SantaThing | LibraryThing
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This is our 18th annual SantaThing!</p> <h2>How it works</h2> <ol class="howitworks"> <li><a href="/santathing_signup.php" class="btn btn-lg btn-danger">Become a Secret Santa</a> <p>Choose your gift level ($15–50) and bookstore. <br>LibraryThing takes no "cut." $6.00 is deducted for shipping for most stores. <br>You can sign up for yourself, or make this a gift for a friend on or off LibraryThing. </p> </li> <li>We choose a LibraryThing member to be your "Santee," the person you'll be buying for. We try to match up members with similar tastes in books.</li> <li>You pick books for your Santee.</li> <li>LibraryThing elves order the books and the books are shipped directly to your Santee. <b>Only LibraryThing and the bookseller see your address.</b></li> <li>You receive a package with the books from your Secret Santa—and rejoice!</li></ol> <p>Even if you don't want to be a Santa, you can help by suggesting books for others. Click on a member's name to leave a suggestion.</p><h2>Crucial dates</h2><p><b><strike>Monday, November 25</strike> Tuesday, November 26 at 12pm EST.</b> Sign-up ends. Secret Santas are chosen, profile messages are sent to the Secret Santa, and you can then enter your gift choices.</p><p><b>Thursday, December 5 at 12pm EST (17:00 GMT).</b> Gift picking ends. LibraryThing sends the order via eight tiny ponies to the bookstore you chose.</p><h2>Questions?</h2><p>Check out the <a href="">SantaThing Help page</a>, join the discussion on <a href="/topic/365518">Talk</a>, or email kate<img src="" style="vertical-align: middle; margin: 0 3px 0 3px;"> See the <a href="">blog post</a> for more information.</p><p>See our full <a href="#" onclick="lb_santathing_terms(); return false;">Rules and Advice for LibraryThing Secret Santa</a>.</p><p>Check out our videos explaining the SantaThing process:</p><ul><li><a href="" target="_blank">SantaThing 101: What is SantaThing?</a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank">SantaThing 101: How to Sign Up?</a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank">SantaThing 101: Donations and Gifted Entries</a></li></ul><section class="santathinglists"><h2>Current Entries</h2><div class="userlist user_list" id="userlist"><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=376" class="username">balbs</a>.</b> anything but in the do not get... :-)</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=375" class="username">smileydq</a>.</b> I mostly read fiction (I love Jodi Picoult, Kate Atkinson, Tana French, Jennifer Close, Jennifer Weiner, Curtis Sittenfeld, Chris Bohjalian, Kristin Hannah, etc) but also enjoy non-fiction that reads like a story (e.g., Evicted (by Matthew Desmond) and have recently…</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=374" class="username">deelemmas</a> for My nephew .</b> My 8 yr old nephew has just gotten into reading this past year. He has read all the Harry potters, Nevermoor, is reading wings of fire, and likes dragons. Tried to get him into eragon and his dark materials but he couldn’t. I am into sci to and fantasy so I have that covered…</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=373" class="username">deelemmas</a>.</b> Big fan of sci fi and fantasy esp series of books. Want to segway more into fiction and single novels. Have read Rowling, Tolkien, Sanderson, Hobb, Jemisin, SA Chakraborty, Asimov, Atwood, Townsend, Herbert, Pierce Brown, Abercrombie, Brent weeks, Gwynne, Kuang pretty much end… — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=372" class="username">bexaplex</a>.</b> I'm always looking for books to read to fall asleep: humorous, fanciful, nothing that would give you bad dreams. In the last few years, though SantaThing, I've enjoyed This Time Tomorrow by Emma Straub, The Bookish Life of Nina Hill by Abbi Waxman, Equal Rites by Terry…</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=371" class="username">foggidawn</a> for Joseph, age 6.</b> He's very much into mathematics, space, and dinosaurs. Funny picture books are also good. He also likes some of the Scholastic Branches series (Press Start, Kung Pow Chicken -- he has at least the first five books in each of those series). He also likes Paw Patrol, and I…</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=370" class="username">cdcollection</a>.</b> This contains my music collection of 20,000+ albums. I am interested in books (for kindle) about classical music in the periods from Bach thru Beethoven and/or jazz from the 1940s -1950s.</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=369" class="username">catalina7</a>.</b> LGBTQ+ (specifically MM and MX) romance/fiction of any subgenre (contemporary, fantasy, paranormal, mystery etc). I love Eden Finley, Saxon James, Onley James, AE Via</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=368" class="username">dvdcollection</a>.</b> This contains my movie and TV series collection. TV series with humor preferred.</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=367" class="username">kristilabrie</a>.</b> I love a good dark mystery/thriller with notes of historical or fantasy elements. I love quirky stories, stories with humor (dark humor is great, too), historical fiction, any of the above and make it gay. I'm really into science-y things (foraging, natural history, mycology,…</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=366" class="username">Enid007</a> for Kayla Becker, my oldest daughter who loves to read as much as I do..</b> Dystopia, Thrillers, Dark Romance, fantasy, crime fiction. She loves Kelley Armstrong, books similar to Haunting of Adeline, & The hunger Games</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=365" class="username">kristilabrie</a> for My 5-yo son.</b> He's just learning how to read, so Level 1 Readers are great! He loves typical 5-yo stuff: dinosaurs, sharks, anything with an engine, Gabby's Dollhouse, etc. He's a sensory-seeking kid and loves tactile books (think Never Touch A... book series), finding books, etc.</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=364" class="username">keristars</a>.</b> 2 main interests recently: postmodern narrative, like The Spear Cuts Through Water or Rakesfall or early 20th century girls' series, like Marjorie Dean or the Camp Fire Girls series by Geraldine Frey. I am interested in how they represent an ideal for middle class American…</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=363" class="username">AbigailAdams26</a>.</b> I love children's books of all kinds. I'm particularly fond of beautifully-illustrated folk and fairy-tales, collections of myths, etc. On the adult end, I would love a good translation of El Cid, or of Roman de Renart. I’m a huge Georgette Heyer fan, and would love a good… — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=362" class="username">greeneyed_ives</a>.</b> I primarily read romance, history, and literary fiction but I am open to most genres. I prefer books with lighter tones/themes, but I'm okay with some darker content so long as it ends happy for the main characters. I would love a book which made you laugh. I'm also very into…</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=361" class="username">AbigailAdams26</a> for Mary Ann (86-year-old mother).</b> My mother loves thrillers, by authors like James Patterson and John Grisham. Titles should be more recent, or she might already have read them. She also enjoys historical and political biography.</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=360" class="username">ablachly</a> for Petra (16).</b> My daughter Petra is looking for romance books -- light sweet contemporary rom-coms. They don't have to be YA, adult romances are also fine.</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=359" class="username">caras_galadhon</a>.</b> I've recently been revisiting Anne Rice's vampires, so I'd love to dive into some great Gothic romance/horror stories, with or without vampires. I'd also love some great weird fiction and/or cosmic horror stories, especially more modern ones that play with/push against…</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=358" class="username">emhedi</a>.</b> Really like Sci Fi and dystopian, but also open for other books</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=357" class="username">hepzibah59</a>.</b> Prize winning fiction, the best book you read this year, the best book you have ever read.</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=356" class="username">CamilleGuezennec</a>.</b> I generally prefer Fantasy and Sci Fi books! I also enjoy murder mysteries/noir detective novels. But I'm open to expanding my horizons!! I find myself enjoying books that have (but not limited to!): a dry, dark or cynical sense of humour. A setting away from the western…</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=355" class="username">DianaandApollo</a>.</b> Looking for short story collection in French and Spanish (favorite author Jorge Luis Borges), into African/African-American SFF (Octavia Butler, NK Jemisin). Other authors: Ken Liu (The Hidden Girl and Other Stories), Cixin Liu (The three Body Problem). Stephen Graham Jones…</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=354" class="username">lottpoet</a>.</b> I'm looking for poetry, graphic novels, manga, or art books.</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=353" class="username">lowelibrary</a>.</b> What was your favorite read of 2024? I am open to expanding my reading, so you can get it for me if I do not already own it. I have recently gotten back into reading celebrity memoirs (especially 70s and 80s stars). My comfort reads are cat cozy mysteries and Beauty & the…</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=352" class="username">lowelibrary</a> for my husband Mose.</b> My husband loves nonfiction - true crime and paranormal. For true crime, he is drawn to more obscure and unknown crimes, recently reading a lot about cannibalism. He would love something local to your area, especially if you are out of the US. He also enjoys the psychology of…</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=351" class="username">sillygwailo</a>.</b> I love all of Zadie Smith's novels, plus I like contemporary science fiction.</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=350" class="username">rsession29</a>.</b> think and grow rich business books</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=349" class="username">EerierIdyllMeme</a> for my mom.</b> Looking to add some outside suggestions to my mom's reading list, hoping for some hidden gems. She likes various combinations of: - memoir - graphic novels (or comic books, if you think it's a particularly good one) - books about psychology, neurology, or medicine, or… — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=347" class="username">davidized</a>.</b> I tend to read a lot of non-fiction, but don’t feel constrained to that. I’m always interested in new fiction books as well. In fiction I generally like books that are fairly easy reads (no super complex world-building) with happy endings. My non fiction interests are…</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=346" class="username">jgoerzen</a>.</b> This particular season, I'm looking to lose myself in a good story, to be transported away from the everyday for awhile. I always enjoy things that are thought-provoking. Many genres could fill the bill. Some examples of things I've enjoyed (but feel free to surprise me…</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=345" class="username">jrbaker149</a>.</b> Gay romance, with fantasy twist. Historical fiction, like James Rollins.</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=344" class="username">sar96</a>.</b> I like a wide variety of books. I like self-help, fantasy, science fiction, classics, thrillers, mysteries. I love a good plot, something interesting, good first lines, pages. I love the Acorna series by Anne McCaffrey. I also enjoyed The Ghatti's Tale series by Gayle Greeno</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=343" class="username">RV_Athenaeum</a> for .</b> Reference, Fantasy, science fiction, how-to</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=342" class="username">elgatoazabache</a>.</b> I would love LGBTQ-themed fiction from around the world - novels or short story collections from Africa, Latin America, or Asia would be perfect but not necessary. I prefer literary fiction, but don't mind genre fiction as long as it is well-written (but please don't get me…</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=341" class="username">elusiverica</a>.</b> Fantasy, science fiction, historical fiction, nonfiction (especially about medicine, language, or history), LGBTQ themes, settings outside of the USA (I've been enjoying a lot of Chinese stories recently) — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=340" class="username">Tuke15</a>.</b> Horror, Science Fiction, Anime, Manga. Gory, bloody with aliens is good. Scary Zombie novels are good. — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=339" class="username">Alethe</a>.</b> I'm open to all sorts of fiction, especially sci-fi, speculative fiction, and historical fiction. I'm trying to read more poetry (I've really enjoyed Rilke, Anne Carson, Richard Siken, and Ada Limon) and I also like narrative nonfiction in the vein of Erik Larson and Robert… — <b>3 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=338" class="username">dtwoodford</a>.</b> Christian spirituality, Christian living, Medical or cultural anthropology, historical nonfiction, Travel, creative nonfiction, poetry, and landscape photography.</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=336" class="username">mkapij</a>.</b> Like long rich novels. Examples, just finished All the Colors of the Dark, previously, All the Light We Cannot See.</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=335" class="username">Melinda_W.</a>.</b> science, literary fiction, history, Shakespeare, classical music — <b>2 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=334" class="username">katemcangus</a>.</b> I'm specifically looking for really compelling narrative nonfiction. I recently read Say Nothing by Patrick Radden Keefe and I'd love to read something else like that. Not another book about The Troubles necessarily, but interesting, well-written narrative nonfiction. Bonus… — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=333" class="username">PersephonesLibrary</a>.</b> One of my all-time favourite books is "The Warmth of Other Suns" by Isabel Wilkerson. It's a non-fiction book about the three great migration waves in the US - narrated by presenting three biographies plus general overviews to embed them. I loved the novel-esque writing style…</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=332" class="username">rodneyvc</a> for maggievc.</b> Food, travel, cosy crime mysteries. She enjoys Lewis, Shetland, Endeavour, Annika, and Vera TV shows. Check out Maggie's wishlist at;=422332&shelf;=list&sort;=stampREV&collection=4223…</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=331" class="username">rodneyvc</a>.</b> If you look at my catalog the technical books are mine. I like family history, travel, space, music, science and technology, and biography. I'm happy to be surprised. My wishlist is current.</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=330" class="username">andersonden</a>.</b> Tends toward F/SF, but also enjoy non-fiction and literary fiction.</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=329" class="username">Brubow</a>.</b> Open to most everything. I want your favorite book unless of course I already have it. But I love collecting books that mean a lot to other people. Other than that I'm partial to fantasy, sci fi, horror, and romance. Have fun with it though.</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=328" class="username">jamcnerney</a>.</b> I love a wide spectrum of books, in particular anything interesting or unique from experimental post-modernist novels to international literary classics, to deep-dive nonfiction on niche subjects. I'd be particularly interested in a book that you find influential or important…</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=327" class="username">Christiana5</a>.</b> I like historical fiction, cozy mysteries, and time travel with strong female protagonists. If we have similar tastes in books, please pick out some of your favorites. I will update my Wishlist as well in case you need ideas, but please don't feel like you need to pick from it…</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=326" class="username">ABlueBunny</a> for Grandson.</b> Trucks, cars, spaceships 3 yr old — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=325" class="username">Kalira</a>.</b> I love fantasy and spec fic in general, vampires and shapeshifters, also folklore-based stories, retold fairy tales, and mythology, romance (especially though not exclusively queer; especially spec fic and/or historical), found/chosen family and community, and I prefer happy… — <b>2 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=324" class="username">wyvernfriend</a>.</b> likes Fantasy, Historical Romance and SF. Reads a lot but tends to be quite behind current hits. Tries to read the Hugos every year. — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=323" class="username">Northern_Light</a>.</b> Historical fiction. Christian . Family sagas. Love Ken Fillet, Diana Gabaldon, Enjoy classic literature like Dickens, Austen, Shakespeare etc</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=322" class="username">eboudreaux</a>.</b> Especially enjoy books that follow the Heroine's Journey. Found family is a favorite. Fantasy, Historical Fiction, Romance, Literary Fiction are top genres, but really anything, especially books that people love that are by lesser known author's or fly under the radar. — <b>2 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=321" class="username">paolasp</a>.</b> Children's books with beautiful art and stories, no AI "art" Books on bhakti yoga or Krishna Books on art (watercolor especially) Poetry books especially by women or related to nature or spirituality Fantasy & science fiction especially by female writers — <b>3 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=320" class="username">msliz_31</a>.</b> Historical fiction, BIPOC authors, contemporary fiction — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=319" class="username">nellyoo</a>.</b> I like comics, Marvel, DC, Dragon Age and Mass Effect. I really like fantasy. Elf stories , superheroes. I prefer english books — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=318" class="username">Mirabelle</a>.</b> When it comes to fiction I enjoy the classics (think Bronte, Dickens, Dumas, Hugo etc.) as well as their less know contemporaries. Basically, you can't go wrong with anything written between Antiquity and the 1950's. I'm also fond of gothic novels. Contemporary/Literary… — <b>3 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=317" class="username">ilovemaine14</a>.</b> I love more modern-day realistic fiction, and currently I'm in a "smart, quirky, kind of precocious teens who run around a city or otherwise have adventures" or "Southern California surf towns" vibe. I love fiction with complex characters, coming of age topics, great writing.…</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=316" class="username">ZephCraven</a> for Demetri Kirchberg (@DemetriReads).</b> He loves a lot of classics, especially Virginia Woolf. He likes spooky books, one of his favorites is The Haunting of Hill House. He enjoys graphic novels. In general he prefers queer characters in all his books. — <b>2 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=315" class="username">ZephCraven</a>.</b> I like history books, especially history of magic and religion (especially love Ronald Hutton). Love books about wildflowers and plant folklore. I also love a good coffee table book. I do enjoy murder mysteries, sci-fi (ideally queer sci-fi), and some fantasy as well but I… — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=314" class="username">ericbell35</a>.</b> I teach high school honors modern world history (Renaissance to present), psychology, and art history, so anything I can use in class is always welcome. As far as personal taste, I like almost any type of history (surprise!), art history, classic literature, LGBTQ+… — <b>2 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=313" class="username">mookie86</a>.</b> Horror, mystery, sci-fi, crime noir. — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=312" class="username">ablachly</a>.</b> I like literary fiction, and also some mysteries (for example, I have loved everything by Elly Griffiths, Kate Atkinson's Jackson Brodie…</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=311" class="username">Arvid_</a>.</b> I mostly read - Science Fiction - Speculative Fiction - Religious/Christian/Catholic Literature (Theology, Apologetics, History etc.) - Philosophy - Classics Trying to get into a bit into Fantasy, but I haven't read much from that genre except Harry Potter, Discworld… — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=310" class="username">TELJET</a>.</b> This time of the year I enjoy reading some New Testament Apocrypha, Pseudepigrapha and Gnostic texts. — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=309" class="username">VerixSilvercrow</a>.</b> Fantasy, sci-fi, and any interesting nonfiction with a strong voice, esp. science/math and memoirs</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=308" class="username">jaelquinn</a>.</b> Interesting, quirky fiction -- my library is not up to date -- I am exploring Kate Atkinson, Young Adult Graphic novels, -- Fantasy and science fiction -- space operas, magical realism,</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=307" class="username">dreamer94</a>.</b> Fantasy, classics, nonfiction on math or science or ancient history or outdoor/survival — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=306" class="username">HuberK</a>.</b> Science fiction, space opera, 200+ pages, filet crochet, my wishlist is good.</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=305" class="username">JopLee1</a>.</b> Prefer non fiction, true life, ancient history, accurate books, diaries of Spanish explorers to North America. Conquistadors, Monks?, mentioning explorers from Spanish Christian Empire would be okay. — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=304" class="username">ilgarcon</a> for my son Jaxon, age 9.</b> Fiction Mystery and/or Fantasy for ages 9-12. Christian kids books are okay, in the fiction mystery/fantasy genre. The wishlist is current to what he is interested in. He'd love to have Gregor the Overlander Underland Chronicles Series by Suzanne Collins book set, or as… — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=303" class="username">laze</a>.</b> I'd love to explore some lesser-known poets in the vein of Theodore Roethke, ee cummings, Billy Collins, etc. Bonus points for non-male, non-white poets. In terms of fiction, I'd love to try some recent Southeast Asian, Eastern European, and Irish writers. (Translated to… — <b>2 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=302" class="username">bcrowl399</a>.</b> I have a recent obsession for clean Victorian romance. I've read all of Mimi Matthews. I also love mysteries, biographies, history. You can check my current reading and my wishlist on my home page to give you ideas. I'm also willing to try something new and different. — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=301" class="username">Sheila1957</a>.</b> I like non-fiction (especially unusual subjects), romance, erotica, historical fiction, history, young adult</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=300" class="username">weisbrary</a>.</b> I like science fiction, especially hard sci-fi, and space opera. Offbeat is good. I'm currently reading Ada Palmer's absolutely bonkers sci-fi books, and absolutely love them. // I'm also open to something strange and unexpected. Is there a motorcycle maintenance manual… — <b>2 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=299" class="username">marcusg231</a>.</b> Non-fiction. Self improvement, workplace improvement (Adam Grant), poetry. Contemporary science (Ed Yong). Philosophy for the masses (How to be Perfect, Ryan Holiday), Poetry (Ada Limon)</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=298" class="username">susanna.fraser</a>.</b> I'm fairly omnivorous, though my favorite genres in fiction are fantasy, science fiction, and romance. I'm always hoping to find another author/series I'll love as much as Martha Wells's Murderbot, Ben Aaronovitch's Rivers of London, or pretty much anything by Lois McMaster…</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=297" class="username">wildflower-reads</a>.</b> My favorite genres include literary fiction, historical fiction, and speculative fiction. I adore gothic literature, magical realism, the classics, and retellings of folklore or well-known fairy tales or fiction stories. I appreciate a romantic subplot but do not typically… — <b>2 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=296" class="username">NikkiMo</a>.</b> This year, I'm requesting books with twist endings. I love historical fiction, thrillers and contemporary fiction. Horror is good too. — <b>2 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=295" class="username">inpariswithyou</a>.</b> I prefer gay (male) fiction, both literary and genre (primarily fantasy and science fiction), as well as poetry. There are a few nonfiction topics I like -- ancient civilizations, gay history/theory, mythology. YA is okay, but no middle-school stuff. I also love the Classics… — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=294" class="username">tmorelock</a>.</b> I love Young Adult, romance, mystery, thriller, verse, all books are great!</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=292" class="username">masterdeski</a>.</b> Science Fiction, Fantasy, Mystery Anthropology, Linguistics, World History, Ancient Cultures, Forensics Plastic Canvas, Candle- and Soap-making Anthologies and Short Stories, Books about Books — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=291" class="username">keggert</a>.</b> Mysteries, police procedural , cozy mysteries,etc. My Library Thing profile is up-to-date with books I've read. — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=290" class="username">Calyps0</a>.</b> I love fantasy, science fiction, romance, horror, LGBTQIA+. I prefer books with interesting world-building, strong female characters, and a diverse cast.</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=289" class="username">dlathrop</a>.</b> Historical fiction, memoirs, travel (especially in Asia), religion, classics (and re-tellings) — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=288" class="username">JohnChic</a>.</b> If you look at my library or tags you will see it is mostly mystery, actually it is mostly Agatha Christie. At this time I have fallen into the rabbit hole of "Alternate Author, Sherlock Holmes works". Specifically, I am currently four novels (the first four) into Laurie R… — <b>3 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=287" class="username">iewi</a>.</b> I almost exclusively read fiction, especially fantasy and science fiction. I enjoy slightly weird books. Recently, I've been on more of a literary bend than before, but I'm really not too picky. I also enjoy mysteries, particularly medical mysteries. — <b>2 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=286" class="username">gsm235</a>.</b> I dabble in many subjects and genres going in and out of phases. Horror, science fiction, crime and noir fiction, mystery, translated fiction, and nonfiction are usually safe bets. My LibraryThing library lists every book I’ve read since December of 1990. — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=285" class="username">sjflp</a>.</b> Fiction: I love fantasy, mysteries, romance but any non-gory, non-scary books are good. Non-fiction: history, biography, anthropology, natural world — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=284" class="username">BananaSquirrel</a> for draculard.</b> Horror, erotica, LGBT+, gender, psychology, Lawrence of Arabia, memoir, history, biography — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=283" class="username">librarian515</a>.</b> cookbooks, Christian women's books — <b>2 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=281" class="username">IdzaVargas</a>.</b> YA Romance Cowboy romance Fantasy Poetry Dystopian Fiction Science fiction Mystery — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=280" class="username">ribbonbouquet</a>.</b> Dystopian, fantasy, science fiction, some young adult and historical fiction. — <b>2 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=279" class="username">flusteredduck</a>.</b> Urban fantasy, cozy mystery, mystery, historical fiction.</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=278" class="username">shearon</a>.</b> Surprise me !!</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=277" class="username">Powderfinger69</a>.</b> Suggested categories include classic lit, PD Jame-like mysteries, intelligent spy novels, and Revolution era American history. — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=276" class="username">jenlee05</a>.</b> Spirituality & Motivational (ex, Wayne Dyer) biographies (ex. Angelina Jolie) beach reads & quick reads, science fiction, historical romance fiction. — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=275" class="username">smacomfort</a>.</b> I love urban fantasy - I want my wizards to live in Chicago, and my faeries to hang out in San Francisco. I want magic to happen in the real, modern world. I'm open to romance, as well, though my tastes run more Helen Hoang and Lily Chu than Emily Henry and Colleen Hoover. — <b>2 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=274" class="username">MidnightRose966</a>.</b> Medical nonfiction esp crime related British baking show cookbooks, snoop dogg cookbook Traditional quilting pattern books (ex. stars, scrap patterns) Our Magnificent Bastard Tongue by John McWhorter — <b>2 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=273" class="username">Peace2</a>.</b> I like fantasy and science fiction. I read a fair amount of crime & thrillers (although a fairly large number of these tend to be audio versions borrowed from the library). I like readable history and books about other places (as in not too heavy duty or formal). Taking a…</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=272" class="username">speech40</a>.</b> Historical Fiction, Memoirs and Biographies, Fictional books translated to English by authors from other countries, prize winning books such as national book award, Pulitzer, etc... — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=271" class="username">NerdForHire</a>.</b> Big on thrillers at the moment or crime, mystery, horror, maybe even horror with some spicy scenes? — <b>2 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=270" class="username">NataleeGarner</a>.</b> Contemporary Romance, Dark Academia Romance, RomComs that actually make you laugh, my favorite authors are Ali Hazelwood, Tessa Bailey for contemporary. I just started to get into the Dark Academia realm so I don’t really have a favorite author, so I’m open:) I love me some… — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=269" class="username">mellymel171328</a>.</b> I like mysteries my most favorite author is J.D. Robb. I also like cute romances. I just want to be surprised. I own most of the Robb books so it would be hard to pick from those. I want to discover new authors this year!</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=268" class="username">mellymel171328</a> for Dominic Martinez.</b> He likes Band of Brothers so I think most war books would work. He had one Tom Clancy book that he seemed to like. He likes a theme of strong brotherhood amongst formed during war time. — <b>2 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=267" class="username">mellymel171328</a> for Samuel Squibb.</b> He likes scary books but I want to keep it age appropriate. He is 13 years old and likes Minecraft and other little mysteries. He also likes Five Nights at Freddies. — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=266" class="username">mellymel171328</a> for Liam Squibb.</b> He is a nine year old little boy. He likes Minecraft and struggles with feeling like an outsider. He is a good little boy with a good heart.</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=265" class="username">TheDivineOomba</a>.</b> For Fiction: I like books that are delightfully surprising - either unexpected tropes, or just general strangeness. I like that books that lean to the darker side. For Nonfiction: well written books about interesting topics, and I'm always up for a recently published, up… — <b>3 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=264" class="username">parrishs8</a>.</b> I enjoy horror type books, like books by Stephen King, etc. I also enjoy suspense books and old sci-fi. — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=263" class="username">alonereed</a>.</b> Interested in literary historical fiction, or something slightly spooky but not too scary, or riveting narrative nonfiction, or a contemporary novel that follows disparate characters who finally meet and you as the reader are like "OH MAN IT'S ABOUT TO GO DOWN!!" because you… — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=262" class="username">erthom02</a>.</b> Read a lot of thrillers, suspense, murder mystery. I am interested in reading more contemporary fiction, historical fiction, and fantasy. — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=261" class="username">Stevil2001</a>.</b> I like science fiction (both classic and contemporary) and contemporary literary fiction. Good characters, strong prose, interesting themes are nice. Overall, I am interested in books that you think I might be interested, based on my reading tastes. I include a list below of… — <b>2 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=260" class="username">mooingzelda</a>.</b> I like to read a bit of everything - character-driven literary/book club fiction, historical fiction, science fiction and fantasy, short stories... I'm especially interested in books by writers from the global majority/marginalised backgrounds, and/or those published by indie… — <b>2 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=259" class="username">voconnell</a>.</b> I really like mysteries, but I'm also getting back into Fantasy/Sci Fi after a long break! I've been branching out into romance recently for a fun light break and would just love some books that you'd highly recommend or loved yourself, 5 star reviews! All the books I… — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=258" class="username">mysterysf</a>.</b> I favor traditional detective series. My favorite authors are the standard: Hammett, Chandler, Ross MacDonald, Rex Stout, John D. MacDonald. I also appreciate detective series with a bit of humor. — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=257" class="username">nakasha</a>.</b> I like satires, fantasies, mysteries, anything fiction that has humor in it. My favorite authors are P.G. Wodehouse, Terry Pratchett, Neil Gaiman, Connie Willis, and Diana Wynn Jones. Any books that are similar to theirs would be appreciated. You can check out my list of… — <b>3 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=255" class="username">DAGray08</a>.</b> Poetry similar to Jericho Brown, Patricia Smith, Jack Gilbert Literary fiction similar to James McBride, Toni Morrison Southern Gothic - Daryl Gregory's Revelator is a favorite. just started reading RF Kuang's Babel and anything else by this author would be of interest</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=254" class="username">shedgeco</a>.</b> I've fallen off updating my LibraryThing in the last year (having a toddler will do that), but I'm pretty on top of my StoryGraph profile, including both already-read and want-to-read: Lately I've been reading a lot of…</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=252" class="username">BaileyC</a>.</b> I like literary, genre (SF and some fantasy), and contemporary fiction genre. I read a good bit of history with a particular interest in military and political history, on the more academic side is preferred. Catholic theology, spirituality, and history are also well read,…</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=250" class="username">BirdieMama</a>.</b> I read just about everything under the sun but historical fiction is my jam. I’m also really keen on true-crime, mysteries, thrillers, literary fiction, memoirs/biographies, fantasy, romance. — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=249" class="username">summerinabaddon</a>.</b> I typically enjoy general fiction. This year I loved Cloud Cuckoo Land, Remarkably Bright Creatures, and The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store. I also enjoy some non-fiction and memoirs if you have any must-reads. Please check my wishlist for ideas of what I'm looking to read…</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=248" class="username">Chemistress</a>.</b> Big fan of fantasy, romance (especially LGBTQ+ romance), cozy books, thrillers, mysteries, horror, and true crime. I love books of all kids from one's that have big sprawling worlds to quick novellas that are filled with predictable tropes. I read to escape and prefer a happy… — <b>2 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=247" class="username">jencanread24</a>.</b> I enjoy magical realism and fantasy books but not interested in fae/fairy romantasy books. I enjoy retellings of Greek mythology (my favorite book I've read this year is Herc). — <b>4 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=246" class="username">sidvishess</a>.</b> LGBTQ+ romance, sci-fi, and fantasy. Comics and manga (BL, GL, slice of life, sports, comedy). Horror/weird/unsettling short story anthologies and novellas — <b>2 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=245" class="username">wcbryantpaganlib</a>.</b> anything pagan related; maybe Raymond Buckland or Cunningham; Norse Pagan Seidth magick, Kveldulf Gundarrson; anything pagan anthropology</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=244" class="username">wolfeyluvr</a>.</b> Lately, I've really enjoyed memoirs and biographies (most recently enjoyed Haben). I'm also a sucker for science fiction involving dinosaurs. — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=243" class="username">Sarah.Couchman</a>.</b> Strong female leads. Magic, fantasy, mystery series. Check out my wishlist, there are books I want if you're stuck. But check out what I've already read, and has a 4 or 5 star rating. If you know of something that's good and looks like it matches my library I'd love to… — <b>3 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=242" class="username">queenofthebobs</a>.</b> I tend to like speculative fiction, young adult and middle grade fiction, and like reading books with diverse characters. I currently am looking for shorter novels or novellas. — <b>2 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=241" class="username">ClumsyAngel1</a>.</b> Young adult books (some favourite books/authors include Karen M McManus, The fault in our Stars, twilight, To all the boys I’ve loved before). — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=240" class="username">redsox342015</a>.</b> I enjoy science fiction, particularly when complex worldbuilding or intriguing quirks of a world are at the heart of a story. I enjoy good nature writing, particularly about birds/birding, land use policy/culture, and conservation ecology. Other niche topics I enjoy good… — <b>3 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=239" class="username">LibraryCin</a>.</b> I read just about anything (check "do not get" for those few things I don't like). But favourites include historical fiction, mystery/thrillers, and horror. I do also like nonfiction, including true crime, history, biographies, and popular science. — <b>2 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=238" class="username">StAidansPrimarySchoo</a>.</b> crime, time travel, romance, mystery, historical</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=237" class="username">Bethany_Smith</a> for Non Binary teen.</b> Fantasy, Fairytales, adventure, dragons, witches, pirates, loves stories with non binary and trans characters, not into love stories at all. The Swifts: a Dictionary of Scoundrels. Read all of the Wings of Fire series. Loves Grimm's Fairytales-doesn't like disney versions.… — <b>4 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=236" class="username">shimmermarie</a>.</b> I like cozy mysteries, Japanese slice of life novels, queer literature, gothic horror(HUGE Dracula fan), fantasy and sci-fi. I'm a bit of a magpie so books with pretty covers will bring me joy no matter what. — <b>2 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=235" class="username">camelama</a>.</b> History, light mysteries, cozy fantasy, fiction, science, embroidery, sewing, hand carpentry, paper crafts. Birdwatching. Cats. Trees. How things work. A regency romance fan but for the storytelling, not the sexy ones - Georgette Heyer type. Story, not sex. Patrick O’Brian… — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=234" class="username">xevver</a>.</b> I like quirky, interesting reads, and tend toward Sci-Fi and Speculative Literature. My favorite reads this year have been the Murderbot Series by Martha Welles, Starter Villian by John Scalzi, and A Tale for the Time Being, by Ruth Ozeki. I also enjoy true stories of… — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=233" class="username">secondhandrose</a>.</b> I like feel good stories and mysteries with authors like Rev. Richard Coles, LT Shearer, Richard Osman and SJ Bennett. Not cozies exactly but mysteries with a light touch. A bit of humour and not graphic violence or preachy messages. I like books with book or library… — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=231" class="username">ehough75</a>.</b> Dystopian, YA Fiction, LGBT Fiction, General Fiction, and Crime/Mystery fiction. — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=229" class="username">ehough75</a> for Wife.</b> She likes historical fiction (ie Kristin Hannah), thriller and horror (ie Ruth Ware, Stephen King Joe Hill, Frida McFadden), and general fiction (ie Jodie Picoult, Ann Patchett). Don't need to be these authors specifically, find her a great new author to try. — <b>2 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=228" class="username">slmr4242</a>.</b> I love horror and science fiction (both classic and contemporary). I absolutely love almost everything I've read by Ray Bradbury, Angela Carter, Daphne du Maurier, Christopher Golden, Joe Hill, Shirley Jackson, Stephen Graham Jones, and Stephen King. (Diverse authors are… — <b>3 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=227" class="username">saroz</a>.</b> I'd really like to read something this year that isn't bleak, that is instead fiercely humanist or forward-thinking. I feel like I'm taking too much solace in "comfort reads," so something literate yet hopeful would be nice. Alternatively, some sort of cultural or social… — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=226" class="username">littlemuls</a>.</b> I mostly read romance and occasional woman's fiction. I like to read books that are lighthearted and a distraction from the world at large. I like romance series that build a world (Elsie Silver's books for example) but I also like to start with the first book in a series. — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=225" class="username">littlemuls</a> for Ali.</b> Goodreads Account: Ali likes to read lighthearted fair (mostly romance) and mix in the occasional critically acclaimed book.</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=224" class="username">Docjmh</a>.</b> Horror, cozy mysteries set in bookstores or libraries</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=223" class="username">jwillisbarrie</a>.</b> history, Christian biography, C.S. Lewis, Allistair Begg, Sinclair Furguson — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=222" class="username">literatefool</a>.</b> My reading tastes are wide. I enjoy non fiction history, I love mystery (noir to cozy), fantasy, sci fi, travel, the french language, and everything else. I say this every year-surprise me. I am always glad to find books I wouldn't have known to look for. — <b>2 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=221" class="username">CaseylynAllen</a>.</b> love Stephen King and James Patterson and detective books.</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=220" class="username">Capybara_99</a>.</b> My library includes all my reading for the past several years and should serve as a good prompt for ideas. I'm happy to get one good book, but if more are picked, I love variety. But don't feel bound by anything I write here. Something absolutely bonkers would be fine.</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=219" class="username">BookwormBridgette</a>.</b> Love urban fantasy and romance as well as paranormal romance. I frequently read every Dannika Dark book and Stacey Rourke too! — <b>2 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=218" class="username">Garp83</a>.</b> American Civil War, American presidents, ancient history, science, contemporary fiction. — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=216" class="username">dianeham</a>.</b> Poetry, literary fiction, meditation,</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=215" class="username">Salsabrarian</a>.</b> On my wishlist: the new "Guilt and Ginataan" by Mia P. Manansala!</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=214" class="username">ateolf</a>.</b> I like literary fiction, especially what would be categorized as modernist or postmodernist. I also like surprises and the unexpected. — <b>3 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=213" class="username">misskitty17</a>.</b> Open to pretty much anything- I like mysteries, horror, thrillers, romance, dark romance, historical fiction. Been on a bit of a sports romance kick, too.</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=212" class="username">Aula</a>.</b> Fantasy and sci-fi mainly, nothing hardcore: I like both with a good dash of (dark) humour. I rate books I really liked 4 stars and above: that might help if you want to go outside the fantasy/sci-fi parameters :) I like contemporary fiction as well but tend to be more picky…</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=211" class="username">ang0310</a>.</b> Give me your favorite monster romance! I've been on a bit of a kick this year and am looking for more to read! I'm mainly looking for some quick, feel-good, low-drama reads, but don't let that stop you from sending your favorites even if they don't quite fit! (bonus points… — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=210" class="username">rlb0616</a>.</b> Please take a look at my library to make sure I don’t get something I already have. All the books there I either own or have read. I love: magical realism, women’s fiction, historical fiction, mysteries, thrillers, and books set in the UK, Ireland, Venice. Books set in the Us… — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=209" class="username">mmoj</a>.</b> I read a bit of everything; mysteries, fiction, classics, science fiction, fantasy are my go to's but I like reading new to me books/authors.</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=208" class="username">xenoglossy</a>.</b> I primarily read science fiction/fantasy, mystery novels, and LGBTQ+ books in various other genres. Anything in my "To Read" collection that isn't also in the "Your Library" collection would be welcome! — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=204" class="username">Girliebookloverr</a> for My sis and I.</b> Hi! I really love romance books. Such as… Icebreaker by Hannah Grace, The Empire High series by Ivy Smoak, any booktok romance that’s popular, and I also really liked the Twisted series by Ana Huang. I love Elle Kennedys books, Carley Fortunes books, and I ABSOLUTELY love… — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=203" class="username">fulner</a>.</b> I read mostly dead trees and books on CD. I read a lot of sci-fi and Christian works. Mostly I read books from the public library, having a due date tends to help me actually read it. As such my LibraryThing Wishlist Collection is made up of books from the following three…</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=202" class="username">mirryi</a> for a friend, Suparna Hande.</b> She enjoys Jane Austen and other 18-19th century classics---but don't get these, as I'm sure she's read most of them. Something adjacent or even totally different would be welcomed! Japanese literature, classic fantasy, etc.</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=201" class="username">Daedalus.</a>.</b> I read novels (EN, FR, IT), contemporary and classic (but not too classic!). Calvino and Borges are among my favourites (I have most of their books, but you see the kind of literature :). Crime stories and, occasionally, scifi, why not. I love art (renaissance and… — <b>2 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=200" class="username">dacejav</a>.</b> Mostly literary fiction, translated literature. I enjoy books with imperfect characters, dealing with the big questions in life: love, happiness, belonging, grief. I also sometimes enjoy a good dystopian novel or a romance with great banter. It can be steamy, but I need some…</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=199" class="username">catgirl_luna</a> for Terrie Wilkie.</b> This is for my local public school's library. They are a K-5th school and serve a lot of low income families. Our school library is one of the few places the kids can get books or access to books easily. Picture Books: We lack a lot of books about dragons, unicorns, and… — <b>4 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=198" class="username">Rakketytam</a>.</b> Fiction: Literary, sci-fi, fantasy Non-fiction: Nature, science, history, travel/expeditions</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=197" class="username">seaweedotter</a>.</b> I know it takes a bit of the fun out, but I am really picky about what I read, if you can please get something from this list, I'd really appreciate it. I will make it long enough that I won't know what I am getting. Please get paperbacks, not hardbacks where available.…</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=196" class="username">Xtrangeloop</a>.</b> Enjoy the art that goes into crafting short stories or novellas. Absolutely enamored by hard science fiction, classic science fiction, and technology, though I tend to sprinkle in some fantasy and definitely the occasional horror. In a completely different turn of page, I… — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=195" class="username">foolsgoldboots127</a>.</b> I enjoy romance, magical realism, fantasy, and contemporary fiction. — <b>3 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=194" class="username">dhua2222</a>.</b> I'm looking for a non-fiction book. Something with the themes of the history of cities, literary critiques, or exploration of language but would be open to other topics as well. — <b>3 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=193" class="username">katemcangus</a>.</b> Mostly literary fiction, mysteries, and dark academia. My favorite authors include Liz Moore, Rebecca Makkai, Tana French, Ian McEwan, Sally Rooney, Donna Tartt -- and lately Jane Harper & Richard Osman. — <b>2 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=192" class="username">belladonna624</a>.</b> I love all things magical but I'm picky about high fantasy. I like books about books (Lula Dean's Little Library of Banned Books, The Lost Bookshop), books about magical places and people (The Spellshop, Witch of Wild Things, The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches),… — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=191" class="username">Amy_Webb</a>.</b> Interested in trying Freida McFadden if you have a favorite. All He’ll Ever Be series recently caught my attention. I enjoy horror- no triggers, anything goes! I really love anything, seriously anything as long as it has a good story! Writers I have full collections on…</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=190" class="username">James_Knupp</a>.</b> I'm a big sci fi reader, specifically into space opera, sci fi horror, weird fiction (like Jeff Vandermeer). I do enjoy some fantasy, more high fantasy. I also like history and biographies, especially history that covers a specific event or period in great detail ("Rise and… — <b>2 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=186" class="username">micgmore</a>.</b> Dystopian and/or post-apocalyptic fiction. Fantasy (especially YA). Nature nonfiction (especially about birds). Celebrity memoirs (especially funny ones). My favorite relationship trope is enemies to lovers (example: The Cruel Prince). My favorite plot tropes are cutthroat… — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=185" class="username">StefynX</a>.</b> I read a lot of fantasy/sci-fi, slanting towards epics. Good stories from an author that does something really well usually catch my interest. All time favorite authors/books: Butcher (Codex Alera vs Dresden), Terry Brooks (Shannara), C.S. Friedman - This Alien Shore, Ernest… — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=184" class="username">JacobsBeloved</a>.</b> I read a lot of fantasy, especially fantasy series, in both Young Adult and Adult categories. I've been focusing on the subcategory of Romantic Fantasy lately. I also enjoy Historical Fiction, with female-centered plots. You can check my "Wishlist" here on Librarything for…</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=181" class="username">rebeccaar17</a>.</b> I really enjoy romance, fantasy, romantic fantasy, and YA. For romance - I prefer standard or regency romances (think: Sally Thorne, Ali Hazelwood, Jane Austen, etc.). For fantasy/YA, I love a story with a quest of some kind, something with exciting twists or puzzles that you… — <b>2 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=180" class="username">leximarolf</a>.</b> I like horror, thriller, suspense and mystery. When I read, I imagine myself in that situation, so any sort of realistic or psychological horror/thriller always seem to keep my attention. I tend to lose focus if they are more based around paranormal events. I am a fan of… — <b>4 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=179" class="username">mnmoon</a>.</b> I am a museum professional and public historian with a speciality in food history. I am widely curious and read a lot of nonfiction; I appreciate travel, folklore, anthropology, memoir, nature writing, and history titles. — <b>4 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=178" class="username">Gallishaw</a>.</b> fantasy, scifi, historic,</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=177" class="username">dhua2222</a>.</b> I have a small list of genres below, but generally speaking, I'm interested in storytelling and would love a well-crafted book. I'm open to all genres and would like something you have recently read and loved. Fantasy, LGBTQIA+, romance, adventure — <b>2 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=176" class="username">joyjohnston</a>.</b> Poetry, memoir, personal essays, domestic thriller, short stories.</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=175" class="username">woody1221</a>.</b> This is a bit of a different request. I'm a high school teacher and I am part of the student book club at school - many of our faculty are part of the club to model reading for our students. Each semester we are asked to set a "reading goal" and I would like for YOU to pick a… — <b>2 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=174" class="username">woody1221</a>.</b> I've been on a run of reading "cozy, light, escape - sometimes funny" stories - from all different times/eras (Modern/1800s/Renaissance/Viking)- Also - I've really enjoyed reading about the Mayflower, Orphan Trains, and Women Lighthouse Keepers. Some of the authors have…</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=173" class="username">TWaterfall</a>.</b> Historical fiction, thriller. World War 2 memoirs, perhaps some from Ken Follett. I’ve read everything by Jeff Shaara.</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=171" class="username">ATLbabe</a>.</b> I really love psychological thrillers, mysteries, true crime, WWII era historical fiction (esp. women’s stories) and memoirs. — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=170" class="username">Goodlit</a>.</b> fiction, political, historical, realist, literary, contemporary, social commentary, social concerns</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=169" class="username">IMBOS</a>.</b> Check my books (I read a lot). I love contemporary fiction, historical fiction, memoirs, non-fiction about quirky subjects, coming of age novels, some romance, thrillers, literary... so many!I especially love family dramas, for historical the time periods of 1950s-1980s,… — <b>3 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=167" class="username">ccatalfo</a> for juliancatalfo.</b> Nonfiction about soccer, basketball, popular philosophy (like Become Perfect). Books like Inverting the Period: the history of soccer tactics.</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=166" class="username">ccatalfo</a> for elliecata.</b> Interested in classics. Also loves Shirley Jackson and Kazuo Ishiguro - especially books like The Haunting of Hill House. — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=165" class="username">peets812715</a>.</b> I'm a big lover of historical fiction and literary fiction. I prefer single POVs and single timelines as opposed to braided narratives. Things with character depth are my favorite. Mystery, suspense, and action are all welcome. Slice-of-life stories are also welcome. I like… — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=164" class="username">tlclaw06</a>.</b> I am an eclectic reader who already owns a LOT of books. I like books with strong female protagonists, horror, thriller, fantasy, and non-fiction about law and social justice. My library is up-to-date! Happy Holidays & happy reading! — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=162" class="username">reading_fox</a>.</b> Varied genre fiction, plus a select mix of non-fiction:See my library! Genre fiction - SF and Fantasy, crime, adventure and thriller....mostly. Non-fiction: I do read some. I like travel and adventure, especially caving related (not many available - although there's some… — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=161" class="username">bigcurlyloz</a>.</b> I'll give most things ago and am not tied to any specific genres, but favourites tend to be Sci-Fi, modern fantasy, well-written fiction (literary or popular), popular science, crime and I've recently enjoyed more nature writing. — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=160" class="username">S4sh4</a>.</b> "literary" fiction (not at all sure what that means!!); modern history with a twist - either suspense, or science-y; mysteries, translated fiction and nonfiction books about the process of translating (I haven't gotten to Lahiri's Italian stuff, or her book about writing in a… — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=159" class="username">Cosette220</a>.</b> Check my booklist. Historical fiction, books about books, fantasy, diaries, early photography, biographies, travel and travel diaries, museums, needlework, scrapbooks, England and France</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=158" class="username">ARaw</a>.</b> Wide, but I'm craving ... something with an initially unlikeable reluctant hero or antihero (can be historical or futuristic) with a dry sense of humour, ends up surprisingly likeable and wins the day or narrowly misses winning the day. OR something with a down to earth…</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=157" class="username">add901</a>.</b> I like mysteries, thrillers, fantasy and I am always looking to get into a new series.</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=156" class="username">knerd.knitter</a> for my husband, Casey.</b> He loves mysteries/thrillers (Dan Brown is one of his favorite authors) and Young Adult dystopian series (such as Hunger Games, Divergent, Shadow & Bone, and Scythe). He also likes fantasy (such as Lord of the Rings) and sci-fi (he really enjoyed Project Hail Mary). Other… — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=155" class="username">reedread</a>.</b> Historical fiction featuring women in the US and UK. Thoughtful mysteries. Fiction depicting women over 60. — <b>3 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=154" class="username">snigl3t</a>.</b> Generally prefer the space opera end of SF, the more convoluted & sciencey & politicky the better :) Some fantasy is OK as well, but I'm a bit picky with that (and the same qualifications apply for fantasy as with the SF options). Basically, if you spot any glaring omissions… — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=153" class="username">Shadow123</a> for My spouse, Jacob.</b> He loves sci fi, sometimes fantasy - especially anything with elaborate world-building, cool science and engineering facts, and space opera. He tends to stick with the classics, but would love to read more contemporary works, especially by women and BIPOC creators. — <b>3 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=152" class="username">Shadow123</a>.</b> I especially like weird stuff! Experimental fiction, stuff that plays with form or narrative structure. I have a huge library, so please check my LibraryThing to avoid duplicates. All formats are okay - any age, graphic novels, poetry, plays, prose, fiction, nonfiction,… — <b>3 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=151" class="username">HeroicHatchling</a>.</b> I love cozy fantasy novels and witchy romances. (But I don't care for T Kingfisher or TJ Klune novels). Terry Pratchett, Anne McCaffrey, Travis Baldree, Becky Chambers, and Patricia C Wrede are some of my favorite authors. I read a lot, and I check out a lot of books from the…</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=150" class="username">jtcmk19</a>.</b> Mystery, Thriller, Historical Fiction, Crime Dramas.</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=149" class="username">olegalCA</a>.</b> Interested in learning more about Israel, Palestine and how we got here. I love mysteries, young adult (realistic fiction mostly), popular fiction, biographies, history, politics and some middle grade books. My favourite books that I've read this year are The Grey Wolf by… — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=148" class="username">susiehk</a>.</b> Non-fiction books that explore deep truths, personal empowerment, and mystical themes (grounded in reality). Ideal books would include those on spiritual wisdom and inner transformation, works on courage and faith, creativity and faith, meditation, and mythology and archetypal…</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=147" class="username">Marlane</a>.</b> I love character driven mysteries and historical fiction, especially those set in a country other than the U.S. or Great Britain. However, I'm tired of books set during WWII. I also like readable history nonfiction that's not focused on politics or military. I like to read… — <b>2 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=146" class="username">Cfraser</a>.</b> Enjoy science fiction, literature, crime, fantasy</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=145" class="username">queen_ypolita</a>.</b> In the past few years I feel I've struggled to find interesting fiction to read and as a result ended up reading more non-fiction and forgettable romance novels, or working through long series--not really discovering anything new or interesting. For this reason I'd like my… — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=144" class="username">K8A</a>.</b> I like detective mysteries, or novels similar to those written by the following: Anne Cleeves (Vera), Dick Francis, Michael Robotham, Ian Rankin or even Alexander McCall Smith (No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency); it would be fun to discover a new author.</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=143" class="username">a.odasso</a>.</b> I will read pretty much anything, but my preferred genres are thriller, horror, and “weird girl lit fic” (though I haven’t read many in this genre yet, but I’m into it). Literary fiction in general is good, too! I’ve read almost 90 books since May but I never really read much… — <b>2 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=141" class="username">AmberSM79</a>.</b> Fantasy, but not witches, werewolves, or vampires. — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=140" class="username">DominiqueMarie</a>.</b> I like a wide variety of genres. I do have a wishlist of some books I would like, but I also love surprises. My comfort reads are fantasy, and fairy tale retellings, and I love books with/about animals. A Christmas read would be great, too! My library should also give you… — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=139" class="username">postsbygina</a>.</b> Reads widely. Enjoy well written dialogue and intriguing plots. Preference for horror, psychological thriller, sci-fi, historical fiction, magical realism. Also reads nonfiction on topics of intrigue. — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=138" class="username">Jennifer6493</a> for Jacob - My son.</b> Jacob reads authors like John Grisham, Robert Ludlum and other thrillers. He also reads historical fiction and political books relative to a liberal view.</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=137" class="username">Some1LikeYou</a>.</b> Hardcover* is preferred over paperback. Please refer to my updated wishlist for books I’d like to own, as well as my library for my range of interests. I’ve also made a public wishlist on Powell book’s website that can be found by searching Some1LikeYou, LibraryThing wishlist.…</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=136" class="username">N1na</a>.</b> I read contemporary romance and (to a leaser extent these days) literary fiction. I like books with complex female or nonbinary characters. They don't even have to be likable people! Bonus points if they’re over 30.</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=135" class="username">elorin</a>.</b> Fantasy, science fiction, Heinlein, McCaffrey, Pratchett, Modesitt, Dick Francis, Gabaldon. — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=134" class="username">AnitaNgaire</a>.</b> Gardening!! :) I'm particularly interested in edible gardening and permaculture.</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=133" class="username">fobgirl12</a>.</b> Romance reader, loves a good historical. Looking for something set outside of the Regency era. Lots of spice is fine. Surprise me with an unknown author, if it’s known the romance world I’ve probably read them. Also, as in previous years I’m looking for a good, fun, breezy…</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=132" class="username">Tabasco2003</a> for Juno Noel.</b> My granddaughter is 3 and reads books at every opportunity she can find. She love space, Ladybug Girl, Peg + Cat, and attends a Spanish immersion school. Her teachers have decided that she has achieved bilingual status and is beginning to read in both English and Spanish.</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=131" class="username">Tabasco2003</a> for Audrey DeSantis.</b> My granddaughter just turned 6, loves Bluey, books that make her think, and her specialty is being creative and imaginative. She is a bit intimidated by computers....sometimes making a mistake is the worst thing in the world. She also wants a spotted black and white puppy…</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=130" class="username">Tabasco2003</a> for Lincoln DeSantis.</b> My grandson turns 3 on December 8. He loves dinosaurs, Bluey, and adventures. Currently he is receiving physical therapy for his leg muscles (braces are dinosaur themed). — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=129" class="username">mnm123</a>.</b> I have recently been into Fantasy, especially with Dragons. I don't need all the romance and sex but if it is a good book otherwise than it is fine. I have always had a love of Historical fiction and Mystery. I will read some romance but I am usually bored with the same plot… — <b>2 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=128" class="username">Midas1273</a>.</b> Wide variety of books. Mystery, young adult, sci-fi, Harry Potter, Star Wars , Star Trek. LGBTQIA+, — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=127" class="username">DianeTM</a>.</b> I read a wide variety of books. Mystery, romance, paranormal, etc I am interested in You have gone to far by Carlene O’Conner, Murder in Highbury by Vanessa Kelly, Fight or Flight by Fern Michaels</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=126" class="username">TonyaJ</a>.</b> Xlnt biographies, Sci-fi, alien worlds, world building; Wilbur Smith-like Adventure, pirates,Egypt; Qi Gong, spirituality; The early novels of AGOT. Presumed Innocent, Defending Jacob. Straub, King, Simmons. Check wishlist. I'd love a favorite of yours!</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=125" class="username">javalen</a> for My son, Harry.</b> Harry is a 4.5 year old boy. He is currently big into interactive / fun books, like “There’s a Monster in Your Book” by Tom Fletcher. He also loves space, robots, dinosaurs. — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=124" class="username">SunshinyShoes</a>.</b> Psychological thrillers Banned books Fiction Gripping non-fiction</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=117" class="username">thuytiennguyen</a>.</b> This year I've been looking into Japanese literature. Anything from Yukio Mishima/Seicho Matsumoto/Yasunari Kawabata/Kobo Abe/Yoko Ogawa please! Or if you know similar books/similar authors and think I need to check them out please surprise me too.</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=116" class="username">NB_Knight</a>.</b> My LibraryThing Wishlist has a bunch of books I'm interested in. I primarily read LGBTQ+ books. Anything from romance to nonfiction to fantasy, if it's queer I'm interested. I own a lot of queer books, so I have the wishlist in hopes of not receiving a book I already own.</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=115" class="username">DebbiMack</a> for Nancy Mack.</b> Humor, memoirs, mysteries without excessive violence. — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=114" class="username">amandajane69</a>.</b> Murder mystery, favourite authors J D Robb, Peter May. Favourite Illustrator, Jessica Roux. I much prefer paper copies of books.</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=113" class="username">clairejop</a>.</b> I’ll read basically any genre, but I want to get more into literary fiction and romance. I also love books with LGBTQ+ characters. Other than that I don’t have any specific preferences!</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=112" class="username">khenkins</a>.</b> I voraciously read mysteries, especially. By women authors but not cozy, and science fiction. I enjoy novels with "quirky characters." Paperbacks preferred, not ebooks. You can see my wishlist for ideas, thanks! — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=111" class="username">EvaW</a>.</b> I read many kinds of fiction but not much non-fiction. My favourite genre is fantasy, including YA fantasy. But sci fi, and literary fiction are good too (just not too literary - more like Kate Quinn, for example). — <b>2 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=110" class="username">DebVanZ</a>.</b> I am a very eclectic reader. I enjoy mystery, science fiction, fantasy, time travel, cozy romance, Christian fiction and non-fiction, autobiography, other cultures, and travel most of all. I love learning new things. Favorite authors: Anne McCaffrey, Michael Crichton, C. S.… — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=109" class="username">PetterKringberg</a>.</b> I tend to mostly enjoy non-fiction - religion (Christianity specifically), politics (UK and American), history (mainly World War 2 and intelligence history) and memoirs & biographies.</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=108" class="username">Jamilyn</a>.</b> Examples of things I’ve liked in the past. -Sci/Fi (Martha Wells, Becky Chambers, Brandon Sanderson) -Fantasy (Terry Pratchett, Nnedi Okorofor) -Mystery (How to Solve Your Own Murder, Thursday Murder Club) — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=107" class="username">FelixSH</a>.</b> loves biography,philosophy, sociology, non fiction and scifi — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=106" class="username">mellbomb</a>.</b> Lesser known (more obscure) classics, prize winning literature, philosophy, poetry, Buddhism, historical fiction, horror, psychological thriller. — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=105" class="username">hungrycaterpillar</a>.</b> I read to be entertained. I love quirky picture books, middle-grade books about kids on a caper, coming of age stories, and grisly mysteries. Bonus points if a house plays an important role. I do appreciate clever writing, but sometimes a good story is enough. — <b>2 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=104" class="username">Romonko</a>.</b> I like literary fiction, prize winning fiction, mysteries, CanLit, historical fiction, espionage (not from the bestseller list), biographies of music greats (but please check what I’ve read)</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=102" class="username">sophia.ali</a>.</b> I like historical fiction, inter-generational, memoirs, and books that don't necessarily have a 'problem' but tell a story (i.e., Tom Lake by Ann Patchett, Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi, Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver, Cleopatra and Frankenstein by Coco Mellors, A Place for…</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=101" class="username">BeTheDance</a>.</b> Spiritual, esoteric, magic, philosophy, ancient history, metaphysics, mediumship — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=100" class="username">RaeshellS</a>.</b> I like to read books by BIPOC authors. I read and write a lot of poetry. My favorite books this year have been, Martyr, Grown Women, Family Lore, A day in the life of Abed Salama, Good Bones. — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=99" class="username">scraps</a>.</b> I prefer to read fantasy, science fiction, and mystery. I also read Japanese light novels and lit-rpg. I am interested in art and philosophy. I am a quilter and interested in books on advanced techniques. I would enjoy reading someone else's favorite author or book. — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=98" class="username">sandyg210</a>.</b> I like police procedurals, memoirs featuring animals, lighter fantasy (think A Lee Martinez or Terry Pratchett), and science fiction.</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=97" class="username">book.maven397</a>.</b> I love space opera sci-fi, fantasy, cozy mysteries, rom coms, action-adventure and horror (not tons of gore). I enjoy diverse stories, especially lgbtqia+, people with disabilities, different cultures, etc. — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=96" class="username">djczeck</a>.</b> Debut fiction authors Historical fiction Romance Cozy mystery Mediterranean or healthy cooking</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=95" class="username">ChristinaDunn73</a>.</b> Cook book collector Baseball history Stephen King — <b>4 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=94" class="username">kwagnerroberts</a>.</b> Fiction: science fiction, fantasy, paranormal (not vampires), cozy mysteries Non-fiction: female sports memoirs/autobiographies, females who have made an impact on the world</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=93" class="username">alcatrazranch</a>.</b> psychological thrillers, mysteries, police procedurals, leadership, anything with animals.</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=92" class="username">quietsnooze</a>.</b> Adult and (sometimes) YA fantasy. I’m signed up for Fairyloot so I get their monthly picks. What matters first and foremost is the quality of the story, as I’m not someone who chases a romantasy with paper cut out characters. I enjoy high fantasy (fey are excellent fun but… — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=91" class="username">eboods</a>.</b> I love horror, I've read a ton of it though, so anything by lesser known authors or hidden historical gems would be awesome. I also enjoy LGBTQ+ stories, cozy fantasy, general fantasy, sci-fi, and general speculative fiction. — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=90" class="username">mirmir</a>.</b> See my LibraryThing library! If I don't have your favorite book, I would love to read it. — <b>2 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=89" class="username">nikolai.yakovich</a>.</b> Marxist political theory, award-winning international novels in translation (English), the history of magic/the occult/arcane/esoterica, political and/or radical theology</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=88" class="username">AngelClaw</a>.</b> Fantasy, historical fiction, and contemporary/literary fiction are my top genres. I also read a lot of history, love essay collections, and enjoy the occasional rom com.</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=87" class="username">Edward528</a>.</b> Reads mystery, literary fiction, gay romance, fantasy and various combinations thereof. Prefers British or Commonwealth authors to American. Paperback lover.</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=86" class="username">FReads</a>.</b> Historical romance that takes place in either the regency or victorian era please! I just finished the entire Bridgerton series (all 8 books, prequel, and epilogue books from Julia Quinn) and am obsessed with that period now. I would love to get similar types of historical…</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=85" class="username">woody1221</a>.</b> Historical Fiction - especially Medieval and Renaissance time frames - I have also liked reading reading about Ancient Egypt. As an example I really enjoyed: - Sarah Woodbury (recommended from SantaThing 2021!) - Michelle Moran’s books (the Nefertiti series was awesome!) …</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=84" class="username">TaylorFarnham</a>.</b> I like chicklit, memoirs, biographies of famous people (but have read all the big ones like Britney Spears, Mathew Perry, and Jessica Simpson.) I also like psychological thrillers, and like authors like Colleen Hoover, and JD Robb, and Janet Evonovich but haven’t read 2-3 of…</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=83" class="username">tileen</a>.</b> Recently I have been very into Stephen King and would like to explore more of the horror genre. The only King book I will not read is It. I love history and popular culture. Anything about classic film, World War I, and the Civil War is my favorite. My library is up to date. — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=82" class="username">CassMama</a>.</b> I like literary fiction, slightly weird stuff is okay. Some romance. Some fantasy, but not high fantasy. More like magical realism? I like thrillers sometimes, but I rarely reread them so I just get those from the library. Recent books I gave 5 stars: The God of Endings by…</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=81" class="username">strongstuff</a>.</b> This year I’m looking for something immersive and escapist. Something to make me forget what’s happening in the world. I read a lot of literary and historical fiction, some fantasy, some narrative non-fiction. What have you read lately that you can’t put down? — <b>2 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=80" class="username">mswelchpac</a>.</b> I enjoy LGBTIA+ stories and authors as well as BIPOC authors. I don't mind a little conflict, but prefer uplifting stories. My favorite book is Ready Player One. Thanks so much! — <b>3 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=79" class="username">bragan</a>.</b> My reading tastes are really very broad! All-time favorite categories are science fiction and science-y non-fiction, but there are few genres I won't at least dabble in, and I'm always happy to expand my fictional horizons, or to learn about a topic I don't know much about. … — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=78" class="username">Tzctlibr</a>.</b> Graphic novels with preference for the ones based on real events like biographies, I tend to give manga a miss, unusual novels from countries outside the English sphere of influence are always interesting, I enjoy popular science books as well, I can read in Spanish, English,… — <b>5 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=76" class="username">gentlespirit512</a>.</b> </div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=75" class="username">Kyler_Marie</a>.</b> Nonfiction biology or science books with dark themes. — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=74" class="username">SchoolHorticulture</a>.</b> I'm into history, fantasy, historical romance. I prefer a lot of character development and happy endings.</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=73" class="username">knerd.knitter</a>.</b> I read mostly fiction. I would like to get some new horror/gothic books. I'm not really into slasher, B-movie horror as much as more gothic things or more "serious" horror (Stephen King is one of my favorites; I've read pretty much everything he has written). I'm also really… — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=72" class="username">knerd.knitter</a> for my almost 7-year-old daughter Sara.</b> Books that are easier to read would be great as Sara's working on her reading. We're still mostly reading picture books. She really likes baby animals and silly books (one of her favorites is The Book with No Pictures). Edit: Sara has actually fallen in love with the Diary… — <b>3 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=71" class="username">leisjenn</a>.</b> I'm a big fiction read, love fantasy (a lot of high fantasy but sometimes romantasy as well), mystery books (especially cozy mysteries), little bit of romcom style books, and have recently started more sci-fi as well. I also love graphic novels and manga. They are great… — <b>2 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=70" class="username">Danielle91</a>.</b> I like books about material culture, fashion, women's history, royalty from any time period, or romance novels my romance preferences are, supernatural, why choose. BBC History Extra's podcast normally does good non-fiction book picks. — <b>4 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=69" class="username">kkelley13</a>.</b> I read pretty widely, so I'd love a surprise. This year I've been getting into horror- please no zombies or vampires though! I'm reading a little less nonfiction than I have in the past and I foresee needing a lot more escapism in the near future. I try to keep my lists… — <b>2 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=68" class="username">erinclark</a>.</b> Please take a look at my library, it is up to date and I have a list of books I've read over the last few years on my profile page. This year I'm up to 118 so far which is a totally new record for me! I like Historical Fiction, Women's Fiction, Fiction, Humor, Coming of Age,…</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=67" class="username">Pedantic_Reader</a>.</b> Really enjoys classic literature and literary fiction. Particularly midcentury American or British authors. Enjoys character-driven novels more so than plot-driven, though not opposed to them. — <b>2 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=66" class="username">readergirliz</a> for Nathan, aged 4.</b> This kid loves an engine! Cars, planes, trucks, trains, you name it! We've read many but don't own many. Nathan also loves rocket ships and outer space. He received Moonshot last year in SantaThing and it remains one of his favorites. We purchased Locomotive by the same… — <b>3 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=65" class="username">revsusan</a>.</b> I love fantasy, mysteries, historical novels, science fiction, youth and young adult fiction, bookshop mysteries, Christmas mysteries/stories, anything related to tea, and even a great picture book. — <b>2 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=64" class="username">readergirliz</a>.</b> I like a story well told, almost regardless of the genre. My favorite books this year were Kaikeyi, Pet (YA), The Measure, Somewhere Beyond the Sea, and The Light Pirate. — <b>2 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=63" class="username">bgfulton</a>.</b> I enjoy reading creative non-fiction, true crime, graphic novels, and music-related biographies/memoirs. — <b>2 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=62" class="username">jeshakespeare</a>.</b> I love mysteries, historical fiction, historical and/or thrilling romances and my Wishlist names specific books that I want. Please make sure to pick the first book in a series if you are going to introduce me to it. I love Shakespeare so a book that rewrites a play would be… — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=61" class="username">xenophon</a>.</b> I now read only e-books. Books about books would be a good choice if I don't already have it on Kindle. History - classical, European and/or United States is also of interest.</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=60" class="username">sallylou61</a>.</b> Enjoy books with strong women characters. Fiction can be either historical fiction and/or fiction about women in certain occupations such as midwives. (I enjoyed the Molly Murphy mystery series by Rhys Bowen and Hope River novels by Patricia Harmon.) Nonfiction can include… — <b>3 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=59" class="username">VenelopeLove</a>.</b> Japanese or French books in translation. Example Fresh Water for Flowers by Valerie Perrin translated to English (I have read this), Science Fiction, Dystopian or Postapocalyptic, Literary Fiction, Nonfiction about interesting topics such as The Women They Could Not Silence… — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=58" class="username">andejons</a>.</b> I enjoy history, classical literature (interpreted broadly), essays, poetry, comics, genre fiction (especially historical fiction, science, fantasy). — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=57" class="username">mrsandersonut</a>.</b> Historical fiction set within the Great Depression though WWII time-period. I haven't read any Lynn Austin novels, so I would be interested in trying her out. — <b>3 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=56" class="username">library_mistress</a>.</b> This year, I would like to expand my horizon with Cyberpunk/Science Fiction by diverse voices - such as black authors, feminist authors, queer characters, authors from outside North America and Europe... — <b>3 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=55" class="username">Sensory</a>.</b> I like mysteries, thrillers, some fantasy (i.e., Court of Thorns and Roses, Fourth Wing, but don't choose those). Fourth Wing is good, but a bit young-ish for me. I like books similar to Ann Cleeves series, and I loved The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova. — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=54" class="username">josephtristan</a>.</b> Literary Fiction, Historical fiction, mystery, thriller</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=53" class="username">watson11</a>.</b> I'm a big fan of mysteries and thrillers as well as literary fiction. I'm also a fan of contemporary romance writers like Abby Jimenez and Christina Lauren. My LibraryThing catalog is up to date. — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=52" class="username">Artoriarius</a>.</b> In fiction, I'm fond of sci-fi and fantasy; I also like mysteries, especially cozy mysteries. In nonfiction, I like history (particularly Roman), archaeology, and philosophy (especially Stoicism). — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=51" class="username">debbie1215</a>.</b> I have a pretty broad range of tast but I gravitate mostly toward historical fiction or books that are set in a different culture. I also love autobiographies. I don't mind mystery/suspense or even romance as long as it has some substance. I'm a big Disney nut also and love… — <b>2 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=50" class="username">wyliem</a>.</b> For fiction, I'm mostly interested in literary fiction, science fiction, and "slipstream" books. Experimental and weird is great, but so is just good writing. For non-fiction, I'm interested in history and leftist politics, plus books about film history or critical theory. … — <b>2 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=49" class="username">SouthernKiwi</a>.</b> I read reasonably broadly and love finding new authors I can dive into so pick something you loved that you think I'll like! My LibraryThing account is up to date, and most books have ratings, but for some quick hints some of my favourites are genre benders like Diana… — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=48" class="username">DBev</a>.</b> I own quite a few books in a wide variety of genres. Favorites are historical fiction, mystery and fantasy, urban fantasy, LGBT fiction-mystery-nonfiction-history, New York State and NYC history and nonfiction. — <b>2 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=47" class="username">jenssouljourney</a>.</b> I love all kinds of books. I read Holly Black to mesu Andrews. So suprise me :-)</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=46" class="username">Rivendell</a>.</b> Popular history (especially Pacific and Indian ocean) Crime fiction</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=45" class="username">LieslC</a>.</b> I read across a wide range of fiction genres, so I'm not too picky. I tend to lean towards crime fiction and fantasy. I just love reading a really good story. When it comes to non-fiction, I enjoy true crime (especially cults, lately). Happy for you to choose anything you… — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=44" class="username">Daphinie</a>.</b> Big Horror family here! Sci-fi horror is my favorite subgenre. I also really love fantasy and sci-fi! (Bonuses if queer normative!) Japanese translated crime novels are also an easy win! Favorites in Sci-fi: Imperial Reach Series, Gideon the Ninth, Splinter in the Sky,… — <b>4 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=43" class="username">R3dH00d</a>.</b> Currently, I'm mostly interested in new comic books/graphic novels and cyberpunk. I'd also be interested in any derivatives of cyberpunk: biopunk, dieselpunk, atompunk, steampunk, etc. — <b>3 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=42" class="username">aoifekerr</a>.</b> I’m a bit of an electric reader I usually read just about anything. Authors I’ve enjoyed include Patricia Briggs, Seanan McGuire Jim Butcher, Rick Riordan Katie Fforde and Lucinda Reilly — <b>2 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=41" class="username">DestDest</a>.</b> - Books on my to-be read list or wishlist on LibraryThing - Black female x male lead (YA or Adult) can be strictly romance or other genre with this pairing - Middle-grade or Young Adult graphic novels/comics - Volume 1 Shoujo mangas — <b>2 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=40" class="username">alo1224</a>.</b> Poetry is really all I read as physical books anymore. That or graphic novels. — <b>4 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=39" class="username">ScottyBoyP</a>.</b> Recently been into postmodernist American literature; don't have a lot of knowledge of acclaimed modernist novels though, so something along those lines would be great. I've also taken an interest in Paul Auster, but thus far only have his novella "Timbuktu," so I'd… — <b>2 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=38" class="username">catgirl_luna</a>.</b> I am currently really into any queer romance particularly Lesbian or Sapphic romance any genre would be great. I also love poetry, myths and legends any and all from anywhere in the world (I really love folk tales and spooky folk tales), Books on Unicorns. I also enjoy… — <b>4 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=37" class="username">KateBaxter</a>.</b> I am a huge fan of well crafted/well researched historical fiction. Historical mysteries, regular mysteries, espionage, and suspenseful reads are also favored in our home. — <b>3 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=36" class="username">tealadytoo</a>.</b> I have pretty broad tastes and will try almost anything, but my usual genres are mystery, suspense, romance, historical novels and sci-fi/fantasy. — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=35" class="username">LynnEnz</a>.</b> History- non fiction! Prefer medieval European or Russian; American history from Jamestown thru Revolution; I like epic fantasy like the Dragon Lance by Weiss & Hickman; the Eye of the World series, and similar; I also like classics, books with pretty sprayed edges; I've been… — <b>2 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=34" class="username">Neverwithoutabook</a>.</b> Genealogical mystery, historical Romance, cozy mystery, time travel, I'm looking for light reading as it's been a rough year. — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=33" class="username">zengringa</a>.</b> Time travel Soup cookbooks Quantum physics Mysteries Historical Fiction Beginner crochet — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=32" class="username">MBMG</a>.</b> Cozy crime, thrillers, light fantasy (not ghouls but witches are ok or time travel) — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=31" class="username">Susannah14</a>.</b> Mystery Psychological thriller — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=30" class="username">saskia17</a>.</b> Make one of the items a favorite of yours, new or old; I read a little bit of everything and would love to see what you love best! My regular bookshelf leans toward fantasy, poetry, books about books, myth & fairy tale, cultural histories, and mysteries. I love a good… — <b>3 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=29" class="username">bagejew</a>.</b> Romance, beach reads, mysteries, thrillers, best sellers — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=28" class="username">kalpanabook</a>.</b> Cozy/humorous mysteries, Golden Age mysteries, historical fiction, books about craft, travel, science fiction that is character driven — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=27" class="username">TooLittleReading</a>.</b> My reading preferences range widely, but usually I read sci-fi/fantasy, manga, mysteries, history, memoirs, steampunk, and YA. I am always looking for new reads, and love surprise reads! To give you an idea of what I read, check out my catalog at… — <b>2 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=26" class="username">XRayBlaster006</a>.</b> I love fantasy and sci-fi books. My favorite series are the Cosmere, Ender’s Game, and The Wheel of Time. I also like comedies and books with a little bit of romance. I like manga and Japanese light novels too. — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=25" class="username">normandie_m</a>.</b> This past year I've been reading a lot of fantasy and Japanese literature, probably more than I have in previous years. Favourites this year have included: Lore Olympus (graphic novel series re-telling the ancient Greek myth of Hades and Persephone) A Master of Djinn… — <b>3 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=24" class="username">Destiny_Morna</a>.</b> Romance, mystery thrillers and horror</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=22" class="username">cj5cents</a>.</b> I love romance books. Reverse harem and dark and rom-coms are my favorite. Not a fan of fantasy or romantasy.</div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=21" class="username">Pat_Bunk_Malecki</a>.</b> My books are eclectic, however, I favor sagas, and good mysteries (Anne Perry, Sheldon Siegel). I like legal based works also. I enjoy strong women sagas, like Woman of Substance. I love books that have generational themes for example Howard Fast, Immigrants. — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=20" class="username">avanders</a>.</b> For SantaThing this year, please focus on any of the following: ghosts, modern gothic, atmospheric, scary, thriller/suspense, mystery, speculative fiction, magical realism, sci-fi, fantasy but not space operas, or horror. (Also fair game: anything in my "wishlist"… — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=19" class="username">KallieGrace</a>.</b> Strange fiction, horror, mystery, odd ball literary, niche nonfiction, interesting works in translation, I will read almost anything. Your favorite book would be great! — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=18" class="username">milljd</a>.</b> I read a mixture of genre & literary fiction, for the most part. I dabble in nonfiction, but it has to be a topic I'm interested in. But I do love to read someone's favorite book, so if it's something meaningful to you and it's not that common, I'll probably love it! — <b>2 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=17" class="username">lynnodo</a>.</b> Current politics, books about quantum physics, political history(biography related to presidents) — <b>2 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=16" class="username">KeithChaffee</a>.</b> Areas of interest: SF (esp. time travel), mystery (esp. locked-room), US political history, LGBTQ history, pop culture. Anything from the "TBR: ...wishlist" lists in my library is something I'd like to read and don't already own. But I'm also happy to be surprised with… — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=15" class="username">AriadneOliver</a>.</b> Science fiction, mystery, historical fiction, and fantasy are my favorite genres. I like stories that aren’t predictable like mysteries with an interesting twist. I also like characters, like Murder Bot, who do heroic things but don’t think of themselves as heroes. — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=14" class="username">realityshowgirl</a>.</b> Favorite genres are mystery, thriller, romance. I read just about any genre. I like to be surprised so gift me a book that you really enjoyed. — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=13" class="username">ethompson011</a>.</b> I love sci-fi books with depth of characters and/or dark humour. I also really like fantasy books (adult and teen). To give you an idea, in general fiction I like quirky authors like Douglas Adams and Kurt Vonnegut. If you have a book you really love that I don’t have, I’m… — <b>4 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=12" class="username">loafhunter13</a>.</b> Cooking, modern Asian fiction, Comedic Science-Fiction, Historical Fiction, Roman History, Food History, Modern Slavic Fiction, Ice Hockey, Manga — <b>2 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=11" class="username">Carrieida</a>.</b> historical fiction, mysteries (but not police procedurals) — <b>3 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=10" class="username">rb2040</a>.</b> Books with strong females of color central characters. Science fiction fantasy Cookbooks - ethnic, historical, baking, cookies! Well-illustrated picture books with people of color and differing abilities prominent. Save the World action-adventure (yeah, I know) — <b>3 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=9" class="username">Renald128</a>.</b> I love fantasy books like Harry Potter, The Night Circus, Strange the Dreamer, Fourth Wing, A Court of Thorns and Roses — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=8" class="username">rendages</a>.</b> Some favourite books include: Well Met by Jen Deluca; Icebreaker by Hannah Grace; The Deal by Elle Kennedy; Legendborn by Tracy Deonn; A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas; The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins; The Invisible Library by Genevieve Cogman; Starcrossed by… — <b>1 comment</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=6" class="username">crazy4reading</a>.</b> I love books! My fave genres are Fiction, Historical Fiction, Thriller, Fantasy, Romance, Historical Romance, Mystery, Paranormal. I guess you could say I like a lot of different genres and I try to give all books a chance. Some of my fave authors are: Mary Higgins Clark,… — <b>2 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=4" class="username">faerywings</a>.</b> For physical books, I collect graphic novels. Generally nothing overly graphic sexually or gory. My owned books are tagged as "graphic novel", so you have an idea of what I like and already own. I definitely lean heavy on the art, so even if the story is amazing, if I… — <b>3 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=3" class="username">kayla.whitaker</a>.</b> I read widely so I am open to pretty much anything (except horror because I’m a scaredy cat). I love fiction and nonfiction, especially about cooking/eating, nature, and space travel. — <b>6 comments</b></div><div class="santathingitem"><b><a href="/santathing_thing.php?id=2" class="username">majkia</a>.</b> check out my wishlist. I'm currently crazy about cold war era spy stories but otherwise mystery/thriller or science fiction. — <b>4 comments</b></div></div></div><a name="bottom"></a></div></main><div id="helpdrawer" data-helpurl="" data-baseurl="" ><a id="hdclose" href="#" onclick="lt.helpdrawer_close();return false;" class="greylink" title="Close Help"><i class="fa-solid fa-circle-xmark"></i></a><div id="hdc"></div></div><footer class="lt2_footer bluelink"><div class="lt2_footer_links controlitems"><a href="#" id="stylepicker_switch" onclick="lt.stylepick_switch();return false;"><i class="fas fa-text-size"></i> Change Style</a><a class="footer_displaymode" data-dmode="0" title="Toggle Desktop Version" href="#" onclick="return lt.desktopversion();"><span id="footer_desktop"><i class="fas fa-desktop"></i>Desktop View</span><span id="footer_mobile"><i class="far fa-mobile-alt"></i>Mobile View</span></a></div><div class="lt2_footer_links"><a href="/" target="_top">Home</a><a href="/about" target="_top">About</a><a href="/contact" target="_top">Contact</a><a href="/privacy" target="_top">Privacy</a><a href="" target="_top">Help</a></div><div class="lt2_footer_links small"><a href="" target="_blank">Blog</a><a href="">WikiThing</a><a href="/commonknowledge/">Common Knowledge</a><a href="/ner">Early Reviewers</a><a href="/legacylibraries">Legacy Libraries</a><a href="/local">Local</a><a href="/developer">APIs</a><a href="">TinyCat <i class="lti lti-tinycat"></i></a></div></footer><div id="lt2_stylepicker"><div id="lt2_stylepicker_close" onclick="lt.stylepick_switch();"><i aria-label="Close" class="fas fa-times"></i></div><a href="#" title="verdant_14" data-style="verdant_14" onclick="lt.stylepick('verdant_14');return false;" class="stylepicker_item alwaysblue selected ">Verdana Standard</a><a href="#" title="verdant_12" data-style="verdant_12" onclick="lt.stylepick('verdant_12');return false;" class="stylepicker_item alwaysblue ">Verdana Small</a><a href="#" title="verdant_tight_12" data-style="verdant_tight_12" onclick="lt.stylepick('verdant_tight_12');return false;" class="stylepicker_item alwaysblue ">The Lorax</a><a href="#" title="system_14" data-style="system_14" onclick="lt.stylepick('system_14');return false;" class="stylepicker_item alwaysblue ">System Standard</a><a href="#" title="system_15" data-style="system_15" onclick="lt.stylepick('system_15');return false;" class="stylepicker_item alwaysblue ">System Large</a><a href="#" title="georgia_14" data-style="georgia_14" onclick="lt.stylepick('georgia_14');return false;" class="stylepicker_item alwaysblue ">Georgia</a><a href="#" title="system_large" data-style="system_large" onclick="lt.stylepick('system_large');return false;" class="stylepicker_item alwaysblue ">Large Text</a><a href="#" title="atkinson_16" data-style="atkinson_16" onclick="lt.stylepick('atkinson_16');return false;" class="stylepicker_item alwaysblue ">Atkinson</a></div><div id="gdpr_notice" class=""><button class="btn" id="gdpr_closebutton" onclick="gdpr_notice_clicked();return false;">I Agree</button><div id="gdpr_content">This site uses cookies to deliver our services, improve performance, for analytics, and (if not signed in) for advertising. 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