FAW Comet Support | Entering goals, cards and substitutions - web version

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unable to.</p> <p>Ideally, match events should be added in real time so that fans can get updates on the Cymru Football app, but if this is not possible, they can also be added as soon after the match as possible.</p> <p>This guide shows you how to add match events on the web version, but match events can also be added on the<strong> My</strong><b>Comet app</b>.</p> <p>Please inform the referee when you have added all match events, or if there is a delay in doing so, as after the referee has confirmed the match (by moving it to <b>Played</b>) neither club nor referee will be able to edit match events.</p> <h2><b>Select the team tab</b></h2> <picture><!--[if IE 9]><video style='display: none;'><![endif]--><source srcset="/application/files/thumbnails/lg/1716/6808/4528/CS_step_1_entering_goals_etc.png" media="(min-width: 992px)"><source srcset="/application/files/thumbnails/md/1716/6808/4528/CS_step_1_entering_goals_etc.png" media="(min-width: 768px)"><source srcset="/application/files/thumbnails/sm/1716/6808/4528/CS_step_1_entering_goals_etc.png" media="(min-width: 576px)"><source srcset="/application/files/thumbnails/xs/1716/6808/4528/CS_step_1_entering_goals_etc.png"><!--[if IE 9]></video><![endif]--><img src="/application/files/thumbnails/xs/1716/6808/4528/CS_step_1_entering_goals_etc.png" alt="" class="ccm-image-block img-responsive bID-4846"></picture> <p>To add a match event, from the <b>match page </b>select the <b>team tab </b>for the team you wish to add an event for.</p> <h2><b>Pick the player</b></h2> <picture><!--[if IE 9]><video style='display: none;'><![endif]--><source srcset="/application/files/thumbnails/lg/4216/6808/4543/CS_step_2_entering_goals_etc.png" media="(min-width: 992px)"><source srcset="/application/files/thumbnails/md/4216/6808/4543/CS_step_2_entering_goals_etc.png" media="(min-width: 768px)"><source srcset="/application/files/thumbnails/sm/4216/6808/4543/CS_step_2_entering_goals_etc.png" media="(min-width: 576px)"><source srcset="/application/files/thumbnails/xs/4216/6808/4543/CS_step_2_entering_goals_etc.png"><!--[if IE 9]></video><![endif]--><img src="/application/files/thumbnails/xs/4216/6808/4543/CS_step_2_entering_goals_etc.png" alt="" class="ccm-image-block img-responsive bID-4847"></picture> <p>Both clubs should have selected and confirmed their teams before the match.</p> <p>In the <b>team tab </b>you will see the team line-up.&nbsp; Click on the &quot;<strong>+</strong>&quot;&nbsp; next to the name of the player that you are adding the match event to and the <b>Events </b>box will open.</p> <h2><b>Adding a goal</b></h2> <picture><!--[if IE 9]><video style='display: none;'><![endif]--><source srcset="/application/files/thumbnails/lg/1616/6808/4562/CS_step_3_entering_goals_etc.png" media="(min-width: 992px)"><source srcset="/application/files/thumbnails/md/1616/6808/4562/CS_step_3_entering_goals_etc.png" media="(min-width: 768px)"><source srcset="/application/files/thumbnails/sm/1616/6808/4562/CS_step_3_entering_goals_etc.png" media="(min-width: 576px)"><source srcset="/application/files/thumbnails/xs/1616/6808/4562/CS_step_3_entering_goals_etc.png"><!--[if IE 9]></video><![endif]--><img src="/application/files/thumbnails/xs/1616/6808/4562/CS_step_3_entering_goals_etc.png" alt="" class="ccm-image-block img-responsive bID-4850"></picture> <p>In the <b>Events </b>box, check that the Player name shown at the top of the box is correct.</p> <p>To add a <b>goal, </b>select <b>Goal </b>in the<b> Event Type </b>drop down menu.&nbsp; You should also add an <b>Own goal, Penalty </b>or <b>Missed Penalty </b>in the same way.</p> <p><img alt="CS step 4 entering goals etc.png" src="" /></p> <p>Enter the minute that the goal was scored in the<b> Minute </b>field. If the goal was scored in stoppage time, the additional minute should be added in the <b>+ box</b>, so the minute of the goal will show for example as 45+1.</p> <p>To add an assit select the correct player from the drop down menu.</p> <p>Click <b>Save</b>.&nbsp; You will then see the goal marked against the players name in the team line-up.</p> <p>To add a&nbsp;further event to the same player, repeat this process.</p> <h2><b>Adding a card</b></h2> <picture><!--[if IE 9]><video style='display: none;'><![endif]--><source srcset="/application/files/thumbnails/lg/6716/6808/4682/CS_step_5_entering_goals_etc.png" media="(min-width: 992px)"><source srcset="/application/files/thumbnails/md/6716/6808/4682/CS_step_5_entering_goals_etc.png" media="(min-width: 768px)"><source srcset="/application/files/thumbnails/sm/6716/6808/4682/CS_step_5_entering_goals_etc.png" media="(min-width: 576px)"><source srcset="/application/files/thumbnails/xs/6716/6808/4682/CS_step_5_entering_goals_etc.png"><!--[if IE 9]></video><![endif]--><img src="/application/files/thumbnails/xs/6716/6808/4682/CS_step_5_entering_goals_etc.png" alt="" class="ccm-image-block img-responsive bID-4854"></picture> <p>Click on the &quot;<strong>+</strong>&quot; next to name of the player you are adding a card to and the <b>Events </b>box will open.</p> <p>To add a <b>card,&nbsp;</b>select the event type to <strong>Yellow card</strong> or<strong> Red card</strong> and enter the minute that the card was given in the<b> Minute </b>field.</p> <p>You will need to fill the <b>Reason </b>box, by selecting a reason from the drop down menu.&nbsp; Please do not worry if you are unsure of the reason, as this will be checked and corrected if necessary by the referee after the match.</p> <p>For a <b>Red card</b> you will also need to complete the <b>Statement </b>box to be able to save the booking.&nbsp; Please insert something like &ldquo;Awaiting referee statement&rdquo; and the referee will add their statement after the match.</p> <p>Click <b>Save</b>.&nbsp; You will then see the card marked against the players name in the team line-up.</p> <p>Please do not worry if you are unsure of any card details &ndash; the referee will take responsibility for adding and correcting these details.</p> <h2><b>Adding a substitution</b></h2> <picture><!--[if IE 9]><video style='display: none;'><![endif]--><source srcset="/application/files/thumbnails/lg/3516/6808/4700/CS_step_6_entering_goals_etc.png" media="(min-width: 992px)"><source srcset="/application/files/thumbnails/md/3516/6808/4700/CS_step_6_entering_goals_etc.png" media="(min-width: 768px)"><source srcset="/application/files/thumbnails/sm/3516/6808/4700/CS_step_6_entering_goals_etc.png" media="(min-width: 576px)"><source srcset="/application/files/thumbnails/xs/3516/6808/4700/CS_step_6_entering_goals_etc.png"><!--[if IE 9]></video><![endif]--><img src="/application/files/thumbnails/xs/3516/6808/4700/CS_step_6_entering_goals_etc.png" alt="" class="ccm-image-block img-responsive bID-4857"></picture> <p>To add a <b>substitution</b>, click on the &quot;<strong>+</strong>&quot; next to the name of the player who is to be <b>brought on</b>.</p> <p>In the <b>Events </b>box, select Substitution in the Event type drop down menu and enter the <b>Minute.</b></p> <p>You will then see the <b>Substitution </b>drop down menu, where you should select the player who is being <b>brought off</b>.</p> <p>Click <b>Save </b>and you will see the substitution marked against the player who has been brought on.</p> <p>Please note &ndash; if your competition uses <strong>rolling subs</strong>, the process will be slightly different, and you can find a guide to this <a href="">here.</a></p> <h2><b>Removing a match event added to the wrong player</b></h2> <picture><!--[if IE 9]><video style='display: none;'><![endif]--><source srcset="/application/files/thumbnails/lg/9616/6808/4750/CS_step_7_entering_goals_etc.png" media="(min-width: 992px)"><source srcset="/application/files/thumbnails/md/9616/6808/4750/CS_step_7_entering_goals_etc.png" media="(min-width: 768px)"><source srcset="/application/files/thumbnails/sm/9616/6808/4750/CS_step_7_entering_goals_etc.png" media="(min-width: 576px)"><source srcset="/application/files/thumbnails/xs/9616/6808/4750/CS_step_7_entering_goals_etc.png"><!--[if IE 9]></video><![endif]--><img src="/application/files/thumbnails/xs/9616/6808/4750/CS_step_7_entering_goals_etc.png" alt="" class="ccm-image-block img-responsive bID-4862"></picture> <p>If you notice that a match event has been attributed to the wrong player, you are able to edit this.</p> <p>To <b>remove the event </b>from the player, click on the players <b>name </b>in the <b>Lineup </b>section.</p> <p>In the <b>Events </b>box which opens, you will see the event that has been added to the player listed.</p> <p>To <b>remove the event </b>click on the <b>bin </b>icon next to the match event.&nbsp; The listing is then removed from the <b>Events </b>box.</p> <p>You will see that the event is now removed from the player in the team line-up.</p> <p>To add the match event to the correct player, please follow the process shown above to add a goal, card or substitution.</p> <h2><b>Editing a match event added to a player</b></h2> <picture><!--[if IE 9]><video style='display: none;'><![endif]--><source srcset="/application/files/thumbnails/lg/8816/6808/4768/CS_step_8_entering_goals_etc.png" media="(min-width: 992px)"><source srcset="/application/files/thumbnails/md/8816/6808/4768/CS_step_8_entering_goals_etc.png" media="(min-width: 768px)"><source srcset="/application/files/thumbnails/sm/8816/6808/4768/CS_step_8_entering_goals_etc.png" media="(min-width: 576px)"><source srcset="/application/files/thumbnails/xs/8816/6808/4768/CS_step_8_entering_goals_etc.png"><!--[if IE 9]></video><![endif]--><img src="/application/files/thumbnails/xs/8816/6808/4768/CS_step_8_entering_goals_etc.png" alt="" class="ccm-image-block img-responsive bID-4868"></picture> <p>If a match event has been added to a player with the wrong details included (e.g. wrong time), you are also able to edit this.</p> <p>To make the changes, click on the players <b>name </b>in the <b>Lineup </b>section.</p> <p>In the <b>Events </b>box which opens, you will see the event that has been added to the player listed.</p> <p>To <b>edit the event </b>click on the <b>pencil </b>icon next to the match event.&nbsp;</p> <p>You will then be able to change the <b>Minute</b>, <b>Type </b>of event, in the case of a substitution the player that is being replaced by selecting the player from the <b>Substitution </b>drop down menu, or in the case of a card the <b>Reason</b> and <b>Statement</b>.</p> </div> </div> <div class="row meta"> <div class="col col-12 col-md-3"> <p><strong>First Published</strong></p> <p>12 November 2020</p> </div> <div class="col col-12 col-md-3"> <p><strong>Last Updated</strong></p> <p>10 November 2022</p> </div> <div class="col col-12 col-md-3"> <p><strong>Part Of</strong></p> <p><a href="">Clubs</a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="outdated"> <h6>Your browser is out-of-date!</h6> <p>Update your browser to view this website correctly. <a id="btnUpdateBrowser" href="">Update my browser now </a></p> <p class="last"><a href="#" id="btnCloseUpdateBrowser" title="Close">&times;</a></p> </div> <script src="/application/themes/comet_support_faw/js/plugins-min.js"></script> <script src="/application/themes/comet_support_faw/js/global.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/concrete/js/picturefill.js?ccm_nocache=ca17add95b11d1baf3d74fcd3fa4637fb02c14ba"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/concrete/blocks/image/view.js?ccm_nocache=ca17add95b11d1baf3d74fcd3fa4637fb02c14ba"></script> </body> </html>

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