Education at Lviv Polytechnic

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view-dom-id-7ebd31e204a8859755b73386b6e89f68"> <div class="view-header"> <h3>Improvements in the system of management of fixed assets at thermal power plants</h3> </div> <div class="view-content"> <div class="views-row views-row-1 views-row-odd views-row-first views-row-last"> <div> <strong>Students Name: </strong> <span>Kulyk Mykola Andriiovych</span> </div> <div class="views-field views-field-specoffertype-abbrname"> <strong class="views-label views-label-specoffertype-abbrname">Qualification Level: </strong> <span class="field-content">master (ESP)</span> </div> <div> <strong>Speciality: </strong> <span>Economics</span> </div> <div class="views-field views-field-department-name"> <strong class="views-label views-label-department-name">Institute: </strong> <span class="field-content">Institute of Economics and Management</span> </div> <div> <strong>Mode of Study: </strong> <span>full</span> </div> <div class="views-field views-field-diplomatimeperiod-name"> <strong class="views-label views-label-diplomatimeperiod-name">Academic Year: </strong> <span class="field-content">2019-2020 н.р.</span> </div> <div> <strong>Language of Defence: </strong> <span>ukrainian</span> </div> <div> <strong>Abstract: </strong> <span>Kulyk M.A., Stetsiv I.S. (supervisor). Improvement of the system of management of fixed assets of heat power enterprises. Master`s thesis. – Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, 2020. Extended abstract The problem of innovative development of the domestic economy is one of the issues that are constantly in the center of public attention: the introduction of innovations is the basis for the competitive development of enterprises and improving the quality of life of the population [1]. The competitive position of the enterprise in the market primarily depends on its effective use of resources, among which fixed assets play an important role. High productivity of enterprise management is based on a thorough study and consideration of the features of its activities. Unfortunately, for today, such a component as fixed assets is underestimated. Study object – management of fixed assets of heat power enterprises. Scope of research – factors and ways to improve the efficiency of the fixed assets management system of heat power enterprises. Goal of research: is to develop recommendations for the effective management of fixed assets at heat power enterprises, which will contribute to improving the quality and final results of their activities. The following tasks were carried out in the work: the basic concepts and classification of fixed assets are revealed; a description is made of the concept of &quot;fixed assets management&quot;; the financial condition of some enterprises of the branch is analyzed; the low efficiency of the fixed assets management system of heat power enterprises is proved on the basis of the analysis of theoretical sources and the financial condition of the enterprises; the internal factors influencing efficiency of use of fixed assets of the enterprise are revealed and the size of their effect is investigated; an assessment was made of the external environment of the enterprise, strengths and weaknesses and capabilities of enterprises within the industry; developed recommendations for improving the efficiency of the fixed assets management system of heat power enterprises; the mechanism of financing of activity in heat power engineering is developed and on its basis the project of updating of fixed assets of enterprise is developed. After analyzing the financial condition of domestic heat power enterprises, it can be stated that they are mostly unprofitable. This is mainly due to the fact that the level of depreciation of fixed assets at these enterprises is high and continues to grow. The efficiency of the use of fixed assets in heat power enterprises is reduced, which allows to state the low efficiency of the fixed assets management system and proves the need for its improvement [2]. In modern conditions, among all the factors influencing the enterprises of the heat industry, the most important are legal, political and environmental factors [3]. There are many negative reasons for the low efficiency of heat power enterprises. The presence of obsolete equipment causes a high cost of services provided. On the other hand, the use of obsolete equipment results in a large number of accidents in the operation of heat supply facilities, which leads to poor quality of service. The purpose of managing fixed assets of the enterprise is to ensure the most efficient use with minimal costs for their maintenance and maintenance [4]. The policy of management of fixed assets of the enterprise provides for the constant review of the existing composition of fixed assets and compare it with the financial results. At the same time this comparison with previous years is used and it is defined at what policy and at what structure of means of production the enterprise worked most profitably and at present ways of optimization of structure of production funds are defined. Fixed asset management system – a set of interdependent elements as a result of the interaction of which is effective management of fixed assets in order to achieve the planned results. In our opinion, the management of fixed assets should be carried out throughout the life cycle of the object of fixed assets. To improve the final results of the enterprise it is necessary to follow the following recommendations for the management of fixed assets: when purchasing a object of fixed assets to analyze alternatives and choose equipment on the basis of the minimum specific reduced costs; investigate the various sources of funding for the object of fixed assets, even if the company has enough own funds; timely update or replace the problem object of fixed assets; ensure continuity of production when replacing equipment, or the minimum duration of this replacement; in the process of using the equipment in a timely manner to carry out technical inspections and maintenance of equipment; when the useful life of the object of fixed assets is coming to an end, timely analyze possible options for the purchase of replacement equipment to ensure business continuity [5]. The study allowed to deepen and complement scientific provisions for the implementation of the organizational and economic management mechanism fixed assets of heat power enterprises. The result of the work is the developed methodological recommendations for the effective management of fixed assets that can be applied at heat power enterprises. Key words: fixed assets, depreciation, efficiency, heat power enterprises, the mechanism of financing, ecology. References. 1. Mrykhina, O., Danylovych, T., Havryliak, A., Mirkunova, T. (2019). Features of economic entities innovative activities in the context of the modern stage development innovation in infrastructure of Ukraine. International Scientific Journal “Internauka”, 2. doi: 10.25313/2520-2294-2019-2-4710 2. Yemelyanov, O. (2019). Toolkit for assessing the potential of economic development of enterprises. International Scientific Journal “Internauka”, 5. doi: 10.25313/2520-2294-2019-5-5006 3. Yemelyanov, O., Petrushka, T., Lesyk, L. (2020). Features of assessing the potential of economic development of enterprises using the indicator of their market value. International multidisciplinary scientific journal «??ГO?. The art of scientific mind», 10. doi: 10.36074/2617-7064.10.004 4. Koleshchuk, O. (2019). The Structural-Contensive Characterization of the Methodology for Strategic Management of the Enterprises’ Innovativeness. Business Inform, 10. doi: 10.32983/2222-4459-2019-10-265-270 5. Yemelyanov, O., Kret, I., Petrushka, T. (2020). Innovative enterprise development: criteria and impact. International multidisciplinary scientific journal «??ГO?. The art of scientific mind». Wielokierunkowosc Jako Gwarancja Postepu Naukowego, 1, 24-26. doi: 10.36074/21.02.2020.v1.05 </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </section> </div> </div> <footer class="footer container"> <div class="region region-footer"> <section id="block-block-6" class="block block-block clearfix"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-4">© <a href="">Lviv Polytechnic National University</a>, 2005-2021.</div> <div class="col-md-4"> </div> <div class="col-md-4"> </div> </div> </section> </div> </footer> <script src=""></script> </body> </html>

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