Financial Services Technology & Solutions : Fujitsu Singapore
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Please turn it on to view this content.</noscript> <div id="container"> <main id="main"> <div class="main-contents"> <div class="lf-hero-a lf-yl-dg"> <div class="lf-hero-contents"> <div class="lf-hero-contents-inner"> <!-Subtext (optional)-> <h1 class="lf-hero-hdg">Financial Services</h1> </div> </div> <div class="lf-hero-visual"><img src="/sg/imagesgig5/fs-banner-800x450_tcm115-6601799_tcm115-6286607-32.jpg" alt=""></div> </div> <div class="nav-structure-a js-toggle"> <button class="menu-btn toggle-hook" type="button" data-open-text="Open" data-close-text="Close">More information about Fujitsu and Financial Services</button> <ul class="toggle-content"> <li><a href="/sg/solutions/industry/financial-services/index.html">Driving a trusted future in financial services </a></li> <li><a href="/sg/solutions/industry/financial-services/customer-experience/index.html">Transforming your customer experience</a></li> <li><a href="/sg/solutions/industry/financial-services/employee-engagement/index.html">Deepening your employee engagement</a></li> <li><a href="/sg/solutions/industry/financial-services/digital-ambition/index.html">Accelerating your digital ambition</a></li> <li class="js-toggle"> <a class="toggle-hook" data-open-text="Open" data-close-text="Close" role="button"><span>Related articles</span></a> <ul class="toggle-content"> <li><a href="">Digital Transformation and the Banking Industry</a></li> <li><a href="">Global Intelligence for digital Leaders program </a></li> <li><a href="">Fujitsu Blog: Latest insights from our Financial Services Solutions experts </a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="section"> <div class="section-inner"> <div class="row"> <h1>Driving digital transformation in financial services</h1> <h2>Fujitsu financial services technology and solutions – driving a trusted future for purpose-driven financial services organizations</h2> <p>More than in any other sector, trust is fundamental to the success of Financial Services businesses. It always has been and always will be. You are responsible for your customers’ financial wellbeing, so it’s up to you to match your commercial objectives with their needs and those of society.</p> <p>In fact, research shows that just over a third of consumers trust financial services businesses*. That’s up on a few years ago, but clearly, there’s more work to be done. Fujitsu’s research shows that 92% of business leaders understand that they must focus on providing real value to society. </p> </div> <div class="col_50"> <p>The need for trust has increased as the world has become more uncertain. When none of us know what’s coming next, we need reassurance that businesses in financial services sector can adapt to our needs at speed and with creativity while remaining secure and solid. </p> <p>Everything has changed. And that demands a rethink of how we live, work, and interact with each other. At Fujitsu, we take a human-centric approach to digital transformation in financial services that puts people at the heart of everything we do. The sector must reimagine a new future built around the urgent and evolving needs of its customers. When the future is uncertain, you need to be certain that you will be supported. </p> <p>At Fujitsu, we are passionate about innovation and focusing it on enabling financial services businesses to thrive. It’s a purpose-driven vision inspired by and aligned to the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals. </p> </div> <div class="col_50" style="padding-top: 30px;"> <div class="video-container"> <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="section" id="trusted-future" style="background: #f2f0ed;"> <div class="section-inner"> <h2 class="txtcenter">Financial services digitalization - three key objectives for a trusted future</h2> <p class="txtcenter smallp">Fujitsu will help you to execute your digital transformation in the financial services sector so that you can make your vision and purpose a reality at speed and at scale. We work with you to constantly improve how your business operates and how your people work. It’s the foundation of a trusted future for financial services powered by truly human-centric financial technologies and digital capabilities. </p> <p class="txtcenter smallp">We believe there are three important core objectives:</p> <div class="col_3 txtcenter"> <img src="/global/imagesgig5/hex-icon-1_tcm100-5235210_tcm100-2750236-32.png" alt="Improve your customer experience" /> <h3>Improve your customer experience</h3> <p>Ensure that you’re a trusted and easily accessible source of the financial services and products your customers need in their daily lives. Embrace digital channels and mobile while also making your branches a source of human support when they need and want it.</p> <a href="/sg/solutions/industry/financial-services/customer-experience/index.html" target="_blank;" class="btn">Find out more <i class="fas fa-angle-double-right"></i></a> </div> <div class="col_3 txtcenter"> <img src="/global/imagesgig5/hex-icon-2_tcm100-5235211_tcm100-2750236-32.png" alt="Deepen your employee engagement" /> <h3>Deepen your employee engagement</h3> <p>Digital workforce transformation is important - to attract, retain, and empower talent within a truly agile culture. After all, your people are your brand’s promise, enabling them to better engage with customers will help further gain their trust.</p> <a href="/sg/solutions/industry/financial-services/employee-engagement/index.html" target="_blank;;" class="btn">Find out more <i class="fas fa-angle-double-right"></i></a> </div> <div class="col_3 txtcenter"> <img src="/global/imagesgig5/hex-icon-3_tcm100-5235212_tcm100-2750236-32.png" alt="Accelerate your digital ambition" /> <h3>Accelerate your digital ambition</h3> <p>Digital innovation is key to keeping ahead of both customer and employee demands. Its provides the secure tools they need to make life easier, more efficient, productive and enjoyable.</p> <a href="/sg/solutions/industry/financial-services/digital-ambition/index.html" target="_blank;;;" class="btn">Find out more <i class="fas fa-angle-double-right"></i></a> </div> </div></div> <div class="section"><div class="section-inner"><div class="col_50"><h2>Global Financial Services Industry Trends</h2><br /> Today, digital transformation is critical to business success, and through the introduction of new digitalization technologies and processes, the financial services industry is firmly at the forefront of innovation. To help illuminate the way forward, Fujitsu, in partnership with independent research and advisory firm DataDriven, surveyed 168 financial services, banking and insurance ICT leaders as part of a wider survey of 600 global industry leaders. In our report - Digital Transformation Trends in the Global Financial Services Industry, ICT leaders reveal their thoughts on digital transformation - where they are focusing their strategy, the challenges they expect to encounter, their future transformation plans and the rewards they expect to achieve. <br /><a class="btn-a" href="/sg/solutions/industry/financial-services/digital-transformation-trends-fs-2021.html" target="_blank">Learn more</a></div><div class="col_50"><img alt="Global Financial Services Industry Trends" src="/sg/imagesgig5/Digital-DX-FS-Resport_tcm115-6045399_tcm115-2750236-32.jpg" /></div></div></div> <div class="section " style="background: #f2f0ed;"> <div class="section-inner"> <h2>Fujitsu: A trusted, experienced financial technology solutions partner </h2> <p>When you work with Fujitsu as a partner, you benefit from a broad ecosystem which is not just focused on financial technologies – though they are central to what we do. You have a partner focused on helping you become the very best version of your business both now and in a trusted future. We understand the importance of digital transformation in the financial services sector and work with you to enable success, every step of the way.</p> <p><strong>Find out more about our philosophy, perspective, and approach: Below area selection of articles and whitepapers which go into our thinking in more depth.</strong></p> </div></div> <div class="sub-featurestories"> <div class="sub-featurestories-inside"> <div class="sub-featurestory"> <a href="" target=_blank> <p><img src="/sg/imagesgig5/article-img-2_tcm115-5235195_tcm115-2750237-32.jpg" alt="" width="312" height="312" class="bordernone"></p> <p>Global Financial Services Report - from demanding to discerning: Technology and the new banking customer</p> <p>Fujitsu's most recent research in to the Financial Service and Insurance sector has uncovered what is really important to consumers when it comes to digital services. And some of the results are quite surprising.</p> <div class="moreinfo"> <p>Find out more</p> </div> </a> </div> <div class="sub-featurestory"> <a href="/global/imagesgig5/Fujitsu_Reimagine_Brochure_Financial_Sector.pdf" > <p><img src="/sg/imagesgig5/RS63660_5610-Financial-Services-Future-Bank_tcm115-6011479_tcm115-2750237-32.jpg" alt="" width="312" height="312" class="bordernone"></p> <p>Reimagine the financial sector with Fujitsu</p> <p>How financial services can provide value for customers and employees in the next normal</p> <div class="moreinfo"> <p>Find out more</p> </div> </a> </div> <div class="sub-featurestory"> <a href="/uk/imagesgig5/6887-RegTech-White-Paper-SCREEN-v1.2.pdf" target=_blank> <p><img src="/sg/imagesgig5/RegTech-White-Paper_tcm115-5377292_tcm115-2750237-32.jpg" alt="" width="312" height="312" class="bordernone"></p> <p>Breaking down global RegTech barriers. Enabling the Financial Services ecosystem to deliver trusted solutions</p> <p>Financial regulation is a complex business, but there are some key areas, if focussed on in a progressive manner, can make significant positive changes to our regulatory landscape.</p> <div class="moreinfo"> <p>Find out more</p> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section" style="background-color: #eeeeee;"><div class="section-inner"><div class="col_50"><h2>Webcast: Why should you become a "Purpose-led" organization?</h2><p>Online banking and insurance services gained pace during the pandemic. While banks built "open banking" ecosystems and insurers improved customer experiences, e-commerce today has integrated most customer engagements. We show how a new focus on consumer experience and workstyle helps build financial ecosystems aligned to future market needs.</p><a href="/sg/imagesgig5/FUJITSU_FS_SUSTAINABLE_BANKING_WHITE_PAPER-V6.pdf">Read our White Paper "The Financial Services Sector: Purpose-led from the beginning"</a></div><div class="col_50" style="text-align: center;"><img alt="Purpose-led organization" title="Why should you become a " src="/sg/imagesgig5/Webcast-%20Why%20should%20you%20become%20a%20Purpose-led%20organization_tcm115-6352424_tcm115-2750236-32.png" /><p><a class="btn-a" href="" target="_blank">Listen to our webcast</a></p></div></div></div> <div class="section "> <div class="section-inner"> <h2>Purpose-driven partnerships</h2> <p>Enabling your people, your customers, and your entire business with the right technologies, applications, and systems is a collective endeavor. That’s why we’ve built a global ecosystem of leading technology vendors and other organizations to help you leverage the power of digital to drive your purpose and build trust.</p> <p>We connect the right services and financial technologies together to shape your unique ecosystem so it’s aligned with your business objectives and and capable of adapting to new needs as they develop.</p> <img src="/global/imagesgig5/partner-logos_tcm100-5235213_tcm100-2750236-32.png" alt="Partner logos" class="partner-logos"> </div></div> <div class="section tile-plain-1 section-promotion-outside"> <div class="section-inside"> <h2>Case studies</h2> <a href="" target=_blank> <div class="section-promotion"> <div class="section-promotion-image"> <p> <img src="/sg/imagesgig5/case-study-main_tcm115-5235205_tcm115-2750222-32.jpg" alt="" width="496" height="310"> </p> </div> <div class="section-promotion-content"> <h3 class="section-promotion-headline">Telematics - transforming car insurance and improving driver safety</h3> <p>The number of traffic accidents is generally on the decline due to improved vehicle safety and new traffic safety measures. However, changing consumer needs are creating the demand for improved accident support services.</p> <div class="moreinfo"> <p>Read More</p> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="section tile-plain-1"> <div class="section-inside"> <div class="carousel-box"> <p class="nev-prev-btn"><button><img src=/common/img/arrow_left.gif alt="back" width="32" height="64"></button></p> <div class="carousel-box-inside"> <ul> <li> <a href="" target=_blank> <img src="/sg/imagesgig5/case-study-main_tcm115-5235205_tcm115-2750225-32.jpg" alt="" width="280" height="175"> <span class="textsmall">Telematics - transforming car insurance and improving driver safety</span> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" target=_blank> <img src="/sg/imagesgig5/case-study-carousel-2_tcm115-5235202_tcm115-2750225-32.jpg" alt="" width="280" height="175"> <span class="textsmall">Digital Annealer gives MELCO Investments a competitive advantage by providing them with more through analysis, to offer stable, long-term returns for their customers</span> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" target=_blank> <img src="/sg/imagesgig5/BIL-image_tcm115-6305879_tcm115-2750225-32.png" alt="case-study-carousel-3-BIL" width="280" height="175"> <span class="textsmall">A virtual agent based on RPA processes 80% of common HR requests, freeing up valuable resources</span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <p class="nev-next-btn"><button><img src=/common/img/arrow_right.gif alt="next" width="32" height="64"></button></p> </div> <div class="moreinfo textcenter"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section" style="margin-bottom:-30pt"><div class="section-inner"><center><h2>Fujitsu Blog: Latest insights from our Financial Services Solutions experts</h2></center></div></div><div class="sub-featurestories"> <div class="sub-featurestories-inside"> <div class="sub-featurestory"> <a href="" > <p><img src="/sg/imagesgig5/Employee-Experience_tcm115-5610051_tcm115-2750237-32.jpg" alt="" width="312" height="312" class="bordernone"></p> <p>Employee Experience is a Driver for Change in Financial Services</p> <p>When implementing workforce technology, employee experience and ensuring worker wellbeing are key considerations for financial services ICT decision-makers.</p> <div class="moreinfo"> <p>Read more</p> </div> </a> </div> <div class="sub-featurestory"> <a href="" > <p><img src="/sg/imagesgig5/financial-services-sector_tcm115-5562128_tcm115-2750237-32.jpg" alt="" width="312" height="312" class="bordernone"></p> <p> It’s official - the financial services sector is ahead when it comes to digital transformation</p> <p>The finance sector is a leader in digital solutions, providing ever-improving services and experiences for its customers</p> <div class="moreinfo"> <p>Read more</p> </div> </a> </div> <div class="sub-featurestory"> <a href="" > <p><img src="/sg/imagesgig5/DX-within-financial-services_tcm115-5610059_tcm115-2750237-32.jpg" alt="" width="312" height="312" class="bordernone"></p> <p>DX within financial services – delivering on purpose-driven sustainable business goals</p> <p>Trust and sustainability are seen as the foundation for successful digital transformation in the financial sector.</p> <div class="moreinfo"> <p>Read more</p> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section"><div class="section-inner"><strong>*<a href="" target="_blank;">Global Fujitsu Financial Services Report: From demanding to discerning: Technology and the new banking customer</a></strong></div></div> </div> </main> <div class="page-top"> <a href="#top"><img src="//" alt="Top of Page" width="56" height="56"></a> </div> </div> <footer> <div id="footer"> <div id="footer-group-nav"> <div id="footer-group-nav-inner"> <div id="footer-nav-b"> <ul class="utility"> <li><a href="/sg/about/resources/terms/">Terms of use</a></li> <li><a href="/sg/about/resources/privacy/">Privacy</a></li> <li><a href="/sg/about/resources/contact/">Contact</a></li> <li><a href="/sg/htmlsitemap.html">Sitemap</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div id="footer-group-utility"> <dl class="social-content"> <dt>Official Social Media Accounts</dt> <dd> <ul class="social"> <li> <a href=""> <img src="/sg/imagesgig5/icon-linkedin_tcm115-3002784_tcm115-3526238-32.png" alt="LinkedIn"> </a> </li> <li> <a href=""> <img src="/sg/imagesgig5/icon-facebook-32_tcm115-3002773_tcm115-3526238-32.png" alt="Facebook"> </a> </li> </ul> </dd> </dl> </div> <div id="footer-group-bylaw"> <ul class="legal-info"> </ul> <p class="copyright"><small><a href="/sg/about/resources/terms/">Copyright 1995 - 2025 Fujitsu</a></small></p> </div> </div> </footer> <script src=/incv5/lib/jquery.js type="text/javascript"></script> <script src=/incv5/gig5-common.js type="text/javascript"></script> </body> </html>