SKC/Serials - Results List

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class=text3>Owner</th> <th class=text3 width="5%">Country</th> <!--th class=text3>Serie</th> <th class=text3>---</th> <th class=text3>---</th --> </tr> <!-- filename: short-a-body--> <tr valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><A HREF=>1</A> </td> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><form name=XXX000001 method=GET><label for="select_row000001" class=hidden></label><input type=checkbox id="select_row000001" name=ckbox onClick="javascript:select_record(this.form);" onKeyPressed="javascript:select_record(this.form);"></form> </td> <td class=td1 >Bezručova Opava :&nbsp;... festival všech podob umění : programový tisk </td> <td class=td1 id="centered" width="1%" style="font-size:6.5pt"> <script type="text/javascript">display_rank("<br>")</script> </td> <td class=td1 >Opava :&nbsp;Městský dům kultury Petra Bezruče, </td> <td class=td1 id=centered>1962- </td> <td class=td1 >BOA001 - OSA001 </td> <td class=td1 id=centered>xr </td> <td class=td1 style="display:none" ><BR></td> <td class=td1 style="display:none" >NBN:boa001-000157234</td> </tr> <!-- filename: short-a-body--> <tr valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><A HREF=>2</A> </td> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><form name=XXX000002 method=GET><label for="select_row000002" class=hidden></label><input type=checkbox id="select_row000002" name=ckbox onClick="javascript:select_record(this.form);" onKeyPressed="javascript:select_record(this.form);"></form> </td> <td class=td1 >Výroční zpráva Státního reál. gymnasia v Berehově :&nbsp;za školní rok ... = Ročne spravozdanja derž. real‘. gymnazìě v Berehově : za učebnỳj rok ... = Beregszászi állami reálgimnázium értesítője : az ... tanévről </td> <td class=td1 id="centered" width="1%" style="font-size:6.5pt"> <script type="text/javascript">display_rank("<br>")</script> </td> <td class=td1 >[Berehovo] :&nbsp;[nakladatel není známý], </td> <td class=td1 id=centered>1929-[1938?] </td> <td class=td1 >ABA001 </td> <td class=td1 id=centered>un </td> <td class=td1 style="display:none" ><BR></td> <td class=td1 style="display:none" ><BR></td> </tr> <!-- filename: short-a-body--> <tr valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><A HREF=>3</A> </td> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><form name=XXX000003 method=GET><label for="select_row000003" class=hidden></label><input type=checkbox id="select_row000003" name=ckbox onClick="javascript:select_record(this.form);" onKeyPressed="javascript:select_record(this.form);"></form> </td> <td class=td1 >Ekonomicko-technologický seminář :&nbsp;sborník přednášek ze semináře konaného dne ... </td> <td class=td1 id="centered" width="1%" style="font-size:6.5pt"> <script type="text/javascript">display_rank("<br>")</script> </td> <td class=td1 >Žatec :&nbsp;Časopis Chmelařství, </td> <td class=td1 id=centered>[2010?]- </td> <td class=td1 >ABA001 - ABA009 - ABG001 - BOA001 - CBA001 - HKA001 - </td> <td class=td1 id=centered>xr </td> <td class=td1 style="display:none" ><BR></td> <td class=td1 style="display:none" >NBN:cnb002774166</td> </tr> <!-- filename: short-a-body--> <tr valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><A HREF=>4</A> </td> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><form name=XXX000004 method=GET><label for="select_row000004" class=hidden></label><input type=checkbox id="select_row000004" name=ckbox onClick="javascript:select_record(this.form);" onKeyPressed="javascript:select_record(this.form);"></form> </td> <td class=td1 >Ekonomika pěstování chmele :&nbsp;sborník přednášek ze semináře konaného dne ..., Žatec, ČR /&nbsp;Chmelařský institut s.r.o. = Economics of Hop Cultivation : proceedings of a workshop held at Žatec ... / Hop Research Institute Co., Ltd. </td> <td class=td1 id="centered" width="1%" style="font-size:6.5pt"> <script type="text/javascript">display_rank("<br>")</script> </td> <td class=td1 >Žatec :&nbsp;Petr Svoboda, </td> <td class=td1 id=centered>[2003?]- </td> <td class=td1 >ABA001 - ABA009 - BOA001 - HKA001 - OLA001 - OSA001 - </td> <td class=td1 id=centered>xr </td> <td class=td1 style="display:none" ><BR></td> <td class=td1 style="display:none" >NBN:cnb001703820</td> </tr> <!-- filename: short-a-body--> <tr valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><A HREF=>5</A> </td> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><form name=XXX000005 method=GET><label for="select_row000005" class=hidden></label><input type=checkbox id="select_row000005" name=ckbox onClick="javascript:select_record(this.form);" onKeyPressed="javascript:select_record(this.form);"></form> </td> <td class=td1 >Ethnica poetica ... </td> <td class=td1 id="centered" width="1%" style="font-size:6.5pt"> <script type="text/javascript">display_rank("<br>")</script> </td> <td class=td1 >[Praha] :&nbsp;Svoboda Servis, </td> <td class=td1 id=centered>2010 </td> <td class=td1 >ABA001 - BOA001 - OLA001 - PNA001 </td> <td class=td1 id=centered>xr </td> <td class=td1 style="display:none" ><BR></td> <td class=td1 style="display:none" >NBN:cnb002167645</td> </tr> <!-- filename: short-a-body--> <tr valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><A HREF=>6</A> </td> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><form name=XXX000006 method=GET><label for="select_row000006" class=hidden></label><input type=checkbox id="select_row000006" name=ckbox onClick="javascript:select_record(this.form);" onKeyPressed="javascript:select_record(this.form);"></form> </td> <td class=td1 >Jahresbericht ... /&nbsp;Glaube in der 2. Welt - Ökumenisches Forum für Religion und Gesellschaft in Ost und West </td> <td class=td1 id="centered" width="1%" style="font-size:6.5pt"> <script type="text/javascript">display_rank("<br>")</script> </td> <td class=td1 >[Küsnacht] :&nbsp;G2W, </td> <td class=td1 id=centered>[1975-2008] </td> <td class=td1 >ABD064 </td> <td class=td1 id=centered>sz </td> <td class=td1 style="display:none" ><BR></td> <td class=td1 style="display:none" ><BR></td> </tr> <!-- filename: short-a-body--> <tr valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><A HREF=>7</A> </td> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><form name=XXX000007 method=GET><label for="select_row000007" class=hidden></label><input type=checkbox id="select_row000007" name=ckbox onClick="javascript:select_record(this.form);" onKeyPressed="javascript:select_record(this.form);"></form> </td> <td class=td1 >Seznam knih nakladatelství Grosman a Svoboda v Praze ... </td> <td class=td1 id="centered" width="1%" style="font-size:6.5pt"> <script type="text/javascript">display_rank("<br>")</script> </td> <td class=td1 >Praha :&nbsp;Grosman a Svoboda, </td> <td class=td1 id=centered>[1897-193-] </td> <td class=td1 >ABA001 </td> <td class=td1 id=centered>xr </td> <td class=td1 style="display:none" ><BR></td> <td class=td1 style="display:none" ><BR></td> </tr> <!-- filename: short-a-body--> <tr valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><A HREF=>8</A> </td> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><form name=XXX000008 method=GET><label for="select_row000008" class=hidden></label><input type=checkbox id="select_row000008" name=ckbox onClick="javascript:select_record(this.form);" onKeyPressed="javascript:select_record(this.form);"></form> </td> <td class=td1 >Chmelařský kongres :&nbsp;sborník přednášek z Chmelařského kongresu konaného ve dnech ..., Žatec, ČR /&nbsp;Chmelařský institut s.r.o. = Czech Hop Grower&rsquo;s Convention : proceedings from Czech Hop Grower&rsquo;s Convention held in ..., Žatec, Czech Republic / Hop Research Institute Co., Ltd. </td> <td class=td1 id="centered" width="1%" style="font-size:6.5pt"> <script type="text/javascript">display_rank("<br>")</script> </td> <td class=td1 >Žatec :&nbsp;Petr Svoboda, </td> <td class=td1 id=centered>2006- </td> <td class=td1 >ABA001 - BOA001 - CBA001 </td> <td class=td1 id=centered>xr </td> <td class=td1 style="display:none" ><BR></td> <td class=td1 style="display:none" >NBN:cnb002793617</td> </tr> <!-- filename: short-a-body--> <tr valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><A HREF=>9</A> </td> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><form name=XXX000009 method=GET><label for="select_row000009" class=hidden></label><input type=checkbox id="select_row000009" name=ckbox onClick="javascript:select_record(this.form);" onKeyPressed="javascript:select_record(this.form);"></form> </td> <td class=td1 >Právo na informace :&nbsp;zákon o svobodném přístupu k informacím : zákon o právu na informace o životním prostředí : komentář /&nbsp;František Korbel a kolektiv </td> <td class=td1 id="centered" width="1%" style="font-size:6.5pt"> <script type="text/javascript">display_rank("<br>")</script> </td> <td class=td1 >Praha :&nbsp;Linde, </td> <td class=td1 id=centered>2004-2005 </td> <td class=td1 >ABA001 - ABE015 - ABE202 - BOA001 - OLA001 </td> <td class=td1 id=centered>xr </td> <td class=td1 style="display:none" ><BR></td> <td class=td1 style="display:none" >NBN:cnb001569812</td> </tr> <!-- filename: short-a-body--> <tr valign="top"> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><A HREF=>10</A> </td> <td class=td1 id=centered width="1%"><form name=XXX000010 method=GET><label for="select_row000010" class=hidden></label><input type=checkbox id="select_row000010" name=ckbox onClick="javascript:select_record(this.form);" onKeyPressed="javascript:select_record(this.form);"></form> </td> <td class=td1 >Dozor a kontrola na stavbě :&nbsp;praktická příručka : kompletní zpracování problematiky stavebního dozoru podle jednotlivých etap výstavby včetně vzorů, postupů a předpisů na pozemních stavbách /&nbsp;Lubomír Mikš a Bohumír Číhal ; pod vedením Lubomíra Mikše a Bohumíra Číhala spolupracovali: Petr Bláha, Roman Číhal, Dobromila Doubková, Karel Dvořáček, Vladimír Hlásenský, Jiří Jež, Vojtěch Kašpar, Alena Kliková, František Kosmák, Klára Košťálová, Pavel Kovařík, Lubomír Krov, Jitka Kylarová, Josef Ladra, Václav Macháček, Dana Měšťanová, Jitka Nerudová, Pavel Neumann, Michal Pánek, Jiří Plos, Tomáš Pokorný, Petr Polák, Miloslava Popenková, Václav Pospíchal, Petr Serafín, Vilém Schwab, Pavel Svoboda, Jaroslav Synek, Stanislav Veselka, Jaroslav Veselý, Jitka Víchová </td> <td class=td1 id="centered" width="1%" style="font-size:6.5pt"> <script type="text/javascript">display_rank("<br>")</script> </td> <td class=td1 >Praha :&nbsp;Dashöfer, </td> <td class=td1 id=centered>[2008]- </td> <td class=td1 >ABA001 - ABA013 - BOA001 - OLA001 </td> <td class=td1 id=centered>xr </td> <td class=td1 style="display:none" ><BR></td> <td class=td1 style="display:none" >NBN:cnb001828768</td> </tr> <!-- filename: short-a-tail --> </table> <!-- filename: short-tail --> </form> <p align=right> <img src= border=0 alt='No Previous Page'> <a href=;jump=000011 title=Next Page><img src= border=0 alt='Next Page'></a> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- function get_counter() { var counter = document.createElement("img"); 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