than simply needing better equipment.</p> <p>I flipped through a mental catalog of ideas for how this could be accomplished, and came up with a few options. The one which stood out to me the most was using a type of called shot system. You may be familiar with this concept, as it often shows up in a splat book, or house rules. At its core, the idea is that instead of making a standard attack, the player indicates they&#8217;d like to attempt hitting a particular part of their enemy, in exchange for taking a penalty on their attack roll. It&#8217;s pretty simple, and when combined with GM rulings, I think it could work well at the center of a combat system.</p> <p>So, what about a gradient of called shot difficulties which each increase AC by a certain amount, tied to the difficulty class? Using 3-5 levels of difficulty should keep things simple enough to prevent combat from being slowed at all. Additionally, if the rules can attach plenty of examples for each difficulty class, it would help GMs get a good picture of how real-world difficulty translates to mechanics, allowing them to make on-the-fly rulings without needing to consult the book. Consider, as an example:</p> <p><strong>Easy Shot</strong>, +3 AC: Arm, Leg. These are on the outside edge of a human combatant&#8217;s defenses, making them a simple target.<br><strong>Moderate Shot</strong>, +6 AC: Belly, hand, head. These are smaller areas, or they are on the inside of a human combatant&#8217;s defenses, making them somewhat more difficult to hit.<br><strong>Hard Shot</strong>, +9 AC, Finger, Eye, Mouth. These are really quite small areas, which would be difficult to hit even if the target was standing still.<br><strong>Impossible Shot</strong>, +12 AC, eyes behind a visor. These would be impossible for any standard combatant to hit. It would be a great feat of luck or skill to accomplish this.</p> <p>On a successful hit, the GM could decide based on the damage dealt relative to the creature&#8217;s total HP, what the result of the attack is. If the adventurer makes a called shot to an enemy&#8217;s sword arm, succeeds, and rolls 10 damage, the results of that could differ based on what percentage of the enemies&#8217; total HP that 10 damage represents. For a foe with 100 hit points, 10hp is not a significant amount. It would be deducted from the enemy&#8217;s current HP normally, but would not have any additional effect. For an enemy with 50 HP, dealing 10 damage to their sword arm might give them a penalty to future attack rolls, or they might need to roll a saving throw to avoid dropping their weapon entirely. For a creature with only 11 HP, 10 damage to the arm would lop it clean off.</p> <p>Bear in mind that there should be no exact or expected result here. The common sense of the GM should be the only deciding factor for the effects of a called shot. Nor should the damage be treated as cumulative. Each called shot to a certain area should be considered separately from any previous attacks against the same area. If the player wants to worsen damage which has already been done, then they&#8217;re not aiming for the monster&#8217;s arm, they&#8217;re aiming for the wound which is <em>on</em> the arm. That&#8217;s a much smaller target, and hitting it would be at least hard, if not impossible during the jostling of combat.</p> <p>Aside from the on-the-fly rulings, monsters could have special weaknesses listed in their monster entry. A giant insect&#8217;s wings (easy shot) could take double damage from fire. Or a slime monster could be completely immune to damage unless you make the hard shot of hitting the brain which floats inside of its goo. Furthermore, creatures could have particularly strong defenses on areas which adventurers might commonly think to attack. A monster with giant eyes would probably need extra-tough eyelids that grants its eyes greater protection than the rest of it.</p> <p>It&#8217;s just a thought experiment at this point, but I&#8217;m growing fond of using called shots as a central combat mechanic. Do you have any experience with a mechanic like this which could come in handy?</p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> <footer class="entry-footer"> <span class="date-author"><span class="posted-on">Posted on <a href="" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date published" datetime="2012-08-15T05:45:13-07:00">August 15, 2012</time><time class="updated" datetime="2019-02-13T09:23:23-08:00">February 13, 2019</time></a></span><span class="byline"> by <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="">LS</a></span></span></span><span class="cat-links">Posted in <a href="" rel="category tag">Single-Post Rules Discussions</a></span><span class="tags-links">Tagged <a href="" rel="tag">Theorycrafting</a>. </span><span class="comments-link"><a href="">6 Comments</a></span> </footer><!-- .entry-footer --> </article><!-- #post-## --> <nav class="navigation posts-navigation" aria-label="Posts"> <h2 class="screen-reader-text">Posts navigation</h2> <div class="nav-links"><div class="nav-previous"><a 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href=\'\' title=\'D&D Christmas Carols: Hark! I Am a Hireling\'>D&D Christmas Carols: Hark! I Am a Hireling</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2022-11:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Fantastic Medieval Campaigns\'>Fantastic Medieval Campaigns</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2022-10:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Blogs on Tape Season 5 Has Begun!\'>Blogs on Tape Season 5 Has Begun!</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2022-9:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Proceduralism On a Red World Alone\'>Proceduralism On a Red World Alone</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2022-8:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Better Not Die, \'cuz PCs Don\'t Go To Heaven\'>Better Not Die, \'cuz PCs Don\'t Go To Heaven</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2022-7:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Structuring Encounter Tables, Amended & Restated\'>Structuring Encounter Tables, Amended & Restated</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2022-6:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Text Folding Tool for Referee Notes\'>Text Folding Tool for Referee Notes</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Prep Tools, Not Adventures\'>Prep Tools, Not Adventures</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2022-2:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Secret Society Factions in ORWA\'>Secret Society Factions in ORWA</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2022-1:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Go Die in a Hole: The Endless Stair\'>Go Die in a Hole: The Endless Stair</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2021-12:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'D&D Christmas Carols: O Lantern Light\'>D&D Christmas Carols: O Lantern Light</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Sleepy Ogre (#NED 17: Nap)\'>Sleepy Ogre (#NED 17: Nap)</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'You Stumbled Into the Wrong Neck of the Woods, Stranger (#NED 16: Unholy)\'>You Stumbled Into the Wrong Neck of the Woods, Stranger (#NED 16: Unholy)</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'I\'m Getting Too High Level For This Shit (#NED 15: Snow)\'>I\'m Getting Too High Level For This Shit (#NED 15: Snow)</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magibabble (#NED 14: Ooze)\'>Magibabble (#NED 14: Ooze)</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Supporting Faction Play with Treasure Tables (#NED 13: Food)\'>Supporting Faction Play with Treasure Tables (#NED 13: Food)</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Helping Other Members of the Party!? That\'s Basically Communism! (#NED 12: Help)\'>Helping Other Members of the Party!? That\'s Basically Communism! (#NED 12: Help)</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Now It\'s an Art Blog. Dicember has no rules. (#NED 10 & 11: Skull & Forest)\'>Now It\'s an Art Blog. Dicember has no rules. (#NED 10 & 11: Skull & Forest)</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Night Is For Rest (#NED 9: Night)\'>Night Is For Rest (#NED 9: Night)</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Does Anyone Know What To Do With Their Hands When Refereeing A Game? (#NED 8: Present)\'>Does Anyone Know What To Do With Their Hands When Refereeing A Game? (#NED 8: Present)</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Souls, And The Selling Thereof (#NED 7: Daemon)\'>Souls, And The Selling Thereof (#NED 7: Daemon)</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Thinking About Forms of Persuasion (#NED 6: Shame)\'>Thinking About Forms of Persuasion (#NED 6: Shame)</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Outdoor Swords In Narrow Corridors (#NED 5: Blade)\'>Outdoor Swords In Narrow Corridors (#NED 5: Blade)</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Making Use of Misses (#NED 4: Rage)\'>Making Use of Misses (#NED 4: Rage)</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Adventuring With Bebbies (#NED 3: Child)\'>Adventuring With Bebbies (#NED 3: Child)</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Simple Season Calendar (#NED 2: Ice)\'>Simple Season Calendar (#NED 2: Ice)</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'No-Effort Dicember 1: Ammo\'>No-Effort Dicember 1: Ammo</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2021-8:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Papers & Pencils 10 Year Anniversary\'>Papers & Pencils 10 Year Anniversary</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2021-7:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Bones of Contention\'>Bones of Contention</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2021-6:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'d100 Wondrous Items\'>d100 Wondrous Items</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2021-4:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'d100 Merchants\'>d100 Merchants</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2021-2:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Zine Quest: Errant\'>Zine Quest: Errant</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2021-1:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'New Release: Miscreated Creatures\'>New Release: Miscreated Creatures</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2020-12:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'D&D Christmas Carols: Away in a Dungeon\'>D&D Christmas Carols: Away in a Dungeon</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Dungeon d100s: Locks & Keys\'>The Dungeon d100s: Locks & Keys</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Dungeon d100s: Factions\'>The Dungeon d100s: Factions</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Dungeon d100s: Rewards\'>The Dungeon d100s: Rewards</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Dungeon d100s: Doors, Floors, Walls & Ceilings\'>The Dungeon d100s: Doors, Floors, Walls & Ceilings</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Dungeon d100s: Structures\'>The Dungeon d100s: Structures</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Dungeon d100s: Themes\'>The Dungeon d100s: Themes</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2020-8:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Goblin Bazaar\'>The Goblin Bazaar</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2020-7:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Two Week Megadungeon\'>Two Week Megadungeon</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2020-2:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'d100 Additional Reasons the Wizard is More Than They Seem\'>d100 Additional Reasons the Wizard is More Than They Seem</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'d100 Secret Weaknesses\'>d100 Secret Weaknesses</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2020-1:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Bangtail Class (Revised)\'>Bangtail Class (Revised)</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2019-12:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'20 Wrinkles to Discover in the Thieves&#39; Hideout\'>20 Wrinkles to Discover in the Thieves&#39; Hideout</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'D&amp;D Christmas Carols: O Little Keep on Borderlands\'>D&amp;D Christmas Carols: O Little Keep on Borderlands</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'A Doodle Is Worth A Thousand Hallway Descriptions\'>A Doodle Is Worth A Thousand Hallway Descriptions</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2019-8:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Engine of On a Red World Alone\'>The Engine of On a Red World Alone</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2019-7:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Gift Giver Class (Revised)\'>Gift Giver Class (Revised)</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Nick LS Whelan Project Roundup 2\'>Nick LS Whelan Project Roundup 2</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Bear in Disguise Class (Revised)\'>Bear in Disguise Class (Revised)</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2019-5:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'New Class: The Beekeeper\'>New Class: The Beekeeper</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2019-4:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Free PDF: The Dachshund Dungeon\'>Free PDF: The Dachshund Dungeon</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons is now available in Print & PDF!\'>Deadly Dungeons is now available in Print & PDF!</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2019-3:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Santicore 2017: d100 Alchemical Accidents\'>Santicore 2017: d100 Alchemical Accidents</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Free PDF: Mice with Legitimate Grievances\'>Free PDF: Mice with Legitimate Grievances</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Thoughts on \"The Financier\" by Daniel Dean\'>Thoughts on \"The Financier\" by Daniel Dean</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2019-2:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'No-Prep Social Encounters\'>No-Prep Social Encounters</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'I Stand with Mandy.\'>I Stand with Mandy.</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Legend of Zelda Adventure System\'>The Legend of Zelda Adventure System</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2019-1:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magic Words suck. Here\'s Magic in the Moment.\'>Magic Words suck. Here\'s Magic in the Moment.</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Fuck the King of Space: Post Mortem\'>Fuck the King of Space: Post Mortem</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Discovering Dungeon Moon: What is a God?\'>Discovering Dungeon Moon: What is a God?</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2018-12:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'D&D Christmas Carols: Here Comes an Owl Bear\'>D&D Christmas Carols: Here Comes an Owl Bear</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Discovering Dungeon Moon: What is Treasure?\'>Discovering Dungeon Moon: What is Treasure?</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Welcome to the New Papers & Pencils\'>Welcome to the New Papers & Pencils</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2018-11:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Death of Google+\'>The Death of Google+</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'\"All In One WP Migration\" is a scam.\'>\"All In One WP Migration\" is a scam.</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2018-10:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Papers & Pencils Has Been Hacked\'>Papers & Pencils Has Been Hacked</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2018-9:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Discovering Dungeon Moon: Base Camp\'>Discovering Dungeon Moon: Base Camp</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Developing a Setting: My Trouble with Dungeon Moon\'>Developing a Setting: My Trouble with Dungeon Moon</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Looking Back at \"The Standing Stone\" by John D. Rateliff\'>Looking Back at \"The Standing Stone\" by John D. Rateliff</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Play Reports for Fuck the King of Space\'>Play Reports for Fuck the King of Space</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Gourd Growths\'>Gourd Growths</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magic Words 2\'>Magic Words 2</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2018-8:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Core Mechanic of D&D\'>The Core Mechanic of D&D</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Advice for Running Long-Term Campaigns Online\'>Advice for Running Long-Term Campaigns Online</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Final Fantasy 7\'>Final Fantasy 7</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'A Second Look at Hacking, Clerics, & Socializing\'>A Second Look at Hacking, Clerics, & Socializing</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2018-7:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'LotFP Class: Possessor Spirit\'>LotFP Class: Possessor Spirit</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Questions to Ask Yourself After a Session\'>Questions to Ask Yourself After a Session</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Fun Races That Are Not Classes\'>Fun Races That Are Not Classes</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Dan D\'s Response to \"Clerics as Anti-Magicians\"\'>Dan D\'s Response to \"Clerics as Anti-Magicians\"</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Faux Pas\'>Faux Pas</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'d100 Gobbobilities\'>d100 Gobbobilities</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Example of Play for Running Traps Without a Search Check\'>Example of Play for Running Traps Without a Search Check</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2018-6:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Miscreated Creatures: Armored Boys\'>Miscreated Creatures: Armored Boys</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'A Response to My Post About Spotlight\'>A Response to My Post About Spotlight</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'LotFP Class: Warlock\'>LotFP Class: Warlock</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Framing the Problem: Rotating Leaders and Spotlights\'>Framing the Problem: Rotating Leaders and Spotlights</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Duchy of the Damned Dancing Duke - Row F\'>The Duchy of the Damned Dancing Duke - Row F</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Duchy of the Damned Dancing Duke - Row E\'>The Duchy of the Damned Dancing Duke - Row E</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Duchy of the Damned Dancing Duke - Row D\'>The Duchy of the Damned Dancing Duke - Row D</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Duchy of the Damned Dancing Duke - Row C\'>The Duchy of the Damned Dancing Duke - Row C</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Duchy of the Damned Dancing Duke - Row B\'>The Duchy of the Damned Dancing Duke - Row B</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Duchy of the Damned Dancing Duke - Row A\'>The Duchy of the Damned Dancing Duke - Row A</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Duchy of the Damned Dancing Duke - Overview\'>The Duchy of the Damned Dancing Duke - Overview</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2018-5:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'How Do You Hexcrawl?\'>How Do You Hexcrawl?</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'30 Dungeon Origins\'>30 Dungeon Origins</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Starships Revisited\'>Starships Revisited</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'20 Tidbits About My Games\'>20 Tidbits About My Games</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Central Problems vs. Central Mysteries\'>Central Problems vs. Central Mysteries</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2018-4:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Weapon Quirks\'>Weapon Quirks</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Dachshund Dungeon\'>The Dachshund Dungeon</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Miscreated Creatures: Clackers\'>Miscreated Creatures: Clackers</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magic Technology\'>Magic Technology</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Dungeon We Forgot\'>The Dungeon We Forgot</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Getting Weird with the Classics 4\'>Getting Weird with the Classics 4</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2018-3:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'They Came from the Silver Wheel\'>They Came from the Silver Wheel</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Are You Loyal to the Party?\'>Are You Loyal to the Party?</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Behaviors for The Level 1 Creature Generator\'>Behaviors for The Level 1 Creature Generator</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Daughter of Tangled Corpses: Part 5\'>Daughter of Tangled Corpses: Part 5</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Daughter of Tangled Corpses: Part 4\'>Daughter of Tangled Corpses: Part 4</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Daughter of Tangled Corpses: Part 3\'>Daughter of Tangled Corpses: Part 3</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Daughter of Tangled Corpses: Part 2\'>Daughter of Tangled Corpses: Part 2</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Daughter of Tangled Corpses: Part 1\'>Daughter of Tangled Corpses: Part 1</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Fuck the King of Space: Players Guide v0.2\'>Fuck the King of Space: Players Guide v0.2</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2018-2:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Infallible Garrr\'>The Infallible Garrr</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'20 Architectural Features for Memorable Dungeons\'>20 Architectural Features for Memorable Dungeons</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'I Want to Write About Board Games.\'>I Want to Write About Board Games.</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'On a Red World Alone: Active &amp; Reactive Worlds, and Keeping a Mature Campaign Alive\'>On a Red World Alone: Active &amp; Reactive Worlds, and Keeping a Mature Campaign Alive</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Fuck the King of Space: Player&#039;s Guide\'>Fuck the King of Space: Player&#039;s Guide</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2018-1:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Value of Conspiracy\'>The Value of Conspiracy</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'New Class: The Cleric, as Anti-Magician\'>New Class: The Cleric, as Anti-Magician</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Fuck the King of Space\'>Fuck the King of Space</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Dice, Take the Wheel!\'>Dice, Take the Wheel!</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Two Years of Magic Words in ORWA\'>Two Years of Magic Words in ORWA</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2017-12:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'d100 Unusual Shops in Town\'>d100 Unusual Shops in Town</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Two Questions for Better Battlefields\'>Two Questions for Better Battlefields</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'D&amp;D Christmas Carols: Silent Thief, Greedy Thief\'>D&amp;D Christmas Carols: Silent Thief, Greedy Thief</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'New Class: The Machine Man\'>New Class: The Machine Man</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Four Christmas-Themed Magic Items\'>Four Christmas-Themed Magic Items</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Sex in D&amp;D\'>Sex in D&amp;D</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2017-11:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'NES OSR Bestiary 4: Faxanadu\'>NES OSR Bestiary 4: Faxanadu</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Miscreated Creatures: Arraku Arraku Arraku\'>Miscreated Creatures: Arraku Arraku Arraku</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Miscreated Creatures: Buzzbeard\'>Miscreated Creatures: Buzzbeard</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Miscreated Creatures: Revisiting the Rotocula\'>Miscreated Creatures: Revisiting the Rotocula</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Miscreated Creatures: The Ugly Thing\'>Miscreated Creatures: The Ugly Thing</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2017-10:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Boardgame/RPG Hybrid\'>The Boardgame/RPG Hybrid</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Trick or Treating with NPCs\'>Trick or Treating with NPCs</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Neve Canri\'>Neve Canri</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'NES OSR Bestiary 3: Castlevania\'>NES OSR Bestiary 3: Castlevania</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'NES OSR Bestiary 2: Ninja Gaiden 2\'>NES OSR Bestiary 2: Ninja Gaiden 2</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'NES OSR Bestiary 1: Dragon Warrior\'>NES OSR Bestiary 1: Dragon Warrior</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2017-9:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'15 Movement-Based Magic Items\'>15 Movement-Based Magic Items</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'How to Keep Your Friends Alive When Everything Seems to Want Them Dead\'>How to Keep Your Friends Alive When Everything Seems to Want Them Dead</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'If You&#039;re Not Metagaming, You&#039;re Not Trying Hard Enough\'>If You&#039;re Not Metagaming, You&#039;re Not Trying Hard Enough</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'d100 Materials your Post-Apocalyptic Armor is Made From\'>d100 Materials your Post-Apocalyptic Armor is Made From</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Free Adventure: Potatoes &amp; Rats\'>Free Adventure: Potatoes &amp; Rats</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Yes, No, and Maybe\'>Yes, No, and Maybe</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Hashtag DIY30\'>Hashtag DIY30</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2017-8:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Basic Game Structure, &amp; Hacking as an Involved Deviation\'>Basic Game Structure, &amp; Hacking as an Involved Deviation</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Breaking the Basics\'>Breaking the Basics</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Blogs on Tape Update\'>Blogs on Tape Update</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Cozy Catacombs: A Demonstration of Flux Space\'>The Cozy Catacombs: A Demonstration of Flux Space</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Blogs on Tape\'>Blogs on Tape</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'8 Reasons Why D&amp;D Is Better Than Video Games\'>8 Reasons Why D&amp;D Is Better Than Video Games</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2017-7:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'How I Construct Dragons\'>How I Construct Dragons</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Your Dragons Suck\'>Your Dragons Suck</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'d100 Mercenary or Bandit Leaders\'>d100 Mercenary or Bandit Leaders</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Flux Space in Dungeons\'>Flux Space in Dungeons</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Space Ships: Revisions, &amp; Modules\'>Space Ships: Revisions, &amp; Modules</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Space Ships for D&amp;D\'>Space Ships for D&amp;D</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2017-6:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'My Players Captured Some Scientists\'>My Players Captured Some Scientists</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Cybernetic Augmentations in ORWA\'>Cybernetic Augmentations in ORWA</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Haven Turn\'>The Haven Turn</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Adding Smartphones to your Game World\'>Adding Smartphones to your Game World</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Encumbrance in Online Games\'>Encumbrance in Online Games</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2017-5:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Investments, Citadels, and Domains\'>Investments, Citadels, and Domains</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Establishing a Religion\'>Establishing a Religion</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Players Are Never Going To Stop Calling Their Shots\'>Players Are Never Going To Stop Calling Their Shots</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Stealth\'>Stealth</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Fighter&#039;s Armies\'>Fighter&#039;s Armies</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2017-4:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'LotFP Class: Totem Magician (FFX Lulu)\'>LotFP Class: Totem Magician (FFX Lulu)</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'1d100 Payments\'>1d100 Payments</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Guns in ORWA\'>Guns in ORWA</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Rules for Gobbos\'>Rules for Gobbos</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Simple Socializing: The Give &amp; Take System\'>Simple Socializing: The Give &amp; Take System</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Methods for Writing d100 Tables\'>Methods for Writing d100 Tables</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2017-3:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'d100 Human Beings for Sale\'>d100 Human Beings for Sale</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'When a Skill is Justified, Superpower Skills, and Torture in ORWA\'>When a Skill is Justified, Superpower Skills, and Torture in ORWA</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magic Words: Laboratories\'>Magic Words: Laboratories</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'A D&amp;Drinking Game\'>A D&amp;Drinking Game</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Better Wizard Staves + d100 Wizard Staves\'>Better Wizard Staves + d100 Wizard Staves</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2017-2:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Better Magic Wands + d100 Magic Wands\'>Better Magic Wands + d100 Magic Wands</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Weird Cleric Magic: Oddities\'>Weird Cleric Magic: Oddities</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Trying out Glory from God: The Past Gods\'>Trying out Glory from God: The Past Gods</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Weird Cleric Magic: Gods\'>Weird Cleric Magic: Gods</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Papers &amp; Pencils Patreon!\'>Papers &amp; Pencils Patreon!</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Glory from God: Creating Spells\'>Glory from God: Creating Spells</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2017-1:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'d30 Books you Find in the Wizard&#039;s Study\'>d30 Books you Find in the Wizard&#039;s Study</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Making Cleric Magic Weirder: Glory from God\'>Making Cleric Magic Weirder: Glory from God</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magic Words in Practice: One Year of Magic Words in ORWA\'>Magic Words in Practice: One Year of Magic Words in ORWA</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Nick LS Whelan Project Roundup\'>Nick LS Whelan Project Roundup</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'What I Need to Improve on as a Referee, 2017 Edition\'>What I Need to Improve on as a Referee, 2017 Edition</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Structuring Encounter Tables\'>Structuring Encounter Tables</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2016-12:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'D&amp;D Christmas Carols: Searching for Silver and Gold\'>D&amp;D Christmas Carols: Searching for Silver and Gold</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Questgivers are Evil\'>Questgivers are Evil</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'On a Red World Alone; Handling Factions\'>On a Red World Alone; Handling Factions</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Santicore 2015: Dwarves&#039; Beards: What are they for?\'>Santicore 2015: Dwarves&#039; Beards: What are they for?</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'d100 Reasons the Wizard is more than they Seem\'>d100 Reasons the Wizard is more than they Seem</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2016-11:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magic Words Don&#039;t Need No Spell Levels\'>Magic Words Don&#039;t Need No Spell Levels</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magic Words: Spell Failure\'>Magic Words: Spell Failure</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Cointoss, a 200 Word RPG\'>Cointoss, a 200 Word RPG</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'LotFP Class: The Exiled Prince\'>LotFP Class: The Exiled Prince</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2016-10:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Box of Nails\'>The Box of Nails</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Dungeon Mist\'>Dungeon Mist</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'LotFP Monster: The Seamster\'>LotFP Monster: The Seamster</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'LotFP Class: Torturer\'>LotFP Class: Torturer</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Where Does Story Come From?\'>Where Does Story Come From?</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2016-9:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'A Use for Excess Experience Points\'>A Use for Excess Experience Points</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'d100 Pieces of Technological Junk\'>d100 Pieces of Technological Junk</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Colorful Characters 27: Bric Shilic\'>Colorful Characters 27: Bric Shilic</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'d100 Magic Words: Opposites, and Evocation\'>d100 Magic Words: Opposites, and Evocation</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2016-8:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'d100 Results of Drug-Addled Engineering\'>d100 Results of Drug-Addled Engineering</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Bringing PCs Back as Cyborgs\'>Bringing PCs Back as Cyborgs</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'How I Use the Skills I Hate\'>How I Use the Skills I Hate</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Spending Money: Training\'>Spending Money: Training</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2016-7:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'d100 Magic Words: Body Parts &amp; Simple Actions\'>d100 Magic Words: Body Parts &amp; Simple Actions</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'LotFP Class: Djinn Kin\'>LotFP Class: Djinn Kin</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2016-6:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Making Languages Relevant\'>Making Languages Relevant</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'d100 Objects of Moderate Value\'>d100 Objects of Moderate Value</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'I Hate Choice\'>I Hate Choice</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'LotFP Class: The Windmaster\'>LotFP Class: The Windmaster</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2016-5:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'1d100 Magic Words - Creatures &amp; Evil\'>1d100 Magic Words - Creatures &amp; Evil</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Fishmonger&#039;s Revenge\'>The Fishmonger&#039;s Revenge</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'d100 Curses\'>d100 Curses</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Skills: Mastery Versus Uncertainty\'>Skills: Mastery Versus Uncertainty</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 31: Getting Weird with the Classics 3\'>Magical Marvels 31: Getting Weird with the Classics 3</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2016-4:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Making Use of Waiting\'>Making Use of Waiting</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'LotFP Class: The Spy\'>LotFP Class: The Spy</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Crafting as Jury Rigged Equipment\'>Crafting as Jury Rigged Equipment</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'1d100 Magic Words - General\'>1d100 Magic Words - General</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'LotFP Class: Bangtail\'>LotFP Class: Bangtail</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2016-3:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'LotFP Class: Bear in Disguise\'>LotFP Class: Bear in Disguise</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 30: Getting Weird with the Classics 2\'>Magical Marvels 30: Getting Weird with the Classics 2</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'LotFP Class: The Action Hero\'>LotFP Class: The Action Hero</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'1d100 Small Town Quirks\'>1d100 Small Town Quirks</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Figuratively +X Swords\'>Figuratively +X Swords</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Jumping on a 2-Year Old Bandwagon: Replacing +1 Swords\'>Jumping on a 2-Year Old Bandwagon: Replacing +1 Swords</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2016-2:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 30 / Magical Marvels 29: The Treasure Chest Card\'>Deadly Dungeons 30 / Magical Marvels 29: The Treasure Chest Card</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Formidable Factions 1: Techno Priests\'>Formidable Factions 1: Techno Priests</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'On a Red World Alone Play Reports\'>On a Red World Alone Play Reports</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Cool Stuff in the Wrong Direction: Forests\'>Cool Stuff in the Wrong Direction: Forests</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Do not attempt to place dice in another person.\'>Do not attempt to place dice in another person.</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Yet More Magic Words\'>Yet More Magic Words</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2016-1:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 28: Getting Weird With the Classics 1\'>Magical Marvels 28: Getting Weird With the Classics 1</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'What I Need to Improve On as a Referee, 2016 edition\'>What I Need to Improve On as a Referee, 2016 edition</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Grizzled\'>The Grizzled</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Cool Stuff in the Wrong Direction - Overland\'>Cool Stuff in the Wrong Direction - Overland</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2015-12:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'LotFP Class: The Gift Giver\'>LotFP Class: The Gift Giver</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'D&amp;D Christmas Carols: Damage Dice the Ref Rolled High\'>D&amp;D Christmas Carols: Damage Dice the Ref Rolled High</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'LotFP Class: The Friendly Ghost\'>LotFP Class: The Friendly Ghost</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2015-11:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'LotFP Class: The Lucky Motherfucker\'>LotFP Class: The Lucky Motherfucker</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'LotFP Class: Lawyer\'>LotFP Class: Lawyer</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2015-10:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'LotFP Class: Slasher\'>LotFP Class: Slasher</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Moral of the Story, a subsystem proposal for Masters of Carcosa\'>The Moral of the Story, a subsystem proposal for Masters of Carcosa</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'An interesting way of creating characters above first level.\'>An interesting way of creating characters above first level.</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Spending Money 3: The Curio Shop\'>Spending Money 3: The Curio Shop</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Spending Money 2: Armor\'>Spending Money 2: Armor</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2015-9:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Spending Money 1: I&#039;ve got thirty thousand gold pieces and nothing to spend them on.\'>Spending Money 1: I&#039;ve got thirty thousand gold pieces and nothing to spend them on.</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'A Better Use for Bookshelves\'>A Better Use for Bookshelves</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'LotFP/FFX Class: Wakka\'>LotFP/FFX Class: Wakka</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'LotFP/FFX Class: Yuna\'>LotFP/FFX Class: Yuna</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'LotFP/FFX Class: Auron\'>LotFP/FFX Class: Auron</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'More Magic Words in Action\'>More Magic Words in Action</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Miscreated Creatures Questions Applied to the Axe Beak\'>The Miscreated Creatures Questions Applied to the Axe Beak</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Miscreated Creatures Questions\'>The Miscreated Creatures Questions</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Swallowed Whole\'>Swallowed Whole</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Miscreated Creatures Update, and Keeping House Rules to Yourself\'>Miscreated Creatures Update, and Keeping House Rules to Yourself</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magic Words in Practice\'>Magic Words in Practice</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Spell lists suck. Here are some magic words.\'>Spell lists suck. Here are some magic words.</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2015-7:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'How should mind affecting spells work on PCs?\'>How should mind affecting spells work on PCs?</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2015-5:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 27: Swordaxe and Scroll on Pink Paper\'>Magical Marvels 27: Swordaxe and Scroll on Pink Paper</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The solution to running chases.\'>The solution to running chases.</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 26: Raggi’s Rejects 6: The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus\'>Magical Marvels 26: Raggi’s Rejects 6: The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2015-4:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Bloodsoaked Boudoir of Velkis the Vile\'>The Bloodsoaked Boudoir of Velkis the Vile</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 25: Raggi’s Rejects 5: The Trifold Parchment\'>Magical Marvels 25: Raggi’s Rejects 5: The Trifold Parchment</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 24: Raggi’s Rejects 4: The Doll that Loves Every Child\'>Magical Marvels 24: Raggi’s Rejects 4: The Doll that Loves Every Child</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2015-3:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 23: Raggi’s Rejects 3: The Arm of Saint Lawrence\'>Magical Marvels 23: Raggi’s Rejects 3: The Arm of Saint Lawrence</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Death Touched\'>Death Touched</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 22: Raggi’s Rejects 2: The Scepter Prison of Thing No Thing\'>Magical Marvels 22: Raggi’s Rejects 2: The Scepter Prison of Thing No Thing</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 21: Raggi&#039;s Rejects 1: The Bonebarrow\'>Magical Marvels 21: Raggi&#039;s Rejects 1: The Bonebarrow</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2015-1:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Lamentations of the Flame Princess House Rules, Part 2 of 2\'>Lamentations of the Flame Princess House Rules, Part 2 of 2</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Lamentations of the Flame Princess House Rules, Part 1 of 2\'>Lamentations of the Flame Princess House Rules, Part 1 of 2</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2014-12:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'A look at Wonder &amp; Wickedness by Brendan S.\'>A look at Wonder &amp; Wickedness by Brendan S.</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2014-2:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Managing a Hub Town: Buying Equipment after first level\'>Managing a Hub Town: Buying Equipment after first level</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2014-1:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'What&#039;s the best way to manage a small hub town?\'>What&#039;s the best way to manage a small hub town?</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'World of Bellumus\'>World of Bellumus</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'A Single Saving Throw\'>A Single Saving Throw</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'New Look\'>New Look</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2013-12:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 20: The Skull Censer\'>Magical Marvels 20: The Skull Censer</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Sample Initiative\'>Sample Initiative</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'What I Require of Initiative\'>What I Require of Initiative</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2013-11:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Dissecting Monsters: The Defiler&#039;s Creature from “Better Than Any Man”\'>Dissecting Monsters: The Defiler&#039;s Creature from “Better Than Any Man”</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Dissecting Monsters: The Watcher&#039;s First Creature from &quot;Better Than Any Man&quot;\'>Dissecting Monsters: The Watcher&#039;s First Creature from &quot;Better Than Any Man&quot;</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 29: The Weathered Door\'>Deadly Dungeons 29: The Weathered Door</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 45: The Wizard&#039;s Challenge by David Hoffrichter\'>Picture Thursday 45: The Wizard&#039;s Challenge by David Hoffrichter</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 28: Ladder Conundrum\'>Deadly Dungeons 28: Ladder Conundrum</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 44: Brother System by Nick Patterson\'>Picture Thursday 44: Brother System by Nick Patterson</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Dissecting Monsters: The Watcher&#039;s Second Creature from &quot;Better Than Any Man&quot;\'>Dissecting Monsters: The Watcher&#039;s Second Creature from &quot;Better Than Any Man&quot;</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2013-10:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 43: Oliphek by Heather Gwinn\'>Picture Thursday 43: Oliphek by Heather Gwinn</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Dissecting Monsters: The Defender&#039;s Creature from &quot;Better Than Any Man&quot;\'>Dissecting Monsters: The Defender&#039;s Creature from &quot;Better Than Any Man&quot;</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 27: Undead Disposal Chamber\'>Deadly Dungeons 27: Undead Disposal Chamber</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 42: The Secret Tower (II) by René Aigner\'>Picture Thursday 42: The Secret Tower (II) by René Aigner</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Dissecting Monsters: The Mother&#039;s Creature from &quot;Better Than Any Man&quot;\'>Dissecting Monsters: The Mother&#039;s Creature from &quot;Better Than Any Man&quot;</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Dissecting Monsters: The Provider&#039;s Creature from &quot;Better Than Any Man&quot;\'>Dissecting Monsters: The Provider&#039;s Creature from &quot;Better Than Any Man&quot;</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvel 19: Cloud Armor Ring\'>Magical Marvel 19: Cloud Armor Ring</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 41: Teeny Tiny Castle on the Water\'>Picture Thursday 41: Teeny Tiny Castle on the Water</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'What is a rumor table?\'>What is a rumor table?</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 18: The Toy Boat\'>Magical Marvels 18: The Toy Boat</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 40: Spider Dragon by Dan Merrell\'>Picture Thursday 40: Spider Dragon by Dan Merrell</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2013-9:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Maze of One-Way Doors\'>The Maze of One-Way Doors</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 39: &quot;For All that Could Have Been&quot; by Noah Bradley\'>Picture Thursday 39: &quot;For All that Could Have Been&quot; by Noah Bradley</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Link: Everyone is John\'>Link: Everyone is John</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Depths of the Dungeon Moon: 20+ Questions\'>The Depths of the Dungeon Moon: 20+ Questions</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 17: Spell Lock Axe\'>Magical Marvels 17: Spell Lock Axe</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 38: Kel&#039;Thuzad by unknown Blizzard artist\'>Picture Thursday 38: Kel&#039;Thuzad by unknown Blizzard artist</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'A campaign setting which is most certainly NOT called &quot;Dungeon World.&quot;\'>A campaign setting which is most certainly NOT called &quot;Dungeon World.&quot;</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'A fun alternative to dying.\'>A fun alternative to dying.</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 16: Hellfire Jar\'>Magical Marvels 16: Hellfire Jar</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 37: Please Tell Me Who Made This! (&quot;Skeleton Jelly&quot;)\'>Picture Thursday 37: Please Tell Me Who Made This! (&quot;Skeleton Jelly&quot;)</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Adventure Module Review: &quot;Fuck For Satan&quot; by James Raggi\'>Adventure Module Review: &quot;Fuck For Satan&quot; by James Raggi</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Dungeon Tolls\'>Dungeon Tolls</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 26: Bugaboos\'>Deadly Dungeons 26: Bugaboos</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 36: Deplorable Book Molestation\'>Picture Thursday 36: Deplorable Book Molestation</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 15: Deck of Illusions\'>Magical Marvels 15: Deck of Illusions</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2013-8:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 25: Mind and Body Passage\'>Deadly Dungeons 25: Mind and Body Passage</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 35: Tattooed Mage by Jason Rainville\'>Picture Thursday 35: Tattooed Mage by Jason Rainville</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'2nd Annual Papers &amp; Pencils Reader Survey Results\'>2nd Annual Papers &amp; Pencils Reader Survey Results</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Formatting a Monster Book\'>Formatting a Monster Book</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'A Use for Bookshelves: Rumor Tables\'>A Use for Bookshelves: Rumor Tables</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels: Hat of 5 Birds\'>Magical Marvels: Hat of 5 Birds</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday: Reschensee Church Tower\'>Picture Thursday: Reschensee Church Tower</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Link: Dungeon Robber\'>Link: Dungeon Robber</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Nope Slayer Class\'>The Nope Slayer Class</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 24: Pools of Dimensionally Attuning Paint\'>Deadly Dungeons 24: Pools of Dimensionally Attuning Paint</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 23: Flippy Turny Fally Room\'>Deadly Dungeons 23: Flippy Turny Fally Room</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 33: &quot;Dungeon&quot; by Sebastian Wagner\'>Picture Thursday 33: &quot;Dungeon&quot; by Sebastian Wagner</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'2nd Annual Papers &amp; Pencils Reader Survey\'>2nd Annual Papers &amp; Pencils Reader Survey</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 13: Snowstorm Blade\'>Magical Marvels 13: Snowstorm Blade</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The New Project\'>The New Project</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Colorful Characters 26: Ronder Thelleper, The Drunk Warlock\'>Colorful Characters 26: Ronder Thelleper, The Drunk Warlock</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Ding! Level Three\'>Ding! Level Three</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Link: Gophers and Goblins\'>Link: Gophers and Goblins</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Lamentations of the Flame Princess\'>Lamentations of the Flame Princess</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Not Everything Needs to be Finished\'>Not Everything Needs to be Finished</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 32: &quot;Dungeon&quot; by eWKn\'>Picture Thursday 32: &quot;Dungeon&quot; by eWKn</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2013-7:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'LS and the Fuzz Covered Vessel\'>LS and the Fuzz Covered Vessel</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Dear Pathfinder,\'>Dear Pathfinder,</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 12: Silvertongue Ink\'>Magical Marvels 12: Silvertongue Ink</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 31: &quot;Mage&quot; by 88grzes\'>Picture Thursday 31: &quot;Mage&quot; by 88grzes</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'A Look at &quot;On the Non-Player Character - Solving the Social Trap&quot; by Courtney Campbell\'>A Look at &quot;On the Non-Player Character - Solving the Social Trap&quot; by Courtney Campbell</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Return of the Blogger\'>The Return of the Blogger</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2013-6:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Free Module: The Hidden Tomb of Slagoth the Necromancer\'>Free Module: The Hidden Tomb of Slagoth the Necromancer</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2013-5:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 30: &quot;Orpheus and Eurydice&quot; G.F. Watts\'>Picture Thursday 30: &quot;Orpheus and Eurydice&quot; G.F. Watts</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Vendor Saving Throw\'>Vendor Saving Throw</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 22: The Slide Room\'>Deadly Dungeons 22: The Slide Room</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 29: Abandoned Hotel in Colombia\'>Picture Thursday 29: Abandoned Hotel in Colombia</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The 1 Hour Dungeon\'>The 1 Hour Dungeon</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 21: Firebelly Statue\'>Deadly Dungeons 21: Firebelly Statue</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 28: Sitting Minotaur by Paul Reid\'>Picture Thursday 28: Sitting Minotaur by Paul Reid</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'You Don&#039;t Need to Roll a Character to Start Playing\'>You Don&#039;t Need to Roll a Character to Start Playing</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 20: Dancing Skeleton Room\'>Deadly Dungeons 20: Dancing Skeleton Room</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Merciless Monsters 13: Simonlefera, or &quot;Cricket Wizard&quot;\'>Merciless Monsters 13: Simonlefera, or &quot;Cricket Wizard&quot;</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 27: Alfred the Great\'>Picture Thursday 27: Alfred the Great</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder Class Analysis 15: Oracle\'>Pathfinder Class Analysis 15: Oracle</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder Class Analysis 14: Inquisitor\'>Pathfinder Class Analysis 14: Inquisitor</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 19: Bladesea Sailing Ship\'>Deadly Dungeons 19: Bladesea Sailing Ship</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 26: &quot;Sound II&quot; by Antony Gormley\'>Picture Thursday 26: &quot;Sound II&quot; by Antony Gormley</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Are Dead Levels a Bad Thing?\'>Are Dead Levels a Bad Thing?</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2013-4:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder Class Analysis 13: Cavalier\'>Pathfinder Class Analysis 13: Cavalier</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'When Ginny Bo Fails a Morale Check\'>When Ginny Bo Fails a Morale Check</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 18: The Steel Beast Throne Room\'>Deadly Dungeons 18: The Steel Beast Throne Room</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 25: Statue of Charlemagne, a statue at Grossmünster\'>Picture Thursday 25: Statue of Charlemagne, a statue at Grossmünster</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 17: The Battlefield Execution\'>Deadly Dungeons 17: The Battlefield Execution</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 16: Gold Egg Lure\'>Deadly Dungeons 16: Gold Egg Lure</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Tavern Tales 3 &amp; Deadly Dungeons 15: The Funny Tea Room\'>Tavern Tales 3 &amp; Deadly Dungeons 15: The Funny Tea Room</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 14: Breaking Your Mother&#039;s Back\'>Deadly Dungeons 14: Breaking Your Mother&#039;s Back</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 24: Etchings from Francisco de Goya\'>Picture Thursday 24: Etchings from Francisco de Goya</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Reader Mail: Player Driven Stories, How Do They Work?\'>Reader Mail: Player Driven Stories, How Do They Work?</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Book Review: &quot;At the Queen&#039;s Command,&quot; by Michael A. Stackpole\'>Book Review: &quot;At the Queen&#039;s Command,&quot; by Michael A. Stackpole</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 13: Twisty Turny Dead End\'>Deadly Dungeons 13: Twisty Turny Dead End</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 23: Creepy Church by Nicole Cardiff\'>Picture Thursday 23: Creepy Church by Nicole Cardiff</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder Class Analysis 12: Alchemist\'>Pathfinder Class Analysis 12: Alchemist</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Map Monday\'>Map Monday</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 12: The Hanging Crown Dining Hall\'>Deadly Dungeons 12: The Hanging Crown Dining Hall</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 22: Skeleton By Jérémie Fleury\'>Picture Thursday 22: Skeleton By Jérémie Fleury</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Reader Mail: Demon Swords, and Tricking Your Players\'>Reader Mail: Demon Swords, and Tricking Your Players</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2013-3:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 11: The Midas Chest\'>Deadly Dungeons 11: The Midas Chest</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 21: &quot;Entering the Tomb of...&quot; by Jjnaas\'>Picture Thursday 21: &quot;Entering the Tomb of...&quot; by Jjnaas</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Weather\'>Weather</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Video: &quot;The Theatre of the Mind&quot;\'>Video: &quot;The Theatre of the Mind&quot;</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'X-Wing Miniatures Game\'>X-Wing Miniatures Game</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Kickstarter: Tales of Alethrion\'>Kickstarter: Tales of Alethrion</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Dungeon of Signs Map Contest Entry\'>Dungeon of Signs Map Contest Entry</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 11: The Steedmaker Barding\'>Magical Marvels 11: The Steedmaker Barding</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 20: Molten Cavern by IgorIvArt\'>Picture Thursday 20: Molten Cavern by IgorIvArt</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'On Practicing the Dead Ways\'>On Practicing the Dead Ways</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Page by Page: Gary Gygax’s DMG Part 14\'>Page by Page: Gary Gygax’s DMG Part 14</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Simple Attacks &amp; Grapples\'>Simple Attacks &amp; Grapples</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Killing My Babies\'>Killing My Babies</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Colorful Characters 25: Sestronatara\'>Colorful Characters 25: Sestronatara</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Rings by *BATTLEFAIRIES\'>Magical Rings by *BATTLEFAIRIES</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Page by Page: Gary Gygax’s DMG Part 13\'>Page by Page: Gary Gygax’s DMG Part 13</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Page by Page: Gary Gygax’s DMG Part 12\'>Page by Page: Gary Gygax’s DMG Part 12</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Ability Scores Weighted by Race\'>Ability Scores Weighted by Race</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 10: Glasstouch Dagger\'>Magical Marvels 10: Glasstouch Dagger</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 18: The Master Sword from A Link to the Past\'>Picture Thursday 18: The Master Sword from A Link to the Past</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder Class Analysis 11: Wizard\'>Pathfinder Class Analysis 11: Wizard</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder Class Analysis 10: Sorcerer\'>Pathfinder Class Analysis 10: Sorcerer</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder Class Analysis 9: Rogue\'>Pathfinder Class Analysis 9: Rogue</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'LAWL! Plagiarism.\'>LAWL! Plagiarism.</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 10: The Fleeing Golem\'>Deadly Dungeons 10: The Fleeing Golem</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2013-2:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 17: Titan of Braavos by Zippo514\'>Picture Thursday 17: Titan of Braavos by Zippo514</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder Class Analysis 8: Ranger\'>Pathfinder Class Analysis 8: Ranger</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder Class Analysis 7: Paladin\'>Pathfinder Class Analysis 7: Paladin</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder Class Analysis 6: Monk\'>Pathfinder Class Analysis 6: Monk</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 9: Staircase of Hunger\'>Deadly Dungeons 9: Staircase of Hunger</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 16: THe Endless Stair by Jack Fred\'>Picture Thursday 16: THe Endless Stair by Jack Fred</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Resource: Traveling in the Roman World\'>Resource: Traveling in the Roman World</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Simple Skill System, Type II\'>Simple Skill System, Type II</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Fast Playing Skirmishes\'>Fast Playing Skirmishes</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 8: Shockfloor Crypt\'>Deadly Dungeons 8: Shockfloor Crypt</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 15: &quot;Roll for Initiative...&quot; by Jon Hodgson\'>Picture Thursday 15: &quot;Roll for Initiative...&quot; by Jon Hodgson</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'A Defense of Knowledge Skills\'>A Defense of Knowledge Skills</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Resource: Old Maps Online\'>Resource: Old Maps Online</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Player Agency\'>Player Agency</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 7: Skeletal Assembly Line\'>Deadly Dungeons 7: Skeletal Assembly Line</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 14: Sandwich the Drow Paladin by Slants\'>Picture Thursday 14: Sandwich the Drow Paladin by Slants</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder Class Analysis 5: Fighter\'>Pathfinder Class Analysis 5: Fighter</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder Class Analysis 4: Druid\'>Pathfinder Class Analysis 4: Druid</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'A Defense of Crafting\'>A Defense of Crafting</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 6: The Fallback Corridor\'>Deadly Dungeons 6: The Fallback Corridor</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2013-1:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 13: Worm That Walks by Wayne Reynolds\'>Picture Thursday 13: Worm That Walks by Wayne Reynolds</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder Class Analysis 3: Cleric\'>Pathfinder Class Analysis 3: Cleric</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Crafting Weapons &amp; Armor in Pathfinder\'>Crafting Weapons &amp; Armor in Pathfinder</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Video: &#039;The Reward&#039; from Animation Workshop\'>Video: &#039;The Reward&#039; from Animation Workshop</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 5: Sepulchre of Order of The Gavel\'>Deadly Dungeons 5: Sepulchre of Order of The Gavel</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Reading &quot;The Steading Of The Hill Giant Chief&quot; as a Modern Gamer\'>Reading &quot;The Steading Of The Hill Giant Chief&quot; as a Modern Gamer</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 12? Webbed by Jeff Dee\'>Picture Thursday 12? Webbed by Jeff Dee</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Designing a Pathfinder Skill\'>Designing a Pathfinder Skill</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Merciless Monsters 12: Rotocula (Female)\'>Merciless Monsters 12: Rotocula (Female)</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 11: Inheritance by Eeliskyttanen\'>Picture Thursday 11: Inheritance by Eeliskyttanen</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Placing Treasure\'>Placing Treasure</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'OD&#038;D-ish Stuff I&#039;ve Been Doing\'>OD&#038;D-ish Stuff I&#039;ve Been Doing</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Merciless Monsters 11: Rotocula (Male)\'>Merciless Monsters 11: Rotocula (Male)</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 10: Death from Below by Samwise Didier\'>Picture Thursday 10: Death from Below by Samwise Didier</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'In Defense of Experience Points\'>In Defense of Experience Points</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder Class Analysis 2: Bard\'>Pathfinder Class Analysis 2: Bard</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 4: The Wet Passage\'>Deadly Dungeons 4: The Wet Passage</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 9: The Iron Orb of the Duergar by Scott Burdick\'>Picture Thursday 9: The Iron Orb of the Duergar by Scott Burdick</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Page by Page: Gary Gygax’s DMG Part 11\'>Page by Page: Gary Gygax’s DMG Part 11</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2012-12:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 3: Blastdoor Room\'>Deadly Dungeons 3: Blastdoor Room</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 8: &quot;Cultural Misunderstandings 2&quot; by &#039;hibbary\'>Picture Thursday 8: &quot;Cultural Misunderstandings 2&quot; by &#039;hibbary</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Page by Page: Gary Gygax&#039;s DMG Part 10\'>Page by Page: Gary Gygax&#039;s DMG Part 10</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'D&#038;D Christmas Carols: Dark Lord Wenceslaus\'>D&#038;D Christmas Carols: Dark Lord Wenceslaus</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Checking for Traps is Bullshit\'>Checking for Traps is Bullshit</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder Class Analysis 1: Barbarian\'>Pathfinder Class Analysis 1: Barbarian</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Girl and the Granite Throne: Chapter Five\'>The Girl and the Granite Throne: Chapter Five</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Colorful Characters 24: Kringular Clawfist\'>Colorful Characters 24: Kringular Clawfist</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 7: Ogam Thorton by Gus L.\'>Picture Thursday 7: Ogam Thorton by Gus L.</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Page by Page: Gary Gygax’s DMG Part 9\'>Page by Page: Gary Gygax’s DMG Part 9</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Getting the Most out of D6 Weapons\'>Getting the Most out of D6 Weapons</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Moving with Subtlety, and How to Roll Dice for it\'>Moving with Subtlety, and How to Roll Dice for it</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 9: Fifty Ring Descriptions\'>Magical Marvels 9: Fifty Ring Descriptions</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Tuesdays 6 - Castle Grayskull by Ralph MaQuarrie\'>Picture Tuesdays 6 - Castle Grayskull by Ralph MaQuarrie</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Page by Page: Gary Gygax&#039;s DMG Part 8\'>Page by Page: Gary Gygax&#039;s DMG Part 8</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Tavern Tales 2: Ooze, Poison, and Near Death Experiences\'>Tavern Tales 2: Ooze, Poison, and Near Death Experiences</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Facilitating a Jailbreak\'>Facilitating a Jailbreak</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Merciless Monsters 10: Goldtooth Mosquito\'>Merciless Monsters 10: Goldtooth Mosquito</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 5: The Chaos Curse by Jeff Easley\'>Picture Thursday 5: The Chaos Curse by Jeff Easley</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Fallout 3 Tabletop Game 4: NPCs and Foes\'>Fallout 3 Tabletop Game 4: NPCs and Foes</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Fallout 3 Tabletop Game 3: Equipment\'>Fallout 3 Tabletop Game 3: Equipment</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2012-11:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 4: Skeleton on an Altar by Courtney Campbell\'>Picture Thursday 4: Skeleton on an Altar by Courtney Campbell</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Fallout 3 Tabletop Game 2: Skills\'>Fallout 3 Tabletop Game 2: Skills</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Fallout 3 Tabletop Game 1: Characters\'>Fallout 3 Tabletop Game 1: Characters</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Critical Hit and Critical Fumble Charts for Pathfinder\'>Critical Hit and Critical Fumble Charts for Pathfinder</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Simple, Deadly Poisons\'>Simple, Deadly Poisons</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Merciless Monsters 9: Kolera (a.k.a. Beetle People)\'>Merciless Monsters 9: Kolera (a.k.a. Beetle People)</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursdays 3: Green Dragon by Larry Elmore\'>Picture Thursdays 3: Green Dragon by Larry Elmore</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Synchronizing Calendars To Avoid Temporal Displacement\'>Synchronizing Calendars To Avoid Temporal Displacement</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Nature Deities; Fertility and Destruction\'>Nature Deities; Fertility and Destruction</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Colorful Characters 23: Higgins Dreadgrin\'>Colorful Characters 23: Higgins Dreadgrin</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 2: Battle with Trogdolytes by Darlene Pekul\'>Picture Thursday 2: Battle with Trogdolytes by Darlene Pekul</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Feat Slot System for Pathfinder\'>Feat Slot System for Pathfinder</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 2: Ironbone Tower, Sublevel 1\'>Deadly Dungeons 2: Ironbone Tower, Sublevel 1</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Changing my Dungeon Notation\'>Changing my Dungeon Notation</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Lively Locals 11: The Ironbone Tower\'>Lively Locals 11: The Ironbone Tower</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 1: Floating Keep by Teddy Wright\'>Picture Thursday 1: Floating Keep by Teddy Wright</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Awesome Thing about Feats\'>The Awesome Thing about Feats</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Guest Post: Favored of the Great Pumpkin, by Jeff H.\'>Guest Post: Favored of the Great Pumpkin, by Jeff H.</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Tavern Tales 1: Hot Rocks, High Rolls, Whores, and Higgins\'>Tavern Tales 1: Hot Rocks, High Rolls, Whores, and Higgins</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Rethinking Rations\'>Rethinking Rations</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Lively Locals 10: Rurik&#039;s Tree\'>Lively Locals 10: Rurik&#039;s Tree</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2012-10:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Partial Undeath\'>Partial Undeath</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Bow Before The Great Pumpkin\'>Bow Before The Great Pumpkin</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Evil Rituals\'>Evil Rituals</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'5 Killer Curses\'>5 Killer Curses</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 8: The Greatsword of Horrid Dreams\'>Magical Marvels 8: The Greatsword of Horrid Dreams</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Vampiric Classifications 2: Types\'>Vampiric Classifications 2: Types</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'1st Annual Papers &amp; Pencils Reader Census Results\'>1st Annual Papers &amp; Pencils Reader Census Results</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Merciless Monsters 8: The Gourd Golem\'>Merciless Monsters 8: The Gourd Golem</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Vampiric Classifications 1: Hierarchy\'>Vampiric Classifications 1: Hierarchy</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Natural Necromancy\'>Natural Necromancy</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Colorful Characters 22: Erol Gwindlin, and The Red Seamster\'>Colorful Characters 22: Erol Gwindlin, and The Red Seamster</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Lively Locals 9: Peaceful Crossing\'>Lively Locals 9: Peaceful Crossing</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Hireling Traits\'>Hireling Traits</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Identifying Magic Items in Pathfinder\'>Identifying Magic Items in Pathfinder</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Last Words of the Megalomaniacal Bard\'>Last Words of the Megalomaniacal Bard</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder Diseases: Commonplace Conditions\'>Pathfinder Diseases: Commonplace Conditions</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder Diseases: Magical Maladies\'>Pathfinder Diseases: Magical Maladies</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Girl and the Granite Throne: Chapter Four\'>The Girl and the Granite Throne: Chapter Four</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2012-9:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Lively Locals 8: Hero&#039;s Rest\'>Lively Locals 8: Hero&#039;s Rest</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'8 Rules for Dungeon Improvisation\'>8 Rules for Dungeon Improvisation</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Campaign Management Toolbox\'>Campaign Management Toolbox</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Playing with Unbalanced Levels in Pathfinder\'>Playing with Unbalanced Levels in Pathfinder</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'(Un)Lively Locals 7: Lilbr, Village of the Dead\'>(Un)Lively Locals 7: Lilbr, Village of the Dead</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Legend of Zelda Adventure System: Levels, and Adventurers\'>Legend of Zelda Adventure System: Levels, and Adventurers</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Using an Open-World Video Game as a Campaign Setting\'>Using an Open-World Video Game as a Campaign Setting</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Streamlined Skill Rolls\'>Streamlined Skill Rolls</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Merciless Monsters 7: Fotavyon\'>Merciless Monsters 7: Fotavyon</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Zelda Adventure System: Rationale Behind the Game&#039;s Experience Mechanic\'>Zelda Adventure System: Rationale Behind the Game&#039;s Experience Mechanic</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Artwork: Elderly Warlock Master\'>Artwork: Elderly Warlock Master</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Appendix N: The Zombie Survival Guide\'>Appendix N: The Zombie Survival Guide</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Legend of Zelda Adventure System: Problems\'>The Legend of Zelda Adventure System: Problems</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Colorful Characters 21: Margo Waggletongue\'>Colorful Characters 21: Margo Waggletongue</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Legend of Zelda Adventure System: Sage Spells\'>Legend of Zelda Adventure System: Sage Spells</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Legend of Zelda Adventure System: Notes on Magic\'>Legend of Zelda Adventure System: Notes on Magic</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Seven Cursed Items for Fun &amp; Profit\'>Seven Cursed Items for Fun &amp; Profit</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2012-8:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Merciless Monsters 6: Octorok For Pathfinder\'>Merciless Monsters 6: Octorok For Pathfinder</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'What I Need to Improve on as a Game Master\'>What I Need to Improve on as a Game Master</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Legend of Zelda Adventure System: Notes on Combat\'>Legend of Zelda Adventure System: Notes on Combat</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Page by Page: Gary Gygax’s DMG Part 7\'>Page by Page: Gary Gygax’s DMG Part 7</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Colorful Characters 20: Melina Ayvon, The Apothocary\'>Colorful Characters 20: Melina Ayvon, The Apothocary</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Apendix N: The Divine Comedy\'>Apendix N: The Divine Comedy</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'System In Progress: LOZAS\'>System In Progress: LOZAS</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Are Zocchi Dice Viable?\'>Are Zocchi Dice Viable?</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Merciless Monsters V: LOZAS Skeleton and Popo\'>Merciless Monsters V: LOZAS Skeleton and Popo</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Taking a Look at Called Shots\'>Taking a Look at Called Shots</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Investigating Ability Scores\'>Investigating Ability Scores</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Reinventing the Wheel\'>Reinventing the Wheel</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Lively Locals 6: The Godstone\'>Lively Locals 6: The Godstone</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'1st Annual Papers &amp; Pencils Reader Census\'>1st Annual Papers &amp; Pencils Reader Census</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Ding! Level Two\'>Ding! Level Two</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Termite Suicide Bombers: How the Animal Kingdom Should Influence Your Game\'>Termite Suicide Bombers: How the Animal Kingdom Should Influence Your Game</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Webcomic: Castle Greyhawk\'>Webcomic: Castle Greyhawk</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Colorful Characters 19: Henrietta Thaeblum, the Ghost of the Uprising\'>Colorful Characters 19: Henrietta Thaeblum, the Ghost of the Uprising</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Beauty of Character Death, and a Shameful Confession\'>The Beauty of Character Death, and a Shameful Confession</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2012-7:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Product Review: Using Banners on the Cheap for Maps\'>Product Review: Using Banners on the Cheap for Maps</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Dungeon Crawling at a Crawl\'>Dungeon Crawling at a Crawl</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Colorful Characters 18: Laura Kraul\'>Colorful Characters 18: Laura Kraul</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'I Concede: OD&amp;D Initiative is Superior\'>I Concede: OD&amp;D Initiative is Superior</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Tabletop Items from A Link to the Past\'>Tabletop Items from A Link to the Past</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Product Review: AD&amp;D First Edition Reprints\'>Product Review: AD&amp;D First Edition Reprints</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'A Post Without Value: My First Attempt to GM\'>A Post Without Value: My First Attempt to GM</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'I Love Creative Players\'>I Love Creative Players</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Dragons &amp; Warriors\'>Dragons &amp; Warriors</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Paizocon Con Report Ort\'>Paizocon Con Report Ort</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Lively Locals 5: Three Religious Sites\'>Lively Locals 5: Three Religious Sites</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Tabletop Magic from Final Fantasy\'>Tabletop Magic from Final Fantasy</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'What It is that I&#039;m Doing Here\'>What It is that I&#039;m Doing Here</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Dungeons &amp; Dragons, Small Towns &amp; Zealots\'>Dungeons &amp; Dragons, Small Towns &amp; Zealots</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Lively Locals 4: The Wood of Lost Paths\'>Lively Locals 4: The Wood of Lost Paths</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Crazy Straw of Race as Class\'>The Crazy Straw of Race as Class</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Weapon Mechanics\'>Weapon Mechanics</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Page by Page: Gary Gygax&#039;s DMG Part 6\'>Page by Page: Gary Gygax&#039;s DMG Part 6</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2012-6:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Lively Locals 3: Drummer&#039;s Field\'>Lively Locals 3: Drummer&#039;s Field</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Updated Forest Battlefield Generator\'>Updated Forest Battlefield Generator</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Why was This Dungeon Built?\'>Why was This Dungeon Built?</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Page by Page: Gary Gygax&#039;s DMG Part 5\'>Page by Page: Gary Gygax&#039;s DMG Part 5</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Serius Biznis\'>Serius Biznis</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Lively Locals 2: River of Blades\'>Lively Locals 2: River of Blades</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Problem with Diversity\'>The Problem with Diversity</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Negune: The Nation of Stekett\'>Negune: The Nation of Stekett</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'What I Want\'>What I Want</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Lively Locals 1: Maeglen Valley\'>Lively Locals 1: Maeglen Valley</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Fantasy Languages\'>Fantasy Languages</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Loot from the 25th Sublevel of the Dungeon\'>Loot from the 25th Sublevel of the Dungeon</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Dissection of Pathfinder&#039;s Monster Entries\'>Dissection of Pathfinder&#039;s Monster Entries</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Colorful Characters 17: Limenent Geary, Duchess of Greyholm\'>Colorful Characters 17: Limenent Geary, Duchess of Greyholm</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Wide-Swing Dilemma\'>The Wide-Swing Dilemma</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Abyssal Rambling\'>Abyssal Rambling</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Page by Page: Gary Gygax&#039;s DMG Part 4\'>Page by Page: Gary Gygax&#039;s DMG Part 4</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 7: The Son&#039;s Service\'>Magical Marvels 7: The Son&#039;s Service</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2012-5:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Most Visually Impressive Appendix Ever\'>The Most Visually Impressive Appendix Ever</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Variant Spell Preperation\'>Variant Spell Preperation</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Campaign Art: Gifts of a Wizard, and a Battle against Ogres!\'>Campaign Art: Gifts of a Wizard, and a Battle against Ogres!</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'May of the Dead: Hungry Hungry Vampire\'>May of the Dead: Hungry Hungry Vampire</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Introducing New Characters to Your Campaign Milieu\'>Introducing New Characters to Your Campaign Milieu</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Page By Page: Gary Gygax’s DMG part 3\'>Page By Page: Gary Gygax’s DMG part 3</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Reality is my Sourcebook: Outside\'>Reality is my Sourcebook: Outside</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The History of Dice\'>The History of Dice</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'May of the Dead: Crypt of Ancient Wisdom\'>May of the Dead: Crypt of Ancient Wisdom</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Page By Page: Gary Gygax’s DMG part 2\'>Page By Page: Gary Gygax’s DMG part 2</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Looks Familiar...\'>Looks Familiar...</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Board Game: Expedition to Castle Ravenloft\'>Board Game: Expedition to Castle Ravenloft</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Role of Military History\'>The Role of Military History</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'May of the Dead: Undead Items\'>May of the Dead: Undead Items</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'How Saying &#039;Yes&#039; to your Players Makes GMing Easier\'>How Saying &#039;Yes&#039; to your Players Makes GMing Easier</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Page By Page: Gary Gygax&#039;s DMG part 1\'>Page By Page: Gary Gygax&#039;s DMG part 1</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'More Goblins for &#039;We Be Goblins, You Be Food&#039;\'>More Goblins for &#039;We Be Goblins, You Be Food&#039;</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'May of the Dead: Variant Zombies\'>May of the Dead: Variant Zombies</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Playing The Other Side: Mindless Undead\'>Playing The Other Side: Mindless Undead</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2012-4:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Fun of Character Death\'>The Fun of Character Death</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Overview of Pathfinder&#039;s Skills: Conclusion\'>Overview of Pathfinder&#039;s Skills: Conclusion</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Overview of Pathfinder&#039;s Skills: Stealth to Use Magic Device\'>Overview of Pathfinder&#039;s Skills: Stealth to Use Magic Device</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Overview of Pathfinder&#039;s Skills: Sense Motive To Spellcraft\'>Overview of Pathfinder&#039;s Skills: Sense Motive To Spellcraft</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Overview of Pathfinder&#039;s Skills: Perform to Ride\'>Overview of Pathfinder&#039;s Skills: Perform to Ride</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Overview of Pathfinder&#039;s Skills: Perception\'>Overview of Pathfinder&#039;s Skills: Perception</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Overview of Pathfinder&#039;s Skills: Knowledge and Linguistics\'>Overview of Pathfinder&#039;s Skills: Knowledge and Linguistics</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Overview of Pathfinder&#039;s Skills: Handle Animal to Intimidate\'>Overview of Pathfinder&#039;s Skills: Handle Animal to Intimidate</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Overview of Pathfinder&#039;s Skills: Disable Device to Fly\'>Overview of Pathfinder&#039;s Skills: Disable Device to Fly</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Overview of Pathfinder&#039;s Skills: Climb to Diplomacy\'>Overview of Pathfinder&#039;s Skills: Climb to Diplomacy</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Overview of Pathfinder&#039;s Skills: Acrobatics to Bluff\'>Overview of Pathfinder&#039;s Skills: Acrobatics to Bluff</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Overview of Pathfinder&#039;s Skills: Introduction\'>Overview of Pathfinder&#039;s Skills: Introduction</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'A Twist on Race as Class\'>A Twist on Race as Class</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Twittertop RPG\'>Twittertop RPG</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Easter Greetings\'>Easter Greetings</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Merciless Monsters 4: Telecanter&#039;s Three Spider Terrors\'>Merciless Monsters 4: Telecanter&#039;s Three Spider Terrors</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Poker Comics: The Natural Order of Things\'>Poker Comics: The Natural Order of Things</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'A Learning Experience\'>A Learning Experience</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Behind the GM&#039;s Screen: ToKiTiMo 3\'>Behind the GM&#039;s Screen: ToKiTiMo 3</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Goblins Redux Illustrated\'>Goblins Redux Illustrated</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2012-3:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Vidya: Legend of Grimrock\'>Vidya: Legend of Grimrock</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Cultural Oddities\'>Cultural Oddities</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'How Players Make Enemies &amp; Influence People\'>How Players Make Enemies &amp; Influence People</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'How Zalekios Gromar Learned Clarity\'>How Zalekios Gromar Learned Clarity</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Colorful Characters 16: Novre Homberk, Tailor Savant\'>Colorful Characters 16: Novre Homberk, Tailor Savant</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Unusual Magic Item Types\'>Unusual Magic Item Types</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Reality is my Sourcebook: Bejeweled Skeletons\'>Reality is my Sourcebook: Bejeweled Skeletons</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Making Encumbrance Work\'>Making Encumbrance Work</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 6: Succubic Shield\'>Magical Marvels 6: Succubic Shield</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'This is Why We Can&#039;t Have Nice Things\'>This is Why We Can&#039;t Have Nice Things</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Paladin&#039;s Oath, and GM Clarity\'>The Paladin&#039;s Oath, and GM Clarity</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'A Paladin&#039;s Fall\'>A Paladin&#039;s Fall</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Colorful Characters 15: Mahudar Kosopske\'>Colorful Characters 15: Mahudar Kosopske</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Hex Crawling Encounters\'>Hex Crawling Encounters</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Making Travel More Engaging\'>Making Travel More Engaging</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Half Price Books Haul\'>Half Price Books Haul</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Merciless Monsters 3: Draugr\'>Merciless Monsters 3: Draugr</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Player Agency in the Dungeons and Dragons Cartoon\'>Player Agency in the Dungeons and Dragons Cartoon</a></li></ul>'; 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(You Be Food!)\'>We Be Goblins! (You Be Food!)</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Colorful Characters 5: Delana The Gravedigger\'>Colorful Characters 5: Delana The Gravedigger</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Spicing Up The Battlemat: Water\'>Spicing Up The Battlemat: Water</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Why Hex Maps Need to Come Back\'>Why Hex Maps Need to Come Back</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons: Scholomance Part 1\'>Deadly Dungeons: Scholomance Part 1</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Alternative Fantasy Race Relations\'>Alternative Fantasy Race Relations</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Colorful Characters 4: Baron Ika of the Treebreaker Tribe\'>Colorful Characters 4: Baron Ika of the Treebreaker Tribe</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magic Items: By Deed or by Craft\'>Magic Items: By Deed or by Craft</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2011-10:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Problem with Feats\'>The Problem with Feats</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'My GMing Methodology for The Ascendant Crusade\'>My GMing Methodology for The Ascendant Crusade</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'GMing For The Holidays\'>GMing For The Holidays</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Colorful Characters 3: Cohen Strauss, The Town Blacksmith\'>Colorful Characters 3: Cohen Strauss, The Town Blacksmith</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Book Review: Everything I Need To Know I Learned From Dungeons &amp; Dragons\'>Book Review: Everything I Need To Know I Learned From Dungeons &amp; Dragons</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'On Character Generation V.S. 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collapsItems['collapsArch-2011-8:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder: First Thoughts, Part 3 (Classes)\'>Pathfinder: First Thoughts, Part 3 (Classes)</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder: First Thoughts, Part 2 (Classes)\'>Pathfinder: First Thoughts, Part 2 (Classes)</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder: First Thoughts, Part 1\'>Pathfinder: First Thoughts, Part 1</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Girl and the Granite Throne: Chapter One\'>The Girl and the Granite Throne: Chapter One</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Girl and the Granite Throne: Prologue\'>The Girl and the Granite Throne: Prologue</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'To Battle!\'>To Battle!</a></li></ul>'; /* Collapse Functions, version 3.0 * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ String.prototype.trim = function() { return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,""); 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