Bonzle collections - Memorials (1 pictures)
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In the previous year he had discovered the Thomson River and established that the Barcoo River was part of Cooper's Creek. Arriving at Rockingham Bay (north of Townsville) in May, Kennedy's party, after much privation and toil, reached Weymouth Bay, where they established a depot. Kennedy, with four others, Costigan, Dunn, Luff, and a indigenous Australian, Jacky Jacky, left this depot in an endeavour to reach Cape York, where a relief ship was expected. <br><br>Kennedy and Jacky Jacky continued north, after leaving the others at Shelburne Bay. Only the native reached Cape York, for in a skirmish with other indigenous Australians, Kennedy was killed. Jacky Jacky guided the ship's relief party to Shelburne Bay, but Costigan, Dunn, and Luff had perished. At the Weymouth Bay depot, only two survivors were found. (Information taken from:Teachers Internet Database 2005, retrieved 8 August 2005 from &lt;;)<br></p><div id="othercols"><p>This picture is also part of the following Bonzle photo collections: </p><ul><li><a href="/c/a?a=col&col=show&c=39">Creeks</a> (<a href="/c/a?a=col&col=show&c=39" target="_blank">open in new window</a>)</li><li><a href="/c/a?a=col&col=show&c=38">Rivers</a> (<a href="/c/a?a=col&col=show&c=38" target="_blank">open in new window</a>)</li><li><a href="/c/a?a=col&col=show&c=5">Ships</a> (<a href="/c/a?a=col&col=show&c=5" target="_blank">open in new window</a>)</li></ul></div><div id="moreinfo"><p>This picture was uploaded into the Bonzle Digital Atlas of Australia entry for the Bay '<strong>Rockingham Bay</strong>'.</p><ul><li><a href="/c/a?a=login&sc=mb&mb=mypic&mypic=add&p=38334"><strong>add a photo of Rockingham Bay</strong>: click here to add your own photo of Rockingham Bay</a></li><li><a href="/c/a?a=p&p=38334&cmd=sp"><strong>info about Rockingham Bay</strong>: click here for the Bonzle entry on Rockingham Bay</a> (<a href="/c/a?a=p&p=38334&cmd=sp" target="_blank">open in new window</a>)</li><li><a href="/c/a?a=p&p=38334&cmd=sp#map"><strong>map of Rockingham Bay</strong>: click here for the Bonzle map of Rockingham Bay</a> (<a href="/c/a?a=p&p=38334&cmd=sp#map" target="_blank">open in new window</a>)</li><li><a href="/c/a?a=p&p=38334&d=pics&cmd=sp"><strong>more pictures of Rockingham Bay</strong>: click here for more pictures of Rockingham Bay</a> (<a href="/c/a?a=p&p=38334&d=pics&cmd=sp" target="_blank">open in new window</a>)</li></ul></div></div></div><div id="footer"><p align=center style="clear: left;">©2025 Digital Atlas Pty Limited | <a href="/c/a?a=ut">Usage Terms</a> | <a href="/c/a?a=ds">Data Sources</a><br>If you do not agree with the <a href="/c/a?a=ut">Usage Terms</a> then do not access this website.</p></div></body></html>