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Upon completion of this step, you will be redirected back to EFTPS to input your EIN or SSN, PIN, and Password.</span> </div> <div class="footer"> <a href="/eftps/help/homeGovernmentLinkWarning?link=20" title="Leave EFTPS and go to the website" class="footerLink"></a> <a href="/eftps/help/homeGovernmentLinkWarning?link=101" title="Leave EFTPS and go to the IRS website" class="footerLink"></a> <a href="/eftps/help/homeGovernmentLinkWarning?link=106" title="Leave EFTPS and go to the United States Treasury website" class="footerLink"></a> </div> <div class="footerNotice">Electronic Federal Tax Payment System&reg; and EFTPS&reg; are registered servicemarks of the U.S. Department of the Treasury's Bureau of the Fiscal Service.</div> </div> <div class="feedback-container feedback-right" id="feedback-number-0" onclick="openFeedbackModal();"> <div class="feedback-inner-wrapper"> <div id="feedback_tab"> <a href="javascript:void(0);"> <svg xmlns="" width="0.5in" height="0.5in" viewBox="0 0 44 40"> <path id="Selection #2" fill="#ffffff" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="1" d="M 24.00,27.31 C 19.70,26.25 6.48,28.51 4.02,25.40 2.77,23.81 3.00,19.99 3.00,18.00 2.99,14.93 2.19,5.93 4.60,4.02 6.08,2.85 9.18,3.01 11.00,3.00 14.52,2.98 29.26,2.33 31.40,4.02 33.10,5.37 32.96,8.05 33.00,10.00 33.00,10.00 33.00,33.00 33.00,33.00 30.27,31.08 27.15,28.10 24.00,27.31 Z M 9.00,9.00 C 9.00,9.00 9.00,12.00 9.00,12.00 9.00,12.00 27.00,12.00 27.00,12.00 27.00,12.00 27.00,9.00 27.00,9.00 27.00,9.00 9.00,9.00 9.00,9.00 Z M 9.00,14.00 C 9.00,14.00 9.00,17.00 9.00,17.00 9.00,17.00 27.00,17.00 27.00,17.00 27.00,17.00 27.00,14.00 27.00,14.00 27.00,14.00 9.00,14.00 9.00,14.00 Z M 9.00,19.00 C 9.00,19.00 9.00,22.00 9.00,22.00 9.00,22.00 27.00,22.00 27.00,22.00 27.00,22.00 27.00,19.00 27.00,19.00 27.00,19.00 9.00,19.00 9.00,19.00 Z" /> </svg> <span>Feedback</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="feedback_modal" onclick=" = 'none'" /> <script src='/eftps/feedback/js/feedback_custom.js'></script> <script src='/eftps/js/eftps/common/cnxSessionSet.js'></script> <script> const ConcextrixUrlData = { "default" : { "percent" : 0, "pageId" : 0 }, "urls" : [ { "path" : "/payments/payment-confirmation-flow", "percent" : 0.02, "pageId" : 1 }, { "path" : "/enrollment/congratulations-flow", "percent" : 0.33, "pageId" : 2 }, { "path" : "/login/forgotPassword", "percent" : 0.50, "pageId" : 4 }, { "path" : "/direct/", "percent" : 1.0, "pageId" : 8 }, { "path" : "/payments/business-payment-flow", "percent" : 0.02, "pageId" : 16 }, { "path" : "/direct/", "percent" : 1.0, "pageId" : 32 }, { "path" : "/login/createPassword", "percent" : 0.20, "pageId" : 64 }, { "path" : "/profile/changePassword", "percent" : 1.0, "pageId" : 128 }, { "path" : "/direct/", "percent" : 1.0, "pageId" : 256 }, { "path" : "/direct/", "percent" : 0.02, "pageId" : 512 }, { "path" : "/login/logout", "percent" : 0.02, "pageId" : 1024 }, { "path" : "/payments/history/view", "percent" : 1.0, "pageId" : 2048 }, { "path" : "/enrollment/add-enrollment-flow", "percent" : 1.0, "pageId" : 4096 } ] } </script> <script> const basePathCnxCdnURL = ""; const dlDate = new Date(); const dlTimestamp = dlDate.toJSON(); const userDataObject = {}; const urlDefaults = ConcextrixUrlData.default; const urlMatch = getCnxValues(ConcextrixUrlData); if(urlMatch){setSurvey(urlDefaults, urlMatch)}; userDataObject.loggedIn = ("false").toLowerCase() === 'true'; userDataObject.txn = ""; //Individual amt userDataObject.txnAmount = ""; //Rollup amt userDataObject.totalTxnAmount = fixTxn(userDataObject.txn); userDataObject.cnxTimestamp = dlTimestamp; writeDataLayer(userDataObject); </script> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </body> </html>

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