Log in to Koha › Koha

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Passed an rfc3339 formatted date string, * or JS Date, the function will return a date string formatted as per the koha instance config. * @param {String|Date} value rfc3339 formatted date string or a JS Date object. * @param {Object} [options] Optional set of switches for changing date handling * @property {String} [] String representing the timezone of the passed date * @property {Boolean} [options.no_tz_adjust] Enable/Disable timezone adjustment * @property {String} [options.dateformat] * @property {Boolean} [options.withtime] Enable/Disable appearance of time in returned string * @property {String} [options.timeformat] * @property {Boolean} [options.as_due_date] Enable/Disable due date output format * @returns {String} A date string formatted as per the koha instance configuration. */ window.$date = function(value, options) { if(!value) return ''; let tz = (options&&||def_tz; let no_tz_adjust = (options&&options.no_tz_adjust)||false; var m = dayjs(value); if ( !no_tz_adjust && ! value.match(/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$/ ) ) { m =; } var dateformat = (options&&options.dateformat)||def_date_format; var withtime = (options&&options.withtime)||false; if(dateformat=='rfc3339' && withtime) return m.format(); var timeformat = (options&&options.timeformat)||def_time_format; var date_pattern = get_date_pattern(dateformat); let as_due_date = (options&&options.as_due_date); if (as_due_date) { withtime = !( m.hour() == 23 && m.minute() == 59 ); } var time_pattern = !withtime?'':' '+get_time_pattern(timeformat); return m.format(date_pattern+time_pattern); } window.$datetime = function(value, options) { options = options||{}; options.withtime = true; return $date(value, options); }; window.$time = function(value, options) { if(!value) return ''; var tz = (options&&||def_tz; var m = dayjs(value); if(tz) m =; var dateformat = (options&&options.dateformat); var timeformat = (dateformat=='rfc3339'&&'24hr')||(options&&options.timeformat)||def_time_format; return m.format(get_time_pattern(timeformat)+(dateformat=='rfc3339'?':ss'+(!m.isUTC()?'Z':''):''))+(dateformat=='rfc3339' && m.isUTC()?'Z':''); } window.$date_to_rfc3339 = function(value, options) { var dateformat = (options&&options.dateformat)||def_date_format; let m = dayjs(value, get_date_pattern(dateformat)); return m.format("YYYY-MM-DD"); } })(); </script> <!-- / --> <!-- --> <script> (function() { const tz = 'Europe/Berlin'; window.$get_age = function(dob, options) { if(!dob) return ''; let today = new Date(); dob = new Date(dob); if ( tz ) { let today_tz = new Date(today.toLocaleString('en-US', {timeZone: tz})); let diff = today.getTime() - today_tz.getTime(); today = new Date(today.getTime() - diff); let dob_tz = new Date(dob.toLocaleString('en-US', {timeZone: tz})); diff = dob.getTime() - dob_tz.getTime(); dob = new Date(dob.getTime() - diff); } let age = today.getFullYear() - dob.getFullYear(); let m = today.getMonth() - dob.getMonth(); if (m < 0 || (m === 0 && today.getDate() < dob.getDate())) { age--; } return age; } })(); </script> <!-- / --> <!-- --> <script> (function() { const roadtypes = []; let roadtypes_map = roadtypes.reduce((map, r) => { map[r.authorised_value] = r.lib; return map; }, {}); function member_display_address_style_us(data, line_break, include_li) { let address = ""; if ( data.address || data.address2 ) { if ( data.address ) { let roadtype_desc = ''; if ( data.street_type ) { roadtype_desc = roadtypes_map[data.street_type] ? roadtypes_map[data.street_type] : data.street_type; } address += include_li ? 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'</li>' : ''; } return address; } function member_display_address_style_de(data, line_break, include_li) { let address = ""; if ( data.address || data.address2 ) { if ( data.address ) { let roadtype_desc = ''; if ( data.street_type ) { roadtype_desc = roadtypes_map[data.street_type] ? roadtypes_map[data.street_type] : data.street_type; } address += include_li ? '<li class="patronaddress1">' : ' '; address += escape_str(data.address) + ' ' + escape_str(roadtype_desc) + ' ' + escape_str(data.street_number); address += include_li ? '</li>' : ''; } } if ( data.address2 ) { address += include_li ? '<li class="patronaddress2">' : ' '; address += escape_str(data.address2); address += include_li ? '</li>' : ''; } if ( || data.postal_code || data.state || ) { address += include_li ? 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'</li>' : ''; } if ( || data.postal_code || data.state || ) { address += include_li ? '<li class="patroncity">' : ' '; address += escape_str(data.postal_code) + ' ' + escape_str(; address += data.state ? line_break + escape_str(data.state) : ''; address += ? line_break + escape_str( : ''; address += include_li ? '</li>' : ''; } return address; } window.$format_address = function(data, options) { let line_break = options && options.no_line_break ? 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