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Cookies are small pieces of text data that can be placed on a visitor&rsquo;s computer, normally to provide enhanced functionality and/or improved relevancy of information. For more information about cookies, visit <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><strong></strong></a>.</p> <h3>Cookie Audit</h3> <p>In order to comply with GDPR (the General Data Protection Regulations), we regularly review our use of cookies and will publish further information here as appropriate.</p> <h3>Cookie Consent</h3> <p>The law requires that we are required to ask visitors to consent to the acceptance of certain types of cookies from this site. When you first access our site, you will be asked for your consent to set cookies by our consent management platform. You can change your preferences at any time by visiting the Privacy link at the bottom of any page.</p> <h3>Summary</h3> <h3>First-party cookies</h3> <p>These are cookies set by ourselves or the software running on our website. Some of these are to gain insight into how visitors arrive at our site, and which pages they view, to help us monitor and improve the service. Others are essential for operation of certain parts of the website and may only last for the duration of your browser session.</p> <p>We have listed our first-party cookies below, along with their purpose and expiry period.</p> <p><em><strong>Session ID:<br /> </strong></em>Name: ASPSESSIONID<br /> Purpose: Used to preserve the context of your visit and to know whether you have logged in so you do not have to re-enter this information on every page you visit.<br /> Expires: At the end of your session (when you close your browser).</p> <p><em><strong>Google Analytics:<br /> </strong></em>Name:&nbsp;__utma, __utmb, __utmc, __utmz, __utmv<em><strong><br /> </strong></em>Purpose: We use Google Analytics to collect information about how visitors find and use our website. This helps us to continue to improve the site.&nbsp;<br /> Expires:<br /> __utma: 2 years<br /> __utmb: 30 minutes<br /> __utmc: at end of session (when you close your browser)<br /> __utmv: 2 years<br /> __utmZ: 2 years</p> <p>View the <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Google Privacy and Terms</a></strong>.</p> <h3>Third-party cookies</h3> <p>Some of the functionality of the site uses third-party plugins, for example social media buttons (Facebook, Twitter etc.), or Google Maps. These may use cookies created by such a third-party service and although we have chosen to integrate the services with our website, we do not have control over the cookies set by these services.</p> <p>We use these services as a convenience to our visitors and on the basis that the providing party adheres to their privacy and/or data use policies. (See Further Information below).&nbsp;</p> <p>Because they are outside our control, the detail of these cookies may change, so we have listed some information and links about the respective third parties to help you find out more. The actual cookies may also vary depending whether you are logged into those social media sites when browsing our website.</p> <p><em><strong>Facebook 'Like' Button:</strong></em><br /> We use this on some of our pages to let people easily promote site information to their friends.<br /> View the <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Facebook Privacy Policy</a>.</strong></p> <p><em><strong>Twitter 'Tweet' Button:</strong></em><br /> We use this on some of our pages to let people easily promote site information to their friends.<br /> <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">View the Twitter Privacy Policy</a>.</strong></p> <p><em><strong>YouTube:</strong></em><br /> Some of some of our pages contain embedded YouTube videos. YouTube is owned by Google.<br /> <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Google Privacy and Terms</a></strong>.</p> <h3>Third-party Advertising</h3> <p>Our site may feature advertising from third-party suppliers. These may use cookies which we do not directly control. Some of these cookies are used to display relevant adverts as you move between different websites across the internet. When you first access our site, you will be asked for your consent to set cookies by our consent management platform. You can change your preferences at any time by visiting the Privacy link at the bottom of any page. You can also control certain behavioural settings of many of these advertisers (not just for our site) by visiting <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a></strong>.</p> <h3>Controlling and Blocking Cookies</h3> <p>We do not use cookies to collect personally identifiable information about you. However, if you wish to block cookies from this website (or any other), you can do so by modifying your browser settings. Your browser&rsquo;s Help function should advise you on how to do this. If you would like more information on how to do this for your specific browser, please visit <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><strong></strong></a>.</p> <p>If you use your browser settings to block all cookies, then you may not be able to access certain parts of our site.<br /> &nbsp;</p> <!--End PageContent--> </div> <div class="onecolumn lastcolumn admargins"> <div class="mpu" id="mpu1"> <h4 class="adheader">Advertisement</h4> </div> <div class="mpu" id="mpu2"> </div> <div class="buttons"> <div class='spondesktop'></div><div id='spon'><div class='advert-sponsoredLinkAd'> <div class="sponsoredlinkad group"> <a href="/business/adtracking?advertID=2459-4844" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span class="campaignname">Support Rochdale Online</span> <img src="/uploads/f1/sponsoredlink/sponsored-radA41F7.jpg" width="94" height="72" alt="Rochdale Online provides local community news and an events diary, as well as local business and community listings. To continue providing these services we are asking for your help and support." /> <span class="caption">Rochdale Online provides local community news and an events diary, as well as local business and community listings. 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