VGS Online -Version

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Enhanced bar graph graphics. </li> <li> Added ability to mark questions as required in surveys. </li> <li> Fixed bug that gives an error if species qualifier typed in from list manager. </li> <li> Fixed null exception when entering northing first for UTM data. </li> <li> Fixed prompting for save between each checkbox change on List Manager. </li> <li> Fixed bug that threw application error when changing the abbreviation on a numeric list item. </li> <li> Fixed null exception for new Survey Report </li> <li> Fixed null exception when entering partial UTM data </li> <li> Fixed creating a repeat species row on third click of species NRCS Line Point Intercept </li> </ul> <h2>Coming Soon</h2> <h3>UI Improvements</h3> <h2>Previous Builds</h2> <button type="button" class="new-collapsible">VGS Build 5.0.35 (01/27/2023)</button> <div class="collapsible-content"> <ul class="listfont"> <li> Added warning feature to restrict large downloads without express permission </li> <li> Fixed bug in species panel where modules using multiple list types were displaying codes for non-species categories</li> <li> Fixed Tally-Form reports – Reports were using ground cover totals (when present) to calculate other methods stats (like percent frequency) and when ground cover data was missing is would skew other method reports. Added a function to check attribute form for number of quadrats and set count to higher number of the two.</li> <li> User can now have blanks or zeros for wet weights and still get lbs./acre report for Clipping Production method.</li> <li> Survey report update to show comment on all note sections</li> <li> Update to app config file for sql express string.</li> </ul> </div> <button type="button" class="new-collapsible">VGS Build 5.0.33 (06/06/2022)</button> <div class="collapsible-content"> <ul class="listfont"> <li> Fixes to server sync, local sync, method reporting, raw export, and API URL </li> <li> Removal of named numeric lists</li> <li> Added Extended Validation Code Signing Certificate and Timestamps</li> </ul> </div> <button type="button" class="new-collapsible">VGS Build 5.0.13 (12/11/2020)</button> <div class="collapsible-content"> <ul class="listfont"> <li> Species notes from species selection panel are now properly propagated to or removed from protocol notes. </li> <li> Added new input module/method for creating species occurrence lists or lists of other items. </li> <li> Now checks for existence of file when uploading image files for survey report headers/footers so doesn’t error out. </li> <li> Corrected display of conflicts in syncing process </li> <li> When using SQL Server, symbols only were displayed in display modules regardless of user setting. </li> <li> Fixed ability to hide methods/event types under development or not ready for public use. </li> <li> ** Incomplete – need report and other list types = Added new “Species Occurrence List” method module for use in protocols. </li> <li> Added to base survey report a check for existence of file or not. </li> <li> Fixed glitch in ground cover method where if ground cover is used alone, after filling all points in a sample, the species input panel highlighted species for all points whether active or not. </li> <li> Added empty-line/transect enforcement option to line-intercept method. </li> <li> Corrected a query for pulling locators when using SQL Server. </li> <li> Fixed tabular data entry form for gap data. Now allows selection of gap type. </li> <li> Field data form now updates when returning from tabular view to reflect changes made in tabular view for Gap and Line Intercept modules </li> <li> Tabular view for line intercept now auto-calculates extents and prohibits manual entry of extent values </li> </ul> </div> <button type="button" class="new-collapsible">VGS Build 5.0.12 (11/04/2020)</button> <div class="collapsible-content"> <ul class="listfont"> <li> Changed the server download process to allow clearing the device data before downloading from the server even if there are changes on the server, as long as there are no changes on the device to be pushed to the server. </li> <li> Edited some messages associated with the download process to improve clarity.</li> </ul> </div> <button type="button" class="new-collapsible">VGS Build 5.0.11 (10/30/2020)</button> <div class="collapsible-content"> <ul class="listfont"> <li> Further adjusted decimal display for transect summary reports. </li> <li> Sorting of species in the species input panel was corrected to properly perpetuate sorting selections across events. </li> <li> Form Summary report was fixed so that all transects with data are displayed in the frequency panel even if one or more transects have no data. This allows reporting of data spread across multiple devices. </li> <li> Sync process was changed to allow download of data from server without syncing even if the server has changes that might apply to data currently on the device. Now can simply clear the device data and download new data. </li> <li> Records entered but not yet saved were being dropped when changing the species label display options. </li> <li> Click a site in the sites panel on the main VGS screen no longer activates folder tool buttons in the main toolbar </li> </ul> </div> <button type="button" class="new-collapsible">VGS Build 5.0.10 (10/22/2020)</button> <div class="collapsible-content"> <ul class="listfont"> <li> Fetch now advances automatically when filled (only when recording a single value per sample). </li> <li> Refactored component used by direct entry methods to handle deleted items correctly. </li> <li> Added an internal data repair tool for moving/correcting transects. </li> <li> Added trap for condition where user fails to enter endpoints correctly for input of numeric. ranges. </li> <li>Readjusted default number of decimal places displayed in transect summary reports. </li> </ul> </div> <button type="button" class="new-collapsible">VGS Build 5.0.8 (09/16/2020)</button> <div class="collapsible-content"> <ul class="listfont"> <li> Added missing entry enforcement to Ground Cover methods </li> <li> Refactored base component used by several methods to eliminate concurrency errors under certain circumstances. </li> <li> Minor UI and wording adjustments. </li> <li> Changed to prohibit deleting of contacts on devices that have been synced with server in case those contacts are associated with data of which the device is unaware (not downloaded). </li> </ul> </div> <button type="button" class="new-collapsible">VGS Build 5.0.7 (07/28/2020)</button> <div class="collapsible-content"> <ul class="listfont"> <li>Survey report viewer now opens full-screen.</li> <li> Transect summary report for generic measurements was not displaying values when not reporting by species. </li> <li> Navigating from sample to sample was very slow for generic measurement and similar methods. Speed now not an issue. </li> <li> Production reports now display “T” for trace when values round to zero. </li> <li>Several minor UI tweaks</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div id="tab-content-2" class="tab-content"> <h2>April - June 2024 (Current)</h2> <ul class="listfont"> <li> Feature to edit site event notes added to VGS Online. </li> <li> Uploading pdfs/docs and improvements to photo UI/UX now released on main production server. </li> <li> Improvements to UI/UX for reporting dashboard. </li> <li> More reporting options for Density count (include species qualifiers). </li> <li>Server maintenance to improve server performance.</li> <li>Various bug fixes</li> </ul> <h2>Previous Builds</h2> <button type="button" class="new-collapsible">Jan - Mar 2024</button> <div class="collapsible-content"> <ul class="listfont"> <li> Website UI/UX improvements to various web pages (site, reporting, docs, pics, quick reports, and others). </li> <li> Website development (re-vamped request access portal-in development, re-vamped filter tool-in development). </li> <li> Continued development for data entry for historical data entry for 3-step parker data online-in development (gathering region-based parker info to accommodate different methods of parker data that has been collected differently depending on the region). </li> <li>Added protocols/surveys options to download from front facing website. </li> <li>Continued adaptation of historical batch import data app (additional methods and forest specific import scripts added). </li> <li>Server maintenance to improve server performance. </li> <li>Various bug fixes. </li> </ul> </div> <button type="button" class="new-collapsible">Oct - Dec 2023</button> <div class="collapsible-content"> <ul class="listfont"> <li> N/A </li> </ul> </div> <button type="button" class="new-collapsible">July - Sept 2023</button> <div class="collapsible-content"> <ul class="listfont"> <li> New VGS front facing website created and combined with VGS Online data portal. </li> <li> Website features added (UI/UX improvements, download protocols/lists option based on map location and other general improvements made). </li> <li> Map features added (site display alias and color options by site folder) </li> <li> Created prototype for historical data entry for 3-step parker online </li> <li>Improvements to UI/UX for merging sites, reporting options for data exports, buttons for navigating site image section and 404-page error handling </li> <li>Reporting features added (survey graphs, survey photos and a photo compare report) </li> <li>Added download item for downloading site alias table and species list for new survey features </li> <li>Developed various R Scripts for inserting historical data into VGS and for list creation for larger surveys. </li> <li>Server maintenance to improve server performance. </li> <li>Various bug fixes (catching user errors, photo report fix, and report fix for site names being cut off in comparison reports). </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div id="tab-content-3" class="tab-content"> <h2>April - June 2024</h2> <ul class="listfont"> <li> Continued to work through bug fixes for Android build. </li> <li> Improvements to UI/UX (button sizes, locations, and layout) </li> <li> Continued working on high prioritized bugs </li> <li> Continued to test new .apk builds </li> </ul> <h2>Previous Builds</h2> <button type="button" class="new-collapsible">Jan - Mar 2024</button> <div class="collapsible-content"> <ul class="listfont"> <li> Implementing VGS features for mobile build (species input lists, species search window by common/species name, sample number tracking for database storage, site species toggle, save button on method swipe, and additional survey question types). </li> <li> Improvements/updates to UI/UX (protocol manager page, login page fail message, various icons, ordering protocols when selecting/downloading, ordering log tab of protocols by newest event on top, sorting frequency species data when entered [ABC order], adding save buttons on various pages, fixing button cut offs, adding scroll bars to survey questions, got rid of redundant locator clear button, drop down for viewing species by different name types, double click to open events, and messaging for creating database backups added) </li> <li> Mobile specific development for android phone use in portrait mode (methods, download page, locator page, species entry buttons scaled to fit in phone view) </li> <li> Mobile database storage fixes/updates (fixed or confirmed correct storage on backend for various methods [Fetch, Point GC, Line Intercept, Density, Frequency, Nested Frequency, Dry Weight Rank]) </li> <li>Crash fixes (method specific crash fixes, locator primary selection issue, entering species too fast in search window, GPS question entry, comment saving issue, and survey child record [multi-text] crash fixed). </li> </ul> </div> <button type="button" class="new-collapsible">Oct - Dev 2023</button> <div class="collapsible-content"> <ul class="listfont"> <li> N/A </li> </ul> </div> <button type="button" class="new-collapsible">July - Sept 2023</button> <div class="collapsible-content"> <ul class="listfont"> <li> Various bug fixes (data insert process for various methods, inserting/importing protocol fix.) </li> <li> Improvements to UI/UX (back buttons, login page, slider for samples). </li> <li> Continued working on high prioritized bugs </li> <li> Continued to test new .apk builds. </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div id="tab-content-4" class="tab-content"> <h2>VGS iOS coming soon!</h2> </div> <script> //Collapsible content document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { var coll = document.getElementsByClassName("new-collapsible"); var i; for (i = 0; i < coll.length; i++) { coll[i].addEventListener("click", function () { this.classList.toggle("new-active"); var content = this.nextElementSibling; if ( { = null; } else { = content.scrollHeight + "px"; } }); } // hides all other 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