State Data | Maryland | American Lung Association

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.promo-card { padding-bottom: 1rem;} } </style> <div class="introText"> <p>The American Lung Association's "State of Lung Cancer" report explores how lung cancer varies by state. It does this by analyzing key lung cancer indicators including incidence, survival, stage at diagnosis, surgical treatment, lack of treatment and screening rates. Learn more about how lung cancer is affecting your state and contact lawmakers urging them to save lives by protecting and expanding access to quality and affordable healthcare.</p> </div> <div id="summaryDesktop"> <table class="solcRanks" id="reportCardTable"> <thead> <tr> <th>Rate of New Cases</th> <th>Survival Rate</th> <th>Early Diagnosis</th> <th>Surgical Treatment</th> <th>Lack of Treatment</th> <th>Screening</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td id="rate"><img class="load-spinner js-lazy js-webp" alt="" data-image="/getmedia/16daf171-e1dc-41c0-b35b-d25633e61cd7/loading-spin.gif" data-image-webp="/getmedia/16daf171-e1dc-41c0-b35b-d25633e61cd7/loading-spin.gif"></td> <td id="survivalRate"><img class="load-spinner js-lazy js-webp" alt="" data-image="/getmedia/16daf171-e1dc-41c0-b35b-d25633e61cd7/loading-spin.gif" data-image-webp="/getmedia/16daf171-e1dc-41c0-b35b-d25633e61cd7/loading-spin.gif"></td> <td id="earlyDiagnosis"><img class="load-spinner js-lazy js-webp" alt="" data-image="/getmedia/16daf171-e1dc-41c0-b35b-d25633e61cd7/loading-spin.gif" data-image-webp="/getmedia/16daf171-e1dc-41c0-b35b-d25633e61cd7/loading-spin.gif"></td> <td id="surgicalTreatment"><img class="load-spinner js-lazy js-webp" alt="" data-image="/getmedia/16daf171-e1dc-41c0-b35b-d25633e61cd7/loading-spin.gif" data-image-webp="/getmedia/16daf171-e1dc-41c0-b35b-d25633e61cd7/loading-spin.gif"></td> <td id="lackOfTreatment"><img class="load-spinner js-lazy js-webp" alt="" data-image="/getmedia/16daf171-e1dc-41c0-b35b-d25633e61cd7/loading-spin.gif" data-image-webp="/getmedia/16daf171-e1dc-41c0-b35b-d25633e61cd7/loading-spin.gif"></td> <td id="earlyScreening"><img class="load-spinner js-lazy js-webp" alt="" data-image="/getmedia/16daf171-e1dc-41c0-b35b-d25633e61cd7/loading-spin.gif" data-image-webp="/getmedia/16daf171-e1dc-41c0-b35b-d25633e61cd7/loading-spin.gif"></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <div id="summaryMobile"> <table class="solcRanks" id="reportCardTable"> <tbody> <tr> <th>Rate of New Cases</th> <td id="rateMobile"><img class="load-spinner js-lazy js-webp" alt="" data-image="/getmedia/16daf171-e1dc-41c0-b35b-d25633e61cd7/loading-spin.gif" data-image-webp="/getmedia/16daf171-e1dc-41c0-b35b-d25633e61cd7/loading-spin.gif"></td> </tr> <tr> <th>Survival Rate</th> <td id="survivalRateMobile"><img class="load-spinner js-lazy js-webp" alt="" data-image="/getmedia/16daf171-e1dc-41c0-b35b-d25633e61cd7/loading-spin.gif" data-image-webp="/getmedia/16daf171-e1dc-41c0-b35b-d25633e61cd7/loading-spin.gif"></td> </tr> <tr> <th>Early Diagnosis</th> <td id="earlyDiagnosisMobile"><img class="load-spinner js-lazy js-webp" alt="" data-image="/getmedia/16daf171-e1dc-41c0-b35b-d25633e61cd7/loading-spin.gif" data-image-webp="/getmedia/16daf171-e1dc-41c0-b35b-d25633e61cd7/loading-spin.gif"></td> </tr> <tr> <th>Surgical Treatment</th> <td id="surgicalTreatmentMobile"><img class="load-spinner js-lazy js-webp" alt="" data-image="/getmedia/16daf171-e1dc-41c0-b35b-d25633e61cd7/loading-spin.gif" data-image-webp="/getmedia/16daf171-e1dc-41c0-b35b-d25633e61cd7/loading-spin.gif"></td> </tr> <tr> <th>Lack of Treatment</th> <td id="lackOfTreatmentMobile"><img class="load-spinner js-lazy js-webp" alt="" data-image="/getmedia/16daf171-e1dc-41c0-b35b-d25633e61cd7/loading-spin.gif" data-image-webp="/getmedia/16daf171-e1dc-41c0-b35b-d25633e61cd7/loading-spin.gif"></td> </tr> <tr> <th>Screening</th> <td id="earlyScreeningMobile"><img class="load-spinner js-lazy js-webp" alt="" data-image="/getmedia/16daf171-e1dc-41c0-b35b-d25633e61cd7/loading-spin.gif" data-image-webp="/getmedia/16daf171-e1dc-41c0-b35b-d25633e61cd7/loading-spin.gif"></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> let summaryTable = {}; 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document.getElementById('surgicalTreatmentMobile').innerHTML = summaryTable.surgicalTreatment; document.getElementById('lackOfTreatment').innerHTML = summaryTable.lackOfTreatment; document.getElementById('lackOfTreatmentMobile').innerHTML = summaryTable.lackOfTreatment; document.getElementById('earlyScreening').innerHTML = summaryTable.earlyScreening; document.getElementById('earlyScreeningMobile').innerHTML = summaryTable.earlyScreening; let rateClass = summaryTable.rate.replace(' ', ''); document.getElementById('rate').classList.add(rateClass); document.getElementById('rateMobile').classList.add(rateClass); let survivalRateClass = summaryTable.survivalRate.replace(' ', ''); document.getElementById('survivalRate').classList.add(survivalRateClass); document.getElementById('survivalRateMobile').classList.add(survivalRateClass); let earlyDiagnosisClass = summaryTable.earlyDiagnosis.replace(' ', ''); document.getElementById('earlyDiagnosis').classList.add(earlyDiagnosisClass); document.getElementById('earlyDiagnosisMobile').classList.add(earlyDiagnosisClass); let surgicalTreatmentClass = summaryTable.surgicalTreatment.replace(' ', ''); document.getElementById('surgicalTreatment').classList.add(surgicalTreatmentClass); document.getElementById('surgicalTreatmentMobile').classList.add(surgicalTreatmentClass); let lackOfTreatmentClass = summaryTable.lackOfTreatment.replace(' ', ''); document.getElementById('lackOfTreatment').classList.add(lackOfTreatmentClass); document.getElementById('lackOfTreatmentMobile').classList.add(lackOfTreatmentClass); let earlyScrenningClass = summaryTable.earlyScreening.replace(' ', ''); document.getElementById('earlyScreening').classList.add(earlyScrenningClass); document.getElementById('earlyScreeningMobile').classList.add(earlyScrenningClass); }; $(document).ready(function(){ var allATag = $("a"); for (var i = 0; i < allATag.length; i++) { if($(allATag[i]).attr("data-tip-section") == "Surgical"){ $(allATag[i]).html("Surgical Treatment"); break; } } // remove breadcrumbs content and fill with state stateChanger var solcMidStateChange = '<div class="stateChangerRow bg-gray"><div class="global-container"><div class="row mx-auto justify-content-center"><div class="stateChangerDiv col-12 col-sm-2 col-md-1 col-lg-2 pl-0 pr-0 pl-sm-0 pr-sm-3 pl-md-2 pr-md-3 pl-lg-0 pr-lg-3 d-none"><div class="changeBox align-items-center align-items-sm-end align-items-md-end align-items-lg-end"><div class="midLocationIconDiv"><span id="midLocationIcon" class="icon-location-marker">&nbsp;</span></div></div></div><div class="stateChangerDiv col-12 col-sm-6 pl-0 pr-0 align-self-sm-center"><div class="changeBox align-items-center"><h2 class="h5 mt-1 mt-sm-0 mb-0 align-self-center align-self-sm-end">How does your state compare?</h2></div></div><div class="stateChangerDiv col-12 col-sm-6 ml-0 mr-0 ml-sm-auto mr-sm-auto pl-0 pl-sm-4 pr-0"><div class="changeBox align-items-sm-center pt-2 pt-sm-0"><button id="solcMidStateChange" class="js-location-modal align-self-sm-start" data-modaal-scope="modaal_1694198425395eb66059e6a8fc"><span class="icon-location-marker">&nbsp;</span>Select Location</button></div></div></div></div></div>'; $(".breadcrumbs").empty(); $(".breadcrumbs").html(solcMidStateChange); // $("#solcMidStateChange").on("click", function(){ // $("#solcLocationModal").css("display", "block"); // }) }) </script> </div> <script> window.Launchpad = window.Launchpad || {}; </script> <script src="/dist/vue-vendor.min.js?v=473fce78-943a-4a79-a097-dc0c2c1ac604"></script> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class=" double-padding-bottom no-padding-top " style="" id="section_0d09fe1dcad0"> <div class="global-container"> <div class="row "> <div class="col-md-6"> <div class="fr-view"> <div class="solcHighlight"><p class="title">Requires Coverage of Comprehensive Biomarker Testing</p><p>Yes</p></div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-6"> <div class="fr-view"> <div class="solcHighlight"><p class="title">Highlighted Disparity</p><p>Latino individuals in Maryland are least likely to be diagnosed early.</p></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class=" no-padding " style="" id="section_b6b5b9e36916"> <div class="global-container"> <div class="row "> <div class="col-12"> <div class="fr-view"> <h2>Lung Cancer Rates</h2> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="section tab-section"> <div class="global-container"> <div class="tabs-pagebuilder js-tabs-pagebuilder" id="0"> <ul class="nav-tabs nav" id="53206-tab" role="tablist"> <li class="nav-item"> <a class="nav-link 53211 active" id="53211-tab" data-tip-section="New Cases" href="#53211" role="tab"> New Cases </a> </li> <li class="nav-item"> <a class="nav-link 53212 " id="53212-tab" data-tip-section="5-Year Survival Rate" href="#53212" role="tab"> 5-Year Survival Rate </a> </li> <li class="nav-item"> <a class="nav-link 53213 " id="53213-tab" data-tip-section="Stage at Diagnosis" href="#53213" role="tab"> Stage at Diagnosis </a> </li> </ul> <div class="tab-content" id="myTabContent"> <div class="tab-pane-wrap"> <a class="nav-link active" id="53211-tab-panel" data-tip-section="New Cases" href="#53211" role="tab"> New Cases <span class="icon-angle-down"></span> </a> <div class="tab-pane active" id="53211" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="53211-tab"> <section class=" " style="" id="section_78fea97a5795"> <div class="global-container"> <div class="row "> <div class="col-md-8"> <div id="SOLC 1 State Ranking by Incidence"> </div> <div class="widget widget-txt"> <!-- <script src=""></script> --> <!-- <script src=""></script> --> <style> #chartIncidence { /*min-width: 310px;*/ width: 100%; /*height must be a minimum of 860px*/ /*min-height: 860px;*/ /*height: 1000px;*/ margin: 0 auto; } .highcharts-background { fill: transparent; } /*body{ background: url("") no-repeat center center fixed; }*/ .highcharts-title { font-family: 'Lato', sans-serif !important; } .highcharts-axis-title{ font-family: "Lato", sans-serif; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; } .highcharts-legend { font-family: 'Lato', sans-serif !important; } .highcharts-axis-labels { font-family: 'Lato', sans-serif !important; } .highcharts-xaxis-labels { font-family: 'Lato', sans-serif !important; } .highcharts-grid-line{ opacity: 0.6; } @media (max-width: 700px) { #chartIncidence { /*height: 1000px;*/ } } </style> <!-- 860px min height before font gets messed up --> <div id="chartIncidence" class="solcChartContainer"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> // const getDataChartAjax = ()=>{ // $.ajax({ // type: 'GET', // url: '', // success: function (data) { // // console.log(data); // }, // error: function (err) { // throw err; // } // }); // }; // const getDataChart1 = await fetch('lilwheezy.json'); // if(!getDataChart1.ok){ // // } // const body = await getDataChart1.text(); // const getDataChart1 = fetch('', { // method: 'get', // headers: { // 'Accept': 'application/json', // 'Content-Type': 'application/json' // } // }).then((response) =>{ // // console.log('response'); // // console.log(response.json()); // return response.json() // }).then((res) => { // if(res.status === 201){ // // console.log('res'); // // console.log(res); // // console.log('post successfully created'); // // } // }).catch((error) => { // // console.warn(error); // }) // let chart1dataArray; // let testArray = []; async function getDataChart1(stateLowerCase){ const response = await fetch('/getmedia/a5069658-c6a7-4a22-953e-3de4cf980eec/chart1IncidenceNewCases.json'); const chart1json = await response.json(); // console.warn('chart1 data, original json:') // console.log(chart1json); let chart1data = chart1json.chart1IncidenceData; // console.log(chart1data); // console.warn(`chart1json['chart1data']`); // create array that can be sorted and manipulated let chart1dataArray = []; for (var i = 0; i < chart1data.length; i++) { // console.log(chart1data[i]['state']); chart1dataArray.push([chart1data[i]['state'], chart1data[i]['value'], chart1data[i]['state'].replace(/\s+/g, '-').toLowerCase(), chart1data[i]['tier']]); // console.log(chart1dataArray[i]); // testArray.push( [chart1data[i]['state'], chart1data[i]['value'], chart1data[i]['state'].replace(/\s+/g, '-').toLowerCase()] ); // ['District of Columbia', 44.2, 'district-of-columbia', 'Above Average'] // full name, value, shortened name } // console.warn(`chart1data as an array for manipulation:`); // console.log(chart1dataArray); // // console.warn(`test array:`) // // console.log(testArray); // sort by the chart values asked for by Research team chart1dataArray = chart1dataArray.sort(function(a,b){ return a[1]-b[1] }); // console.warn(`chart1dataArray sorted least to greatest:`); // console.log(chart1dataArray); // NOW that it is sorted from least to greatest, add an index to each item in this information array for (var i = 0; i < chart1dataArray.length; i++) { chart1dataArray[i].push(i); // LOOKS LIKE ['District of Columbia', 44.2, 'district-of-columbia', 'Above Average' 24] INDEX AT END NOW } // console.warn(`chart1dataArray with index added`); // console.log(chart1dataArray); // create array of ONLY states, and one of ONLY values let chart1stateArray = []; let chart1valueArray = []; let tierTrack = { 'Top': 0, 'Above Average': 0, 'Average': 0, 'Below Average': 0, 'Bottom': 0 }; // create variable for tooltipSet number/index let tooltipSet; let stateHasData = false; for (var i = 0; i < chart1dataArray.length; i++) { chart1stateArray.push(chart1dataArray[i][0]); chart1valueArray.push(chart1dataArray[i][1]); // update tierTrack object with the amount of times a tier appears tierTrack[chart1dataArray[i][3]] = tierTrack[chart1dataArray[i][3]]+1; // use the identified state from URL to find the index of which bar needs to be highlighted if(chart1dataArray[i][2] === stateLowerCase){ tooltipSet = chart1dataArray[i][4]; // tooltipSet = the index that was assigned. // console.warn(`tooltipSet found and set to ${tooltipSet}`); //SUMMARY TABLE stateHasData = true; summaryTable['rate'] = chart1dataArray[i][3]; // GLOBAL VARIABLE DEFINED IN SUMMARY TABLE INCLUDE. updateSummaryTable(); // CHECK IF SUMMARY TABLE IS READY } } if(!stateHasData){ summaryTable['rate'] = "Not Available"; // GLOBAL VARIABLE DEFINED IN SUMMARY TABLE INCLUDE. updateSummaryTable(); // CHECK IF SUMMARY TABLE IS READY } // console.warn("tierTrack"); // console.warn(tierTrack); // set the boundaries for the tiers in the back of the chart let topStart = -0.5; let topAboveAverage = topStart + tierTrack['Top']; let aboveAverageAverage = topAboveAverage + tierTrack['Above Average']; let averageBelowAverage = aboveAverageAverage + tierTrack['Average']; let belowAverageBottom = averageBelowAverage + tierTrack['Below Average']; let bottomEnd = belowAverageBottom + tierTrack['Bottom']; // apply these boundaries to an object let tierValues = { topStart: topStart, topAboveAverage: topAboveAverage, aboveAverageAverage: aboveAverageAverage, averageBelowAverage: averageBelowAverage, belowAverageBottom: belowAverageBottom, bottomEnd: bottomEnd }; // console.log("tierValues"); // console.log(tierValues); // if no value for the state given, set tooltipSet to null if (!tooltipSet) { tooltipSet = null; } // // console.warn(`TEST AGAIN`); // // console.log(testArray); // CALL HIGHCHARTS HERE WITH NEW STUFF chartIncidence(tooltipSet, chart1json, chart1stateArray, chart1valueArray, tierValues); // console.warn('chartIncidence called'); // state and nation custom highlight: // // console.log(`stateName: ${stateName}`); // should be the lowercase hyphenated. like "north-carolina" for (var i = 0; i < chart1dataArray.length; i++) { if (chart1dataArray[i][2] === stateLowerCase) { // if the item in the array has the matching stateName // // console.log(chart1dataArray[i][3]); // // console.log(chart1dataArray[i][2]); let stateIndex = chart1dataArray[i][4]+1; // console.log(`stateIndex: ${stateIndex}`); if ($(`#solc #chartIncidence .highcharts-series-0 rect:nth-child(${stateIndex})`) == true ) { $(`#solc #chartIncidence .highcharts-series-0 rect:nth-child(${stateIndex})`).css('fill', '#ff7900'); // change color of state highlight // console.warn(`USING RECT`); } else { // console.warn(`USING PATH`); $(`#solc #chartIncidence .highcharts-series-0 path:nth-child(${stateIndex})`).css('fill', '#ff7900'); // change color of state } } else if(chart1dataArray[i][0] === 'Nation'){ let nationIndex = chart1dataArray[i][4]+1; // console.log(`nationIndex: ${nationIndex}`); if ($(`#solc #chartIncidence .highcharts-series-0 rect:nth-child(${nationIndex})`) == true ) { $(`#solc #chartIncidence .highcharts-series-0 rect:nth-child(${nationIndex})`).css('fill', '#D1E33C'); // console.warn(`USING RECT`); } else { // console.warn(`USING PATH`); $(`#solc #chartIncidence .highcharts-series-0 path:nth-child(${nationIndex})`).css('fill', '#D1E33C'); } } } } // end getDataChart1 var chartIncidence = function(tooltipSet, chart1json, chart1stateArray, chart1valueArray, tierValues) { Highcharts.setOptions({ colors: ["#555559", "#7fba00"] }) Highcharts.chart("chartIncidence", { chart: { events: { load: function() { if(tooltipSet != null){ var stateBox = this.series[0].points[tooltipSet]; this.tooltip.refresh(stateBox); } } }, type: "column", height: 450 }, title: { text: chart1json.title, style: { fontWeight: "bold" } }, yAxis: { min: 0, title: { text: chart1json.yaxis, style: { fontWeight: "bold" } }, labels: { style: { "fontSize": "16px" } } }, xAxis: { labels: { enabled: false }, plotBands: [{ from: tierValues['topStart'], to: tierValues['topAboveAverage'], color: "#e5efff", label: { text: "Top<br>Tier", style: { color: "#000000", }, y: 140 } },{ from: tierValues['topAboveAverage'], to: tierValues['aboveAverageAverage'], color: "#b2d0ff", label: { text: "Above<br>Average<br>Tier", style: { color: "#000000", }, y: 90 } },{ from: tierValues['aboveAverageAverage'], to: tierValues['averageBelowAverage'], color: "#8ab8ff", label: { text: "Average<br>Tier", style: { color: "#000000", }, y: 60 } },{ from: tierValues['averageBelowAverage'], to: tierValues['belowAverageBottom'], color: "#4992ff", label: { text: "Below<br>Average<br>Tier", style: { color: "#000000", }, y: 30 } },{ from: tierValues['belowAverageBottom'], to: tierValues['bottomEnd'], color: "#0064ff", label: { text: "Bottom<br>Tier", style: { color: "#000000", }, y: 10 } } ], categories: chart1stateArray }, legend: { reversed: true, enabled: false }, plotOptions: { series: { stacking: "normal" } }, series: [{ name: "States", data: chart1valueArray }], dataLabels: { style: { fontFamily: "'Lato', sans-serif" } }, credits: { enabled: false }, tooltip: { formatter: function() { return '<b>' + this.x + '</b>: ' + Highcharts.numberFormat(this.y, 1) + "%"; }, style: { "fontSize": "16px", "fontFamily": "'Lato', sans-serif" } } }); // hide credits // $(".highcharts-credits").html(""); }; $(document).ready(function() { // console.warn('doc ready now'); // extract current state from URL let urlArr = document.URL.split(document.domain); // WITHOUT domain let relativeURL; let stateName; [, relativeURL] = urlArr; // relativeURL now is equal to '/research/state-of-lung-cancer/states/alabama' let relativeSplitArr = relativeURL.split('/research/state-of-lung-cancer/states/'); // creates array with index being the state name in full but lowercase [, stateName] = relativeSplitArr; // statename is now equal to the full state name in toLowerCase let stateLowerCase = stateName.toLowerCase(); //remove any extra from the end of the URL if(stateLowerCase.includes("#") ){ stateLowerCase = stateLowerCase.split("#")[0]; } else if(stateLowerCase.includes("?")){ stateLowerCase = stateLowerCase.split("?")[0]; } // initiate call for data and chart creation. pass in identified state name getDataChart1(stateLowerCase); // console.warn(`getDataChart1 called with args ${stateLowerCase}`); }) // var state = function(){ // } </script> </div> <script> window.Launchpad = window.Launchpad || {}; </script> <script src="/dist/vue-vendor.min.js?v=473fce78-943a-4a79-a097-dc0c2c1ac604"></script> </div> <div class="col-md-4"> <div class="fr-view"> <p><strong>New Cases:</strong></p><ul class="highlight-data"><li>The rate of new lung cancer cases is <span class="fr-class-highlighted">50.2</span> and <strong>significantly lower</strong> than the national rate of 53.6.</li><li>Maryland ranks <span class="fr-class-highlighted">16th</span> among all states, placing it in the <span class="fr-class-highlighted">average tier</span>.</li><li>Over the last five years, the rate of new cases <strong>improved by 19%.</strong></li></ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="tab-pane-wrap"> <a class="nav-link " id="53212-tab-panel" data-tip-section="5-Year Survival Rate" href="#53212" role="tab"> 5-Year Survival Rate <span class="icon-angle-down"></span> </a> <div class="tab-pane " id="53212" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="53212-tab"> <section class=" forceLayout survivalRateTab no-padding " style="" id="section_4c5dcb444c8d"> <div class="global-container"> <div class="row "> <div class="col-md-8"> <div id="SOLC 2 Survival Chart"> </div> <div class="widget widget-txt"> <style media="screen"> #chartSurvival { min-width: 310px; width: 100%; /*height must be a minimum of 860px*/ /*min-height: 860px;*/ /*height: 1000px;*/ margin: 0 auto; } .highcharts-background { fill: transparent; } /*body{ background: url("") no-repeat center center fixed; }*/ .highcharts-title { font-family: 'Aeonik Regular', sans-serif !important; } .highcharts-axis-title{ font-family: "Aeonik Regular", sans-serif; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; } .highcharts-legend { font-family: 'Aeonik Regular', sans-serif !important; } .highcharts-axis-labels { font-family: 'Aeonik Regular', sans-serif !important; } .highcharts-xaxis-labels { font-family: 'Aeonik Regular', sans-serif !important; } .highcharts-grid-line{ opacity: 0.6; } @media (max-width: 700px) { #chartSurvival { /*height: 1000px;*/ } } </style> <!-- 860px min height before font gets messed up --> <div id="chart2Survival" class="solcChartContainer"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> let chartSurvivalData; // object of just state data async function getDataChart2Survival(stateLowerCase){ const response = await fetch('/getmedia/be155664-737f-430e-abd6-6f4471997a18/chart2survival.json '); const chart2SurvivalJson = await response.json(); // console.warn('data, original json:') // console.log(chart2SurvivalJson); let chart2SurvivalData = chart2SurvivalJson['chart2SurvivalData']; // console.log(chart2SurvivalData); // console.warn(`chart2SurvivalJson['chart2SurvivalData']`); // create array that can be sorted and manipulated let chart2SurvivalDataArray = []; for (var i = 0; i < chart2SurvivalData.length; i++) { // console.log(chart2SurvivalData[i]['state']); chart2SurvivalDataArray.push( [chart2SurvivalData[i]['state'], chart2SurvivalData[i]['value'], chart2SurvivalData[i]['state'].replace(/\s+/g, '-').toLowerCase(), chart2SurvivalData[i]['tier']] ); // console.log(chart2SurvivalDataArray[i]); // ['District of Columbia', 44.2, 'district-of-columbia'] // full name, value, shortened name } // console.warn(`chart2SurvivalData as an array for manipulation:`); // console.log(chart2SurvivalDataArray); // // console.warn(`test array:`) // // console.log(testArray); // sort by the chart values asked for by Research team chart2SurvivalDataArray = chart2SurvivalDataArray.sort(function(a,b){ return b[1]-a[1] }); // console.warn(`chart2SurvivalDataArray sorted greatest to least:`); // console.log(chart2SurvivalDataArray); // NOW that it is sorted from least to greatest, add an index to each item in this information array for (var i = 0; i < chart2SurvivalDataArray.length; i++) { chart2SurvivalDataArray[i].push(i); // LOOKS LIKE ['District of Columbia', 44.2, 'district-of-columbia', 24] INDEX AT END NOW } // console.warn(`chart2SurvivalDataArray with index added`); // console.log(chart2SurvivalDataArray); // create array of ONLY states, and one of ONLY values let chart2SurvivalStateArray = []; let chart2SurvivalValueArray = []; let tierTrack = { 'Top': 0, 'Above Average': 0, 'Average': 0, 'Below Average': 0, 'Bottom': 0 }; // create variable for tooltipSet number/index let tooltipSet; let stateHasData = false; for (var i = 0; i < chart2SurvivalDataArray.length; i++) { chart2SurvivalStateArray.push(chart2SurvivalDataArray[i][0]); chart2SurvivalValueArray.push(chart2SurvivalDataArray[i][1]); // update tierTrack object with the amount of times a tier appears tierTrack[chart2SurvivalDataArray[i][3]] = tierTrack[chart2SurvivalDataArray[i][3]]+1; // use the identified state from URL to find the index of which bar needs to be highlighted if(chart2SurvivalDataArray[i][2] === stateLowerCase){ tooltipSet = chart2SurvivalDataArray[i][4]; // tooltipSet = the index that was assigned. // console.warn(`chart2: tooltipSet found and set to ${tooltipSet}`); stateHasData = true; summaryTable['survivalRate'] = chart2SurvivalDataArray[i][3]; // GLOBAL VARIABLE DEFINED IN SUMMARY TABLE INCLUDE. updateSummaryTable(); // CHECK IF SUMMARY TABLE IS READY } } if(!stateHasData){ summaryTable['survivalRate'] = "Not Available"; // GLOBAL VARIABLE DEFINED IN SUMMARY TABLE INCLUDE. updateSummaryTable(); // CHECK IF SUMMARY TABLE IS READY } // set the boundaries for the tiers in the back of the chart let topStart = -0.5; let topAboveAverage = topStart + tierTrack['Top']; let aboveAverageAverage = topAboveAverage + tierTrack['Above Average']; let averageBelowAverage = aboveAverageAverage + tierTrack['Average']; let belowAverageBottom = averageBelowAverage + tierTrack['Below Average']; let bottomEnd = belowAverageBottom + tierTrack['Bottom']; // apply these boundaries to an object let tierValues = { topStart: topStart, topAboveAverage: topAboveAverage, aboveAverageAverage: aboveAverageAverage, averageBelowAverage: averageBelowAverage, belowAverageBottom: belowAverageBottom, bottomEnd: bottomEnd }; // if no value for the state given, set tooltipSet to null if (!tooltipSet) { tooltipSet = null; } // CALL HIGHCHARTS HERE WITH NEW STUFF chart2Survival(tooltipSet, chart2SurvivalJson, chart2SurvivalStateArray, chart2SurvivalValueArray, tierValues); // console.warn('chart2Survival called'); // state and nation custom highlight: // console.log(`stateName: ${stateName}`); // should be the lowercase hyphenated. like "north-carolina" for (var i = 0; i < chart2SurvivalDataArray.length; i++) { if (chart2SurvivalDataArray[i][2] === stateLowerCase) { // if the item in the array has the matching stateName // // console.log(chart2SurvivalDataArray[i][3]); // // console.log(chart2SurvivalDataArray[i][2]); let stateIndex = chart2SurvivalDataArray[i][4]+1; if ($(`#solc #chart2Survival .highcharts-series-0 rect:nth-child(${stateIndex})`) == true ) { $(`#solc #chart2Survival .highcharts-series-0 rect:nth-child(${stateIndex})`).css('fill', '#ff7900'); // change color of state highlight } else { $(`#solc #chart2Survival .highcharts-series-0 path:nth-child(${stateIndex})`).css('fill', '#ff7900'); } } else if(chart2SurvivalDataArray[i][0] === 'Nation'){ let nationIndex = chart2SurvivalDataArray[i][4]+1; if ($(`#solc #chart2Survival .highcharts-series-0 rect:nth-child(${nationIndex})`) == true ) { $(`#solc #chart2Survival .highcharts-series-0 rect:nth-child(${nationIndex})`).css('fill', '#D1E33C'); } else { $(`#solc #chart2Survival .highcharts-series-0 path:nth-child(${nationIndex})`).css('fill', '#D1E33C'); } } } } // end getDataChart2Survival var chart2Survival = function(tooltipSet, chart2SurvivalJson, chart2SurvivalStateArray, chart2SurvivalValueArray, tierValues) { Highcharts.setOptions({ colors: ["#555559", "#7fba00"] }) Highcharts.chart("chart2Survival", { chart: { style : { "fontFamily": "'Aeonik Regular', sans-serif" }, events: { load: function() { if(tooltipSet != null){ var stateBox = this.series[0].points[tooltipSet]; this.tooltip.refresh(stateBox); } } }, type: "column", height: 500 }, title: { text: chart2SurvivalJson.title, style: { fontWeight: "bold" } }, tooltip: { formatter: function() { return '<b>' + this.x + '</b>: ' + Highcharts.numberFormat(this.y, 1) + "%"; }, style: { "fontSize": "16px", "fontFamily": "'Aeonik Regular', sans-serif" } }, xAxis: { labels: { enabled: false }, style: { "fontSize": "16px", "fontFamily": "'Aeonik Regular', sans-serif" }, plotBands: [{ from: tierValues['topStart'], to: tierValues['topAboveAverage'], color: "#e5efff", label: { text: "Top<br>Tier", style: { color: "#000000" }, y: 10 } }, { from: tierValues['topAboveAverage'], to: tierValues['aboveAverageAverage'], color: "#b2d0ff", label: { text: "Above<br/>Average<br>Tier", style: { color: "#000000" }, y: 30 } }, { from: tierValues['aboveAverageAverage'], to: tierValues['averageBelowAverage'], color: "#8ab8ff", label: { text: "Average<br>Tier", style: { color: "#000000" }, y: 60 } }, { from: tierValues['averageBelowAverage'], to: tierValues['belowAverageBottom'], color: "#4992ff", label: { text: "Below<br/>Average<br>Tier", style: { color: "#000000" }, y: 80 } }, { from: tierValues['belowAverageBottom'], to: tierValues['bottomEnd'], color: "#0064ff", label: { text: "Bottom<br>Tier", style: { color: "#000000" }, y: 110 } } ], categories: chart2SurvivalStateArray }, yAxis: { min: 0, title: { text: chart2SurvivalJson.yaxis }, labels: { style: { "fontSize": "16px" } } }, legend: { reversed: true, enabled: false }, plotOptions: { series: { stacking: "normal" } }, credits: { enabled: false }, series: [{ name: "States", data: chart2SurvivalValueArray }], dataLabels: { style: { fontFamily: "'Aeonik Regular', sans-serif" } } }); // hide credits // $(".highcharts-credits").html(""); }; // END CHART FUNCTION $(document).ready(function() { // console.warn('doc ready now'); // extract current state from URL let urlArr = document.URL.split(document.domain); // WITHOUT domain let relativeURL; let stateName; [, relativeURL] = urlArr; // relativeURL now is equal to '/research/state-of-lung-cancer/states/alabama' let relativeSplitArr = relativeURL.split('/research/state-of-lung-cancer/states/'); // creates array with index being the state name in full but lowercase [, stateName] = relativeSplitArr; // statename is now equal to the full state name in toLowerCase let stateLowerCase = stateName.toLowerCase(); //remove any extra from the end of the URL if(stateLowerCase.includes("#") ){ stateLowerCase = stateLowerCase.split("#")[0]; } else if(stateLowerCase.includes("?")){ stateLowerCase = stateLowerCase.split("?")[0]; } // initiate call for data and chart creation. pass in identified state name getDataChart2Survival(stateLowerCase); // console.warn(`getDatachartScreening called with args ${stateLowerCase}`); }) </script> </div> <script> window.Launchpad = window.Launchpad || {}; </script> <script src="/dist/vue-vendor.min.js?v=473fce78-943a-4a79-a097-dc0c2c1ac604"></script> </div> <div class="col-md-4"> <div class="fr-view"> <p><strong>5-Year Survival Rate:</strong></p><ul class="highlight-data"><li>The percent of people alive five years after being diagnosed with lung cancer (the survival rate) in Maryland is <span class="fr-class-highlighted">30.1%</span>, which is <strong>significantly higher</strong> than the national rate of 28.4%.</li><li>It ranks <span class="fr-class-highlighted">13th</span> among the 47 states with survival data, placing it in the <span class="fr-class-highlighted">average tier</span>.</li><li>Over the last five years, the survival rate in Maryland <strong>improved by 18%.</strong></li></ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="tab-pane-wrap"> <a class="nav-link " id="53213-tab-panel" data-tip-section="Stage at Diagnosis" href="#53213" role="tab"> Stage at Diagnosis <span class="icon-angle-down"></span> </a> <div class="tab-pane " id="53213" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="53213-tab"> <section class=" no-padding " style="" id="section_70ac59572f85"> <div class="global-container"> <div class="row "> <div class="col-12"> <div id="SOLC Stage at Diagnosis"> </div> <div class="widget widget-txt"> <p>Most lung cancer cases are diagnosed at later stages when the cancer has spread to other organs, treatment options are less likely to be curative, and survival is lower. In general, the earlier that lung cancer is diagnosed, the more likely that treatments will be effective and improve chances of survival.</p> <p>Nationally, only 26.6% of cases are caught early when the five-year survival rate is much higher (63%). Unfortunately, most cases (43.4%) are not caught until a late stage when the survival rate is only 8%.</p> <hr> </div> <script> window.Launchpad = window.Launchpad || {}; </script> <script src="/dist/vue-vendor.min.js?v=473fce78-943a-4a79-a097-dc0c2c1ac604"></script> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class=" forceLayout stageAtDiagnosisTab no-padding " style="" id="section_99847720d2b1"> <div class="global-container"> <div class="row "> <div class="col-md-8"> <div id="SOLC 3 Diagnosis Chart"> </div> <div class="widget widget-txt"> <style media="screen"> #chartDiagnosis { min-width: 310px; width: 100%; /*height must be a minimum of 860px*/ /*min-height: 860px;*/ /*height: 1000px;*/ margin: 0 auto; } .highcharts-background { fill: transparent; } /*body{ background: url("") no-repeat center center fixed; }*/ .highcharts-title { font-family: 'Lato', sans-serif !important; } .highcharts-legend { font-family: 'Lato', sans-serif !important; } .highcharts-axis-labels { font-family: 'Lato', sans-serif !important; } .highcharts-xaxis-labels { font-family: 'Lato', sans-serif !important; } .highcharts-grid-line{ opacity: 0.6; } @media (max-width: 700px) { #chartDiagnosis { /*height: 1000px;*/ } } </style> <!-- <button type="button" name="button" onclick="document.getElementById('location').click();" >change state</button> --> <!-- 860px min height before font gets messed up --> <div id="chartDiagnosis" class="solcChartContainer"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> async function getDataChart3(stateAbbrev){ const response = await fetch('/getmedia/7b4c7c95-530a-4cd3-82e1-e462ba8c40f0/chart3.json'); const chart3json = await response.json(); let chartInfo = { "title": chart3json["title"] } chartInfo["earlyLocalized"] = [ chart3json['stageAtDiagnosis']['earlyLocalized'], chart3json['fiveYearSurvival']['earlyLocalized'] ]; chartInfo["regional"] = [ chart3json['stageAtDiagnosis']['regional'], chart3json['fiveYearSurvival']['regional'] ]; chartInfo["distant"] = [ chart3json['stageAtDiagnosis']['distant'], chart3json['fiveYearSurvival']['distant']]; chartInfo["unstaged"] = [ chart3json['stageAtDiagnosis']['unstaged'], chart3json['fiveYearSurvival']['unstaged']] chartDiagnosis(stateAbbrev, chartInfo) }; let chartDiagnosis = function(stateAbbrev, chartInfo) { $("#chartDiagnosis").empty(); // stateAbbrev = "@Html.Raw(Model.RelatedState)"; Highcharts.setOptions({ colors: ["#B2E1D8", "#D1E33B", "#EB8CED", "#002158"] }) Highcharts.chart('chartDiagnosis', { title: { text: chartInfo["title"], style: { fontWeight: "bold" } }, xAxis: { categories: ['Stage at Diagnosis', '5-Year Survival'], labels: { style: { "fontSize": "16px" } } }, yAxis: [{ gridLineColor: "transparent", min: 0, title: { text: '' }, labels: { enabled: false, style: { "fontSize": "16px" } } }], legend: { reversed: true }, tooltip: { valueSuffix: "%" }, plotOptions: { series: { shadow: true }, bar: { stacking: 'normal', dataLabels: { shadow: true, enabled: true, formatter: function() { return this.y + "%"; }, style: { fontSize: "14px", fontFamily: "'Lato', sans-serif", textOutline: "2px" } } } }, series: [{ name: 'Unstaged tumors', type: 'bar', data: chartInfo["unstaged"] }, { name: 'Distant (cancer has metastisized)', type: 'bar', data: chartInfo["distant"] }, { name: 'Regional (spread to regional lymph nodes)', type: 'bar', data: chartInfo["regional"] }, { name: 'Early (Localized - confined to primary site)', type: 'bar', data: chartInfo["earlyLocalized"] }] }); } $(document).ready(function() { let urlArr = document.URL.split(document.domain); // WITHOUT domain let relativeURL; let stateName; [, relativeURL] = urlArr; // relativeURL now is equal to '/research/state-of-lung-cancer/states/alabama' let relativeSplitArr = relativeURL.split('/research/state-of-lung-cancer/states/'); // creates array with index being the state name in full but lowercase [, stateName] = relativeSplitArr; // statename is now equal to the full state name in toLowerCase let stateLowerCase = stateName.toLowerCase(); //remove any extra from the end of the URL if(stateLowerCase.includes("#") ){ stateLowerCase = stateLowerCase.split("#")[0]; } else if(stateLowerCase.includes("?")){ stateLowerCase = stateLowerCase.split("?")[0]; } // chartDiagnosis(stateAbbrev); // getDataChart3(stateAbbrev); getDataChart3(stateLowerCase); }) </script> </div> <script> window.Launchpad = window.Launchpad || {}; </script> <script src="/dist/vue-vendor.min.js?v=473fce78-943a-4a79-a097-dc0c2c1ac604"></script> </div> <div class="col-md-4"> <div class="fr-view"> <p><strong>Early Diagnosis:</strong></p><ul class="highlight-data"><li><span class="fr-class-highlighted">27.4%</span> of cases are caught at an early stage, which is not significantly different than the national rate of 27.4%.</li><li>It ranks <span class="fr-class-highlighted">26th</span> among the 47 states with data on diagnosis at an early stage, placing it in the <span class="fr-class-highlighted">average tier</span>.</li><li>Over the last five years, the early diagnosis rate in Maryland&nbsp;<strong>improved by 9%.</strong></li></ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class=" " style="" id="section_1348034ac613"> <div class="global-container"> <div class="row "> <div class="col-12"> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class=" " style="" id="section_efc8961db8bd"> <div class="global-container"> <div class="row "> <div class="col-12"> <div class="fr-view"> <h2>Lung Cancer Treatment</h2> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="section tab-section"> <div class="global-container"> <div class="tabs-pagebuilder js-tabs-pagebuilder" id="1"> <ul class="nav-tabs nav" id="53207-tab" role="tablist"> <li class="nav-item"> <a class="nav-link 53216 active" id="53216-tab" data-tip-section="Biomarker Coverage" href="#53216" role="tab"> Biomarker Coverage </a> </li> <li class="nav-item"> <a class="nav-link 53214 " id="53214-tab" data-tip-section="Surgical" href="#53214" role="tab"> Surgical </a> </li> <li class="nav-item"> <a class="nav-link 53215 " id="53215-tab" data-tip-section="Lack of Treatment" href="#53215" role="tab"> Lack of Treatment </a> </li> </ul> <div class="tab-content" id="myTabContent"> <div class="tab-pane-wrap"> <a class="nav-link active" id="53216-tab-panel" data-tip-section="Biomarker Coverage" href="#53216" role="tab"> Biomarker Coverage <span class="icon-angle-down"></span> </a> <div class="tab-pane active" id="53216" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="53216-tab"> <section class=" no-padding " style="" id="section_5347669922a8"> <div class="global-container"> <div class="row "> <div class="col-12"> <div id="SOLC Medicaid Coverage"> </div> <div class="widget widget-txt"> <p>Lung tumors may have changes in DNA that can be targeted by treatments, but the tumor has to be tested for these changes. Insurance coverage of such testing is important for removing a cost barrier to lung cancer patients, but is only required in some states.</p> <hr> </div> <script> window.Launchpad = window.Launchpad || {}; </script> <script src="/dist/vue-vendor.min.js?v=473fce78-943a-4a79-a097-dc0c2c1ac604"></script> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class=" forceLayout medicaidTab no-padding " style="" id="section_e3836e994fb1"> <div class="global-container"> <div class="row "> <div class="col-md-8"> <div id="SOLC 7 Medicaid Map"> </div> <div class="widget widget-txt"> <!-- <script src=""></script> --><script src="" type="text/javascript"></script><script src="" type="text/javascript"></script><script src="" type="text/javascript"></script><script src="" type="text/javascript"></script><script src="" type="text/javascript"></script><script src="" type="text/javascript"></script><script type="text/javascript"></script><script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <style media="screen" type="text/css">#chartMedicaidMap { /* min-width: 360px; */ /* max-width: 650px; */ /* min-width: 300px; */ /* max-width: 650px; */ margin: 0 auto; } /*#highcharts-information-region-0 + .highcharts-container { min-height: 600px !important; } #highcharts-information-region-0 + div { min-height: 600px !important; } .highcharts-container { min-height: 600px !important; } */ caption { padding-bottom: 15px; font-family: 'Aeonik Regular'; font-size: 1.2em; color: #555; } table { font-family: 'Aeonik Regular'; font-size: 12pt; border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #EBEBEB; margin: 10px auto; text-align: center; width: 100%; } table tr:nth-child(odd) { background-color: #fff; } table tr:nth-child(even) { background-color: #FCF9F9; } th { font-weight: 600; padding: 10px; } .highcharts-background { fill: transparent; } /*body{ background: url("") no-repeat center center fixed; } */ .highcharts-title { font-family: 'Aeonik Regular', sans-serif !important; } .highcharts-legend { font-family: 'Aeonik Regular', sans-serif !important; } .highcharts-axis-labels { font-family: 'Aeonik Regular', sans-serif !important; } .highcharts-xaxis-labels { font-family: 'Aeonik Regular', sans-serif !important; } .highcharts-axis-title { font-family: "Aeonik Regular", sans-serif; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; } </style> <div class="solcChartContainer" id="chartMedicaidMap">&nbsp;</div> <script type="text/javascript"> // const valueKey = { // "No Fee-for-Service Program": 10, // "Not Available": 20, // "Not Covered": 30, // "Covered": 40, // "Covered and Using Updated Guidelines": 50 // }; const valueKey = { "No": 10, // "Only For Some Plans": 20, // "Not Covered": 30, "Only For Some Plans": 40, "Yes": 50 }; async function getDataChart7(){ const response = await fetch('/getmedia/b4e99c16-d178-42e0-9502-070c1080ea10/chart7json.json'); const chart7json = await response.json(); chartMedicaidMap(chart7json) }; const chartMedicaidMap = (chart7json) => { Highcharts.chart('chartMedicaidMap', { chart: { type: 'tilemap', inverted: true, height: '95%' }, accessibility: { description: '' }, title: { text: 'Biomarker Coverage Map', style: { fontWeight: "bold" } }, xAxis: { visible: false }, yAxis: { visible: false }, colorAxis: { dataClasses: [{ from: 0, to: 11, color: '#d9d9d9', name: 'No Coverage' // }, { // from: 12, // to: 21, // color: '#DFE1E2', // name: 'Not Available' // }, { // from: 22, // to: 31, // color: '#2969C9', // name: 'Not Covered' }, { from: 32, to: 41, color: '#FED627', name: 'Covered Only For Some Plans' }, { from: 42, to: 51, color: '#98e33b', name: 'Covered' } ] }, tooltip: { headerFormat: '', pointFormat: '<b>{}</b>: <b>{point.description}</b>' }, credits: { enabled: false }, plotOptions: { series: { dataLabels: { enabled: true, format: '{point.hc-a2}', color: '#000000', style: { textOutline: false } } } }, series: [{ name: '', data: [{ 'hc-a2': 'AL', name: 'Alabama', region: 'South', x: 6, y: 6, value: valueKey[chart7json["Alabama"]], description: chart7json["Alabama"] }, { 'hc-a2': 'AK', name: 'Alaska', region: 'West', x: 0, y: 0, value: valueKey[chart7json["Alaska"]], description: chart7json["Alaska"] }, { 'hc-a2': 'AZ', name: 'Arizona', region: 'West', x: 5, y: 2, value: valueKey[chart7json["Arizona"]], description: chart7json["Arizona"] }, { 'hc-a2': 'AR', name: 'Arkansas', region: 'South', x: 5, y: 5, value: valueKey[chart7json["Arkansas"]], description: chart7json["Arkansas"] }, { 'hc-a2': 'CA', name: 'California', region: 'West', x: 5, y: 1, value: valueKey[chart7json["California"]], description: chart7json["California"] }, { 'hc-a2': 'CO', name: 'Colorado', region: 'West', x: 4, y: 2, value: valueKey[chart7json["Colorado"]], description: chart7json["Colorado"] }, { 'hc-a2': 'CT', name: 'Connecticut', region: 'Northeast', x: 3, y: 10, value: valueKey[chart7json["Connecticut"]], description: chart7json["Connecticut"] }, { 'hc-a2': 'DE', name: 'Delaware', region: 'South', x: 4, y: 8, value: valueKey[chart7json["Delaware"]], description: chart7json["Delaware"] }, { 'hc-a2': 'DC', name: 'District of Columbia', region: 'South', x: 4, y: 9, value: valueKey[chart7json["District of Columbia"]], description: chart7json["District of Columbia"] }, { 'hc-a2': 'FL', name: 'Florida', region: 'South', x: 8, y: 7, value: valueKey[chart7json["Florida"]], description: chart7json["Florida"] }, { 'hc-a2': 'GA', name: 'Georgia', region: 'South', x: 7, y: 7, value: valueKey[chart7json["Georgia"]], description: chart7json["Georgia"] }, { 'hc-a2': 'HI', name: 'Hawaii', region: 'West', x: 8, y: 0, value: valueKey[chart7json["Hawaii"]], description: chart7json["Hawaii"] }, { 'hc-a2': 'ID', name: 'Idaho', region: 'West', x: 3, y: 1, value: valueKey[chart7json["Idaho"]], description: chart7json["Idaho"] }, { 'hc-a2': 'IL', name: 'Illinois', region: 'Midwest', x: 3, y: 5, value: valueKey[chart7json["Illinois"]], description: chart7json["Illinois"] }, { 'hc-a2': 'IN', name: 'Indiana', region: 'Midwest', x: 3, y: 6, value: valueKey[chart7json["Indiana"]], description: chart7json["Indiana"] }, { 'hc-a2': 'IA', name: 'Iowa', region: 'Midwest', x: 3, y: 4, value: valueKey[chart7json["Iowa"]], description: chart7json["Iowa"] }, { 'hc-a2': 'KS', name: 'Kansas', region: 'Midwest', x: 5, y: 4, value: valueKey[chart7json["Kansas"]], description: chart7json["Kansas"] }, { 'hc-a2': 'KY', name: 'Kentucky', region: 'South', x: 4, y: 5, value: valueKey[chart7json["Kentucky"]], description: chart7json["Kentucky"] }, { 'hc-a2': 'LA', name: 'Louisiana', region: 'South', x: 6, y: 4, value: valueKey[chart7json["Louisiana"]], description: chart7json["Louisiana"] }, { 'hc-a2': 'ME', name: 'Maine', region: 'Northeast', x: 0, y: 10, value: valueKey[chart7json["Maine"]], description: chart7json["Maine"] }, { 'hc-a2': 'MD', name: 'Maryland', region: 'South', x: 4, y: 7, value: valueKey[chart7json["Maryland"]], description: chart7json["Maryland"] }, { 'hc-a2': 'MA', name: 'Massachusetts', region: 'Northeast', x: 2, y: 9, value: valueKey[chart7json["Massachusetts"]], description: chart7json["Massachusetts"] }, { 'hc-a2': 'MI', name: 'Michigan', region: 'Midwest', x: 2, y: 6, value: valueKey[chart7json["Michigan"]], description: chart7json["Michigan"] }, { 'hc-a2': 'MN', name: 'Minnesota', region: 'Midwest', x: 2, y: 3, value: valueKey[chart7json["Minnesota"]], description: chart7json["Minnesota"] }, { 'hc-a2': 'MS', name: 'Mississippi', region: 'South', x: 6, y: 5, value: valueKey[chart7json["Mississippi"]], description: chart7json["Mississippi"] }, { 'hc-a2': 'MO', name: 'Missouri', region: 'Midwest', x: 4, y: 4, value: valueKey[chart7json["Missouri"]], description: chart7json["Missouri"] }, { 'hc-a2': 'MT', name: 'Montana', region: 'West', x: 2, y: 1, value: valueKey[chart7json["Montana"]], description: chart7json["Montana"] }, { 'hc-a2': 'NE', name: 'Nebraska', region: 'Midwest', x: 4, y: 3, value: valueKey[chart7json["Nebraska"]], description: chart7json["Nebraska"] }, { 'hc-a2': 'NV', name: 'Nevada', region: 'West', x: 4, y: 1, value: valueKey[chart7json["Nevada"]], description: chart7json["Nevada"] }, { 'hc-a2': 'NH', name: 'New Hampshire', region: 'Northeast', x: 1, y: 10, value: valueKey[chart7json["New Hampshire"]], description: chart7json["New Hampshire"] }, { 'hc-a2': 'NJ', name: 'New Jersey', region: 'Northeast', x: 3, y: 9, value: valueKey[chart7json["New Jersey"]], description: chart7json["New Jersey"] }, { 'hc-a2': 'NM', name: 'New Mexico', region: 'West', x: 6, y: 2, value: valueKey[chart7json["New Mexico"]], description: chart7json["New Mexico"] }, { 'hc-a2': 'NY', name: 'New York', region: 'Northeast', x: 2, y: 8, value: valueKey[chart7json["New York"]], description: chart7json["New York"] }, { 'hc-a2': 'NC', name: 'North Carolina', region: 'South', x: 5, y: 8, value: valueKey[chart7json["North Carolina"]], description: chart7json["North Carolina"] }, { 'hc-a2': 'ND', name: 'North Dakota', region: 'Midwest', x: 2, y: 2, value: valueKey[chart7json["North Dakota"]], description: chart7json["North Dakota"] }, { 'hc-a2': 'OH', name: 'Ohio', region: 'Midwest', x: 3, y: 7, value: valueKey[chart7json["Ohio"]], description: chart7json["Ohio"] }, { 'hc-a2': 'OK', name: 'Oklahoma', region: 'South', x: 6, y: 3, value: valueKey[chart7json["Oklahoma"]], description: chart7json["Oklahoma"] }, { 'hc-a2': 'OR', name: 'Oregon', region: 'West', x: 4, y: 0, value: valueKey[chart7json["Oregon"]], description: chart7json["Oregon"] }, { 'hc-a2': 'PA', name: 'Pennsylvania', region: 'Northeast', x: 3, y: 8, value: valueKey[chart7json["Pennsylvania"]], description: chart7json["Pennsylvania"] }, { 'hc-a2': 'RI', name: 'Rhode Island', region: 'Northeast', x: 2, y: 10, value: valueKey[chart7json["Rhode Island"]], description: chart7json["Rhode Island"] }, { 'hc-a2': 'SC', name: 'South Carolina', region: 'South', x: 6, y: 7, value: valueKey[chart7json["South Carolina"]], description: chart7json["South Carolina"] }, { 'hc-a2': 'SD', name: 'South Dakota', region: 'Midwest', x: 3, y: 3, value: valueKey[chart7json["South Dakota"]], description: chart7json["South Dakota"] }, { 'hc-a2': 'TN', name: 'Tennessee', region: 'South', x: 5, y: 6, value: valueKey[chart7json["Tennessee"]], description: chart7json["Tennessee"] }, { 'hc-a2': 'TX', name: 'Texas', region: 'South', x: 7, y: 3, value: valueKey[chart7json["Texas"]], description: chart7json["Texas"] }, { 'hc-a2': 'UT', name: 'Utah', region: 'West', x: 5, y: 3, value: valueKey[chart7json["Utah"]], description: chart7json["Utah"] }, { 'hc-a2': 'VT', name: 'Vermont', region: 'Northeast', x: 1, y: 9, value: valueKey[chart7json["Vermont"]], description: chart7json["Vermont"] }, { 'hc-a2': 'VA', name: 'Virginia', region: 'South', x: 5, y: 7, value: valueKey[chart7json["Virginia"]], description: chart7json["Virginia"] }, { 'hc-a2': 'WA', name: 'Washington', region: 'West', x: 2, y: 0, value: valueKey[chart7json["Washington"]], description: chart7json["Washington"] }, { 'hc-a2': 'WV', name: 'West Virginia', region: 'South', x: 4, y: 6, value: valueKey[chart7json["West Virginia"]], description: chart7json["West Virginia"] }, { 'hc-a2': 'WI', name: 'Wisconsin', region: 'Midwest', x: 2, y: 4, value: valueKey[chart7json["Wisconsin"]], description: chart7json["Wisconsin"] }, { 'hc-a2': 'WY', name: 'Wyoming', region: 'West', x: 3, y: 2, value: valueKey[chart7json["Wyoming"]], description: chart7json["Wyoming"] }] }] }); }; $(document).ready(function(){ // console.warn("CHART MAP TEST"); getDataChart7(); }) </script> </div> <script> window.Launchpad = window.Launchpad || {}; </script> <script src="/dist/vue-vendor.min.js?v=473fce78-943a-4a79-a097-dc0c2c1ac604"></script> </div> <div class="col-md-4"> <div class="fr-view"> <p><strong>Biomarker Coverage:</strong></p><ul class="highlight-data"><li>Maryland was one of the 15 states that required insurance coverage of comprehensive biomarker testing, including for lung cancer, as of September 2024.</li></ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="tab-pane-wrap"> <a class="nav-link " id="53214-tab-panel" data-tip-section="Surgical" href="#53214" role="tab"> Surgical <span class="icon-angle-down"></span> </a> <div class="tab-pane " id="53214" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="53214-tab"> <section class=" no-padding " style="" id="section_a5aa09c8d3d1"> <div class="global-container"> <div class="row "> <div class="col-12"> <div id="SOLC Surgical Treatment"> </div> <div class="widget widget-txt"> <p>While surgery may not be an option for every patient, those who receive it as part of their initial treatment have higher survival rates than those who do not. Patients who are not healthy enough to undergo the procedure or whose cancer has spread too far, may not be candidates for surgery. Other treatments may be recommended instead of or in addition to surgery, such as chemotherapy, radiation, targeted therapy or immunotherapy.</p> <hr> </div> <script> window.Launchpad = window.Launchpad || {}; </script> <script src="/dist/vue-vendor.min.js?v=473fce78-943a-4a79-a097-dc0c2c1ac604"></script> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class=" forceLayout surgicalTreatmentTab no-padding " style="" id="section_b56848a9f78f"> <div class="global-container"> <div class="row "> <div class="col-md-8"> <div id="SOLC 4 Surgical Chart"> </div> <div class="widget widget-txt"> <style media="screen"> #chartSurgery { min-width: 310px; width: 100%; /*height must be a minimum of 860px*/ /*min-height: 860px;*/ /*height: 1000px;*/ margin: 0 auto; } .highcharts-background { fill: transparent; } /*body{ background: url("") no-repeat center center fixed; }*/ .highcharts-title { font-family: 'Aeonik Regular', sans-serif !important; } .highcharts-legend { font-family: 'Aeonik Regular', sans-serif !important; } .highcharts-axis-labels { font-family: 'Aeonik Regular', sans-serif !important; } .highcharts-xaxis-labels { font-family: 'Aeonik Regular', sans-serif !important; } .highcharts-axis-title{ font-family: "Aeonik Regular", sans-serif; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; } .highcharts-grid-line{ opacity: 0.6; } @media (max-width: 700px) { #chartSurgery { /*height: 1000px;*/ } } </style> <!-- 860px min height before font gets messed up --> <div id="chartSurgery" class="solcChartContainer"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> async function getDataChart4(stateLowerCase){ const response = await fetch('/getmedia/5d056fa2-4a06-4880-8bb3-fc807c20f829/chart4surgical.json'); const chart4SurgicalJson = await response.json(); // console.warn('data, original json:') // console.log(chart4SurgicalJson); chart4SurgicalData = chart4SurgicalJson.chart4SurgicalData; // console.log(chart4SurgicalData); // console.warn(`chart4SurgicalJson['chart4SurgicalData']`); // create array that can be sorted and manipulated let chart4SurgicalDataArray = []; for (var i = 0; i < chart4SurgicalData.length; i++) { // console.log(chart4SurgicalData[i]['state']); chart4SurgicalDataArray.push( [chart4SurgicalData[i]['state'], chart4SurgicalData[i]['value'], chart4SurgicalData[i]['state'].replace(/\s+/g, '-').toLowerCase(), chart4SurgicalData[i]['tier']] ); // console.log(chart4SurgicalDataArray[i]); // testArray.push( [chart4SurgicalData[i]['state'], chart4SurgicalData[i]['value'], chart4SurgicalData[i]['state'].replace(/\s+/g, '-').toLowerCase()] ); // console.log(chart4SurgicalDataArray[i]['state']); // console.log(chart4SurgicalDataArray[i]['value']); // ['District of Columbia', 44.2, 'district-of-columbia'] // full name, value, shortened name } // console.warn(`chart4SurgicalData as an array for manipulation:`); // console.log(chart4SurgicalDataArray); // console.warn(`test array:`) // console.log(testArray); // sort by the chart values asked for by Research team chart4SurgicalDataArray = chart4SurgicalDataArray.sort(function(a,b){ return b[1]-a[1] }); // console.warn(`chart4SurgicalDataArray sorted least to greatest:`); // console.log(chart4SurgicalDataArray); // NOW that it is sorted from least to greatest, add an index to each item in this information array for (var i = 0; i < chart4SurgicalDataArray.length; i++) { chart4SurgicalDataArray[i].push(i); // LOOKS LIKE ['District of Columbia', 44.2, 'district-of-columbia', 24] INDEX AT END NOW } // console.warn(`chart4SurgicalDataArray with index added`); // console.log(chart4SurgicalDataArray); // create array of ONLY states, and one of ONLY values let chart4StateArray = []; let chart4ValueArray = []; let tierTrack = { 'Top': 0, 'Above Average': 0, 'Average': 0, 'Below Average': 0, 'Bottom': 0 }; // create variable for tooltipSet number/index let tooltipSet; let stateHasData = false; for (var i = 0; i < chart4SurgicalDataArray.length; i++) { chart4StateArray.push(chart4SurgicalDataArray[i][0]); chart4ValueArray.push(chart4SurgicalDataArray[i][1]); // update tierTrack object with the amount of times a tier appears tierTrack[chart4SurgicalDataArray[i][3]] = tierTrack[chart4SurgicalDataArray[i][3]]+1; // use the identified state from URL to find the index of which bar needs to be highlighted if(chart4SurgicalDataArray[i][2] === stateLowerCase){ tooltipSet = chart4SurgicalDataArray[i][4]; // tooltipSet = the index that was assigned. // console.warn(`chart4surgical: tooltipSet found and set to ${tooltipSet}`); // SUMMARY TABLE stateHasData = true; summaryTable['surgicalTreatment'] = chart4SurgicalDataArray[i][3]; // GLOBAL VARIABLE DEFINED IN SUMMARY TABLE INCLUDE. updateSummaryTable(); // CHECK IF SUMMARY TABLE IS READY } } if(!stateHasData){ summaryTable['surgicalTreatment'] = "Not Available"; // GLOBAL VARIABLE DEFINED IN SUMMARY TABLE INCLUDE. updateSummaryTable(); // CHECK IF SUMMARY TABLE IS READY } // set the boundaries for the tiers in the back of the chart let topStart = -0.5; let topAboveAverage = topStart + tierTrack['Top']; let aboveAverageAverage = topAboveAverage + tierTrack['Above Average']; let averageBelowAverage = aboveAverageAverage + tierTrack['Average']; let belowAverageBottom = averageBelowAverage + tierTrack['Below Average']; let bottomEnd = belowAverageBottom + tierTrack['Bottom']; // apply these boundaries to an object let tierValues = { topStart: topStart, topAboveAverage: topAboveAverage, aboveAverageAverage: aboveAverageAverage, averageBelowAverage: averageBelowAverage, belowAverageBottom: belowAverageBottom, bottomEnd: bottomEnd }; // if no value for the state given, set tooltipSet to null if (!tooltipSet) { tooltipSet = null; } // console.warn(`TEST AGAIN`); // console.log(testArray); // CALL HIGHCHARTS HERE WITH NEW STUFF chartSurgery(tooltipSet, chart4SurgicalJson, chart4StateArray, chart4ValueArray, tierValues); // console.warn('chartSurgery called'); // state and nation custom highlight: // console.log(`stateName: ${stateName}`); // should be the lowercase hyphenated. like "north-carolina" for (var i = 0; i < chart4SurgicalDataArray.length; i++) { if (chart4SurgicalDataArray[i][2] === stateLowerCase) { // if the item in the array has the matching stateName // // console.log(chart4SurgicalDataArray[i][3]); // // console.log(chart4SurgicalDataArray[i][2]); let stateIndex = chart4SurgicalDataArray[i][4]+1; if ($(`#solc #chartSurgery .highcharts-series-0 rect:nth-child(${stateIndex})`) == true ) { $(`#solc #chartSurgery .highcharts-series-0 rect:nth-child(${stateIndex})`).css('fill', '#ff7900'); // change color of state highlight } else { $(`#solc #chartSurgery .highcharts-series-0 path:nth-child(${stateIndex})`).css('fill', '#ff7900'); } } else if(chart4SurgicalDataArray[i][0] === 'Nation'){ let nationIndex = chart4SurgicalDataArray[i][4]+1; if ($(`#solc #chartSurgery .highcharts-series-0 rect:nth-child(${nationIndex})`) == true ) { $(`#solc #chartSurgery .highcharts-series-0 rect:nth-child(${nationIndex})`).css('fill', '#D1E33C'); } else { $(`#solc #chartSurgery .highcharts-series-0 path:nth-child(${nationIndex})`).css('fill', '#D1E33C'); } } } } // end getDataChart4 var tooltipSurg = ""; var chartSurgery = function(tooltipSet, chart4SurgicalJson, chart4StateArray, chart4ValueArray, tierValues) { Highcharts.setOptions({ colors: ["#555559", "#7fba00"] }) Highcharts.chart("chartSurgery", { chart: { style : { "fontFamily": "'Aeonik Regular', sans-serif" }, events: { load: function() { if(tooltipSet != null){ var stateBox = this.series[0].points[tooltipSet]; this.tooltip.refresh(stateBox); } } }, type: "column", height: 400 }, title: { text: chart4SurgicalJson.title, style: { fontWeight: "bold" } }, credits: { enabled: false }, tooltip: { formatter: function(){ return '<b>' + this.x + '</b>: ' + Highcharts.numberFormat(this.y, 1) + "%"; }, style: { "fontSize": "16px", "fontFamily": "'Aeonik Regular', sans-serif" } }, legend: { enabled: false }, xAxis: { labels: { enabled: false }, plotBands: [{ from: tierValues['topStart'], to: tierValues['topAboveAverage'], color: "#e5efff", label: { text: "Top<br>Tier", style: { color: "#000000" }, y: 10 } }, { from: tierValues['topAboveAverage'], to: tierValues['aboveAverageAverage'], color: "#b2d0ff", label: { text: "Above<br/>Average<br>Tier", style: { color: "#000000" }, y: 30 } }, { from: tierValues['aboveAverageAverage'], to: tierValues['averageBelowAverage'], color: "#8ab8ff", label: { text: "Average<br>Tier", style: { color: "#000000" }, y: 60 } }, { from: tierValues['averageBelowAverage'], to: tierValues['belowAverageBottom'], color: "#4992ff", label: { text: "Below<br/>Average<br>Tier", style: { color: "#000000" }, y: 80 } }, { from: tierValues['belowAverageBottom'], to: tierValues['bottomEnd'], color: "#0064ff", label: { text: "Bottom<br>Tier", style: { color: "#000000" }, y: 110 } } ], categories: chart4StateArray }, yAxis: { min: 0, title: { text: chart4SurgicalJson.yaxis }, labels: { style: { "fontSize": "16px" } } }, plotOptions: { series: { stacking: "normal" } }, series: [{ name: "States", data: chart4ValueArray }], dataLabels: { style: { fontFamily: "'Aeonik Regular', sans-serif" } } }); }; // END CHART FUNCTION $(document).ready(function() { // console.warn('doc ready now'); // extract current state from URL let urlArr = document.URL.split(document.domain); // WITHOUT domain let relativeURL; let stateName; [, relativeURL] = urlArr; // relativeURL now is equal to '/research/state-of-lung-cancer/states/alabama' let relativeSplitArr = relativeURL.split('/research/state-of-lung-cancer/states/'); // creates array with index being the state name in full but lowercase [, stateName] = relativeSplitArr; // statename is now equal to the full state name in toLowerCase let stateLowerCase = stateName.toLowerCase(); //remove any extra from the end of the URL if(stateLowerCase.includes("#") ){ stateLowerCase = stateLowerCase.split("#")[0]; } else if(stateLowerCase.includes("?")){ stateLowerCase = stateLowerCase.split("?")[0]; } // initiate call for data and chart creation. pass in identified state name getDataChart4(stateLowerCase); // console.warn(`getDataChart4 called with args ${stateLowerCase}`); }); </script> </div> <script> window.Launchpad = window.Launchpad || {}; </script> <script src="/dist/vue-vendor.min.js?v=473fce78-943a-4a79-a097-dc0c2c1ac604"></script> </div> <div class="col-md-4"> <div class="fr-view"> <p><strong>Surgical Treatment:</strong></p><ul class="highlight-data"><li>Maryland ranked <span class="fr-class-highlighted">7th</span> (out of the 47 states with available data) with <span class="fr-class-highlighted">24.0%</span> of cases undergoing surgery as part of the first course of treatment.</li><li>This is <strong>significantly higher</strong> than the national rate of 20.7% and puts Maryland in the <span class="fr-class-highlighted">above average tier</span>.</li><li>Over the last five years, the percent of cases undergoing surgery in Maryland did not change significantly.</li></ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="tab-pane-wrap"> <a class="nav-link " id="53215-tab-panel" data-tip-section="Lack of Treatment" href="#53215" role="tab"> Lack of Treatment <span class="icon-angle-down"></span> </a> <div class="tab-pane " id="53215" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="53215-tab"> <section class=" " style="" id="section_548fa952ffc3"> <div class="global-container"> <div class="row "> <div class="col-12"> <div id="SOLC Lack Treatment"> </div> <div class="widget widget-txt"> <p>Not every patient receives treatment after being diagnosed with lung cancer. This can happen for multiple reasons, such as poor health or refusal of treatment. Some of these reasons may be unavoidable, but no one should go untreated because of lack of provider or patient knowledge, stigma associated with lung cancer, fatalism after diagnosis, or cost of treatment. Dismantling these and other barriers is important to reducing the percent of patients who do not receive any treatment.</p> <hr> </div> <script> window.Launchpad = window.Launchpad || {}; </script> <script src="/dist/vue-vendor.min.js?v=473fce78-943a-4a79-a097-dc0c2c1ac604"></script> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class=" forceLayout lackOfTreatmentTab no-padding " style="" id="section_c4de86036c8e"> <div class="global-container"> <div class="row "> <div class="col-md-8"> <div id="SOLC 5 Untreated/Lack Chart"> </div> <div class="widget widget-txt"> <style media="screen"> #chartLackUntreated { /*min-width: 310px;*/ width: 100%; /*height must be a minimum of 860px*/ /*min-height: 860px;*/ /*height: 1000px;*/ margin: 0 auto; } .highcharts-background { fill: transparent; } /*body{ background: url("") no-repeat center center fixed; }*/ .highcharts-title { font-family: 'Aeonik Regular', sans-serif !important; } .highcharts-axis-title{ font-family: "Aeonik Regular", sans-serif; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; } .highcharts-legend { font-family: 'Aeonik Regular', sans-serif !important; } .highcharts-axis-labels { font-family: 'Aeonik Regular', sans-serif !important; } .highcharts-xaxis-labels { font-family: 'Aeonik Regular', sans-serif !important; } .highcharts-grid-line{ opacity: 0.6; } @media (max-width: 700px) { #chartLackUntreated { /*height: 1000px;*/ } } </style> <!-- 860px min height before font gets messed up --> <div id="chartLackUntreated" class="solcChartContainer"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> async function getDataChart5UntreatedLack(stateLowerCase){ const response = await fetch('/getmedia/ede18703-eca7-4d8b-b9a6-0d768f5bd04e/chart5untreatedLack.json'); const chart5LackJson = await response.json(); // console.warn('data, original json:') // console.log(chart5LackJson); let chart5LackData = chart5LackJson.chart5LackData; // console.log(chart5LackData); // console.warn(`chart5LackJson['chart5LackData']`); // create array that can be sorted and manipulated let chart5LackDataArray = []; for (var i = 0; i < chart5LackData.length; i++) { // console.log(chart5LackData[i]['state']); chart5LackDataArray.push( [chart5LackData[i]['state'], chart5LackData[i]['value'], chart5LackData[i]['state'].replace(/\s+/g, '-').toLowerCase(), chart5LackData[i]['tier']] ); // console.log(chart5LackDataArray[i]); // testArray.push( [chart5LackData[i]['state'], chart5LackData[i]['value'], chart5LackData[i]['state'].replace(/\s+/g, '-').toLowerCase()] ); // console.log(chart5LackDataArray[i]['state']); // console.log(chart5LackDataArray[i]['value']); // ['District of Columbia', 44.2, 'district-of-columbia'] // full name, value, shortened name } // console.warn(`chart5LackData as an array for manipulation:`); // console.log(chart5LackDataArray); // // console.warn(`test array:`) // // console.log(testArray); // sort by the chart values asked for by Research team chart5LackDataArray = chart5LackDataArray.sort(function(a,b){ return a[1]-b[1] }); // console.warn(`chart5LackDataArray sorted least to greatest:`); // console.log(chart5LackDataArray); // NOW that it is sorted from least to greatest, add an index to each item in this information array for (var i = 0; i < chart5LackDataArray.length; i++) { chart5LackDataArray[i].push(i); // LOOKS LIKE ['District of Columbia', 44.2, 'district-of-columbia', 24] INDEX AT END NOW } // console.warn(`chart5LackDataArray with index added`); // console.log(chart5LackDataArray); // create array of ONLY states, and one of ONLY values let chart5StateArray = []; let chart5ValueArray = []; let tierTrack = { 'Top': 0, 'Above Average': 0, 'Average': 0, 'Below Average': 0, 'Bottom': 0 }; // create variable for tooltipSet number/index // create variable for tooltipSet number/index let tooltipSet; let stateHasData = false; for (var i = 0; i < chart5LackDataArray.length; i++) { chart5StateArray.push(chart5LackDataArray[i][0]); chart5ValueArray.push(chart5LackDataArray[i][1]); // update tierTrack object with the amount of times a tier appears tierTrack[chart5LackDataArray[i][3]] = tierTrack[chart5LackDataArray[i][3]]+1; // use the identified state from URL to find the index of which bar needs to be highlighted if(chart5LackDataArray[i][2] === stateLowerCase){ tooltipSet = chart5LackDataArray[i][4]; // tooltipSet = the index that was assigned. // console.warn(`chart 5 lack: tooltipSet found and set to ${tooltipSet}`); stateHasData = true; summaryTable['lackOfTreatment'] = chart5LackDataArray[i][3]; // GLOBAL VARIABLE DEFINED IN SUMMARY TABLE INCLUDE. updateSummaryTable(); // CHECK IF SUMMARY TABLE IS READY } } if(!stateHasData){ summaryTable['lackOfTreatment'] = "Not Available"; // GLOBAL VARIABLE DEFINED IN SUMMARY TABLE INCLUDE. updateSummaryTable(); // CHECK IF SUMMARY TABLE IS READY } // console.warn("tierTrack"); // console.warn(tierTrack); // set the boundaries for the tiers in the back of the chart let topStart = -0.5; let topAboveAverage = topStart + tierTrack['Top']; let aboveAverageAverage = topAboveAverage + tierTrack['Above Average']; let averageBelowAverage = aboveAverageAverage + tierTrack['Average']; let belowAverageBottom = averageBelowAverage + tierTrack['Below Average']; let bottomEnd = belowAverageBottom + tierTrack['Bottom']; // apply these boundaries to an object let tierValues = { topStart: topStart, topAboveAverage: topAboveAverage, aboveAverageAverage: aboveAverageAverage, averageBelowAverage: averageBelowAverage, belowAverageBottom: belowAverageBottom, bottomEnd: bottomEnd }; // console.log("tierValues"); // console.log(tierValues); // if no value for the state given, set tooltipSet to null if (!tooltipSet) { tooltipSet = null; } // // // console.warn(`TEST AGAIN`); // // // console.log(testArray); // CALL HIGHCHARTS HERE WITH NEW STUFF chartLackUntreated(tooltipSet, chart5LackJson, chart5StateArray, chart5ValueArray, tierValues); // console.warn('chartLack called'); // state and nation custom highlight: // console.log(`stateName: ${stateName}`); // should be the lowercase hyphenated. like "north-carolina" for (var i = 0; i < chart5LackDataArray.length; i++) { if (chart5LackDataArray[i][2] === stateLowerCase) { // if the item in the array has the matching stateName // // console.log(chart5LackDataArray[i][3]); // // console.log(chart5LackDataArray[i][2]); let stateIndex = chart5LackDataArray[i][4]+1; if ($(`#solc #chartLackUntreated .highcharts-series-0 rect:nth-child(${stateIndex})`) == true ) { $(`#solc #chartLackUntreated .highcharts-series-0 rect:nth-child(${stateIndex})`).css('fill', '#ff7900'); // change color of state highlight } else{ $(`#solc #chartLackUntreated .highcharts-series-0 path:nth-child(${stateIndex})`).css('fill', '#ff7900'); } } else if(chart5LackDataArray[i][0] === 'Nation'){ let nationIndex = chart5LackDataArray[i][4]+1; if ($(`#solc #chartLackUntreated .highcharts-series-0 rect:nth-child(${nationIndex})`) == true ) { $(`#solc #chartLackUntreated .highcharts-series-0 rect:nth-child(${nationIndex})`).css('fill', '#D1E33C'); } else { $(`#solc #chartLackUntreated .highcharts-series-0 path:nth-child(${nationIndex})`).css('fill', '#D1E33C'); } } } } // end getDataChart5UntreatedLack const chartLackUntreated = function(tooltipSet, chart5LackJson, chart5StateArray, chart5ValueArray, tierValues) { Highcharts.chart("chartLackUntreated", { chart: { style : { "fontFamily": "'Aeonik Regular', sans-serif" }, events: { load: function() { if(tooltipSet != null){ var stateBox = this.series[0].points[tooltipSet]; this.tooltip.refresh(stateBox); } } }, type: "column", height: 450 }, title: { text: chart5LackJson.title, style: { fontWeight: "bold" } }, xAxis: { labels: { enabled: false }, plotBands: [{ from: tierValues['topStart'], to: tierValues['topAboveAverage'], color: "#e5efff", label: { text: "Top<br>Tier", style: { color: "#000000", }, y: 180 } },{ from: tierValues['topAboveAverage'], to: tierValues['aboveAverageAverage'], color: "#b2d0ff", label: { text: "Above<br>Average<br>Tier", style: { color: "#000000", }, y: 135 } },{ from: tierValues['aboveAverageAverage'], to: tierValues['averageBelowAverage'], color: "#8ab8ff", label: { text: "Average<br>Tier", style: { color: "#000000", }, y: 70 } },{ from: tierValues['averageBelowAverage'], to: tierValues['belowAverageBottom'], color: "#4992ff", label: { text: "Below<br>Average<br>Tier", style: { color: "#000000", }, y: 20 } },{ from: tierValues['belowAverageBottom'], to: tierValues['bottomEnd'], color: "#0064ff", label: { text: "Bottom<br>Tier", style: { color: "#000000", }, y: 10 } } ], categories: chart5StateArray }, yAxis: { min: 0, title: { text: chart5LackJson.yaxis, style: { fontWeight: "bold" } }, labels: { style: { "fontSize": "16px" } } }, legend: { reversed: true, enabled: false }, plotOptions: { series: { color: "#555559", stacking: "normal" } }, series: [{ name: "States", data: chart5ValueArray }], dataLabels: { style: { fontFamily: "'Aeonik Regular', sans-serif" } }, credits: { enabled: false }, tooltip: { formatter: function() { return '<b>' + this.x + '</b>: ' + Highcharts.numberFormat(this.y, 1) + "%"; }, style: { "fontSize": "16px", "fontFamily": "'Aeonik Regular', sans-serif" } } }); }; // END CHART FUNCTION $(document).ready(function() { // console.warn('doc ready now'); // extract current state from URL let urlArr = document.URL.split(document.domain); // WITHOUT domain let relativeURL; let stateName; [, relativeURL] = urlArr; // relativeURL now is equal to '/research/state-of-lung-cancer/states/alabama' let relativeSplitArr = relativeURL.split('/research/state-of-lung-cancer/states/'); // creates array with index being the state name in full but lowercase [, stateName] = relativeSplitArr; // statename is now equal to the full state name in toLowerCase let stateLowerCase = stateName.toLowerCase(); //remove any extra from the end of the URL if(stateLowerCase.includes("#") ){ stateLowerCase = stateLowerCase.split("#")[0]; } else if(stateLowerCase.includes("?")){ stateLowerCase = stateLowerCase.split("?")[0]; } // initiate call for data and chart creation. pass in identified state name getDataChart5UntreatedLack(stateLowerCase); // console.warn(`getDataChart5UntreatedLack called with args ${stateLowerCase}`); }); // }</script> </div> <script> window.Launchpad = window.Launchpad || {}; </script> <script src="/dist/vue-vendor.min.js?v=473fce78-943a-4a79-a097-dc0c2c1ac604"></script> </div> <div class="col-md-4"> <div class="fr-view"> <p><strong>Lack of Treatment:</strong></p><ul class="highlight-data"><li>Maryland ranked <span class="fr-class-highlighted">16th</span> (out of the 47 states with available data) with <span class="fr-class-highlighted">18.2%</span> of cases not receiving any treatment.</li><li>This is <strong>significantly lower</strong> than the national rate of 20.9% and puts Maryland in the <span class="fr-class-highlighted">above average tier</span>.</li><li>Over the last five years, the percent of cases receiving no treatment in Maryland did not change significantly.</li></ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class=" " style="" id="section_546ff7dcff46"> <div class="global-container"> <div class="row "> <div class="col-12"> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class=" " style="" id="section_c884457a5bdc"> <div class="global-container"> <div class="row "> <div class="col-12"> <div class="fr-view"> <h2>Screening</h2> </div> <div id="SOLC Covid-19 Impact"> </div> <div class="widget widget-txt"> <style type="text/css">.covid-callout { padding: 1.5rem; background-color:#F6F6F6; display: flex; } .covid-callout .card-icon { color: #0D2354; font-size: 4.375rem; width: 100px; height: 100px; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; background: transparent; } .covid-callout .card-icon:before { vertical-align: sub; } </style> <div class="covid-callout" style="display: none;"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-2"> <div class="card-icon icon-covid">​</div> </div> <div class="col-md-10"> <p style="margin-bottom:0;"><strong>COVID-19 Impact</strong></p> <p style="margin-bottom: 0;">Nationally, screening rates have increased every year since it was first recommended. However, the national rate did not change from 2019 to 2020, likely due to COVID-19 lockdowns limiting access to healthcare resources and the public’s reticence to enter medical facilities during the pandemic.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script> window.Launchpad = window.Launchpad || {}; </script> <script src="/dist/vue-vendor.min.js?v=473fce78-943a-4a79-a097-dc0c2c1ac604"></script> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="section tab-section"> <div class="global-container"> <div class="tabs-pagebuilder js-tabs-pagebuilder" id="2"> <ul class="nav-tabs nav" id="53208-tab" role="tablist"> <li class="nav-item"> <a class="nav-link 53217 active" id="53217-tab" data-tip-section="High Risk" href="#53217" role="tab"> High Risk </a> </li> </ul> <div class="tab-content" id="myTabContent"> <div class="tab-pane-wrap"> <a class="nav-link active" id="53217-tab-panel" data-tip-section="High Risk" href="#53217" role="tab"> High Risk <span class="icon-angle-down"></span> </a> <div class="tab-pane active" id="53217" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="53217-tab"> <section class=" no-padding " style="" id="section_962b6320846c"> <div class="global-container"> <div class="row "> <div class="col-12"> <div id="SOLC Screening P1"> </div> <div class="widget widget-txt"> <style type="text/css">table.sigReport {margin:0 0 15px;} table.sigReport th {border-bottom: 3px solid #0064FF !important; padding:.5rem; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.125rem; border: 1px solid #DFE1E2;} table.sigReport td {font-size: 0.875rem; padding: 0.75rem 0.25rem; border: 1px solid #DFE1E2;} table.sigReport .footnote {font-size: 0.75rem; color: #484848;} table.sigReport tr:nth-child(even) {background-color: #f6f6f6;} </style> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-6"> <p style="margin-bottom:15px">Screening for lung cancer with annual low-dose CT scans among those at high risk can reduce the lung cancer death rate by up to 20% by detecting the disease at early stages when it is more likely to be curable.</p> <p>Based on new research, in March 2021, the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPTF) expanded its recommendation for screening to include a larger age range and more current and former smokers. This dramatically increased the number of women and Black Americans considered at high risk for lung cancer.</p> </div> <div class="col-lg-6"> <p style="margin-bottom: 0.5rem; font-weight: bold;">High Risk is defined as:</p> <table class="sigReport"> <tbody> <tr> <th>&nbsp;</th> <th>2020 Guidelines</th> <th>2021 Guidelines</th> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Age</strong></td> <td>55-80 years</td> <td>50-80 years</td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Smoking History</strong></td> <td><strong>30</strong> or more pack years<br> <span class="footnote">(this means 1 pack a day for 30 years, 2 packs a day for 15 years, etc.)</span></td> <td><strong>20</strong> or more pack years<br> <span class="footnote">(this means 1 pack a day for 20 years, 2 packs a day for 10 years, etc.)</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Smoking Status</strong></td> <td colspan="2">Current smoker or quit within the last 15 years</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <!-- <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-12"> <p>Screening rates in this report are from before the guidelines were updated and do not yet reflect screening among those newly eligible.</p> </div> </div> --> <hr> </div> <script> window.Launchpad = window.Launchpad || {}; </script> <script src="/dist/vue-vendor.min.js?v=473fce78-943a-4a79-a097-dc0c2c1ac604"></script> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class=" forceLayout highRiskTab no-padding " style="" id="section_b22dce887e46"> <div class="global-container"> <div class="row "> <div class="col-md-8"> <div id="SOLC 6 High Risk Screening Chart"> </div> <div class="widget widget-txt"> <div id="screeningMasterDiv"> <style media="screen"> #chartScreening { min-width: 310px; width: 100%; /*height must be a minimum of 860px*/ /*min-height: 860px;*/ /*height: 1000px;*/ margin: 0 auto; } .highcharts-background { fill: transparent; } /*body{ background: url("") no-repeat center center fixed; }*/ .highcharts-axis-title{"chart" font-family: "Aeonik Regular", sans-serif; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; } .highcharts-title { font-family: 'Aeonik Regular', sans-serif !important; } .highcharts-legend { font-family: 'Aeonik Regular', sans-serif !important; } .highcharts-axis-labels { font-family: 'Aeonik Regular', sans-serif !important; } .highcharts-xaxis-labels { font-family: 'Aeonik Regular', sans-serif !important; } .highcharts-grid-line{ opacity: 0.6; } @media (max-width: 700px) { #chartScreening { /*height: 1000px;*/ } } </style> <!-- 860px min height before font gets messed up --> <div id="chartScreening" class="solcChartContainer"></div> <script id="screeningScript" type="text/javascript"> // let chart6ScreeningData; // object of just state data async function getDatachartScreening(stateLowerCase){ const response = await fetch('/getmedia/5712e381-fd4f-4d3b-bec1-3a87fa0c95a7/chartScreening.json '); const chartScreeningJson = await response.json(); //console.warn('data, original json:') //console.log(chartScreeningJson); let chart6ScreeningData = chartScreeningJson['chart6ScreeningData']; //console.log(chart6ScreeningData); //console.warn(`chartScreeningJson['chart6ScreeningData']`); // create array that can be sorted and manipulated let chart6ScreeningDataArray = []; for (var i = 0; i < chart6ScreeningData.length; i++) { //console.log(chart6ScreeningData[i]['state']); chart6ScreeningDataArray.push( [chart6ScreeningData[i]['state'], chart6ScreeningData[i]['value'], chart6ScreeningData[i]['state'].replace(/\s+/g, '-').toLowerCase(), chart6ScreeningData[i]['tier']] ); //console.log(chart6ScreeningDataArray[i]); // ['District of Columbia', 44.2, 'district-of-columbia'] // full name, value, shortened name } //console.warn(`chart6ScreeningData as an array for manipulation:`); //console.log(chart6ScreeningDataArray); // //console.warn(`test array:`) // //console.log(testArray); // sort by the chart values asked for by Research team chart6ScreeningDataArray = chart6ScreeningDataArray.sort(function(a,b){ return b[1]-a[1] }); //console.warn(`chart6ScreeningDataArray sorted greatest to least:`); //console.log(chart6ScreeningDataArray); // NOW that it is sorted from least to greatest, add an index to each item in this information array for (var i = 0; i < chart6ScreeningDataArray.length; i++) { chart6ScreeningDataArray[i].push(i); // LOOKS LIKE ['District of Columbia', 44.2, 'district-of-columbia', 24] INDEX AT END NOW } //console.warn(`chart6ScreeningDataArray with index added`); //console.log(chart6ScreeningDataArray); // create array of ONLY states, and one of ONLY values let chartScreeningStateArray = []; let chartScreeningValueArray = []; let tierTrack = { 'Top': 0, 'Above Average': 0, 'Average': 0, 'Below Average': 0, 'Bottom': 0 }; // create variable for tooltipSet number/index let tooltipSet; let stateHasData = false; for (var i = 0; i < chart6ScreeningDataArray.length; i++) { chartScreeningStateArray.push(chart6ScreeningDataArray[i][0]); chartScreeningValueArray.push(chart6ScreeningDataArray[i][1]); // update tierTrack object with the amount of times a tier appears tierTrack[chart6ScreeningDataArray[i][3]] = tierTrack[chart6ScreeningDataArray[i][3]]+1; // use the identified state from URL to find the index of which bar needs to be highlighted if(chart6ScreeningDataArray[i][2] === stateLowerCase){ tooltipSet = chart6ScreeningDataArray[i][4]; // tooltipSet = the index that was assigned. //console.warn(`tooltipSet found and set to ${tooltipSet}`); stateHasData = true; summaryTable['earlyScreening'] = chart6ScreeningDataArray[i][3]; // GLOBAL VARIABLE DEFINED IN SUMMARY TABLE INCLUDE. updateSummaryTable(); // CHECK IF SUMMARY TABLE IS READY } } if(!stateHasData){ summaryTable['earlyScreening'] = "Not Available"; // GLOBAL VARIABLE DEFINED IN SUMMARY TABLE INCLUDE. updateSummaryTable(); // CHECK IF SUMMARY TABLE IS READY } // set the boundaries for the tiers in the back of the chart let topStart = -0.5; let topAboveAverage = topStart + tierTrack['Top']; let aboveAverageAverage = topAboveAverage + tierTrack['Above Average']; let averageBelowAverage = aboveAverageAverage + tierTrack['Average']; let belowAverageBottom = averageBelowAverage + tierTrack['Below Average']; let bottomEnd = belowAverageBottom + tierTrack['Bottom']; // apply these boundaries to an object let tierValues = { topStart: topStart, topAboveAverage: topAboveAverage, aboveAverageAverage: aboveAverageAverage, averageBelowAverage: averageBelowAverage, belowAverageBottom: belowAverageBottom, bottomEnd: bottomEnd }; // console.log("chart 6 tierValues"); // console.log(tierValues); // if no value for the state given, set tooltipSet to null if (!tooltipSet) { tooltipSet = null; } // //console.warn(`TEST AGAIN`); // //console.log(testArray); // CALL HIGHCHARTS HERE WITH NEW STUFF chartScreening(tooltipSet, chartScreeningJson, chartScreeningStateArray, chartScreeningValueArray, tierValues); //console.warn('chartScreening called'); // state and nation custom highlight: //console.log(`stateName: ${stateName}`); // should be the lowercase hyphenated. like "north-carolina" for (var i = 0; i < chart6ScreeningDataArray.length; i++) { if (chart6ScreeningDataArray[i][2] === stateLowerCase) { // if the item in the array has the matching stateName // //console.log(chart6ScreeningDataArray[i][3]); // //console.log(chart6ScreeningDataArray[i][2]); let stateIndex = chart6ScreeningDataArray[i][4]+1; if ($(`#solc #chartScreening .highcharts-series-0 rect:nth-child(${stateIndex})`) == true ) { $(`#solc #chartScreening .highcharts-series-0 rect:nth-child(${stateIndex})`).css('fill', '#ff7900'); // change color of state highlight } else { $(`#solc #chartScreening .highcharts-series-0 path:nth-child(${stateIndex})`).css('fill', '#ff7900'); } } else if(chart6ScreeningDataArray[i][0] === 'Nation'){ let nationIndex = chart6ScreeningDataArray[i][4]+1; if ($(`#solc #chartScreening .highcharts-series-0 rect:nth-child(${nationIndex})`) == true ) { $(`#solc #chartScreening .highcharts-series-0 rect:nth-child(${nationIndex})`).css('fill', '#D1E33C'); } else { $(`#solc #chartScreening .highcharts-series-0 path:nth-child(${nationIndex})`).css('fill', '#D1E33C'); } } } } // end getDatachartScreening var chartScreening = function(tooltipSet, chartScreeningJson, chartScreeningStateArray, chartScreeningValueArray, tierValues) { Highcharts.setOptions({ colors: ["#555559", "#7fba00"] }) Highcharts.chart("chartScreening", { chart: { events: { load: function() { if(tooltipSet != null){ var stateBox = this.series[0].points[tooltipSet]; this.tooltip.refresh(stateBox); } } }, type: "column", height: 450 }, title: { text: chartScreeningJson.title, style: { fontWeight: "bold" } }, yAxis: { min: 0, title: { text: chartScreeningJson.yaxis, style: { fontWeight: "bold" } }, labels: { style: { "fontSize": "16px" } } }, xAxis: { labels: { enabled: false }, plotBands: [{ from: tierValues['topStart'], to: tierValues['topAboveAverage'], color: "#e5efff", label: { text: "Top<br/>Tier", style: { color: "#000000", }, y: 30 } }, { from: tierValues['topAboveAverage'], to: tierValues['aboveAverageAverage'], color: "#b2d0ff", label: { text: "Above<br/>Average<br/>Tier", style: { color: "#000000", }, y: 50 } }, { from: tierValues['aboveAverageAverage'], to: tierValues['averageBelowAverage'], color: "#8ab8ff", label: { text: "Average<br/>Tier", style: { color: "#000000", }, y: 80 } }, { from: tierValues['averageBelowAverage'], to: tierValues['belowAverageBottom'], color: "#4992ff", label: { text: "Below<br/>Average<br/>Tier", style: { color: "#000000", }, y: 150 } }, { from: tierValues['belowAverageBottom'], to: tierValues['bottomEnd'], color: "#0064ff", label: { text: "Bottom<br/>Tier", style: { color: "#000000", }, y: 210 } } ], categories: chartScreeningStateArray }, legend: { reversed: true, enabled: false }, plotOptions: { series: { stacking: "normal" } }, series: [{ name: "States", data: chartScreeningValueArray }], dataLabels: { style: { fontFamily: "'Lato', sans-serif" } }, credits: { enabled: false }, tooltip: { formatter: function() { return '<b>' + this.x + '</b>: ' + Highcharts.numberFormat(this.y, 1) + "%"; }, style: { "fontSize": "16px", "fontFamily": "'Lato', sans-serif" } } }); // hide credits // $(".highcharts-credits").html(""); }; $(document).ready(function() { //console.warn('doc ready now'); // extract current state from URL let urlArr = document.URL.split(document.domain); // WITHOUT domain let relativeURL; let stateName; [, relativeURL] = urlArr; // relativeURL now is equal to '/research/state-of-lung-cancer/states/alabama' let relativeSplitArr = relativeURL.split('/research/state-of-lung-cancer/states/'); // creates array with index being the state name in full but lowercase [, stateName] = relativeSplitArr; // statename is now equal to the full state name in toLowerCase let stateLowerCase = stateName.toLowerCase(); //remove any extra from the end of the URL if(stateLowerCase.includes("#") ){ stateLowerCase = stateLowerCase.split("#")[0]; } else if(stateLowerCase.includes("?")){ stateLowerCase = stateLowerCase.split("?")[0]; } // initiate call for data and chart creation. pass in identified state name getDatachartScreening(stateLowerCase); //console.warn(`getDatachartScreening called with args ${stateLowerCase}`); }); </script> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ var screeningMasterDiv = $("#screeningMasterDiv"); $("#screeningMasterDiv").parent().attr("id", "screeningWidget"); $("#screeningWidget").empty(); $("#screeningWidget").html(screeningMasterDiv); }); </script> </div> <script> window.Launchpad = window.Launchpad || {}; </script> <script src="/dist/vue-vendor.min.js?v=473fce78-943a-4a79-a097-dc0c2c1ac604"></script> </div> <div class="col-md-4"> <div class="fr-view"> <p><strong>Screening for High Risk:</strong></p><ul class="highlight-data"><li>In Maryland, <span class="fr-class-highlighted">16.8%</span> of those at high risk were screened, which was not significantly different<strong>&nbsp;</strong>than the national rate of 16.0%.</li><li>It ranks <span class="fr-class-highlighted">23rd</span> among all states, placing it in the <span class="fr-class-highlighted">average tier</span>.</li></ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class=" " style="" id="section_dd730adb5f86"> <div class="global-container"> <div class="row "> <div class="col-12"> <div id="SOLC Screening P2"> </div> <div class="widget widget-txt"> <hr> <p>For screening to be most effective in reducing the overall lung cancer mortality rate, more of the high-risk population should be screened – currently screening rates are very low among those at high risk. This may be because of a lack of access or low awareness and knowledge among patients and providers. Rates vary tremendously between states and more can be done to increase screening rates.</p> </div> <script> window.Launchpad = window.Launchpad || {}; </script> <script src="/dist/vue-vendor.min.js?v=473fce78-943a-4a79-a097-dc0c2c1ac604"></script> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class=" " style="" id="section_417798c3762d"> <div class="global-container"> <div class="row "> <div class="col-12"> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class=" " style="" id="section_8fd9021c3e0d"> <div class="global-container"> <div class="row "> <div class="col-12"> <div class="fr-view"> <h2>Prevention</h2> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="section tab-section"> <div class="global-container"> <div class="tabs-pagebuilder js-tabs-pagebuilder" id="3"> <ul class="nav-tabs nav" id="53209-tab" role="tablist"> <li class="nav-item"> <a class="nav-link 53220 active" id="53220-tab" data-tip-section="Tobacco" href="#53220" role="tab"> Tobacco </a> </li> <li class="nav-item"> <a class="nav-link 53219 " id="53219-tab" data-tip-section="Radon" href="#53219" role="tab"> Radon </a> </li> <li class="nav-item"> <a class="nav-link 53218 " id="53218-tab" data-tip-section="Air Pollution" href="#53218" role="tab"> Air Pollution </a> </li> </ul> <div class="tab-content" id="myTabContent"> <div class="tab-pane-wrap"> <a class="nav-link active" id="53220-tab-panel" data-tip-section="Tobacco" href="#53220" role="tab"> Tobacco <span class="icon-angle-down"></span> </a> <div class="tab-pane active" id="53220" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="53220-tab"> <section class=" no-padding " style="" id="section_5ce08d69b19a"> <div class="global-container"> <div class="row "> <div class="col-12"> <div id="SOLC SOTC"> </div> <div class="widget widget-txt"> <!-- NOTE! These styles are also used for Radon and SOTA Link includes --> <style type="text/css">.signatureBox { display: block; border-radius: 4px; -webkit-box-shadow: 0 2px 26px 0 rgb(0 0 0 / 9%); box-shadow: 0 2px 26px 0 rgb(0 0 0 / 9%); background: #FFFFFF; padding: 2rem; } .signatureBox .card-title { font-weight: 400; font-size: 28px; font-size: 1.75rem; } .signatureBox .card-summary { margin-bottom: 2rem; } .leadingRisk { padding: 1.125rem; background-color:#0D2354; border-radius: 4px; height: 100%; color: #FFFFFF; } .leadingRisk .card-icon { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 4.375rem; width: 100px; height: 100px; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; background: transparent; } .leadingRisk .card-icon:before { vertical-align: sub; } </style> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-3"> <div class="leadingRisk"> <div class="card-icon icon-notobacco">​</div> Tobacco use is the leading risk factor for lung cancer. Smoking and secondhand smoke both have been shown to cause lung cancer.</div> </div> <div class="col-md-9"> <div class="signatureBox"> <h3 class="card-title">State of Tobacco Control</h3> <div class="card-summary">Each year the Lung Association publishes the "State of Tobacco Control" report. The 2024 report grades the federal government and all 50 states on key tobacco control policies. States are graded in five policy areas: tobacco control and prevention spending, smokefree air, tobacco taxes, access to cessation services and flavor tobacco prohibitions.</div> <!-- don't touch this!--><a class="btn primary-btn" href="" id="solcToSotc">View Report Card</a> <!-- don't touch this!--></div> </div> </div> <hr> </div> <script> window.Launchpad = window.Launchpad || {}; </script> <script src="/dist/vue-vendor.min.js?v=473fce78-943a-4a79-a097-dc0c2c1ac604"></script> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class=" forceLayout tobaccoTab no-padding " style="" id="section_307783d5b590"> <div class="global-container"> <div class="row "> <div class="col-md-8"> <div id="SOLC 8 Tobacco Chart"> </div> <div class="widget widget-txt"> <style media="screen"> #chartTobacco { min-width: 310px; width: 100%; /*height must be a minimum of 860px*/ /*min-height: 860px;*/ /*height: 1000px;*/ margin: 0 auto; } .highcharts-background { fill: transparent; } /*body{ background: url("") no-repeat center center fixed; }*/ .highcharts-axis-title{"chart" font-family: "Aeonik Regular", sans-serif; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; } .highcharts-title { font-family: 'Aeonik Regular', sans-serif !important; } .highcharts-legend { font-family: 'Aeonik Regular', sans-serif !important; } .highcharts-axis-labels { font-family: 'Aeonik Regular', sans-serif !important; } .highcharts-xaxis-labels { font-family: 'Aeonik Regular', sans-serif !important; } .highcharts-grid-line{ opacity: 0.6; } @media (max-width: 700px) { #chartTobacco { /*height: 1000px;*/ } } </style> <!-- 860px min height before font gets messed up --> <div id="chartTobacco" class="solcChartContainer"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> let chart8TobaccoData; async function getDataChart8Tobacco(stateLowerCase){ const response = await fetch('/getmedia/57d7a553-b606-4d98-b7f2-3070cb61b492/chart8tobacco.json'); const chart8TobaccoJson = await response.json(); // console.warn('data, original json:') // console.log(chart8TobaccoJson); chart8TobaccoData = chart8TobaccoJson.chart8TobaccoData; // console.log(chart8TobaccoData); // console.warn(`chart8TobaccoJson['chart8TobaccoData']`); // create array that can be sorted and manipulated let chart8TobaccoDataArray = []; for (var i = 0; i < chart8TobaccoData.length; i++) { // console.log(chart8TobaccoData[i]['state']); chart8TobaccoDataArray.push( [chart8TobaccoData[i]['state'], chart8TobaccoData[i]['value'], chart8TobaccoData[i]['state'].replace(/\s+/g, '-').toLowerCase(), chart8TobaccoData[i]['tier']] ); // console.log(chart8TobaccoDataArray[i]); // ['District of Columbia', 44.2, 'district-of-columbia'] // full name, value, shortened name } // console.warn(`chart8TobaccoData as an array for manipulation:`); // console.log(chart8TobaccoDataArray); // sort by the chart values asked for by Research team chart8TobaccoDataArray = chart8TobaccoDataArray.sort(function(a,b){ return a[1]-b[1] }); // console.warn(`chart8TobaccoDataArray sorted least to greatest:`); // console.log(chart8TobaccoDataArray); // NOW that it is sorted from least to greatest, add an index to each item in this information array for (var i = 0; i < chart8TobaccoDataArray.length; i++) { chart8TobaccoDataArray[i].push(i); // LOOKS LIKE ['District of Columbia', 44.2, 'district-of-columbia', 24] INDEX AT END NOW } // console.warn(`chart8TobaccoDataArray with index added`); // console.log(chart8TobaccoDataArray); // create array of ONLY states, and one of ONLY values let chart8StateArray = []; let chart8ValueArray = []; let tierTrack = { 'Top': 0, 'Above Average': 0, 'Average': 0, 'Below Average': 0, 'Bottom': 0 }; // create variable for tooltipSet number/index let tooltipSet; for (var i = 0; i < chart8TobaccoDataArray.length; i++) { chart8StateArray.push(chart8TobaccoDataArray[i][0]); chart8ValueArray.push(chart8TobaccoDataArray[i][1]); // update tierTrack object with the amount of times a tier appears tierTrack[chart8TobaccoDataArray[i][3]] = tierTrack[chart8TobaccoDataArray[i][3]]+1; // use the identified state from URL to find the index of which bar needs to be highlighted if(chart8TobaccoDataArray[i][2] === stateLowerCase){ tooltipSet = chart8TobaccoDataArray[i][4]; // tooltipSet = the index that was assigned. // console.warn(`chart8Tobacco: tooltipSet found and set to ${tooltipSet}`); } } // console.warn("tierTrack"); // console.warn(tierTrack); // set the boundaries for the tiers in the back of the chart let topStart = -0.5; let topAboveAverage = topStart + tierTrack['Top']; let aboveAverageAverage = topAboveAverage + tierTrack['Above Average']; let averageBelowAverage = aboveAverageAverage + tierTrack['Average']; let belowAverageBottom = averageBelowAverage + tierTrack['Below Average']; let bottomEnd = belowAverageBottom + tierTrack['Bottom']; // apply these boundaries to an object let tierValues = { topStart: topStart, topAboveAverage: topAboveAverage, aboveAverageAverage: aboveAverageAverage, averageBelowAverage: averageBelowAverage, belowAverageBottom: belowAverageBottom, bottomEnd: bottomEnd }; // console.log("tierValues"); // console.log(tierValues); // if no value for the state given, set tooltipSet to null if (!tooltipSet) { tooltipSet = null; } // CALL HIGHCHARTS HERE WITH NEW STUFF chartTobacco(tooltipSet, chart8TobaccoJson, chart8StateArray, chart8ValueArray, tierValues); // console.warn('chartIncidence called'); // state and nation custom highlight: // console.log(`stateName: ${stateName}`); // should be the lowercase hyphenated. like "north-carolina" for (var i = 0; i < chart8TobaccoDataArray.length; i++) { if (chart8TobaccoDataArray[i][2] === stateLowerCase) { // if the item in the array has the matching stateName // // console.log(chart8TobaccoDataArray[i][3]); // // console.log(chart8TobaccoDataArray[i][2]); let stateIndex = chart8TobaccoDataArray[i][4]+1; if ($(`#solc #chartTobacco .highcharts-series-0 rect:nth-child(${stateIndex})`) == true) { $(`#solc #chartTobacco .highcharts-series-0 rect:nth-child(${stateIndex})`).css('fill', '#ff7900'); // change color of state highlight } else { $(`#solc #chartTobacco .highcharts-series-0 path:nth-child(${stateIndex})`).css('fill', '#ff7900'); } } else if(chart8TobaccoDataArray[i][0] === 'Nation'){ let nationIndex = chart8TobaccoDataArray[i][4]+1; if ($(`#solc #chartTobacco .highcharts-series-0 rect:nth-child(${nationIndex})`) == true) { $(`#solc #chartTobacco .highcharts-series-0 rect:nth-child(${nationIndex})`).css('fill', '#D1E33C'); } else { $(`#solc #chartTobacco .highcharts-series-0 path:nth-child(${nationIndex})`).css('fill', '#D1E33C'); } } } } // end getDataChart8Tobacco var chartTobacco = function(tooltipSet, chart8TobaccoJson, chart8StateArray, chart8ValueArray, tierValues) { Highcharts.setOptions({ colors: ["#555559", "#7fba00"] }) Highcharts.chart("chartTobacco", { chart: { style : { "fontFamily": "'Aeonik Regular', sans-serif" }, events: { load: function() { if(tooltipSet != null){ var stateBox = this.series[0].points[tooltipSet]; this.tooltip.refresh(stateBox); } } }, type: "column", height: 450 }, title: { text: chart8TobaccoJson.title, style: { fontWeight: "bold" } }, credits: { enabled: false }, xAxis: { labels: { enabled: false }, plotBands: [{ from: tierValues['topStart'], to: tierValues['topAboveAverage'], color: "#e5efff", label: { text: "Top<br/>Tier", style: { color: "#000000", }, y: 140 } },{ from: tierValues['topAboveAverage'], to: tierValues['aboveAverageAverage'], color: "#b2d0ff", label: { text: "Above<br/>Average<br/>Tier", style: { color: "#000000", }, y: 100 } },{ from: tierValues['aboveAverageAverage'], to: tierValues['averageBelowAverage'], color: "#8ab8ff", label: { text: "Average<br/>Tier", style: { color: "#000000", }, y: 80 } },{ from: tierValues['averageBelowAverage'], to: tierValues['belowAverageBottom'], color: "#4992ff", label: { text: "Below<br/>Average<br/>Tier", style: { color: "#000000", }, y: 50 } },{ from: tierValues['belowAverageBottom'], to: tierValues['bottomEnd'], color: "#0064ff", label: { text: "Bottom<br/>Tier", style: { color: "#000000", }, y: 10 } } ], categories: chart8StateArray }, yAxis: { min: 0, title: { text: chart8TobaccoJson.yaxis }, labels: { style: { "fontSize": "16px" } } }, legend: { reversed: true, enabled: false }, plotOptions: { series: { stacking: "normal" } }, tooltip: { formatter: function() { return '<b>' + this.x + '</b>: ' + Highcharts.numberFormat(this.y, 1) + "%"; }, style: { "fontSize": "16px", "fontFamily": "'Aeonik Regular', sans-serif" } }, series: [{ name: "States", data: chart8ValueArray }], dataLabels: { style: { fontFamily: "'Aeonik Regular', sans-serif" } } }); // hide credits // $(".highcharts-credits").html(""); }; // end chart function $(document).ready(function() { // extract current state from URL let urlArr = document.URL.split(document.domain); // WITHOUT domain let relativeURL; let stateName; [, relativeURL] = urlArr; // relativeURL now is equal to '/research/state-of-lung-cancer/states/alabama' let relativeSplitArr = relativeURL.split('/research/state-of-lung-cancer/states/'); // creates array with index being the state name in full but lowercase [, stateName] = relativeSplitArr; // statename is now equal to the full state name in toLowerCase let stateLowerCase = stateName.toLowerCase(); //remove any extra from the end of the URL if(stateLowerCase.includes("#") ){ stateLowerCase = stateLowerCase.split("#")[0]; } else if(stateLowerCase.includes("?")){ stateLowerCase = stateLowerCase.split("?")[0]; } // initiate call for data and chart creation. pass in identified state name getDataChart8Tobacco(stateLowerCase); // console.warn(`getDataChart8Tobacco called with args ${stateLowerCase}`); }) // var state = function(){ // }</script> </div> <script> window.Launchpad = window.Launchpad || {}; </script> <script src="/dist/vue-vendor.min.js?v=473fce78-943a-4a79-a097-dc0c2c1ac604"></script> </div> <div class="col-md-4"> <div class="fr-view"> <p><strong>Tobacco Use:</strong></p><ul class="highlight-data"><li>The smoking rate in Maryland is <span class="fr-class-highlighted">9.6%</span> and <strong>significantly lower</strong> than the national rate of 12.9%.</li><li>It ranks <span class="fr-class-highlighted">2nd</span> among all states, placing it in the <span class="fr-class-highlighted">above average tier</span>.</li></ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="tab-pane-wrap"> <a class="nav-link " id="53219-tab-panel" data-tip-section="Radon" href="#53219" role="tab"> Radon <span class="icon-angle-down"></span> </a> <div class="tab-pane " id="53219" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="53219-tab"> <section class=" no-padding " style="" id="section_cd913dff4c7f"> <div class="global-container"> <div class="row "> <div class="col-12"> <div id="SOLC Radon"> </div> <div class="widget widget-txt"> <!-- Styles are pulled from SOTC Link include. Please edit that include if adjustments need to be made. --> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-3"> <div class="leadingRisk"> <div class="card-icon icon-alert">​</div> Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer.</div> </div> <div class="col-md-9"> <div class="signatureBox"><!--<h3 class="card-title">&#8203;</h3>--> <div class="card-summary" style="margin-bottom: 0;">Radon is a colorless and odorless gas that can seep into homes and buildings. Some geographical areas naturally have higher average radon levels than others, but since any home can be at risk for elevated levels, the only way to know is to do a test. If testing shows interior radon levels at or above the U.S. EPA action level of 4 pCi/L (picoCuries per liter of air) or higher, it is recommended to&nbsp;take corrective measures to reduce your exposure to radon gas. Such measures should also be considered at levels at or above 2 pCi/L.</div> </div> </div> </div> <hr> </div> <script> window.Launchpad = window.Launchpad || {}; </script> <script src="/dist/vue-vendor.min.js?v=473fce78-943a-4a79-a097-dc0c2c1ac604"></script> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class=" forceLayout radonTab no-padding " style="" id="section_9fe341512dfd"> <div class="global-container"> <div class="row "> <div class="col-md-8"> <div id="SOLC 9 Radon Chart"> </div> <div class="widget widget-txt"> <style media="screen"> #chartRadon { min-width: 310px; width: 100%; /*height must be a minimum of 860px*/ /*min-height: 860px;*/ /*height: 1000px;*/ margin: 0 auto; } .highcharts-background { fill: transparent; } /*body{ background: url("") no-repeat center center fixed; }*/ .highcharts-axis-title{"chart" font-family: "Aeonik Regular", sans-serif; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; } .highcharts-title { font-family: 'Aeonik Regular', sans-serif !important; } .highcharts-legend { font-family: 'Aeonik Regular', sans-serif !important; } .highcharts-axis-labels { font-family: 'Aeonik Regular', sans-serif !important; } .highcharts-xaxis-labels { font-family: 'Aeonik Regular', sans-serif !important; } .highcharts-grid-line{ opacity: 0.6; } @media (max-width: 700px) { #chartRadon { /*height: 1000px;*/ } } </style> <!-- 860px min height before font gets messed up --> <div id="chartRadon" class="solcChartContainer"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> let chart9RadonData; async function getDataChart9Radon(stateLowerCase){ const response = await fetch('/getmedia/ed6dbd77-d1f2-4e60-b7d9-d713901ac120/chart9radon.json'); const chart9RadonJson = await response.json(); // console.warn('data, original json:') // console.log(chart9RadonJson); chart9RadonData = chart9RadonJson.chart9RadonData; // console.log(chart9RadonData); // console.warn(`chart9RadonJson['chart9RadonData']`); // create array that can be sorted and manipulated let chart9RadonDataArray = []; for (var i = 0; i < chart9RadonData.length; i++) { // console.log(chart9RadonData[i]['state']); chart9RadonDataArray.push( [chart9RadonData[i]['state'], chart9RadonData[i]['value'], chart9RadonData[i]['state'].replace(/\s+/g, '-').toLowerCase(), chart9RadonData[i]['tier']] ); // console.log(chart9RadonDataArray[i]); // ['District of Columbia', 44.2, 'district-of-columbia'] // full name, value, shortened name } // console.warn(`chart9RadonData as an array for manipulation:`); // console.log(chart9RadonDataArray); // sort by the chart values asked for by Research team chart9RadonDataArray = chart9RadonDataArray.sort(function(a,b){ return a[1]-b[1] }); // console.warn(`chart9RadonDataArray sorted least to greatest:`); // console.log(chart9RadonDataArray); // NOW that it is sorted from least to greatest, add an index to each item in this information array for (var i = 0; i < chart9RadonDataArray.length; i++) { chart9RadonDataArray[i].push(i); // LOOKS LIKE ['District of Columbia', 44.2, 'district-of-columbia', 24] INDEX AT END NOW } // console.warn(`chart9RadonDataArray with index added`); // console.log(chart9RadonDataArray); // create array of ONLY states, and one of ONLY values let chart9StateArray = []; let chart9ValueArray = []; let tierTrack = { 'Top': 0, 'Above Average': 0, 'Average': 0, 'Below Average': 0, 'Bottom': 0 }; // create variable for tooltipSet number/index let tooltipSet; for (var i = 0; i < chart9RadonDataArray.length; i++) { chart9StateArray.push(chart9RadonDataArray[i][0]); chart9ValueArray.push(chart9RadonDataArray[i][1]); // update tierTrack object with the amount of times a tier appears tierTrack[chart9RadonDataArray[i][3]] = tierTrack[chart9RadonDataArray[i][3]]+1; // use the identified state from URL to find the index of which bar needs to be highlighted if(chart9RadonDataArray[i][2] === stateLowerCase){ tooltipSet = chart9RadonDataArray[i][4]; // tooltipSet = the index that was assigned. // console.warn(`chart9radon: tooltipSet found and set to ${tooltipSet}`); } } // console.warn("tierTrack"); // console.warn(tierTrack); // set the boundaries for the tiers in the back of the chart let topStart = -0.5; let topAboveAverage = topStart + tierTrack['Top']; let aboveAverageAverage = topAboveAverage + tierTrack['Above Average']; let averageBelowAverage = aboveAverageAverage + tierTrack['Average']; let belowAverageBottom = averageBelowAverage + tierTrack['Below Average']; let bottomEnd = belowAverageBottom + tierTrack['Bottom']; // apply these boundaries to an object let tierValues = { topStart: topStart, topAboveAverage: topAboveAverage, aboveAverageAverage: aboveAverageAverage, averageBelowAverage: averageBelowAverage, belowAverageBottom: belowAverageBottom, bottomEnd: bottomEnd }; // console.log("tierValues"); // console.log(tierValues); // if no value for the state given, set tooltipSet to null if (!tooltipSet) { tooltipSet = null; } // CALL HIGHCHARTS HERE WITH NEW STUFF chartRadon(tooltipSet, chart9RadonJson, chart9StateArray, chart9ValueArray, tierValues); // console.warn('chartRadon called'); // state and nation custom highlight: // console.log(`stateName: ${stateName}`); // should be the lowercase hyphenated. like "north-carolina" for (var i = 0; i < chart9RadonDataArray.length; i++) { if (chart9RadonDataArray[i][2] === stateLowerCase) { // if the item in the array has the matching stateName // // console.log(chart9RadonDataArray[i][3]); // // console.log(chart9RadonDataArray[i][2]); let stateIndex = chart9RadonDataArray[i][4]+1; if ($(`#solc #chartRadon .highcharts-series-0 rect:nth-child(${stateIndex})`) == true ) { $(`#solc #chartRadon .highcharts-series-0 rect:nth-child(${stateIndex})`).css('fill', '#ff7900'); // change color of state highlight } else { $(`#solc #chartRadon .highcharts-series-0 path:nth-child(${stateIndex})`).css('fill', '#ff7900'); } } else if(chart9RadonDataArray[i][0] === 'Nation'){ let nationIndex = chart9RadonDataArray[i][4]+1; if ($(`#solc #chartRadon .highcharts-series-0 rect:nth-child(${nationIndex})`) == true ) { $(`#solc #chartRadon .highcharts-series-0 rect:nth-child(${nationIndex})`).css('fill', '#D1E33C'); } else { $(`#solc #chartRadon .highcharts-series-0 path:nth-child(${nationIndex})`).css('fill', '#D1E33C'); } } } } // end getDataChart9Radon var chartRadon = function(tooltipSet, chart9RadonJson, chart9StateArray, chart9ValueArray, tierValues) { Highcharts.setOptions({ colors: ["#555559", "#7fba00"] }) Highcharts.chart("chartRadon", { chart: { style : { "fontFamily": "'Aeonik Regular', sans-serif" }, events: { load: function() { if(tooltipSet != null){ var stateBox = this.series[0].points[tooltipSet]; this.tooltip.refresh(stateBox); } } }, type: "column", height: 450 }, title: { text: chart9RadonJson.title, style: { fontWeight: "bold" } }, credits: { enabled: false }, xAxis: { labels: { enabled: false }, plotBands: [{ from: tierValues['topStart'], to: tierValues['topAboveAverage'], color: "#e5efff", label: { text: "Top<br/>Tier", style: { color: "#000000", }, y: 210 } }, { from: tierValues['topAboveAverage'], to: tierValues['aboveAverageAverage'], color: "#b2d0ff", label: { text: "Above<br/>Average<br/>Tier", style: { color: "#000000", }, y: 150 } }, { from: tierValues['aboveAverageAverage'], to: tierValues['averageBelowAverage'], color: "#8ab8ff", label: { text: "Average<br/>Tier", style: { color: "#000000", }, y: 80 } }, { from: tierValues['averageBelowAverage'], to: tierValues['belowAverageBottom'], color: "#4992ff", label: { text: "Below<br/>Average<br/>Tier", style: { color: "#000000", }, y: 50 } }, { from: tierValues['belowAverageBottom'], to: tierValues['bottomEnd'], color: "#0064ff", label: { text: "Bottom<br/>Tier", style: { color: "#000000", }, y: 30 } }], categories: chart9StateArray }, yAxis: { min: 0, title: { text: chart9RadonJson.yaxis }, labels: { style: { "fontSize": "16px" } } }, legend: { reversed: true, enabled: false }, plotOptions: { series: { stacking: "normal" } }, tooltip: { formatter: function() { return '<b>' + this.x + '</b>: ' + Highcharts.numberFormat(this.y, 1) + "%"; }, style: { "fontSize": "16px", "fontFamily": "'Aeonik Regular', sans-serif" } }, series: [{ name: "States", data: chart9ValueArray }], dataLabels: { style: { fontFamily: "'Aeonik Regular', sans-serif" } } }); // hide credits // $(".highcharts-credits").html(""); }; // end chart function $(document).ready(function() { // extract current state from URL let urlArr = document.URL.split(document.domain); // WITHOUT domain let relativeURL; let stateName; [, relativeURL] = urlArr; // relativeURL now is equal to '/research/state-of-lung-cancer/states/alabama' let relativeSplitArr = relativeURL.split('/research/state-of-lung-cancer/states/'); // creates array with index being the state name in full but lowercase [, stateName] = relativeSplitArr; // statename is now equal to the full state name in toLowerCase let stateLowerCase = stateName.toLowerCase(); //remove any extra from the end of the URL if(stateLowerCase.includes("#") ){ stateLowerCase = stateLowerCase.split("#")[0]; } else if(stateLowerCase.includes("?")){ stateLowerCase = stateLowerCase.split("?")[0]; } // initiate call for data and chart creation. pass in identified state name getDataChart9Radon(stateLowerCase); // console.warn(`getDataChart9Radon called with args ${stateLowerCase}`); }) // end document.ready() </script> </div> <script> window.Launchpad = window.Launchpad || {}; </script> <script src="/dist/vue-vendor.min.js?v=473fce78-943a-4a79-a097-dc0c2c1ac604"></script> </div> <div class="col-md-4"> <div class="fr-view"> <p><strong>Radon:</strong></p><ul class="highlight-data"><li>In Maryland, <span class="fr-class-highlighted">20.8%</span> of radon tests results were at or above the action level recommended by EPA.</li><li>It ranks <span class="fr-class-highlighted">21st</span> among all states, placing it in the <span class="fr-class-highlighted">average tier</span>.</li></ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="tab-pane-wrap"> <a class="nav-link " id="53218-tab-panel" data-tip-section="Air Pollution" href="#53218" role="tab"> Air Pollution <span class="icon-angle-down"></span> </a> <div class="tab-pane " id="53218" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="53218-tab"> <section class=" airPollutionTab no-padding " style="" id="section_5eb09198edb5"> <div class="global-container"> <div class="row "> <div class="col-12"> <div id="SOLC SOTA"> </div> <div class="widget widget-txt"> <!-- Styles are pulled from SOTC Link include. Please edit that include if adjustments need to be made. --> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-3"> <div class="leadingRisk"> <div class="card-icon icon-healthyair">​</div> Air pollution is a known risk factor for lung cancer. Long-term exposure to outdoor particle pollution is known to cause lung cancer.</div> </div> <div class="col-md-9"> <div class="signatureBox"> <h3 class="card-title">State of the Air</h3> <div class="card-summary">Each year the Lung Association publishes the "State of the Air" report. The 2024 report grades U.S. counties on harmful particle pollution and ozone pollution recorded over a three-year period, and details trends for metropolitan areas over the past two decades. The report also ranks the cleanest and most polluted areas in the country.</div> <!-- don't touch this!--><a class="btn primary-btn" href="" id="solcToSota">View Report Card</a> <!-- don't touch this!--></div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { // var urlArr = document.URL.split(document.domain); // WITHOUT domain // var relativeURL; // var stateName = ""; // [, relativeURL] = urlArr; // var relativeSplitArr = relativeURL.split('/research/state-of-lung-cancer/states/'); // [, stateName] = relativeSplitArr; let urlArr = document.URL.split(document.domain); // WITHOUT domain let relativeURL; let stateName; [, relativeURL] = urlArr; // relativeURL now is equal to '/research/state-of-lung-cancer/states/alabama' let relativeSplitArr = relativeURL.split('/research/state-of-lung-cancer/states/'); // creates array with index being the state name in full but lowercase [, stateName] = relativeSplitArr; // statename is now equal to the full state name in toLowerCase let stateLowerCase = stateName.toLowerCase(); //remove any extra from the end of the URL if(stateLowerCase.includes("#") ){ stateLowerCase = stateLowerCase.split("#")[0]; } else if(stateLowerCase.includes("?")){ stateLowerCase = stateLowerCase.split("?")[0]; } var sotaLink = "/research/sota/city-rankings/states/" + stateLowerCase; $("#solcToSota").attr("href", sotaLink); }); </script> </div> <script> window.Launchpad = window.Launchpad || {}; </script> <script src="/dist/vue-vendor.min.js?v=473fce78-943a-4a79-a097-dc0c2c1ac604"></script> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class=" " style="" id="section_1bbc7ee4a77a"> <div class="global-container"> <div class="row "> <div class="col-12"> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class=" " style="" id="section_2b0363e6ad65"> <div class="global-container"> <div class="row "> <div class="col-12"> <div class="fr-view"> <h2>Racial &amp; Ethnic Disparities</h2> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="section tab-section"> <div class="global-container"> <div class="tabs-pagebuilder js-tabs-pagebuilder" id="4"> <ul class="nav-tabs nav" id="53210-tab" role="tablist"> <li class="nav-item"> <a class="nav-link 53224 active" id="53224-tab" data-tip-section="Black" href="#53224" role="tab"> Black </a> </li> <li class="nav-item"> <a class="nav-link 53223 " id="53223-tab" data-tip-section="Latino" href="#53223" role="tab"> Latino </a> </li> <li class="nav-item"> <a class="nav-link 53222 " id="53222-tab" data-tip-section="Asian &amp; Pacific Islander" href="#53222" role="tab"> Asian &amp; Pacific Islander </a> </li> <li class="nav-item"> <a class="nav-link 53221 " id="53221-tab" data-tip-section="Indigenous Peoples" href="#53221" role="tab"> Indigenous Peoples </a> </li> </ul> <div class="tab-content" id="myTabContent"> <div class="tab-pane-wrap"> <a class="nav-link active" id="53224-tab-panel" data-tip-section="Black" href="#53224" role="tab"> Black <span class="icon-angle-down"></span> </a> <div class="tab-pane active" id="53224" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="53224-tab"> <section class=" raceBlackTab no-padding " style="" id="section_89e1020864c9"> <div class="global-container"> <div class="row "> <div class="col-md-6"> <div id="SOLC Disparty Black Americans Chart"> </div> <div class="widget widget-txt"> <!-- <script src=""></script> --><script src="" type="text/javascript"></script><script src="" type="text/javascript"></script><script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <style media="screen" type="text/css">.highcharts-figure, .highcharts-data-table table { /* min-width: 310px; max-width: 800px; */ margin: 1em auto; } #disparityBlackIndividuals { height: 400px; max-width: 500px; } .highcharts-data-table table { font-family: Verdana, sans-serif; border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #EBEBEB; margin: 10px auto; text-align: center; width: 100%; max-width: 500px; } .highcharts-data-table caption { padding: 1em 0; font-size: 1.2em; color: #555; } .highcharts-data-table th { font-weight: 600; padding: 0.5em; } .highcharts-data-table td, .highcharts-data-table th, .highcharts-data-table caption { padding: 0.5em; } .highcharts-data-table thead tr, .highcharts-data-table tr:nth-child(even) { background: #f8f8f8; } .highcharts-data-table tr:hover { background: #f1f7ff; } </style> <figure class="highcharts-figure"> <div class="solcChartContainer" id="disparityBlackIndividuals">&nbsp;</div> </figure> <script type="text/javascript"> //GLOBAL VARIABLE. OTHER DISPARITY CHARTS WILL USE THIS TOO //GLOBAL VARIABLE. OTHER DISPARITY CHARTS WILL USE THIS TOO //GLOBAL VARIABLE. OTHER DISPARITY CHARTS WILL USE THIS TOO //GLOBAL VARIABLE. OTHER DISPARITY CHARTS WILL USE THIS TOO let diversityStateJson; //GLOBAL VARIABLE. OTHER DISPARITY CHARTS WILL USE THIS TOO //GLOBAL VARIABLE. OTHER DISPARITY CHARTS WILL USE THIS TOO //GLOBAL VARIABLE. OTHER DISPARITY CHARTS WILL USE THIS TOO //GLOBAL VARIABLE. OTHER DISPARITY CHARTS WILL USE THIS TOO const stateTranslateBA = { 'alabama': "AL", 'alaska': "AK", 'arizona': "AZ", 'arkansas': "AR", 'california': "CA", 'colorado': "CO", 'connecticut': "CT", 'delaware': "DE", 'district-of-columbia': "DC", 'florida': "FL", 'georgia': "GA", 'hawaii': "HI", 'idaho': "ID", 'illinois': "IL", 'indiana': "IN", 'iowa': "IA", 'kansas': "KS", 'kentucky': "KY", 'louisiana': "LA", 'maine': "ME", 'maryland': "MD", 'massachusetts': "MA", 'michigan': "MI", 'minnesota': "MN", 'mississippi': "MS", 'missouri': "MO", 'montana': "MT", 'nation' : 'Nation', 'nebraska': "NE", 'nevada': "NV", 'new-hampshire': "NH", 'new-jersey': "NJ", 'new-mexico': "NM", 'new-york': "NY", 'north-carolina' : "NC", 'north-dakota': "ND", 'ohio': "OH", 'oklahoma': "OK", 'oregon': "OR", 'pennsylvania': "PA", 'rhode-island': "RI", 'south-carolina': "SC", 'south-dakota': "SD", 'tennessee': "TN", 'texas': "TX", 'utah': "UT", 'vermont': "VT", 'virginia': "VA", 'washington': "WA", 'west-virginia': "WV", 'wisconsin': "WI", 'wyoming': 'WY' }; $(document).ready(function() { let urlArr = document.URL.split(document.domain); // WITHOUT domain let relativeURL; let stateName; [, relativeURL] = urlArr; // relativeURL now is equal to '/research/state-of-lung-cancer/states/alabama' let relativeSplitArr = relativeURL.split('/research/state-of-lung-cancer/states/'); // creates array with index being the state name in full but lowercase [, stateName] = relativeSplitArr; // statename is now equal to the full state name in toLowerCase let stateLowerCase = stateName.toLowerCase(); //remove any extra from the end of the URL if (stateLowerCase.includes("#")) { stateLowerCase = stateLowerCase.split("#")[0]; } else if (stateLowerCase.includes("?")) { stateLowerCase = stateLowerCase.split("?")[0]; } // currentStateName = stateLowerCase; // call API which will call Highcharts getDataDiversityChart(stateLowerCase); }); // end document ready async function getDataDiversityChart(stateLowerCase) { const response = await fetch('/getmedia/927012f5-c559-40bf-89f4-6a76e8e1aa42/disparitystate.json '); console.warn(`diversityStateJson:`); console.warn(diversityStateJson); diversityStateJson = await response.json(); // PREDEFINED GLOBALLY AS LET console.warn(`diversityStateJson:`); console.warn(diversityStateJson); disparityBlackIndividuals(diversityStateJson, stateLowerCase); // call highcharts with data disparityLatinoIndividuals(diversityStateJson, stateLowerCase); disparityAapiIndividuals(diversityStateJson, stateLowerCase); disparityIndigenousPeoples(diversityStateJson, stateLowerCase); }; // end getDataChart8Tobacco const disparityBlackIndividuals = function(diversityStateJson, stateLowerCase) { // build arrays for white and black let whiteIndivData = [diversityStateJson["whiteDiagnosis"][stateLowerCase], diversityStateJson["whiteSurgical"][stateLowerCase], diversityStateJson["whiteLack"][stateLowerCase]]; let blackIndivData = [diversityStateJson["blackDiagnosis"][stateLowerCase], diversityStateJson["blackSurgical"][stateLowerCase], diversityStateJson["blackLack"][stateLowerCase]]; let failureCount = 0; for (let i = 0; i < blackIndivData.length; i++) { if (blackIndivData[i] == 0 || blackIndivData[i] == "NA") { failureCount = failureCount + 1; } }; if (failureCount == 3) { $("#disparityBlackIndividuals").hide(); $("#disparityBlackIndividuals").after("<div style='background:#f6f6f6;padding:2.5rem;text-align:center;'><p>No chart available for this group.</p></div>"); console.warn(`disparityAll.html: This state, ${stateLowerCase}, does not have sufficient data for Black Individuals.`); return false; } Highcharts.chart('disparityBlackIndividuals', { chart: { type: 'column', inverted: true }, title: { text: 'Lung Cancer Disparities among Black Individuals' }, // subtitle: { // text: 'Source:' // }, xAxis: { categories: [ 'Early Diagnosis', 'Surgical Treatment', 'Lack of Treatment' ], crosshair: true }, yAxis: { min: 0, title: { text: '' } }, tooltip: { headerFormat: '<span style="font-size:10px">{point.key}</span><table>', pointFormat: '<tr><td style="color:{series.color};padding:0">{}: </td>' + '<td style="padding:0"><b>{point.y:.1f}</b></td></tr>', footerFormat: '</table>', shared: true, useHTML: true }, plotOptions: { column: { pointPadding: 0.2, borderWidth: 0, dataLabels: { enabled: true, format: '{y} %' } } }, series: [{ name: `White Individuals (${stateTranslateBA[stateLowerCase]})`, data: whiteIndivData, color: "#002158" }, { name: `Black Individuals (${stateTranslateBA[stateLowerCase]})`, data: blackIndivData, color: "#0064FF" } ], }); // end Highcharts call } // end build chart // LATINO CHART const disparityLatinoIndividuals = function(diversityStateJson, stateLowerCase) { // build arrays for white and latino let whiteIndivData = [diversityStateJson["whiteDiagnosis"][stateLowerCase], diversityStateJson["whiteSurgical"][stateLowerCase], diversityStateJson["whiteLack"][stateLowerCase]]; let latinoIndivData = [diversityStateJson["latinoDiagnosis"][stateLowerCase], diversityStateJson["latinoSurgical"][stateLowerCase], diversityStateJson["latinoLack"][stateLowerCase]]; let failureCount = 0; for (let i = 0; i < latinoIndivData.length; i++) { if (latinoIndivData[i] == 0 || latinoIndivData[i] == "NA") { failureCount = failureCount + 1; } }; if (failureCount == 3) { $("#disparityLatinoIndividuals").hide(); $("#disparityLatinoIndividuals").after("<div style='background:#f6f6f6;padding:2.5rem;text-align:center;'><p>No chart available for this group.</p></div>"); return false; } Highcharts.chart('disparityLatinoIndividuals', { chart: { type: 'column', inverted: true }, title: { text: 'Lung Cancer Disparities among Latino Individuals' }, // subtitle: { // text: 'Source:' // }, xAxis: { categories: [ 'Early Diagnosis', 'Surgical Treatment', 'Lack of Treatment' ], crosshair: true }, yAxis: { min: 0, title: { text: '' } }, tooltip: { headerFormat: '<span style="font-size:10px">{point.key}</span><table>', pointFormat: '<tr><td style="color:{series.color};padding:0">{}: </td>' + '<td style="padding:0"><b>{point.y:.1f}</b></td></tr>', footerFormat: '</table>', shared: true, useHTML: true }, plotOptions: { column: { pointPadding: 0.2, borderWidth: 0, dataLabels: { enabled: true, format: '{y} %' } } }, series: [{ name: `White Individuals (${stateTranslateBA[stateLowerCase]})`, data: whiteIndivData, color: "#002158" }, { name: `Latino Individuals (${stateTranslateBA[stateLowerCase]})`, data: latinoIndivData, color: "#0064FF" } ], }); // end Highcharts call } // end build chart // AAPI CHART const disparityAapiIndividuals = function(diversityStateJson, stateLowerCase) { // build arrays for white and latino let whiteIndivData = [diversityStateJson["whiteDiagnosis"][stateLowerCase], diversityStateJson["whiteSurgical"][stateLowerCase], diversityStateJson["whiteLack"][stateLowerCase]]; let aapiIndivData = [diversityStateJson["aapiDiagnosis"][stateLowerCase], diversityStateJson["aapiSurgical"][stateLowerCase], diversityStateJson["aapiLack"][stateLowerCase]]; let failureCount = 0; for (let i = 0; i < aapiIndivData.length; i++) { if (aapiIndivData[i] == 0 || aapiIndivData[i] == "NA") { failureCount = failureCount + 1; } }; if (failureCount == 3) { $("#disparityAapiIndividuals").hide(); $("#disparityAapiIndividuals").after("<div style='background:#f6f6f6;padding:2.5rem;text-align:center;'><p>No chart available for this group.</p></div>"); } Highcharts.chart('disparityAapiIndividuals', { chart: { type: 'column', inverted: true }, title: { text: 'Lung Cancer Disparities among Asian and Pacific Islander Individuals' }, // subtitle: { // text: 'Source:' // }, xAxis: { categories: [ 'Early Diagnosis', 'Surgical Treatment', 'Lack of Treatment' ], crosshair: true }, yAxis: { min: 0, title: { text: '' } }, tooltip: { headerFormat: '<span style="font-size:10px">{point.key}</span><table>', pointFormat: '<tr><td style="color:{series.color};padding:0">{}: </td>' + '<td style="padding:0"><b>{point.y:.1f}</b></td></tr>', footerFormat: '</table>', shared: true, useHTML: true }, plotOptions: { column: { pointPadding: 0.2, borderWidth: 0, dataLabels: { enabled: true, format: '{y} %' } } }, series: [{ name: `White Individuals (${stateTranslateBA[stateLowerCase]})`, data: whiteIndivData, color: "#002158" }, { name: `Asian and Pacific Islander Individuals (${stateTranslateBA[stateLowerCase]})`, data: aapiIndivData, color: "#0064FF" } ], }); // end Highcharts call } // end build chart // INDIGENOUS CHART const disparityIndigenousPeoples = function(diversityStateJson, stateLowerCase) { // build arrays for white and latino let whiteIndivData = [diversityStateJson["whiteDiagnosis"][stateLowerCase], diversityStateJson["whiteSurgical"][stateLowerCase], diversityStateJson["whiteLack"][stateLowerCase]]; let indigenousPeoplesData = [diversityStateJson["indigenousDiagnosis"][stateLowerCase], diversityStateJson["indigenousSurgical"][stateLowerCase], diversityStateJson["indigenousLack"][stateLowerCase]]; let failureCount = 0; for (let i = 0; i < indigenousPeoplesData.length; i++) { if (indigenousPeoplesData[i] == 0 || indigenousPeoplesData[i] == "NA") { failureCount = failureCount + 1; } }; if (failureCount == 3) { $("#disparityIndigenousPeoples").hide(); $("#disparityIndigenousPeoples").after("<div style='background:#f6f6f6;padding:2.5rem;text-align:center;'><p>No chart available for this group.</p></div>"); } Highcharts.chart('disparityIndigenousPeoples', { chart: { type: 'column', inverted: true }, title: { text: 'Lung Cancer Disparities among Indigenous Peoples' }, // subtitle: { // text: 'Source:' // }, xAxis: { categories: [ 'Early Diagnosis', 'Surgical Treatment', 'Lack of Treatment' ], crosshair: true }, yAxis: { min: 0, title: { text: '' } }, tooltip: { headerFormat: '<span style="font-size:10px">{point.key}</span><table>', pointFormat: '<tr><td style="color:{series.color};padding:0">{}: </td>' + '<td style="padding:0"><b>{point.y:.1f}</b></td></tr>', footerFormat: '</table>', shared: true, useHTML: true }, plotOptions: { column: { pointPadding: 0.2, borderWidth: 0, dataLabels: { enabled: true, format: '{y} %' } } }, series: [{ name: `White Individuals (${stateTranslateBA[stateLowerCase]})`, data: whiteIndivData, color: "#002158" }, { name: `Indigenous Peoples (${stateTranslateBA[stateLowerCase]})`, data: indigenousPeoplesData, color: "#0064FF" } ], }); // end Highcharts call } // end build chart </script> </div> <script> window.Launchpad = window.Launchpad || {}; </script> <script src="/dist/vue-vendor.min.js?v=473fce78-943a-4a79-a097-dc0c2c1ac604"></script> </div> <div class="col-md-6"> <div class="fr-view"> <p><strong>Black individuals:</strong></p><ul class="highlight-data"><li>The rate of new lung cancer cases is 48.8 per 100,000 population among Black individuals in Maryland, significantly lower than the rate of 55.1 among Black individuals nationally, and significantly lower than the rate of 55.1 among white individuals in Maryland.&nbsp;</li><li>The five-year survival rate is 29.8% among Black individuals in Maryland, significantly higher than the rate of 25.5% among Black individuals nationally, and not significantly different than the rate of 29.8% among white individuals in Maryland.&nbsp;</li><li>25.1% of lung cancer cases are diagnosed at an early stage among Black individuals in Maryland, not significantly different than the rate of 24.1% among Black individuals nationally, and significantly lower than the rate of 28.5% among white individuals in Maryland.&nbsp;</li><li>21.5% of Black individuals with lung cancer in Maryland underwent surgery, significantly higher than the rate of 17.0% among Black individuals nationally, and significantly lower than the rate of 24.8% among white individuals in Maryland.&nbsp;</li><li>20.2% of Black individuals with lung cancer in Maryland did not receive any treatment, significantly lower than the rate of 22.7% among Black individuals nationally, and significantly higher than the rate of 17.7% among white individuals in Maryland. .&nbsp;</li></ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="tab-pane-wrap"> <a class="nav-link " id="53223-tab-panel" data-tip-section="Latino" href="#53223" role="tab"> Latino <span class="icon-angle-down"></span> </a> <div class="tab-pane " id="53223" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="53223-tab"> <section class=" raceLatinoTab no-padding " style="" id="section_b9aac0f46fb8"> <div class="global-container"> <div class="row "> <div class="col-md-6"> <div id="SOLC Disparity Latino Chart"> </div> <div class="widget widget-txt"> <!-- <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> --> <style media="screen" type="text/css">#disparityLatinoIndividuals { height: 400px; } </style> <figure class="highcharts-figure"> <div class="solcChartContainer" id="disparityLatinoIndividuals">&nbsp;</div> </figure> </div> <script> window.Launchpad = window.Launchpad || {}; </script> <script src="/dist/vue-vendor.min.js?v=473fce78-943a-4a79-a097-dc0c2c1ac604"></script> </div> <div class="col-md-6"> <div class="fr-view"> <p><strong>Latino individuals:</strong></p><ul class="highlight-data"><li>The rate of new lung cancer cases is 18.8 per 100,000 population among Latino individuals in Maryland, significantly lower than the rate of 28.1 among Latino individuals nationally, and significantly lower than the rate of 55.1 among white individuals in Maryland.&nbsp;</li><li>State-level survival rates are not available for Latino individuals at this time. Nationally, the five-year survival rate among Latino individuals is 22.7%, not significantly different than the rate of 25.0% among white individuals.&nbsp;</li><li>22.7% of lung cancer cases are diagnosed at an early stage among Latino individuals in Maryland, not significantly different than the rate of 23.5% among Latino individuals nationally, and significantly lower than the rate of 28.5% among white individuals in Maryland.&nbsp;</li><li>26.9% of Latino individuals with lung cancer in Maryland underwent surgery, not significantly different than the rate of 21.3% among Latino individuals nationally, and not significantly different than the rate of 24.8% among white individuals in Maryland.&nbsp;</li><li>14.9% of Latino individuals with lung cancer in Maryland did not receive any treatment, significantly lower than the rate of 26.3% among Latino individuals nationally, and not significantly different than the rate of 17.7% among white individuals in Maryland.&nbsp;</li></ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="tab-pane-wrap"> <a class="nav-link " id="53222-tab-panel" data-tip-section="Asian &amp; Pacific Islander" href="#53222" role="tab"> Asian &amp; Pacific Islander <span class="icon-angle-down"></span> </a> <div class="tab-pane " id="53222" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="53222-tab"> <section class=" raceApiTab no-padding " style="" id="section_e822f85ccb6d"> <div class="global-container"> <div class="row "> <div class="col-md-6"> <div id="SOLC Disparity AAPI Chart"> </div> <div class="widget widget-txt"> <!-- <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> --> <style media="screen" type="text/css">#disparityAapiIndividuals { height: 400px; } </style> <figure class="highcharts-figure"> <div class="solcChartContainer" id="disparityAapiIndividuals">&nbsp;</div> </figure> </div> <script> window.Launchpad = window.Launchpad || {}; </script> <script src="/dist/vue-vendor.min.js?v=473fce78-943a-4a79-a097-dc0c2c1ac604"></script> </div> <div class="col-md-6"> <div class="fr-view"> <p><strong>Asian Americans or Pacific Islanders:</strong></p><ul class="highlight-data"><li id="isPasted">The rate of new lung cancer cases is 26.8 per 100,000 population among Asian or Pacific Islanders individuals in Maryland, significantly lower than the rate of 32.5 among Asian or Pacific Islanders individuals nationally, and significantly lower than the rate of 55.1 among white individuals in Maryland.&nbsp;</li><li id="isPasted">State-level survival rates are not available for Asian or Pacific Islander individuals at this time. Nationally, the five-year survival rate among Asian or Pacific Islander individuals is 28.6% and significantly higher than the rate of 25.0% among white individuals.&nbsp;</li><li id="isPasted">23.6% of lung cancer cases are diagnosed at an early stage among Asian or Pacific Islander individuals in Maryland, not significantly different than the rate of 23.4% among Asian or Pacific Islander individuals nationally, and significantly lower than the rate of 28.5% among white individuals in Maryland.&nbsp;</li><li id="isPasted">26.6% of Asian or Pacific Islander individuals with lung cancer in Maryland underwent surgery, not significantly different than the rate of 24.7% among Asian or Pacific Islander individuals nationally, and not significantly different than the rate of 24.8% among white individuals in Maryland.&nbsp;</li><li id="isPasted">14.1% of Asian or Pacific Islander individuals with lung cancer in Maryland did not receive any treatment, significantly lower than the rate of 20.1% among Asian or Pacific Islander individuals nationally, and significantly lower than the rate of 17.7% among white individuals in Maryland.&nbsp;</li></ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="tab-pane-wrap"> <a class="nav-link " id="53221-tab-panel" data-tip-section="Indigenous Peoples" href="#53221" role="tab"> Indigenous Peoples <span class="icon-angle-down"></span> </a> <div class="tab-pane " id="53221" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="53221-tab"> <section class=" raceIndigenousTab no-padding " style="" id="section_1767c656152b"> <div class="global-container"> <div class="row "> <div class="col-md-6"> <div id="SOLC Disparity Indigenous Chart"> </div> <div class="widget widget-txt"> <!-- <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> --> <style media="screen" type="text/css">#disparityIndigenousPeoples { height: 400px; } </style> <figure class="highcharts-figure"> <div class="solcChartContainer" id="disparityIndigenousPeoples">&nbsp;</div> </figure> </div> <script> window.Launchpad = window.Launchpad || {}; </script> <script src="/dist/vue-vendor.min.js?v=473fce78-943a-4a79-a097-dc0c2c1ac604"></script> </div> <div class="col-md-6"> <div class="fr-view"> <p><strong>Indigenous Peoples:</strong></p><ul class="highlight-data"><li>The rate of new lung cancer cases is 18.8 per 100,000 population among Indigenous Peoples (American Indians/Alaska Natives) in Maryland, significantly lower than the rate of 39.9 among Indigenous Peoples nationally, and significantly lower than the rate of 55.1 among white individuals in Maryland.&nbsp;</li><li>State-level survival rates are not available for Indigenous Peoples at this time. Nationally, the five-year survival rate among Indigenous Peoples is 22.3% and not significantly different than the rate of 25.0% among white individuals.&nbsp;</li><li>Other lung cancer rates are not available for Indigenous Peoples (American Indians/Alaska Natives) in Maryland due to too few cases over the time period to allow for accurate analysis.&nbsp;</li></ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class=" double-padding-bottom padding-top " style="" id="section_388a8e5cdf7e"> <div class="global-container"> <div class="row "> <div class="col-md-8"> <div class="fr-view"> <h2>Summary</h2><p id="isPasted">Despite the early diagnosis rate in Maryland falling into the average tier, the state still has a lot of work to do to make sure that more of those at high risk for lung cancer are screened.</p><p>Maryland was one of the &nbsp;states that required insurance coverage of comprehensive biomarker testing, which can help determine what treatment options would be best for individuals with lung cancer and other diseases.</p><p>Maryland falls into the above average tier for percent of patients receiving no treatment. Some patients do refuse treatment, but issues such as fatalism and stigma can prevent eligible patients from accessing treatment that may save or extend their lives. All patients should work with their doctors to establish a treatment plan and goals.</p> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-4"> <div id="SOLC Infographic"> </div> <div class="widget widget-txt"> <style type="text/css">.solcInfographic { display: flex; } .solcInfographic .card-icon { color: #0064ff; font-size: 4.375rem; width: 100px; height: 100px; margin: 1rem auto; text-align: center; background: transparent; } .solcInfographic .card-icon:before { vertical-align: sub; } a#solcInfographic.btn.primary-btn { text-align: center; margin: 3rem auto 0; display: block; } </style> <div class="solcInfographic"> <div class="card widget"> <div class="card-content"> <div class="card-icon icon-documents-chart">​</div> <h4 class="card-title">State Infographic</h4> <p class="card-summary">Compare out how your state ranks on each lung cancer measure.</p> <a class="btn primary-btn" href="" id="solcInfographic" target="_blank">Download PDF</a></div> </div> </div> </div> <script> window.Launchpad = window.Launchpad || {}; </script> <script src="/dist/vue-vendor.min.js?v=473fce78-943a-4a79-a097-dc0c2c1ac604"></script> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class=" section bg-primary " style="" id="section_de040712ef52"> <div class="global-container"> <div class="row "> <div class="col-12"> <div id="SOLC What Can I Do"> </div> <div class="widget widget-txt"> <style type="text/css">.accordion { background: #FFFFFF; } #solc-state-cta .ctaTitle h3, #solc-state-cta .ctaTitle p { color: #FFFFFF; } #solc-state-cta .card-icon { background: transparent; width: 100px; height: 100px; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; align-items: baseline; } #solc-state-cta .card-summary { font-size: 16px; font-size: 1rem; } #solc-state-cta h4.card-title { font-size: 24px; font-size: 1.5rem; } /* custom select element css, fighting bootstrap */ #ctaStateSelector, .ctaStateSelector{ max-width: 100%; margin: 10px; } .warning{ color: red; display: none; text-align: center; /* margin-bottom: 0; */ } @media (max-width: 768px){ #emailCard{ margin-bottom: 1rem; } } </style> <div id="solc-state-cta"> <div class="ctaTitle"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-2"> <div class="card-icon icon-advocacy">​</div> </div> <div class="col-md-10"> <h3>What Can I Do?</h3> <p>You can lower their risk of lung cancer, as well as the risk of those around you, through these steps:</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-4" id="emailCard"> <div class="card widget" style="height: auto;"> <div class="card-content"> <h4 class="card-title">Take Action</h4> <p class="card-summary">Ask your governor to suport comprehensive coverage of biomarker testing.</p> <select class="form-controlCustom mobile-deviceCustom mobile-device blueActionElement ctaStateSelector" id="ctaStateSelector" name=""><option value="#">Select State</option><option value="alabama">Alabama</option><option value="alaska">Alaska</option><option value="arizona">Arizona</option><option value="arkansas">Arkansas</option><option value="california">California</option><option value="colorado">Colorado</option><option value="connecticut">Connecticut</option><option value="delaware">Delaware</option><option value="district-of-columbia">District of Columbia</option><option value="florida">Florida</option><option value="georgia">Georgia</option><option value="hawaii">Hawaii</option><option value="idaho">Idaho</option><option value="illinois">Illinois</option><option value="indiana">Indiana</option><option value="iowa">Iowa</option><option value="kansas">Kansas</option><option value="kentucky">Kentucky</option><option value="louisiana">Louisiana</option><option value="maine">Maine</option><option value="maryland">Maryland</option><option value="massachusetts">Massachusetts</option><option value="michigan">Michigan</option><option value="minnesota">Minnesota</option><option value="mississippi">Mississippi</option><option value="missouri">Missouri</option><option value="montana">Montana</option><option value="nebraska">Nebraska</option><option value="nevada">Nevada</option><option value="new-hampshire">New Hampshire</option><option value="new-jersey">New Jersey</option><option value="new-mexico">New Mexico</option><option value="new-york">New York</option><option value="north-carolina">North Carolina</option><option value="north-dakota">North Dakota</option><option value="ohio">Ohio</option><option value="oklahoma">Oklahoma</option><option value="oregon">Oregon</option><option value="pennsylvania">Pennsylvania</option><option value="rhode-island">Rhode Island</option><option value="south-carolina">South Carolina</option><option value="south-dakota">South Dakota</option><option value="tennessee">Tennessee</option><option value="texas">Texas</option><option value="utah">Utah</option><option value="vermont">Vermont</option><option value="virginia">Virginia</option><option value="washington">Washington</option><option value="west-virginia">West Virginia</option><option value="wisconsin">Wisconsin</option><option value="wyoming">Wyoming</option> </select> <p class="warning" id="warning">Please select a state</p> <a class="btn primary-btn" href="#" id="takeActionBtn" target="_blank">Take Action</a></div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-8"> <div class="fr-view"> <div class="card accordion widget" id="Talk-to-your-healthcare-provider"><button aria-expanded="false" class="card-title accordion-title ">Talk to your healthcare provider if you meet the high-risk criteria.</button> <section aria-labelledby="Talk to your healthcare provider if you meet the high-risk criteria." class="card-content accordion-content"> <ul> <li>Encourage others who meet the criteria to do the same.</li> <li>If you or someone you know is ready to quit smoking, the Lung Association is here to help. Our Freedom From Smoking program has helped over a million people quit smoking for good.</li> <li>Support comprehensive and strong tobacco control policies, including: <ul> <li>Higher tobacco taxes, which both encourage people to quit and prevent children and others from starting to smoke.</li> <li>Adequate funding of tobacco control programs, which are an important part of helping people quit and keeping potential new smokers from starting.</li> <li><a href="/policy-advocacy/tobacco/cessation">Comprehensive coverage</a> of all FDA-approved smoking cessation medication and the three forms of counseling, with no barriers to accessing them, which leads to more successful quit attempts.</li> </ul> </li> <li>Make your house and car clean air zones, with no smoking allowed. Avoid places that are not smokefree, and advocate for smokefree air policies in restaurants, bars, casinos or anywhere they are not in place.</li> </ul> </section> </div> <div class="card accordion widget" id="test-your-house-for-radon"><button aria-expanded="false" class="card-title accordion-title ">Test your house for radon.</button> <section aria-labelledby="Test your house for radon." class="card-content accordion-content"> <p>Radon is a naturally occurring gas that can have a big impact on indoor air quality and your health. Take steps to reduce your risk if radon levels in your home are too high.<br> <a href="/clean-air/at-home/indoor-air-pollutants/radon">Learn more about radon</a></p> </section> </div> <div class="card accordion widget" id="reduce-exposure-to-unhealthy-outdoor-air"><button aria-expanded="false" class="card-title accordion-title ">Reduce your exposure to unhealthy outdoor air.</button> <section aria-labelledby="Reduce your exposure to unhealthy outdoor air." class="card-content accordion-content"> <ul> <li>Stay indoors on <a href="/clean-air/outdoors/air-quality-index">unhealthy air days</a>.</li> <li><a href="">Take personal steps to reduce pollution</a>, like conserving energy in your home and avoiding burning wood, leaves or trash.</li> <li><a href="/healthyair">Support clean air policies</a>, including emissions limits, investments in clean electricity and zero-emission vehicles, and no vehicle idling zones.</li> </ul> </section> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> const stateKey = { "alabama": "", "alaska": "", "arizona": "", "arkansas": "", "california": "", "colorado": "", "connecticut": "", "delaware": "", "district-of-columbia": "", "florida": "", "georgia": "", "hawaii": "", "idaho": "", "illinois": "", "indiana": "", "iowa": "", "kansas": "", "kentucky": "", "louisiana": "", "maine": "", "maryland": "", "massachusetts": "", "michigan": "", "minnesota": "", "mississippi": "", "missouri": "", "montana": "", "nebraska": "", "nevada": "", "new-hampshire": "", "new-jersey": "", "new-mexico": "", "new-york": "", "north-carolina": "", "north-dakota": "", "ohio": "", "oklahoma": "", "oregon": "", "pennsylvania": "", "rhode-island": "", "south-carolina": "", "south-dakota": "", "tennessee": "", "texas": "", "utah": "", "vermont": "", "virginia": "", "washington": "", "west-virginia": "", "wisconsin": "", "wyoming": "" }; 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