Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Highlights Updates: JMM-led coalition wins 56 seats in 81-member assembly, NDA secures 24, JLKM bags one - The Economic Times
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", "description": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Highlights: JMM-led coalition wins 56 seats in 81-member assembly, NDA secures 24, JLKM bags one", "keywords" : ["jharkhand election","jharkhand election result","jharkhand election 2024 live updates","jharkhand election result live","jharkhand news live","jharkhand election results","jharkhand elections 2024","jharkhand election news","assembly elections 2024","assembly election results 2024 live","assembly election news","election news live","JMM","NDA","BJP","INDIA","Hemant Soren","Champai Soren","election results","eci","election commission of india","election results 2024","election results today live","jharkhand election result 2024","election result jharkhand","jharkhand news","jharkhand election results live","jharkhand election results live updates"], "datePublished": "2024-11-23T05:24:00+05:30", "dateModified": "2024-11-24T00:26:00+05:30", "articleSection" : "News", "articleBody" : "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Highlights Updates: Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren on Saturday expressed gratitude to people of the state for INDIA bloc's stellar performance in the assembly polls, asserting that it passed the exam of democracy. The coalition comprising the JMM, Congress, RJD and CPIM(L) Liberation is headed for a decisive victory, having won 31 seats and leading in 24 others. Soren has already won from the Barhait seat by a margin of 39,791 votes, defeating BJP's Gamliyel Hembrom. 'We have passed the exam of democracy in Jharkhand; we will finalise our strategy after the election results,' Soren said at a press conference here. 'I express my gratitude to the people for this stupendous performance,' he said. Soren also said Jharkhand is set to script 'Abua Raj, Abua Sarkar' (own state, own govt). Meanwhile, AICC general secretary Ghulam Ahmad Mir said 'Soren is the CM of Jharkhand and will continue to remain so'.", "image": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4,imgsize-69608/jharkhand-election-results-2024-live-updates-vote-counting-jharkhand-assembly-election-results-bjp-jmm-india-nda-hemant-soren-champai-soren-eci-latest-news-22nd-november.jpg", "height": "900", "width": "1200" }, "author": { "@type": "Thing", "sameAs": "", "name": "Economic Times" }, "publisher": { "@type": "NewsMediaOrganization", "name": "Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": 600, "height": 60 } } } </script></head><body class="skip_cube"><section class="pageHolder skipStickyBand skip_popup skipLiveTv"><div class="band" id=""><div class="contentwrapper bandCont clearfix"><div class="flipWrapper"><div class="mkt_indices_band clearfix"><div class="band-items band-item-sm" id="S1_box"><div 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class="smallCaps"><div class="smTxt">Synopsis</div><p>Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Highlights: JMM-led coalition wins 56 seats in 81-member assembly, NDA secures 24, JLKM bags one<br/></p></div></div><div class="clr"></div><div class="prel lb_synop"><div data-length="1000" class="lbSyn short_synop">Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Highlights Updates: Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren on Saturday expressed gratitude to people of the state for INDIA bloc's stellar performance in the assembly polls, asserting that it passed the exam of democracy. The coalition comprising the JMM, Congress, RJD and CPIM(L) Liberation is headed for a decisive victory, having won 31 seats and leading in 24 others. Soren has already won from the Barhait seat by a margin of 39,791 votes, defeating BJP's Gamliyel Hembrom.<br /><br />"We have passed the exam of democracy in Jharkhand; we will finalise our strategy after the election results," Soren said at a press conference here.<br /><br />"I express my gratitude to the people for this stupendous performance," he said.<br /><br />Soren also said Jharkhand is set to script 'Abua Raj, Abua Sarkar' (own state, own govt).<br /><br />Meanwhile, AICC general secretary Ghulam Ahmad Mir said "Soren is the CM of Jharkhand and will continue to remain so".<br /></div><span class="read_more"> Show more</span><span class="read_less hidden"> Show less</span></div><div class="clr"></div><div id="updateBox"><div id="updateInfo" data-count="98" data-latCount="98"><b>1 New Update</b><span class="lSprit refresh"></span></div></div><div class="clr"></div><div class="pageliveblog" id="contentBox" style="margin-top:0;margin-bottom:10px"><div class="clearfix container hitDone" data-page="1"><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115608653"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>12:26:30 AM IST, 24 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h2 class="">Here's the wrap for today</h2><div class="blogSysn"><ul><li>Hemant Soren vows to build a 'Golden Jharkhand' after victory</li><li>We will intensify our efforts for the development of Jharkhand: PM Modi</li><li>Hemant Soren's JMM-led coalition secures majority in 81-member Jharkhand assembly: EC</li><li>Kalpana Soren wins Gandey seat by 17,142 votes, defeating BJP's Muniya Devi: EC</li><li>JP Nadda vows to end Bangladeshi 'infiltration' in Jharkhand</li><li>JMM slams opposition, says 'Love and Jharkhand won'</li><li>INDIA bloc's win in Jharkhand victory for protection of water, forest and land, along with that of Constitution: Rahul Gandhi</li><li>We have to fight for social justice, raise voice of people and form accountable government in Jharkhand: Kharge</li><li>We passed exam of democracy, will finalise strategy post election results: Hemant Soren</li><li>Jharkhand CM Hemant Soren wins Barhait seat by 39,791 votes, defeats BJP's Gamliyel Hembrom: EC</li><li>People of Jharkhand decisively rejected politics of polarisation: Congress leader Jairam Ramesh</li><li>Loss in Jharkhand deeply painful for me: Assam CM and BJP's election co-incharge Himanta Biswa Sarma</li><li>PM Modi congratulates JMM-led alliance on Jharkhand win; Hemant Soren expresses gratitude for PM's wishes</li><li>Hemant Soren's brother Basant Soren wins Dumka seat</li><li>Hemant Soren is CM of Jharkhand, will continue to remain so: AICC general secretary Ghulam Ahmad Mir</li><li>Kalpana Soren thanks people of Jharkhand for their love and blessings</li><li>JMM workers begin celebrations as Mahagathbandhan maintains lead</li><li>Basant Soren, brother of Jharkhand CM Hemant Soren, defeats BJP's Sunil Soren in Dumka by 14,588 votes</li></ul></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115607053"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>11:17:21 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Assembly Election 2024: Results</h3><figure><img class="lazy gwt-Image" width="445" src=",width-445,resizemode-4/etlogo.jpg" data-original=",width-445,resizemode-4,imgsize-88496/jharkhand-assembly-election-2024-results.jpg" alt="Jharkhand Assembly Election 2024: Results"></figure></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115605915"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>10:00:37 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand final tally</h3><div class="blogSysn">JMM-led coalition wins 56 seats in 81-member assembly, NDA secures 24, JLKM bags one</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115605600"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>09:34:58 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">JMM leader Ramdas Soren thanks people of Jharkhand </h3><twitter tweet-id="1860352965065998571" class="tweet"></twitter></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115605461"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>09:27:22 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand BJP President Babulal Marandi says victory belongs to people on Dhanwar win</h3><div class="blogSysn">My victory is the victory of the public of Dhanwar assembly constituency, I extend best wishes to the public. The public has given me the opportunity to work for the welfare of the public again," he told the media.<br /><br /> "Why is the Congress not raising questions on EVMs in Jharkhand? Whenever they lose the elections, they blame the EVMs...I congratulate Hemant Soren on winning the Jharkhand Assembly elections and I accept the verdict of people. The results are unexpected and we will look into the reasons for our loss," he added.<br /></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115604650"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>08:58:12 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">BJP wins last remaining seat in Jharkhand</h3><div class="blogSysn">JMM - 34, BJP - 21, INC - 16, RJD - 4, CPI(ML)(L) - 2, AJSUP - 1, LJPRV - 1, JLKM- 1, and JD(U) - 1</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115604583"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>08:53:53 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Hemant Soren vows to build 'Golden Jharkhand'</h3><twitter tweet-id="1860337283645206706" class="tweet"></twitter></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115604481"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>08:46:15 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Nisat Alam wins Pakur by 86,029 votes: EC</h3><div class="blogSysn">Nisat Alam, wife of ex-Jharkhand minister Alamgir Alam who was arrested by ED, wins Pakur by highest margin of 86,029 votes: EC</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115604302"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>08:32:40 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div><span class="lSprit vam"></span></div><h3 class="quote">We will intensify our efforts for the development of Jharkhand</h3><p class="quoteAuthor">- PM Narendra Modi</p></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115604179"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>08:24:20 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">JP Nadda vows to end Bangladeshi 'infiltration' in Jharkhand</h3><div class="blogSysn">We will play the role of opposition in Jharkhand and work to eliminate the 'infiltration by Bangladeshis' in the state, we will take it to the end: JP Nadda</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115604094"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>08:17:45 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">RJD leader Tejashwi Yadav on Jharkhand win</h3><div class="blogSysn">"We have won 4 seats in Jharkhand and lost 1 or 2 seats by a very narrow margin. Hemant Soren has become the Chief Minister of Jharkhand with a huge majority. We thank him as well. As far as the Bihar by-election is concerned, we have won all four Lok Sabha seats on which elections were held. We lost the 2024 by-elections, we will win in 2025... A grand alliance government is sure to be formed in Bihar in 2025... After Jharkhand, it is Bihar's turn... We ensure that at any cost, an NDA government will not be formed in Bihar."</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115603919"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>08:04:44 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Kalpana Soren wins Gandey seat</h3><div class="blogSysn">Jharkhand CM Hemant Soren's wife Kalpana wins Gandey seat by 17,142 votes, defeating BJP's Muniya Devi: EC</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115603233"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>07:27:55 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Raghav Chaddha on Maharashtra and Jharkhand elections</h3><div class="blogSysn">"Today's results have brought both happiness and sadness for the INDIA alliance. There is no doubt in Maharashtra that the INDIA alliance has lost and the Eknath Shinde government has got a big victory. I congratulate them. In Jharkhand, people have rejected negative politics, politics of revenge. The INDIA alliance has won with a huge majority, so I congratulate the people of Jharkhand..."</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115603160"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>07:23:45 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Congress chief Mallikarjun Kharge on Jharkhand win</h3><div class="blogSysn"><ul><li>We have to fight for social justice, raise voice of people and form accountable government in Jharkhand: Kharge</li><li>People of Jharkhand have given priority to issues of their rights, water, forests and land; rejected divisive, false politics: Mallikarjun Kharge</li></ul></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115603110"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>07:21:25 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Hemant Soren's JMM-led coalition secures majority in 81-member Jharkhand assembly: EC</h3></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115602811"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>07:05:30 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Assembly Election Results 2024: As counting continues, JMM wins 22 seats, BJP 14</h3><div class="blogSysn">Hemant Soren's JMM-led alliance was all set to retain Jharkhand as it won 22 seats in the 81-member state assembly, as per Election Commission data on Saturday afternoon. The performance of the BJP-led NDA, which was confident about its prospects in the state after an aggressive campaign, was poorer than its expectations. It was leading in just 23 seats with BJP winning only 14 seats.</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115602591"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>06:55:51 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Rahul Gandhi on INDIA bloc's win in Jharkhand</h3><div class="blogSysn">INDIA bloc's win in Jharkhand victory for protection of water, forest and land, along with that of Constitution: Congress leader Rahul Gandhi.</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115602372"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>06:44:35 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Assembly Election Results 2024: JMM slams opposition, says 'Love and Jharkhand won'</h3><twitter tweet-id="1860294940669943954" class="tweet"></twitter></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115602238"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>06:37:41 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jairam Ramesh on Jharkhand election results</h3><div class="blogSysn">"I want to congratulate the people of Jharkhand, because they have shown a new way to the country, they rejected the politics of polarisation, what not were said during political campaigns by Assam CM Himanta Biswa Sarma, UP CM Yogi Adityanath, Union Agriculture Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan, and Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The whole election was fought on one word- infiltrators. They tried to create fear, but people responded in a decisive manner. It is also a positive message for the entire country that the politics of polarisation can be defeated. In Maharashtra, without a doubt, in a targeted manner, the level playing field, the word that ECI uses, was disturbed. The results have come, and it is unexpected in Maharashtra," says Jairam Ramesh.</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115601940"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>06:26:30 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Rahul Gandhi thanks Jharkhand voters, congratulates Hemant Soren</h3><twitter tweet-id="1860302862833660147" class="tweet"></twitter></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115601911"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>06:22:04 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">CM Hemant Soren at press conference in Ranchi</h3><div class="blogSysn">We passed exam of democracy in Jharkhand, will finalise strategy post election results</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115601482"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>06:01:28 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Hemant Soren wins Barhait seat</h3><div class="blogSysn">Jharkhand CM Hemant Soren wins Barhait seat by 39,791 votes, defeats BJP's Gamliyel Hembrom: EC</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115601463"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>06:00:29 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">AICC general secretary Ghulam Ahmad Mir on Soren's Jharkhand win</h3><div class="blogSysn">Hemant Soren is CM of Jharkhand, will continue to remain so</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115601430"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>05:58:29 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div><span class="lSprit vam"></span></div><h3 class="quote">People of Jharkhand decisively rejected politics of polarisation</h3><p class="quoteAuthor">- Congress leader Jairam Ramesh</p></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115601341"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>05:54:16 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Himanta Biswa Sarma on BJP's Jharkhand loss</h3><div class="blogSysn"><ul><li>Loss in Jharkhand deeply painful for me: Assam CM and BJP's election co-incharge Himanta Biswa Sarma</li><li>Must humbly accept people's mandate, for that is true essence of democracy: Himanta on BJP's Jharkhand loss</li></ul></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115601268"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>05:51:00 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Hemant Soren: The tribal warrior with a turbulent but resilient political career</h3><div class="blogSysn">Hemant Soren, Jharkhand's youngest chief minister, has had a turbulent but resilient political career, marked by legal battles and internal party struggles. Soren, 49, has become a formidable advocate for tribal rights and has carved out a prominent place in the state's political landscape. <b><i><a href="" target="_blank" title="">(Read more)</a></i></b></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115601120"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>05:43:43 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div><span class="lSprit vam"></span></div><h3 class="quote">I want to thank PM Modi also for his best wishes to us (on winning the Jharkhand Assembly Election 2024)</h3><p class="quoteAuthor">- Jharkhand CM Hemant Soren</p></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115601096"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>05:41:58 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Kalpana Soren on the victory of JMM-led Mahagathbandhan in Jharkhand</h3><div class="blogSysn">"...This government is the Abua government, this government is the government of the people of Jharkhand. The people have expressed their unwavering faith in Hemant Soren. The way Hemant ji was serving Jharkhand earlier as a son, as a brother, now in the coming times, he will work even harder than that..."</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115600611"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>05:20:27 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Elections 2024: INDIA bloc crosses majority mark; JMM wins 17 seats, INC scores 7, BJP gets 5 so far</h3><div class="blogSysn">According to ECI data, JMM has so far won a total of 17 seats and is leading in another 17; the BJP has secured five seats and is ahead in 16; while the INC has scored seven seats and is leading in nine and the CPI(ML)(L) bagged two seats. Meanwhile, RJD, LJPRV and the JLKM won one seat each, while the AJSUP and JD(U) have so far failed to make a significant mark.</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115600597"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>05:19:29 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Assembly Election Results 2024: JMM's Hemlal Murmu wins Litipara seat</h3><div class="blogSysn">Jharkhand Mukti Morcha's Hemlal Murmu won the Litipara seat. Murmu received a total number of 88,469 votes. He won with a margin of 26,749 and defeated BJP's Babudhan Murmu.</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115600238"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>05:02:58 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Assembly Election Results 2024: Jairam Tiger Mahto wins Dumri seat</h3><div class="blogSysn">Jairam Mahto, popularly known as Jairam Tiger Mahto and who launched his political party - Jharkhand Loktantrik Krantikari Morcha (JLKM), won the Dumri assembly seat. He made a mark as a Kurmi leader and made an impressive show in the Lok Sabha elections earlier this year polling nearly 3.5 lakh votes as an Independent in Giridih Lok Sabha seat.</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115600072"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>04:56:58 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Assembly Election Results 2024: INDIA bloc wins 18 seats -- JMM 13, INC 4, RJD 1</h3><div class="blogSysn">In the Jharkhand Assembly elections, JMM won 13 seats whereas Congress won 4 seats, and RJD received 1 seat. Meanwhile, BJP won 4 seats, and LJPRV (Ram Vilas) won one seat from Chatra.</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115599991"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>04:53:57 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">PM Modi congratulates Hemant Soren</h3><twitter tweet-id="1860281012519112987" class="tweet"></twitter></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115599321"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>04:24:34 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div><span class="lSprit vam"></span></div><h3 class="quote">We respect the mandate that has come</h3><p class="quoteAuthor">- Champai Soren on Jharkhand Election 2024, BJP candidate from Saraikela assembly constituency & former CM</p></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115599281"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>04:33:26 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Election Results Leads 2024: Jharkhand CM Hemant Soren's brother Basant Soren wins Dumka seat</h3><div class="blogSysn"><ul><li>Jharkhand Mukti Morcha's member and state minister Basant Soren won the Dumka seat. He is also the son of JMM founder Shibu Soren</li><li>JMM candidate Basant Soren, brother of Jharkhand CM Hemant Soren, defeats BJP's Sunil Soren in Dumka by 14,588 votes</li></ul></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115599233"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>04:21:20 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Election Results Leads 2024: JMM's Hemlal Murmu wins Litipara seat</h3><div class="blogSysn">Jharkhand Mukti Morcha's Hemlal Murmu won the Litipara seat. Murmu received a total number of 88,469 votes. He won with a margin of 26,749 and defeated BJP's Babudhan Murmu</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115598464"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>03:53:05 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Election Results Leads 2024: JMM's Uma Kant Rajak wins Chandankiyari, Leader of Opposition Amar Kumar Bauri of BJP at third spot, according to EC.</h3></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115597950"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>03:35:47 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Election Results Leads 2024: Congress workers celebrate at party office in Delhi.</h3><twitter tweet-id="1860262700598854070" class="tweet"></twitter></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115597623"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>03:24:34 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Election Results Leads 2024: Keshav Mahto Kamlesh predicts bigger victory for Mahagathbandhan in Jharkhand</h3><div class="blogSysn">"We expect a bigger victory this year compared to the 2019 Assembly election... People are showing their faith in the guarantees that we have proposed for the upliftment of youth, women, and Dalit communities. The people have also shown their support for all the work that we have done here in the last five years under the leadership of CM Hemant Soren," said Congress leader Keshav Mahto Kamlesh.</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115597301"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>03:22:45 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Election Results Leads 2024: Kalpana Soren thanks people of Jharkhand for their love and blessings</h3><div class="blogSysn">As JMM-led Mahagathbandhan continues its lead in Jharkhand, party candidate from Gandey and CM Hemant Soren's wife, Kalpana Soren said, "I want to thank the people of Gandhey, Giridih and the people of the state for showering love on me and blessing me like their daughter..."</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115597126"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>03:21:12 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Election Results Leads 2024: JMM workers congratulate party candidate from Gandey and CM Hemant Soren's wife, Kalpana Soren on leading from the constituency</h3><twitter tweet-id="1860256995774988770" class="tweet"></twitter></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115596832"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>03:11:26 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Election Results Leads 2024: JMM-led alliance maintains commanding lead</h3><div class="blogSysn">Jharkhand Assembly Election results are shaping up with a significant lead for the JMM-led Mahagathbandhan. As per the latest updates by EC, the Jharkhand Mukti Morcha (JMM) is ahead in 34 seats, while the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) trails with 20. The Indian National Congress (INC) is leading in 17 constituencies, followed by the Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) with 5. The CPI(ML)(L) is ahead in 2 seats, and LJPRV and JLKM are leading in 1 seat each.</div><figure><img class="lazy gwt-Image" width="445" src=",width-445,resizemode-4/etlogo.jpg" data-original=",width-445,resizemode-4,imgsize-30854/jharkhand-election-results-leads-2024-jmm-led-alliance-maintains-commanding-lead.jpg" alt="Jharkhand Election Results Leads 2024: JMM-led alliance maintains commanding lead"></figure></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115596494"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>02:59:13 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Election Results Leads 2024: Congress observer Tariq Anwar credits women's welfare for expected win</h3><div class="blogSysn">Congress observer for the state Tariq Anwar said, "This is good, we were expecting this. Our Govt did good work, and worked for every section of society, especially for women. So, we had expected to win, to achieve success."</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115596357"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>02:54:30 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Election Results Leads 2024: Dilip Jaiswal claims NDA wave across India</h3><div class="blogSysn">On counting for Jharkhand Election2024 and Maharashtra Election 2024, Bihar BJP President and Bihar Minister Dilip Jaiswal said, "There is a wave of support in favour of NDA alliance in the entire nation. Maharashtra is the financial capital of the nation and we have won the Maharashtra Assembly elections with a two-third majority. We (BJP) will win all four assembly bypoll seats of Bihar...The public of Bihar has trusted the leadership of PM Modi and Bihar CM Nitish Kumar..."</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115596288"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>02:51:44 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Election Results Leads 2024: As JMM-led Mahagathbandhan continues its lead in Jharkhand, party candidate from Gandey and CM Hemant Soren's wife, Kalpana Soren celebrates</h3><twitter tweet-id="1860246329370488930" class="tweet"></twitter></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115596264"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>02:50:59 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Election Results Leads 2024: Supriyo Bhattacharya celebrates JMM's progress</h3><div class="blogSysn">On the counting for Jharkhand Election, General Secretary of JMM, Supriyo Bhattacharya said, "I am delighted that we are moving forward on the issues we had taken up...There is only one slogan, 'Ek hi naara, Hemant dobara'...I will say this to the BJP let the local leaders stay in the local place. The outsiders (leaders) from Assam, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Odisha and Delhi, their infiltration should be stopped..."</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115595866"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>02:34:10 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Election Results Leads 2024: Here is the full list of winners from the state</h3><div class="blogSysn">The Jharkhand assembly election 2024 was held in two phases, with the first phase on November 13 and the second phase on November 20. The ruling Jharkhand Mukti Morcha (JMM) is in alliance with Congress, Rashtriya Janata Dal (JDU) fighting the anti incumbency wave against the BJP and its allies. <a href="" target="_blank" title="">Here's the full list of winners from the state</a><br /></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115595475"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>02:19:58 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Kalpana Murmu Soren leads by 308 votes in Gandey</h3><div class="blogSysn">Kalpana Murmu Soren, wife of Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren and a candidate from the Jharkhand Mukti Morcha (JMM), is currently leading by a narrow margin of 308 votes over Munia Devi of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in the Gandey assembly constituency, according to the latest data from the Election Commission of India.</div><figure><img class="lazy gwt-Image" width="445" src=",width-445,resizemode-4/etlogo.jpg" data-original=",width-445,resizemode-4,imgsize-55215/jharkhand-election-results-2024-live-updates-kalpana-murmu-soren-leads-by-308-votes-in-gandey.jpg" alt="Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Kalpana Murmu Soren leads by 308 votes in Gandey"></figure></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115593945"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>01:12:46 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: JMM workers celebrate as the JMM-led alliance is leading in 51 seats in Jharkhand</h3><twitter tweet-id="1860227195291205869" class="tweet"></twitter></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115593922"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>01:11:52 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Mahagathbandhan continues its lead</h3><div class="blogSysn"><ul><li>JMM-led Mahagathbandhan continues its lead in the state by currently leading on 50 of the 81 seats, crossing the majority mark, as per official EC trends (JMM 30, Congress 14, RJD 4, CPI(ML)(L) 2) </li><li>BJP-led NDA leading on 29 seats (BJP 27, AJSUP 1, LJPRV 1)</li></ul></div><figure><img class="lazy gwt-Image" width="445" src=",width-445,resizemode-4/etlogo.jpg" data-original=",width-445,resizemode-4,imgsize-43536/jharkhand-election-results-2024-live-updates-mahagathbandhan-continues-its-lead.jpg" alt="Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Mahagathbandhan continues its lead"></figure></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115592728"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>12:31:04 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: JMM's trailing candidate Kalpana Soren says, "let’s wait for a few more hours" as counting continues</h3><twitter tweet-id="1860214106709721156" class="tweet"></twitter></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115591612"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>12:11:48 PM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Ghulam Ahmad Mir confident of better results by 4 PM</h3><div class="blogSysn"><ul><li>"This is just the beginning as the counting began at 8 am. Approximately 20 tables have been put up everywhere and 15-20 rounds of counting will be done for every Assembly constituency. Currently, the Election Commission's data available is of third or fourth round. We have booth-wise information regarding counting. We are confident. You will see better results at 4 pm than the present picture," said Jharkhand Congress incharge Ghulam Ahmad Mir.</li><li>In the 81-seat Jharkhand assembly, the BJP was ahead in 26 seats, way behind the opposition alliance with JMM leading in 30 seats, the Congress in 13, the RJD in five and the CPI-ML in one.</li></ul></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115591112"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>11:51:59 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Tsunami of votes you see in Maharashtra will come to Jharkhand too at 12 noon, says BJP MP Sanjay Seth</h3><div class="blogSysn"><ul><li>Despite the JMM-led Mahagathbandhan crossing the halfway mark in the Jharkhand Assembly election, MoS Defence and BJP MP Sanjay Seth claimed that the tsunami of votes in favour of BJP in Maharashtra would be seen in Jharkhand too at 12 noon.</li><li>Sanjay Seth said, "Jharkhand has 81 seats and Maharashtra has 288 seats. The scope is greater there. We have 81 seats, so the scope is less. But I can confidently say that as the sun goes up, gap will increase. I can confidently say that the wave of change that was seen in Jharkhand - corruption, vote jihad, shattering of the dreams of youth, atrocities on women in 5 years. I am fully confident that the tsunami you see in Maharashtra will come to Jharkhand too at 12 noon."</li><li>He said that at present the BJP is leading in 44 seats and at 12 noon it will cross 50 seats</li></ul></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115590578"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>11:28:48 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Key updates so far</h3><div class="blogSysn">The counting of votes for the 2024 Jharkhand Assembly elections began at 8 AM on Saturday, with the JMM-led INDIA bloc taking the lead. According to the Election Commission’s trends at 10:50 AM, the INDIA bloc was ahead in 48 out of 81 seats, while the BJP-led NDA was leading in 28 seats. Two seats each were being led by independent candidates and the JLKM party.<br /><br /><b>Hemant Soren leads, Kalpana Soren struggles<br /></b>Chief Minister Hemant Soren of JMM is leading in Barhait by 4,921 votes over BJP’s Gamliyel Hembrom after the second round of counting. However, his wife, Kalpana Soren, is trailing in Gandey.<br /><br /><b>Key constituencies: Who’s leading?<br /></b>Dumri: JMM’s Minister Bebi Devi is leading by 3,315 votes against JLKM’s Jairam Mahto.<br />Jamshedpur West: Congress Minister Banna Gupta is trailing by 7,788 votes to JDU’s Saryu Roy.<br />Silli: AJSU chief Sudesh Mahto is behind JMM’s Amit Kumar by 3,998 votes.<br />Jagannathpur: BJP’s Geeta Kora is trailing by 4,982 votes to Congress’ Sonaram Sinku.<br />Khunti: JMM’s Ramsurya Munda leads BJP’s Neelkanth Singh Munda by 3,492 votes.<br /><br /><b>Big names in focus<br /></b>Former CM and BJP leader Champai Soren, who was initially trailing in Seraikela, has now taken an 856-vote lead after the second round. Meanwhile, Congress’ Kumar Jaimangal Singh in Bermo, who was leading earlier, is now trailing by 608 votes after the fourth round.<br /><br /><b>Other key leaders include<br /></b>BJP’s state chief Babulal Marandi, leading in Dhanwar by 5,102 votes.<br />Congress Minister Rameshwar Oraon, leading in Lohardaga by 3,461 votes over AJSU’s Niru Shanti Bhagat.<br /><br /><b>Election details<br /></b>This election has a total of 1,211 candidates contesting, including prominent leaders like Speaker Rabindra Nath Mahato, Deepika Pandey Singh of Congress, and Sita Soren of JMM. The voter turnout was 67.74%, the highest since the state’s formation in 2000.<br /><br />The elections were conducted in two phases on November 13 and 20. The first phase covered 43 seats, while the remaining 38 seats went to polls in the second phase. The counting is expected to conclude by 4 PM, according to Chief Electoral Officer K Ravi Kumar, with tight security in place.<br /></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115590478"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>11:24:17 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Trends/results at 11:15 am</h3><figure><img class="lazy gwt-Image" width="445" src=",width-445,resizemode-4/etlogo.jpg" data-original=",width-445,resizemode-4,imgsize-454018/jharkhand-election-results-2024-live-updates-trendsresults-at-1115-am.jpg" alt="Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Trends/results at 11:15 am"></figure></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115590106"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>11:08:14 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Visuals from outside JMM office in Ranchi</h3><twitter tweet-id="1860194851989651492" class="tweet"></twitter></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115590098"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>11:07:48 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: INDIA bloc hits half-century, JMM's Hemant Soren leads while wife Kalpana trails</h3><div class="blogSysn">Jharkhand Election Results Live: JMM-led Mahagathbandhan has crossed the majority mark in Jharkhand Assembly Election 2024 and is currently leading on 50 seats. JMM is leading on 30 seats as per official EC trends.</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115589728"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>10:53:52 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Bad news for Kalpana Soren, trails by 3,128 votes in Gandey</h3><div class="blogSysn"><ul><li>Kalpana Soren, wife of Jharkhand CM Hemant Soren & JMM candidate for Gandey assembly trailing by a margin of 3128 votes, after round 1/21 of counting as per latest EC data.</li><li>JMM-led Mahagathbandhan has crossed the majority mark in the state as per official EC trends, currently leading on 51 of the 81 seats.</li></ul></div><figure><img class="lazy gwt-Image" width="445" src=",width-445,resizemode-4/etlogo.jpg" data-original=",width-445,resizemode-4,imgsize-80574/jharkhand-election-results-2024-live-updates-bad-news-for-kalpana-soren-trails-by-3128-votes-in-gandey.jpg" alt="Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Bad news for Kalpana Soren, trails by 3,128 votes in Gandey"></figure></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115589665"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>10:51:11 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Congress incharge for the state Ghulam Ahmad Mir, party's Observers for the state Tariq Anwar, Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka and Krishna Allavuru and former state Congress chief Rajesh Thakur hold a meeting in Ranchi as counting continues.</h3><twitter tweet-id="1860186447464268213" class="tweet"></twitter></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115589652"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>10:50:43 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: JMM-led Mahagathbandhan sets sights on final victory</h3><div class="blogSysn"><ul><li>JMM-led Mahagathbandhan has crossed the majority mark in the state as per official EC trends, currently leading on 51 of the 81 seats. </li><li>Congress incharge for the state Ghulam Ahmad Mir, party's Observers for the state Tariq Anwar, Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka and Krishna Allavuru and former state Congress chief Rajesh Thakur hold a meeting in Ranchi as counting continues.</li></ul></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115589614"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>10:48:41 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Mahua Maji trailing</h3><div class="blogSysn">In the second round of voting in Ranchi, BJP's Chandreshwar Prasad Singh is leading with 12,792 votes, ahead by 9,019 votes. JMM's Mahua Maji is trailing with 3,773 votes, according to the latest trends from the Election Commission of India (ECI).</div><figure><img class="lazy gwt-Image" width="445" src=",width-445,resizemode-4/etlogo.jpg" data-original=",width-445,resizemode-4,imgsize-80306/jharkhand-election-results-2024-live-updates-mahua-maji-trailing.jpg" alt="Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Mahua Maji trailing"></figure></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115589492"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>10:43:27 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Champai Soren leading</h3><div class="blogSysn">In the second round of voting in Seraikella, BJP's Champai Soren is leading with 15,505 votes, ahead by 856 votes. JMM's Ganesh Mahali is trailing with 14,649 votes, as per the latest trends from the Election Commission of India (ECI).</div><figure><img class="lazy gwt-Image" width="445" src=",width-445,resizemode-4/etlogo.jpg" data-original=",width-445,resizemode-4,imgsize-71818/jharkhand-election-results-2024-live-updates-champai-soren-leading.jpg" alt="Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Champai Soren leading"></figure></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115589066"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>10:28:43 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Kalpana Soren trailing</h3><div class="blogSysn">Jharkhand Election Results Live: In Gandey, Jharkhand, JMM's Kalpana Soren is trailing by 3,128 votes against the BJP candidate, as per the latest trends.</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115588876"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>10:21:06 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: ECI’s latest trends and updates</h3><div class="blogSysn">Initial trends by Election Commission: <br /><ul><li>Mahagathbandhan leading on 37 seats (JMM 20, Congress 10, RJD 5, CPI(ML)(L) 2) </li><li>NDA leading on 23 seats (BJP 21, AJSUP 1, JDU 1)</li></ul></div><figure><img class="lazy gwt-Image" width="445" src=",width-445,resizemode-4/etlogo.jpg" data-original=",width-445,resizemode-4,imgsize-42137/jharkhand-election-results-2024-live-updates-ecis-latest-trends-and-updates.jpg" alt="Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: ECI’s latest trends and updates"></figure></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115588814"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>10:18:19 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Trends take a U-turn as INDIA bloc takes lead over NDA</h3><div class="blogSysn">Jharkhand Election Results Live: As per Pvalue, the latest trends in Jharkhand show a significant shift, with the INDIA bloc now leading with 48 seats, while the NDA trails behind with 29 seats. Others and independents are holding 2 seats, adding an interesting twist to the race.</div><figure><img class="lazy gwt-Image" width="445" src=",width-445,resizemode-4/etlogo.jpg" data-original=",width-445,resizemode-4,imgsize-6729/jharkhand-election-results-2024-live-updates-trends-take-a-u-turn-as-india-bloc-takes-lead-over-nda.jpg" alt="Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Trends take a U-turn as INDIA bloc takes lead over NDA"></figure></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115588559"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>10:18:29 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Who’s taking Jharkhand? Early numbers favour Mahagathbandhan</h3><div class="blogSysn">Jharkhand Election Results Live: Initial trends by the Election Commission of India (ECI): <br /><ul><li>Mahagathbandhan leading on 29 seats (JMM 13, Congress 9, RJD 4, CPI(ML)(L) 3) </li><li>NDA leading on 19 seats (BJP 17, AJSUP 2) </li><li>JLKM leading on 2</li><li>Others and Independent on 2</li></ul></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115588428"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>10:01:27 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Hemant Soren ahead by 2,812 votes in Barhait, as per Election Commission of India (ECI)</h3><div class="blogSysn">Jharkhand Election Results Live: Jharkhand CM Hemant Soren leading by 2,812 votes from Barhait assembly seat after first round of counting, as per the Election Commission of India (ECI). </div><figure><img class="lazy gwt-Image" width="445" src=",width-445,resizemode-4/etlogo.jpg" data-original=",width-445,resizemode-4,imgsize-37654/jharkhand-election-results-2024-live-updates-hemant-soren-ahead-by-2812-votes-in-barhait-as-per-election-commission-of-india-eci.jpg" alt="Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Hemant Soren ahead by 2,812 votes in Barhait, as per Election Commission of India (ECI)"></figure></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115588371"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>09:57:58 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: INDIA bloc takes slim lead in Jharkhand’s tight race</h3><div class="blogSysn">Jharkhand Election Results Live: As per India Today TV's latest update at 9:55 am, the INDIA bloc has taken the lead with 40 seats, while the NDA follows closely at 38. The battle for Jharkhand remains neck-and-neck, keeping political enthusiasts on the edge as the counting progresses.</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115588215"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>09:52:00 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Tight contest unfolds in Jharkhand, as per Election Commission of India (ECI)</h3><div class="blogSysn">Jharkhand Election Results Live: Early trends from the Election Commission of India paint an interesting picture of the Jharkhand Assembly elections. The Mahagathbandhan has taken an early lead with 15 seats, including JMM and Congress securing five seats each, followed by RJD with three and CPI(ML)(L) with two. The NDA is currently ahead in 10 seats, with BJP leading in seven and AJSU(P) in three.</div><figure><img class="lazy gwt-Image" width="445" src=",width-445,resizemode-4/etlogo.jpg" data-original=",width-445,resizemode-4,imgsize-18560/jharkhand-election-results-2024-live-updates-tight-contest-unfolds-in-jharkhand-as-per-election-commission-of-india-eci.jpg" alt="Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Tight contest unfolds in Jharkhand, as per Election Commission of India (ECI)"></figure></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115588158"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>09:48:58 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: NDA leads, but INDIA bloc sees steady rise</h3><div class="blogSysn">Jharkhand Election Results Live: The latest trends from Pvalue at 9:30 am suggest that the INDIA bloc is starting to gain momentum. The NDA is currently leading with 29 seats, while the INDIA bloc has improved its position to 28. Others are leading in 3 seats.</div><figure><img class="lazy gwt-Image" width="445" src=",width-445,resizemode-4/etlogo.jpg" data-original=",width-445,resizemode-4,imgsize-6850/jharkhand-election-results-2024-live-updates-nda-leads-but-india-bloc-sees-steady-rise.jpg" alt="Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: NDA leads, but INDIA bloc sees steady rise"></figure></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115587800"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>09:36:24 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: INDIA bloc gains momentum as NDA holds lead</h3><div class="blogSysn">Jharkhand Election Results Live: The latest trends from Pvalue at 9:30 am suggest that the INDIA bloc is starting to gain momentum. The NDA is currently leading with 29 seats, while the INDIA bloc has improved its position to 20. Others are leading in 3 seats.</div><figure><img class="lazy gwt-Image" width="445" src=",width-445,resizemode-4/etlogo.jpg" data-original=",width-445,resizemode-4,imgsize-6589/jharkhand-election-results-2024-live-updates-india-bloc-gains-momentum-as-nda-holds-lead.jpg" alt="Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: INDIA bloc gains momentum as NDA holds lead"></figure></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115587592"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>09:36:31 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: NDA crosses majority mark as INDIA bloc falls behind, as per early trends</h3></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115587373"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>09:36:37 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: INDIA bloc struggles to keep up</h3><div class="blogSysn">Jharkhand Election Results Live: As of 9:00 am, trends reported by Pvalue show the NDA leading with 31 seats, while the INDIA bloc has secured 10, and other parties have 1 seat. The majority mark stands at 41.</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115586526"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>08:55:30 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Visuals from a counting centre in Jamshedpur</h3><twitter tweet-id="1860159484427141209" class="tweet"></twitter></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115586453"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>09:12:53 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: BJP's Shah Deo optimistic about thumping majority</h3><div class="blogSysn">Jharkhand Election Results Live: As the couting of votes is underway in Jharkhand and Maharashtra elections, BJP spokesperson Pratul Shah Deo said, "Not only the counting of votes has started in Jharkhand but a new era is also starting with the end of misrule of Soren govt. Hemant Soren is on his way out and we will come back with a thumping majority."</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115586381"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>08:51:37 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: NDA dominates early results with 23 seats, INDIA bloc at 7</h3><div class="blogSysn">Jharkhand Election Results Live: As per the trends reported at 8:45 AM by Pvalue, the NDA is leading with 23 seats, while the INDIA bloc has secured 7 seats. No seats have been reported for other parties so far.</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115586097"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>08:51:30 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: NDA takes early lead</h3><div class="blogSysn">Jharkhand Election Results Live: As per early trends from Pvalue, the NDA is leading with 14 seats, while the INDIA has secured 6 seats. No seats have been reported for other parties yet.</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115585858"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>08:51:23 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Banna Gupta confident of positive mandate in Jharkhand counting</h3><div class="blogSysn">Jharkhand Election Results Live: "This is the grand festival of democracy, and today the counting will take place. The people have cast their votes, and I am fully confident that the mandate will be very positive and pave the way for the progress and prosperity of Jharkhand," said Jharkhand Minister and Congress candidate from Jamshedpur-West Assembly seat, Banna Gupta.</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115585719"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>08:19:32 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: "Around 4-5 pm, we should be able to complete counting process," Ranchi electoral officer on Jharkhand result day</h3><div class="blogSysn">Jharkhand Election Results Live:<br /><ul><li>District electoral officer, Ranchi, Varun Ranjan said on Saturday that all preparations have been made and firstly, postal ballots will be counted and from 8:30 onwards, EVM votes.</li><li>Speaking to the media, DEO Ranjan said, "All preparations have been made and all counting personnel have reached here. From 8 am, postal ballots will be counted, and from 8.30 am onwards EVM votes will be counted. Around 4 pm-5 pm, we should be able to complete the counting process."</li></ul></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115585595"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>08:19:20 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: BJP spokesperson Pradeep Bhandari predicts NDA win in Maharashtra and Jharkhand</h3><div class="blogSysn">Jharkhand Election Results Live: "We are confident that when the results will stabilise, Maharashtra and Jharkhand will choose PM's vision of 'Viksit Bharat' and 'Ek Hain Toh Safe Hain'. We are also confident because women's voting percentage has been high in Maharashtra - in fact the highest after 1962 - this gives us confidence that women have chosen 'Ladki Bahin' and PM's welfare. In Jharkhand, once results stabilise, we are confident that the vote will be against infiltration and appeasement and NDA will form govt there," said BJP spokesperson Pradeep Bhandari.</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115585391"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>08:19:08 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Vote counting begins in tribal heartland, all eyes on key seats</h3><div class="blogSysn">Jharkhand Election Results Live: The much-anticipated vote counting for the 2024 Jharkhand Assembly elections has begun. With the tribal heartland closely watching, all eyes are on the key constituencies that could decide the fate of the state’s next government.</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115585169"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>07:52:31 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Jalebis being prepared at BJP headquarters in Delhi, on votes counting day for Maharashtra and Jharkhand elections</h3><twitter tweet-id="1860146533402051046" class="tweet"></twitter></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115585139"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>08:19:00 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: BJP set to win, claims Champai Soren from Saraikela</h3><div class="blogSysn">Jharkhand Election Results Live: BJP candidate from Saraikela assembly constituency & former CM, Champai Soren said, "BJP is going to win, there is no doubt. BJP-NDA is going to form the government...People have voted in favour of the BJP. The biggest issue in Jharkhand has been the Bangladeshi infiltrators...The population of Bangladeshi infiltrators is increasing rapidly. In this election, BJP is going to form the government, it will be clear in the next 1-1.5 hours..."</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115584942"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>07:46:08 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: BJP confident of forming govt with 51+ seats</h3><div class="blogSysn">Jharkhand Election Results Live: On election results, Jharkhand BJP president Babulal Marandi said, "We are sure that we will form the govt with BJP led NDA will get more than 51 seats. People have voted for NDA as they are fed up with the current government's corruption..."</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115584826"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>07:46:20 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: "Iss baar phir Hemant dobara," JMM confident of majority win</h3><div class="blogSysn">Jharkhand Election Results Live: JMM spokesperson Manoj Pandey said, "There is a clear voice from the people of Jharkhand - Iss baar phir Hemant dobara, Hemant Soren return. Women, students and people of Jharkhand have reposed their faith and we trust them. The excitement that was seen during campaigning and the day of elections clearly shows that we are coming to power again with absolute majority..."</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115584793"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>07:46:26 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: JMM’s Mahua Maji confident of Ranchi win</h3><div class="blogSysn">Jharkhand Election Results Live: JMM candidate from Ranchi seat, Mahua Maji said, "I am fully confident that the people of Ranchi will definitely elect us because I have seen trust for me in their eyes. I will definitely fulfill their expectations and dreams. The work done by our Government, Hemant Soren has made people raise their expectations. So, we'll form the Government once again and do the work that we could not due to shortage of time..."</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115584122"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>07:46:34 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: "Dark night ends, BJP's sun rises," Pratul Shah Deo predicts JMM's fall</h3><div class="blogSysn">Jharkhand Election Results Live: "Dark night that has been persisting for five years will end today. As the Sun will set today, the political Sun of JMM will also set with it. With the rising of Sun, BJP's Sun will also rise and NDA will make the government with full majority," said BJP leader Pratul Shah Deo.</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115584048"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>07:46:52 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: JMM seeks suspension of internet near counting centres</h3><div class="blogSysn">Election Result Jharkhand Live: <br /><ul><li>The ruling JMM in Jharkhand has raised concerns over potential tampering during the vote counting process, scheduled for Saturday. In a letter to the Election Commission on Friday night, the party demanded the suspension of internet services within a 2 km radius of all counting centres. The JMM also called for a ban on electronic devices near these centres, alleging that the BJP has brought in "highly qualified" electronic experts from other states to influence the process.</li><li>JMM spokesperson Supriyo Bhattacharya stated in the letter, “We have reliable information that the BJP has stationed electronic experts from other states outside the counting centres. This is a serious issue.”</li><li>The vote counting for Jharkhand’s 81 assembly seats will take place across 24 centres. To ensure transparency, the JMM has also urged the Election Commission to announce results after each round of counting using loudspeakers.</li></ul></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115583781"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>06:23:22 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Visuals from the BJP office in Ranchi</h3><twitter tweet-id="1860124132513644649" class="tweet"></twitter></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115582937"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>07:47:20 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Can Hemant Soren lead INDIA bloc to victory?</h3><div class="blogSysn">Election Results Jharkhand Live Updates:<br /><ul><li>Saturday's counting is expected to reflect how well Hemant Soren's government welfare schemes, like the Maiya Samman Yojana, Abua Awas Yojana, universal pensions for the elderly, widows, and differently abled, as well as the old pension scheme for state employees, have been received. It’s also seen as a test of Hemant's popularity, especially after his arrest by the ED and a five-month jail term earlier this year for a land scam case.</li><li>This election comes shortly after the Lok Sabha polls, where the NDA secured nine out of 14 seats in the state, while the INDIA bloc managed only five. It’s also happening three months after Hemant returned as chief minister on July 4, replacing his uncle, Champai Soren. Champai later switched sides to join the BJP, seemingly upset with Hemant’s leadership.</li><li>The BJP, along with its allies Ajsu-P, JD(U), and LJP (R), has focused its campaign on allegations of corruption, exam paper leaks, and the deaths of candidates during excise department recruitments under Hemant’s government. A major theme in their campaign was the alleged demographic changes in tribal areas due to illegal Bangladeshi immigrants. Star campaigners like Narendra Modi, Yogi Adityanath, and Amit Shah took sharp jabs at the JMM-Congress alliance. Modi and Yogi raised slogans like “Unity brings safety” and “Divide, and you’ll suffer.”</li><li>The BJP contested 68 seats, Ajsu-P took 10, JD(U) went for two, and LJP (R) contested one. On the INDIA bloc side, JMM contested 43 seats, Congress fielded candidates for 30, while RJD and CPI-ML contested four seats each.</li><li>A significant turnout of women voters suggests that promises like INDIA bloc’s increased monthly stipends under the Maiya Samman Yojana and BJP’s 'Go Go Didi Yojana' resonated with them. Rahul Gandhi and other INDIA bloc leaders tried to win votes by promising a caste census and increasing the reservation cap beyond 50%.</li><li>"We’ve respected and empowered women over the last five years and shared a clear vision for Jharkhand. Unlike the BJP, we avoided baseless claims in our campaign, and we’re confident of a positive result tomorrow," said Ghulam Ahmed Mir, Congress’s Jharkhand in-charge, on Friday.</li><li>BJP spokesperson Ajay Shah claimed the NDA is set to dominate regions like Kolhan and Santhal Pargana, which he believes will secure them around 60% of the seats. "We are confident of forming the government," he said.</li></ul></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115582899"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>07:48:05 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Congress appoints observers for Maharashtra, Jharkhand</h3><div class="blogSysn">Jharkhand Election Results Live Updates:<br /><ul><li>A day before the assembly poll results, Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge on Friday appointed AICC observers to Maharashtra and Jharkhand to oversee the post-election scenario in these states.</li><li>Former Congress chief ministers Ashok Gehlot, Bhupesh Baghel and Karnataka minister G Parameshwara were appointed observers to Maharashtra. Lok Sabha member Tariq Anwar, Telangana minister Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka and AICC functionary Krishna Allavuru were named observers to Jharkhand. The counting of votes would take place on November 23 for both Maharashtra and Jharkhand.</li></ul></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115582859"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>07:48:17 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Key contests</h3><div class="blogSysn">Jharkhand Election Results Live: Several prominent leaders contested in high-profile constituencies, drawing attention:<br /><br /><b>Phase 1:<br /></b>Champai Soren (BJP) from Seraikella<br />Mahua Maji (JMM) from Ranchi<br />Banna Gupta (INC) from Jamshedpur West<br />Geeta Koda (BJP) from Jagannathpur<br /><br /><b>Phase 2:<br /></b>Hemant Soren (JMM) from Barhait<br />Babulal Marandi (BJP) from Dhanwar<br />Kalpana Soren (JMM) from Gandey<br />Rameshwar Oraon (INC) from Lohardaga<br /></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115582849"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>07:48:23 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Voter turnout</h3><div class="blogSysn">Jharkhand Election Results Live: The elections saw strong voter participation:<br /><b>Phase 1 (November 13): </b>Nearly 67% voter turnout across 43 constituencies.<br /><b>Phase 2 (November 20): </b>A higher turnout of 68.45% across 38 constituencies.<br />A key trend in the second phase was the significant participation of women, with their turnout exceeding men’s in over 85% of constituencies.<br /></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115582829"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>05:27:20 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Exit poll highlights</h3><div class="blogSysn"><ul><li>Four out of seven exit polls predict a win for the NDA.</li><li>One exit poll suggests a close contest between the alliances.</li><li>Two exit polls give an advantage to the INDIA alliance.</li><li>Exit polls were released after voting ended to comply with the Election Commission's guidelines.</li></ul></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115582822"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>05:27:00 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Key alliances in the race</h3><div class="blogSysn"><ul><li><b>Jharkhand Mukti Morcha (JMM):</b> The ruling party, led by Hemant Soren, is part of the INDIA alliance. JMM aims to retain power and continue governing the state.</li><li><b>National Democratic Alliance (NDA):</b> The BJP-led coalition includes parties like the All Jharkhand Students Union (AJSU) and Janata Dal (United). NDA is looking to reclaim Jharkhand by defeating the INDIA alliance.</li></ul></div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115582815"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>05:26:27 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Assembly Elections 2024</h3><div class="blogSysn">The 2024 Jharkhand Assembly elections were conducted in two phases, with voting on November 13 and November 20. Results will be declared today on November 23.</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115582806"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>05:26:10 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Why Jharkhand matters</h3><div class="blogSysn">Jharkhand plays a crucial role in Indian politics, blending tribal and non-tribal dynamics. These elections will determine the state’s political direction, making it a key moment in the eastern region’s political landscape. Stay tuned as vote counting begins and the results unfold.</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div><div class="eachStory" id="lbn115582803"><div class="updateText"><div class="shareTime"><div class="timeStamp"><span class="bod"></span><span>05:25:25 AM IST, 23 Nov 2024</span></div></div><h3 class="">Hello viewers,</h3><div class="blogSysn">Welcome to the ET live blog! We’re here to bring you the latest updates on the Jharkhand Assembly Election 2024 results. Stay with us for all the action as it unfolds.</div></div><div class="clr"></div></div><div class="lastbord"></div></div></div><noscript><div class="clr"></div><div class="pagination1"><div class="pageno"><em class="active">1</em> <em><a href="/news/newsblogs/jharkhand-election-results-2024-live-updates-vote-counting-jharkhand-assembly-election-results-bjp-jmm-india-nda-hemant-soren-champai-soren-eci-latest-news-22nd-november/liveblog/msid-115582795,curpg-2.cms">2</a></em> </div><em class="last"><a href="/news/newsblogs/jharkhand-election-results-2024-live-updates-vote-counting-jharkhand-assembly-election-results-bjp-jmm-india-nda-hemant-soren-champai-soren-eci-latest-news-22nd-november/liveblog/msid-115582795,curpg-2.cms">NEXT</a></em></div></noscript><div class="clr"></div><div class="clearfix relatedTopics"><b>Read more on</b><span class="readanchore"><div class="rdMrBulDiv" data-track="ReadMore1"><span class="bulletGrey"></span>jharkhand election</div><div class="rdMrBulDiv" 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Hemant Soren expresses gratitude for PM's wishes Hemant Soren's brother Basant Soren wins Dumka seat Hemant Soren is CM of Jharkhand, will continue to remain so: AICC general secretary Ghulam Ahmad Mir Kalpana Soren thanks people of Jharkhand for their love and blessings JMM workers begin celebrations as Mahagathbandhan maintains lead Basant Soren, brother of Jharkhand CM Hemant Soren, defeats BJP's Sunil Soren in Dumka by 14,588 votes" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-24T00:26:30+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Assembly Election 2024: Results", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T23:17:20+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Assembly Election 2024: Results" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T23:17:20+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand final tally", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T22:00:36+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand final tallyJMM-led coalition wins 56 seats in 81-member assembly, NDA secures 24, JLKM bags one" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T22:00:36+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "JMM leader Ramdas Soren thanks people of Jharkhand ", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T21:34:58+05:30", "articleBody": "JMM leader Ramdas Soren thanks people of Jharkhand " , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T21:34:58+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand BJP President Babulal Marandi says victory belongs to people on Dhanwar win", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T21:22:28+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand BJP President Babulal Marandi says victory belongs to people on Dhanwar winMy victory is the victory of the public of Dhanwar assembly constituency, I extend best wishes to the public. The public has given me the opportunity to work for the welfare of the public again, he told the media. Why is the Congress not raising questions on EVMs in Jharkhand? Whenever they lose the elections, they blame the EVMs...I congratulate Hemant Soren on winning the Jharkhand Assembly elections and I accept the verdict of people. The results are unexpected and we will look into the reasons for our loss, he added." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T21:22:28+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "BJP wins last remaining seat in Jharkhand", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T20:58:12+05:30", "articleBody": "BJP wins last remaining seat in JharkhandJMM - 34, BJP - 21, INC - 16, RJD - 4, CPI(ML)(L) - 2, AJSUP - 1, LJPRV - 1, JLKM- 1, and JD(U) - 1" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T20:58:12+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Hemant Soren vows to build 'Golden Jharkhand'", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T20:53:52+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Hemant Soren vows to build 'Golden Jharkhand'" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T20:53:52+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Nisat Alam wins Pakur by 86,029 votes: EC", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T20:46:14+05:30", "articleBody": "Nisat Alam wins Pakur by 86,029 votes: ECNisat Alam, wife of ex-Jharkhand minister Alamgir Alam who was arrested by ED, wins Pakur by highest margin of 86,029 votes: EC" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T20:46:14+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "We will intensify our efforts for the development of Jharkhand", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T20:32:40+05:30", "articleBody": "We will intensify our efforts for the development of Jharkhand" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T20:32:40+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "JP Nadda vows to end Bangladeshi 'infiltration' in Jharkhand", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T20:24:19+05:30", "articleBody": "JP Nadda vows to end Bangladeshi 'infiltration' in JharkhandWe will play the role of opposition in Jharkhand and work to eliminate the 'infiltration by Bangladeshis' in the state, we will take it to the end: JP Nadda" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T20:24:19+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "RJD leader Tejashwi Yadav on Jharkhand win", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T20:17:44+05:30", "articleBody": "RJD leader Tejashwi Yadav on Jharkhand winWe have won 4 seats in Jharkhand and lost 1 or 2 seats by a very narrow margin. Hemant Soren has become the Chief Minister of Jharkhand with a huge majority. We thank him as well. As far as the Bihar by-election is concerned, we have won all four Lok Sabha seats on which elections were held. We lost the 2024 by-elections, we will win in 2025... A grand alliance government is sure to be formed in Bihar in 2025... After Jharkhand, it is Bihar's turn... We ensure that at any cost, an NDA government will not be formed in Bihar." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T20:17:44+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Kalpana Soren wins Gandey seat", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T20:04:43+05:30", "articleBody": "Kalpana Soren wins Gandey seatJharkhand CM Hemant Soren's wife Kalpana wins Gandey seat by 17,142 votes, defeating BJP's Muniya Devi: EC" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T20:04:43+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Raghav Chaddha on Maharashtra and Jharkhand elections", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T19:27:55+05:30", "articleBody": "Raghav Chaddha on Maharashtra and Jharkhand electionsToday's results have brought both happiness and sadness for the INDIA alliance. There is no doubt in Maharashtra that the INDIA alliance has lost and the Eknath Shinde government has got a big victory. I congratulate them. In Jharkhand, people have rejected negative politics, politics of revenge. The INDIA alliance has won with a huge majority, so I congratulate the people of Jharkhand..." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T19:27:55+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Congress chief Mallikarjun Kharge on Jharkhand win", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T19:23:45+05:30", "articleBody": "Congress chief Mallikarjun Kharge on Jharkhand winWe have to fight for social justice, raise voice of people and form accountable government in Jharkhand: Kharge People of Jharkhand have given priority to issues of their rights, water, forests and land; rejected divisive, false politics: Mallikarjun Kharge" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T19:23:45+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Hemant Soren's JMM-led coalition secures majority in 81-member Jharkhand assembly: EC", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T19:21:25+05:30", "articleBody": "Hemant Soren's JMM-led coalition secures majority in 81-member Jharkhand assembly: EC" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T19:21:25+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Assembly Election Results 2024: As counting continues, JMM wins 22 seats, BJP 14", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T19:05:29+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Assembly Election Results 2024: As counting continues, JMM wins 22 seats, BJP 14Hemant Soren's JMM-led alliance was all set to retain Jharkhand as it won 22 seats in the 81-member state assembly, as per Election Commission data on Saturday afternoon. The performance of the BJP-led NDA, which was confident about its prospects in the state after an aggressive campaign, was poorer than its expectations. It was leading in just 23 seats with BJP winning only 14 seats." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T19:05:29+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Rahul Gandhi on INDIA bloc's win in Jharkhand", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T18:55:51+05:30", "articleBody": "Rahul Gandhi on INDIA bloc's win in JharkhandINDIA bloc's win in Jharkhand victory for protection of water, forest and land, along with that of Constitution: Congress leader Rahul Gandhi." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T18:55:51+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Assembly Election Results 2024: JMM slams opposition, says 'Love and Jharkhand won'", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T18:44:35+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Assembly Election Results 2024: JMM slams opposition, says 'Love and Jharkhand won'" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T18:44:35+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jairam Ramesh on Jharkhand election results", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T18:37:41+05:30", "articleBody": "Jairam Ramesh on Jharkhand election resultsI want to congratulate the people of Jharkhand, because they have shown a new way to the country, they rejected the politics of polarisation, what not were said during political campaigns by Assam CM Himanta Biswa Sarma, UP CM Yogi Adityanath, Union Agriculture Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan, and Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The whole election was fought on one word- infiltrators. They tried to create fear, but people responded in a decisive manner. It is also a positive message for the entire country that the politics of polarisation can be defeated. In Maharashtra, without a doubt, in a targeted manner, the level playing field, the word that ECI uses, was disturbed. The results have come, and it is unexpected in Maharashtra, says Jairam Ramesh." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T18:37:41+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Rahul Gandhi thanks Jharkhand voters, congratulates Hemant Soren", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T18:23:32+05:30", "articleBody": "Rahul Gandhi thanks Jharkhand voters, congratulates Hemant Soren" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T18:23:32+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "CM Hemant Soren at press conference in Ranchi", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T18:22:04+05:30", "articleBody": "CM Hemant Soren at press conference in RanchiWe passed exam of democracy in Jharkhand, will finalise strategy post election results" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T18:22:04+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Hemant Soren wins Barhait seat", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T18:01:28+05:30", "articleBody": "Hemant Soren wins Barhait seatJharkhand CM Hemant Soren wins Barhait seat by 39,791 votes, defeats BJP's Gamliyel Hembrom: EC" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T18:01:28+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "AICC general secretary Ghulam Ahmad Mir on Soren's Jharkhand win", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T18:00:29+05:30", "articleBody": "AICC general secretary Ghulam Ahmad Mir on Soren's Jharkhand winHemant Soren is CM of Jharkhand, will continue to remain so" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T18:00:29+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "People of Jharkhand decisively rejected politics of polarisation", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T17:58:29+05:30", "articleBody": "People of Jharkhand decisively rejected politics of polarisation" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T17:58:29+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Himanta Biswa Sarma on BJP's Jharkhand loss", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T17:54:16+05:30", "articleBody": "Himanta Biswa Sarma on BJP's Jharkhand lossLoss in Jharkhand deeply painful for me: Assam CM and BJP's election co-incharge Himanta Biswa Sarma Must humbly accept people's mandate, for that is true essence of democracy: Himanta on BJP's Jharkhand loss" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T17:54:16+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Hemant Soren: The tribal warrior with a turbulent but resilient political career", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T17:51:00+05:30", "articleBody": "Hemant Soren: The tribal warrior with a turbulent but resilient political careerHemant Soren, Jharkhand's youngest chief minister, has had a turbulent but resilient political career, marked by legal battles and internal party struggles. Soren, 49, has become a formidable advocate for tribal rights and has carved out a prominent place in the state's political landscape. (Read more)" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T17:51:00+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "I want to thank PM Modi also for his best wishes to us (on winning the Jharkhand Assembly Election 2024)", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T17:43:43+05:30", "articleBody": "I want to thank PM Modi also for his best wishes to us (on winning the Jharkhand Assembly Election 2024)" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T17:43:43+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Kalpana Soren on the victory of JMM-led Mahagathbandhan in Jharkhand", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T17:41:58+05:30", "articleBody": "Kalpana Soren on the victory of JMM-led Mahagathbandhan in Jharkhand...This government is the Abua government, this government is the government of the people of Jharkhand. The people have expressed their unwavering faith in Hemant Soren. The way Hemant ji was serving Jharkhand earlier as a son, as a brother, now in the coming times, he will work even harder than that..." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T17:41:58+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Elections 2024: INDIA bloc crosses majority mark; JMM wins 17 seats, INC scores 7, BJP gets 5 so far", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T17:20:27+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Elections 2024: INDIA bloc crosses majority mark; JMM wins 17 seats, INC scores 7, BJP gets 5 so farAccording to ECI data, JMM has so far won a total of 17 seats and is leading in another 17; the BJP has secured five seats and is ahead in 16; while the INC has scored seven seats and is leading in nine and the CPI(ML)(L) bagged two seats. Meanwhile, RJD, LJPRV and the JLKM won one seat each, while the AJSUP and JD(U) have so far failed to make a significant mark." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T17:20:27+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Assembly Election Results 2024: JMM's Hemlal Murmu wins Litipara seat", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T17:19:29+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Assembly Election Results 2024: JMM's Hemlal Murmu wins Litipara seatJharkhand Mukti Morcha's Hemlal Murmu won the Litipara seat. Murmu received a total number of 88,469 votes. He won with a margin of 26,749 and defeated BJP's Babudhan Murmu." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T17:19:29+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Assembly Election Results 2024: Jairam Tiger Mahto wins Dumri seat", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T17:02:57+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Assembly Election Results 2024: Jairam Tiger Mahto wins Dumri seatJairam Mahto, popularly known as Jairam Tiger Mahto and who launched his political party - Jharkhand Loktantrik Krantikari Morcha (JLKM), won the Dumri assembly seat. He made a mark as a Kurmi leader and made an impressive show in the Lok Sabha elections earlier this year polling nearly 3.5 lakh votes as an Independent in Giridih Lok Sabha seat." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T17:02:57+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Assembly Election Results 2024: INDIA bloc wins 18 seats -- JMM 13, INC 4, RJD 1", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T16:56:41+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Assembly Election Results 2024: INDIA bloc wins 18 seats -- JMM 13, INC 4, RJD 1In the Jharkhand Assembly elections, JMM won 13 seats whereas Congress won 4 seats, and RJD received 1 seat. Meanwhile, BJP won 4 seats, and LJPRV (Ram Vilas) won one seat from Chatra." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T16:56:41+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "PM Modi congratulates Hemant Soren", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T16:53:56+05:30", "articleBody": "PM Modi congratulates Hemant Soren" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T16:53:56+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "We respect the mandate that has come", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T16:24:34+05:30", "articleBody": "We respect the mandate that has come" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T16:24:34+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Election Results Leads 2024: Jharkhand CM Hemant Soren's brother Basant Soren wins Dumka seat", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T16:23:13+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Election Results Leads 2024: Jharkhand CM Hemant Soren's brother Basant Soren wins Dumka seatJharkhand Mukti Morcha's member and state minister Basant Soren won the Dumka seat. He is also the son of JMM founder Shibu Soren JMM candidate Basant Soren, brother of Jharkhand CM Hemant Soren, defeats BJP's Sunil Soren in Dumka by 14,588 votes" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T16:23:13+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Election Results Leads 2024: JMM's Hemlal Murmu wins Litipara seat", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T16:21:19+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Election Results Leads 2024: JMM's Hemlal Murmu wins Litipara seatJharkhand Mukti Morcha's Hemlal Murmu won the Litipara seat. Murmu received a total number of 88,469 votes. He won with a margin of 26,749 and defeated BJP's Babudhan Murmu" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T16:21:19+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Election Results Leads 2024: JMM's Uma Kant Rajak wins Chandankiyari, Leader of Opposition Amar Kuma", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T15:53:04+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Election Results Leads 2024: JMM's Uma Kant Rajak wins Chandankiyari, Leader of Opposition Amar Kumar Bauri of BJP at third spot, according to EC." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T15:53:04+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Election Results Leads 2024: Congress workers celebrate at party office in Delhi.", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T15:35:47+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Election Results Leads 2024: Congress workers celebrate at party office in Delhi." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T15:35:47+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Election Results Leads 2024: Keshav Mahto Kamlesh predicts bigger victory for Mahagathbandhan in Jha", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T15:24:34+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Election Results Leads 2024: Keshav Mahto Kamlesh predicts bigger victory for Mahagathbandhan in JharkhandWe expect a bigger victory this year compared to the 2019 Assembly election... People are showing their faith in the guarantees that we have proposed for the upliftment of youth, women, and Dalit communities. The people have also shown their support for all the work that we have done here in the last five years under the leadership of CM Hemant Soren, said Congress leader Keshav Mahto Kamlesh." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T15:24:34+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Election Results Leads 2024: Kalpana Soren thanks people of Jharkhand for their love and blessings", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T15:22:45+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Election Results Leads 2024: Kalpana Soren thanks people of Jharkhand for their love and blessingsAs JMM-led Mahagathbandhan continues its lead in Jharkhand, party candidate from Gandey and CM Hemant Soren's wife, Kalpana Soren said, I want to thank the people of Gandhey, Giridih and the people of the state for showering love on me and blessing me like their daughter..." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T15:22:45+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Election Results Leads 2024: JMM workers congratulate party candidate from Gandey and CM Hemant Sore", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T15:21:11+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Election Results Leads 2024: JMM workers congratulate party candidate from Gandey and CM Hemant Soren's wife, Kalpana Soren on leading from the constituency" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T15:21:11+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Election Results Leads 2024: JMM-led alliance maintains commanding lead", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T15:11:26+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Election Results Leads 2024: JMM-led alliance maintains commanding leadJharkhand Assembly Election results are shaping up with a significant lead for the JMM-led Mahagathbandhan. As per the latest updates by EC, the Jharkhand Mukti Morcha (JMM) is ahead in 34 seats, while the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) trails with 20. The Indian National Congress (INC) is leading in 17 constituencies, followed by the Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) with 5. The CPI(ML)(L) is ahead in 2 seats, and LJPRV and JLKM are leading in 1 seat each." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T15:11:26+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Election Results Leads 2024: Congress observer Tariq Anwar credits women's welfare for expected win", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T14:59:13+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Election Results Leads 2024: Congress observer Tariq Anwar credits women's welfare for expected winCongress observer for the state Tariq Anwar said, This is good, we were expecting this. Our Govt did good work, and worked for every section of society, especially for women. So, we had expected to win, to achieve success." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T14:59:13+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Election Results Leads 2024: Dilip Jaiswal claims NDA wave across India", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T14:54:30+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Election Results Leads 2024: Dilip Jaiswal claims NDA wave across IndiaOn counting for Jharkhand Election2024 and Maharashtra Election 2024, Bihar BJP President and Bihar Minister Dilip Jaiswal said, There is a wave of support in favour of NDA alliance in the entire nation. Maharashtra is the financial capital of the nation and we have won the Maharashtra Assembly elections with a two-third majority. We (BJP) will win all four assembly bypoll seats of Bihar...The public of Bihar has trusted the leadership of PM Modi and Bihar CM Nitish Kumar..." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T14:54:30+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Election Results Leads 2024: As JMM-led Mahagathbandhan continues its lead in Jharkhand, party candi", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T14:51:44+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Election Results Leads 2024: As JMM-led Mahagathbandhan continues its lead in Jharkhand, party candidate from Gandey and CM Hemant Soren's wife, Kalpana Soren celebrates" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T14:51:44+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Election Results Leads 2024: Supriyo Bhattacharya celebrates JMM's progress", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T14:50:59+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Election Results Leads 2024: Supriyo Bhattacharya celebrates JMM's progressOn the counting for Jharkhand Election, General Secretary of JMM, Supriyo Bhattacharya said, I am delighted that we are moving forward on the issues we had taken up...There is only one slogan, 'Ek hi naara, Hemant dobara'...I will say this to the BJP let the local leaders stay in the local place. The outsiders (leaders) from Assam, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Odisha and Delhi, their infiltration should be stopped..." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T14:50:59+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Election Results Leads 2024: Here is the full list of winners from the state", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T14:34:09+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Election Results Leads 2024: Here is the full list of winners from the stateThe Jharkhand assembly election 2024 was held in two phases, with the first phase on November 13 and the second phase on November 20. The ruling Jharkhand Mukti Morcha (JMM) is in alliance with Congress, Rashtriya Janata Dal (JDU) fighting the anti incumbency wave against the BJP and its allies. Here's the full list of winners from the state" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T14:34:09+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Kalpana Murmu Soren leads by 308 votes in Gandey", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T14:19:58+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Kalpana Murmu Soren leads by 308 votes in GandeyKalpana Murmu Soren, wife of Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren and a candidate from the Jharkhand Mukti Morcha (JMM), is currently leading by a narrow margin of 308 votes over Munia Devi of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in the Gandey assembly constituency, according to the latest data from the Election Commission of India." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T14:19:58+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: JMM workers celebrate as the JMM-led alliance is leading in 51 s", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T13:12:46+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: JMM workers celebrate as the JMM-led alliance is leading in 51 seats in Jharkhand" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T13:12:46+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Mahagathbandhan continues its lead", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T13:11:51+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Mahagathbandhan continues its leadJMM-led Mahagathbandhan continues its lead in the state by currently leading on 50 of the 81 seats, crossing the majority mark, as per official EC trends (JMM 30, Congress 14, RJD 4, CPI(ML)(L) 2) BJP-led NDA leading on 29 seats (BJP 27, AJSUP 1, LJPRV 1)" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T13:11:51+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: JMM's trailing candidate Kalpana Soren says, let’s wait for a fe", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T12:31:04+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: JMM's trailing candidate Kalpana Soren says, let’s wait for a few more hours as counting continues" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T12:31:04+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Ghulam Ahmad Mir confident of better results by 4 PM", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T12:11:47+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Ghulam Ahmad Mir confident of better results by 4 PMThis is just the beginning as the counting began at 8 am. Approximately 20 tables have been put up everywhere and 15-20 rounds of counting will be done for every Assembly constituency. Currently, the Election Commission's data available is of third or fourth round. We have booth-wise information regarding counting. We are confident. You will see better results at 4 pm than the present picture, said Jharkhand Congress incharge Ghulam Ahmad Mir. In the 81-seat Jharkhand assembly, the BJP was ahead in 26 seats, way behind the opposition alliance with JMM leading in 30 seats, the Congress in 13, the RJD in five and the CPI-ML in one." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T12:11:47+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Tsunami of votes you see in Maharashtra will come to Jharkhand t", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T11:51:58+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Tsunami of votes you see in Maharashtra will come to Jharkhand too at 12 noon, says BJP MP Sanjay SethDespite the JMM-led Mahagathbandhan crossing the halfway mark in the Jharkhand Assembly election, MoS Defence and BJP MP Sanjay Seth claimed that the tsunami of votes in favour of BJP in Maharashtra would be seen in Jharkhand too at 12 noon. Sanjay Seth said, Jharkhand has 81 seats and Maharashtra has 288 seats. The scope is greater there. We have 81 seats, so the scope is less. But I can confidently say that as the sun goes up, gap will increase. I can confidently say that the wave of change that was seen in Jharkhand - corruption, vote jihad, shattering of the dreams of youth, atrocities on women in 5 years. I am fully confident that the tsunami you see in Maharashtra will come to Jharkhand too at 12 noon. He said that at present the BJP is leading in 44 seats and at 12 noon it will cross 50 seats" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T11:51:58+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Key updates so far", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T11:28:48+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Key updates so farThe counting of votes for the 2024 Jharkhand Assembly elections began at 8 AM on Saturday, with the JMM-led INDIA bloc taking the lead. According to the Election Commission’s trends at 10:50 AM, the INDIA bloc was ahead in 48 out of 81 seats, while the BJP-led NDA was leading in 28 seats. Two seats each were being led by independent candidates and the JLKM party. Hemant Soren leads, Kalpana Soren struggles Chief Minister Hemant Soren of JMM is leading in Barhait by 4,921 votes over BJP’s Gamliyel Hembrom after the second round of counting. However, his wife, Kalpana Soren, is trailing in Gandey. Key constituencies: Who’s leading? Dumri: JMM’s Minister Bebi Devi is leading by 3,315 votes against JLKM’s Jairam Mahto. Jamshedpur West: Congress Minister Banna Gupta is trailing by 7,788 votes to JDU’s Saryu Roy. Silli: AJSU chief Sudesh Mahto is behind JMM’s Amit Kumar by 3,998 votes. Jagannathpur: BJP’s Geeta Kora is trailing by 4,982 votes to Congress’ Sonaram Sinku. Khunti: JMM’s Ramsurya Munda leads BJP’s Neelkanth Singh Munda by 3,492 votes. Big names in focus Former CM and BJP leader Champai Soren, who was initially trailing in Seraikela, has now taken an 856-vote lead after the second round. Meanwhile, Congress’ Kumar Jaimangal Singh in Bermo, who was leading earlier, is now trailing by 608 votes after the fourth round. Other key leaders include BJP’s state chief Babulal Marandi, leading in Dhanwar by 5,102 votes. Congress Minister Rameshwar Oraon, leading in Lohardaga by 3,461 votes over AJSU’s Niru Shanti Bhagat. Election details This election has a total of 1,211 candidates contesting, including prominent leaders like Speaker Rabindra Nath Mahato, Deepika Pandey Singh of Congress, and Sita Soren of JMM. The voter turnout was 67.74%, the highest since the state’s formation in 2000. The elections were conducted in two phases on November 13 and 20. The first phase covered 43 seats, while the remaining 38 seats went to polls in the second phase. The counting is expected to conclude by 4 PM, according to Chief Electoral Officer K Ravi Kumar, with tight security in place." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T11:28:48+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Trends/results at 11:15 am", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T11:24:16+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Trends/results at 11:15 am" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T11:24:16+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Visuals from outside JMM office in Ranchi", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T11:08:13+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Visuals from outside JMM office in Ranchi" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T11:08:13+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: INDIA bloc hits half-century, JMM's Hemant Soren leads while wif", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T11:07:47+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: INDIA bloc hits half-century, JMM's Hemant Soren leads while wife Kalpana trailsJharkhand Election Results Live: JMM-led Mahagathbandhan has crossed the majority mark in Jharkhand Assembly Election 2024 and is currently leading on 50 seats. JMM is leading on 30 seats as per official EC trends." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T11:07:47+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Bad news for Kalpana Soren, trails by 3,128 votes in Gandey", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T10:53:52+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Bad news for Kalpana Soren, trails by 3,128 votes in GandeyKalpana Soren, wife of Jharkhand CM Hemant Soren & JMM candidate for Gandey assembly trailing by a margin of 3128 votes, after round 1/21 of counting as per latest EC data. JMM-led Mahagathbandhan has crossed the majority mark in the state as per official EC trends, currently leading on 51 of the 81 seats." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T10:53:52+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Congress incharge for the state Ghulam Ahmad Mir, party's Observ", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T10:51:10+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Congress incharge for the state Ghulam Ahmad Mir, party's Observers for the state Tariq Anwar, Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka and Krishna Allavuru and former state Congress chief Rajesh Thakur hold a meeting in Ranchi as counting continues." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T10:51:10+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: JMM-led Mahagathbandhan sets sights on final victory", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T10:50:43+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: JMM-led Mahagathbandhan sets sights on final victoryJMM-led Mahagathbandhan has crossed the majority mark in the state as per official EC trends, currently leading on 51 of the 81 seats. Congress incharge for the state Ghulam Ahmad Mir, party's Observers for the state Tariq Anwar, Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka and Krishna Allavuru and former state Congress chief Rajesh Thakur hold a meeting in Ranchi as counting continues." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T10:50:43+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Mahua Maji trailing", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T10:48:40+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Mahua Maji trailingIn the second round of voting in Ranchi, BJP's Chandreshwar Prasad Singh is leading with 12,792 votes, ahead by 9,019 votes. JMM's Mahua Maji is trailing with 3,773 votes, according to the latest trends from the Election Commission of India (ECI)." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T10:48:40+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Champai Soren leading", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T10:43:26+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Champai Soren leadingIn the second round of voting in Seraikella, BJP's Champai Soren is leading with 15,505 votes, ahead by 856 votes. JMM's Ganesh Mahali is trailing with 14,649 votes, as per the latest trends from the Election Commission of India (ECI)." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T10:43:26+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Kalpana Soren trailing", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T10:28:43+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Kalpana Soren trailingJharkhand Election Results Live: In Gandey, Jharkhand, JMM's Kalpana Soren is trailing by 3,128 votes against the BJP candidate, as per the latest trends." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T10:28:43+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: ECI’s latest trends and updates", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T10:21:06+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: ECI’s latest trends and updatesInitial trends by Election Commission: Mahagathbandhan leading on 37 seats (JMM 20, Congress 10, RJD 5, CPI(ML)(L) 2) NDA leading on 23 seats (BJP 21, AJSUP 1, JDU 1)" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T10:21:06+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Trends take a U-turn as INDIA bloc takes lead over NDA", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T10:18:18+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Trends take a U-turn as INDIA bloc takes lead over NDAJharkhand Election Results Live: As per Pvalue, the latest trends in Jharkhand show a significant shift, with the INDIA bloc now leading with 48 seats, while the NDA trails behind with 29 seats. Others and independents are holding 2 seats, adding an interesting twist to the race." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T10:18:18+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Who’s taking Jharkhand? Early numbers favour Mahagathbandhan", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T10:06:58+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Who’s taking Jharkhand? Early numbers favour MahagathbandhanJharkhand Election Results Live: Initial trends by the Election Commission of India (ECI): Mahagathbandhan leading on 29 seats (JMM 13, Congress 9, RJD 4, CPI(ML)(L) 3) NDA leading on 19 seats (BJP 17, AJSUP 2) JLKM leading on 2 Others and Independent on 2" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T10:06:58+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Hemant Soren ahead by 2,812 votes in Barhait, as per Election Co", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T10:01:27+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Hemant Soren ahead by 2,812 votes in Barhait, as per Election Commission of India (ECI)Jharkhand Election Results Live: Jharkhand CM Hemant Soren leading by 2,812 votes from Barhait assembly seat after first round of counting, as per the Election Commission of India (ECI)." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T10:01:27+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: INDIA bloc takes slim lead in Jharkhand’s tight race", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T09:57:57+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: INDIA bloc takes slim lead in Jharkhand’s tight raceJharkhand Election Results Live: As per India Today TV's latest update at 9:55 am, the INDIA bloc has taken the lead with 40 seats, while the NDA follows closely at 38. The battle for Jharkhand remains neck-and-neck, keeping political enthusiasts on the edge as the counting progresses." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T09:57:57+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Tight contest unfolds in Jharkhand, as per Election Commission o", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T09:52:00+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Tight contest unfolds in Jharkhand, as per Election Commission of India (ECI)Jharkhand Election Results Live: Early trends from the Election Commission of India paint an interesting picture of the Jharkhand Assembly elections. The Mahagathbandhan has taken an early lead with 15 seats, including JMM and Congress securing five seats each, followed by RJD with three and CPI(ML)(L) with two. The NDA is currently ahead in 10 seats, with BJP leading in seven and AJSU(P) in three." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T09:52:00+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: NDA leads, but INDIA bloc sees steady rise", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T09:48:58+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: NDA leads, but INDIA bloc sees steady riseJharkhand Election Results Live: The latest trends from Pvalue at 9:30 am suggest that the INDIA bloc is starting to gain momentum. The NDA is currently leading with 29 seats, while the INDIA bloc has improved its position to 28. Others are leading in 3 seats." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T09:48:58+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: INDIA bloc gains momentum as NDA holds lead", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T09:33:18+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: INDIA bloc gains momentum as NDA holds leadJharkhand Election Results Live: The latest trends from Pvalue at 9:30 am suggest that the INDIA bloc is starting to gain momentum. The NDA is currently leading with 29 seats, while the INDIA bloc has improved its position to 20. Others are leading in 3 seats." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T09:33:18+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: NDA crosses majority mark as INDIA bloc falls behind, as per ear", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T09:23:47+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: NDA crosses majority mark as INDIA bloc falls behind, as per early trends" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T09:23:47+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: INDIA bloc struggles to keep up", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T09:12:46+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: INDIA bloc struggles to keep upJharkhand Election Results Live: As of 9:00 am, trends reported by Pvalue show the NDA leading with 31 seats, while the INDIA bloc has secured 10, and other parties have 1 seat. The majority mark stands at 41." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T09:12:46+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Visuals from a counting centre in Jamshedpur", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T08:55:07+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Visuals from a counting centre in Jamshedpur" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T08:55:07+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: BJP's Shah Deo optimistic about thumping majority", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T08:51:12+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: BJP's Shah Deo optimistic about thumping majorityJharkhand Election Results Live: As the couting of votes is underway in Jharkhand and Maharashtra elections, BJP spokesperson Pratul Shah Deo said, Not only the counting of votes has started in Jharkhand but a new era is also starting with the end of misrule of Soren govt. Hemant Soren is on his way out and we will come back with a thumping majority." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T08:51:12+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: NDA dominates early results with 23 seats, INDIA bloc at 7", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T08:47:27+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: NDA dominates early results with 23 seats, INDIA bloc at 7Jharkhand Election Results Live: As per the trends reported at 8:45 AM by Pvalue, the NDA is leading with 23 seats, while the INDIA bloc has secured 7 seats. No seats have been reported for other parties so far." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T08:47:27+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: NDA takes early lead", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T08:34:43+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: NDA takes early leadJharkhand Election Results Live: As per early trends from Pvalue, the NDA is leading with 14 seats, while the INDIA has secured 6 seats. No seats have been reported for other parties yet." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T08:34:43+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Banna Gupta confident of positive mandate in Jharkhand counting", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T08:23:49+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Banna Gupta confident of positive mandate in Jharkhand countingJharkhand Election Results Live: This is the grand festival of democracy, and today the counting will take place. The people have cast their votes, and I am fully confident that the mandate will be very positive and pave the way for the progress and prosperity of Jharkhand, said Jharkhand Minister and Congress candidate from Jamshedpur-West Assembly seat, Banna Gupta." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T08:23:49+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Around 4-5 pm, we should be able to complete counting process, R", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T08:18:22+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Around 4-5 pm, we should be able to complete counting process, Ranchi electoral officer on Jharkhand result dayJharkhand Election Results Live: District electoral officer, Ranchi, Varun Ranjan said on Saturday that all preparations have been made and firstly, postal ballots will be counted and from 8:30 onwards, EVM votes. Speaking to the media, DEO Ranjan said, All preparations have been made and all counting personnel have reached here. From 8 am, postal ballots will be counted, and from 8.30 am onwards EVM votes will be counted. Around 4 pm-5 pm, we should be able to complete the counting process." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T08:18:22+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: BJP spokesperson Pradeep Bhandari predicts NDA win in Maharashtr", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T08:12:27+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: BJP spokesperson Pradeep Bhandari predicts NDA win in Maharashtra and JharkhandJharkhand Election Results Live: We are confident that when the results will stabilise, Maharashtra and Jharkhand will choose PM's vision of 'Viksit Bharat' and 'Ek Hain Toh Safe Hain'. We are also confident because women's voting percentage has been high in Maharashtra - in fact the highest after 1962 - this gives us confidence that women have chosen 'Ladki Bahin' and PM's welfare. In Jharkhand, once results stabilise, we are confident that the vote will be against infiltration and appeasement and NDA will form govt there, said BJP spokesperson Pradeep Bhandari." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T08:12:27+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Vote counting begins in tribal heartland, all eyes on key seats", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T08:03:43+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Vote counting begins in tribal heartland, all eyes on key seatsJharkhand Election Results Live: The much-anticipated vote counting for the 2024 Jharkhand Assembly elections has begun. With the tribal heartland closely watching, all eyes are on the key constituencies that could decide the fate of the state’s next government." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T08:03:43+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Jalebis being prepared at BJP headquarters in Delhi, on votes co", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T07:52:30+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Jalebis being prepared at BJP headquarters in Delhi, on votes counting day for Maharashtra and Jharkhand elections" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T07:52:30+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: BJP set to win, claims Champai Soren from Saraikela", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T07:51:16+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: BJP set to win, claims Champai Soren from SaraikelaJharkhand Election Results Live: BJP candidate from Saraikela assembly constituency & former CM, Champai Soren said, BJP is going to win, there is no doubt. BJP-NDA is going to form the government...People have voted in favour of the BJP. The biggest issue in Jharkhand has been the Bangladeshi infiltrators...The population of Bangladeshi infiltrators is increasing rapidly. In this election, BJP is going to form the government, it will be clear in the next 1-1.5 hours..." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T07:51:16+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: BJP confident of forming govt with 51+ seats", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T07:40:28+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: BJP confident of forming govt with 51+ seatsJharkhand Election Results Live: On election results, Jharkhand BJP president Babulal Marandi said, We are sure that we will form the govt with BJP led NDA will get more than 51 seats. People have voted for NDA as they are fed up with the current government's corruption..." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T07:40:28+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Iss baar phir Hemant dobara, JMM confident of majority win", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T07:31:11+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Iss baar phir Hemant dobara, JMM confident of majority winJharkhand Election Results Live: JMM spokesperson Manoj Pandey said, There is a clear voice from the people of Jharkhand - Iss baar phir Hemant dobara, Hemant Soren return. Women, students and people of Jharkhand have reposed their faith and we trust them. The excitement that was seen during campaigning and the day of elections clearly shows that we are coming to power again with absolute majority..." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T07:31:11+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: JMM’s Mahua Maji confident of Ranchi win", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T07:27:37+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: JMM’s Mahua Maji confident of Ranchi winJharkhand Election Results Live: JMM candidate from Ranchi seat, Mahua Maji said, I am fully confident that the people of Ranchi will definitely elect us because I have seen trust for me in their eyes. I will definitely fulfill their expectations and dreams. The work done by our Government, Hemant Soren has made people raise their expectations. So, we'll form the Government once again and do the work that we could not due to shortage of time..." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T07:27:37+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Dark night ends, BJP's sun rises, Pratul Shah Deo predicts JMM's", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T06:51:17+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Dark night ends, BJP's sun rises, Pratul Shah Deo predicts JMM's fallJharkhand Election Results Live: Dark night that has been persisting for five years will end today. As the Sun will set today, the political Sun of JMM will also set with it. With the rising of Sun, BJP's Sun will also rise and NDA will make the government with full majority, said BJP leader Pratul Shah Deo." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T06:51:17+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: JMM seeks suspension of internet near counting centres", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T06:46:11+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: JMM seeks suspension of internet near counting centresElection Result Jharkhand Live: The ruling JMM in Jharkhand has raised concerns over potential tampering during the vote counting process, scheduled for Saturday. In a letter to the Election Commission on Friday night, the party demanded the suspension of internet services within a 2 km radius of all counting centres. The JMM also called for a ban on electronic devices near these centres, alleging that the BJP has brought in highly qualified electronic experts from other states to influence the process. JMM spokesperson Supriyo Bhattacharya stated in the letter, “We have reliable information that the BJP has stationed electronic experts from other states outside the counting centres. This is a serious issue.” The vote counting for Jharkhand’s 81 assembly seats will take place across 24 centres. To ensure transparency, the JMM has also urged the Election Commission to announce results after each round of counting using loudspeakers." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T06:46:11+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Visuals from the BJP office in Ranchi", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T06:23:22+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Visuals from the BJP office in Ranchi" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T06:23:22+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Can Hemant Soren lead INDIA bloc to victory?", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T05:45:48+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Can Hemant Soren lead INDIA bloc to victory?Election Results Jharkhand Live Updates: Saturday's counting is expected to reflect how well Hemant Soren's government welfare schemes, like the Maiya Samman Yojana, Abua Awas Yojana, universal pensions for the elderly, widows, and differently abled, as well as the old pension scheme for state employees, have been received. It’s also seen as a test of Hemant's popularity, especially after his arrest by the ED and a five-month jail term earlier this year for a land scam case. This election comes shortly after the Lok Sabha polls, where the NDA secured nine out of 14 seats in the state, while the INDIA bloc managed only five. It’s also happening three months after Hemant returned as chief minister on July 4, replacing his uncle, Champai Soren. Champai later switched sides to join the BJP, seemingly upset with Hemant’s leadership. The BJP, along with its allies Ajsu-P, JD(U), and LJP (R), has focused its campaign on allegations of corruption, exam paper leaks, and the deaths of candidates during excise department recruitments under Hemant’s government. A major theme in their campaign was the alleged demographic changes in tribal areas due to illegal Bangladeshi immigrants. Star campaigners like Narendra Modi, Yogi Adityanath, and Amit Shah took sharp jabs at the JMM-Congress alliance. Modi and Yogi raised slogans like “Unity brings safety” and “Divide, and you’ll suffer.” The BJP contested 68 seats, Ajsu-P took 10, JD(U) went for two, and LJP (R) contested one. On the INDIA bloc side, JMM contested 43 seats, Congress fielded candidates for 30, while RJD and CPI-ML contested four seats each. A significant turnout of women voters suggests that promises like INDIA bloc’s increased monthly stipends under the Maiya Samman Yojana and BJP’s 'Go Go Didi Yojana' resonated with them. Rahul Gandhi and other INDIA bloc leaders tried to win votes by promising a caste census and increasing the reservation cap beyond 50%. We’ve respected and empowered women over the last five years and shared a clear vision for Jharkhand. Unlike the BJP, we avoided baseless claims in our campaign, and we’re confident of a positive result tomorrow, said Ghulam Ahmed Mir, Congress’s Jharkhand in-charge, on Friday. BJP spokesperson Ajay Shah claimed the NDA is set to dominate regions like Kolhan and Santhal Pargana, which he believes will secure them around 60% of the seats. We are confident of forming the government, he said." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T05:45:48+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Congress appoints observers for Maharashtra, Jharkhand", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T05:38:56+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Congress appoints observers for Maharashtra, JharkhandJharkhand Election Results Live Updates: A day before the assembly poll results, Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge on Friday appointed AICC observers to Maharashtra and Jharkhand to oversee the post-election scenario in these states. Former Congress chief ministers Ashok Gehlot, Bhupesh Baghel and Karnataka minister G Parameshwara were appointed observers to Maharashtra. Lok Sabha member Tariq Anwar, Telangana minister Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka and AICC functionary Krishna Allavuru were named observers to Jharkhand. The counting of votes would take place on November 23 for both Maharashtra and Jharkhand." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T05:38:56+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Key contests", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T05:32:27+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Key contestsJharkhand Election Results Live: Several prominent leaders contested in high-profile constituencies, drawing attention: Phase 1: Champai Soren (BJP) from Seraikella Mahua Maji (JMM) from Ranchi Banna Gupta (INC) from Jamshedpur West Geeta Koda (BJP) from Jagannathpur Phase 2: Hemant Soren (JMM) from Barhait Babulal Marandi (BJP) from Dhanwar Kalpana Soren (JMM) from Gandey Rameshwar Oraon (INC) from Lohardaga" , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T05:32:27+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Voter turnout", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T05:31:49+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Voter turnoutJharkhand Election Results Live: The elections saw strong voter participation: Phase 1 (November 13): Nearly 67% voter turnout across 43 constituencies. Phase 2 (November 20): A higher turnout of 68.45% across 38 constituencies. A key trend in the second phase was the significant participation of women, with their turnout exceeding men’s in over 85% of constituencies." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T05:31:49+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Exit poll highlights", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T05:27:20+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Exit poll highlightsFour out of seven exit polls predict a win for the NDA. One exit poll suggests a close contest between the alliances. Two exit polls give an advantage to the INDIA alliance. Exit polls were released after voting ended to comply with the Election Commission's guidelines." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T05:27:20+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Key alliances in the race", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T05:27:00+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Key alliances in the raceJharkhand Mukti Morcha (JMM): The ruling party, led by Hemant Soren, is part of the INDIA alliance. JMM aims to retain power and continue governing the state. National Democratic Alliance (NDA): The BJP-led coalition includes parties like the All Jharkhand Students Union (AJSU) and Janata Dal (United). NDA is looking to reclaim Jharkhand by defeating the INDIA alliance." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T05:27:00+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Assembly Elections 2024", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T05:26:27+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Assembly Elections 2024The 2024 Jharkhand Assembly elections were conducted in two phases, with voting on November 13 and November 20. Results will be declared today on November 23." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T05:26:27+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Why Jharkhand matters", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T05:25:38+05:30", "articleBody": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Live Updates: Why Jharkhand mattersJharkhand plays a crucial role in Indian politics, blending tribal and non-tribal dynamics. These elections will determine the state’s political direction, making it a key moment in the eastern region’s political landscape. Stay tuned as vote counting begins and the results unfold." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T05:25:38+05:30" },{ "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Hello viewers,", "url": "", "datePublished": "2024-11-23T05:25:25+05:30", "articleBody": "Hello viewers,Welcome to the ET live blog! We’re here to bring you the latest updates on the Jharkhand Assembly Election 2024 results. Stay with us for all the action as it unfolds." , "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "contentUrl":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg", "width":"1200", "height":"900", "url":",width-1200,height-900,resizemode-4/.jpg" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"NewsMediaOrganization", "name":"Economic Times", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60,quality-100/economictimes.jpg", "width": "600", "height": "60" } }, "author":"Economic Times", "mainEntityOfPage":"", "dateModified":"2024-11-23T05:25:25+05:30" }] }</script><script> if(window.location.href.indexOf('.com/liveblog/') != -1){ grxEvent('event', {'event_category': 'liveblog', 'event_action': 'url_issue referrer: ' + document.referrer, 'event_label': window.location.href}); } </script><script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "WebPage", "name": "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Highlights Updates: JMM-led coalition wins 56 seats in 81-member assembly, NDA secures 24, JLKM bags one - The Economic Times", "url": "", "description" : "Jharkhand Election Results 2024 Highlights: JMM-led coalition wins 56 seats in 81-member assembly, NDA secures 24, JLKM bags one", "publisher": { "@type": "NewsMediaOrganization", "name": "Economic Times", "url": "", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": ",width-600,height-60/economictimes.jpg" } } } </script></body></html>