Knowledge Management Software & Solutions for Collaboration

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0 17 18"><path d="M0 4c0-1.1.9-2 2-2h4a2 2 0 012 2v9l-1.75 3H4l1.75-3H2a2 2 0 01-2-2V4zm9 0c0-1.1.9-2 2-2h4a2 2 0 012 2v9l-1.75 3H13l1.75-3H11a2 2 0 01-2-2V4z"/></svg> Stack Overflow for Teams has been a resource for our entire company. Not only for developers to solve problems, it’s also enabled our sales field to answer technical questions that help them close deals. <div class="fs-body2 pt24"> <strong class="bt bc-black-075 pt16 d-inline-block p-ff-source-bold">Ryan J Salva</strong><br> Director of Product Management, Microsoft </div> </div> <div class="grid--cell3 mb16 p24 mx8 bar-md bg-white ba bc-black-050"> <svg aria-hidden="true" class="d-block mb12 w32 h32 p-fc-purple d:p-fc-purple svg-icon iconQuote" width="17" height="18" viewbox="0 0 17 18"><path d="M0 4c0-1.1.9-2 2-2h4a2 2 0 012 2v9l-1.75 3H4l1.75-3H2a2 2 0 01-2-2V4zm9 0c0-1.1.9-2 2-2h4a2 2 0 012 2v9l-1.75 3H13l1.75-3H11a2 2 0 01-2-2V4z"/></svg> It saves us time on a day to day basis and also a huge amount when onboarding a new developer. <div class="fs-body2 pt24"> <strong class="bt bc-black-075 pt16 d-inline-block p-ff-source-bold">Morgan Jones</strong><br> Director of Engineering, Flex </div> </div> <div class="grid--cell3 mb16 p24 mx8 bar-md bg-white ba bc-black-050 sm:d-none"> <svg aria-hidden="true" class="d-block mb12 w32 h32 p-fc-purple d:p-fc-purple svg-icon iconQuote" width="17" height="18" viewbox="0 0 17 18"><path d="M0 4c0-1.1.9-2 2-2h4a2 2 0 012 2v9l-1.75 3H4l1.75-3H2a2 2 0 01-2-2V4zm9 0c0-1.1.9-2 2-2h4a2 2 0 012 2v9l-1.75 3H13l1.75-3H11a2 2 0 01-2-2V4z"/></svg> Instead of trying to figure out how to reach people and bother them while they are working, I’m able to go to Stack Overflow for Teams and get the answers to my questions. <div class="fs-body2 pt24"> <strong class="bt bc-black-075 pt16 d-inline-block p-ff-source-bold">Mosh Feu</strong><br> Front End Developer, Wix </div> </div> <div class="grid--cell sm:as-stretch p24 mx8 bar-md bg-white ba bc-black-050 mb16 ta-center"> <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="" class="d-inline-block fc-black-700" data-ga="[&quot;teams landing&quot;,&quot;case study exit click&quot;,&quot;G2 Leader Winter 2021&quot;,null,null]"> <img class="d-inline-block va-top mr8" src="" height="26" alt="G2"> <strong class="p-ff-roboto-slab-bold">Leader</strong> Winter 2021 </a> </div> </div> <div class="grid fs-body3 fc-black-700 lh-md ai-start sm:fd-column"> <div class="grid--cell3 p24 mx8 bar-md bg-white ba bc-black-050 sm:d-none"> <svg aria-hidden="true" class="d-block mb12 w32 h32 p-fc-purple d:p-fc-purple svg-icon iconQuote" width="17" height="18" viewbox="0 0 17 18"><path d="M0 4c0-1.1.9-2 2-2h4a2 2 0 012 2v9l-1.75 3H4l1.75-3H2a2 2 0 01-2-2V4zm9 0c0-1.1.9-2 2-2h4a2 2 0 012 2v9l-1.75 3H13l1.75-3H11a2 2 0 01-2-2V4z"/></svg> Engineers should help solve the hardest questions, the unknowns, where being familiar with how the product was built is essential. But we don’t want to keep answering solved problems over and over again. That’s where Stack Overflow for Teams really helps. <div class="fs-body2 pt24"> <strong class="bt bc-black-075 pt16 d-inline-block p-ff-source-bold">Suyog Rao</strong><br> Director of Engineering, Elastic Cloud </div> </div> <div class="grid--cell3 p24 mx8 bar-md bg-white ba bc-black-050"> <svg aria-hidden="true" class="d-block mb12 w32 h32 p-fc-purple d:p-fc-purple svg-icon iconQuote" width="17" height="18" viewbox="0 0 17 18"><path d="M0 4c0-1.1.9-2 2-2h4a2 2 0 012 2v9l-1.75 3H4l1.75-3H2a2 2 0 01-2-2V4zm9 0c0-1.1.9-2 2-2h4a2 2 0 012 2v9l-1.75 3H13l1.75-3H11a2 2 0 01-2-2V4z"/></svg> As we started to use [Stack Overflow for Teams] and saw how nice it was to have a repository of information, we started to see it spread to other teams. Our customer support team started using it, our people success team started using it, next thing we knew, we had [Slack] integrations all over the place. <div class="fs-body2 pt24"> <strong class="bt bc-black-075 pt16 d-inline-block p-ff-source-bold">David Drake</strong><br> Engineering, Expensify </div> </div> <div class="grid--cell3 p24 mx8 bar-md bg-white ba bc-black-050 sm:d-none"> <svg aria-hidden="true" class="d-block mb12 w32 h32 p-fc-purple d:p-fc-purple svg-icon iconQuote" width="17" height="18" viewbox="0 0 17 18"><path d="M0 4c0-1.1.9-2 2-2h4a2 2 0 012 2v9l-1.75 3H4l1.75-3H2a2 2 0 01-2-2V4zm9 0c0-1.1.9-2 2-2h4a2 2 0 012 2v9l-1.75 3H13l1.75-3H11a2 2 0 01-2-2V4z"/></svg> We’re building a valuable, well-curated knowledge base. <div class="fs-body2 pt24"> <strong class="bt bc-black-075 pt16 d-inline-block p-ff-source-bold">Jeremy Williams</strong><br> Engineering, Factset </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="p-wrapper mx-auto bg-white pt96 pb64"> <div class="mxn48 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