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Mayon</h1> <dl class="rw-meta rw-article-meta rw-entity-meta rw-entity-meta--core"> <dt class="visually-hidden rw-entity-meta__tag-label rw-entity-meta__tag-label--format">Format</dt> <dd class="rw-entity-meta__tag-value--format--news-and-press-release rw-entity-meta__tag-value rw-entity-meta__tag-value--format rw-entity-meta__tag-value--simple"> News and Press Release </dd> <dt class="rw-entity-meta__tag-label rw-entity-meta__tag-label--source">Source</dt> <dd class="rw-entity-meta__tag-value rw-entity-meta__tag-value--source rw-entity-meta__tag-value--taglist"> <ul class="rw-entity-meta__tag-value__list"><li class="rw-entity-meta__tag-value__list__item rw-entity-meta__tag-value__list__item--last"><a class="rw-entity-meta__tag-link" href="/organization/govt-philippines">Govt. Philippines</a></li></ul> </dd> <dt class="rw-entity-meta__tag-label rw-entity-meta__tag-label--posted">Posted</dt> <dd class="rw-entity-meta__tag-value rw-entity-meta__tag-value--posted rw-entity-meta__tag-value--date"> <time datetime="2011-03-02T05:00:00+00:00">2 Mar 2011</time> </dd> <dt class="rw-entity-meta__tag-label rw-entity-meta__tag-label--published">Originally published</dt> <dd class="rw-entity-meta__tag-value rw-entity-meta__tag-value--published rw-entity-meta__tag-value--date"> <time datetime="2011-03-02T00:00:00+00:00">2 Mar 2011</time> </dd> <dt class="rw-entity-meta__tag-label rw-entity-meta__tag-label--origin">Origin</dt> <dd class="rw-entity-meta__tag-value rw-entity-meta__tag-value--origin rw-entity-meta__tag-value--link rw-entity-meta__tag-value--last"> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">View original</a> </dd> </dl> </header> <div class="rw-article__content"> <div class="rw-report__content"> <p>by Ed de Leon</p> <p>LEGAZPI CITY, Mar 2 (PIA) - The Regional Development Council (RDC) has endorsed last week the budget proposed for funding next year by the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) regional office for the construction of additional Sabo structures around critical areas down slopes of Mayon volcano to mitigate the destructive flow of lahar in times of heavy rains. </p><p>DPWH regional director Danilo Dequito said during the RDC full council meeting that the proposed Sabo dams will be constructed along the volcano gullies flowing down streams the rivers of Yawa in this city, Basud in Sto. Domingo, and Quirangay in Camalig, all in Albay. </p><p>It may be recalled that during typhoons Milenyo and Reming in 2006 wherein more than 2,000 persons perished when they were buried alive due to the destructive lahar flows that cascaded from the crater of Mayon Volcano. </p><p>Dequito said that the project will involve the construction of 1,100 linear meters of Sabo Dam structures, 7,000 linear meters of spur dike, and 600 linear meters embankment. </p><p>He said that the project will be implemented based on the study conducted by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) which was completed in 2000. </p><p>The project, according to Dequito, will cost P643 million which also includes the Legazpi City Urban Drainage Project that will set up two pumping stations, eight floodgates facilities, channel excavation, embankment, and rip rapping in the low lying areas of this city. </p><p>The full council meeting was presided over by Gov. Joey Salceda, RDC chair, and attended by congressmen, Fernando Gonzales of the 3rd district of Albay, Bong Bravo of the 1st district of Masbate, Ding Ramos of the 2nd district of Sorsogon, Rene Sarmiento of Catanduanes, Elmer Panotes and Renato Unico of the 1st and 2nd district of Camarines Norte. (PIA V/Albay/mal) </p> </div> </div> <footer class="rw-article__footer"> <section class="rw-entity-details" id="details"> <h2 class="visually-hidden cd-block-title rw-entity-details__title">Report details</h2> <dl class="rw-meta rw-article-meta rw-entity-meta"> <dt class="rw-entity-meta__tag-label rw-entity-meta__tag-label--primary_country">Primary country</dt> <dd class="rw-entity-meta__tag-value rw-entity-meta__tag-value--primary_country rw-entity-meta__tag-value--taglist"> <ul class="rw-entity-meta__tag-value__list"><li class="rw-entity-meta__tag-value__list__item rw-entity-meta__tag-value__list__item--last"><a class="rw-entity-meta__tag-link" href="/country/phl">Philippines</a></li></ul> </dd> <dt class="rw-entity-meta__tag-label rw-entity-meta__tag-label--source">Source</dt> <dd class="rw-entity-meta__tag-value rw-entity-meta__tag-value--source rw-entity-meta__tag-value--taglist"> <ul class="rw-entity-meta__tag-value__list"><li class="rw-entity-meta__tag-value__list__item 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19,15.3 19,15.2 C19,15.1 19.2,15.1 19.2,15.2 L19.2,15.3 C19.2,15.3 19.2,15.4 19.3,15.3 L19.3,15.3 L19.3,15.1 C19.3,15.1 19.4,15.2 19.5,15.2 L19.7,15.2 C19.8,15.2 19.8,15.1 19.7,15 L19.6,15 C19.5,15.1 19.4,15.1 19.4,15.1 C19.3,15.1 19.3,15 19.2,15 C19.1,15 19,15.1 19,15 C18.9,15 18.9,14.9 18.9,14.8 L19,14.7 C19.1,14.7 19.2,14.7 19.3,14.6 C19.3,14.5 19.4,14.4 19.4,14.4 L19.5,14.4 C19.6,14.4 19.7,14.4 19.8,14.3 C19.9,14.3 20,14.2 20.1,14.1 C20.2,14.1 20.2,14 20.3,14 C20.3,14 20.3,13.9 20.4,13.9 L20.4,13.4 C20.4,13.3 20.5,13.3 20.5,13.3 L20.4,13.3 C20.4,13.3 20.3,13.2 20.4,13.2 C20.4,13.2 20.6,13.2 20.6,13.1 C20.7,13 20.6,12.8 20.5,12.8 C20.4,12.7 20.3,12.8 20.2,12.8 C20.2,12.8 20.2,12.9 20.1,12.9 C20,12.9 19.9,12.8 20,12.7 L20,12.7 C20,12.7 20,12.7 20,12.6 L19.9,12.6 L19.6,12.9 C19.6,12.9 19.6,12.9 19.6,13 L19.6,13 C19.6,13.1 19.6,13.2 19.5,13.2 L19.5,13.2 L19.4,13.2 C19.4,13.3 19.6,13.3 19.5,13.4 C19.4,13.5 19.3,13.5 19.1,13.6 C18.8,13.7 18.5,13.6 18.2,13.6 L17.7,13.6 C17.6,13.6 17.6,13.7 17.5,13.8 L17.5,13.8 L17.5,13.6 C17.5,13.5 17.4,13.6 17.4,13.5 C17.2,13.1 16.7,13.2 16.3,13.2 C16.2,13.2 16.2,13.3 16.2,13.3 C16.1,13.4 16,13.3 15.9,13.3 L15.8,13.4 C15.7,13.4 15.6,13.3 15.5,13.4 C15.4,13.5 15.4,13.5 15.3,13.5 L15.3,13.6 L15.2,13.6 C15.1,13.6 14.9,13.6 14.9,13.7 L14.9,13.7 C14.9,13.8 14.9,14 14.8,14 C14.7,14 14.5,14 14.4,14.1 C14.3,14.1 14.3,14.2 14.2,14.2 C14,14.6 13.8,14.9 13.8,15.4 L13.8,15.4 L13.8,15.5 C13.6,15.9 13.5,16.1 13.2,16.6 C13.1,16.8 13,17.2 13.2,17.3 C13.3,17.4 13.2,17.5 13,17.5 C12.8,17.5 12.6,17.5 12.6,17.3 C12.6,17.2 12.4,17.2 12.3,17.2 L12.3,17.2 L12.2,17.2 L11.9,17.2 C11.7,17.2 11.7,17.5 11.6,17.6 C11.5,17.7 11.3,17.7 11.3,17.8 L11.3,18 C11.3,18 11.2,18 11.2,18.1 L11.2,18.2 C11.2,18.4 11.1,18.5 11.2,18.7 L11.2,18.8 C11.2,19 11.2,19.1 11.1,19.3 C11,19.5 10.8,19.5 10.6,19.5 L10.3,19.5 L9.7,19.5 L9.6,19.5 C9.5,19.5 9.5,19.4 9.4,19.4 C9.3,19.3 9.3,19.2 9.3,19.2 C9.2,19.1 9,19.2 8.9,19.3 C9,19.3 8.9,19.4 8.9,19.4 C8.8,19.4 8.7,19.5 8.6,19.6 C8.5,19.7 8.4,19.4 8.4,19.3 C8.4,19.2 8.3,19.2 8.2,19.2 C8.2,19.2 8.2,19.2 8.2,19.3 L8.1,19.3 C8,19.4 8.2,19.4 8.2,19.4 L8.2,19.5 L8.1,19.5 C8.1,19.6 8,19.6 8,19.6 L8,19.6 L8,19.6 C7.9,19.6 7.9,19.7 7.9,19.6 L7.9,19.4 L7.8,19.4 C7.8,19.5 7.8,19.5 7.7,19.5 L7.7,19.6 L7.9,19.6 C8,19.7 8,19.8 8,19.9 L8,19.9 C8,20 8,20.1 7.9,20 C7.8,19.9 7.9,19.8 7.9,19.7 L7.8,19.7 C7.9,19.9 7.7,20 7.9,20.2 C8,20.3 7.7,20.4 7.8,20.4 C7.8,20.4 7.9,20.5 8,20.5 L8,20.4 C8,20.4 8.1,20.3 8.1,20.4 L8.1,20.5 L8,20.5 L8,20.8 L8,20.9 C8,21 8.2,20.9 8.2,21 C8.2,21.1 8.1,21.1 8.2,21.2 C8.2,21.2 8.3,21.2 8.3,21.3 L8.3,21.4 C8.3,21.4 8.4,21.4 8.4,21.5 C8.5,21.5 8.5,21.5 8.5,21.4 C8.6,21.4 8.6,21.3 8.6,21.2 C8.6,21.2 8.6,21.1 8.5,21.2 L8.5,21 C8.5,20.9 8.4,20.9 8.4,20.8 C8.5,20.8 8.5,20.8 8.6,20.7 C8.6,20.7 8.7,20.7 8.7,20.8 C8.7,20.8 8.7,20.8 8.7,20.9 C8.8,20.9 8.8,21 8.8,21 C8.9,21 8.9,21.1 9,21.2 L9.3,21.2 L9.3,21.1 L9.4,21.2 C9.4,21.3 9.4,21.4 9.5,21.5 L9.6,21.5 L9.7,21.6 L9.8,21.6 C9.9,21.6 9.9,21.7 9.9,21.7 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id="Shape-21"></path> <path d="M9.1,22.2 C9,22.3 9.2,22.4 9.3,22.4 L9.3,22.2 C9.3,22.2 9.2,22.1 9.1,22.2" id="Shape-22"></path> <path d="M9.4,22.6 C9.4,22.8 9.5,22.9 9.6,22.9 C9.7,22.7 9.6,22.6 9.4,22.6" id="Shape-23"></path> <path d="M19.5,17.4 C19.7,17.3 19.9,17.3 20.1,17.3 C20.5,17.3 20.5,16.7 20.7,16.4 C20.7,16.3 20.7,16.1 20.6,16 C20.5,15.8 20,16 19.9,15.8 C19.8,15.7 20.2,15.9 20.2,15.7 C20.2,15.6 20.2,15.6 20.1,15.5 L19.9,15.5 C19.7,15.7 19.6,16 19.5,16.3 C19.2,16.7 18.8,17 18.6,17.5 C18.6,17.6 18.6,17.6 18.7,17.7 C19,17.8 19.3,17.5 19.5,17.4" id="Shape-24"></path> <path d="M21.3,16.4 C21.2,16.4 21.2,16.4 21.1,16.5 L21.1,16.7 L21.2,16.7 C21.2,16.6 21.2,16.6 21.1,16.6 C21.3,16.5 21.3,16.4 21.3,16.4" id="Shape-25"></path> <path d="M20,17.9 C20.1,18.1 20.5,18 20.5,17.9 C20.5,17.8 20.2,17.7 20.1,17.7 C19.9,17.7 20.2,17.8 20,17.9" id="Shape-26"></path> <path d="M20.5,19.2 C20.6,19.1 20.6,19 20.6,18.9 L20.3,19.2 L20.5,19.2" id="Shape-27"></path> <path d="M22.3,16.5 L22.3,16.4 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19.4,15.4 19.5,15.4 C19.5,15.3 19.6,15.4 19.7,15.4" id="Shape-35"></path> <path d="M19.4,15.6 C19.3,15.6 19.4,15.7 19.4,15.8 C19.5,15.8 19.5,15.8 19.6,15.7 C19.6,15.6 19.7,15.5 19.6,15.5 C19.5,15.5 19.4,15.5 19.4,15.6" id="Shape-36"></path> <path d="M19.2,15.3 C19.2,15.4 19.1,15.5 19.2,15.6 C19.2,15.7 19.3,15.6 19.3,15.6 C19.3,15.5 19.3,15.4 19.4,15.4 L19.3,15.4 C19.3,15.4 19.3,15.4 19.3,15.3 L19.2,15.3" id="Shape-37"></path> <path d="M26.8,22.4 C26.9,22.4 26.8,22.3 26.8,22.4 L26.8,22.4 L26.8,22.4" id="Shape-38"></path> <path d="M21,18.5 C21,18.6 21,18.5 21,18.5 L20.9,18.4 C20.9,18.3 20.8,18.5 20.7,18.4 L20.7,18.4 C20.8,18.5 20.7,18.5 20.6,18.6 C20.6,18.7 20.7,18.7 20.7,18.7 C20.7,18.8 20.6,18.8 20.7,18.9 L20.6,19 C20.6,19 20.5,19.1 20.6,19.1 C20.7,19.2 20.8,19 20.9,19 L21,19 C21.1,19 21.1,18.9 21.2,18.8 L21,18.8 C21,18.8 20.9,18.8 21,18.5 C21,18.6 21,18.5 21,18.5" id="Shape-39"></path> <path d="M21.6,20.4 C21.6,20.5 21.7,20.5 21.6,20.4 C21.7,20.4 21.7,20.3 21.7,20.2 L21.6,20.2 L21.6,20.4" id="Shape-40"></path> <path d="M21.7,20.2 C21.8,20.2 21.7,20.1 21.7,20.1 L21.6,20.1 C21.6,20.1 21.6,20.2 21.7,20.2" id="Shape-41"></path> <path d="M22.3,20.5 C22.3,20.5 22.3,20.4 22.3,20.5 C22.2,20.5 22.2,20.4 22.1,20.5 L22,20.5 L22,20.6 C22.2,20.5 22.2,20.5 22.3,20.5" id="Shape-42"></path> <path d="M23.3,20.4 L23.3,20.3 C23.2,20.3 23.1,20.4 23,20.3 L23,20.4 C23,20.4 23,20.4 22.9,20.4 C23.1,20.5 23.2,20.4 23.3,20.4" id="Shape-43"></path> <path d="M23.7,20 C23.7,20.2 23.9,20.1 23.9,20 C24,19.9 23.9,19.9 23.7,20 L23.8,19.9 C23.8,20 23.7,20 23.7,20" id="Shape-44"></path> <path d="M28.5,16.8 C28.5,16.9 28.6,16.9 28.7,16.9 C28.8,16.9 28.9,16.9 29,16.8 C29,16.6 28.9,16.5 28.7,16.5 C28.5,16.6 28.5,16.7 28.5,16.8" id="Shape-45"></path> <path d="M28.5,21.9 L28.4,21.9 C28.3,22.4 27.8,23.1 28.4,23.4 C28.6,23.6 28.9,23.3 29,23.1 C29,22.8 29,22.1 28.5,21.9" id="Shape-46"></path> <path d="M27,19.7 C26.9,19.7 26.9,19.9 27,19.9 C27,19.9 27.1,19.9 27.1,19.8 L27.1,19.7 C27.1,19.7 27.1,19.7 27,19.7" id="Shape-47"></path> <path d="M27.4,24.8 L27.4,25 C27.4,25 27.6,24.9 27.4,24.8 L27.4,24.8" id="Shape-48"></path> <path d="M29.7,13.1 L29.6,13.1 L29.6,13.3 C29.4,13.7 28.9,14.2 29.2,14.7 L29.2,14.7 C29.3,14.6 29.4,14.5 29.5,14.3 C29.6,14 29.8,13.7 29.9,13.3 C29.9,13.3 29.8,13.1 29.7,13.1" id="Shape-49"></path> <path d="M28.8,14.9 C28.8,15 28.8,15 28.9,15 C29,15 29,14.9 28.9,14.9 C28.9,14.8 28.9,14.8 28.8,14.9" id="Shape-50"></path> <path d="M23.7,11.8 C23.6,11.6 23.5,11.8 23.4,11.8 L23.3,11.7 L23.2,11.7 C23.1,11.7 23.2,11.9 23.3,11.9 C23.4,11.9 23.4,11.8 23.4,11.9 C23.5,12 23.4,12.2 23.6,12.1 C23.7,12.1 23.8,12 23.9,12 C24,12 24,11.9 24,11.8 C24.1,11.8 24.2,11.7 24.3,11.8 C24.3,11.8 24.3,11.9 24.4,11.9 C24.4,12 24.5,12 24.6,12 C24.7,12 24.8,12 24.9,11.9 C25,11.8 25,11.7 24.9,11.6 L24.7,11.6 C24.6,11.6 24.6,11.5 24.5,11.5 C24.1,11.4 23.9,11.7 23.7,11.8" id="Shape-51"></path> <path d="M24.6,12 C24.6,12 24.5,12 24.6,12 L24.5,12 L24.6,12 Z" id="Shape-52"></path> <path d="M22.7,12 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32.4,29.9" id="Shape-89"></path> <path d="M36.1,25.8 C36.1,25.8 36.3,25.1 36.3,24.5 C36.3,23.9 36,21.9 36,21 C36,20.1 36.1,18.4 36.8,17.3 C36.8,17.3 36.8,18.3 37,18.7 C37.2,19.1 37.5,20.9 37.5,21.2 C37.5,21.4 37.4,22.9 37.1,23.7 C37.1,23.7 37.4,23.5 37.7,22.9 C38,22.3 38.8,21.2 39.9,20.1 C41,19 41.3,18 41.3,18 C41.3,18 41.6,20 40.1,22.1 C38.6,24.2 38,23.9 37.2,24.7 C37.2,24.7 36.2,25.8 36.1,25.8" id="Shape-90"></path> <path d="M38.4,20.9 C38.4,20.9 38.4,19.7 38.1,19.3 C37.9,18.9 36.5,16.5 36.8,13.4 C36.8,13.4 37,13.2 37.4,14.4 C37.8,15.6 38.4,16 38.6,17.2 C38.8,18.4 38.8,18.9 38.8,18.9 C38.8,18.9 38.9,19.1 38.9,18.9 C38.9,18.8 39,17.1 39.7,15.7 C40.4,14.2 41.3,12.8 41.2,11.8 C41.2,11.8 41.6,11.8 41.5,13.4 C41.6,15 41.2,17.8 38.4,20.9" id="Shape-91"></path> <path d="M39.2,16.1 C39.2,16.1 38.7,15 38.4,14.6 C38.1,14.2 35.7,10.9 35.5,9.3 C35.5,9.3 35.7,9.2 35.9,9.6 C36.1,10 37.2,11.1 37.4,11.3 C37.6,11.5 38.8,12.7 38.9,14.1 C38.9,14.1 39,14.2 38.8,12 C38.6,9.8 39.5,8.3 38.7,6.7 C38.7,6.7 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0-.5.1c-.1 0-.1 0-.2-.1-.1.1-.1.2-.2.2l-.1-.1c.1-.1.2-.1.2-.2v-.3c.1-.1.1-.2.2-.2s.3.1.4 0l.1.1v.1c-.1.1-.2.1-.2.2s0 . 0 .1-.3 0-.4v-.2c0-.1.2-.1.2 0v.1s0 .1.1 0v-.2a.35.35 0 0 0 .2.1h.2c.1 0 .1-.1 0-.2h-.1a.31.31 0 0 1-.2.1c-.1 0-.1-.1-.2-.1s-.2.1-.2 0-.1-.1-.1-.2l.1-.1a.37.37 0 0 0 .3-.1.35.35 0 0 1 .1-.2h.1a.37.37 0 0 0 .3-.1c.1 0 .2-.1.3-.2s.1-.1.2-.1a.1.1 0 0 1 .1-.1v-.5a.1.1 0 0 1 .1-.1h-.1s-.1-.1 0-.1.2 0 .2-.1a.19.19 0 0 0-.1-.3c-.1-.1-.2 0-.3 0a.1.1 0 0 1-.1.1c-.1 0-.2-.1-.1-.2v-.1h-.1l-.3.3v.1c0 .1 0 .2-.1.2h-.1c0 . 2.72 0 0 1-.9 0h-.5c-.1 0-.1.1-.2.2v-.2c0-.1-.1 0-.1-.1-.2-.4-.7-.3-1.1-.3a.1.1 0 0 0-.1.1c-.1.1-.2 0-.3 0l-.1.1c-.1 0-.2-.1-.3 0s-.1.1-.2.1v.1h-.1c-.1 0-.3 0-.3.1s0 .3-.1.3a.6.6 0 0 0-.4.1c-.1 0-.1.1-.2.1a2.45 2.45 0 0 0-.4 1.2v.1c-.2.4-.3.6-.6 1.1-.1.2-.2.6 0 .7s0 .2-.2.2-.4 0-.4-.2-.2-.1-.3-.1h-.4c-.2 0-.2.3-.3.4s-.3.1-.3.2v.2a.1.1 0 0 0-.1.1v.1c0 .2-.1.3 0 .5v.1a.9.9 0 0 1-.1.5c-.1.2-.3.2-.5.2h-1c-.1 0-.1-.1-.2-.1a.31.31 0 0 1-.1-.2c-.1-.1-.3 0-.4.1.1 0 0 .1 0 .1s-.2.1-.3.2-.2-.2-.2-.3-.1-.1-.2-.1v.1h-.1c-. 0 0 1-.1.1c-.1 0-.1.1-.1 0v-.2h-.1c0 .1 0 .1-.1.1v.1h.2a.37.37 0 0 1 .1.3c0 .1 0 .2-.1.1s0-.2 0-.3h-.1c.1.2-. 0 0 0 .2.1v-.1s.1-.1.1 0v.1H8v.4c0 .1.2 0 .2.1s-.1.1 0 .2a.1.1 0 0 1 .1.1v.1a.1.1 0 0 1 .1.1c.1 0 .1 0 .1-.1s.1-.1.1-.2 0-.1-.1 0V21c0-.1-.1-.1-.1-.2s.1 0 .2-.1a.1.1 0 0 1 .1.1v.1a.1.1 0 0 1 .1.1c.1 0 . 0 0 0 .1.3h.1l.1.1h.1a.1.1 0 0 1 .1.1c.1 0 .2 0 .2.1s. 29772.51 0 0 1 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 1 .2-.1h.1c. 0 0 0 .1.1c. 0 .2-.1.2 0s. 0 .2-.1s.1-.2.1-. 0 .1 0 .2-.1s.3-.1.4-.2l.1-.1c.2-. 0s.1 0 .2-.1.2-.3.1-.4-.2-.5-.3-.7l-.3-.3h-.1c-.1 0-.1-.1-.1-.2a.1.1 0 0 1-.1-.1v-.3c-.1 0-.2-.1-.4-.1a.1.1 0 0 1-.1-.1v-.1a.37.37 0 0 1 .3-.1v-.3a.1.1 0 0 0-.1-.1c0-.1.1-.2 0-.3s-.2-.2-.2-.3a.1.1 0 0 1-.1-.1v-.5c0-.1-.1-.1 0-.2l.1-.1c.1 0 .1-.1.1-.2a.14.14 0 0 0-.2 0v-.3l-.1-.1v-.2s0-.1-.1 0v-.2c0-.1-.1-.2-.2-.1a.14.14 0 0 1-.2 0V18a.1.1 0 0 0 .1-.1.14.14 0 0 0 0-.2c-.1-.1-.2-.2-.1-.3-.1 0-.3 0-.3-.2s0-.3-.1-.4v-.3a.1.1 0 0 1 .1-.1c.2 0 .4 0 .4-.1s-.1-.3 0-.3.4 0 .6-.2c.1 0 .1-.1 0-.2a.35.35 0 0 0-.1-.2c-.1-.1-.2 0-.3-.2V15c0-.1.1-.1.2-.2s.3 0 .5.1l.1.1v.1c0 .2.1.4 0 .6s-.1.1-.1.2h.1c0 .1.1.3 0 .4s-.1 0-.3 0-.1 0-.1.1l.1.1c. 0 . 0 0 0 .1.1c. 0 0 1 .2 0c-.1.1 0 .2 0 .3s. 0-.1-.2 0-.3c.1.2 0 . 0-.1.1-.2s.1-.2.1-.3v-.1c0-.1.2-.2.3-.2V17c.1 0 0-.2.1-.2s.1-.1.1-.2.1-.1 0-.1c.5.1.5 0 .5 0"/><path data-name="Shape" class="avcls-1" d="M14.5 16.3h-.1v.1l.1.1v.3c0 . 17.2c. 0 .1-.1 0-.1 0-.1v.1M14.6 17.6c0-.2-.1-.2-.2-.1s0 .3.1.4a.1.1 0 0 0 .1.1c0 .1.1 0 .2 0s0-.1.1-.1c-.1-.1-.2-.3-.3-.3"/><path data-name="Shape" class="avcls-1" d="M14.3 16.8c0-.1-.1-.1 0 0-.1 0-.1 0-.1.1s0 .2.1.2a.1.1 0 0 0 .1-.1c-.1-.1-.1-.1-.1-.2M14.7 17.4l.1-.1h.1v-.1c-.1 0-.1.1-.2.1s0 .1 0 .1M14.6 18.3c0 .1 0 .1.1.1h.1v-.1h-.2M14.8 19c0-.1.1-.1 0-.2h-.1a.35.35 0 0 0 .1.2M8.5 21.5v.1h.2c-.1 0-.1-.2-.2-.1M9.1 22.2c-. 0 0 0-.2 0M9.4 22.6c0 . 0-.3-.2-.3M19.5 17.4a1.27 1.27 0 0 1 .6-.1c.4 0 .4-.6.6-.9a.6.6 0 0 0-.1-.4c-.1-.2-.6 0-.7-.2s.3.1.3-.1 0-.1-.1-.2h-.2a2 2 0 0 0-.4.8 5.38 5.38 0 0 0-.9 1.2c0 .1 0 . 16.4c-.1 0-.1 0-.2.1v.2h.1c0-.1 0-.1-.1-.1.2-.1.2-.2.2-.2M20 17.9c. 0s-.3-.2-.4-.2.1.1-.1.2M20.5 19.2a.37.37 0 0 0 .1-.3l-.3.3h.2M22.3 16.5v-.1h-.2c-.1 0-.1-.1-.1-.2s-.1-.2-.1-.3-.1.2-.1.2c. 15.3c-.1-.1-.1 0 0 0-.1.1 0 .1 0 0M8.1 19.1A.1.1 0 0 0 8 19h-.1v.1a.14.14 0 0 0 .2 0M8.8 19.1c.1 0 .2-.1.1-.2s-.3 0-.2.1c-.1.1 0 .2.1.1M20.2 12.1c0-.1.1-.1.1-.2h-.1c-.1 0-.1.1 0 .2M20.5 12s.1-.1 0-.1h-.1a.1.1 0 0 0 .1.1M19.4 14.6c0 . 0 0 0 0-.2.19.19 0 0 0-.3 0M19.7 15.4v-.1h-.3a.1.1 0 0 0 .1.1c0-.1.1 0 .2 0M19.4 15.6c-.1 0 0 .1 0 .2s.1 0 .2-.1.1-.2 0-.2-.2 0-.2.1M19.2 15.3c0 .1-.1.2 0 .3s.1 0 .1 0 0-.2.1-.2h-.1v-.1h-.1M26.8 22.4c.1 0 0-.1 0 0"/><path data-name="Shape" class="avcls-1" d="m21 18.5-.1-.1c0-.1-.1.1-.2 0 .1.1 0 .1-.1.2a.1.1 0 0 0 .1.1c0 .1-.1.1 0 .2l-.1.1s-.1.1 0 .1.2-.1.3-.1h.1c.1 0 .1-.1.2-.2H21s-.1 0 0-.3M21.6 20.4c0 .1.1.1 0 0 .1 0 .1-.1.1-.2h-.1v.2M21.7 20.2c.1 0 0-.1 0-.1h-.1a.1.1 0 0 0 .1.1M22.3 20.5c-.1 0-.1-.1-.2 0H22v.1c.2-.1.2-.1.3-.1M23.3 20.4v-.1c-.1 0-.2.1-.3 0v.1h-.1c.2.1.3 0 .4 0M23.7 20c0 . 0s0-.1-.2 0l.1-.1a.1.1 0 0 1-.1.1M28.5 16.8c0 . 0 0 0 .3-.1.27.27 0 0 0-.3-.3c-.2.1-.2.2-.2.3M28.5 21.9h-.1c-.1.5-.6 1.2 0 19.7c-.1 0-.1.2 0 .2a.1.1 0 0 0 .1-.1v-.1H27M27.4 24.8v.2s.2-.1 0-.2M29.7 13.1h-.1v.2c-.2.4-.7.9-.4 1.4a1.38 1.38 0 0 0 .3-.4 10.37 10.37 0 0 0 .4-1s-.1-.2-.2-.2M28.8 14.9c0 .1 0 .1.1.1s.1-.1 0-.1 0-.1-.1 0M23.7 11.8c-.1-.2-.2 0-.3 0l-.1-.1h-.1c-.1 0 0 .2.1.2s.1-.1.1 0 0 . 0a.1.1 0 0 0 .1.1c0 . 0 0 0 .3-.1.19.19 0 0 0 0-.3h-.2c-.1 0-.1-.1-.2-.1-.4-.1-.6.2-.8.3M22.7 12h.3c0-.2-.2-.1-.3-.1.1-.1.1 0 0 .1"/><path data-name="Shape" class="avcls-1" d="M23.1 12.6c.1-.1.3-.2.4-.3v-.1c0-.1-.1-.1-.2-.2a.1.1 0 0 1-.1.1c-.1.1-.2.1-.2.2v.2c. 11.6v.1c.1.1.1 0 0-.1M18 9.4a.6.6 0 0 0 .4.1l.1-.1c-.1-.1-.2 0-.2-.1h-.1c-.1-.1-.2 0-.2.1M27.1 11c0 .1-.1 0-.2.1v.1c.1.1.2 0 .3 0s.1-.1.1 0v.1a.1.1 0 0 0-.1.1h-.3v.2c-.1.1-.4.2-.3.4a.75.75 0 0 0 .5.1c0-.2.1-.2.2-.3a.1.1 0 0 0-.1-.1v-.1a.1.1 0 0 0 .1-.1v-.1a.35.35 0 0 0 .2-.1c0-.1-.1-.2-.1-.3a.1.1 0 0 1 .1-.1v-.1h-.1s-.1 0 0 .1a.37.37 0 0 0-.3.1c0-.2.1 0 0 0M26.1 12c0 . 0h-.2M27.5 11.8c-. 0-.1-.1-.1-.2-.1M27.9 11.3c-.1 0-.1.1 0 0M25.6 7.3c. . 0 0 1 .1.1c0 .1 0 .1.1.2s.1 0 . 0 0 1 .1.1v.1c.2 0 . 0-.4l-.2-.2V9a.1.1 0 0 0-.1-.1c0-.1-.1-.3.1-.3v-.1H27v-.1a.35.35 0 0 0-.4-.4c-.1-.1-.1-.1-.2-.1h-.2a2.09 2.09 0 0 1-.4-.6.19.19 0 0 0-.3 0c.1-.1.1-.1.1 0"/><path data-name="Shape" class="avcls-1" d="M24.7 7.6a.14.14 0 0 0 0 .2h.4a.1.1 0 0 0 .1-.1c.1-.1.2 0 .4-.1 0 .1 0 .1.1.1s0-.2-.1-.2-.1-.2-.2-.3h-.1c0 .2-.1.1-.3.2v.1-.1h-.2a.35.35 0 0 1-.1.2M22.4 3.7c-.1-.2-.3-.4-.2-.7a1.39 1.39 0 0 0 .9 0c.2-.1.5 0 .7-.1v-.2c-.3.1-.5-.2-.7-.1a3.18 3.18 0 0 1-.9.3c-.2.1-.9 0-.9.4.3 0 .7 0 .9.3 0 . 5.2a.4.4 0 0 0 .4.2c0-.1 0-.1-.1-.2h-.3M23.1 5.7c-.1 0 0 .1.1.2 0-.1.1-.3-.1-.2M22.9 5.4c.1-.1 0-.2-.1-.2v.1l.1.1M23.8 6.5a.31.31 0 0 0 .1-.2h-.1a.14.14 0 0 0 0 .2M24.1 6.5v.1c.1.1.1 0 0-.1.1 0 0 .1 0 0M24 6.8l.1-.1c0-.1-.1-.1-.2 0s.1 0 .1.1M24.1 6.8c0 . 0-.1ZM24.6 7a.35.35 0 0 0-.1-.2s-.1.1 0 .1 0 .1.1.1M24.7 7.3h.1v-.2h-.2v.1l.1.1M24.5 7.5c.1-.1.1-.1 0-.2h-.1a.1.1 0 0 1-.1.1c. 2.5c-.1-.1-.1-.1-.2-. 5c.1.1.2 0 .2.1s. 0 .1-.1 0-.4-.2-.4h-.5c-.1 0-.1.1-.1.2a.19.19 0 0 1 .3 0"/><path data-name="Shape" class="avcls-1" d="M31.7 10.2c-.1-.1-.1-.3-.2-.4s-.2-.1-.3-.2v-.2l-.1-.1c-.1-.2-.1-.3-.3-.3 0-.2-.1-.2-.3-.3v-.1a.1.1 0 0 0-.1-.1h-.1c-.1-.1-.2-.2-.2-.3s-.2-.2-.3-.3l-.1-.1c-.1 0-.2 0-.2-.1s-.2-.3-.3-.4 0-.4-.1-.7c0-.1-.1-.1-.2-.1a.1.1 0 0 1-.1-.1c-.1-.1 0-.3-.1-.4s-.3-.3-.4-.5a.37.37 0 0 0-.3-.1h-.1l-.1-.1c-.1-.1-.2-.2-.3-.2s-.4 0-.6-.1-.4 0-.5.2-.3.2-.5.2 0 .1 0 .2-.2.2-.1.2h.2a.1.1 0 0 1 .1.1c. 0 0 0 0 .2.37.37 0 0 1 .1.3c0 .1.1 0 .1 0a.25.25 0 0 1 .1.4v.3c. 0 .1-.1.2-.1.2-. .4.1.6a1.38 1.38 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .1.2l.1.1a.1.1 0 0 1 .1-.1h.1c. 0 0 0 .1.1c.1 0 .1-.1.2 0a.35.35 0 0 0 .1.2h.3c.1 0 . 0 0 0 .2-.2l.3-.3c.1-.1.2-.1.3-.2.3 0 .2-.2.2-.2M27.5 10.3c0 . 0-.3-.1-.4s-.1-.2-.3-.2-.1 0-.2.1 0 .2 0 .3v.1M28.2 10.7c-.1.2 0 .4 0 .6s-.2.1-.2.2a.14.14 0 0 0 0 .2c0 . 1.17 0 0 1 . 0 0 1 .1.3c. 0a.3.3 0 0 0 0-.4c-.1-.1-.1-.1-.1-.2a2.35 2.35 0 0 0-.2-.8l-.3-.3v-.1c0-.1.1-.1.1-.2s-.1-.2-.2-.3c-.2-.1-.3-.1-.4 0M29.7 12.1v-.2c0-.2-.2-.2-.3-.2h-.1v.2a2.93 2.93 0 0 1 .3 1c0 .1.3 0 .3-.1v-.2c0-.1-.1-.1-.1-.2s-.1-.2-.1-.3M29.3 11.2c-.1.1 0 .2 0 .3.1 0 .1 0 .1-.1s0-.1-.1-.2M29.3 11c0-.1 0-.1-.1-.1s-.1.1-.2.1 0 .1.1.2c.2 0 .3-.1.2-.2M28.8 10.5c.1.1 0 .2.1.2s.2.1.3 0 0-.1-.1-.1v-.1H29c-.1-.1.1-.1 0-.2v-.1h-.1v.1c-.1.1-.2.2-.1.2M28.7 9.9c-.1 0-.2 0-.2-.1h-.1s-.1.1 0 .1a.1.1 0 0 1 .1.1c0 .1.1 0 .1.1s.1.1.1 0V10s.1-.1 0-.1M21.6 14.5a.14.14 0 0 0 0-.2.1.1 0 0 0-.1.1c.1 0 .1 0 .1.1"/><path data-name="Shape" class="avcls-1" d="M29.4 13.2a.6.6 0 0 0-.4.1c-.2.1-.3.4-.4.6a.52.52 0 0 1-. 0 0 1-.1-.1v-.2l.1-.1c.1-.1 0-.2 0-.3s-.3-.4-.5-.3-.3.3-.5.5c-.1-.1-.2-.2-.2-.3v-.1c.1 0 . 0-.3-.1-.3a.37.37 0 0 1-.3-.1h-.2v-.1c.1 0 .3 0 .2-.2s-.1-.1-.2-.1H26v.3a.37.37 0 0 1-.3.1h-.1c-.1 0-.2-.1-.3-.1s-.1.2-.2.2-.1 0-.2.1-.1.2 0 .3v.1a.1.1 0 0 1-.1-.1c0-.1-.1-.2-.1-.3s.1-.2.2-.3v-.2c-.1-.1-.1-.1-.2-.1s-.3.4-.5.3-.2-.2-.3-.2-.1-.1-.2 0a2.19 2.19 0 0 1-.5.3c-.1.1-.3.2-.3.4a.38.38 0 0 1-.6.1c-.1-.1-.2-.2-.3-.2s-.2.2-.3.2-.1 0-.2-.1v-.1l.6-.3c.1 0 .1-.1.1-.2V12a.68.68 0 0 0-. 0 0 1-.1.1c-.2 0-.3.1-.5 0l-.1-.2c-.1.1-.1.2-.2.2l-.1.1c-. 0 .4s-.2.1-.3.1v.2c0 .1.1 0 .1.1s. 0 . 0 0 0 .1.1h.2c.1 0 0 .1.1.2a.76.76 0 0 0 .1.4s0 .2-.1.2a.1.1 0 0 0-.1.1v.3h.1c. 0 0 0-. 0 0 0 .2 0c.1 0 .1-.1.2-.1a.1.1 0 0 0 .1-.1.35.35 0 0 1 .1.2c-.1.1-.3 0-.4.1s-.1 0-.2.1a.1.1 0 0 0 .1.1c. 0-.5-.1-.7 0s-.1.1-.1.2a.1.1 0 0 0-.1.1v.2c-.2.2-.2.5-.3.7a.1.1 0 0 0 .1.1c.1 0 .1-.1.2-.1s. 0a.37.37 0 0 1 .1-.3c0-.1-.1-.2-.1-.3s0-.2.1-.2a.1.1 0 0 1 .1.1v.4a.14.14 0 0 1 0 .2.1.1 0 0 1-.1.1v.2c-.1.1-.1.1-.1.2-.2 0-.4-.1-.3-.3-.1 0-.1 0-.2.1v.3c-.1.1-.1.2-.2.3v.1c-.1.1-.2.2-.3.2-.1.1-.2 0-.2.1s. 0 .1-.1.2h-.4a.37.37 0 0 1-.1.3c-.1.1 0 .2.1.2s. 0 0 0 .2-.2c0-.1.1 0 .2 0h.1a.14.14 0 0 0 0-.2l.4-.4c.1 0 .1-.1.2-.1s. 0 . 0 0 0-.1-.3c-.1-.1-.2-.2-.3-.2v-.1c. 0 0 0 .3-.1c0-.1 0-.1-.1-.1s0-.1.1-.2 0-.2 0-.3v-.1c.1-.1 0-.2 0-.4 0 . 0 0 0 .2-.2.19.19 0 0 1 .3.1c0 .1 0 .2-.1.2a.76.76 0 0 0-.5.2l-.1.1c-.1.1-.1.1-.1.2l-.1.1a.1.1 0 0 1 . 0 0 0 .3-.1v-.2c.1 0 .1-.1.2-.1s. 0c0 .1-.2 0-.3 0a.31.31 0 0 0-.1-.2h-.1v-.1h-.8a.1.1 0 0 0-.1.1l-.1.1a.37.37 0 0 1-. 0 0 0-.3.1c-.2 0-.3.2-.4.3a.37.37 0 0 1-.3.1v.1c-.2 0-.3.3-.4.5v.2c-.1.1-.1.3-.3.4v.1c. 0 0 0 .1.1c. 0 0 1 .2.1c.2 0 .5.1.7 0 .3.1.7 0 1 .1.1 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .1.2c0 .1 0 .1.1.2s. 2.65 0 0 0 .6.5s.1 0 0 .1c.1 0 . .1.1.2l.3.3a.6.6 0 0 0 . 0 0 1 .1.1c.1 0 .3.1.4 0s.1-.2.2-.2a.6.6 0 0 1 .4-.1.1.1 0 0 0 .1-.1c0-.1.1-.1.1-.2s.2-.1.3-.1.3-.3.5-.4.4-.1.5-.2 0-.4 0-.6.1-.2.1-.3v-.5c0-.1-.1-.2-.1-.3s.1-.1.2-.1.1-.3.2-.4a.1.1 0 0 0 .1-.1c.1 0 0-.1 0-.2a.1.1 0 0 1-.1-.1 1.21 1.21 0 0 0-.5-.5.1.1 0 0 1-.1-.1v-.1c-.1 0 0-.1-.1-.1h.1c.1-.1.1-.3.2-.4a.1.1 0 0 0 .1-.1v-.3c-.1-.1 0-.3 0-.4a2.2 2.2 0 0 0-.1-.8c0-.1-.1-.1-.2-.1a.1.1 0 0 1-. 0 0 1-.1.2c0 .1-.2.1-.2.2s0 .1-.1.2l-.1.1c.4-.3.3-.3.3-.2h-.3a14.24 14.24 0 0 0-1.6-.5h.3c.1 0 0-.1 0-.1s. 0 0 0 .1-.1v-.3a.75.75 0 0 0-.1-.5c0-.1-.1-.1-.2-.1a.1.1 0 0 1-.1.1c-.1 0-.2 0-.2.1a.1.1 0 0 0-. 0 0 1-.4.2c-.1 0-.2 0-.2-.1s.2-.2.4-.2l.1-.1a.22.22 0 0 1 .2-.2h.2c.1 0 .1-.1.2-.1a.31.31 0 0 1 .1-.2c0-.1.1-.1.2-.2s.1-.4.2-.6 0 .1.1.2a.19.19 0 0 0 .3 0c.1-.1 0-.2.1-.2h.1c.1 0 . 0 0 1 .2-.1h.3c.2-.1.6 0 .6-.2a.86.86 0 0 0-.6-.7c-.2-.1-.1-.4-.3-.6-.1 0 0-.1-.1-.2l-.1-.1-.1-.1v-.5c0-.1.1-.1.2-.1s.2-.1.2-.2v-.4l.1-.1c.2 0 .5.1.7-.1.1 0 .1-.1.1-.2a1 1 0 0 0 .4-.8c-.1.1 0 .1 0-. 0 0 0m-4.5 5.4c-.1.1-.1.1-.2 0s-.1-.1-.1-.2-.1 0-.1.1h-.2c0-.1-.1-.1-.1-.2s0-.2.1-.2.1 0 .1.1v.1c.1.1.1 0 .2 0h.3c0 .1.1.2 0 .3M15.6 36c1.3-1.9 5.2-3.9 9-3.9s8 2.2 9.6 1a8.38 8.38 0 0 1-5.1 1.4c-3.4 0-4.7-1.7-7-1.7s-4.8 1.9-5.9 3.5ZM27.7 31.8a5.34 5.34 0 0 0 1.7-1.9 14.44 14.44 0 0 1 3.7-4.4s-1.7 5.5-3.5 5.7c0 0-. 3.6-1.1a8.58 8.58 0 0 0 3.3-1.1 1.48 1.48 0 0 1 .8-.4s-2.2 3.7-6.2 3.7a17.1 17.1 0 0 1-3.6-.6"/><path data-name="Shape" class="avcls-1" d="M32.4 29.9a3.92 3.92 0 0 0 .5-1.7 14.64 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