{"title":"Steady State of Passive and Active Suspensions in the Physical Domain","authors":"Gilberto Gonzalez-A, Jorge Madrigal","volume":46,"journal":"International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering","pagesStart":1485,"pagesEnd":1491,"ISSN":"1307-6892","URL":"https:\/\/\/pdf\/14401","abstract":"The steady state response of bond graphs representing\r\npassive and active suspension is presented. A bond graph with\r\npreferred derivative causality assignment to get the steady state\r\nis proposed. A general junction structure of this bond graph\r\nis proposed. The proposed methodology to passive and active\r\nsuspensions is applied.","references":"[1] Dean C. Karnopp, Donald L. Margolis and Ronald C. Rosenberg, System\r\nDynamics Modeling and Simulation of Mechatronic Systems, Wiley,\r\nJohn & Sons, 2000.\r\n[2] P. E. Wellstead, Physical System Modelling, Academic Press, London,\r\n1979.\r\n[3] C. Sueur and G. Dauphin-Tanguy, \"Bond graph approach for structural\r\nanalysis of MIMO linear systems\", Journal of the Franklin Institute,\r\nVol. 328, No. 1, pp. 55-70, 1991.\r\n[4] Shinq-Jen Wu, H. H. Chiang, J. H. Chen and T. T. Lee, Optimal Fuzzy\r\nControl Design for Half-Car Active Suspension Systems, Proceedings\r\nof the 2004 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing &\r\nControl, Taipei, pp. 583-588, 2004.\r\n[5] Nader Jalili, A Comparative Study and Analysis of Semi-Active\r\nVibration-Control Systems, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, ASME,\r\nvol. 124, October 2002, pp. 593-605, 2002.\r\n[6] James Lacombe, Tire model for simulations of vehicle motion on\r\nhigh and low friction road surfaces, Proceedings of the 2000 winter\r\nsimulation, pp. 1025-1034.\r\n[7] W. Drozdz and H. B. Pacejka, Development and validation of a bond\r\ngraph handling model of an automobile, Journal of the Franklin Institute,\r\nvol. 328, no. 5\/6, pp. 941-957, 1991.\r\n[8] D. Hrovat and W. E. Tobler, Bond graph modeling of Automotive Power\r\nTrains, Journal of the Franklin Institute, vol. 328, no. 5\/6, pp. 623-662,\r\n1991.\r\n[9] N. Banerjee, A. K. Saha, R. Karmakar and R. Bhattacharyya, bond\r\ngraph modeling of a railway truck on curved track, Simulation Modelling\r\nPractice and Theory 17(2009) 22-34.\r\n[10] W. Marquis-Favre, E. Bideaux, O. Mechin, S. Scavarda, F. Guillemard\r\nand M. Ebalard, Mechatronic bond graph modelling of an automotive\r\nvehicle, Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems,\r\nvol. 12, no. 2-3, April-June 2006, 189-202.\r\n[11] Peter C. Breedveld, A Bond Graph Algorithm to Determine the Equilibrium\r\nState of a State System, Journal of the Franklin Institute,Vol.\r\n318, pp. 71-75, 1984.\r\n[12] Gilberto Gonzalez-A., R. Galindo, Steady-State Values for a Physical\r\nwith Bond Graph Approach, 9th IEEE Inter. Conf. on Methods and\r\nModels in Automation and Robotics, Miedzyzdroje, Poland pp.1317-\r\n1322, 2003.","publisher":"World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology","index":"Open Science Index 46, 2010"}