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Admins can add additional translations to this table var translationTable = { "ms": { "backButton": "Ke belakang", "nextButton": "Seterusnya", "loginMessage": "Masukkan kata laluan" }, "gl": { "backButton": "Atrás", "nextButton": "Seguinte", "loginMessage": "Introducir contrasinal" }, "gu": { "backButton": "પાછળ", "nextButton": "આગલું", "loginMessage": "પાસવર્ડ દાખલ કરો" }, "km": { "backButton": "ថយក្រោយ", "nextButton": "បន្ទាប់", "loginMessage": "បញ្ចូលពាក្យសម្ងាត់" }, "ig": { "backButton": "Àzụ", "nextButton": "Osote", "loginMessage": "Tinye okwuntụghe" }, "uz": { "backButton": "Orqaga", "nextButton": "Keyingisi", "loginMessage": "Parolni kiriting" }, "sv": { "backButton": "Bakåt", "nextButton": "Nästa", "loginMessage": "Ange lösenord" }, "mi": { "backButton": "Hoki", "nextButton": "Panuku", "loginMessage": "Tāuru kupuhipa" }, "rw": { "backButton": "Gusubira inyuma", "nextButton": "Komeza", "loginMessage": "Andika ijambobanga" }, "lb": { "backButton": "Zréck", "nextButton": "Nächst", "loginMessage": "Passwuert aginn" }, "ku-Arab": { "backButton": "دواوە", "nextButton": "داهاتوو", "loginMessage": "لێدانی تێپەرەوشە" }, "yo": { "backButton": "Padàsẹ́yìn", "nextButton": "Tókàn", "loginMessage": "Ṣàtẹ̀wọlé ọ̀rọ̀ aṣínà" }, "am": { "backButton": "ወደኋላ", "nextButton": "ቀጣይ", "loginMessage": "የይለፍ ቃል ያስገቡ" }, "es-MX": { "backButton": "Atrás", "nextButton": "Siguiente", "loginMessage": "Escriba la contraseña" }, "ur": { "backButton": "واپس", "nextButton": "اگلا", "loginMessage": "پاس ورڈ درج کریں" }, "quc": { "backButton": "Tzalijsab\u0027al", "nextButton": "Teren chi uloq", "loginMessage": "Utz\u0027ib\u0027axik retokib\u0027al" }, "sl": { "backButton": "Nazaj", "nextButton": "Naprej", "loginMessage": "Vnesite geslo" }, "pa-Arab-PK": { "backButton": "پچھے جاؤ", "nextButton": "آگے", "loginMessage": "پاس ورڈ داخل کرو" }, "tk": { "backButton": "Yza", "nextButton": "Indiki", "loginMessage": "Parol giriz" }, "te": { "backButton": "వెనుకకు", "nextButton": "తదుపరి", "loginMessage": "పాస్‌వర్డ్‌ను నమోదు చేయండి" }, "ro": { "backButton": "Înapoi", "nextButton": "Următorul", "loginMessage": "Introduceți parola" }, "en": { "backButton": "Back", "nextButton": "Next", "loginMessage": "Enter password" }, "zh-hans": { "backButton": "后退", "nextButton": "下一步", "loginMessage": "输入密码" }, "ha": { "backButton": "Baya", "nextButton": "Na gaba", "loginMessage": "Shigar da kalmar sirri" }, "mt": { "backButton": "Lura", "nextButton": "Li Jmiss", "loginMessage": "Daħħal il-password" }, "tn": { "backButton": "Morago", "nextButton": "Latelang", "loginMessage": "Tsenya khunololamoraba" }, "mn": { "backButton": "Буцах", "nextButton": "Дараах", "loginMessage": "Нууц үг оруулах" }, "pa-IN": { "backButton": "ਪਿੱਛੇ ਜਾਓ", "nextButton": "ਅਗਲਾ", "loginMessage": "ਪਾਸਵਰਡ ਦਾਖ਼ਲ ਕਰੋ" }, "bn-IN": { "backButton": "ফিরে যান", "nextButton": "পরবর্তী", "loginMessage": "পাসওয়ার্ড লিখুন" }, "kok": { "backButton": "फाटीं व्हरचें", "nextButton": "फुडलें", "loginMessage": "पासवर्ड नोंद करचो" }, "id": { "backButton": "Kembali", "nextButton": "Selanjutnya", "loginMessage": "Masukkan sandi" }, "bg": { "backButton": "Назад", "nextButton": "Напред", "loginMessage": "Въведете парола" }, "da": { "backButton": "Tilbage", "nextButton": "Næste", "loginMessage": "Indtast adgangskode" }, "az": { "backButton": "Geri", "nextButton": "Növbəti", "loginMessage": "Parol daxil edin" }, "mk": { "backButton": "Назад", "nextButton": "Следно", "loginMessage": "Внесете ја лозинката" }, "mr": { "backButton": "मागे", "nextButton": "पुढे", "loginMessage": "पासवर्ड प्रविष्ठ करा" }, "kk": { "backButton": "Артқа", "nextButton": "Келесі", "loginMessage": "Құпия сөзді енгізіңіз" }, "ml": { "backButton": "മടങ്ങുക", "nextButton": "അടുത്തത്", "loginMessage": "പാസ്‌വേഡ് നൽകുക" }, "xh": { "backButton": "Emva", "nextButton": "Okulandelayo", "loginMessage": "Ngenisa iphaswedi" }, "gd": { "backButton": "Air ais", "nextButton": "Air adhart", "loginMessage": "Cuir a-steach am facal-faire" }, "as": { "backButton": "পিছলৈ যাওক", "nextButton": "পৰৱৰ্তী", "loginMessage": "পাছৱৰ্ড প্ৰৱিষ্ট কৰক" }, "tr": { "backButton": "Geri", "nextButton": "İleri", "loginMessage": "Parola girin" }, "is": { "backButton": "Til baka", "nextButton": "Áfram", "loginMessage": "Færa inn aðgangsorð" }, "fa": { "backButton": "برگشت", "nextButton": "بعدی", "loginMessage": "رمز عبور را وارد کنید" }, "ga": { "backButton": "Siar", "nextButton": "Ar aghaidh", "loginMessage": "Iontráil an pasfhocal" }, "sr-Cyrl-BA": { "backButton": "Назад", "nextButton": "Даље", "loginMessage": "Унесите лозинку" }, "tg": { "backButton": "Бозгашт", "nextButton": "Навбатӣ", "loginMessage": "Паролро дохил кунед" }, "or": { "backButton": "ପଶ୍ଚ୍ୟାତ୍", "nextButton": "ପରବର୍ତ୍ତୀ", "loginMessage": "ପାସ୍‌ୱାର୍ଡ୍‌ ଏଣ୍ଟର୍‌ କରନ୍ତୁ" }, "ru": { "backButton": "Назад", "nextButton": "Далее", "loginMessage": "Введите пароль" }, "sq": { "backButton": "Prapa", "nextButton": "Tjetër", "loginMessage": "Fut fjalëkalimin" }, "he": { "backButton": "הקודם", "nextButton": "הבא", "loginMessage": "הזן סיסמה" }, "ug": { "backButton": "قايتىش", "nextButton": "كېيىنكى", "loginMessage": "پارول كىرگۈزۈڭ" }, "eu": { "backButton": "Atzera", "nextButton": "Hurrengoa", "loginMessage": "Idatzi pasahitza" }, "wo": { "backButton": "Dellu", "nextButton": "Li ci topp", "loginMessage": "Dugalal baatu-jàll bi" }, "no": { "backButton": "Tilbake", "nextButton": "Neste", "loginMessage": "Skriv inn passord" }, "es": { "backButton": "Atrás", "nextButton": "Siguiente", "loginMessage": "Escribir contraseña " }, "pt-BR": { "backButton": "Voltar", "nextButton": "Avançar", "loginMessage": "Insira a senha" }, "bn-BD": { "backButton": "ফিরুন", "nextButton": "পরবর্তী", "loginMessage": "পাসওয়ার্ড লিখুন" }, "hy": { "backButton": "Հետ", "nextButton": "Հաջորդը", "loginMessage": "Մուտքագրեք գաղտնաբառը" }, "zh-hant": { "backButton": "返回", "nextButton": "下一步", "loginMessage": "輸入密碼" }, "vi": { "backButton": "Quay lại", "nextButton": "Tiếp theo", "loginMessage": "Nhập mật khẩu" }, "sr-cyrl-RS": { "backButton": "Назад", "nextButton": "Даље", "loginMessage": "Унесите лозинку" }, "sr-Latn-RS": { "backButton": "Nazad", "nextButton": "Dalje", "loginMessage": "Unesite lozinku" }, "nl": { "backButton": "Vorige", "nextButton": "Volgende", "loginMessage": "Wachtwoord invoeren" }, "th": { "backButton": "ย้อนกลับ", "nextButton": "ถัดไป", "loginMessage": "ใส่รหัสผ่าน" }, "lt": { "backButton": "Atgal", "nextButton": "Tolyn", "loginMessage": "Įveskite slaptažodį" }, "ja": { "backButton": "戻る", "nextButton": "次へ", "loginMessage": "パスワードの入力" }, "ko": { "backButton": "뒤로", "nextButton": "다음", "loginMessage": "암호 입력" }, "it": { "backButton": "Indietro", "nextButton": "Avanti", "loginMessage": "Immettere la password" }, "el": { "backButton": "Πίσω", "nextButton": "Επόμενο", "loginMessage": "Εισαγάγετε κωδικό πρόσβασης" }, "pt-PT": { "backButton": "Anterior", "nextButton": "Seguinte", "loginMessage": "Introduzir palavra-passe" }, "kn": { "backButton": "ಹಿಂದಕ್ಕೆ", 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"Sisestage parool" }, "pl": { "backButton": "Wstecz", "nextButton": "Dalej", "loginMessage": "Wprowadź hasło" }, "ta": { "backButton": "பின் செல்", "nextButton": "அடுத்து", "loginMessage": "கடவுச்சொல்லை உள்ளிடவும்" }, "prs": { "backButton": "بازگشت", "nextButton": "بعدی", "loginMessage": "رمزعبور را وارد کنید" }, "tt": { "backButton": "Артка", "nextButton": "Алга", "loginMessage": "Серсүзне кертү" }, "fr": { "backButton": "Précédent", "nextButton": "Suivant", "loginMessage": "Entrez le mot de passe" }, "be": { "backButton": "Назад", "nextButton": "Наступны", "loginMessage": "Увядзіце пароль" }, "hr": { "backButton": "Natrag", "nextButton": "Dalje", "loginMessage": "Unesite lozinku" }, "zu": { "backButton": "Emuva", "nextButton": "Okulandelayo", "loginMessage": "Faka iphasiwedi" }, "sk": { "backButton": "Späť", "nextButton": "Ďalej", "loginMessage": "Zadajte heslo" }, "bs": { "backButton": "Nazad", "nextButton": "Dalje", "loginMessage": "Unesite lozinku" }, "fi": { "backButton": "Edellinen", "nextButton": "Seuraava", "loginMessage": "Anna salasana" }, "lo": { "backButton": "ກັບຄືນ", "nextButton": "ຖັດໄປ", "loginMessage": "ໃສ່ລະຫັດຜ່ານ" }, "lv": { "backButton": "Atpakaļ", "nextButton": "Tālāk", "loginMessage": "Ievadīt paroli" }, "fil": { "backButton": "Itim", "nextButton": "Susunod", "loginMessage": "Ipasok ang password" }, "ti": { "backButton": "ድሕሪት", "nextButton": "ቀጻሊ", "loginMessage": "መሕለፊ ቃል የእትው" }, "cy": { "backButton": "Yn ôl", "nextButton": "Nesaf", "loginMessage": "Rhowch gyfrinair" }, "si": { "backButton": "ආපසු", "nextButton": "ඊළඟ", "loginMessage": "මුරපදය ඇතුළු කරන්න" }, "sw": { "backButton": "Nyuma", "nextButton": "Ifuatayo", "loginMessage": "Ingiza nywila" }, "fr-CA": { "backButton": "Précédent", "nextButton": "Suivant", "loginMessage": "Entrer le mot de passe" }, "cs": { "backButton": "Zpět", "nextButton": "Další", "loginMessage": "Zadat heslo" }, "uk": { "backButton": "Назад", "nextButton": "Далі", "loginMessage": "Введіть пароль" }, "nn-NO": { "backButton": "Tilbake", "nextButton": "Neste", "loginMessage": "Skriv inn passord" }, "nso": { "backButton": "Morago", "nextButton": "Latelago", "loginMessage": "Tsenya phasewete" }, "hu": { "backButton": "Vissza", "nextButton": "Tovább", "loginMessage": "Jelszó megadása" }, "ca": { "backButton": "Endarrere", "nextButton": "Següent", "loginMessage": "Introduïu la contrasenya" } }; var languageAndCountry = navigator.languages && navigator.languages[0] || navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage; var language = "en"; if ( languageAndCountry && languageAndCountry.length >= 2 ) { var languageOptions = Object.keys(translationTable); // Sort the codes by length, so that we match longest first languageOptions.sort(function(a, b){ return b.length - a.length; }); for ( i = 0; i < languageOptions.length; i++ ) { // Prefix match the longest (most specific) langauge code we can if ( languageAndCountry.startsWith( languageOptions[i] ) ) { language = languageOptions[i]; break; } } } if ( !element || ! ) { return; } var returnText = ""; returnText = translationTable["en"][]; if ( translationTable[language] ) { returnText = translationTable[language][]; } return returnText; } function ShowUsernamePage(badUsernamePassword) { var nextButton = document.getElementById('nextButton'); var backButton = document.getElementById('backButton'); var idBanner = document.getElementById('identityBanner'); var idBannerImage = document.getElementById('identityBannerImage'); var thingsToHide = [ passArea, submitButton, backButton, idBannerImage, idBanner ]; var thingsToShow = [ nextButton, username ]; // Show/Hide elements AdjustElementDisplay(thingsToHide, 'none'); AdjustElementDisplay(thingsToShow, 'block'); // Set the login message to what it was originally if ( loginMessage ) { loginMessage.innerHTML = originalLoginMessage; } if ( errorText && errorText.innerHTML && !badUsernamePassword ) { = 'none'; } // Create the 'next' button if we don't have it yet if ( submissionArea && 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thingsToHide = [ errorDisplay, nextButton, username ]; var thingsToShow = [ submitButton, passArea, backButton, idBanner, idBannerImage ]; // Show/Hide elements AdjustElementDisplay(thingsToHide, 'none'); AdjustElementDisplay(thingsToShow, 'block'); if ( loginMessage ) { var loginMessageText = GetLocalizedStringForElement(loginMessage); loginMessage.innerHTML = loginMessageText; } if ( idBanner ) { idBanner.innerText = usernameInput.value; } // Create the ID Banner if we need to if ( workArea && !idBanner) { // Create the ID banner var idBanner = document.createElement("div"); = "identityBanner"; idBanner.className = "identityBanner"; idBanner.innerText = usernameInput.value; // Add the newly-created element workArea.insertBefore(idBanner, workArea.firstChild); } // Create the 'Back' button if we need to if ( submissionArea && !backButton ) { var backButton = document.createElement("span"); = "backButton"; backButton.className = "submit"; backButton.classList.add('backButton'); backButton.setAttribute("onclick", "PaginatedBack(); return false;"); if ( submitButton ) { submitButton.classList.add('modifiedSignIn'); } var backButtonText = GetLocalizedStringForElement(backButton); backButton.innerHTML = backButtonText; backButton.setAttribute("role", "button"); submissionArea.appendChild(backButton); } if ( submissionArea ) { submissionArea.classList.add('submitModified'); } if ( passwordInput ) { passwordInput.focus(); } } var usernameInput = document.getElementById("userNameInput"); var passwordInput = document.getElementById('passwordInput'); if ( usernameInput && passwordInput) { var username = document.getElementById('userNameArea'); var passArea = document.getElementById('passwordArea'); var submitButton = document.getElementById('submitButton'); var submissionArea = document.getElementById('submissionArea'); var errorText = document.getElementById('errorText'); var errorDisplay = document.getElementById('error'); var workArea = document.getElementById('workArea'); var loginMessage = document.getElementById('loginMessage'); var originalLoginMessage = ""; var didLoadPasswordPageBefore = false; if ( loginMessage ) { originalLoginMessage = loginMessage.innerHTML; } var didAddListener = false; var errorIsShown = false; if ( errorDisplay && && != "none") { errorIsShown = true; } // Show the Username page, unless a username was already entered (login hint on the request), or we have an error if ( usernameInput && usernameInput.value && !errorIsShown ) { ShowPasswordPage(); } else { ShowUsernamePage(errorIsShown); } } function getStyle(element, styleProp) { var propStyle = null; if (element && element.currentStyle) { propStyle = element.currentStyle[styleProp]; } else if (element && window.getComputedStyle) { propStyle = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(element, null).getPropertyValue(styleProp); } return propStyle; } var computeLoadIllustration = function () { var branding = document.getElementById("branding"); 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window.attachEvent('onresize', computeLoadIllustration); window.attachEvent('onload', computeLoadIllustration); } function SetIllustrationImage(imageUri) { var illustrationImageClass = '.illustrationClass {background-image:url(' + imageUri + ');}'; var css = document.createElement('style'); css.type = 'text/css'; if (css.styleSheet) css.styleSheet.cssText = illustrationImageClass; else css.appendChild(document.createTextNode(illustrationImageClass)); document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(css); } // IE doesn't support "startsWith", adding definition if (!String.prototype.startsWith) { String.prototype.startsWith = function(searchString, position){ position = position || 0; return this.substr(position, searchString.length) === searchString; }; } // Create new div to handle background tint overlay var tintDiv = document.createElement('div'); = 'brandingTint'; tintDiv.class = 'illustrationClass'; // Locate branding div and apply add tintDiv as child var brandingDiv = document.getElementById('branding'); if (brandingDiv) { brandingDiv.appendChild(tintDiv); } // NOTE: If you wish to support the ADFS illustration (background image), you must use the following: // PSH> Set-AdfsWebTheme -TargetName <activeTheme> -AdditionalFileResource @{uri='/adfs/portal/images/illustration_mine.png';path='.\illustration_mine.png'} // SetIllustrationImage('/adfs/portal/images/illustration_mine.png'); // Sample code to change “Sign in with organizational account” string. // Check whether the loginMessage element is present on this page. var loginMessage = document.getElementById(‘loginMessage’); if (loginMessage) { // loginMessage element is present, modify its properties. loginMessage.innerHTML = 'Service d'authentification de l'UPEC'; } //]]> </script> </body> </html>