Mobirise Premium Themes and Extensions - Order Now!
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You can retrieve your login credentials using the ‚‚Retrieve password’’ function here: <a href="" class="support_link_soft"></a> </div> </div> <div style="clear:both;"></div> <form id="faq_search_form" action="/support/search.php?merchant=DELUXMEN&template=Mobirise+3-column+popular+2024" method="post"> <p id="faq_search_title" class="support_box_title"> Search FAQ topics </p> <p id="faq_search_content"> <input type="text" id="faq_search_input" name="faq_search_input" placeholder="Type your question here" autocomplete="off" value="" class="search_input" /> <input type="submit" class="support_btn_arrow button search_submit" value="Search" /> </p> </form> <!--TOP SECTION(END)--> <!--MENU SECTION--> <a name="actualContent"></a> <div> <div class="support_box_title"> Frequently Asked Questions </div> <table width="540px;" class="support_menu"> <tr> <td align="center" width="16.6%" valign="top" class=""> <a href="/support/section.php?category=6&merchant=DELUXMEN&template=Mobirise+3-column+popular+2024&lang=en#actualContent"> <span class="support_icon" style="cursor:pointer"> <img class="support_sprite_ support_sprite" src=""/> </span> </a> <br style="clear:both"/> <a href="/support/section.php?category=6&merchant=DELUXMEN&template=Mobirise+3-column+popular+2024&lang=en#actualContent">Order</a> </td> <td align="center" width="16.6%" valign="top" class=""> <a href="/support/section.php?category=7&merchant=DELUXMEN&template=Mobirise+3-column+popular+2024&lang=en#actualContent"> <span class="support_icon" style="cursor:pointer"> <img class="support_sprite_ support_sprite" src=""/> </span> </a> <br style="clear:both"/> <a href="/support/section.php?category=7&merchant=DELUXMEN&template=Mobirise+3-column+popular+2024&lang=en#actualContent">Billing and Online Payment Assistance</a> </td> <td align="center" width="16.6%" valign="top" class=""> <a href="/support/section.php?category=8&merchant=DELUXMEN&template=Mobirise+3-column+popular+2024&lang=en#actualContent"> <span class="support_icon" style="cursor:pointer"> <img class="support_sprite_DELIVERY support_sprite" src=""/> </span> </a> <br style="clear:both"/> <a href="/support/section.php?category=8&merchant=DELUXMEN&template=Mobirise+3-column+popular+2024&lang=en#actualContent">Delivery</a> </td> <td align="center" width="16.6%" valign="top" class=""> <a href="/support/section.php?category=9&merchant=DELUXMEN&template=Mobirise+3-column+popular+2024&lang=en#actualContent"> <span class="support_icon" style="cursor:pointer"> <img class="support_sprite_SUPPORT support_sprite" src=""/> </span> </a> <br style="clear:both"/> <a href="/support/section.php?category=9&merchant=DELUXMEN&template=Mobirise+3-column+popular+2024&lang=en#actualContent">Support</a> </td> <td align="center" width="16.6%" valign="top" class=""> <a href="/support/section.php?category=10&merchant=DELUXMEN&template=Mobirise+3-column+popular+2024&lang=en#actualContent"> <span class="support_icon" style="cursor:pointer"> <img class="support_sprite_ support_sprite" src=""/> </span> </a> <br style="clear:both"/> <a href="/support/section.php?category=10&merchant=DELUXMEN&template=Mobirise+3-column+popular+2024&lang=en#actualContent">Privacy, Security and Data Protection</a> </td> <td align="center" width="16.6%" valign="top" class=""> <a href="/support/section.php?category=11&merchant=DELUXMEN&template=Mobirise+3-column+popular+2024&lang=en#actualContent"> <span class="support_icon" style="cursor:pointer"> <img class="support_sprite_ support_sprite" src=""/> </span> </a> <br style="clear:both"/> <a href="/support/section.php?category=11&merchant=DELUXMEN&template=Mobirise+3-column+popular+2024&lang=en#actualContent">2CO myAccount & Subscription Management</a> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <div style="clear:both;"/></div> <!--MENU SECTION(end)--> <!-- FIXED BUTTONS ISSUE ON ARABIC --> <!--BOXES SECTION--> <table width="100%" class="support_bottom_table" cellspacing="5"> <tr> <td align="right" class="support_bottom_boxes" valign="top" style="width:33%"> <div class="support_box_title"> Top Questions </div> <div class="support_box_content"> <a href="/support/faq.php?merchant=DELUXMEN&template=Mobirise+3-column+popular+2024&lang=en&question=175&category=7#actualContent" class="support_link_soft"> How will the charge appear on my card statement? </a> </div> <div class="support_box_content"> <a href="/support/faq.php?merchant=DELUXMEN&template=Mobirise+3-column+popular+2024&lang=en&question=56&category=10#actualContent" class="support_link_soft"> Why do you ask for personal information? </a> </div> <div class="support_box_content"> <a href="/support/faq.php?merchant=DELUXMEN&template=Mobirise+3-column+popular+2024&lang=en&question=54&category=10#actualContent" class="support_link_soft"> How secure is an online transaction? </a> </div> </td> <td align="left" class="support_bottom_boxes" valign="top" style="width:33%"> <div class="support_box_title"> Your Order Status </div> <div class="support_box_content"> This section allows you to track one of your orders and view its status in real time. </div> <div class="support_box_content"> <form action="/help/order-lookup.php" method="post" name="frmLookup" onSubmit="return validate()"> Email address<br/> <input type="text" width="100%" name="email" class="lookup_field lookup_email" /><br/> Order no.<br/> <input type="text" width="100%" name="refno" class="lookup_field lookup_order" /><br/> <input type="submit" value="Submit" name="Submit" class="support_btn_arrow"/> </form> </div> </td> <td align="center" class="support_bottom_boxes container_boxes_right" valign="top" style="width:33%"> <div id="lookup_box" class="settings-info"> <div class="support_box_title"> Order lookup </div> <div class="support_box_content"> Why does appear on my credit card statement? </div> <div class="support_box_content"> This section allows you to track one of your transactions, made through 2Checkout System (2CO) and receive its details. </div> <div class="support_box_link"> <input type="button" class="support_btn_arrow button button_order_lookup" value="Continue to order lookup" onclick="location.href='/help/transaction-lookup.php';return false" /> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> </tr> </table> <div style="clear:both;"/> <!--BOXES SECTION(end)--> </div> </td></tr></table></div> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> $.widget("ui.dialog", $.extend({}, $.ui.dialog.prototype, { _title: function(title) { if (!this.options.title ) { title.html(" "); } else { title.html(this.options.title); } } })); ; function validate(){ with(document.frmLookup){ if(email.value == ""){alert("Please enter the email address used in order process.");email.focus(); return false;} if(refno.value == ""){alert("Please input your order reference number."); refno.focus(); return false;} return true; } } var onLoad = function() { $(document.body).mouseup(function(event) { $('#support_registerDesc').hide(); }); $('#support_linkDesc').click(function(event) { $('#support_registerDesc').show(); return false; }); $('#support_registerDesc').mouseup(function(event) { return false; }); $('#myEmail').css('color','#AAAAAA'); $('#myEmail').css('font-style','italic'); $('#myPassword').css('color','#AAAAAA'); $('#myPassword').css('font-style','italic'); $('#myEmail').focus(function(){ $('#myEmail').css('color','#000000'); $('#myEmail').css('font-style','normal'); $('#myEmail').attr('value',''); }); $('#myPassword').focus(function(){ $('#myPassword').css('color','#000000'); $('#myPassword').css('font-style','normal'); $('#myPassword').attr('value',''); }); $('#myEmail').blur(function(){ if($('#myEmail').attr('value').length <= 0) { $('#myEmail').css('color','#AAAAAA'); $('#myEmail').css('font-style','italic'); $('#myEmail').attr('value','Email address'); $('#myEmail').focus(function(){ $('#myEmail').css('color','#000000'); $('#myEmail').css('font-style','normal'); $('#myEmail').attr('value',''); }); } else { $('#myEmail').unbind('focus'); } }); $('#myPassword').blur(function(){ if($('#myPassword').attr('value').length <= 0) { $('#myPassword').css('color','#AAAAAA'); $('#myPassword').css('font-style','italic'); $('#myPassword').attr('value','*****'); $('#myPassword').focus(function(){ $('#myPassword').css('color','#000000'); $('#myPassword').css('font-style','normal'); $('#myPassword').attr('value',''); }); } else { $('#myPassword').unbind('focus'); } }); }; window.onload = onLoad; ; var __order_steps = {STEP_1: "Shopping Cart",STEP_2: "Billing Information",STEP_3: "Confirmation and Payment",STEP_4: "Finish"},__order_processed_by = {WHO_IS_AVANGATE: "Who is 2Checkout (now Verifone)?",TITLE: "Your payment is securely processed by our partner, 2Checkout (now Verifone).",DESCRIPTION: "For your convenience, we teamed up with 2Checkout (now Verifone) to provide a secure and reliable platform for selling our software products online. The whole ordering process is supported by 2Checkout (now Verifone), who handles all transaction data according to market security standards."},__order_check_if_company = "Check only if you are a company",__order_person_company = {RADIO_LABEL: "Licensed to",PERSON: "Person",COMPANY: "Company"},__order_widgets = {I_HAVE_DISCOUNT_COUPON :"I have a discount coupon",DOWNLOAD_VERSION :"Download Version",DISCOUNT_COUPON :"Discount coupon",ADD_LABEL :"Add",PROCESSING_ORDER :"Processing order",ORDER_PROCESSING :"Processing order",PLEASE_WAIT :"Please wait",YOU_WILL_BE_CHARGED :"You will be charged",PLACE_ORDER :"Place order",CONTINUE :"Continue",CCVSERRNUMBERSTRING :"Invalid card number entered.",USER_DATA_ERROR :"Fields marked in red must be filled in correctly.",SECURE_CHECKOUT :"Secure Checkout",CREDIT_CARD_CVV :"Security code",CREDIT_CARDS :"Credit Cards",SELECT_OTHER_METHODS :"Select other methods",NEW_PAYMENT_METHOD :"New payment method",NG_INSTALMENTS_PRICE_WARNING :"You also agree to pay your bank an extra installments fee of {0}. Total price: {1}.",OFFLINE_PAYMENT_MESSAGE :"For {1}, product delivery takes place only after payment is received in full.<br>Paying by credit card usually offers you immediate access to the products you ordered.",ORDER_DUPLICATED :"Our system detected this order as a duplicate, please click the button below if you want to place this order",APM_CART_MESSAGE_PAYPAL : "You'll be redirected to PayPal to process your payment, which only takes a few seconds.",APM_CART_MESSAGE_SOFORTBANKING : "We will redirect you to Sofort to finish the payment. This process usually takes a few minutes. Once you’ve completed the payment, we’ll deliver your order and return you to our order confirmation page. Alternatively, you can pay by credit card and get immediate access to the ordered products.",APM_CART_MESSAGE_GIROPAY : "We will redirect you to our payment provider to finish the payment. This process usually takes a few minutes. Once you’ve completed the payment, we’ll deliver your order and return you to our order confirmation page. Alternatively, you can pay by credit card and get immediate access to the ordered products.",APM_CART_MESSAGE_DINERS : "We will redirect you to our payment provider to finish the payment. This process usually takes a few minutes. Once you’ve completed the payment, we’ll deliver your order and return you to our order confirmation page.",APM_CART_MESSAGE_QIWI : "QIWI needs to validate your phone number before placing the order. After validating it, we'll redirect you to QIWI to finish the payment. Once you’ve completed payment, we’ll deliver your order.Alternatively, you can pay by credit card and get immediate access to the ordered products.",APM_CART_MESSAGE_WEBMONEY : "We will redirect you to Webmoney to finish the payment. This process usually takes a few minutes. Once you’ve completed the payment, we’ll deliver your order and return you to our order confirmation page. Alternatively, you can pay by credit card and get immediate access to the ordered products.",APM_CART_MESSAGE_UNIONPAY : "We will redirect you to UnionPay to finish the payment. This process usually takes a few minutes. Once you’ve completed the payment, we’ll deliver your order and return you to our order confirmation page. Alternatively, you can pay by credit card and get immediate access to the ordered products.",APM_CART_MESSAGE_ALIPAY : "We will redirect you to Alipay to finish the payment. This process usually takes a few minutes. Once you’ve completed the payment, we’ll deliver your order and return you to our order confirmation page. Alternatively, you can pay by credit card and get immediate access to the ordered products.",APM_CART_MESSAGE_IDEAL : "After selecting your bank we will redirect you to their website to finish the payment. This process usually takes a few minutes. Once you’ve completed payment, we’ll deliver your order and return you to our order confirmation page. Alternatively, you can pay by credit card and get immediate access to the ordered products.",APM_CART_MESSAGE_DIRECT_DEBIT_SEPA : "We will charge your account after validating your payment information. This process usually takes 2 to 4 business days.Alternatively, you can pay by credit card and get immediate access to the ordered products.",APM_CART_MESSAGE_NORDEA : "We will redirect you to Nordea to finish the payment. This process usually takes a few minutes. Once you’ve completed the payment, we’ll deliver your order and return you to our order confirmation page. Alternatively, you can pay by credit card and get immediate access to the ordered products.",APM_CART_MESSAGE_DANSKE : "We will redirect you to Danske to finish the payment. This process usually takes a few minutes. Once you’ve completed the payment, we’ll deliver your order and return you to our order confirmation page. Alternatively, you can pay by credit card and get immediate access to the ordered products.",APM_CART_MESSAGE_OP_POHJOLA : "We will redirect you to OP-Pohjola to finish the payment. This process usually takes a few minutes. Once you’ve completed the payment, we’ll deliver your order and return you to our order confirmation page. Alternatively, you can pay by credit card and get immediate access to the ordered products.",APM_CART_MESSAGE_TRUSTLY : "We will redirect you to Trustly to finish the payment. This process usually takes a few minutes. Once you’ve completed the payment, we’ll deliver your order and return you to our order confirmation page. Alternatively, you can pay by credit card and get immediate access to the ordered products.",APM_CART_MESSAGE_POLI : "This payment is processed by Smart2Pay, our POLi trusted payment provider. This process usually takes a few minutes. Once you’ve completed the payment, we’ll deliver your order and return you to our order confirmation page. Alternatively, you can pay by credit card and get immediate access to the ordered products.",APM_CART_MESSAGE_ACH : "We will charge your account after validating your payment information. This process may take up to 5 business days. Alternatively, you can pay by credit card and get immediate access to the ordered products.",APM_CART_MESSAGE_ACH_INSTANT_AUTH : "We will charge your account after validating your payment information. This process may take up to one day.",APM_CART_MESSAGE_KONBINI : "For Konbini, product delivery takes place only after payment is received in full. This may take up to 2 business days. Your phone number is required to pay for your order.<br />Paying by credit card usually offers you immediate access to the products you ordered."};; </script> <script> var quickSettings = { pricingOptionsDisplayType: 'popup', //possible values: popup, inline showMoneyBackBadge: false, //possible values: true, false } </script> <!-- Google Tag Manager--> <noscript><iframe src="//" height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"></iframe></noscript> <!-- End Google Tag Manager --> <SCRIPT src="" language="javascript" type="text/javascript"></SCRIPT> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> /** Version: 3.2.1 Release date: 15 Jul 2020 Utilities & Dependencies: ========================= - avaPage - Global object with current Shopping Cart context. - avaDebug - Enables debugging and avaLog(). - avaLog(param, param, ...) - Used for console.log and fallback for older browsers, disabled if avaDebug true. - avaAppendImg(src, targetTag) - avaAppendScript(src, targetTag) - avaGUP(query, where) - Get URL Parameter */ // Debug avaDebug = false; // When the DOM is ready. jQuery(document).ready(function($) { }); // When the Window is loaded (DOM and resources). jQuery(window).load(function($) { // Your Code }); </script> <script type="text/javascript"> /* widgets that load automatically with every shopping cart */ $(document).ready(function() { // Initialize 'Skip Verify' (New Ordering Flow). try { var skipVerify = new __avng8_skip_verify(); } catch(err) { try{ console.log(err.message + err.lineNumber + err.fileName); } catch(err) {} } // Inline validation. try { __avng8_inline_validation(); } catch(err) { try{ console.log(err.message + err.lineNumber + err.fileName); } catch(err) {} } // DESIGN_TYPE=1 try { //__avng8_payment_facade.setDebug(true); __avng8_payment_facade.init(skipVerify); } catch(err) { try{ console.log(err.message + err.lineNumber + err.fileName); } catch(err) {} } //SSO authentication - payment with existing cards // DESIGN_TYPE!=1 try { //__avng8_payment_facade.setDebug(true); __avng8_existing_cards.init(); } catch(err) { try{ console.log(err.message + err.lineNumber + err.fileName); } catch(err) {} } }); console.log('Loaded jquery for: myaccount_3.5.1'); console.log('Loaded jquery migrate version: '+ jQuery.migrateVersion ); console.log('Loaded jquery version: '+ jQuery().jquery ); jqueryUiVersion = $.ui ? $.ui.version || "pre 1.6" : 'jQuery-UI not detected'; console.log('Loaded jquery ui version: '+ jqueryUiVersion ); ; </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/_Incapsula_Resource?SWJIYLWA=719d34d31c8e3a6e6fffd425f7e032f3&ns=1&cb=698834587" async></script></body> </html>