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Meta-data associated with TV programmes and movies plays a very important role in consumption patterns and engagement with any DTH, Cable or OTT platform. </div> <div class="content_container"> UREQA, an NDTV venture, is one of India’s leading provider of video metadata services including rich multimedia information, ratings, TV channel line-ups, programming and scheduling data covering multiple languages (English, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Marathi, Kannada, Bengali etc.) </div> <div class="content_container"> UREQA's EPG Platform includes rich metadata including synopsis, movie star-cast, poster images, channel images, etc with metadata delivery via email, API, FTP with automated failure notifications and supports multiple formats – JSON, XML, XLS. </div> <div class="content_container"> EPG information from UREQA gives OTT platforms, Smart TVs and online sites a comprehensive information backend to improve their offering to their users increasing engagement and time spent on their platforms. </div> <div class="content_container"> <h3>Services Offered</h3> <ul> <li>1. TV Guides</li> <li>2. EPG Scheduling & Distribution</li> <li>3. EPG Aggregation</li> <li>4. Rich Metadata</li> <li>5. Images</li> <li>6. Multi Language EPG</li> <li>7. Regional EPG</li> </ul> </div> <div class="complain-detailst"> <div class="complain_title"> <form method="get" name="complaint"> <div class="details-of-complaint"> <div class="complain-detailst"> <div class="complain_title"> <h3>Contact Us</h3> <span>Fields marked with <sub>*</sub> are mandatory</span> </div> <div class="complain_form"> <label>Name <sub>*</sub></label> <input name="txt_Name" type="text" id="txt_Name" class="fs14" /> </div> <div class="complain_form"> <label>Company <sub>*</sub></label> <input name="txt_Company" type="text" id="txt_Company" class="fs14" /> </div> <div class="complain_form"> <label>Phone No. <sub>*</sub></label> <input name="txt_Phone" type="text" maxlength="20" id="txt_Phone" class="fs14" /> </div> <div class="complain_form"> <label>Email <sub>*</sub></label> <input name="txt_Email" type="text" id="txt_Email" class="fs14" /> </div> <div class="complain_form"> <label>Pick Service(s) <sub>*</sub></label> <select size="4" name="drpServices" multiple="multiple" id="drpServices" class="fs14" style="height:125px;width:370px;"> <option value="TV Guides">TV Guides</option> <option value="EPG Scheduling and Distribution">EPG Scheduling & Distribution</option> <option value="EPG Aggregation">EPG Aggregation</option> <option value="Rich Metadata">Rich Metadata</option> <option value="Images">Images</option> <option value="Multi Language EPG">Multi Language EPG</option> <option value="Regional EPG">Regional EPG</option> </select> </div> <div class="complain_form"> <label>Message <sub>*</sub></label> <textarea name="txt_Message" rows="7" cols="20" id="txt_Message" class="fs14"> </textarea> </div> <div class="complain_form"> <label>Captcha <sub>*</sub></label> <div style="float: right; 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