=head1 LICENSE Copyright [1999-2015] Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute and the EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute Copyright [2016-2025] EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. =head1 CONTACT Ensembl <> =cut =head1 NAME Conservation =head1 SYNOPSIS mv ~/.vep/Plugins ./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin Conservation,mammals ./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin Conservation,/path/to/ ./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin Conservation,/path/to/,MAX ./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin Conservation,database,GERP_CONSERVATION_SCORE,mammals ./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin Conservation,database,GERP_CONSERVATION_SCORE,mammals,MAX =head1 DESCRIPTION This is a plugin for the Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor (VEP) that retrieves a conservation score from the Ensembl Compara databases for variant positions. You can specify the method link type and species sets as command line options, the default is to fetch GERP scores from the EPO 35 way mammalian alignment (please refer to the Compara documentation for more details of available analyses). If a variant affects multiple nucleotides the average score for the position will be returned, and for insertions the average score of the 2 flanking bases will be returned. If the MAX parameter is used, the maximum score of any of the affected bases will be reported instead. The plugin uses the ensembl-compara API module (optional, see or obtains data directly from BigWig files (optional, see =cut package Conservation; use strict; use warnings; use Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry; use Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice; use Bio::EnsEMBL::IO::Parser::BigWig; use Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::Utils::BaseVepPlugin; use Net::FTP; use base qw(Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::Utils::BaseVepPlugin); sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_); if(scalar(@{$self->params}) == 0){ warn('No input parameters found for Conservation plugin'); return $self; } # Check for MAX, otherwise default to AVERAGE for(@{$self->params}) { if ($_ eq 'MAX') { $self->{method} = 'MAX'; } else { $self->{method} = 'AVERAGE'; } } $self->{use_database} = $self->params->[0] eq 'database'; if($self->{use_database}){ shift(@{$self->params}); my $params = $self->params; # REST API passes 1 as first param shift @$params if $params->[0] && $params->[0] eq '1'; $self->{method_link_type} = $params->[0] || 'GERP_CONSERVATION_SCORE'; $self->{species_set} = $params->[1] || 'mammals'; my $config = $self->{config}; my $reg = 'Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry'; # reconnect to DB without species param if($config->{host}) { $reg->load_registry_from_db( -host => $config->{host}, -user => $config->{user}, -pass => $config->{password}, -port => $config->{port}, -db_version => $config->{db_version}, -no_cache => $config->{no_slice_cache}, ); } my $mlss_adap = $config->{mlssa} ||= $reg->get_adaptor('Multi', 'compara', 'MethodLinkSpeciesSet') or die "Failed to connect to compara database\n"; $self->{mlss} = $mlss_adap->fetch_by_method_link_type_species_set_name($self->{method_link_type}, $self->{species_set}) or die "Failed to fetch MLSS for ".$self->{method_link_type}." and ".$self->{species_set}."\n"; $self->{cs_adap} = $config->{cosa} ||= $reg->get_adaptor('Multi', 'compara', 'ConservationScore') or die "Failed to fetch conservation adaptor\n"; } return $self; } sub version { return '3.0'; } sub feature_types { return ['Feature','Intergenic']; } sub get_header_info { my $self = shift; my $method_str = $self->{method} eq 'MAX' ? "maximum" : "average"; return { Conservation => "The $method_str conservation score for this site" }; } sub run { my ($self, $tva) = @_; #We don't want to remove any old functionality, so we allow users to directly access the database if they so choose return db_run($self, $tva) if $self->{use_database}; my $filename; return {} if (scalar(@{$self->params}) eq 0); #if it doesn't look like the user has given an FTP link or a file, try and find the correct data if(@{$self->params}[0] !~ / && not -f @{$self->params}[0]) { my $FTP_URL = ""; my $FTP_USER = 'anonymous'; $FTP_URL =~ m/(http:\/\/)?(.+?)\/(.+)/; my $ftp = Net::FTP->new($2, Passive => 1) or die "ERROR: Could not connect to FTP host $FTP_URL\n$@\n"; $ftp->login($FTP_USER) or die "ERROR: Could not login as $FTP_USER\n$@\n"; $ftp->binary(); foreach my $sub(split /\//, $3) { $ftp->cwd($sub) or die "ERROR: Could not change directory to $sub\n$@\n"; } my @files = $ftp->ls; my @dir_to_enter = grep(/@{$self->params}[0]/, @files); if(scalar(@dir_to_enter) != 1) { warn('Unable to find matching data on FTP site'); return {}; } my $species = $self->config->{species}; my $group = shift(@dir_to_enter); $ftp->cwd($group); @files = $ftp->ls; my $assembly = $self->{config}->{assembly}; @dir_to_enter = grep(/$assembly/, grep(/$species/, @files)); if(scalar(@dir_to_enter) != 1) { warn('Unable to find matching data on FTP site'); return {}; } $filename = $FTP_URL . $group . '/' . shift(@dir_to_enter); } else{ $filename = @{$self->params}[0] if scalar(@{$self->params}); } #Parse and strip out the expected info from the BigWig file my $parser = Bio::EnsEMBL::IO::Parser::BigWig->open($filename); my $vf = $tva->variation_feature; unless($parser){ warn ("No BigWig file found for plugin Conservation \n"); return {}; } my $chr = $vf->{chr}; $chr =~ s/^chr//i; #Check if insertion and adjust to capture flanking bases if ($vf->{start} - 1 == $vf->{end}){ $parser->seek($chr, $vf->{start} - 2, $vf->{end} + 1); } else{ $parser->seek($chr, $vf->{start} - 1, $vf->{end}); } return {} unless $parser->{waiting_block}; # Grab the score my @values = (); my $length = $parser->{waiting_block}[2] - $parser->{waiting_block}[1]; my $divide = 0; while($length >= 2) { push @values, $parser->{waiting_block}[3]; $divide++; $length--; } # If multiple bases affected, grab those scores as well from the oparser object foreach (@{ $parser->{cache}->{features} }) { my $length = @{$_}[2] - @{$_}[1]; # If the interval of the feature is >2 it means multiple positions have the same score # Below code will capture if single or multiple scores are in the interval. while($length >= 2) { push @values, @{$_}[3]; $divide++; $length--; } } $parser->next; # Output - if multiple scores do average or max, if single score just output that. if (scalar(@values) > 1 ) { if ($self->{method} eq 'MAX') { my @sorted = sort(@values); return { Conservation => sprintf("%.3f", $sorted[-1])}; } else { my $total = 0; $total += $_ for @values; my $average = $total / $divide; return { Conservation => sprintf("%.3f", $average)}; } } else { return { Conservation => sprintf("%.3f", $values[0])}; } } sub db_run { my ($self, $bvfoa) = @_; my $bvf = $bvfoa->base_variation_feature; # we cache the score on the BaseVariationFeature so we don't have to # fetch it multiple times if this variant overlaps multiple Features unless (exists $bvf->{_conservation_score}) { my $slice; my $true_snp = 0; if ($bvf->{end} >= $bvf->{start}) { if ($bvf->{start} == $bvf->{end}) { # work around a bug in the compara API that means you can't fetch # conservation scores for 1bp slices by creating a 2bp slice for # SNPs and then ignoring the score returned for the second position my $s = $bvf->slice; $slice = Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice->new( -seq_region_name => $s->seq_region_name, -seq_region_length => $s->seq_region_length, -coord_system => $s->coord_system, -start => $bvf->{start}, -end => $bvf->{end} + 1, -strand => $bvf->{strand}, -adaptor => $s->adaptor ); $true_snp = 1; } else { # otherwise, just get a slice that covers our variant feature $slice = $bvf->feature_Slice; } } else { # this is an insertion, we return the average score of the flanking # bases, so we create a 2bp slice around the insertion site my $s = $bvf->slice; $slice = Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice->new( -seq_region_name => $s->seq_region_name, -seq_region_length => $s->seq_region_length, -coord_system => $s->coord_system, -start => $bvf->{end}, -end => $bvf->{start}, -strand => $bvf->{strand}, -adaptor => $s->adaptor ); } my $scores = $self->{cs_adap}->fetch_all_by_MethodLinkSpeciesSet_Slice( $self->{mlss}, # our MLSS for the conservation metric and the set of species $slice, # our slice ($slice->end - $slice->start + 1), # the number of scores we want back (one for each base) ); if (@$scores > 0) { # we use the simple average of the diff_scores as the overall score pop @$scores if $true_snp; # get rid of our spurious second score for SNPs my @values; for (@$scores) { push @values, $_->diff_score; } if (@$scores > 0) { if ($self->{method} eq 'AVERAGE') { my $tot_score = 0; $tot_score += $_ for @values; $tot_score /= @values; $bvf->{_conservation_score} = sprintf "%.3f", $tot_score; } elsif ($self->{method} eq 'MAX') { my @sorted = sort(@values); $bvf->{_conservation_score} = sprintf "%.3f", $sorted[-1]; } } else { $bvf->{_conservation_score} = undef; } } else { $bvf->{_conservation_score} = undef; } } if (defined $bvf->{_conservation_score}) { return { Conservation => $bvf->{_conservation_score} }; } else { return {}; } } 1;