November 2017 – Papers & Pencils
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--> </header><!-- #masthead --> <div id="content" class="site-content"> <div id="primary" class="content-area"> <main id="main" class="site-main" role="main"> <header class="page-header"> <h1 class="page-title">Month: <span>November 2017</span></h1> </header><!-- .page-header --> <article id="post-8238" class="post-8238 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-merciless-monsters"> <header class="entry-header"> <h1 class="entry-title"><a href="" rel="bookmark">NES OSR Bestiary 4: Faxanadu</a></h1> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <div class="entry-content"> <div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="aligncenter"><img fetchpriority="high" decoding="async" width="480" height="360" data-attachment-id="9688" data-permalink="" data-orig-file="" data-orig-size="480,360" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"}" data-image-title="hqdefault" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-9688" srcset=" 480w, 300w, 144w" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-recalc-dims="1" /></figure></div> <p>And here you thought I’d only ever played the NES’s greatest hits collection. Pshaw, I played my fair share of weird ones, and Faxanadu always fascinated me. (Even though I sucked at it). It has some of the creepiest, most inventive sprites of any game on the console. The game had this brooding atmosphere to it that has always stuck with me.</p> <p><strong>The Pendantrist</strong></p> <div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="alignleft"><img decoding="async" width="54" height="34" data-attachment-id="9689" data-permalink="" data-orig-file="" data-orig-size="54,34" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"}" data-image-title="MyFavEver" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-9689" data-recalc-dims="1"/></figure></div> <p>Draws strength from correcting you. Anything you say, it will find some technical error to comment on. Half the time its corrections aren’t even accurate. For each correction it makes, the Pendantrist gains 2 hit points, which can raise it above its normal maximum. The green bile that leaks from the creature’s mouth is liquid knowledge. If consumed, make a saving throw. On success, you gain some significant knowledge (perhaps represented by a skill point) If you fail, the slow transformation into becoming Pedantrist yourself will begin.</p> <p><strong>Creepin’ Goat</strong></p> <div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="alignleft"><img decoding="async" width="37" height="34" data-attachment-id="9690" data-permalink="" data-orig-file="" data-orig-size="37,34" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"}" data-image-title="BullMin" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-9690" data-recalc-dims="1"/></figure></div> <p>They sneak everywhere they go. Generally they’re a benign enough race, preferring not to be seen, but only as a matter of preference, and not as a means of conducting illicit activities. However, they do have a violent reaction to being perceived. If you see one, it’s best to pretend you didn’t. If they think they’ve gotten away with being sneaky, they’ll continue to sneak off. If they think they’ve been seen, they will attack.</p> <p><strong>Toothcare Worm</strong></p> <div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="alignleft"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="36" height="34" data-attachment-id="9691" data-permalink="" data-orig-file="" data-orig-size="36,34" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"}" data-image-title="CyclopicSnake" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-9691" data-recalc-dims="1"/></figure></div> <p>In a time before proper dental hygiene, the Toothcare Worm is here to try and help us. He has an intense love of teeth, particularly human teeth. To him they are works of beauty, simultaneously religious and erotic. He has developed several devices, such as the toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss, and will teach anyone willing to listen about these things.</p> <p>The Toothcare Worm is a generally amicable fellow, but hates being lied to about teeth. If someone tells him they’ve been brushing and flossing when they haven’t, he will know, and he will take their teeth away from them. Clearly, they are not capable of handling the responsibility.</p> <p><strong>Turkovik</strong></p> <div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="alignleft"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="36" height="34" data-attachment-id="9692" data-permalink="" data-orig-file="" data-orig-size="36,34" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"}" data-image-title="DoDoMan" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-9692" data-recalc-dims="1"/></figure></div> <p>Just before the alien ship ran out of power, the captain ordered her crew to download as much as they could about the world they were going to be stranded on. One of the most notable things they discovered while reviewing the information tapes was that humans love to eat a native creature that looks a great deal like they do–the Turkey.</p> <p>Fearing the humans would kill and eat them as well, the captain ordered the whole crew to pluck their own feathers, exposing their pinkish flesh as an attempt to disguise themselves. They avoid humans whenever possible, as they are terrified of us, and will attack and kill out of that fear, rather than be taken to be roasted alive as they believe humans will do.</p> <p><strong>Parti Boi</strong></p> <div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="alignleft"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="54" height="34" data-attachment-id="9693" data-permalink="" data-orig-file="" data-orig-size="54,34" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"}" data-image-title="Fatto" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-9693" data-recalc-dims="1"/></figure></div> <p>While others merely enjoy parties, a PartiBoi <em>is</em> a party. They’re big tubby guys with huge mouths, who dance and clap around, and take a party with them wherever they go. A PartiBoi’s epistemology is entirely contextual. They know no language but the languages that the person they are speaking to knows. They don’t know anything about the calendar, except what reasons might exist for their celebration right now, at this moment. They have no craft or hobby, save for the ones that will promote good conversation with whomever they are with. Though their intentions are entirely innocent, there is a real danger that a PartiBoi will trap a person in a cycle of perpetual celebration that will leave them exhausted, destitute, or dead.</p> <p><strong>Bone Lips</strong></p> <div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="alignleft"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="35" height="34" data-attachment-id="9694" data-permalink="" data-orig-file="" data-orig-size="35,34" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"}" data-image-title="Skullhead" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-9694" data-recalc-dims="1"/></figure></div> <p>Bone lips knows things. She’s a catalogue of the grizzly secrets that no sane person wants to know, but which adventurers sometimes need to know in order to get their job done. She’ll happily share, but only if you’ll let her have her way with your brain first. She likes to slide her tongue into a person’s ear, and probe every wrinkle for some dark pocket of secrecy. She’ll share what she knows whether she finds something juicy or not.</p> <p><strong>The Capricious Batallion</strong></p> <div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="alignleft"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="71" height="34" data-attachment-id="9695" data-permalink="" data-orig-file="" data-orig-size="71,34" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"}" data-image-title="Swordmin" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-9695" data-recalc-dims="1"/></figure></div> <p>You know those people who get weirdly uptight about the importance of “accuracy” and “realism,” in situations where those concepts have no bearing? Well, there’s a god like that. One day this god got really pissed off about the way children played at war. So he twisted their bodies with unnatural muscle, turned their sticks into swords, and their sweaters into chainmail. He filled their minds with hate and bloodlust, and organized them into a regimented body of troops.</p> <p>Like anyone with a misplaced passion for realism, however, the god was strangely selective in his critique. He didn’t really develop the children’s minds at all. They’re still as unfocused and capricious as any children are, but with enough muscle and skill at violence to be a real threat. He also gave them no goal, and so they wander around, killing and maiming whatever seems fun to kill and maim. Many have tried to assert some kind of control over the army, but any success is short lived, as the used-to-be-children quickly get bored and want to kill something else.</p> <p><strong>Kevin</strong></p> <div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="alignleft"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="70" height="34" data-attachment-id="9696" data-permalink="" data-orig-file="" data-orig-size="70,34" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"}" data-image-title="WizWiz" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-9696" data-recalc-dims="1"/></figure></div> <p>He used to be a decent enough guy: quiet, never late for work, always polite to people. Then he turned 32 and it was like a switch got flipped in his brain. He put on a robe, started insisting that he was a powerful sorcerer, constantly makes allusions to his ‘dark plans.’ It was offputting, but he still did his job, so people mostly just tried to ignore him.</p> <p>What nobody realizes is that Kevin actually is spending his evenings attempting to summon a devil. Soon he will succeed, and manage to trade his soul for some of the dark powers he lusts for.</p> <p><strong>Outraged Obbo</strong></p> <div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="alignleft"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="76" height="47" data-attachment-id="9697" data-permalink="" data-orig-file="" data-orig-size="76,47" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"}" data-image-title="Wormie" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-9697" data-recalc-dims="1"/></figure></div> <p>Obbos have a rigid, traditionalist sense of morality. They are easily shocked by anything that might be considered inappropriate. They are also frail creatures, prone to heart problems. So even something as simple as seeing a woman wearing pants, or two men kissing one another, might be enough to kill an Obbo. Obviously, the Obbos themselves are not really much of a danger, as they can be easily killed with a string of mild cuss-words. However, killing an Obbo also causes it to stop excreting <em>Liquid Euphoria</em> while it sleeps. When the people who are used to enjoying that delightful tincture discover that their supply has been cut off, they may become predisposed to violence.</p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> <footer class="entry-footer"> <span class="date-author"><span class="posted-on">Posted on <a href="" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date published" datetime="2017-11-26T06:30:29-08:00">November 26, 2017</time><time class="updated" datetime="2018-11-04T21:07:28-08:00">November 4, 2018</time></a></span><span class="byline"> by <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="">LS</a></span></span></span><span class="cat-links">Posted in <a href="" rel="category tag">Merciless Monsters</a></span><span class="comments-link"><a href="">Leave a comment</a></span> </footer><!-- .entry-footer --> </article><!-- #post-## --> <article id="post-8430" class="post-8430 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-merciless-monsters category-merciless-monsters-my-projects"> <header class="entry-header"> <h1 class="entry-title"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Miscreated Creatures: Arraku Arraku Arraku</a></h1> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <div class="entry-content"> <p>One last peek into Miscreated Creatures. I hope you all have been enjoying these posts. As of now my life should be a little more under control, and I should finally be able to dedicate a more reasonable amount of my time to writing work. These last few months have really torn through my post buffer, and I haven’t been able to do much to replenish it.</p> <div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="aligncenter"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="863" height="484" data-attachment-id="9701" data-permalink="" data-orig-file="" data-orig-size="1167,654" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"}" data-image-title="034_Gristlelock_Art-Concept" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-9701" srcset=" 1167w, 300w, 768w, 1024w, 863w, 193w" sizes="(max-width: 863px) 100vw, 863px" data-recalc-dims="1" /></figure></div> <h3 class="wp-block-heading" style="text-align:center"><strong>Arraku Arraku Arraku</strong></h3> <p style="text-align:center">(Intelligent)(Unique)</p> <p style="text-align:center"><strong>AC 0, 8 HD + 32HP, Move 120’(40’), 1 Atk for 1d6, Morale 12<br></strong><strong>Head AC: 13</strong></p> <p>It is unclear if the body of Arraku Arraku Arraku is infinite, or merely surrounded with a complex series of undetectable portals. If one were to find her body and walk beside its length away from her head, they would find themselves back where they started before they found her tail. Yet they would detect no sudden change in the environment suggesting magical teleportation. And no one has ever stumbled upon her tail to begin with, ever.</p> <p>Arraku Arraku Arraku (This is her name. To shorten it would not be her name. To call her by a name which is not hers would be a grave insult), is a snake-like creature with a flat, 5’ wide body. She secretes a sticky, viscous fluid which pools on her back to a 1” depth. She slides slowly through subterranean passages, her long body trailing behind her, never stopping even to sleep. She has an uncanny knack not to be noticed by anyone who isn’t actively searching the floor for danger. And anyone who carelessly walks over her back will be stuck.</p> <p>Upon feeling the familiar tugs of struggle on her back, Arraku Arraku Arraku will fold back over herself, flipping her head onto her own back, and sliding along her length upside-down with her mouth open, ready to swallow whomever has succumbed to her trap.</p> <ul class="wp-block-list"><li>If the lead character is not testing the floor when Arraku^3 is encountered, they will step on her back and become stuck. Arraku Arraku Arraku detects this, and her head will arrive in 1d10 rounds.</li><li>Hitting her body is as easy as hitting a rug on the floor, it’s an automatic success. However, any weapons used to attack her will become stuck after dealing damage, and can’t be used again.</li><li>When her head arrives, she will begin to twist her body back and forth, slamming any stuck characters into the walls and floor for 1d6 damage each round, + Save v. Paralyzation to avoid losing hold of any held weapons or items. If there are other characters in melee range, Arraku^3 may attempt to hit them with their companion using an attack roll. On success, 1d6 damage is dealt to both characters.</li><li>Once a stuck character is properly subdued and weaponless, Arraku^3 will slide forward and distend her jaw to swallow her victim whole.</li><li>If she is so inclined for whatever reason, her breath neutralizes the sticky substance on her back, so she can free any stuck characters by breathing on their feet, which is accompanied by an overpowering peppermint scent.</li></ul> <p>Whomever delivers the killing blow to Arraku Arraku Arraku is granted immunity to the next sticky trap they encounter, be it a web, or some other goo. The character can walk through it as though it isn’t even there.</p> <p>Upon her death, the sticky goo will become inert and watery. It will overflow onto the floors as her body becomes a brown and withered husk. So brittle it will break under any pressure. But even in death, you’ll never find her tail.</p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> <footer class="entry-footer"> <span class="date-author"><span class="posted-on">Posted on <a href="" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date published" datetime="2017-11-19T06:30:14-08:00">November 19, 2017</time><time class="updated" datetime="2018-11-04T21:27:01-08:00">November 4, 2018</time></a></span><span class="byline"> by <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="">LS</a></span></span></span><span class="cat-links">Posted in <a href="" rel="category tag">Merciless Monsters</a>, <a href="" rel="category tag">Miscreated Creatures</a></span><span class="comments-link"><a href="">Leave a comment</a></span> </footer><!-- .entry-footer --> </article><!-- #post-## --> <article id="post-8398" class="post-8398 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-merciless-monsters category-merciless-monsters-my-projects"> <header class="entry-header"> <h1 class="entry-title"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Miscreated Creatures: Buzzbeard</a></h1> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <div class="entry-content"> <div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="aligncenter"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="768" height="1137" data-attachment-id="9704" data-permalink="" data-orig-file="" data-orig-size="768,1137" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"}" data-image-title="069_Flybeard_Art-Concept" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-9704" srcset=" 768w, 203w, 692w, 73w" sizes="(max-width: 768px) 100vw, 768px" data-recalc-dims="1" /></figure></div> <p>Another entry from <em>Miscreated Creatures</em>:</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading" style="text-align:center">Buzzbeard</h3> <p style="text-align:center"><strong>Armor 15, Move 120’ (40’), 4hd , 2 Antennae 2d4, Morale 9</strong></p> <p>Some gods really aren’t supposed to be creating anything. It’s beyond their purview. But, like us, sometimes the gods break the rules. The Buzzbeard should not exist. The god that created them should never have made any creature, but he defied that dictate of the universe, and, predictably, an abomination resulted. The god was destroyed in the act, and forgotten by all who worshiped him. Only the Buzzbeards remember his name, and only as a foolish, arrogant sinner.</p> <p>There are 18 Buzzbeards in total, and everything about them is grotesque. As though they were made to intentionally flout any sense of aesthetics. Their rudimentary language is composed entirely of croaking, and the buzzing of their insect-wing beards. They smell of mildew.</p> <ul class="wp-block-list"><li>With its eyes glowing a dull red color, the Buzzbeard can mark everyone in a 60’ arc each round. No save is allowed unless a character is already behind partial cover, in which case they may attempt a save versus Breath to avoid being marked. Marked characters glow the same shade of dull red as the Buzzbeard’s eyes, including their clothing and any equipment they have. This glow illuminates up to a 60’ radius, and requires that an additional encounter die must be rolled every exploration turn per marked character. The mark will disappear if the character is touched by natural sunlight.</li><li>Buzzbeards always know where everyone they’ve marked is. They will ambush marked characters at the most inopportune times they can.</li><li>The Buzzbeard has four antennae-like appendages on their heads, which function like spears. These appendages attack in pairs, and a pair deals 2d4 damage. On a successful hit, if the antennae deal 4 or more damage, they become lodged in the target and cannot be removed without dealing an additional 1d8 damage.</li><li>The Buzzbeard’s main goal is to spread disease via its bite. But the shape of its face makes biting difficult. Once the creature is attached to their prey via their lodged antennae-spears, they can make a bite attack at +2. The bite deals no damage, but requires a save versus Poison. Once they’ve successfully bitten, they will dislodge themselves and retreat until they can attempt to surprise their prey once again. Characters who fail their save gain a disease called Yellow Flux.</li><li>Yellow Flux causes a banana-yellow pus to ooze from the bite wound. Every day after the bite the character should randomly determine one ability score, and permanently lose 1 point from that score, and must save versus Poison a second time. After the first failed save, the flow will increase and the ability score loss will increase to 3 a day. After the second failed save, the pus will begin to spray from the wound like a firehose, with enough force to knock someone off their feet. This process is excruciatingly painful as all of the fluids are drained from the dying character’s body. After a minute or so the spray will stop, leaving only a dry, withered husk behind. <em>Cure Disease</em> is sufficient to end the process. It is also worthy of note that the pus itself is absolutely delicious. It can be enjoyed plain, mixed with salt or liquor, and it’s also a superb marinade for both chicken and pork. (This is why the disease is sometimes referred to as “sweet flux”)</li></ul> <p>Buzzbeards are intelligent, but their intelligence is broken. They were created knowing everything that they can know. While their range of knowledge is impressive, they can never learn anything new. They might be able to understand a sentence, and they could respond to it, but they would be unable to repeat it.</p> <p>One of the most important things they know that a Buzzbeard should always be the supreme being in its own environment. This is why two Buzzbeards will always retreat from one another, in acknowledgement that neither’s supremacy should be challenged by the other. There is a fairly exhaustive list in their minds of which creatures are greater than them, and which creatures are lesser. Humans, Dwarfs, and Halflings are most certainly superior to Buzzbeards, which is why the presence of humans is so enraging. The presence of a human forces the Buzzbeard to be an inferior creature. Elves, notably, are considered an inferior creature and may pass through a Buzzbeard’s presence peacefully.</p> <p>If two Buzzbeards are forced into the same environment, they will tear each other to pieces. If a Buzzbeard can somehow be tricked into looking directly at the sun, a fire ignites within its brain, and it immolates from the inside out.</p> <p>Whomever delivers a killing blow to a Buzzbeard will briefly know the location of every other Buzzbeard in existence. There are only 18 total, and they all live and hunt within a 15’ mile radius. Likewise, each of the remaining Buzzbeards will know the face of the creature that slew one of their number.</p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> <footer class="entry-footer"> <span class="date-author"><span class="posted-on">Posted on <a href="" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date published" datetime="2017-11-15T06:30:00-08:00">November 15, 2017</time><time class="updated" datetime="2018-11-04T21:29:02-08:00">November 4, 2018</time></a></span><span class="byline"> by <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="">LS</a></span></span></span><span class="cat-links">Posted in <a href="" rel="category tag">Merciless Monsters</a>, <a href="" rel="category tag">Miscreated Creatures</a></span><span class="comments-link"><a href="">Leave a comment</a></span> </footer><!-- .entry-footer --> </article><!-- #post-## --> <article id="post-8424" class="post-8424 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-merciless-monsters category-merciless-monsters-my-projects"> <header class="entry-header"> <h1 class="entry-title"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Miscreated Creatures: Revisiting the Rotocula</a></h1> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <div class="entry-content"> <div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="aligncenter"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="300" height="300" data-attachment-id="9707" data-permalink="" data-orig-file="" data-orig-size="300,300" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"}" data-image-title="Plastic-Rolling-Eyeball" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-9707" srcset=" 300w, 150w, 108w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" data-recalc-dims="1" /></figure></div> <p>At some point, as a young college student, I heard some quote or other about how it was impossible for humans to imagine a truly unique creature. All the various mythological beasts are just combinations of different animals: the head of a this, the body of a that, and the tail of another thing. I don’t recall where this quote came from. It might have been something Rene Descartes said while trying to provide rational evidence of god, but google isn’t backing me up on that.</p> <p>Regardless, as a young man who had always prided himself on his ability to come up with new creatures, I took this as a challenge. Could I come up with a body part for a creature that had no analogue in the natural world?</p> <p>After some thought, I came up with an orb which would spin in a fleshy socket, allowing a creature to roll on a kind of organic wheel. I was proud of myself for the originality, despite failing to actually disprove the proposition. All I had really done is take an eyeball, sever the optic nerve, and make it a foot. I could claim creativity, but not originality.</p> <p>Anyway, the idea stuck with me, and five years ago when this blog was just starting to hit its stride, I used the idea to create a sexually dimorphic creature called The Rotocula. <a href="">The Male Rotocula</a> was my 11th entry in the Merciless Monsters series, and <a href="">the Female Rotocula</a> was the 12th. Both are dragged down by being Pathfinder monsters. Lots of pointless statblocks and mechanical information, without any real life to them beyond a clever idea.</p> <p>When I got started on Miscreated Creatures, I knew I wanted to revisit the idea to see what could be done better. Here is the result:</p> <div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="aligncenter"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="426" height="453" data-attachment-id="9708" data-permalink="" data-orig-file="" data-orig-size="426,453" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"}" data-image-title="rotocula-female" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-9708" srcset=" 426w, 282w, 102w" sizes="(max-width: 426px) 100vw, 426px" data-recalc-dims="1" /></figure></div> <h3 class="wp-block-heading" style="text-align:center"><strong>Rotocula (Female)</strong></h3> <p style="text-align:center">(Unintelligent)(Solitary)</p> <p style="text-align:center"><strong>Armor 12, 10 HD + 35 HP, Move 420’(140’), 1 Atk for 1d12/Xd6, Morale 9</strong></p> <p>Rotocula are a sexually dimorphic species. The females and males have significant differences in their anatomy, requiring separate entries for the genders.</p> <p>Female rotocula appear to be an elongated lump of sagging blue skin, with a head on one end and a short tail on the other. On its back is a white diamond shape, matched by the white underside of the tail. The female rotocula has a vertical mouth which completely bisects its head, and can be opened wide enough for the tongue and tonsils to be in front of the teeth.</p> <p>Rotocula move on a set of wet, rotating orbs. Alzazi the Bloody Hand, a wizard who captured and dissected a number of these creatures, wrote:</p> <p>“These strange appendages–I hesitates to term them ‘feet’–are not (as heretofore suspected) completely unique. Upon vivisection, it cannot be ignored that these spheres closely resemble an organ found in our own bodies: the eye. Without the binding tassel of the optic nerve, it is allowed to roll freely, lending the creature a remarkable level of speed and silence of movement, but denying it the ability to travel outside the flatlands of its home.” -Alzazi the Bloody Hand, Archmage of the First Rank, from his seminal work, “Aberrant Anatomy”</p> <ul class="wp-block-list"><li>Female rotocula prefer to attack victims which are fleeing by keeping pace with them, and moving forward to envelop them in their jaws. On a successful attack roll, the target takes 1d12 damage and is swallowed whole. (Standard swallowed whole rules apply)</li><li>If the female rotocula’s prey is standing still or moving towards her, she tends to clumsily slam into her target with force. On a successful attack roll, this deals 1d6 damage for each 30’ of movement traveled this round to <em>both</em> the target and the rotocula. (1d6 if the rotocula/target moved 30’ this round, 2d6 if they moved 60’, etc.)</li><li>Due to their high rate of speed, poor stopping power, and leading with the soft tissue of their mouths, female rotocula take x4 damage from weapons which have been set to receive a charge, and have a 5-in-6 chance to break any such weapon into pieces.</li><li>Female rotocula have a 5-in-6 stealth skill for the purposes of moving silently over flat terrain. If they must also hide from visual detection while moving, their stealth skill is only 1-in-6.</li><li>While the female rotocula is perfectly adapted to movement through the flatlands of its home, any kind of rough terrain provides a significant obstacle. Underbrush or trees do not hinder them, but any attempt to enter rocky terrain puts them in danger of getting stuck without purchase for their ‘wheels.’</li><li>The first time the referee would normally roll the female rotocula’s morale, she instead raises her tail and bellows a mating chirp that echoes loudly. There is a one-time chance that there are male rotocula nearby who will respond to the call and come defend their potential mate. Roll 1d20: <ul><li><strong>1-13: No male Rotocula nearby.</strong></li><li>14-17: A single male rotocula comes to assist in 1d6 rounds.</li><li>18-19: Two male rotocula come to assist, roll 1d6 for each.</li><li>20: Three male rotocula come to assist, roll 1d6 for each</li></ul> </li></ul> <p>Whether or not any male rotocula are around, the next time the referee would check for morale they should do so normally.</p> <p>While there is a kind of skull on each side of the female’s bisected head, only one side has a brain. Which side varies between individual specimens. There is a noticeable visual weakness from the eye on the non-brain side. It only vaguely sees hints of color and motion. If the weaker visual side is identified, it could be exploited by characters wishing to slay or trap the creature.</p> <p>When mating, the female opens her mouth to its maximum degree. The male must place his snout in her throat. Once the act is complete, the female’s jaws snap closed, killing her mate.</p> <p>While not ‘minions’ per se, it is notable that female rotocula don’t view insect people as prey. Often, small groups of insect people will climb on the backs of a rotocula to spend days feeding on the parasites that live there. If the rotocula is threatened while they are present, they attack with bows or by spitting acid.</p> <div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="aligncenter"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="424" height="454" data-attachment-id="9709" data-permalink="" data-orig-file="" data-orig-size="424,454" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"}" data-image-title="rotocula-male" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-9709" srcset=" 424w, 280w, 101w" sizes="(max-width: 424px) 100vw, 424px" data-recalc-dims="1" /></figure></div> <h3 class="wp-block-heading" style="text-align:center"><strong>Rotocula (Male)</strong></h3> <p style="text-align:center">(Animal Intelligence)(Solitary, or Mounds of 1d4 + 1)</p> <p style="text-align:center"><strong>AC 16, 6 HD, Move 360’(120’), 1 Atk for Xd8, Morale 7</strong></p> <p>Male Rotocula have sagging, reddish-brown skin. When they draw their three trunk-like legs up inside their bodies, it’s easy to mistake them for a pile of mud or dirt. They spend much of their time concealed like this, waiting for prey to wander into their territory. When they spring up, they move by rolling the three spheres at the end of their legs, much like the female does. Allowing them to move incredible speeds over flat terrain, but limiting them significantly elsewhere. The male’s mouth, filled with yellow teeth, is at the end of a fatty snout appendage dangling from beneath its body.</p> <ul class="wp-block-list"><li>Characters who do not notice a hiding male Rotocula have a 4-in-6 chance of being surprised when it attacks.</li><li>Rotocula have a 6-in-6 stealth skill for the purposes of moving silently over flat terrain, or disguising themselves as a pile of dirt. If they must also hide from visual detection while moving, their stealth skill is only 2-in-6.</li><li>Thanks to their legs, male Rotocula are less hindered by rough terrain than the females are. They can move up to 90’(30’) in any terrain which they cannot reasonably roll through.</li><li>Male Rotocula attack by slamming their heavy bodies into targets, dealing 1d8 damage for every 30’ of movement between themselves and their target at the start of the round. (1d8 if they must travel 30’ to attack, 2d8 if they must travel 60’ to attack, and so on, to a maximum of 4d8). A successful hit roll is required for this attack to succeed.</li><li>Due to their high rate of speed and poor stopping power, male Rotocula take x2 damage from weapons which have been set to receive a charge, and have a 5-in-6 chance to break any such weapon into pieces.</li></ul> <p>Duchess Annabelle Drocellia, a student of the anatomical sciences, once successfully removed the creature’s brain and most of its internal organs and rode it around from the inside like a kind of carriage by pulling at the creature’s various ligaments. The body quickly atrophied and ceased to function further, and her notes on her methodology are spotty. But it is theoretically possible to turn the male’s corpse into a kind of rudimentary automobile.</p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> <footer class="entry-footer"> <span class="date-author"><span class="posted-on">Posted on <a href="" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date published" datetime="2017-11-12T06:30:10-08:00">November 12, 2017</time><time class="updated" datetime="2019-02-01T14:22:48-08:00">February 1, 2019</time></a></span><span class="byline"> by <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="">LS</a></span></span></span><span class="cat-links">Posted in <a href="" rel="category tag">Merciless Monsters</a>, <a href="" rel="category tag">Miscreated Creatures</a></span><span class="comments-link"><a href="">Leave a comment</a></span> </footer><!-- .entry-footer --> </article><!-- #post-## --> <article id="post-8388" class="post-8388 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-merciless-monsters category-merciless-monsters-my-projects"> <header class="entry-header"> <h1 class="entry-title"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Miscreated Creatures: The Ugly Thing</a></h1> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <div class="entry-content"> <div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="aligncenter"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="300" height="457" data-attachment-id="9712" data-permalink="" data-orig-file="" data-orig-size="300,457" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"}" data-image-title="gurner-1" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-9712" srcset=" 300w, 197w, 71w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" data-recalc-dims="1" /></figure></div> <p>Remember that monster book I’ve been writing for like…five years now? I’ve mostly been playing it pretty close to my chest, but I don’t have time to get a proper post written, so <em>lucky you,</em> here’s one of my monsters. I hope you enjoy it.</p> <p>And now I’m writing a second introductory paragraph, because I really want to alight that image to the right, given its dimensions, but the header refuses to alight properly, and it’ll just be easier if I make up something to go in this space.</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading" style="text-align:center">The Ugly Thing</h3> <p style="text-align:center">(As intelligent as a severely developmentally disabled human)</p> <p style="text-align:center"><strong>Armor 14, Move 120’ (40’), 4 Hit Dice, 2 Bites 1d8, Morale 5</strong></p> <p>Its eye is too big, it has too many mouths, it produces a rancid smell and a variety of strange fluids from incorrect places. This thing is an ugly thing, and no one could ever love it. That is the strongly held belief of The Ugly Thing, and much as one might be moved to pity its body image issues, you’d be hard pressed to come up with a convincing counter-argument.</p> <ul class="wp-block-list"><li>The The Ugly Thing is obsessed with the forms of beautiful humans, and expresses this obsession through taxidermy. It’s probably the foremost expert on human taxidermy in the world, but even still the process is ugly, and never really produces perfect results.</li><li>The creature can temporarily alleviate its self loathing by shrouding itself beneath an illusion. Each of these false forms matches the appearance of one of the taxidermied humans back in its lair, complete with lumpy skin and stitches. Given the odd appearance of these forms, anyone specifically paying attention to The Ugly Thing within 15’ can automatically disbelieve the illusion. Anyone standing further away must make a save versus Magic. Because of the ease with which its illusions can be shattered, The Ugly Thing does its best to avoid attention when it moves in public.</li><li>If discovered, the The Ugly Thing will charge, spinning its arms like windmills. Hollows in its jaws cause a eerie, high-pitched whistling sound that strikes hard at the fear center of the human brain. Any human NPCs must make an immediate loyalty check or flee.</li><li>When attacking from surprise, the The Ugly Thing gets a +4 to its attack roll, and deals x4 damage.</li><li>In addition to normal damage, the creature’s right arm deals 1 point of Intelligence damage on a successful hit, and the left arm deals 1 point of Wisdom damage.</li><li>Anyone struck by both hands must make a save versus Poison as the creature’s venoms combines within their system. On failure, their brain begins to heat up. Veins bulge, and the character seizes for a few rounds before falling unconscious for the next hour. In this state, it’s easy to drag them off to become their attacker’s next taxidermy project, if they’re attractive enough to deserve it.</li><li>By focusing its eye on a location for 1 round, the The Ugly Thing can teleport to that location.</li></ul> <p>A wizard with more money than charm or sense wished to make a perfect mate for himself. A demure creature of radiant beauty. Instead The Ugly Thing crawled from his vats. A being cursed with strong aesthetic sensibilities, but no aesthetic beauty of its own.</p> <p>The Ugly Thing killed its ‘lover’ when the wizard decided to put his monstrosity out of its misery. In an emotional frenzy, the poor creature then used the wizard’s laboratory to haphazardly summon a demon and beg for beauty. But The Ugly Thing is a stupid creature. It did a poor job of its summoning, and if its plight had not so amused the demon it might have been destroyed. Instead it was given its strange powers. Given the ability to wear whatever beauty it could steal, but only unconvincingly.</p> <p>The Ugly Thing inherited its lair from its creator, filled with poorly tended magical oddities. Most of these have withered, or rotted, or run out of fuel in the years they’ve been left untended. In their place are dozens upon dozens of taxidermied humans, the menagerie of forms The Ugly Thing may take. The lair is a building in the midst of a thick copse of buildings. The doors and windows beneath the 3rd floor are fakeries, and the only access is via a secret door 3 blocks away, which leads into a tunnel. If found, the contents of the lair will resolve dozens of local missing persons cases.</p> <p>At some point the The Ugly Thing met the Xepolon, who felt some pity for this lesser being whose very existence was like a cruel cosmic joke. Xepolon crafted a pair of mechanical wooden hands of remarkable quality, which The Ugly Thing could operate with its twin mouths. They are delicate contraptions, kept in a velvet lined box in The Ugly Thing’s lair. It wears them only to perform its taxidermy. In exchange for a few private tasks, the Xepolon also gave The Ugly Thing a pair of its 3 ½’ tall wooden automota, to assist it in the activities of daily living.</p> <div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="alignright is-resized"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" data-attachment-id="9713" data-permalink="" data-orig-file="" data-orig-size="336,951" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"}" data-image-title="070_Fakerboy_Art-Concept" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" tabindex="0" role="button" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-9713" width="207" height="585" srcset=" 336w, 106w, 38w" sizes="(max-width: 207px) 100vw, 207px" data-recalc-dims="1" /></figure></div> <p>If any of the PCs have a Charisma score of 15 or higher, and aren’t an uggo for some reason, The Ugly Thing will covet their beauty. It will attempt to capture them and drag them back to its lair, where it can kill them and taxidermy their fresh corpse. If all the players’ Charsimas are lower than that, The Ugly Thing will have no particular quarrel with them. It may even be willing to deal magical oddities in exchange for subjects of exceptional beauty.</p> <p>Unsurprisingly, Charisma is important to the creature. It has 4 Charisma itself. 1 point of Charisma damage dealt to the creature translates into horrible physical and psychological harm, dealing 20 points of hp damage. If its Charisma is somehow raised to 15, then the failures of the wizard are undone. The creature transforms into a beautiful and demure… (1-5. Man, 6-10. Woman 11-12. Hermaphrodite)</p> <p>The mechanical hands of The Ugly Thing are superb quality treasure, and if a character replaces their own hands with the wooden ones, it will improve their dexterity by 1. The hands are lacquered and resistant to fire, though if the character takes more than 10 damage from fire, they’ll have to make a save versus Paralyzation to protect their hands.</p> <p>Whomever makes the killing blow against The Ugly Thing briefly inherits its obsession with its own appearance, which affects their morale for good or ill. The character adds their Charisma modifier to their attacks for the next week of game time.<br><br> </p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> <footer class="entry-footer"> <span class="date-author"><span class="posted-on">Posted on <a href="" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date published" datetime="2017-11-05T06:30:11-08:00">November 5, 2017</time><time class="updated" datetime="2018-11-04T21:49:59-08:00">November 4, 2018</time></a></span><span class="byline"> by <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="">LS</a></span></span></span><span class="cat-links">Posted in <a href="" rel="category tag">Merciless Monsters</a>, <a href="" rel="category tag">Miscreated Creatures</a></span><span class="comments-link"><a href="">Leave a comment</a></span> </footer><!-- .entry-footer --> </article><!-- #post-## --> </main><!-- #main --> </div><!-- #primary --> <div id="secondary" class="widget-area" role="complementary"> <div class="left-sidebar"> <aside id="block-12" class="widget 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title='April'>April <span class="monthCount">(1)</span> </a> <div style='display:none' id='collapsArch-2021-4:block-15'> </div> </li> <!-- close expanded month --> <li class='collapsing-archives expand'><span title='click to expand' class='collapsing-archives expand'><span class='sym'>►</span></span><a href='' title='February'>February <span class="monthCount">(1)</span> </a> <div style='display:none' id='collapsArch-2021-2:block-15'> </div> </li> <!-- close expanded month --> <li class='collapsing-archives expand'><span title='click to expand' class='collapsing-archives expand'><span class='sym'>►</span></span><a href='' title='January'>January <span class="monthCount">(1)</span> </a> <div style='display:none' id='collapsArch-2021-1:block-15'> </div> </li> <!-- close expanded month --> </ul> </div> </li> <!-- end year --> <li class='collapsing-archives expand'><span title='click to expand' class='collapsing-archives expand'><span class='sym'>►</span></span><a href=''>2020 <span 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</div> </li> <!-- close expanded month --> <li class='collapsing-archives expand'><span title='click to expand' class='collapsing-archives expand'><span class='sym'>►</span></span><a href='' title='February'>February <span class="monthCount">(2)</span> </a> <div style='display:none' id='collapsArch-2020-2:block-15'> </div> </li> <!-- close expanded month --> <li class='collapsing-archives expand'><span title='click to expand' class='collapsing-archives expand'><span class='sym'>►</span></span><a href='' title='January'>January <span class="monthCount">(1)</span> </a> <div style='display:none' id='collapsArch-2020-1:block-15'> </div> </li> <!-- close expanded month --> </ul> </div> </li> <!-- end year --> <li class='collapsing-archives expand'><span title='click to expand' class='collapsing-archives expand'><span class='sym'>►</span></span><a href=''>2019 <span class="yearCount">(19)</span> </a> <div style='display:none' id='collapsArch-2019:block-15'> <ul> <li class='collapsing-archives expand'><span title='click to expand' class='collapsing-archives expand'><span class='sym'>►</span></span><a href='' title='December'>December <span class="monthCount">(3)</span> </a> <div style='display:none' id='collapsArch-2019-12:block-15'> </div> </li> <!-- close expanded month --> <li class='collapsing-archives expand'><span title='click to expand' class='collapsing-archives expand'><span class='sym'>►</span></span><a href='' title='August'>August <span class="monthCount">(1)</span> </a> <div style='display:none' id='collapsArch-2019-8:block-15'> </div> </li> <!-- close expanded month --> <li class='collapsing-archives expand'><span title='click to expand' class='collapsing-archives expand'><span class='sym'>►</span></span><a href='' title='July'>July <span class="monthCount">(3)</span> </a> <div style='display:none' id='collapsArch-2019-7:block-15'> </div> </li> <!-- close expanded month --> <li class='collapsing-archives expand'><span title='click to 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class='sym'>►</span></span><a href='' title='February'>February <span class="monthCount">(3)</span> </a> <div style='display:none' id='collapsArch-2019-2:block-15'> </div> </li> <!-- close expanded month --> <li class='collapsing-archives expand'><span title='click to expand' class='collapsing-archives expand'><span class='sym'>►</span></span><a href='' title='January'>January <span class="monthCount">(3)</span> </a> <div style='display:none' id='collapsArch-2019-1:block-15'> </div> </li> <!-- close expanded month --> </ul> </div> </li> <!-- end year --> <li class='collapsing-archives expand'><span title='click to expand' class='collapsing-archives expand'><span class='sym'>►</span></span><a href=''>2018 <span class="yearCount">(64)</span> </a> <div style='display:none' id='collapsArch-2018:block-15'> <ul> <li class='collapsing-archives expand'><span title='click to expand' class='collapsing-archives expand'><span class='sym'>►</span></span><a href='' title='December'>December <span 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style='display:none' id='collapsArch-2018-9:block-15'> </div> </li> <!-- close expanded month --> <li class='collapsing-archives expand'><span title='click to expand' class='collapsing-archives expand'><span class='sym'>►</span></span><a href='' title='August'>August <span class="monthCount">(4)</span> </a> <div style='display:none' id='collapsArch-2018-8:block-15'> </div> </li> <!-- close expanded month --> <li class='collapsing-archives expand'><span title='click to expand' class='collapsing-archives expand'><span class='sym'>►</span></span><a href='' title='July'>July <span class="monthCount">(7)</span> </a> <div style='display:none' id='collapsArch-2018-7:block-15'> </div> </li> <!-- close expanded month --> <li class='collapsing-archives expand'><span title='click to expand' class='collapsing-archives expand'><span class='sym'>►</span></span><a href='' title='June'>June <span class="monthCount">(11)</span> </a> <div style='display:none' id='collapsArch-2018-6:block-15'> </div> </li> <!-- close expanded month --> <li class='collapsing-archives expand'><span title='click to expand' class='collapsing-archives expand'><span class='sym'>►</span></span><a href='' title='May'>May <span class="monthCount">(5)</span> </a> <div style='display:none' id='collapsArch-2018-5:block-15'> </div> </li> <!-- close expanded month --> <li class='collapsing-archives expand'><span title='click to expand' class='collapsing-archives expand'><span class='sym'>►</span></span><a href='' title='April'>April <span class="monthCount">(6)</span> </a> <div style='display:none' id='collapsArch-2018-4:block-15'> </div> </li> <!-- close expanded month --> <li class='collapsing-archives expand'><span title='click to expand' class='collapsing-archives expand'><span class='sym'>►</span></span><a href='' title='March'>March <span class="monthCount">(9)</span> </a> <div style='display:none' id='collapsArch-2018-3:block-15'> </div> </li> <!-- close expanded month --> <li class='collapsing-archives 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href='' title='September'>September <span class="monthCount">(7)</span> </a> <div style='display:none' id='collapsArch-2017-9:block-15'> </div> </li> <!-- close expanded month --> <li class='collapsing-archives expand'><span title='click to expand' class='collapsing-archives expand'><span class='sym'>►</span></span><a href='' title='August'>August <span class="monthCount">(6)</span> </a> <div style='display:none' id='collapsArch-2017-8:block-15'> </div> </li> <!-- close expanded month --> <li class='collapsing-archives expand'><span title='click to expand' class='collapsing-archives expand'><span class='sym'>►</span></span><a href='' title='July'>July <span class="monthCount">(6)</span> </a> <div style='display:none' id='collapsArch-2017-7:block-15'> </div> </li> <!-- close expanded month --> <li class='collapsing-archives expand'><span title='click to expand' class='collapsing-archives expand'><span class='sym'>►</span></span><a href='' title='June'>June <span 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id='collapsArch-2017-3:block-15'> </div> </li> <!-- close expanded month --> <li class='collapsing-archives expand'><span title='click to expand' class='collapsing-archives expand'><span class='sym'>►</span></span><a href='' title='February'>February <span class="monthCount">(6)</span> </a> <div style='display:none' id='collapsArch-2017-2:block-15'> </div> </li> <!-- close expanded month --> <li class='collapsing-archives expand'><span title='click to expand' class='collapsing-archives expand'><span class='sym'>►</span></span><a href='' title='January'>January <span class="monthCount">(6)</span> </a> <div style='display:none' id='collapsArch-2017-1:block-15'> </div> </li> <!-- close expanded month --> </ul> </div> </li> <!-- end year --> <li class='collapsing-archives expand'><span title='click to expand' class='collapsing-archives expand'><span class='sym'>►</span></span><a href=''>2016 <span class="yearCount">(54)</span> </a> <div style='display:none' id='collapsArch-2016:block-15'> <ul> <li class='collapsing-archives expand'><span title='click to expand' class='collapsing-archives expand'><span class='sym'>►</span></span><a href='' title='December'>December <span class="monthCount">(5)</span> </a> <div style='display:none' id='collapsArch-2016-12:block-15'> </div> </li> <!-- close expanded month --> <li class='collapsing-archives expand'><span title='click to expand' class='collapsing-archives expand'><span class='sym'>►</span></span><a href='' title='November'>November <span class="monthCount">(4)</span> </a> <div style='display:none' id='collapsArch-2016-11:block-15'> </div> </li> <!-- close expanded month --> <li class='collapsing-archives expand'><span title='click to expand' class='collapsing-archives expand'><span class='sym'>►</span></span><a href='' title='October'>October <span class="monthCount">(5)</span> </a> <div style='display:none' id='collapsArch-2016-10:block-15'> </div> </li> <!-- close expanded month --> <li class='collapsing-archives 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href='' title='March'>March <span class="monthCount">(6)</span> </a> <div style='display:none' id='collapsArch-2016-3:block-15'> </div> </li> <!-- close expanded month --> <li class='collapsing-archives expand'><span title='click to expand' class='collapsing-archives expand'><span class='sym'>►</span></span><a href='' title='February'>February <span class="monthCount">(6)</span> </a> <div style='display:none' id='collapsArch-2016-2:block-15'> </div> </li> <!-- close expanded month --> <li class='collapsing-archives expand'><span title='click to expand' class='collapsing-archives expand'><span class='sym'>►</span></span><a href='' title='January'>January <span class="monthCount">(4)</span> </a> <div style='display:none' id='collapsArch-2016-1:block-15'> </div> </li> <!-- close expanded month --> </ul> </div> </li> <!-- end year --> <li class='collapsing-archives expand'><span title='click to expand' class='collapsing-archives expand'><span class='sym'>►</span></span><a href=''>2015 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id='collapsArch-2015-10:block-15'> </div> </li> <!-- close expanded month --> <li class='collapsing-archives expand'><span title='click to expand' class='collapsing-archives expand'><span class='sym'>►</span></span><a href='' title='September'>September <span class="monthCount">(12)</span> </a> <div style='display:none' id='collapsArch-2015-9:block-15'> </div> </li> <!-- close expanded month --> <li class='collapsing-archives expand'><span title='click to expand' class='collapsing-archives expand'><span class='sym'>►</span></span><a href='' title='July'>July <span class="monthCount">(1)</span> </a> <div style='display:none' id='collapsArch-2015-7:block-15'> </div> </li> <!-- close expanded month --> <li class='collapsing-archives expand'><span title='click to expand' class='collapsing-archives expand'><span class='sym'>►</span></span><a href='' title='May'>May <span class="monthCount">(3)</span> </a> <div style='display:none' id='collapsArch-2015-5:block-15'> </div> </li> <!-- close expanded month --> <li class='collapsing-archives expand'><span title='click to expand' class='collapsing-archives expand'><span class='sym'>►</span></span><a href='' title='April'>April <span class="monthCount">(3)</span> </a> <div style='display:none' id='collapsArch-2015-4:block-15'> </div> </li> <!-- close expanded month --> <li class='collapsing-archives expand'><span title='click to expand' class='collapsing-archives expand'><span class='sym'>►</span></span><a href='' title='March'>March <span class="monthCount">(4)</span> </a> <div style='display:none' id='collapsArch-2015-3:block-15'> </div> </li> <!-- close expanded month --> <li class='collapsing-archives expand'><span title='click to expand' class='collapsing-archives expand'><span class='sym'>►</span></span><a href='' title='January'>January <span class="monthCount">(2)</span> </a> <div style='display:none' id='collapsArch-2015-1:block-15'> </div> </li> <!-- close expanded month --> </ul> </div> </li> <!-- end year --> <li class='collapsing-archives expand'><span title='click to expand' class='collapsing-archives expand'><span class='sym'>►</span></span><a href=''>2014 <span class="yearCount">(6)</span> </a> <div style='display:none' id='collapsArch-2014:block-15'> <ul> <li class='collapsing-archives expand'><span title='click to expand' class='collapsing-archives expand'><span class='sym'>►</span></span><a href='' title='December'>December <span class="monthCount">(1)</span> </a> <div style='display:none' id='collapsArch-2014-12:block-15'> </div> </li> <!-- close expanded month --> <li class='collapsing-archives expand'><span title='click to expand' class='collapsing-archives expand'><span class='sym'>►</span></span><a href='' title='February'>February <span class="monthCount">(1)</span> </a> <div style='display:none' id='collapsArch-2014-2:block-15'> </div> </li> <!-- close expanded month --> <li class='collapsing-archives expand'><span title='click to expand' class='collapsing-archives expand'><span 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collapsItems['collapsArch-2019-3:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Santicore 2017: d100 Alchemical Accidents\'>Santicore 2017: d100 Alchemical Accidents</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Free PDF: Mice with Legitimate Grievances\'>Free PDF: Mice with Legitimate Grievances</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Thoughts on \"The Financier\" by Daniel Dean\'>Thoughts on \"The Financier\" by Daniel Dean</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2019-2:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'No-Prep Social Encounters\'>No-Prep Social Encounters</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'I Stand with Mandy.\'>I Stand with Mandy.</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Legend of Zelda Adventure System\'>The Legend of Zelda Adventure System</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2019-1:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magic Words suck. Here\'s Magic in the Moment.\'>Magic Words suck. Here\'s Magic in the Moment.</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Fuck the King of Space: Post Mortem\'>Fuck the King of Space: Post Mortem</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Discovering Dungeon Moon: What is a God?\'>Discovering Dungeon Moon: What is a God?</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2018-12:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'D&D Christmas Carols: Here Comes an Owl Bear\'>D&D Christmas Carols: Here Comes an Owl Bear</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Discovering Dungeon Moon: What is Treasure?\'>Discovering Dungeon Moon: What is Treasure?</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Welcome to the New Papers & Pencils\'>Welcome to the New Papers & Pencils</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2018-11:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Death of Google+\'>The Death of Google+</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'\"All In One WP Migration\" is a scam.\'>\"All In One WP Migration\" is a scam.</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2018-10:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Papers & Pencils Has Been Hacked\'>Papers & Pencils Has Been Hacked</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2018-9:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Discovering Dungeon Moon: Base Camp\'>Discovering Dungeon Moon: Base Camp</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Developing a Setting: My Trouble with Dungeon Moon\'>Developing a Setting: My Trouble with Dungeon Moon</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Looking Back at \"The Standing Stone\" by John D. 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collapsItems['collapsArch-2018-3:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'They Came from the Silver Wheel\'>They Came from the Silver Wheel</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Are You Loyal to the Party?\'>Are You Loyal to the Party?</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Behaviors for The Level 1 Creature Generator\'>Behaviors for The Level 1 Creature Generator</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Daughter of Tangled Corpses: Part 5\'>Daughter of Tangled Corpses: Part 5</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Daughter of Tangled Corpses: Part 4\'>Daughter of Tangled Corpses: Part 4</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Daughter of Tangled Corpses: Part 3\'>Daughter of Tangled Corpses: Part 3</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Daughter of Tangled Corpses: Part 2\'>Daughter of Tangled Corpses: Part 2</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Daughter of Tangled Corpses: Part 1\'>Daughter of Tangled Corpses: Part 1</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Fuck the King of Space: Players Guide v0.2\'>Fuck the King of Space: Players Guide v0.2</a></li></ul>'; 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collapsItems['collapsArch-2017-10:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Boardgame/RPG Hybrid\'>The Boardgame/RPG Hybrid</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Trick or Treating with NPCs\'>Trick or Treating with NPCs</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Neve Canri\'>Neve Canri</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'NES OSR Bestiary 3: Castlevania\'>NES OSR Bestiary 3: Castlevania</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'NES OSR Bestiary 2: Ninja Gaiden 2\'>NES OSR Bestiary 2: Ninja Gaiden 2</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'NES OSR Bestiary 1: Dragon Warrior\'>NES OSR Bestiary 1: Dragon Warrior</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2017-9:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'15 Movement-Based Magic Items\'>15 Movement-Based Magic Items</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'How to Keep Your Friends Alive When Everything Seems to Want Them Dead\'>How to Keep Your Friends Alive When Everything Seems to Want Them Dead</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'If You're Not Metagaming, You're Not Trying Hard Enough\'>If You're Not Metagaming, You're Not Trying Hard Enough</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'d100 Materials your Post-Apocalyptic Armor is Made From\'>d100 Materials your Post-Apocalyptic Armor is Made From</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Free Adventure: Potatoes & Rats\'>Free Adventure: Potatoes & Rats</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Yes, No, and Maybe\'>Yes, No, and Maybe</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Hashtag DIY30\'>Hashtag DIY30</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2017-8:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Basic Game Structure, & Hacking as an Involved Deviation\'>Basic Game Structure, & Hacking as an Involved Deviation</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Breaking the Basics\'>Breaking the Basics</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Blogs on Tape Update\'>Blogs on Tape Update</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Cozy Catacombs: A Demonstration of Flux Space\'>The Cozy Catacombs: A Demonstration of Flux Space</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Blogs on Tape\'>Blogs on Tape</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'8 Reasons Why D&D Is Better Than Video Games\'>8 Reasons Why D&D Is Better Than Video Games</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2017-7:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'How I Construct Dragons\'>How I Construct Dragons</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Your Dragons Suck\'>Your Dragons Suck</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'d100 Mercenary or Bandit Leaders\'>d100 Mercenary or Bandit Leaders</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Flux Space in Dungeons\'>Flux Space in Dungeons</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Space Ships: Revisions, & Modules\'>Space Ships: Revisions, & Modules</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Space Ships for D&D\'>Space Ships for D&D</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2017-6:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'My Players Captured Some Scientists\'>My Players Captured Some Scientists</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Cybernetic Augmentations in ORWA\'>Cybernetic Augmentations in ORWA</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Haven Turn\'>The Haven Turn</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Adding Smartphones to your Game World\'>Adding Smartphones to your Game World</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Encumbrance in Online Games\'>Encumbrance in Online Games</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2017-5:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Investments, Citadels, and Domains\'>Investments, Citadels, and Domains</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Establishing a Religion\'>Establishing a Religion</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Players Are Never Going To Stop Calling Their Shots\'>Players Are Never Going To Stop Calling Their Shots</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Stealth\'>Stealth</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Fighter's Armies\'>Fighter's Armies</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2017-4:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'LotFP Class: Totem Magician (FFX Lulu)\'>LotFP Class: Totem Magician (FFX Lulu)</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'1d100 Payments\'>1d100 Payments</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Guns in ORWA\'>Guns in ORWA</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Rules for Gobbos\'>Rules for Gobbos</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Simple Socializing: The Give & Take System\'>Simple Socializing: The Give & Take System</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Methods for Writing d100 Tables\'>Methods for Writing d100 Tables</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2017-3:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'d100 Human Beings for Sale\'>d100 Human Beings for Sale</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'When a Skill is Justified, Superpower Skills, and Torture in ORWA\'>When a Skill is Justified, Superpower Skills, and Torture in ORWA</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magic Words: Laboratories\'>Magic Words: Laboratories</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'A D&Drinking Game\'>A D&Drinking Game</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Better Wizard Staves + d100 Wizard Staves\'>Better Wizard Staves + d100 Wizard Staves</a></li></ul>'; 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collapsItems['collapsArch-2016-12:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'D&D Christmas Carols: Searching for Silver and Gold\'>D&D Christmas Carols: Searching for Silver and Gold</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Questgivers are Evil\'>Questgivers are Evil</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'On a Red World Alone; Handling Factions\'>On a Red World Alone; Handling Factions</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Santicore 2015: Dwarves' Beards: What are they for?\'>Santicore 2015: Dwarves' Beards: What are they for?</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'d100 Reasons the Wizard is more than they Seem\'>d100 Reasons the Wizard is more than they Seem</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2016-11:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magic Words Don't Need No Spell Levels\'>Magic Words Don't Need No Spell Levels</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magic Words: Spell Failure\'>Magic Words: Spell Failure</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Cointoss, a 200 Word RPG\'>Cointoss, a 200 Word RPG</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'LotFP Class: The Exiled Prince\'>LotFP Class: The Exiled Prince</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2016-10:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Box of Nails\'>The Box of Nails</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Dungeon Mist\'>Dungeon Mist</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'LotFP Monster: The Seamster\'>LotFP Monster: The Seamster</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'LotFP Class: Torturer\'>LotFP Class: Torturer</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Where Does Story Come From?\'>Where Does Story Come From?</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2016-9:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'A Use for Excess Experience Points\'>A Use for Excess Experience Points</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'d100 Pieces of Technological Junk\'>d100 Pieces of Technological Junk</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Colorful Characters 27: Bric Shilic\'>Colorful Characters 27: Bric Shilic</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'d100 Magic Words: Opposites, and Evocation\'>d100 Magic Words: Opposites, and Evocation</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2016-8:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'d100 Results of Drug-Addled Engineering\'>d100 Results of Drug-Addled Engineering</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Bringing PCs Back as Cyborgs\'>Bringing PCs Back as Cyborgs</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'How I Use the Skills I Hate\'>How I Use the Skills I Hate</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Spending Money: Training\'>Spending Money: Training</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2016-7:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'d100 Magic Words: Body Parts & Simple Actions\'>d100 Magic Words: Body Parts & Simple Actions</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'LotFP Class: Djinn Kin\'>LotFP Class: Djinn Kin</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2016-6:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Making Languages Relevant\'>Making Languages Relevant</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'d100 Objects of Moderate Value\'>d100 Objects of Moderate Value</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'I Hate Choice\'>I Hate Choice</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'LotFP Class: The Windmaster\'>LotFP Class: The Windmaster</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2016-5:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'1d100 Magic Words - Creatures & Evil\'>1d100 Magic Words - Creatures & Evil</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Fishmonger's Revenge\'>The Fishmonger's Revenge</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'d100 Curses\'>d100 Curses</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Skills: Mastery Versus Uncertainty\'>Skills: Mastery Versus Uncertainty</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 31: Getting Weird with the Classics 3\'>Magical Marvels 31: Getting Weird with the Classics 3</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2016-4:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Making Use of Waiting\'>Making Use of Waiting</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'LotFP Class: The Spy\'>LotFP Class: The Spy</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Crafting as Jury Rigged Equipment\'>Crafting as Jury Rigged Equipment</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'1d100 Magic Words - General\'>1d100 Magic Words - General</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'LotFP Class: Bangtail\'>LotFP Class: Bangtail</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2016-3:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'LotFP Class: Bear in Disguise\'>LotFP Class: Bear in Disguise</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 30: Getting Weird with the Classics 2\'>Magical Marvels 30: Getting Weird with the Classics 2</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'LotFP Class: The Action Hero\'>LotFP Class: The Action Hero</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'1d100 Small Town Quirks\'>1d100 Small Town Quirks</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Figuratively +X Swords\'>Figuratively +X Swords</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Jumping on a 2-Year Old Bandwagon: Replacing +1 Swords\'>Jumping on a 2-Year Old Bandwagon: Replacing +1 Swords</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2016-2:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 30 / Magical Marvels 29: The Treasure Chest Card\'>Deadly Dungeons 30 / Magical Marvels 29: The Treasure Chest Card</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Formidable Factions 1: Techno Priests\'>Formidable Factions 1: Techno Priests</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'On a Red World Alone Play Reports\'>On a Red World Alone Play Reports</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Cool Stuff in the Wrong Direction: Forests\'>Cool Stuff in the Wrong Direction: Forests</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Do not attempt to place dice in another person.\'>Do not attempt to place dice in another person.</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Yet More Magic Words\'>Yet More Magic Words</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2016-1:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 28: Getting Weird With the Classics 1\'>Magical Marvels 28: Getting Weird With the Classics 1</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'What I Need to Improve On as a Referee, 2016 edition\'>What I Need to Improve On as a Referee, 2016 edition</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Grizzled\'>The Grizzled</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Cool Stuff in the Wrong Direction - Overland\'>Cool Stuff in the Wrong Direction - Overland</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2015-12:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'LotFP Class: The Gift Giver\'>LotFP Class: The Gift Giver</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'D&D Christmas Carols: Damage Dice the Ref Rolled High\'>D&D Christmas Carols: Damage Dice the Ref Rolled High</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'LotFP Class: The Friendly Ghost\'>LotFP Class: The Friendly Ghost</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2015-11:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'LotFP Class: The Lucky Motherfucker\'>LotFP Class: The Lucky Motherfucker</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'LotFP Class: Lawyer\'>LotFP Class: Lawyer</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2015-10:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'LotFP Class: Slasher\'>LotFP Class: Slasher</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Moral of the Story, a subsystem proposal for Masters of Carcosa\'>The Moral of the Story, a subsystem proposal for Masters of Carcosa</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'An interesting way of creating characters above first level.\'>An interesting way of creating characters above first level.</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Spending Money 3: The Curio Shop\'>Spending Money 3: The Curio Shop</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Spending Money 2: Armor\'>Spending Money 2: Armor</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2015-9:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Spending Money 1: I've got thirty thousand gold pieces and nothing to spend them on.\'>Spending Money 1: I've got thirty thousand gold pieces and nothing to spend them on.</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'A Better Use for Bookshelves\'>A Better Use for Bookshelves</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'LotFP/FFX Class: Wakka\'>LotFP/FFX Class: Wakka</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'LotFP/FFX Class: Yuna\'>LotFP/FFX Class: Yuna</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'LotFP/FFX Class: Auron\'>LotFP/FFX Class: Auron</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'More Magic Words in Action\'>More Magic Words in Action</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Miscreated Creatures Questions Applied to the Axe Beak\'>The Miscreated Creatures Questions Applied to the Axe Beak</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Miscreated Creatures Questions\'>The Miscreated Creatures Questions</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Swallowed Whole\'>Swallowed Whole</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Miscreated Creatures Update, and Keeping House Rules to Yourself\'>Miscreated Creatures Update, and Keeping House Rules to Yourself</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magic Words in Practice\'>Magic Words in Practice</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Spell lists suck. Here are some magic words.\'>Spell lists suck. Here are some magic words.</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2015-7:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'How should mind affecting spells work on PCs?\'>How should mind affecting spells work on PCs?</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2015-5:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 27: Swordaxe and Scroll on Pink Paper\'>Magical Marvels 27: Swordaxe and Scroll on Pink Paper</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The solution to running chases.\'>The solution to running chases.</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 26: Raggi’s Rejects 6: The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus\'>Magical Marvels 26: Raggi’s Rejects 6: The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2015-4:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Bloodsoaked Boudoir of Velkis the Vile\'>The Bloodsoaked Boudoir of Velkis the Vile</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 25: Raggi’s Rejects 5: The Trifold Parchment\'>Magical Marvels 25: Raggi’s Rejects 5: The Trifold Parchment</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 24: Raggi’s Rejects 4: The Doll that Loves Every Child\'>Magical Marvels 24: Raggi’s Rejects 4: The Doll that Loves Every Child</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2015-3:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 23: Raggi’s Rejects 3: The Arm of Saint Lawrence\'>Magical Marvels 23: Raggi’s Rejects 3: The Arm of Saint Lawrence</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Death Touched\'>Death Touched</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 22: Raggi’s Rejects 2: The Scepter Prison of Thing No Thing\'>Magical Marvels 22: Raggi’s Rejects 2: The Scepter Prison of Thing No Thing</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 21: Raggi's Rejects 1: The Bonebarrow\'>Magical Marvels 21: Raggi's Rejects 1: The Bonebarrow</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2015-1:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Lamentations of the Flame Princess House Rules, Part 2 of 2\'>Lamentations of the Flame Princess House Rules, Part 2 of 2</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Lamentations of the Flame Princess House Rules, Part 1 of 2\'>Lamentations of the Flame Princess House Rules, Part 1 of 2</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2014-12:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'A look at Wonder & Wickedness by Brendan S.\'>A look at Wonder & Wickedness by Brendan S.</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2014-2:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Managing a Hub Town: Buying Equipment after first level\'>Managing a Hub Town: Buying Equipment after first level</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2014-1:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'What's the best way to manage a small hub town?\'>What's the best way to manage a small hub town?</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'World of Bellumus\'>World of Bellumus</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'A Single Saving Throw\'>A Single Saving Throw</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'New Look\'>New Look</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2013-12:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 20: The Skull Censer\'>Magical Marvels 20: The Skull Censer</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Sample Initiative\'>Sample Initiative</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'What I Require of Initiative\'>What I Require of Initiative</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2013-11:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Dissecting Monsters: The Defiler's Creature from “Better Than Any Man”\'>Dissecting Monsters: The Defiler's Creature from “Better Than Any Man”</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Dissecting Monsters: The Watcher's First Creature from "Better Than Any Man"\'>Dissecting Monsters: The Watcher's First Creature from "Better Than Any Man"</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 29: The Weathered Door\'>Deadly Dungeons 29: The Weathered Door</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 45: The Wizard's Challenge by David Hoffrichter\'>Picture Thursday 45: The Wizard's Challenge by David Hoffrichter</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 28: Ladder Conundrum\'>Deadly Dungeons 28: Ladder Conundrum</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 44: Brother System by Nick Patterson\'>Picture Thursday 44: Brother System by Nick Patterson</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Dissecting Monsters: The Watcher's Second Creature from "Better Than Any Man"\'>Dissecting Monsters: The Watcher's Second Creature from "Better Than Any Man"</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2013-10:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 43: Oliphek by Heather Gwinn\'>Picture Thursday 43: Oliphek by Heather Gwinn</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Dissecting Monsters: The Defender's Creature from "Better Than Any Man"\'>Dissecting Monsters: The Defender's Creature from "Better Than Any Man"</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 27: Undead Disposal Chamber\'>Deadly Dungeons 27: Undead Disposal Chamber</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 42: The Secret Tower (II) by René Aigner\'>Picture Thursday 42: The Secret Tower (II) by René Aigner</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Dissecting Monsters: The Mother's Creature from "Better Than Any Man"\'>Dissecting Monsters: The Mother's Creature from "Better Than Any Man"</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Dissecting Monsters: The Provider's Creature from "Better Than Any Man"\'>Dissecting Monsters: The Provider's Creature from "Better Than Any Man"</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvel 19: Cloud Armor Ring\'>Magical Marvel 19: Cloud Armor Ring</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 41: Teeny Tiny Castle on the Water\'>Picture Thursday 41: Teeny Tiny Castle on the Water</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'What is a rumor table?\'>What is a rumor table?</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 18: The Toy Boat\'>Magical Marvels 18: The Toy Boat</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 40: Spider Dragon by Dan Merrell\'>Picture Thursday 40: Spider Dragon by Dan Merrell</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2013-9:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Maze of One-Way Doors\'>The Maze of One-Way Doors</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 39: "For All that Could Have Been" by Noah Bradley\'>Picture Thursday 39: "For All that Could Have Been" by Noah Bradley</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Link: Everyone is John\'>Link: Everyone is John</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Depths of the Dungeon Moon: 20+ Questions\'>The Depths of the Dungeon Moon: 20+ Questions</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 17: Spell Lock Axe\'>Magical Marvels 17: Spell Lock Axe</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 38: Kel'Thuzad by unknown Blizzard artist\'>Picture Thursday 38: Kel'Thuzad by unknown Blizzard artist</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'A campaign setting which is most certainly NOT called "Dungeon World."\'>A campaign setting which is most certainly NOT called "Dungeon World."</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'A fun alternative to dying.\'>A fun alternative to dying.</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 16: Hellfire Jar\'>Magical Marvels 16: Hellfire Jar</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 37: Please Tell Me Who Made This! ("Skeleton Jelly")\'>Picture Thursday 37: Please Tell Me Who Made This! ("Skeleton Jelly")</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Adventure Module Review: "Fuck For Satan" by James Raggi\'>Adventure Module Review: "Fuck For Satan" by James Raggi</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Dungeon Tolls\'>Dungeon Tolls</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 26: Bugaboos\'>Deadly Dungeons 26: Bugaboos</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 36: Deplorable Book Molestation\'>Picture Thursday 36: Deplorable Book Molestation</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 15: Deck of Illusions\'>Magical Marvels 15: Deck of Illusions</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2013-8:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 25: Mind and Body Passage\'>Deadly Dungeons 25: Mind and Body Passage</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 35: Tattooed Mage by Jason Rainville\'>Picture Thursday 35: Tattooed Mage by Jason Rainville</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'2nd Annual Papers & Pencils Reader Survey Results\'>2nd Annual Papers & Pencils Reader Survey Results</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Formatting a Monster Book\'>Formatting a Monster Book</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'A Use for Bookshelves: Rumor Tables\'>A Use for Bookshelves: Rumor Tables</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels: Hat of 5 Birds\'>Magical Marvels: Hat of 5 Birds</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday: Reschensee Church Tower\'>Picture Thursday: Reschensee Church Tower</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Link: Dungeon Robber\'>Link: Dungeon Robber</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Nope Slayer Class\'>The Nope Slayer Class</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 24: Pools of Dimensionally Attuning Paint\'>Deadly Dungeons 24: Pools of Dimensionally Attuning Paint</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 23: Flippy Turny Fally Room\'>Deadly Dungeons 23: Flippy Turny Fally Room</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 33: "Dungeon" by Sebastian Wagner\'>Picture Thursday 33: "Dungeon" by Sebastian Wagner</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'2nd Annual Papers & Pencils Reader Survey\'>2nd Annual Papers & Pencils Reader Survey</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 13: Snowstorm Blade\'>Magical Marvels 13: Snowstorm Blade</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The New Project\'>The New Project</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Colorful Characters 26: Ronder Thelleper, The Drunk Warlock\'>Colorful Characters 26: Ronder Thelleper, The Drunk Warlock</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Ding! Level Three\'>Ding! Level Three</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Link: Gophers and Goblins\'>Link: Gophers and Goblins</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Lamentations of the Flame Princess\'>Lamentations of the Flame Princess</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Not Everything Needs to be Finished\'>Not Everything Needs to be Finished</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 32: "Dungeon" by eWKn\'>Picture Thursday 32: "Dungeon" by eWKn</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2013-7:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'LS and the Fuzz Covered Vessel\'>LS and the Fuzz Covered Vessel</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Dear Pathfinder,\'>Dear Pathfinder,</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 12: Silvertongue Ink\'>Magical Marvels 12: Silvertongue Ink</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 31: "Mage" by 88grzes\'>Picture Thursday 31: "Mage" by 88grzes</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'A Look at "On the Non-Player Character - Solving the Social Trap" by Courtney Campbell\'>A Look at "On the Non-Player Character - Solving the Social Trap" by Courtney Campbell</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Return of the Blogger\'>The Return of the Blogger</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2013-6:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Free Module: The Hidden Tomb of Slagoth the Necromancer\'>Free Module: The Hidden Tomb of Slagoth the Necromancer</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2013-5:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 30: "Orpheus and Eurydice" G.F. Watts\'>Picture Thursday 30: "Orpheus and Eurydice" G.F. Watts</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Vendor Saving Throw\'>Vendor Saving Throw</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 22: The Slide Room\'>Deadly Dungeons 22: The Slide Room</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 29: Abandoned Hotel in Colombia\'>Picture Thursday 29: Abandoned Hotel in Colombia</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The 1 Hour Dungeon\'>The 1 Hour Dungeon</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 21: Firebelly Statue\'>Deadly Dungeons 21: Firebelly Statue</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 28: Sitting Minotaur by Paul Reid\'>Picture Thursday 28: Sitting Minotaur by Paul Reid</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'You Don't Need to Roll a Character to Start Playing\'>You Don't Need to Roll a Character to Start Playing</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 20: Dancing Skeleton Room\'>Deadly Dungeons 20: Dancing Skeleton Room</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Merciless Monsters 13: Simonlefera, or "Cricket Wizard"\'>Merciless Monsters 13: Simonlefera, or "Cricket Wizard"</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 27: Alfred the Great\'>Picture Thursday 27: Alfred the Great</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder Class Analysis 15: Oracle\'>Pathfinder Class Analysis 15: Oracle</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder Class Analysis 14: Inquisitor\'>Pathfinder Class Analysis 14: Inquisitor</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 19: Bladesea Sailing Ship\'>Deadly Dungeons 19: Bladesea Sailing Ship</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 26: "Sound II" by Antony Gormley\'>Picture Thursday 26: "Sound II" by Antony Gormley</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Are Dead Levels a Bad Thing?\'>Are Dead Levels a Bad Thing?</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2013-4:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder Class Analysis 13: Cavalier\'>Pathfinder Class Analysis 13: Cavalier</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'When Ginny Bo Fails a Morale Check\'>When Ginny Bo Fails a Morale Check</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 18: The Steel Beast Throne Room\'>Deadly Dungeons 18: The Steel Beast Throne Room</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 25: Statue of Charlemagne, a statue at Grossmünster\'>Picture Thursday 25: Statue of Charlemagne, a statue at Grossmünster</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 17: The Battlefield Execution\'>Deadly Dungeons 17: The Battlefield Execution</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 16: Gold Egg Lure\'>Deadly Dungeons 16: Gold Egg Lure</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Tavern Tales 3 & Deadly Dungeons 15: The Funny Tea Room\'>Tavern Tales 3 & Deadly Dungeons 15: The Funny Tea Room</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 14: Breaking Your Mother's Back\'>Deadly Dungeons 14: Breaking Your Mother's Back</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 24: Etchings from Francisco de Goya\'>Picture Thursday 24: Etchings from Francisco de Goya</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Reader Mail: Player Driven Stories, How Do They Work?\'>Reader Mail: Player Driven Stories, How Do They Work?</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Book Review: "At the Queen's Command," by Michael A. Stackpole\'>Book Review: "At the Queen's Command," by Michael A. Stackpole</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 13: Twisty Turny Dead End\'>Deadly Dungeons 13: Twisty Turny Dead End</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 23: Creepy Church by Nicole Cardiff\'>Picture Thursday 23: Creepy Church by Nicole Cardiff</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder Class Analysis 12: Alchemist\'>Pathfinder Class Analysis 12: Alchemist</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Map Monday\'>Map Monday</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 12: The Hanging Crown Dining Hall\'>Deadly Dungeons 12: The Hanging Crown Dining Hall</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 22: Skeleton By Jérémie Fleury\'>Picture Thursday 22: Skeleton By Jérémie Fleury</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Reader Mail: Demon Swords, and Tricking Your Players\'>Reader Mail: Demon Swords, and Tricking Your Players</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2013-3:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 11: The Midas Chest\'>Deadly Dungeons 11: The Midas Chest</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 21: "Entering the Tomb of..." by Jjnaas\'>Picture Thursday 21: "Entering the Tomb of..." by Jjnaas</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Weather\'>Weather</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Video: "The Theatre of the Mind"\'>Video: "The Theatre of the Mind"</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'X-Wing Miniatures Game\'>X-Wing Miniatures Game</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Kickstarter: Tales of Alethrion\'>Kickstarter: Tales of Alethrion</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Dungeon of Signs Map Contest Entry\'>Dungeon of Signs Map Contest Entry</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 11: The Steedmaker Barding\'>Magical Marvels 11: The Steedmaker Barding</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 20: Molten Cavern by IgorIvArt\'>Picture Thursday 20: Molten Cavern by IgorIvArt</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'On Practicing the Dead Ways\'>On Practicing the Dead Ways</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Page by Page: Gary Gygax’s DMG Part 14\'>Page by Page: Gary Gygax’s DMG Part 14</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Simple Attacks & Grapples\'>Simple Attacks & Grapples</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Killing My Babies\'>Killing My Babies</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Colorful Characters 25: Sestronatara\'>Colorful Characters 25: Sestronatara</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Rings by *BATTLEFAIRIES\'>Magical Rings by *BATTLEFAIRIES</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Page by Page: Gary Gygax’s DMG Part 13\'>Page by Page: Gary Gygax’s DMG Part 13</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Page by Page: Gary Gygax’s DMG Part 12\'>Page by Page: Gary Gygax’s DMG Part 12</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Ability Scores Weighted by Race\'>Ability Scores Weighted by Race</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 10: Glasstouch Dagger\'>Magical Marvels 10: Glasstouch Dagger</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 18: The Master Sword from A Link to the Past\'>Picture Thursday 18: The Master Sword from A Link to the Past</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder Class Analysis 11: Wizard\'>Pathfinder Class Analysis 11: Wizard</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder Class Analysis 10: Sorcerer\'>Pathfinder Class Analysis 10: Sorcerer</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder Class Analysis 9: Rogue\'>Pathfinder Class Analysis 9: Rogue</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'LAWL! Plagiarism.\'>LAWL! Plagiarism.</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 10: The Fleeing Golem\'>Deadly Dungeons 10: The Fleeing Golem</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2013-2:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 17: Titan of Braavos by Zippo514\'>Picture Thursday 17: Titan of Braavos by Zippo514</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder Class Analysis 8: Ranger\'>Pathfinder Class Analysis 8: Ranger</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder Class Analysis 7: Paladin\'>Pathfinder Class Analysis 7: Paladin</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder Class Analysis 6: Monk\'>Pathfinder Class Analysis 6: Monk</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 9: Staircase of Hunger\'>Deadly Dungeons 9: Staircase of Hunger</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 16: THe Endless Stair by Jack Fred\'>Picture Thursday 16: THe Endless Stair by Jack Fred</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Resource: Traveling in the Roman World\'>Resource: Traveling in the Roman World</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Simple Skill System, Type II\'>Simple Skill System, Type II</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Fast Playing Skirmishes\'>Fast Playing Skirmishes</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 8: Shockfloor Crypt\'>Deadly Dungeons 8: Shockfloor Crypt</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 15: "Roll for Initiative..." by Jon Hodgson\'>Picture Thursday 15: "Roll for Initiative..." by Jon Hodgson</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'A Defense of Knowledge Skills\'>A Defense of Knowledge Skills</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Resource: Old Maps Online\'>Resource: Old Maps Online</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Player Agency\'>Player Agency</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 7: Skeletal Assembly Line\'>Deadly Dungeons 7: Skeletal Assembly Line</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 14: Sandwich the Drow Paladin by Slants\'>Picture Thursday 14: Sandwich the Drow Paladin by Slants</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder Class Analysis 5: Fighter\'>Pathfinder Class Analysis 5: Fighter</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder Class Analysis 4: Druid\'>Pathfinder Class Analysis 4: Druid</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'A Defense of Crafting\'>A Defense of Crafting</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 6: The Fallback Corridor\'>Deadly Dungeons 6: The Fallback Corridor</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2013-1:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 13: Worm That Walks by Wayne Reynolds\'>Picture Thursday 13: Worm That Walks by Wayne Reynolds</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder Class Analysis 3: Cleric\'>Pathfinder Class Analysis 3: Cleric</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Crafting Weapons & Armor in Pathfinder\'>Crafting Weapons & Armor in Pathfinder</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Video: 'The Reward' from Animation Workshop\'>Video: 'The Reward' from Animation Workshop</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 5: Sepulchre of Order of The Gavel\'>Deadly Dungeons 5: Sepulchre of Order of The Gavel</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Reading "The Steading Of The Hill Giant Chief" as a Modern Gamer\'>Reading "The Steading Of The Hill Giant Chief" as a Modern Gamer</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 12? Webbed by Jeff Dee\'>Picture Thursday 12? Webbed by Jeff Dee</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Designing a Pathfinder Skill\'>Designing a Pathfinder Skill</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Merciless Monsters 12: Rotocula (Female)\'>Merciless Monsters 12: Rotocula (Female)</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 11: Inheritance by Eeliskyttanen\'>Picture Thursday 11: Inheritance by Eeliskyttanen</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Placing Treasure\'>Placing Treasure</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'OD&D-ish Stuff I've Been Doing\'>OD&D-ish Stuff I've Been Doing</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Merciless Monsters 11: Rotocula (Male)\'>Merciless Monsters 11: Rotocula (Male)</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 10: Death from Below by Samwise Didier\'>Picture Thursday 10: Death from Below by Samwise Didier</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'In Defense of Experience Points\'>In Defense of Experience Points</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder Class Analysis 2: Bard\'>Pathfinder Class Analysis 2: Bard</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 4: The Wet Passage\'>Deadly Dungeons 4: The Wet Passage</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 9: The Iron Orb of the Duergar by Scott Burdick\'>Picture Thursday 9: The Iron Orb of the Duergar by Scott Burdick</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Page by Page: Gary Gygax’s DMG Part 11\'>Page by Page: Gary Gygax’s DMG Part 11</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2012-12:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 3: Blastdoor Room\'>Deadly Dungeons 3: Blastdoor Room</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 8: "Cultural Misunderstandings 2" by 'hibbary\'>Picture Thursday 8: "Cultural Misunderstandings 2" by 'hibbary</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Page by Page: Gary Gygax's DMG Part 10\'>Page by Page: Gary Gygax's DMG Part 10</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'D&D Christmas Carols: Dark Lord Wenceslaus\'>D&D Christmas Carols: Dark Lord Wenceslaus</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Checking for Traps is Bullshit\'>Checking for Traps is Bullshit</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder Class Analysis 1: Barbarian\'>Pathfinder Class Analysis 1: Barbarian</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Girl and the Granite Throne: Chapter Five\'>The Girl and the Granite Throne: Chapter Five</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Colorful Characters 24: Kringular Clawfist\'>Colorful Characters 24: Kringular Clawfist</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 7: Ogam Thorton by Gus L.\'>Picture Thursday 7: Ogam Thorton by Gus L.</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Page by Page: Gary Gygax’s DMG Part 9\'>Page by Page: Gary Gygax’s DMG Part 9</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Getting the Most out of D6 Weapons\'>Getting the Most out of D6 Weapons</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Moving with Subtlety, and How to Roll Dice for it\'>Moving with Subtlety, and How to Roll Dice for it</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 9: Fifty Ring Descriptions\'>Magical Marvels 9: Fifty Ring Descriptions</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Tuesdays 6 - Castle Grayskull by Ralph MaQuarrie\'>Picture Tuesdays 6 - Castle Grayskull by Ralph MaQuarrie</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Page by Page: Gary Gygax's DMG Part 8\'>Page by Page: Gary Gygax's DMG Part 8</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Tavern Tales 2: Ooze, Poison, and Near Death Experiences\'>Tavern Tales 2: Ooze, Poison, and Near Death Experiences</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Facilitating a Jailbreak\'>Facilitating a Jailbreak</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Merciless Monsters 10: Goldtooth Mosquito\'>Merciless Monsters 10: Goldtooth Mosquito</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 5: The Chaos Curse by Jeff Easley\'>Picture Thursday 5: The Chaos Curse by Jeff Easley</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Fallout 3 Tabletop Game 4: NPCs and Foes\'>Fallout 3 Tabletop Game 4: NPCs and Foes</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Fallout 3 Tabletop Game 3: Equipment\'>Fallout 3 Tabletop Game 3: Equipment</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2012-11:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 4: Skeleton on an Altar by Courtney Campbell\'>Picture Thursday 4: Skeleton on an Altar by Courtney Campbell</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Fallout 3 Tabletop Game 2: Skills\'>Fallout 3 Tabletop Game 2: Skills</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Fallout 3 Tabletop Game 1: Characters\'>Fallout 3 Tabletop Game 1: Characters</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Critical Hit and Critical Fumble Charts for Pathfinder\'>Critical Hit and Critical Fumble Charts for Pathfinder</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Simple, Deadly Poisons\'>Simple, Deadly Poisons</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Merciless Monsters 9: Kolera (a.k.a. Beetle People)\'>Merciless Monsters 9: Kolera (a.k.a. Beetle People)</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursdays 3: Green Dragon by Larry Elmore\'>Picture Thursdays 3: Green Dragon by Larry Elmore</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Synchronizing Calendars To Avoid Temporal Displacement\'>Synchronizing Calendars To Avoid Temporal Displacement</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Nature Deities; Fertility and Destruction\'>Nature Deities; Fertility and Destruction</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Colorful Characters 23: Higgins Dreadgrin\'>Colorful Characters 23: Higgins Dreadgrin</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 2: Battle with Trogdolytes by Darlene Pekul\'>Picture Thursday 2: Battle with Trogdolytes by Darlene Pekul</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Feat Slot System for Pathfinder\'>Feat Slot System for Pathfinder</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons 2: Ironbone Tower, Sublevel 1\'>Deadly Dungeons 2: Ironbone Tower, Sublevel 1</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Changing my Dungeon Notation\'>Changing my Dungeon Notation</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Lively Locals 11: The Ironbone Tower\'>Lively Locals 11: The Ironbone Tower</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Picture Thursday 1: Floating Keep by Teddy Wright\'>Picture Thursday 1: Floating Keep by Teddy Wright</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Awesome Thing about Feats\'>The Awesome Thing about Feats</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Guest Post: Favored of the Great Pumpkin, by Jeff H.\'>Guest Post: Favored of the Great Pumpkin, by Jeff H.</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Tavern Tales 1: Hot Rocks, High Rolls, Whores, and Higgins\'>Tavern Tales 1: Hot Rocks, High Rolls, Whores, and Higgins</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Rethinking Rations\'>Rethinking Rations</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Lively Locals 10: Rurik's Tree\'>Lively Locals 10: Rurik's Tree</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2012-10:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Partial Undeath\'>Partial Undeath</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Bow Before The Great Pumpkin\'>Bow Before The Great Pumpkin</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Evil Rituals\'>Evil Rituals</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'5 Killer Curses\'>5 Killer Curses</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 8: The Greatsword of Horrid Dreams\'>Magical Marvels 8: The Greatsword of Horrid Dreams</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Vampiric Classifications 2: Types\'>Vampiric Classifications 2: Types</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'1st Annual Papers & Pencils Reader Census Results\'>1st Annual Papers & Pencils Reader Census Results</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Merciless Monsters 8: The Gourd Golem\'>Merciless Monsters 8: The Gourd Golem</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Vampiric Classifications 1: Hierarchy\'>Vampiric Classifications 1: Hierarchy</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Natural Necromancy\'>Natural Necromancy</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Colorful Characters 22: Erol Gwindlin, and The Red Seamster\'>Colorful Characters 22: Erol Gwindlin, and The Red Seamster</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Lively Locals 9: Peaceful Crossing\'>Lively Locals 9: Peaceful Crossing</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Hireling Traits\'>Hireling Traits</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Identifying Magic Items in Pathfinder\'>Identifying Magic Items in Pathfinder</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Last Words of the Megalomaniacal Bard\'>Last Words of the Megalomaniacal Bard</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder Diseases: Commonplace Conditions\'>Pathfinder Diseases: Commonplace Conditions</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder Diseases: Magical Maladies\'>Pathfinder Diseases: Magical Maladies</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Girl and the Granite Throne: Chapter Four\'>The Girl and the Granite Throne: Chapter Four</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2012-9:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Lively Locals 8: Hero's Rest\'>Lively Locals 8: Hero's Rest</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'8 Rules for Dungeon Improvisation\'>8 Rules for Dungeon Improvisation</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Campaign Management Toolbox\'>Campaign Management Toolbox</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Playing with Unbalanced Levels in Pathfinder\'>Playing with Unbalanced Levels in Pathfinder</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'(Un)Lively Locals 7: Lilbr, Village of the Dead\'>(Un)Lively Locals 7: Lilbr, Village of the Dead</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Legend of Zelda Adventure System: Levels, and Adventurers\'>Legend of Zelda Adventure System: Levels, and Adventurers</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Using an Open-World Video Game as a Campaign Setting\'>Using an Open-World Video Game as a Campaign Setting</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Streamlined Skill Rolls\'>Streamlined Skill Rolls</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Merciless Monsters 7: Fotavyon\'>Merciless Monsters 7: Fotavyon</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Zelda Adventure System: Rationale Behind the Game's Experience Mechanic\'>Zelda Adventure System: Rationale Behind the Game's Experience Mechanic</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Artwork: Elderly Warlock Master\'>Artwork: Elderly Warlock Master</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Appendix N: The Zombie Survival Guide\'>Appendix N: The Zombie Survival Guide</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Legend of Zelda Adventure System: Problems\'>The Legend of Zelda Adventure System: Problems</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Colorful Characters 21: Margo Waggletongue\'>Colorful Characters 21: Margo Waggletongue</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Legend of Zelda Adventure System: Sage Spells\'>Legend of Zelda Adventure System: Sage Spells</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Legend of Zelda Adventure System: Notes on Magic\'>Legend of Zelda Adventure System: Notes on Magic</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Seven Cursed Items for Fun & Profit\'>Seven Cursed Items for Fun & Profit</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2012-8:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Merciless Monsters 6: Octorok For Pathfinder\'>Merciless Monsters 6: Octorok For Pathfinder</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'What I Need to Improve on as a Game Master\'>What I Need to Improve on as a Game Master</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Legend of Zelda Adventure System: Notes on Combat\'>Legend of Zelda Adventure System: Notes on Combat</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Page by Page: Gary Gygax’s DMG Part 7\'>Page by Page: Gary Gygax’s DMG Part 7</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Colorful Characters 20: Melina Ayvon, The Apothocary\'>Colorful Characters 20: Melina Ayvon, The Apothocary</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Apendix N: The Divine Comedy\'>Apendix N: The Divine Comedy</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'System In Progress: LOZAS\'>System In Progress: LOZAS</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Are Zocchi Dice Viable?\'>Are Zocchi Dice Viable?</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Merciless Monsters V: LOZAS Skeleton and Popo\'>Merciless Monsters V: LOZAS Skeleton and Popo</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Taking a Look at Called Shots\'>Taking a Look at Called Shots</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Investigating Ability Scores\'>Investigating Ability Scores</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Reinventing the Wheel\'>Reinventing the Wheel</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Lively Locals 6: The Godstone\'>Lively Locals 6: The Godstone</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'1st Annual Papers & Pencils Reader Census\'>1st Annual Papers & Pencils Reader Census</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Ding! Level Two\'>Ding! Level Two</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Termite Suicide Bombers: How the Animal Kingdom Should Influence Your Game\'>Termite Suicide Bombers: How the Animal Kingdom Should Influence Your Game</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Webcomic: Castle Greyhawk\'>Webcomic: Castle Greyhawk</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Colorful Characters 19: Henrietta Thaeblum, the Ghost of the Uprising\'>Colorful Characters 19: Henrietta Thaeblum, the Ghost of the Uprising</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Beauty of Character Death, and a Shameful Confession\'>The Beauty of Character Death, and a Shameful Confession</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2012-7:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Product Review: Using Banners on the Cheap for Maps\'>Product Review: Using Banners on the Cheap for Maps</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Dungeon Crawling at a Crawl\'>Dungeon Crawling at a Crawl</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Colorful Characters 18: Laura Kraul\'>Colorful Characters 18: Laura Kraul</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'I Concede: OD&D Initiative is Superior\'>I Concede: OD&D Initiative is Superior</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Tabletop Items from A Link to the Past\'>Tabletop Items from A Link to the Past</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Product Review: AD&D First Edition Reprints\'>Product Review: AD&D First Edition Reprints</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'A Post Without Value: My First Attempt to GM\'>A Post Without Value: My First Attempt to GM</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'I Love Creative Players\'>I Love Creative Players</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Dragons & Warriors\'>Dragons & Warriors</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Paizocon Con Report Ort\'>Paizocon Con Report Ort</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Lively Locals 5: Three Religious Sites\'>Lively Locals 5: Three Religious Sites</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Tabletop Magic from Final Fantasy\'>Tabletop Magic from Final Fantasy</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'What It is that I'm Doing Here\'>What It is that I'm Doing Here</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Dungeons & Dragons, Small Towns & Zealots\'>Dungeons & Dragons, Small Towns & Zealots</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Lively Locals 4: The Wood of Lost Paths\'>Lively Locals 4: The Wood of Lost Paths</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Crazy Straw of Race as Class\'>The Crazy Straw of Race as Class</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Weapon Mechanics\'>Weapon Mechanics</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Page by Page: Gary Gygax's DMG Part 6\'>Page by Page: Gary Gygax's DMG Part 6</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2012-6:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Lively Locals 3: Drummer's Field\'>Lively Locals 3: Drummer's Field</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Updated Forest Battlefield Generator\'>Updated Forest Battlefield Generator</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Why was This Dungeon Built?\'>Why was This Dungeon Built?</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Page by Page: Gary Gygax's DMG Part 5\'>Page by Page: Gary Gygax's DMG Part 5</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Serius Biznis\'>Serius Biznis</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Lively Locals 2: River of Blades\'>Lively Locals 2: River of Blades</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Problem with Diversity\'>The Problem with Diversity</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Negune: The Nation of Stekett\'>Negune: The Nation of Stekett</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'What I Want\'>What I Want</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Lively Locals 1: Maeglen Valley\'>Lively Locals 1: Maeglen Valley</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Fantasy Languages\'>Fantasy Languages</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Loot from the 25th Sublevel of the Dungeon\'>Loot from the 25th Sublevel of the Dungeon</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Dissection of Pathfinder's Monster Entries\'>Dissection of Pathfinder's Monster Entries</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Colorful Characters 17: Limenent Geary, Duchess of Greyholm\'>Colorful Characters 17: Limenent Geary, Duchess of Greyholm</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Wide-Swing Dilemma\'>The Wide-Swing Dilemma</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Abyssal Rambling\'>Abyssal Rambling</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Page by Page: Gary Gygax's DMG Part 4\'>Page by Page: Gary Gygax's DMG Part 4</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 7: The Son's Service\'>Magical Marvels 7: The Son's Service</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2012-5:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Most Visually Impressive Appendix Ever\'>The Most Visually Impressive Appendix Ever</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Variant Spell Preperation\'>Variant Spell Preperation</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Campaign Art: Gifts of a Wizard, and a Battle against Ogres!\'>Campaign Art: Gifts of a Wizard, and a Battle against Ogres!</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'May of the Dead: Hungry Hungry Vampire\'>May of the Dead: Hungry Hungry Vampire</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Introducing New Characters to Your Campaign Milieu\'>Introducing New Characters to Your Campaign Milieu</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Page By Page: Gary Gygax’s DMG part 3\'>Page By Page: Gary Gygax’s DMG part 3</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Reality is my Sourcebook: Outside\'>Reality is my Sourcebook: Outside</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The History of Dice\'>The History of Dice</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'May of the Dead: Crypt of Ancient Wisdom\'>May of the Dead: Crypt of Ancient Wisdom</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Page By Page: Gary Gygax’s DMG part 2\'>Page By Page: Gary Gygax’s DMG part 2</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Looks Familiar...\'>Looks Familiar...</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Board Game: Expedition to Castle Ravenloft\'>Board Game: Expedition to Castle Ravenloft</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Role of Military History\'>The Role of Military History</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'May of the Dead: Undead Items\'>May of the Dead: Undead Items</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'How Saying 'Yes' to your Players Makes GMing Easier\'>How Saying 'Yes' to your Players Makes GMing Easier</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Page By Page: Gary Gygax's DMG part 1\'>Page By Page: Gary Gygax's DMG part 1</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'More Goblins for 'We Be Goblins, You Be Food'\'>More Goblins for 'We Be Goblins, You Be Food'</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'May of the Dead: Variant Zombies\'>May of the Dead: Variant Zombies</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Playing The Other Side: Mindless Undead\'>Playing The Other Side: Mindless Undead</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2012-4:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Fun of Character Death\'>The Fun of Character Death</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Overview of Pathfinder's Skills: Conclusion\'>Overview of Pathfinder's Skills: Conclusion</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Overview of Pathfinder's Skills: Stealth to Use Magic Device\'>Overview of Pathfinder's Skills: Stealth to Use Magic Device</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Overview of Pathfinder's Skills: Sense Motive To Spellcraft\'>Overview of Pathfinder's Skills: Sense Motive To Spellcraft</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Overview of Pathfinder's Skills: Perform to Ride\'>Overview of Pathfinder's Skills: Perform to Ride</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Overview of Pathfinder's Skills: Perception\'>Overview of Pathfinder's Skills: Perception</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Overview of Pathfinder's Skills: Knowledge and Linguistics\'>Overview of Pathfinder's Skills: Knowledge and Linguistics</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Overview of Pathfinder's Skills: Handle Animal to Intimidate\'>Overview of Pathfinder's Skills: Handle Animal to Intimidate</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Overview of Pathfinder's Skills: Disable Device to Fly\'>Overview of Pathfinder's Skills: Disable Device to Fly</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Overview of Pathfinder's Skills: Climb to Diplomacy\'>Overview of Pathfinder's Skills: Climb to Diplomacy</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Overview of Pathfinder's Skills: Acrobatics to Bluff\'>Overview of Pathfinder's Skills: Acrobatics to Bluff</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Overview of Pathfinder's Skills: Introduction\'>Overview of Pathfinder's Skills: Introduction</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'A Twist on Race as Class\'>A Twist on Race as Class</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Twittertop RPG\'>Twittertop RPG</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Easter Greetings\'>Easter Greetings</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Merciless Monsters 4: Telecanter's Three Spider Terrors\'>Merciless Monsters 4: Telecanter's Three Spider Terrors</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Poker Comics: The Natural Order of Things\'>Poker Comics: The Natural Order of Things</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'A Learning Experience\'>A Learning Experience</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Behind the GM's Screen: ToKiTiMo 3\'>Behind the GM's Screen: ToKiTiMo 3</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Goblins Redux Illustrated\'>Goblins Redux Illustrated</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2012-3:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Vidya: Legend of Grimrock\'>Vidya: Legend of Grimrock</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Cultural Oddities\'>Cultural Oddities</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'How Players Make Enemies & Influence People\'>How Players Make Enemies & Influence People</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'How Zalekios Gromar Learned Clarity\'>How Zalekios Gromar Learned Clarity</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Colorful Characters 16: Novre Homberk, Tailor Savant\'>Colorful Characters 16: Novre Homberk, Tailor Savant</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Unusual Magic Item Types\'>Unusual Magic Item Types</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Reality is my Sourcebook: Bejeweled Skeletons\'>Reality is my Sourcebook: Bejeweled Skeletons</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Making Encumbrance Work\'>Making Encumbrance Work</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 6: Succubic Shield\'>Magical Marvels 6: Succubic Shield</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'This is Why We Can't Have Nice Things\'>This is Why We Can't Have Nice Things</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Paladin's Oath, and GM Clarity\'>The Paladin's Oath, and GM Clarity</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'A Paladin's Fall\'>A Paladin's Fall</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Colorful Characters 15: Mahudar Kosopske\'>Colorful Characters 15: Mahudar Kosopske</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Hex Crawling Encounters\'>Hex Crawling Encounters</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Making Travel More Engaging\'>Making Travel More Engaging</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Half Price Books Haul\'>Half Price Books Haul</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Merciless Monsters 3: Draugr\'>Merciless Monsters 3: Draugr</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Player Agency in the Dungeons and Dragons Cartoon\'>Player Agency in the Dungeons and Dragons Cartoon</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2012-2:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Of Forgotten Lore and Ancient Sourcebooks\'>Of Forgotten Lore and Ancient Sourcebooks</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Welcome to Papers & Pencils!\'>Welcome to Papers & Pencils!</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Comma, Blank_ Has Moved!\'>Comma, Blank_ Has Moved!</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Merciless Monsters 2: Bloody Avenger (Bloody Mary)\'>Merciless Monsters 2: Bloody Avenger (Bloody Mary)</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Suppositions on Tabletop RPG Time Tracking\'>Suppositions on Tabletop RPG Time Tracking</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Time Management\'>Time Management</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 5: The Glare of Vecna\'>Magical Marvels 5: The Glare of Vecna</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Negune: The Nation of Regalia\'>Negune: The Nation of Regalia</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Paizo's Year Long Retrospective: 1\'>Paizo's Year Long Retrospective: 1</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Koldonberane, The Forest Dragon\'>Koldonberane, The Forest Dragon</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deities Defined\'>Deities Defined</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Vecna Reborn\'>Vecna Reborn</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Colorful Characters 14: Moreven\'>Colorful Characters 14: Moreven</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Reality is my Sourcebook: The Phylactery\'>Reality is my Sourcebook: The Phylactery</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Negune: Historical Overview\'>Negune: Historical Overview</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 4: Gravewhisper's Claw\'>Magical Marvels 4: Gravewhisper's Claw</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Creating an Evil Campaign Featuring the Undead\'>Creating an Evil Campaign Featuring the Undead</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'NPC Reactions\'>NPC Reactions</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2012-1:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Dwarven Tanks\'>Dwarven Tanks</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Succubi in Succubus Town\'>Succubi in Succubus Town</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 3: Wallcraft's Offerings\'>Magical Marvels 3: Wallcraft's Offerings</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'A Personal History of Role Playing\'>A Personal History of Role Playing</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Monstrous Culture\'>Monstrous Culture</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Handling Overpowered Player Characters\'>Handling Overpowered Player Characters</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 2: Kofek's Tongue\'>Magical Marvels 2: Kofek's Tongue</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'SOPA/PIPA Strike\'>SOPA/PIPA Strike</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Theoretical RPG\'>Theoretical RPG</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Gary Gygax, the Jeweled Man, and Letting Your Players Fail\'>Gary Gygax, the Jeweled Man, and Letting Your Players Fail</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Colorful Characters 13: Maedhar Krekpe\'>Colorful Characters 13: Maedhar Krekpe</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Designing a Village in Detail\'>Designing a Village in Detail</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'News: Dungeons And Dragons 5th Edition\'>News: Dungeons And Dragons 5th Edition</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Hey Atheist Gamers: Stop It\'>Hey Atheist Gamers: Stop It</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Colorful Characters 12: Queen Herea Yellinda Quist the Fourth\'>Colorful Characters 12: Queen Herea Yellinda Quist the Fourth</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Training Groups of NPCs\'>Training Groups of NPCs</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Star Wars: Periods for Play\'>Star Wars: Periods for Play</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Side Note: New Project\'>Side Note: New Project</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Star Wars: Creating Atmosphere\'>Star Wars: Creating Atmosphere</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2011-12:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Colorful Characters 11: Ione Grear, Disgraced Pilot\'>Colorful Characters 11: Ione Grear, Disgraced Pilot</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Star Wars: Movie Hooks\'>Star Wars: Movie Hooks</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Critical Christmas\'>Critical Christmas</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magical Marvels 1: The Womb Dagger\'>Magical Marvels 1: The Womb Dagger</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Spicing Up The Battlemat: Deserts\'>Spicing Up The Battlemat: Deserts</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'News: Pathfinder Bestiary Box\'>News: Pathfinder Bestiary Box</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Hook Horrors for Pathfinder\'>Hook Horrors for Pathfinder</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Colorful Characters 10: Khatael Nafleed, Elven Soldier\'>Colorful Characters 10: Khatael Nafleed, Elven Soldier</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Proto-Alpha Brainstorming for NPC Interaction Rules\'>Proto-Alpha Brainstorming for NPC Interaction Rules</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'D&D 3.x Supplements for Pathfinder Players\'>D&D 3.x Supplements for Pathfinder Players</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Obfuscation Through Volume\'>Obfuscation Through Volume</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Colorful Characters 9: Raughm Saltbeard\'>Colorful Characters 9: Raughm Saltbeard</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'No More Overzealous Paladins\'>No More Overzealous Paladins</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder Online: Goblinwork's Development Strategy\'>Pathfinder Online: Goblinwork's Development Strategy</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Succubi Deserve More\'>Succubi Deserve More</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Product Review: Pathfinder GM Screen\'>Product Review: Pathfinder GM Screen</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Colorful Characters 8: Orom Huntsorc\'>Colorful Characters 8: Orom Huntsorc</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder: Percentage of a Living Body Comprised of Liquid\'>Pathfinder: Percentage of a Living Body Comprised of Liquid</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2011-11:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Puzzling Obstructions\'>Puzzling Obstructions</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder: Pillars of Motherfucking Salt\'>Pathfinder: Pillars of Motherfucking Salt</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Wizard Spell Research Variant\'>Wizard Spell Research Variant</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Paizo's New Venture: Pathfinder Online\'>Paizo's New Venture: Pathfinder Online</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Goblins Redux\'>Goblins Redux</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Colorful Characters 7: Hiles Gorefeet AKA "Speak No Evil"\'>Colorful Characters 7: Hiles Gorefeet AKA "Speak No Evil"</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'My GMing Methodology for ToKiMo\'>My GMing Methodology for ToKiMo</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Stuff Which Never Works\'>Stuff Which Never Works</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Book Review: The Worldwound Gambit\'>Book Review: The Worldwound Gambit</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Why I Use Unearthed Arcana's Weapon Groups\'>Why I Use Unearthed Arcana's Weapon Groups</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Colorful Characters 6: The Owlbear\'>Colorful Characters 6: The Owlbear</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Sitting Behind the GM Screen\'>Sitting Behind the GM Screen</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Thoughts On Hero Points\'>Thoughts On Hero Points</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Online Video: LoadingReadyRun's Rarelywinter\'>Online Video: LoadingReadyRun's Rarelywinter</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'WEG Star Wars: What It Was, and Why You Should Play It\'>WEG Star Wars: What It Was, and Why You Should Play It</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'We Be Goblins! (You Be Food!)\'>We Be Goblins! (You Be Food!)</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Colorful Characters 5: Delana The Gravedigger\'>Colorful Characters 5: Delana The Gravedigger</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Spicing Up The Battlemat: Water\'>Spicing Up The Battlemat: Water</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Why Hex Maps Need to Come Back\'>Why Hex Maps Need to Come Back</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Deadly Dungeons: Scholomance Part 1\'>Deadly Dungeons: Scholomance Part 1</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Alternative Fantasy Race Relations\'>Alternative Fantasy Race Relations</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Colorful Characters 4: Baron Ika of the Treebreaker Tribe\'>Colorful Characters 4: Baron Ika of the Treebreaker Tribe</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magic Items: By Deed or by Craft\'>Magic Items: By Deed or by Craft</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2011-10:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Problem with Feats\'>The Problem with Feats</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'My GMing Methodology for The Ascendant Crusade\'>My GMing Methodology for The Ascendant Crusade</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'GMing For The Holidays\'>GMing For The Holidays</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Colorful Characters 3: Cohen Strauss, The Town Blacksmith\'>Colorful Characters 3: Cohen Strauss, The Town Blacksmith</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Book Review: Everything I Need To Know I Learned From Dungeons & Dragons\'>Book Review: Everything I Need To Know I Learned From Dungeons & Dragons</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'On Character Generation V.S. Character Building\'>On Character Generation V.S. Character Building</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'On Player Agency, and GM Guidance\'>On Player Agency, and GM Guidance</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder House Rule: Simple Experience Points\'>Pathfinder House Rule: Simple Experience Points</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Colorful Characters 2: Spyri the Trinketeer\'>Colorful Characters 2: Spyri the Trinketeer</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Exploring Crime in a Fantasy Setting\'>Exploring Crime in a Fantasy Setting</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Spicing Up The Battlemat: Forests\'>Spicing Up The Battlemat: Forests</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'On Zalekios Gromar, and the Undervaluation of Evil Campaigns\'>On Zalekios Gromar, and the Undervaluation of Evil Campaigns</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Non-Digital Random Map Generation\'>Non-Digital Random Map Generation</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Colorful Characters 1: The Governor\'>Colorful Characters 1: The Governor</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Vecna Lives!\'>Vecna Lives!</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Magically Generating New Adventures\'>Magically Generating New Adventures</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Girl and the Granite Throne: Chapter Three\'>The Girl and the Granite Throne: Chapter Three</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Role Playing: The Basics\'>Role Playing: The Basics</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'A Treasure Trove of Classic Gaming\'>A Treasure Trove of Classic Gaming</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2011-9:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder Homebrew: Unusual Spell Materials\'>Pathfinder Homebrew: Unusual Spell Materials</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder House Rule: Ability Penalty Flaws\'>Pathfinder House Rule: Ability Penalty Flaws</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder Homebrew: Corpse Motes\'>Pathfinder Homebrew: Corpse Motes</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder House Rules\'>Pathfinder House Rules</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder Monster: Corpse Sewn Hekatonkheires\'>Pathfinder Monster: Corpse Sewn Hekatonkheires</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder Homebrew Spell / Template: Corpse Servant\'>Pathfinder Homebrew Spell / Template: Corpse Servant</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder: Hall of a Dozen Deaths\'>Pathfinder: Hall of a Dozen Deaths</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Girl and the Granite Throne: Chapter Two\'>The Girl and the Granite Throne: Chapter Two</a></li></ul>'; collapsItems['collapsArch-2011-8:block-15'] = '<ul> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder: First Thoughts, Part 3 (Classes)\'>Pathfinder: First Thoughts, Part 3 (Classes)</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder: First Thoughts, Part 2 (Classes)\'>Pathfinder: First Thoughts, Part 2 (Classes)</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'Pathfinder: First Thoughts, Part 1\'>Pathfinder: First Thoughts, Part 1</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Girl and the Granite Throne: Chapter One\'>The Girl and the Granite Throne: Chapter One</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'The Girl and the Granite Throne: Prologue\'>The Girl and the Granite Throne: Prologue</a></li> <li class=\'collapsing-archives item\'><a href=\'\' title=\'To Battle!\'>To Battle!</a></li></ul>'; /* Collapse Functions, version 3.0 * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ String.prototype.trim = function() { return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,""); 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