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Stock price movements are influenced by several factors, some of which are economic growth, inflation rate, and interest rate. The population in this study includes countries in Asia. The sample u…</p></div><div class="full"><p>This study aimed to analyze the effect of macroeconomic indicators on the composite stock price index. Stock price movements are influenced by several factors, some of which are economic growth, inflation rate, and interest rate. The population in this study includes countries in Asia. The sample used in this study is the composite stock price index in each country's period first quarter in 2020 to second quarter in 2022 (1Q20-2Q22). The statistical method used is multiple linear regression.</p></div> <span class="expander more"><a class="trigger">more »</a></span></dd></dl></li><li class="result-item article-light first"><h3><a href="/doi/10.4108/eai.26-9-2023.2350698">Analyzing Success Factors in the Start-Up Industry for Business Sustainability Strategies: A Case Study in Company</a></h3><dl class="metadata"><dd class="value">Research Article in Proceedings of the 7th International Research Conference on Economics and Business, IRCEB 2023, 26 September 2023, Malang, East Java, Indonesia</dd><br><dt class="title">Authors: </dt><dd class="value">Hanif Pradika Indradi, Gina Cissy Aprilia, Stella Kova, Az Zahra Maulaa Habiibah, Tiara Putri</dd><br><dt class="title">Abstract: </dt><dd class="value abstract"><div class="shortened"><p>The growth of start-up enterprises in Indonesia has been remarkably rapid, presenting a valuable alternative for economic development and job creation as a means to mitigate the unemployment rate. The percentage of start-up failure rates in Indonesia is quite high. This study aims to find out what …</p></div><div class="full"><p>The growth of start-up enterprises in Indonesia has been remarkably rapid, presenting a valuable alternative for economic development and job creation as a means to mitigate the unemployment rate. The percentage of start-up failure rates in Indonesia is quite high. This study aims to find out what indicators affecting to survive until now when other start-ups fail a lot when going through critical times. The object of this study was The approach was qualitative through exploratory descriptive. This study was accomplished by conducting in-depth interviews by analyzing 11 indicators, namely synergy, product, process, management of innovation, culture, experience, information technology, innovation skills, functional skills, and implementation skills. The results of the study showed that 10 of the 11 determinants of start-up success have a good effect on, the only indicator that has no effect is information technology because when it comes to executing an idea, the company still depends only on a developer.</p></div> <span class="expander more"><a class="trigger">more »</a></span></dd></dl></li><li class="result-item article-light first"><h3><a href="/doi/10.4108/eai.26-9-2023.2350716"> The Potential of Islamic Finance Stocks to Encourage Economic Sustainability</a></h3><dl class="metadata"><dd class="value">Research Article in Proceedings of the 7th International Research Conference on Economics and Business, IRCEB 2023, 26 September 2023, Malang, East Java, Indonesia</dd><br><dt class="title">Authors: </dt><dd class="value">Akbar Arta Putra, Brian Pratistha, Megawati Suharsono Putri, Bertho Tantular, Syandi Negara, Nurlia Rahmatika, Yurike Patrecia Marpaung, Syarah Siti Supriyanti, Lindri Setyaningrum, Ahmad Syafiq Kamil, Athifah Fauzia Afiz, Lyfia Indah Maulia, Achmad Efendi, Solimun Solimun</dd><br><dt class="title">Abstract: </dt><dd class="value abstract"><div class="shortened"><p>Indonesia's large Muslim population leads to an increasing public preference for Islamic banking. This is according to the ranking of Indonesia, which ranks first in the "Islamic Finance Country Index" which released in Global Islamic Finance Report. Sharia stocks in Indonesia have continued to ris…</p></div><div class="full"><p>Indonesia's large Muslim population leads to an increasing public preference for Islamic banking. This is according to the ranking of Indonesia, which ranks first in the "Islamic Finance Country Index" which released in Global Islamic Finance Report. Sharia stocks in Indonesia have continued to rise over the past five years, but Indonesian public interest in Islamic stocks is still low. In this study, the authors use a fundamental stock analysis approach and statistics to recommend the best Islamic stock investment. The three stocks selected on PBV, EPS and P/E values are forecast using the ARIMA method and double exponential smoothing to determine the potential of the stocks over the next three years. The two forecasting methods are compared to determine which way is better based on the MAPE value. The results showed that the three stocks perform better with the ARIMA method than with the double exponential smoothing method because the MAPE value is smaller. The BRIS share price forecast shows a price increase over the next three years, while the estimates for BTPS and PNBS shares show a decline over this period. From this, it can be concluded that Islamic financial stocks have no potential for the next three years. However, stocks for Islamic banking have excellent prospects.</p></div> <span class="expander more"><a class="trigger">more »</a></span></dd></dl></li><li class="result-item article-light first"><h3><a href="/doi/10.4108/eai.26-9-2023.2350758">Analysis of University Social Responsibility towards Achieve UM Target 17 Dimensions of SDGS Goals</a></h3><dl class="metadata"><dd class="value">Research Article in Proceedings of the 7th International Research Conference on Economics and Business, IRCEB 2023, 26 September 2023, Malang, East Java, Indonesia</dd><br><dt class="title">Authors: </dt><dd class="value">Satia Nur Maharani, Hadi Sumarsono, Makaryanawati Makaryanawati</dd><br><dt class="title">Abstract: </dt><dd class="value abstract"><div class="shortened"><p>CSR can be referred as Green Accounting based on University Social Responsibilities (USR), which is an ethical strategy that has an impact on the quality of higher education performance. USR involves the entire academic community to take responsibility for the educational, cognitive and environment…</p></div><div class="full"><p>CSR can be referred as Green Accounting based on University Social Responsibilities (USR), which is an ethical strategy that has an impact on the quality of higher education performance. USR involves the entire academic community to take responsibility for the educational, cognitive and environmental impacts resulting from interactions between universities and society to produce sustainable humans [2]. Universitas Negeri Malang (UM) accepts approximately 10,000 students every year. This has an impact on the campus and surrounding environment, such as increasing air pollution, expanding land, increasing energy consumption, and so on. Therefore, this research attempts to analyze the implementation of Green Accounting based on 4 USR indicators at UM to achieve 17 dimensions of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The results show UM is quite well established in regulating sustainable environmental policies but still does not have adequate environmental standards. For environment involvement, UM is quite optimal in synergizing policies and programs with the interests of a sustainable environment. In fact, UM curriculum is also connected to environmental protection activities where there are 477 courses related to the environment. Furthermore, the dimensions of environmental reporting and environmental audits are still low, even though UM has published a green campus report, it is not periodic and most of the academic community is not well informed.</p></div> <span class="expander more"><a class="trigger">more »</a></span></dd></dl></li><li class="result-item article-light first"><h3><a href="/doi/10.4108/eai.26-9-2023.2350760">Green Accounting Concept Based on University Social Responsibility</a></h3><dl class="metadata"><dd class="value">Research Article in Proceedings of the 7th International Research Conference on Economics and Business, IRCEB 2023, 26 September 2023, Malang, East Java, Indonesia</dd><br><dt class="title">Authors: </dt><dd class="value">Hadi Sumarsono, Satia Maharani, Mufazatul Istiqomah</dd><br><dt class="title">Abstract: </dt><dd class="value abstract"><div class="shortened"><p>Green accounting is an accounting concept that seeks to report environmental contributions to business processes. The success of green accounting does not only focus on classifying environmental costs, but also on the ability to reduce the impact of company or organisation activities on the environ…</p></div><div class="full"><p>Green accounting is an accounting concept that seeks to report environmental contributions to business processes. The success of green accounting does not only focus on classifying environmental costs, but also on the ability to reduce the impact of company or organisation activities on the environment. Higher education as an educational institution implements green accounting as a form of responsibility towards the environment and society. Higher education social responsibility called University Social Responsibility (USR) is not only carried out through research but also contributions to the environment and society. USR is an ethical policy that involves the entire academic community who are responsible for the impact of higher education activities on society and the environment. The importance of USR in tertiary institutions is related to the formation of human resources who have superior competence in science, technology, and awareness of the environment. This article is a conceptual thought that presents a perspective on the concept of green accounting based on USR. This idea is described in four important points based on green accounting concept including environmental awareness, environmental involvement, environmental reporting, and environmental auditing. The application of green accounting is expected to be able to push universities towards a consensus regarding the concept of sustainability.</p></div> <span class="expander more"><a class="trigger">more »</a></span></dd></dl></li><li class="result-item article-light first"><h3><a href="/doi/10.4108/eai.26-9-2023.2350763">The Influence of “Modernising the Farming Process” on the Food Systems and the Export in the Agricultural Sector in the Northern and Western African Regions</a></h3><dl class="metadata"><dd class="value">Research Article in Proceedings of the 7th International Research Conference on Economics and Business, IRCEB 2023, 26 September 2023, Malang, East Java, Indonesia</dd><br><dt class="title">Authors: </dt><dd class="value">Gwladys Nicimbikije, Pius Sugeng Prasetyo, Theresia Gunawan, Sanerya Hendrawan, Sapta Dwikardana</dd><br><dt class="title">Abstract: </dt><dd class="value abstract"><div class="shortened"><p>This article infers the best explanation of “modernising the farming process” or MFP” in Northern and Western Africa (NWAR). The theory of peasant economy guides the inference of the best explanation of “MFP”. This purpose involves the hypothetico-deductive method through random effects modelling a…</p></div><div class="full"><p>This article infers the best explanation of “modernising the farming process” or MFP” in Northern and Western Africa (NWAR). The theory of peasant economy guides the inference of the best explanation of “MFP”. This purpose involves the hypothetico-deductive method through random effects modelling and systems dynamics simulation. Thus, NWAR form the sample constructed on the secondary dataset between 2011 and 2020. The findings revealed that “MFP” is a necessary and sufficient condition for these regions’ food systems and exports. Moreover, agricultural policy is associated with “MFP” in both regions, even though it is a necessary albeit insufficient condition. Consequently, as agricultural policy impacts “MFP” and the latter is associated with food systems and exports, the conclusion is that “MFP” calls for an impetus in both regions regarding agricultural extension policy.</p></div> <span class="expander more"><a class="trigger">more »</a></span></dd></dl></li><li class="result-item article-light first"><h3><a href="/doi/10.4108/eai.26-9-2023.2350687">The Impact of Implementing Green Marketing through Digitalization Tools on Purchase Intentions for Green Cosmetics in the Context of the Indonesian Green Growth Program</a></h3><dl class="metadata"><dd class="value">Research Article in Proceedings of the 7th International Research Conference on Economics and Business, IRCEB 2023, 26 September 2023, Malang, East Java, Indonesia</dd><br><dt class="title">Authors: </dt><dd class="value">Arfan Bakhtiar, Sri Lestari, Hery Suliantoro</dd><br><dt class="title">Abstract: </dt><dd class="value abstract"><div class="shortened"><p> Investigating the relationship between ecological behaviour characteristics and digitalisation tools, as well as the mediating effects of environmental awareness and concern on the desire to purchase green cosmetics, is the aim of this study. 423 respondents were polled for the study using questio…</p></div><div class="full"><p>Investigating the relationship between ecological behaviour characteristics and digitalisation tools, as well as the mediating effects of environmental awareness and concern on the desire to purchase green cosmetics, is the aim of this study. 423 respondents were polled for the study using questionnaires, and the data was collated and processed using SmartPLS's Partial Least Squares analysis and structural equation modelling. The test results demonstrate that digitalisation tools positively impact customer buying intentions and ecological behaviour. Furthermore, consumers' buying intentions, environmental awareness, and environmental concerns are all positively impacted by ecological behaviour. However, consumer purchasing intentions are not positively impacted by environmental awareness or concerns. The government should keep educating the public about ecologically friendly items and promoting their use, according to the overall test results. This can help the government implement the suggested green economy program and raise consumer awareness and understanding to purchase eco-friendly goods, particularly eco-friendly cosmetics.</p></div> <span class="expander more"><a class="trigger">more »</a></span></dd></dl></li><li class="result-item article-light first"><h3><a href="/doi/10.4108/eai.26-9-2023.2350720">Sustainability Assessment of Shallot Farming in Humbang Hasundutan, North Sumatra</a></h3><dl class="metadata"><dd class="value">Research Article in Proceedings of the 7th International Research Conference on Economics and Business, IRCEB 2023, 26 September 2023, Malang, East Java, Indonesia</dd><br><dt class="title">Authors: </dt><dd class="value">Dany Juhandi, Dwidjono Hadi Darwanto, Masyhuri Masyhuri, Jangkung Handoyo Mulyo, Tri Martini</dd><br><dt class="title">Abstract: </dt><dd class="value abstract"><div class="shortened"><p>Farming activities have a substantial impact on the economic, social, and environmental sustainability of an area.Shallot farming, for instance, heavily relies on the usage of anorganic fertilisers and pesticides that hold a tendency to pollute the surrounding environment.The limited land area resu…</p></div><div class="full"><p>Farming activities have a substantial impact on the economic, social, and environmental sustainability of an area.Shallot farming, for instance, heavily relies on the usage of anorganic fertilisers and pesticides that hold a tendency to pollute the surrounding environment.The limited land area results in low profits for farmers.The primary objective of this study is to evaluate the sustainability of shallot farming practices in the Humbang Hasundutan Regency through the application of a Multidimensional Scaling approach.The findings indicate that, on the whole, the sustainability of the farm is at a moderate level.The economic sustainability, on the other hand, is at a low level. Regarding the social and environmental facets of sustainability, the farm is at a moderate level.</p></div> <span class="expander more"><a class="trigger">more »</a></span></dd></dl></li><li class="result-item article-light first"><h3><a href="/doi/10.4108/eai.26-9-2023.2350723">Development of Integrated Supply Chain Devices: Cloud-Based Learning and IoT Tracking System in Management Learning for Student Office Administration Education </a></h3><dl class="metadata"><dd class="value">Research Article in Proceedings of the 7th International Research Conference on Economics and Business, IRCEB 2023, 26 September 2023, Malang, East Java, Indonesia</dd><br><dt class="title">Authors: </dt><dd class="value">Buyung Adi Dharma, Madziatul Churiyah, I Nyoman Suputra, Andi Basuki, Zamzami Zainuddin, Ari Gunawan, Afis Baghiz Syafruddin</dd><br><dt class="title">Abstract: </dt><dd class="value abstract"><div class="shortened"><p>The development of infrastructure and material management in industry has progressed rapidly, starting with digital infrastructure management. This research aims to develop learning media related to supply chain-integrated cloud-based learning IoT tracking systems. The research method used is the d…</p></div><div class="full"><p>The development of infrastructure and material management in industry has progressed rapidly, starting with digital infrastructure management. This research aims to develop learning media related to supply chain-integrated cloud-based learning IoT tracking systems. The research method used is the design thinking process, which consists of empathy, defining ideas, prototyping, testing, and finishing. The validation tests used are material expert validation tests, media expert validation tests, and IT platform expert validation tests. The research results obtained were that the material expert validation test obtained an average of 87.6%, the media validation test obtained an average of 90.6%, and the IT platform expert validation test obtained an average of 90.6%. From the test results obtained, the category is "very feasible" so that the integrated platform can be used in supply chain management.</p></div> <span class="expander more"><a class="trigger">more »</a></span></dd></dl></li><li class="result-item article-light first"><h3><a href="/doi/10.4108/eai.26-9-2023.2350710">The Profile of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) for Vocational High School Accounting Teachers</a></h3><dl class="metadata"><dd class="value">Research Article in Proceedings of the 7th International Research Conference on Economics and Business, IRCEB 2023, 26 September 2023, Malang, East Java, Indonesia</dd><br><dt class="title">Authors: </dt><dd class="value">Sulastri Sulastri, Diana Tien Irafahmi, Hanjar Ikrima Nanda</dd><br><dt class="title">Abstract: </dt><dd class="value abstract"><div class="shortened"><p>The 21st century has had a significant impact on the world of education. The learning paradigm has undergone a transformation, with conventional teaching evolving into ICT-based learning. Learning must be able to integrate technology at every stage of the learning process. Teachers are required to …</p></div><div class="full"><p>The 21st century has had a significant impact on the world of education. The learning paradigm has undergone a transformation, with conventional teaching evolving into ICT-based learning. Learning must be able to integrate technology at every stage of the learning process. Teachers are required to create a learning environment that is adaptive to technology while still paying attention to the pedagogical elements inherent in the teaching materials when delivering them to students. The TPACK framework introduces the relationship and complexity between the three core knowledge areas (content, pedagogical, and technology), resulting in four new types of knowledge. This research used a descriptive research design. The study population consisted of vocational high school accounting teachers in East Java. The research results showed that the TPACK capabilities of vocational high school accounting teachers in East Java are good. TPACK capabilities demonstrate the teachers' ability to integrate technology, pedagogy, and content knowledge into the learning process.</p></div> <span class="expander more"><a class="trigger">more »</a></span></dd></dl></li></ul><div class="pagination"><div class="results-per-page">Page size: <span class="per-page-choice"><a class="current" href="/content?articles_per_page=10">10</a></span><span class="per-page-choice"><a class="" href="/content?articles_per_page=25">25</a></span><span class="per-page-choice"><a class="" href="/content?articles_per_page=50">50</a></span></div><div class="pages"><ul class="pages-list"><li class="page"><a href="/content?articles_page=1" class="current">1</a></li><li class="page"><a href="/content?articles_page=2" class="">2</a></li><li class="page"><a href="/content?articles_page=3" class="">3</a></li><li class="page"><a href="/content?articles_page=4" class="">4</a></li><li class="page"><a href="/content?articles_page=5" class="">5</a></li><li class="page"><a href="/content?articles_page=6" class="">6</a></li><li class="page"><a href="/content?articles_page=7" class="">7</a></li><li class="page"><a href="/content?articles_page=8" class="">8</a></li><li class="page"><a href="/content?articles_page=9" class="">9</a></li><li class="page"><a href="/content?articles_page=10" class="">10</a></li><li class="page"><a href="/content?articles_page=11" class="">11</a></li><li class="page">…</li><li class="page"><a href="/content?articles_page=2">Next</a></li><li class="page"><a href="/content?articles_page=4529">Last</a></li></ul></div></div></section></form></section></section><div class="clear"></div><footer><div class="links"><a href="" target="_blank"><img class="logo ebsco-logo" src="/images/ebsco.png" alt="EBSCO"></a><a href="" target="_blank"><img class="logo proquest-logo" src="/images/proquest.png" alt="ProQuest"></a><a href="" target="_blank"><img class="logo dblp-logo" src="/images/dblp.png" alt="DBLP"></a><a href="" target="_blank"><img class="logo doaj-logo" src="/images/doaj.jpg" alt="DOAJ"></a><a href="" target="_blank"><img class="logo portico-logo" src="/images/portico.png" alt="Portico"></a><a href="" target="_blank"><img class="logo eai-logo" src="/images/eai.png"></a></div></footer></div><div class="footer-container"><div class="footer-width"><div class="footer-column logo-column"><a href=""><img src="" alt="EAI Logo"></a></div><div class="footer-column"><h4>About EAI</h4><ul><li><a href="">Who We Are</a></li><li><a href="">Leadership</a></li><li><a href="">Research Areas</a></li><li><a href="">Partners</a></li><li><a href="">Media Center</a></li></ul></div><div class="footer-column"><h4>Community</h4><ul><li><a href="">Membership</a></li><li><a href="">Conference</a></li><li><a href="">Recognition</a></li><li><a href="">Sponsor Us</a></li></ul></div><div class="footer-column"><h4>Publish with EAI</h4><ul><li><a href="">Publishing</a></li><li><a href="">Journals</a></li><li><a href="">Proceedings</a></li><li><a href="">Books</a></li><li><a href="">EUDL</a></li></ul></div></div></div><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><script src="/js/highlight.pack.js"></script><script>hljs.initHighlightingOnLoad();</script></body></html>