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If you have materials or references related to your inquiries, please be sure to include identifying information such as title(s), author(s), URL(s), etc. <em>(required)</em></strong></label></p> <p><label for="q1-box">Example 1: Please correct the author of the bibliographic data. (URL: to the publication data on page X of the paper copy, it should be XXXXX.</label></p> <p><label for="q1-box">Example 2:The site policy of your website says XXXX. May I take it that YYYY? 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Seika-cho. Soraku-gun. Kyoto 619-0287 JAPAN<br /> fax: +81-774-94-9112 </p> </div> <h3 class="linkListTitle">International Reference Service<br /> Reference Section, Public Services Division, Kansai-kan of the National Diet Library</h3> <div class="dataSet"> <p>8-1-3 Seikadai. Seika-cho. Soraku-gun. 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