Announced books - Info

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if ( query.match(/func=(find-[a-c]|direct)|file_name=find-[a-c]/i) && bas.match(/^(NKC|SLK|KKL|STT|SKC|ADR|ANL|AUT|KTD|SCK)/i) ) this.location.replace('' + '?' + query.replace(/^[&?]/,'') + '&local_base=MOBIL-' + bas); else if ( query.match(/func=bor-(info|hold|loan)/i) ) this.location.replace('' + '?' + query.replace(/^[&?]/,'') + '&CON_LNG=men'); else this.location.replace(''); } // --> </script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="" TYPE="text/css"> </head> <body topmargin="0" marginheight="0"> <!-- filename: head-1-nobor-nkc01 --> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center"> <tr class="topbar"> <td valign="middle" rowspan="3" width="60"> <a href="" target=new title="NL CR"> <img src="" border="0" align="center" width="50" alt="NL CR"></a></td> <td class="topbar" valign="middle" align="left" colspan="7"> &nbsp; Databases of the National Library CR </td> <td class="topbar" valign="middle" align="right" colspan="8"> Base: &nbsp;Announced books &nbsp; </td> </tr> <tr class="middlebar"> <td class="middlebar" valign="middle" height="20" align="center" nowrap> <a href="" class="blue" title="Logout"> Logout</a> </td> <td class="middlebar" valign="middle" height="20" align="center" nowrap> | </td> <td class="middlebar" valign="middle" height="20" align="center" nowrap> <a href="" title="View information on your library account" class="blue"> Login</a> </td> <td class="middlebar" valign="middle" height="20" align="center" nowrap> | </td> <td class="middlebar" valign="middle" height="20" align="center" nowrap> <a href="" class="blue" title="Select catalogue or database to search"> Databases</a> </td> <td class="middlebar" valign="middle" height="20" align="center" nowrap> | <td class="middlebar" valign="middle" height="20" align="center" nowrap> <a href="" class="blue" title="Select catalogue subset"> Subsets</a> </td> <td class="middlebar" valign="middle" height="20" align="center" nowrap> | </td> <td class="middlebar" valign="middle" height="20" align="center" nowrap> <a href="" class="blue" title="Set your options for information display"> Preferences</a> </td> <td class="middlebar" valign="middle" height="20" align="center" nowrap> | </td> <td class="middlebar" valign="middle" height="20" align="center" nowrap> <a href="" class="blue" title="Send feedback about this system"> Feedback</a> </td> <td class="middlebar" valign="middle" height="20" align="center" nowrap> | </td> <td class="middlebar" valign="middle" height="20" align="center" nowrap> <a href="" class="blue" title="Inter-library loan request"> ILL</a> </td> <td class="middlebar" valign="middle" height="20" align="center" nowrap> | </td> <td class="middlebar" valign="middle" height="20" align="center" nowrap> <a href="" class="blue" title="Help using this system" target="new"> Help</a> </td> </tr> <tr class="bottombar"> <td class="bottombar" valign="middle" height="20" align="center" colspan="3" nowrap> <a href="" class="blue" title="Search and browse alphabetical indexes"> Search / Browse</a> </td> <td class="bottombar" valign="middle" height="20" align="center" nowrap> | </td> <td class="bottombar" valign="middle" height="20" align="center" nowrap> <a href="" class="blue" title="View list of records"> Results list</a> </td> <td class="bottombar" valign="middle" height="20" align="center" nowrap> | </td> <td class="bottombar" valign="middle" height="20" align="center" nowrap> <a href="" class="blue" title="View lists of records from the past searches"> Previous searches</a> </td> <td class="bottombar" valign="middle" height="20" align="center" nowrap> | </td> <td class="bottombar" valign="middle" height="20" align="center" nowrap> <a href="" class="blue" title="View records that were saved in your e-Shelf"> My e-Shelf</a> </td> <td class="bottombar" valign="middle" height="20" align="center" nowrap> | </td> <td class="bottombar" valign="middle" height="20" align="center" nowrap> <a href="" class="blue" title="View records that were saved in your history"> History</a> </td> <td class="bottombar" valign="middle" height="20" align="center" nowrap> | </td> <td class="bottombar" valign="middle" height="20" align="center" colspan="3" nowrap> <a href="" title="Czech" onclick="this.href = window.location.href.replace(/#.*/,'').replace(/&CON_LNG=.*/i,'') + '&CON_LNG=CZE'"> <img src="" border="1" align="absmiddle"></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="feedbackbar" id="feedback" valign="middle" height="20" align="center" colspan="16"> &nbsp; </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="middle" height="15" background="" colspan="16"> </td> </tr> </table> <br> <table width="100%"> <tr> <td class=title> ISN - Books and Music Announced to the National ISBN/ISMN Agencies in the Czech Republic </td> <td align=right> <a href="javascript:window.history.back();"> <img src="" border="0" alt="Back to Basic Search"></a> </td> </tr> </table> <p class=text9> The database ISN contains basic bibliographic data on books and music items by Czech publishers registered in the ISBN or ISMN system as well as books and music items non-registered publishers which asked for individual ISBNs/ISMNs. <b>It gathers <i> a priori </i> information on still non-published books with assigned ISBNs/ISMNs. </b> As soon as the National Library of the Czech Republic gets a legal deposit this entry moves into the database NKC and disappears from ISN. It can be that you will find a book already published in this database. It can be in the case when the publisher still has not sent the legal deposit or if it is under processing in the Library. <p> If you will not find the publication which was still not published it means that: </p> <ul> <li>The book has no ISBN and therefore is not in the database. <li>The publisher did not announce the ISBN assigned to it. In that case forward your requests to the publisher itself. (For the publisher directory see the database <a href="" target=_blank>NAK</a>.) <li>The book was already published. (If you can verify its availability in libraries search in your preferred database or try databases <a href="" target=_blank>NKC</a>, <a href="" target=_blank>SKC</a> <li>It is an announced/published online publication with assigned ISBN. Further information will give you <a href="" target=_blank>the National ISBN/ISMN Agency in the CR</a>. <p> <hr width=50%> <p> <b>Browsing in the database:</b><br> You can search in the database either by browsing in various indexes or directly through a search inquiry. We can recommend to browse in indexes. <p> You have the following indexes available: </p> <p> <ul> <li><b>Titles</b> <li><b>Authors</b> <li><b>Publishers</b> <li><b>ISBN /ISMN</b> </ul> </p> <p> If you like to search through individual search terms you can use words from all indexed data or specify the field which will contain this word. </p> <p> You can search by the following fields: </p> <p> <ul> <li><b>Words from the title</b> <li><b>Author</b> <li><b>Publisher</b> <li><b>ISBN / ISMN</b> </ul> </p> <!-- filename: copyrights --> <br> <div id="copyright" class="copyright"> &copy; 2015 Ex Libris<br> The National Library of the Czech Republic makes its databases available as <a href="" target="_blank">open data under the CC0 license</a></div> <br> </body> </html>

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