Zen U. Training Courses – Zendesk Support

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Training Courses</h1> <div class="article-metadata"> <div class="article-avatar"><a class="user-profile" href="/web/20161017144206/"> <img src="" alt="Avatar"/> </a> </div> <div class="article-author"><a class="user-profile" href="/web/20161017144206/"> Anton de Young </a> </div> <div class="article-updated">Created: <time datetime="2014-10-10T15:36:51Z" title="2014-10-10T15:36:51Z" data-datetime="calendar">October 10, 2014 15:36</time> - Updated: <time datetime="2016-10-05T03:21:00Z" title="2016-10-05T03:21:00Z" data-datetime="calendar">October 05, 2016 03:21</time></div> </div> </header> <article class="main-column"> <div class="article-body markdown"> <div class="training_introduction"> <div class="zenu_logo"> <p><a href="" target="_blank"><img class="wysiwyg-text-align-center" style="font-size: 11px;" src="" alt="" align="center"/></a></p> </div> <div class="zenu_blurb"> <h1 class="training_blurb">Get up to speed fast</h1> <p class="blurb_text">Whether you're a new Admin or Agent, or you're looking to expand your Zendesk skills, our training team has you covered. </p> <p class="blurb_text">We recommend starting with the below courses, though there are other options to explore at <a href=""></a>. The courses listed here are instructor-led sessions conducted through a web conferencing tool.</p> <p class="blurb_text">You could also attend one the the three, <strong>live Zen U Training Days</strong> that we'll be hosting this Fall in <strong>Austin, NYC and San Francisco</strong>. You can <a href="/web/20161017144206/">find out more and register here</a>.</p> <p class="blurb_text">If you'd like a private training session for your company or organization, contact <strong></strong>.</p> <p class="blurb_text">Have a question about training? <a href="/web/20161017144206/"><strong>Take a look at our FAQ</strong></a>.</p> </div> </div> <div class="training_toc"> <p class="training_toc">Instructor-led training</p> <p class="training_toc_item"><a href="#ilt_agents">Agents</a></p> <p class="training_toc_item"><a href="#ilt_admins">Administrators</a></p> <p class="training_toc_item"><a href="#ilt_reporting">Reporting and Analytics</a></p> <p class="training_toc">E-Learning</p> <p class="training_toc_item"><a href="#elearning_keboola">Insights training from Keboola Academy</a></p> </div> <h1 id="ilt_agents" class="training_category">Instructor-led training: Agent Essentials</h1> <p>Our instructor-led training for agents consists of a comprehensive, 3-hour course, which is described below. When you purchase this course you'll be able to select the session date for each training session separately so that you can attend each when it's convenient for you. </p> <h2 id="zd_essentials_ilt" class="training_h2">Zendesk Essentials <span class="wysiwyg-font-size-medium">(3 hours)</span></h2> <p>Zendesk Essentials is the best place to start with your Zendesk training - whether your role in Zendesk is Administrator or Agent. This course explains the basics of the ticketing workflow. You'll learn how to work efficiently in Zendesk and how to maximize our ticket deflection tools. When you’ve completed this course, you’ll know how to reduce your first response time and solve more tickets more quickly and to your customer's satisfaction.</p> <p>This is the best choice for getting up to speed quickly with the assistance of our expert trainers.</p> <div class="training_bundle_button"><a class="button" href="" target="_blank">Agent Essentials course - $199</a></div> <h1 id="ilt_admins" class="training_category">Instructor-led training: Administrator Essentials</h1> <p>The best place to start with your admin-specific training is the User Management and Ticket Management courses in our Admin Essentials bundle. When you purchase this bundle you'll be able to select the session date for each training session separately so that you can attend each when it's convenient for you.</p> <p><strong>We recommend these for new customers who have been on our system for less than 6 months.</strong></p> <h2 class="training_h2">User Management <span class="wysiwyg-font-size-medium">(2 hours)</span></h2> <p>Zendesk makes the conversation between you and your customers much easier and a lot more efficient. So one of the first things you’ll need to decide is how to manage the users of your Zendesk. This course prepares you to do that. <a href="javascript:TrainingReverseDisplay('training_hidden_6')"> More... </a></p> <div id="training_hidden_6" style="display: none;"> <p>In this course, you’ll:</p> <ul> <ul> <ul> <li>Add agents and end-users to your system</li> <li>Define how open your Zendesk should be</li> <li>Organize your agents into groups</li> <li>Define your agents’ roles and permissions in both the ticketing interface and in Help Center</li> <li>Segment your end-users them in ways that result in the best experience for them</li> <li>Use customer lists to engage with different customers at strategic times of the year</li> </ul> </ul> </ul> </div> <h2 class="training_h2">Ticket Management <span class="wysiwyg-font-size-medium">(2 hours)</span></h2> <p>Ticket management and ticketing workflows are at the heart of a customer service strategy. Your goal is to make sure your customers have the best experience possible, and that means responding to their questions and issues the right way, the first time.  <a href="javascript:TrainingReverseDisplay('training_hidden_13')">More...</a></p> <div id="training_hidden_13" style="display: none;"> <p>In this course, you’ll:</p> <ul> <ul> <ul> <li>Use tags to organize and process tickets</li> <li>Customize tickets with ticket fields and forms</li> <li>Measure agent performance with Service Level Agreements and schedules</li> <li>Enable multiple languages and localize content using dynamic content placeholders</li> <li>Build triggers and automations to manage ticket workflows automatically</li> </ul> </ul> </ul> </div> <div class="training_bundle_button"><a class="button" href="" target="_blank">Admin Essentials Bundle - $199</a></div> <h1 id="ilt_admins_advanced" class="training_category">Instructor-led training: Administrator Intermediate</h1> <p>The courses below take an in-depth approach to Zendesk. You’ll finish each course prepared to set up your Zendesk in a way that meets your business’ needs and draw upon the best practices of others before you.</p> <p>When you purchase this series you'll be able to select the session date for each training session separately so that you can attend each when it's convenient for you.</p> <h2 class="training_h2">Help Center <span class="wysiwyg-font-size-medium">(2 hours)</span></h2> <p>You’re new to Help Center and may have question about how to best set it up. What content do your customers need and what content will deflect tickets? Who will build and manage your Help Center content?  <a href="javascript:TrainingReverseDisplay('training_hidden_7')">More... </a></p> <div id="training_hidden_7" style="display: none;"> <p>In this course, we’ll cover those topics and more. You’ll:</p> <ul> <ul> <ul> <li>Decide who should be able to access Help Center content</li> <li>Create Knowledge Base content and learn how to delegate that permission to agents</li> <li>Define what content your customers really need</li> <li>Create a Community and decide on your moderation strategy</li> <li>Brand and localize your Help Center</li> </ul> </ul> </ul> </div> <h2 class="training_h2">Channels: Overview <span class="wysiwyg-font-size-medium">(2 hours)</span></h2> <p>Channels are your means of communication with your customers. As you start to set up your Zendesk, you’ll need to decide on at least one channel but you can always expand to include more as you grow more familiar with your Zendesk and learn customer preferences. <a href="javascript:TrainingReverseDisplay('training_hidden_5')">More... </a></p> <div id="training_hidden_5" style="display: none;"> <p>This course will teach you to:</p> <ul> <ul> <ul> <li>Set up and manage your email channel</li> <li>Filter your emails</li> <li>Decide who can see them</li> <li>Create and customize the Web Widget, allowing for increasing degrees of self-service</li> <li>Set up your Zopim chat channel</li> <li>Manage chat traffic</li> </ul> </ul> </ul> </div> <h2 class="training_h2">Channels: Chat and Web Widget <span class="wysiwyg-font-size-medium">(2 hours)</span></h2> <p>Among Zendesk's many channels, our chat tool and web widget are the best ways to communicate with your customers proactively, wherever they are. In this course, you'll learn in greater depth (than in the Overview course) the value of both chat and web widget for proactive customer service and your mobile solutions. We'll also teach you how to set up and customize both channels and share best practices for chatting with customers.</p> <div id="training_hidden_14" style="display: none;"> <p>In this course, you’ll:</p> <ul> <ul> <ul> <li>Define who can access your Zendesk and how</li> <li>Enable a hostmapped domain in your Zendesk or SSL</li> <li>Determine the best authentication method for users; monitor account activity and protect user accounts</li> <li>Enable IP restrictions</li> <li>Learn from those who have come before you as they set up a secure Zendesk</li> </ul> </ul> </ul> </div> <div class="training_bundle_button"><a class="button" href="" target="_blank">Admin Intermediate Bundle - $199</a></div> <h1 id="ilt_reporting" class="training_category">Instructor-led training: Reporting and Analytics</h1> <h2 class="training_h2">Insights (includes learning lab) <span class="wysiwyg-font-size-medium">(2.5 hours)</span></h2> <p>Insights is a powerful reporting integration with Gooddata. Insights lets you to build dynamic, multi-dimensional reports to analyze the success of your workflow, pulling information from your Zendeskt tickets, users and organizations. Want to compare multiple time periods or drill into an average to see the tickets that contributed to it? Interested in viewing historic changes to a ticket or finding a time-tracking solution to monitor agent productivity? <a href="javascript:TrainingReverseDisplay('training_hidden_9')">More... </a></p> <div id="training_hidden_9" style="display: none;"> <p>In our first hour, we’ll explore Insights through a presentation with practical examples and an exercise. You’ll learn how to:</p> <ul> <ul> <ul> <li>Define what you want to measure and why</li> <li>Set up your project</li> <li>Get to know the pre-built Dashboards</li> <li>Create a report</li> <li>Sample reports and review Insights’ robust capabilities</li> <li>Create custom metrics</li> <li>Export your reports</li> </ul> </ul> </ul> <p>In the second hour, we’ll turn discussion over to our (optional) Insights Learning Lab. This is your opportunity to ask questions and get help with the reports you’re challenged to build. Please submit your questions in advance to our Discussion Board, so we have time to prepare a thorough response.</p> </div> <div class="training_button"><a class="button" href="" target="_blank">$199</a></div> <h1 id="elearning_keboola" class="training_category">Zendesk Insights training from Keboola Academy</h1> <div class="keboola_logo"> <p><img class="wysiwyg-text-align-center" style="font-size: 11px;" src="" alt="" align="center"/></p> </div> <p>We've partnered with Keboola Academy to bring you the most comprehensive, deep-dive Insights training available. These self-paced e-learning courses provide you with hands-on learning and skill development to better understand the Insights environment. Want to become an Insights and GoodData expert? This is the way to do it. </p> <p>Keboola Academy is integrated with LinkedIn and as you finish the courses, you are awarded a badge that is added to your LinkedIn profile. </p> <h2 id="keboola_bu" class="training_h2">Business User - Keboola Academy Course #1</h2> <div class="training_keboola_badges"><img class="wysiwyg-text-align-center" src="" alt="" align="center"/></div> <p>Business User (BU) is the first course in the Zendesk Insights Advanced Learnings series. This course starts by providing an introduction to the Zendesk Insights interface within the native Gooddata environment.</p> <p>You will learn how to use mouse-overs, drill-ins, and filters to get useful information from your dashboard. While we recommend organic exploration, there are also guides throughout this course that will provide in-depth explanations to further your understanding. <a href="javascript:TrainingReverseDisplay('training_hidden_10')"> More... </a></p> <div id="training_hidden_10" style="display: none;"> <p>The Test Your Knowledge tab in this section is designed to review the material and identify areas where you may need some more time learning before moving on. Once you are familiar with the layout, you will then switch to “My dashboard” and learn to create reports. You will combine pre-existing metrics, slices, and filters so that you will eventually be able to answer your own unique business questions. You will also begin to understand how to modify report types as well as the layout of the dashboard itself. Similar to the orientation section there is a guide to deepen your understanding and a Learning Tasks tab to assist in your hands on development.</p> <p>There are helpful videos, hints, and an Expected Results tab to guide you along the way to completing each task. When you have fully completed each task you will be ready to fly solo and try the challenge problems to earn your badge and complete this course.</p> </div> <div class="training_button"><a class="button" href="" target="_blank">$149</a></div> <h2 id="keboola_ru" class="training_h2">Report Master - Keboola Academy Course #2</h2> <div class="training_keboola_badges"><img class="wysiwyg-text-align-center" src="" alt="" align="center"/></div> <p>The gloves come off starting in Report Master One Star (RM1), where students will be required to to build reports as well metrics from scratch. The basic GoodData MAQL functions taught in RM1 are COUNT, SUM, AVG, metric level filters, and more. Students will also learn some basics of how Logical Data Models used by GoodData work in relationship to COUNT functions and various slices. <a href="javascript:TrainingReverseDisplay('training_hidden_11')"> More...</a></p> <div id="training_hidden_11" style="display: none;"> <p>The central part of RM1 is the workbook, which contains reports and metrics that students will be required to recreate on their own. These tasks are carefully constructed to teach specific competencies. If students get stuck at any point, a seamlessly integrated video app contains individual step-by-step videos exactly how to get the answers.</p> <p>Included in RM1 is a study guide that teaches the material in a textbook-like format that can also be used for future reference. After completing the workbook, students will have dramatically increased their ability to work with GoodData.</p> <p>RM1 contains challenge problems for students, which will test their expertise. Completing these challenge problems will earn them the Keboola Academy Badge for Report Master One Star!</p> </div> <div class="training_button"><a class="button" href="" target="_blank">$199</a></div> <h2 id="keboola_rg" class="training_h2">Reporting Guru - Keboola Academy Course #3</h2> <div class="training_keboola_badges"><img class="wysiwyg-text-align-center" src="" alt="" align="center"/></div> <p>Report Guru (RG) is the final course in the Zendesk Insights Advanced Learnings series. This course will build on your knowledge from Report Master to enhance your metric building skills. You will dive deeper into the sophisticated applications of Gooddata and how these applications can be used in Insights to answer your complex and unique business questions. The focus is on helping you start to think like an analyst and to create metrics, and in turn reports and dashboards, from scratch. This course is ideal for people with previous data modeling experience as its focus is on taking advanced concepts and applying them specifically to the Gooddata platform. <a href="javascript:TrainingReverseDisplay('training_hidden_12')"> More... </a></p> <div id="training_hidden_12" style="display: none;"> <p>This course starts by looking at the Logical Data Model (LDM). This model illustrates how information is connected within Insights. A closer look at this model will help you understand the meaningful relationships between data and how you can use this understanding to create metrics from scratch. As with the previous courses, the guide will provide in-depth explanations and the Learning Tasks tab will provide you with the hands on experience you need to understand the concept.</p> <p>You will also spend some time in this course learning about those data sets that are not connected to the LDM, or Disconnected Datasets. These standalone objects help you refine information and make your reports more meaningful through the appropriate use of filters.</p> <p>Along with the higher level theory, RG also increases your knowledge of advanced MAQL syntax such as BY, WITHOUT PF, and BETWEEN. The help videos and hints in this course are especially useful for learning how to take the theory you have learned and turn it into practical metrics you can use. Once you have done all the tasks you will complete the challenge problems and earn your badge as Report Guru.</p> </div> <div class="training_button"><a class="button" href="" target="_blank">$249</a></div> <h2 id="keboola_bundle" class="training_h2">Keboola Academy Insights Training Bundle</h2> <p>Purchase all three Keboola Academy courses together and receive a 25% discount. This bundle includes the <strong>Business User</strong>, <strong>Report Master</strong>, and <strong>Report Guru</strong> courses.</p> <div class="training_button"><a class="button" href="" target="_blank">$449</a></div> <h1 id="mentor_keboola" class="training_category"> </h1> </div> <div class="article-attachments"> <ul class="attachments"> </ul> </div> <footer class="article-footer clearfix"> <div class="article-vote"> <span class="article-vote-question">Was this article helpful?</span> <div class="article-vote-controls"> <a role="button" rel="nofollow" class="article-vote-up" title="Yes" aria-selected="false" data-auth-action="signin" href="/web/20161017144206/"></a> <a role="button" rel="nofollow" class="article-vote-down" title="No" aria-selected="false" data-auth-action="signin" href="/web/20161017144206/"></a> </div> <small class="article-vote-count"> <span class="article-vote-label">16 out of 20 found this helpful</span> </small> </div> <ul class="share"> <li><a href=";" class="share-facebook">Facebook</a></li> <li><a href=";text=Zen+U.+Training+Courses&amp;" class="share-twitter">Twitter</a></li> <li><a href=";source=Zendesk+Support&amp;title=Zen+U.+Training+Courses&amp;" class="share-linkedin">LinkedIn</a></li> <li><a href=";" class="share-googleplus">Google+</a></li> </ul> </footer> <div class="article-more-questions"> Have more questions? 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