Ashley Mackin Solomon – San Diego Union-Tribune

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class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="New San Diego apartment complex charges more than $4K for a two-bedroom"> <span class="dfm-title premium"> 🪟 $4K for 2-bedroom apartment </span> </a> </li> <li class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Photos: Friar drills"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> 📸 Photos: Padres in Peoria </span> </a> </li> <li class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="‘A cultural shift you can’t deny’: San Diego Reader ceases printing and goes fully digital"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> 💻 San Diego Reader ends print </span> </a> </li> <li class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="UC San Diego gets record 160,150 applications for fall undergraduate 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class="author-bio body-copy"> <div class="author-full-bio"> Ashley Mackin-Solomon is a reporter for the La Jolla Light, covering everything from community planning, sports, science, the arts, personalities and more. She has been with La Jolla Light since 2012. Prior to that, she was the editor of San Diego Uptown News; an intern with a New York-based publishing company, contributing to parenting magazines; and a reporter for the Eureka Reporter newspaper. She earned her journalism degree from Humboldt State University, now Cal Poly Humboldt. Outside of work, she enjoys being outdoors, yoga, cooking and stand-up comedy. </div> <div class="author-trust-fields"> </div> </div> </div><aside class="header-sidebar"> <div class="dfp-ad dfp-cube1_rrail_atf" id="div-gpt-ad-cube1_rrail_atf" style="visibility:hidden"> <div class="htlad-cube1_rrail_atf" data-unit='' data-targeting=''></div> </div></aside><div class="author-stories-feed"><h2 class="widget-title">All Stories</h2><div class="load-more-wrapper"> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9218261 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-bird-rock location-california location-la-jolla location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9218261" data-timestamp="1740058702" > <figure> <a href="" title="Former La Jollan offers ‘reflections on aging’ in latest book" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Former La Jollan offers ‘reflections on aging’ in latest book"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Louise Stanger says she seeks to challenge conventional wisdom about what is possible as we age" title="Louise Stanger says she seeks to challenge conventional wisdom about what is possible as we age" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Former La Jollan offers ‘reflections on aging’ in latest book"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Former La Jollan offers ‘reflections on aging’ in latest book </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-02-20 13:38:29">February 20, 2025 at 1:38 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Louise Stanger says she seeks to challenge conventional wisdom about what is possible as we age </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9217212 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-california location-la-jolla location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9217212" data-timestamp="1739966138" > <figure> <a href="" title="After closed session, La Jolla merchants group is mostly mum about any actions regarding allegations against executive director" class=""></a> <a href="" title="After closed session, La Jolla merchants group is mostly mum about any actions regarding allegations against executive director"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="The Village Merchants Association board says it will issue a statement soon as Jodi Rudick, who has been accused of conflict of interest, bullying and other misconduct, gets support from several locals" title="The Village Merchants Association board says it will issue a statement soon as Jodi Rudick, who has been accused of conflict of interest, bullying and other misconduct, gets support from several locals" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="After closed session, La Jolla merchants group is mostly mum about any actions regarding allegations against executive director"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> After closed session, La Jolla merchants group is mostly mum about any actions regarding allegations against executive director </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-02-19 11:55:49">February 19, 2025 at 11:55 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> The Village Merchants Association board says it will issue a statement soon as Jodi Rudick, who has been accused of conflict of interest, bullying and other misconduct, gets support from... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9215853 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-business category-la-jolla-light-news location-california location-la-jolla location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9215853" data-timestamp="1739872815" > <figure> <a href="" title="La Jolla gets a new Think Tank for Children" class=""></a> <a href="" title="La Jolla gets a new Think Tank for Children"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="The learning center for kids ages 6-11 run by local resident and retired educator Mary Sue Lindsay offers daily challenges and longer-term projects" title="The learning center for kids ages 6-11 run by local resident and retired educator Mary Sue Lindsay offers daily challenges and longer-term projects" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="La Jolla gets a new Think Tank for Children"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> La Jolla gets a new Think Tank for Children </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-02-18 10:00:33">February 18, 2025 at 10:00 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> The learning center for kids ages 6-11 run by local resident and retired educator Mary Sue Lindsay offers daily challenges and longer-term projects </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9215655 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-california location-la-jolla location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9215655" data-timestamp="1739865621" > <figure> <a href="" title="La Jolla News Nuggets: Appeal postponed; 50 years at Salk; Prozac study; Gillispie blood drive; more" class=""></a> <a href="" title="La Jolla News Nuggets: Appeal postponed; 50 years at Salk; Prozac study; Gillispie blood drive; more"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="News and events in brief" title="News and events in brief" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="La Jolla News Nuggets: Appeal postponed; 50 years at Salk; Prozac study; Gillispie blood drive; more"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> La Jolla News Nuggets: Appeal postponed; 50 years at Salk; Prozac study; Gillispie blood drive; more </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-02-18 08:00:48">February 18, 2025 at 8:00 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> News and events in brief </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9214944 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-bird-rock location-california location-la-jolla location-la-jolla-shores location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9214944" data-timestamp="1739793627" > <figure> <a href="" title="La Jolla crime and public safety news: Police blotter" class=""></a> <a href="" title="La Jolla crime and public safety news: Police blotter"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Crime and public safety" title="Crime and public safety" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="La Jolla crime and public safety news: Police blotter"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> La Jolla crime and public safety news: Police blotter </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-02-17 12:00:38">February 17, 2025 at 12:00 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Crime and public safety </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9214232 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news tag-top-stories-sdut location-bird-rock location-california location-la-jolla location-la-jolla-shores location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9214232" data-timestamp="1739696412" > <figure> <a href="" title="Negotiations would decide how much ‘alimony’ a city of La Jolla would need to pay in a breakup with San Diego" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Negotiations would decide how much ‘alimony’ a city of La Jolla would need to pay in a breakup with San Diego"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Feasibility study &#039;does not estimate annual mitigation payments&#039; for the impact of lost revenue" title="Feasibility study &#039;does not estimate annual mitigation payments&#039; for the impact of lost revenue" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Negotiations would decide how much ‘alimony’ a city of La Jolla would need to pay in a breakup with San Diego"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Negotiations would decide how much ‘alimony’ a city of La Jolla would need to pay in a breakup with San Diego </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-02-17 06:26:13">February 17, 2025 at 6:26 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Feasibility study 'does not estimate annual mitigation payments' for the impact of lost revenue </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9213554 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-bird-rock location-california location-la-jolla location-la-jolla-shores location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9213554" data-timestamp="1739616022" > <figure> <a href="" title="La Jolla library and special events face likely impacts from proposed San Diego fee hikes" class=""></a> <a href="" title="La Jolla library and special events face likely impacts from proposed San Diego fee hikes"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Changes could increase fees by an average of 20%" title="Changes could increase fees by an average of 20%" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="La Jolla library and special events face likely impacts from proposed San Diego fee hikes"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> La Jolla library and special events face likely impacts from proposed San Diego fee hikes </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-02-18 10:02:17">February 18, 2025 at 10:02 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Changes could increase fees by an average of 20% </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9212347 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-california location-la-jolla location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9212347" data-timestamp="1739473918" > <figure> <a href="" title="Additional accusations brought against La Jolla merchants director" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Additional accusations brought against La Jolla merchants director"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="New allegations about the Village Merchants Association&#039;s Jodi Rudick include a contract violation and mistreatment of interns" title="New allegations about the Village Merchants Association&#039;s Jodi Rudick include a contract violation and mistreatment of interns" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Additional accusations brought against La Jolla merchants director"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Additional accusations brought against La Jolla merchants director </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-02-14 09:49:57">February 14, 2025 at 9:49 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> New allegations about the Village Merchants Association's Jodi Rudick include a contract violation and mistreatment of interns </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9212069 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-things-to-do location-california location-la-jolla location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9212069" data-timestamp="1739457134" > <figure> <a href="" title="Persian New Year celebration returning to La Jolla" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Persian New Year celebration returning to La Jolla"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="The second &#039;Views of Nowruz&#039; festival will be held Wednesday, March 19, organized by La Jolla Village Merchants Association board member Elnaz Iraj" title="The second &#039;Views of Nowruz&#039; festival will be held Wednesday, March 19, organized by La Jolla Village Merchants Association board member Elnaz Iraj" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Persian New Year celebration returning to La Jolla"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Persian New Year celebration returning to La Jolla </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-02-13 14:40:50">February 13, 2025 at 2:40 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> The second 'Views of Nowruz' festival will be held Wednesday, March 19, organized by La Jolla Village Merchants Association board member Elnaz Iraj </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9211141 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news category-la-jolla-light-real-estate location-bird-rock location-california location-la-jolla location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9211141" data-timestamp="1739381523" > <figure> <a href="" title="La Jolla development reviewers give thumbs down to revised Wrelton Drive home plan" class=""></a> <a href="" title="La Jolla development reviewers give thumbs down to revised Wrelton Drive home plan"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="The proposed remodeling of a fire-damaged house still draws local concerns, as does absence of some information requested by the DPR Committee" title="The proposed remodeling of a fire-damaged house still draws local concerns, as does absence of some information requested by the DPR Committee" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="La Jolla development reviewers give thumbs down to revised Wrelton Drive home plan"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> La Jolla development reviewers give thumbs down to revised Wrelton Drive home plan </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-02-12 17:32:11">February 12, 2025 at 5:32 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> The proposed remodeling of a fire-damaged house still draws local concerns, as does absence of some information requested by the DPR Committee </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9210896 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news category-la-jolla-light-real-estate location-california location-la-jolla location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9210896" data-timestamp="1739370017" > <figure> <a href="" title="Plans for home development on vacant La Jolla lot get S.D. hearing officer’s approval" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Plans for home development on vacant La Jolla lot get S.D. hearing officer’s approval"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="The proposal calls for a 4,792-square-foot two-story house with an attached garage at the southwest end of Romero Drive" title="The proposal calls for a 4,792-square-foot two-story house with an attached garage at the southwest end of Romero Drive" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Plans for home development on vacant La Jolla lot get S.D. hearing officer’s approval"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Plans for home development on vacant La Jolla lot get S.D. hearing officer’s approval </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-02-12 14:20:22">February 12, 2025 at 2:20 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> The proposal calls for a 4,792-square-foot two-story house with an attached garage at the southwest end of Romero Drive </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9209387 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-california location-la-jolla location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9209387" data-timestamp="1739268029" > <figure> <a href="" title="La Jolla News Nuggets: Medal of Honor plaque; help for L.A.; Foxhill appeal; more" class=""></a> <a href="" title="La Jolla News Nuggets: Medal of Honor plaque; help for L.A.; Foxhill appeal; more"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="News and events in brief" title="News and events in brief" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="La Jolla News Nuggets: Medal of Honor plaque; help for L.A.; Foxhill appeal; more"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> La Jolla News Nuggets: Medal of Honor plaque; help for L.A.; Foxhill appeal; more </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-02-17 11:00:14">February 17, 2025 at 11:00 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> News and events in brief </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9208620 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-bird-rock location-california location-la-jolla location-la-jolla-shores location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9208620" data-timestamp="1739196004" > <figure> <a href="" title="La Jolla crime and public safety news: Driver arrested after ‘near-crashes’; rape reported; police blotter" class=""></a> <a href="" title="La Jolla crime and public safety news: Driver arrested after ‘near-crashes’; rape reported; police blotter"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Crime and public safety" title="Crime and public safety" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="La Jolla crime and public safety news: Driver arrested after ‘near-crashes’; rape reported; police blotter"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> La Jolla crime and public safety news: Driver arrested after ‘near-crashes’; rape reported; police blotter </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-02-10 15:05:21">February 10, 2025 at 3:05 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Crime and public safety </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9208356 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-california location-la-jolla location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9208356" data-timestamp="1739181655" > <figure> <a href="" title="‘Breaking Up With Dairy’: La Jollan’s book looks to provide new approaches to cooking" class=""></a> <a href="" title="‘Breaking Up With Dairy’: La Jollan’s book looks to provide new approaches to cooking"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Private chef Bailey Ruskus says she wants &#039;to show people you can have all the delicious things that are made from dairy but in a dairy-free way&#039;" title="Private chef Bailey Ruskus says she wants &#039;to show people you can have all the delicious things that are made from dairy but in a dairy-free way&#039;" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="‘Breaking Up With Dairy’: La Jollan’s book looks to provide new approaches to cooking"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> ‘Breaking Up With Dairy’: La Jollan’s book looks to provide new approaches to cooking </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-02-10 10:01:12">February 10, 2025 at 10:01 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Private chef Bailey Ruskus says she wants 'to show people you can have all the delicious things that are made from dairy but in a dairy-free way' </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9208181 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-bird-rock location-california location-la-jolla location-la-jolla-shores location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9208181" data-timestamp="1739170828" > <figure> <a href="" title="10 candidates eye six seats on La Jolla Community Planning Association board" class=""></a> <a href="" title="10 candidates eye six seats on La Jolla Community Planning Association board"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Nine candidates attend a forum in preparation for the election March 6" title="Nine candidates attend a forum in preparation for the election March 6" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="10 candidates eye six seats on La Jolla Community Planning Association board"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> 10 candidates eye six seats on La Jolla Community Planning Association board </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-02-10 07:01:13">February 10, 2025 at 7:01 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Nine candidates attend a forum in preparation for the election March 6 </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9206676 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-california location-la-jolla location-la-jolla-shores location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9206676" data-timestamp="1739012456" > <figure> <a href="" title="La Jolla planners briefed on UC San Diego housing plans" class=""></a> <a href="" title="La Jolla planners briefed on UC San Diego housing plans"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Two upcoming projects on campus are intended to provide beds for 8,400 students" title="Two upcoming projects on campus are intended to provide beds for 8,400 students" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="La Jolla planners briefed on UC San Diego housing plans"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> La Jolla planners briefed on UC San Diego housing plans </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-02-10 07:59:10">February 10, 2025 at 7:59 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Two upcoming projects on campus are intended to provide beds for 8,400 students </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9206428 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-california location-la-jolla location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9206428" data-timestamp="1738953644" > <figure> <a href="" title="Allegations of bullying and conflict of interest against executive director roil La Jolla merchants group" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Allegations of bullying and conflict of interest against executive director roil La Jolla merchants group"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Two former board presidents criticize Jodi Rudick regarding her drafting of proposed bylaw amendments, conduct toward merchants and financial client-adviser relationship with the current president" title="Two former board presidents criticize Jodi Rudick regarding her drafting of proposed bylaw amendments, conduct toward merchants and financial client-adviser relationship with the current president" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Allegations of bullying and conflict of interest against executive director roil La Jolla merchants group"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Allegations of bullying and conflict of interest against executive director roil La Jolla merchants group </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-02-10 16:57:31">February 10, 2025 at 4:57 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Two former board presidents criticize Jodi Rudick regarding her drafting of proposed bylaw amendments, conduct toward merchants and financial client-adviser relationship with the current president </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9206035 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-california location-la-jolla location-la-jolla-shores location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9206035" data-timestamp="1738929233" > <figure> <a href="" title="La Jolla’s Scripps Oceanography welcomes Black in Marine Science Week participants" class=""></a> <a href="" title="La Jolla’s Scripps Oceanography welcomes Black in Marine Science Week participants"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Activities aim to inspire people of color to pursue careers in marine science and help them stay in it" title="Activities aim to inspire people of color to pursue careers in marine science and help them stay in it" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="La Jolla’s Scripps Oceanography welcomes Black in Marine Science Week participants"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> La Jolla’s Scripps Oceanography welcomes Black in Marine Science Week participants </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-02-07 11:54:04">February 7, 2025 at 11:54 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Activities aim to inspire people of color to pursue careers in marine science and help them stay in it </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9205330 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-bird-rock location-california location-la-jolla location-la-jolla-shores location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9205330" data-timestamp="1738864854" > <figure> <a href="" title="How would a city of La Jolla work and how much would it cost? Feasibility study weighs in" class=""></a> <a href="" title="How would a city of La Jolla work and how much would it cost? Feasibility study weighs in"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Report prepared for the Association for the City of La Jolla&#039;s application for cityhood projects a $74.8 million budget and an $8 million surplus in the first year. It also spells out possibilities for management and services." title="Report prepared for the Association for the City of La Jolla&#039;s application for cityhood projects a $74.8 million budget and an $8 million surplus in the first year. It also spells out possibilities for management and services." subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="How would a city of La Jolla work and how much would it cost? Feasibility study weighs in"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> How would a city of La Jolla work and how much would it cost? Feasibility study weighs in </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-02-15 23:32:53">February 15, 2025 at 11:32 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Report prepared for the Association for the City of La Jolla's application for cityhood projects a $74.8 million budget and an $8 million surplus in the first year. It also... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9204047 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-things-to-do location-california location-la-jolla location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9204047" data-timestamp="1738771214" > <figure> <a href="" title="Princeton singing troupe coming to La Jolla, marking a homecoming for Bishop’s grad" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Princeton singing troupe coming to La Jolla, marking a homecoming for Bishop’s grad"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="The Tigertones, including Raphael Delgado, will visit The Bishop’s School and possibly St. James by-the-Sea Episcopal Church in March" title="The Tigertones, including Raphael Delgado, will visit The Bishop’s School and possibly St. James by-the-Sea Episcopal Church in March" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Princeton singing troupe coming to La Jolla, marking a homecoming for Bishop’s grad"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Princeton singing troupe coming to La Jolla, marking a homecoming for Bishop’s grad </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-02-05 16:00:32">February 5, 2025 at 4:00 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> The Tigertones, including Raphael Delgado, will visit The Bishop’s School and possibly St. James by-the-Sea Episcopal Church in March </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9201788 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-del-mar-times category-del-mar-times-things-to-do category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-things-to-do category-rancho-santa-fe-review category-rancho-santa-fe-review-things-to-do location-california location-la-jolla location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9201788" data-timestamp="1738753220" > <figure> <a href="" title="Pedal to the metal: La Jolla Concours d’Elegance to feature hot rods, legendary designs and a ‘Ford vs. Ferrari’ display" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Pedal to the metal: La Jolla Concours d’Elegance to feature hot rods, legendary designs and a ‘Ford vs. Ferrari’ display"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="The classic car show will return to The Village on April 25-27" title="The classic car show will return to The Village on April 25-27" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Pedal to the metal: La Jolla Concours d’Elegance to feature hot rods, legendary designs and a ‘Ford vs. Ferrari’ display"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Pedal to the metal: La Jolla Concours d’Elegance to feature hot rods, legendary designs and a ‘Ford vs. Ferrari’ display </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-02-06 10:22:16">February 6, 2025 at 10:22 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> The classic car show will return to The Village on April 25-27 </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9203364 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-sports location-california location-la-jolla location-la-jolla-shores location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9203364" data-timestamp="1738742411" > <figure> <a href="" title="Decades on the diamond: La Jolla Youth Baseball families reflect on multiple generations of players" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Decades on the diamond: La Jolla Youth Baseball families reflect on multiple generations of players"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="The league, which dates to 1952, is preparing to open its new season Feb. 22" title="The league, which dates to 1952, is preparing to open its new season Feb. 22" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Decades on the diamond: La Jolla Youth Baseball families reflect on multiple generations of players"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Decades on the diamond: La Jolla Youth Baseball families reflect on multiple generations of players </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-02-05 08:00:39">February 5, 2025 at 8:00 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> The league, which dates to 1952, is preparing to open its new season Feb. 22 </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9202237 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-california location-la-jolla location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9202237" data-timestamp="1738652404" > <figure> <a href="" title="La Jolla News Nuggets: The French Gourmet sold, Town Council cell tower town hall, Lunar New Year fashion show, more" class=""></a> <a href="" title="La Jolla News Nuggets: The French Gourmet sold, Town Council cell tower town hall, Lunar New Year fashion show, more"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="News and events in brief" title="News and events in brief" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="La Jolla News Nuggets: The French Gourmet sold, Town Council cell tower town hall, Lunar New Year fashion show, more"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> La Jolla News Nuggets: The French Gourmet sold, Town Council cell tower town hall, Lunar New Year fashion show, more </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-02-04 07:00:48">February 4, 2025 at 7:00 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> News and events in brief </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9201921 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-bird-rock location-california location-la-jolla location-la-jolla-shores location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9201921" data-timestamp="1738602059" > <figure> <a href="" title="La Jolla crime and public safety news: Commercial fire, blotter" class=""></a> <a href="" title="La Jolla crime and public safety news: Commercial fire, blotter"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Crime and public safety" title="Crime and public safety" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="La Jolla crime and public safety news: Commercial fire, blotter"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> La Jolla crime and public safety news: Commercial fire, blotter </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-02-03 17:01:15">February 3, 2025 at 5:01 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Crime and public safety </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9195374 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-espanol tag-espanol-primera-plana" data-id="9195374" data-timestamp="1738569635" > <figure> <a href="" title="Se instala el cartel &#8220;Bienvenidos a La Jolla&#8221;, con planes para iluminación y plantas" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Se instala el cartel &#8220;Bienvenidos a La Jolla&#8221;, con planes para iluminación y plantas"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="El cartel, que dice “Bienvenidos a La Jolla, California”, culmina tres años de trabajo." title="El cartel, que dice “Bienvenidos a La Jolla, California”, culmina tres años de trabajo." subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Se instala el cartel &#8220;Bienvenidos a La Jolla&#8221;, con planes para iluminación y plantas"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Se instala el cartel &#8220;Bienvenidos a La Jolla&#8221;, con planes para iluminación y plantas </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-02-03 08:52:43">February 3, 2025 at 8:52 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> El cartel, que dice “Bienvenidos a La Jolla, California”, culmina tres años de trabajo. </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9198062 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-bird-rock location-california location-la-jolla location-la-jolla-shores location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9198062" data-timestamp="1738483253" > <figure> <a href="" title="Is La Jolla ready for a wildfire? A look at evacuation routes and safety measures just in case" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Is La Jolla ready for a wildfire? A look at evacuation routes and safety measures just in case"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Taking preemptive steps to protect your home and plan your exit can reduce danger and help firefighters do their jobs, first responders say" title="Taking preemptive steps to protect your home and plan your exit can reduce danger and help firefighters do their jobs, first responders say" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Is La Jolla ready for a wildfire? A look at evacuation routes and safety measures just in case"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Is La Jolla ready for a wildfire? A look at evacuation routes and safety measures just in case </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-02-02 09:21:17">February 2, 2025 at 9:21 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Taking preemptive steps to protect your home and plan your exit can reduce danger and help firefighters do their jobs, first responders say </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9197630 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-california location-la-jolla location-la-jolla-shores location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9197630" data-timestamp="1738407604" > <figure> <a href="" title="Villa La Jolla Drive repair causes worry about ongoing traffic impacts" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Villa La Jolla Drive repair causes worry about ongoing traffic impacts"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="A project to repair a sinkhole and a collapsed storm drain is expected to be finished by the end of May, the city of San Diego says" title="A project to repair a sinkhole and a collapsed storm drain is expected to be finished by the end of May, the city of San Diego says" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Villa La Jolla Drive repair causes worry about ongoing traffic impacts"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Villa La Jolla Drive repair causes worry about ongoing traffic impacts </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-02-01 11:00:14">February 1, 2025 at 11:00 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> A project to repair a sinkhole and a collapsed storm drain is expected to be finished by the end of May, the city of San Diego says </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9196442 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-espanol tag-espanol-primera-plana" data-id="9196442" data-timestamp="1738309444" > <figure> <a href="" title="La junta de parques de La Jolla escucha más preocupaciones sobre la torre de celular planeada en el sendero para bicicletas" class=""></a> <a href="" title="La junta de parques de La Jolla escucha más preocupaciones sobre la torre de celular planeada en el sendero para bicicletas"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="La propuesta en curso tiene como objetivo instalar equipo inalámbrico de AT&amp;T " title="La propuesta en curso tiene como objetivo instalar equipo inalámbrico de AT&amp;T " subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <a class="article-title" href="" title="La junta de parques de La Jolla escucha más preocupaciones sobre la torre de celular planeada en el sendero para bicicletas"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> La junta de parques de La Jolla escucha más preocupaciones sobre la torre de celular planeada en el sendero para bicicletas </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-01-31 07:44:04">January 31, 2025 at 7:44 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> La propuesta en curso tiene como objetivo instalar equipo inalámbrico de AT&amp;T </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9195730 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-bird-rock location-california location-la-jolla location-la-jolla-shores location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9195730" data-timestamp="1738235103" > <figure> <a href="" title="La Jolla cityhood advocates submit application to detach from San Diego" class=""></a> <a href="" title="La Jolla cityhood advocates submit application to detach from San Diego"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="The Association for the City of La Jolla says it raised $132,000 to cover an application deposit and LAFCO legal fees" title="The Association for the City of La Jolla says it raised $132,000 to cover an application deposit and LAFCO legal fees" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="La Jolla cityhood advocates submit application to detach from San Diego"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> La Jolla cityhood advocates submit application to detach from San Diego </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-02-03 17:37:08">February 3, 2025 at 5:37 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> The Association for the City of La Jolla says it raised $132,000 to cover an application deposit and LAFCO legal fees </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9194603 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-california location-la-jolla location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9194603" data-timestamp="1738158312" > <figure> <a href="" title="La Jolla parks board hears more concerns about planned cell tower on bike path" class=""></a> <a href="" title="La Jolla parks board hears more concerns about planned cell tower on bike path"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Ongoing proposal aims to install AT&amp;T wireless equipment in a 30-foot-tall monument tower, along with nine antennas on six smaller mounts along the path" title="Ongoing proposal aims to install AT&amp;T wireless equipment in a 30-foot-tall monument tower, along with nine antennas on six smaller mounts along the path" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="La Jolla parks board hears more concerns about planned cell tower on bike path"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> La Jolla parks board hears more concerns about planned cell tower on bike path </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-01-29 13:45:17">January 29, 2025 at 1:45 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Ongoing proposal aims to install AT&amp;T wireless equipment in a 30-foot-tall monument tower, along with nine antennas on six smaller mounts along the path </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9194529 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-california location-la-jolla location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9194529" data-timestamp="1738153354" > <figure> <a href="" title="Incidents on Silverado Street cause temporary road closure" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Incidents on Silverado Street cause temporary road closure"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="A possible medical aid call leads to an argument involving a motorist driving through the scene, drawing responses from fire and police personnel" title="A possible medical aid call leads to an argument involving a motorist driving through the scene, drawing responses from fire and police personnel" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Incidents on Silverado Street cause temporary road closure"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Incidents on Silverado Street cause temporary road closure </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-01-29 12:22:36">January 29, 2025 at 12:22 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> A possible medical aid call leads to an argument involving a motorist driving through the scene, drawing responses from fire and police personnel </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9193834 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-california location-la-jolla location-la-jolla-shores location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9193834" data-timestamp="1738087233" > <figure> <a href="" title="‘Welcome to La Jolla’ sign is installed, with plans for plants and lighting" class=""></a> <a href="" title="‘Welcome to La Jolla’ sign is installed, with plans for plants and lighting"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Any leftover money from the Rotary Club of La Jolla&#039;s funding of the project might be used to start an endowment for ongoing maintenance and repairs" title="Any leftover money from the Rotary Club of La Jolla&#039;s funding of the project might be used to start an endowment for ongoing maintenance and repairs" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="‘Welcome to La Jolla’ sign is installed, with plans for plants and lighting"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> ‘Welcome to La Jolla’ sign is installed, with plans for plants and lighting </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-01-28 18:00:48">January 28, 2025 at 6:00 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Any leftover money from the Rotary Club of La Jolla's funding of the project might be used to start an endowment for ongoing maintenance and repairs </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9193802 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news category-la-jolla-light-real-estate location-bird-rock location-california location-la-jolla location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9193802" data-timestamp="1738081394" > <figure> <a href="" title="S.D. council upholds Planning Commission approval of Adelante Townhomes in La Jolla" class=""></a> <a href="" title="S.D. council upholds Planning Commission approval of Adelante Townhomes in La Jolla"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="An appeal of the 13-unit townhouse building with ground-floor retail proposed for Bird Rock had challenged density bonuses and waivers for the project and sought for it to be redesigned and reduced in size" title="An appeal of the 13-unit townhouse building with ground-floor retail proposed for Bird Rock had challenged density bonuses and waivers for the project and sought for it to be redesigned and reduced in size" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="S.D. council upholds Planning Commission approval of Adelante Townhomes in La Jolla"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> S.D. council upholds Planning Commission approval of Adelante Townhomes in La Jolla </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-01-28 16:23:22">January 28, 2025 at 4:23 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> An appeal of the 13-unit townhouse building with ground-floor retail proposed for Bird Rock had challenged density bonuses and waivers for the project and sought for it to be redesigned... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9193261 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-bird-rock location-california location-la-jolla location-la-jolla-shores location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9193261" data-timestamp="1738062046" > <figure> <a href="" title="La Jolla News Nuggets: Black Film Festival, home development, cancer research grant, more" class=""></a> <a href="" title="La Jolla News Nuggets: Black Film Festival, home development, cancer research grant, more"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="News and events in brief" title="News and events in brief" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="La Jolla News Nuggets: Black Film Festival, home development, cancer research grant, more"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> La Jolla News Nuggets: Black Film Festival, home development, cancer research grant, more </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-01-28 11:01:07">January 28, 2025 at 11:01 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> News and events in brief </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9193068 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-california location-la-jolla location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9193068" data-timestamp="1738054846" > <figure> <a href="" title="‘The Life Guide for Teens’: Book by La Jolla author looks to empower young people from within" class=""></a> <a href="" title="‘The Life Guide for Teens’: Book by La Jolla author looks to empower young people from within"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Dr. Ran Anbar features more than 100 steps teenagers can take to address many common problems" title="Dr. Ran Anbar features more than 100 steps teenagers can take to address many common problems" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="‘The Life Guide for Teens’: Book by La Jolla author looks to empower young people from within"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> ‘The Life Guide for Teens’: Book by La Jolla author looks to empower young people from within </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-01-28 09:32:11">January 28, 2025 at 9:32 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Dr. Ran Anbar features more than 100 steps teenagers can take to address many common problems </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9192208 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-california location-la-jolla location-la-jolla-shores location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9192208" data-timestamp="1737968406" > <figure> <a href="" title="What makes the biological clock tick? La Jolla scientists link two theories on aging" class=""></a> <a href="" title="What makes the biological clock tick? La Jolla scientists link two theories on aging"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="UCSD researchers work to pave the way for new therapies to slow or reverse the process" title="UCSD researchers work to pave the way for new therapies to slow or reverse the process" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="What makes the biological clock tick? La Jolla scientists link two theories on aging"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> What makes the biological clock tick? La Jolla scientists link two theories on aging </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-01-27 09:00:22">January 27, 2025 at 9:00 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> UCSD researchers work to pave the way for new therapies to slow or reverse the process </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9191143 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-sports location-california location-la-jolla location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9191143" data-timestamp="1737815446" > <figure> <a href="" title="Water work: La Jolla High athlete gets MVP award for persistence and power in the pool" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Water work: La Jolla High athlete gets MVP award for persistence and power in the pool"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Liam Flanagan worked and waited until halfway through his junior year to make the varsity water polo team, then became a star" title="Liam Flanagan worked and waited until halfway through his junior year to make the varsity water polo team, then became a star" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Water work: La Jolla High athlete gets MVP award for persistence and power in the pool"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Water work: La Jolla High athlete gets MVP award for persistence and power in the pool </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-01-25 14:31:08">January 25, 2025 at 2:31 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Liam Flanagan worked and waited until halfway through his junior year to make the varsity water polo team, then became a star </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9189506 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-espanol tag-espanol-primera-plana" data-id="9189506" data-timestamp="1737719340" > <figure> <a href="" title="El laboratorio de La Jolla hace un nuevo descubrimiento en la búsqueda de una vacuna contra el VIH" class=""></a> <a href="" title="El laboratorio de La Jolla hace un nuevo descubrimiento en la búsqueda de una vacuna contra el VIH"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="&quot;Es una reacción única en la que los anticuerpos se unen a otros anticuerpos, lo cual es raro&quot;" title="&quot;Es una reacción única en la que los anticuerpos se unen a otros anticuerpos, lo cual es raro&quot;" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <a class="article-title" href="" title="El laboratorio de La Jolla hace un nuevo descubrimiento en la búsqueda de una vacuna contra el VIH"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> El laboratorio de La Jolla hace un nuevo descubrimiento en la búsqueda de una vacuna contra el VIH </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-01-24 11:49:00">January 24, 2025 at 11:49 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> "Es una reacción única en la que los anticuerpos se unen a otros anticuerpos, lo cual es raro" </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9189535 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-espanol" data-id="9189535" data-timestamp="1737705964" > <figure> <a href="" title="Conciertos Bodhi Tree resaltarán lo que es ser ‘intrínsecamente mexicano’ antes del estreno mundial de ópera" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Conciertos Bodhi Tree resaltarán lo que es ser ‘intrínsecamente mexicano’ antes del estreno mundial de ópera"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="“Parte de la razón por la que estamos haciendo estos conciertos y ‘Pancho Rabbit and the Coyote’ " title="“Parte de la razón por la que estamos haciendo estos conciertos y ‘Pancho Rabbit and the Coyote’ " subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Conciertos Bodhi Tree resaltarán lo que es ser ‘intrínsecamente mexicano’ antes del estreno mundial de ópera"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Conciertos Bodhi Tree resaltarán lo que es ser ‘intrínsecamente mexicano’ antes del estreno mundial de ópera </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-01-24 08:06:04">January 24, 2025 at 8:06 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> “Parte de la razón por la que estamos haciendo estos conciertos y ‘Pancho Rabbit and the Coyote’ </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9189183 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-california location-la-jolla location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9189183" data-timestamp="1737655218" > <figure> <a href="" title="La Jolla lab makes new discovery in search for HIV vaccine" class=""></a> <a href="" title="La Jolla lab makes new discovery in search for HIV vaccine"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="A unique reaction in which antibodies bind to other antibodies may help scientists at Scripps Research better understand how to design a vaccine" title="A unique reaction in which antibodies bind to other antibodies may help scientists at Scripps Research better understand how to design a vaccine" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="La Jolla lab makes new discovery in search for HIV vaccine"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> La Jolla lab makes new discovery in search for HIV vaccine </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-01-23 18:00:26">January 23, 2025 at 6:00 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> A unique reaction in which antibodies bind to other antibodies may help scientists at Scripps Research better understand how to design a vaccine </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9188954 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news" data-id="9188954" data-timestamp="1737646742" > <figure> <a href="" title="Photo gallery: Evacuation orders are lifted after fire in La Jolla" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Photo gallery: Evacuation orders are lifted after fire in La Jolla"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="About 175 firefighters responded and kept the fire to three acres, San Diego authorities say" title="About 175 firefighters responded and kept the fire to three acres, San Diego authorities say" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Photo gallery: Evacuation orders are lifted after fire in La Jolla"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Photo gallery: Evacuation orders are lifted after fire in La Jolla </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-01-24 14:09:06">January 24, 2025 at 2:09 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> About 175 firefighters responded and kept the fire to three acres, San Diego authorities say </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9187006 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-things-to-do location-california location-la-jolla location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9187006" data-timestamp="1737532841" > <figure> <a href="" title="Bodhi Tree Concerts to highlight what is ‘intrinsically Mexican’ ahead of opera world premiere" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Bodhi Tree Concerts to highlight what is ‘intrinsically Mexican’ ahead of opera world premiere"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Three concerts in La Jolla and a music festival in City Heights will precede next January&#039;s opening of &#039;Pancho Rabbit and the Coyote&#039;" title="Three concerts in La Jolla and a music festival in City Heights will precede next January&#039;s opening of &#039;Pancho Rabbit and the Coyote&#039;" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Bodhi Tree Concerts to highlight what is ‘intrinsically Mexican’ ahead of opera world premiere"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Bodhi Tree Concerts to highlight what is ‘intrinsically Mexican’ ahead of opera world premiere </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-01-22 08:01:05">January 22, 2025 at 8:01 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Three concerts in La Jolla and a music festival in City Heights will precede next January's opening of 'Pancho Rabbit and the Coyote' </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9185855 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-bird-rock location-california location-la-jolla location-la-jolla-shores location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9185855" data-timestamp="1737453651" > <figure> <a href="" title="La Jolla News Nuggets: Jewish Film Festival; home plan gets ‘no’ vote; cancer studies; more" class=""></a> <a href="" title="La Jolla News Nuggets: Jewish Film Festival; home plan gets ‘no’ vote; cancer studies; more"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="News and events in brief" title="News and events in brief" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="La Jolla News Nuggets: Jewish Film Festival; home plan gets ‘no’ vote; cancer studies; more"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> La Jolla News Nuggets: Jewish Film Festival; home plan gets ‘no’ vote; cancer studies; more </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-01-21 10:01:14">January 21, 2025 at 10:01 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> News and events in brief </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9185489 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-bird-rock location-california location-la-jolla location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9185489" data-timestamp="1737442845" > <figure> <a href="" title="La Jolla architect Trip Bennett retires after 50 years" class=""></a> <a href="" title="La Jolla architect Trip Bennett retires after 50 years"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="After getting into architecture at random, he now &#039;can’t imagine doing anything else&#039;" title="After getting into architecture at random, he now &#039;can’t imagine doing anything else&#039;" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="La Jolla architect Trip Bennett retires after 50 years"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> La Jolla architect Trip Bennett retires after 50 years </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-01-21 07:01:09">January 21, 2025 at 7:01 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> After getting into architecture at random, he now 'can’t imagine doing anything else' </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9185002 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-bird-rock location-california location-la-jolla location-la-jolla-shores location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9185002" data-timestamp="1737392459" > <figure> <a href="" title="La Jolla crime and public safety news: Parking ticket scam, blotter" class=""></a> <a href="" title="La Jolla crime and public safety news: Parking ticket scam, blotter"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Crime and public safety" title="Crime and public safety" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="La Jolla crime and public safety news: Parking ticket scam, blotter"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> La Jolla crime and public safety news: Parking ticket scam, blotter </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-01-20 17:01:06">January 20, 2025 at 5:01 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Crime and public safety </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9184457 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-california location-la-jolla location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9184457" data-timestamp="1737378044" > <figure> <a href="" title="La Jolla streetscape plan progressing with project manager and fundraising" class=""></a> <a href="" title="La Jolla streetscape plan progressing with project manager and fundraising"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="The La Jolla Community Foundation says it has raised $4.3 million so far for the Girard Avenue renovation project" title="The La Jolla Community Foundation says it has raised $4.3 million so far for the Girard Avenue renovation project" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="La Jolla streetscape plan progressing with project manager and fundraising"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> La Jolla streetscape plan progressing with project manager and fundraising </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-01-20 13:00:52">January 20, 2025 at 1:00 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> The La Jolla Community Foundation says it has raised $4.3 million so far for the Girard Avenue renovation project </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9181527 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news category-la-jolla-light-real-estate location-bird-rock location-california location-la-jolla location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9181527" data-timestamp="1737116740" > <figure> <a href="" title="S.D. hearing officer OKs Bird Rock home development, despite fears that it will be a short-term rental" class=""></a> <a href="" title="S.D. hearing officer OKs Bird Rock home development, despite fears that it will be a short-term rental"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="The project would tear down a house on Calumet Avenue and replace it with one more than twice the size" title="The project would tear down a house on Calumet Avenue and replace it with one more than twice the size" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="S.D. hearing officer OKs Bird Rock home development, despite fears that it will be a short-term rental"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> S.D. hearing officer OKs Bird Rock home development, despite fears that it will be a short-term rental </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-01-17 12:25:46">January 17, 2025 at 12:25 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> The project would tear down a house on Calumet Avenue and replace it with one more than twice the size </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9180734 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-california location-la-jolla location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9180734" data-timestamp="1737043236" > <figure> <a href="" title="‘Marrakesh’ money: La Jolla’s Las Patronas grants $307K to six nonprofits" class=""></a> <a href="" title="‘Marrakesh’ money: La Jolla’s Las Patronas grants $307K to six nonprofits"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Photo gallery" title="Photo gallery" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="‘Marrakesh’ money: La Jolla’s Las Patronas grants $307K to six nonprofits"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> ‘Marrakesh’ money: La Jolla’s Las Patronas grants $307K to six nonprofits </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-01-16 16:01:01">January 16, 2025 at 4:01 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Photo gallery </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9180552 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news" data-id="9180552" data-timestamp="1737034328" > <figure> <a href="" title="Ocean water closure lifted in La Jolla Shores after sewage spill, but county still advises caution" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Ocean water closure lifted in La Jolla Shores after sewage spill, but county still advises caution"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="The water is reopened to swimmers 1,000 feet south of Scripps Pier, but the county says bacteria levels exceed state health standards in the area 250 feet south to 500 feet north of the pier" title="The water is reopened to swimmers 1,000 feet south of Scripps Pier, but the county says bacteria levels exceed state health standards in the area 250 feet south to 500 feet north of the pier" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Ocean water closure lifted in La Jolla Shores after sewage spill, but county still advises caution"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Ocean water closure lifted in La Jolla Shores after sewage spill, but county still advises caution </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-01-17 11:34:12">January 17, 2025 at 11:34 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> The water is reopened to swimmers 1,000 feet south of Scripps Pier, but the county says bacteria levels exceed state health standards in the area 250 feet south to 500... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9180531 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news category-la-jolla-light-real-estate location-bird-rock location-california location-la-jolla location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9180531" data-timestamp="1737032271" > <figure> <a href="" title="La Jolla development committee sees revised plans for Wrelton Drive ‘eyesore’" class=""></a> <a href="" title="La Jolla development committee sees revised plans for Wrelton Drive ‘eyesore’"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="The project for a three-story, 4,800-square-foot house is back following comments from local planners and the city of San Diego since 2023" title="The project for a three-story, 4,800-square-foot house is back following comments from local planners and the city of San Diego since 2023" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="La Jolla development committee sees revised plans for Wrelton Drive ‘eyesore’"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> La Jolla development committee sees revised plans for Wrelton Drive ‘eyesore’ </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-01-16 12:57:59">January 16, 2025 at 12:57 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> The project for a three-story, 4,800-square-foot house is back following comments from local planners and the city of San Diego since 2023 </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9179216 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news" data-id="9179216" data-timestamp="1736942013" > <figure> <a href="" title="550-gallon sewage spill causes closure of ocean water at La Jolla Shores" class=""></a> <a href="" title="550-gallon sewage spill causes closure of ocean water at La Jolla Shores"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="The closure is effective about 1,000 feet south of Scripps Pier until further notice, San Diego County says." title="The closure is effective about 1,000 feet south of Scripps Pier until further notice, San Diego County says." subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="550-gallon sewage spill causes closure of ocean water at La Jolla Shores"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> 550-gallon sewage spill causes closure of ocean water at La Jolla Shores </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-01-16 10:30:07">January 16, 2025 at 10:30 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> The closure is effective about 1,000 feet south of Scripps Pier until further notice, San Diego County says. </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9178820 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-things-to-do location-california location-la-jolla location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9178820" data-timestamp="1736928057" > <figure> <a href="" title="La Jolla Historical Society exhibit to honor ‘a permanent part of the California existence’" class=""></a> <a href="" title="La Jolla Historical Society exhibit to honor ‘a permanent part of the California existence’"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="&#039;La Jolla Surf: Culture, Art, Craft&#039; will run Feb. 8 through May 25, featuring interviews, photos and more from artists, surfers and surfboard builders" title="&#039;La Jolla Surf: Culture, Art, Craft&#039; will run Feb. 8 through May 25, featuring interviews, photos and more from artists, surfers and surfboard builders" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="La Jolla Historical Society exhibit to honor ‘a permanent part of the California existence’"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> La Jolla Historical Society exhibit to honor ‘a permanent part of the California existence’ </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-01-15 08:01:18">January 15, 2025 at 8:01 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> 'La Jolla Surf: Culture, Art, Craft' will run Feb. 8 through May 25, featuring interviews, photos and more from artists, surfers and surfboard builders </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9177907 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-bird-rock location-california location-la-jolla location-la-jolla-shores location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9177907" data-timestamp="1736848852" > <figure> <a href="" title="La Jolla News Nuggets: Plaque dedication, fire assistance, Mike Hynson dies, audio time capsule, more" class=""></a> <a href="" title="La Jolla News Nuggets: Plaque dedication, fire assistance, Mike Hynson dies, audio time capsule, more"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="News and events briefs" title="News and events briefs" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="La Jolla News Nuggets: Plaque dedication, fire assistance, Mike Hynson dies, audio time capsule, more"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> La Jolla News Nuggets: Plaque dedication, fire assistance, Mike Hynson dies, audio time capsule, more </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-01-14 10:01:39">January 14, 2025 at 10:01 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> News and events briefs </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9177199 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-bird-rock location-california location-la-jolla location-la-jolla-shores location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9177199" data-timestamp="1736784008" > <figure> <a href="" title="La Jolla crime and public safety news: Police blotter" class=""></a> <a href="" title="La Jolla crime and public safety news: Police blotter"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Crime and public safety" title="Crime and public safety" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="La Jolla crime and public safety news: Police blotter"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> La Jolla crime and public safety news: Police blotter </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-01-13 16:00:19">January 13, 2025 at 4:00 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Crime and public safety </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9175938 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news category-la-jolla-light-real-estate location-california location-la-jolla location-la-jolla-shores location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9175938" data-timestamp="1736676017" > <figure> <a href="" title="La Jolla planning group supports six-house Cielo Mar development" class=""></a> <a href="" title="La Jolla planning group supports six-house Cielo Mar development"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Nearby residents still have concerns about the project, which a local architect calls the largest subdivision in La Jolla since the 1970s" title="Nearby residents still have concerns about the project, which a local architect calls the largest subdivision in La Jolla since the 1970s" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="La Jolla planning group supports six-house Cielo Mar development"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> La Jolla planning group supports six-house Cielo Mar development </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-01-12 10:00:46">January 12, 2025 at 10:00 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Nearby residents still have concerns about the project, which a local architect calls the largest subdivision in La Jolla since the 1970s </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9175915 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-business category-la-jolla-light-news location-california location-la-jolla location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9175915" data-timestamp="1736668829" > <figure> <a href="" title="La Jolla merchants group looks to update bylaws and implement strategic plan" class=""></a> <a href="" title="La Jolla merchants group looks to update bylaws and implement strategic plan"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="The plan for 2025 includes recruiting new members, increasing associate memberships and rotating the areas where events are held" title="The plan for 2025 includes recruiting new members, increasing associate memberships and rotating the areas where events are held" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="La Jolla merchants group looks to update bylaws and implement strategic plan"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> La Jolla merchants group looks to update bylaws and implement strategic plan </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-01-12 08:01:03">January 12, 2025 at 8:01 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> The plan for 2025 includes recruiting new members, increasing associate memberships and rotating the areas where events are held </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9175128 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-california location-la-jolla location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9175128" data-timestamp="1736528405" > <figure> <a href="" title="La Jolla student has big plans for her pair of water-safety drones" class=""></a> <a href="" title="La Jolla student has big plans for her pair of water-safety drones"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Bishop&#039;s School senior Angelina Kim won awards at last year&#039;s International Science and Engineering Fair and hopes to send her system around the country" title="Bishop&#039;s School senior Angelina Kim won awards at last year&#039;s International Science and Engineering Fair and hopes to send her system around the country" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="La Jolla student has big plans for her pair of water-safety drones"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> La Jolla student has big plans for her pair of water-safety drones </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-01-11 18:22:40">January 11, 2025 at 6:22 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Bishop's School senior Angelina Kim won awards at last year's International Science and Engineering Fair and hopes to send her system around the country </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9174946 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-california location-la-jolla location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9174946" data-timestamp="1736521710" > <figure> <a href="" title="La Jolla planners support proposal to restore Princess Street beach access" class=""></a> <a href="" title="La Jolla planners support proposal to restore Princess Street beach access"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Project would build stairs running to the ocean and open a locked gate that has been in place for more than four decades" title="Project would build stairs running to the ocean and open a locked gate that has been in place for more than four decades" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="La Jolla planners support proposal to restore Princess Street beach access"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> La Jolla planners support proposal to restore Princess Street beach access </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-01-10 15:08:34">January 10, 2025 at 3:08 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Project would build stairs running to the ocean and open a locked gate that has been in place for more than four decades </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9174023 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-california location-la-jolla location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9174023" data-timestamp="1736448126" > <figure> <a href="" title="S.D. Planning Commission denies appeal of Muirlands-area home development in La Jolla" class=""></a> <a href="" title="S.D. Planning Commission denies appeal of Muirlands-area home development in La Jolla"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Neighbors cite concerns about the project&#039;s size, potential view and environmental impacts and compliance with the La Jolla Community Plan" title="Neighbors cite concerns about the project&#039;s size, potential view and environmental impacts and compliance with the La Jolla Community Plan" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="S.D. Planning Commission denies appeal of Muirlands-area home development in La Jolla"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> S.D. Planning Commission denies appeal of Muirlands-area home development in La Jolla </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-01-09 22:13:07">January 9, 2025 at 10:13 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Neighbors cite concerns about the project's size, potential view and environmental impacts and compliance with the La Jolla Community Plan </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9173633 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-california location-la-jolla location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9173633" data-timestamp="1736432103" > <figure> <a href="" title="La Jolla’s St. James church tower being repaired after ‘sizable’ piece of concrete falls" class=""></a> <a href="" title="La Jolla’s St. James church tower being repaired after ‘sizable’ piece of concrete falls"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Also, cracks are found inside, prompting the church to put up scaffolding and protective netting in preparation for repairs, which will take weeks" title="Also, cracks are found inside, prompting the church to put up scaffolding and protective netting in preparation for repairs, which will take weeks" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="La Jolla’s St. James church tower being repaired after ‘sizable’ piece of concrete falls"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> La Jolla’s St. James church tower being repaired after ‘sizable’ piece of concrete falls </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-01-09 14:26:03">January 9, 2025 at 2:26 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Also, cracks are found inside, prompting the church to put up scaffolding and protective netting in preparation for repairs, which will take weeks </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9171965 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-california location-la-jolla location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9171965" data-timestamp="1736348443" > <figure> <a href="" title="La Jolla Country Day student, 15, earns perfect scores on SATs, ACT" class=""></a> <a href="" title="La Jolla Country Day student, 15, earns perfect scores on SATs, ACT"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Erik Tang took the tests early, thinking he&#039;d have to retake them. But his rigorous preparation — and a bit of luck — made that unnecessary." title="Erik Tang took the tests early, thinking he&#039;d have to retake them. But his rigorous preparation — and a bit of luck — made that unnecessary." subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="La Jolla Country Day student, 15, earns perfect scores on SATs, ACT"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> La Jolla Country Day student, 15, earns perfect scores on SATs, ACT </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-01-08 15:01:07">January 8, 2025 at 3:01 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Erik Tang took the tests early, thinking he'd have to retake them. But his rigorous preparation — and a bit of luck — made that unnecessary. </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9169755 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-sports category-la-jolla-light-things-to-do location-california location-la-jolla location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9169755" data-timestamp="1736236817" > <figure> <a href="" title="‘Beyond watching golf’: Farmers Insurance Open to welcome all levels of fans to La Jolla" class=""></a> <a href="" title="‘Beyond watching golf’: Farmers Insurance Open to welcome all levels of fans to La Jolla"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="The Century Club of San Diego — the nonprofit host organization for the upcoming PGA tournament — says it has plenty both for die-hard fans and people who aren&#039;t interested in golf" title="The Century Club of San Diego — the nonprofit host organization for the upcoming PGA tournament — says it has plenty both for die-hard fans and people who aren&#039;t interested in golf" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="‘Beyond watching golf’: Farmers Insurance Open to welcome all levels of fans to La Jolla"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> ‘Beyond watching golf’: Farmers Insurance Open to welcome all levels of fans to La Jolla </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-01-07 08:00:55">January 7, 2025 at 8:00 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> The Century Club of San Diego — the nonprofit host organization for the upcoming PGA tournament — says it has plenty both for die-hard fans and people who aren't interested... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9169177 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-bird-rock location-california location-la-jolla location-la-jolla-shores location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9169177" data-timestamp="1736179252" > <figure> <a href="" title="La Jolla News Nuggets: La Jolla Cove access; Foxhill appeal; La Jolla Mesa home project; Winter Reading Challenge; more" class=""></a> <a href="" title="La Jolla News Nuggets: La Jolla Cove access; Foxhill appeal; La Jolla Mesa home project; Winter Reading Challenge; more"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="News and events in brief" title="News and events in brief" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="La Jolla News Nuggets: La Jolla Cove access; Foxhill appeal; La Jolla Mesa home project; Winter Reading Challenge; more"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> La Jolla News Nuggets: La Jolla Cove access; Foxhill appeal; La Jolla Mesa home project; Winter Reading Challenge; more </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-01-08 08:30:15">January 8, 2025 at 8:30 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> News and events in brief </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9167149 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-california location-la-jolla location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9167149" data-timestamp="1735988400" > <figure> <a href="" title="‘Advocates of rarity’: Torrey Pines Conservancy celebrates 75 years in La Jolla" class=""></a> <a href="" title="‘Advocates of rarity’: Torrey Pines Conservancy celebrates 75 years in La Jolla"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="The coming year brings new initiatives to increase membership and donations, see projects through and continue its mission of protecting and preserving the Torrey Pines State Natural Reserve" title="The coming year brings new initiatives to increase membership and donations, see projects through and continue its mission of protecting and preserving the Torrey Pines State Natural Reserve" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="‘Advocates of rarity’: Torrey Pines Conservancy celebrates 75 years in La Jolla"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> ‘Advocates of rarity’: Torrey Pines Conservancy celebrates 75 years in La Jolla </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-01-04 11:00:31">January 4, 2025 at 11:00 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> The coming year brings new initiatives to increase membership and donations, see projects through and continue its mission of protecting and preserving the Torrey Pines State Natural Reserve </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9166937 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-bird-rock location-california location-la-jolla location-la-jolla-shores location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9166937" data-timestamp="1735927218" > <figure> <a href="" title="La Jolla crime and public safety news: La Jolla Boulevard collision, police blotter" class=""></a> <a href="" title="La Jolla crime and public safety news: La Jolla Boulevard collision, police blotter"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Crime and public safety" title="Crime and public safety" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="La Jolla crime and public safety news: La Jolla Boulevard collision, police blotter"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> La Jolla crime and public safety news: La Jolla Boulevard collision, police blotter </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-01-03 18:00:27">January 3, 2025 at 6:00 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Crime and public safety </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9166505 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-bird-rock location-california location-la-jolla location-la-jolla-shores location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9166505" data-timestamp="1735900705" > <figure> <a href="" title="La Jolla cityhood advocates seek to raise $78,000 by Jan. 30 to proceed to next steps" class=""></a> <a href="" title="La Jolla cityhood advocates seek to raise $78,000 by Jan. 30 to proceed to next steps"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="The Association for the City of La Jolla has raised about $22,000 of the $100,000 needed for an application deposit and LAFCO legal fees" title="The Association for the City of La Jolla has raised about $22,000 of the $100,000 needed for an application deposit and LAFCO legal fees" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="La Jolla cityhood advocates seek to raise $78,000 by Jan. 30 to proceed to next steps"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> La Jolla cityhood advocates seek to raise $78,000 by Jan. 30 to proceed to next steps </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-01-03 10:38:28">January 3, 2025 at 10:38 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> The Association for the City of La Jolla has raised about $22,000 of the $100,000 needed for an application deposit and LAFCO legal fees </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9165718 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-california location-la-jolla location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9165718" data-timestamp="1735819234" > <figure> <a href="" title="Murals of La Jolla names new executive director" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Murals of La Jolla names new executive director"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Artist Taylor Chapin, whose involvement in the program dates to 2012, says &#039;Public art is so incredibly important because it exposes everyone to the power and beauty that these works have to offer.&#039;" title="Artist Taylor Chapin, whose involvement in the program dates to 2012, says &#039;Public art is so incredibly important because it exposes everyone to the power and beauty that these works have to offer.&#039;" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Murals of La Jolla names new executive director"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Murals of La Jolla names new executive director </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-01-02 13:37:09">January 2, 2025 at 1:37 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Artist Taylor Chapin, whose involvement in the program dates to 2012, says 'Public art is so incredibly important because it exposes everyone to the power and beauty that these works... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9163171 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-espanol tag-espanol-primera-plana" data-id="9163171" data-timestamp="1735747854" > <figure> <a href="" title="La aplicación desarrollada en La Jolla de más de 48 millones se expandirá en 2025" class=""></a> <a href="" title="La aplicación desarrollada en La Jolla de más de 48 millones se expandirá en 2025"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="El graduado de Bishop’s School, Augustus Holm, lanzó su herramienta de comparación de planes Medicare CheckRx" title="El graduado de Bishop’s School, Augustus Holm, lanzó su herramienta de comparación de planes Medicare CheckRx" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <a class="article-title" href="" title="La aplicación desarrollada en La Jolla de más de 48 millones se expandirá en 2025"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> La aplicación desarrollada en La Jolla de más de 48 millones se expandirá en 2025 </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-01-01 16:10:54">January 1, 2025 at 4:10 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> El graduado de Bishop’s School, Augustus Holm, lanzó su herramienta de comparación de planes Medicare CheckRx </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9165151 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-california location-la-jolla location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9165151" data-timestamp="1735747227" > <figure> <a href="" title="Report card: How did La Jolla leaders do on their 2024 goal of community collaboration?" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Report card: How did La Jolla leaders do on their 2024 goal of community collaboration?"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Collaboration took several forms, including forums, partnerships and involvement of service groups" title="Collaboration took several forms, including forums, partnerships and involvement of service groups" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Report card: How did La Jolla leaders do on their 2024 goal of community collaboration?"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Report card: How did La Jolla leaders do on their 2024 goal of community collaboration? </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2025-01-01 16:00:55">January 1, 2025 at 4:00 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Collaboration took several forms, including forums, partnerships and involvement of service groups </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9164045 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-bird-rock location-california location-la-jolla location-la-jolla-shores location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9164045" data-timestamp="1735628446" > <figure> <a href="" title="La Jolla News Nuggets: Torrey Pines plan, whale study, SDUSD president, tree recycling, more" class=""></a> <a href="" title="La Jolla News Nuggets: Torrey Pines plan, whale study, SDUSD president, tree recycling, more"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="News and events in brief" title="News and events in brief" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="La Jolla News Nuggets: Torrey Pines plan, whale study, SDUSD president, tree recycling, more"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> La Jolla News Nuggets: Torrey Pines plan, whale study, SDUSD president, tree recycling, more </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2024-12-31 07:01:14">December 31, 2024 at 7:01 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> News and events in brief </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9163488 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-bird-rock location-california location-la-jolla location-la-jolla-shores location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9163488" data-timestamp="1735557940" > <figure> <a href="" title="La Jolla crime and public safety news: Abandoned boats, police blotter" class=""></a> <a href="" title="La Jolla crime and public safety news: Abandoned boats, police blotter"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Crime and public safety" title="Crime and public safety" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="La Jolla crime and public safety news: Abandoned boats, police blotter"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> La Jolla crime and public safety news: Abandoned boats, police blotter </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2024-12-30 11:25:42">December 30, 2024 at 11:25 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Crime and public safety </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9162514 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-bird-rock location-california location-la-jolla location-la-jolla-shores location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9162514" data-timestamp="1735459218" > <figure> <a href="" title="2025 Look Ahead: La Jolla leaders applaud ‘significant strides’ while identifying goals for the new year" class=""></a> <a href="" title="2025 Look Ahead: La Jolla leaders applaud ‘significant strides’ while identifying goals for the new year"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="The Light asked various locals about their achievements in 2024 and their hopes for 2025" title="The Light asked various locals about their achievements in 2024 and their hopes for 2025" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="2025 Look Ahead: La Jolla leaders applaud ‘significant strides’ while identifying goals for the new year"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> 2025 Look Ahead: La Jolla leaders applaud ‘significant strides’ while identifying goals for the new year </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2024-12-29 09:34:06">December 29, 2024 at 9:34 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> The Light asked various locals about their achievements in 2024 and their hopes for 2025 </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9161991 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-california location-la-jolla location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9161991" data-timestamp="1735372815" > <figure> <a href="" title="La Jolla-developed app valued at over $8M is set to expand in 2025" class=""></a> <a href="" title="La Jolla-developed app valued at over $8M is set to expand in 2025"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Bishop’s School grad Augustus Holm launched his CheckRx Medicare plan comparison tool in 2024 and has plans for its evolution in the coming year" title="Bishop’s School grad Augustus Holm launched his CheckRx Medicare plan comparison tool in 2024 and has plans for its evolution in the coming year" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="La Jolla-developed app valued at over $8M is set to expand in 2025"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> La Jolla-developed app valued at over $8M is set to expand in 2025 </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2024-12-28 08:00:26">December 28, 2024 at 8:00 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Bishop’s School grad Augustus Holm launched his CheckRx Medicare plan comparison tool in 2024 and has plans for its evolution in the coming year </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9161710 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-california location-la-jolla location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9161710" data-timestamp="1735315252" > <figure> <a href="" title="‘Sweet Fury’: Literary thriller from ex-La Jolla resident explores fame and revenge" class=""></a> <a href="" title="‘Sweet Fury’: Literary thriller from ex-La Jolla resident explores fame and revenge"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Sash Bischoff, who started writing while attending school in La Jolla, will be back in town Jan. 22 to discuss and sign her debut novel" title="Sash Bischoff, who started writing while attending school in La Jolla, will be back in town Jan. 22 to discuss and sign her debut novel" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="‘Sweet Fury’: Literary thriller from ex-La Jolla resident explores fame and revenge"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> ‘Sweet Fury’: Literary thriller from ex-La Jolla resident explores fame and revenge </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2024-12-27 17:20:39">December 27, 2024 at 5:20 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Sash Bischoff, who started writing while attending school in La Jolla, will be back in town Jan. 22 to discuss and sign her debut novel </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9161532 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-california location-la-jolla location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9161532" data-timestamp="1735303990" > <figure> <a href="" title="‘Tonight there will be light’: Chabad of La Jolla celebrates Hanukkah with menorah lighting" class=""></a> <a href="" title="‘Tonight there will be light’: Chabad of La Jolla celebrates Hanukkah with menorah lighting"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Photo gallery" title="Photo gallery" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="‘Tonight there will be light’: Chabad of La Jolla celebrates Hanukkah with menorah lighting"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> ‘Tonight there will be light’: Chabad of La Jolla celebrates Hanukkah with menorah lighting </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2024-12-27 12:57:02">December 27, 2024 at 12:57 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Photo gallery </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9159893 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-bird-rock location-california location-la-jolla location-la-jolla-shores location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9159893" data-timestamp="1735056040" > <figure> <a href="" title="La Jolla News Nuggets: Polar Bear Plunge, e-bike vouchers, Jacobses honored, more" class=""></a> <a href="" title="La Jolla News Nuggets: Polar Bear Plunge, e-bike vouchers, Jacobses honored, more"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="News and events in brief" title="News and events in brief" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="La Jolla News Nuggets: Polar Bear Plunge, e-bike vouchers, Jacobses honored, more"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> La Jolla News Nuggets: Polar Bear Plunge, e-bike vouchers, Jacobses honored, more </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2024-12-24 16:01:06">December 24, 2024 at 4:01 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> News and events in brief </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9159287 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-bird-rock location-california location-la-jolla location-la-jolla-shores location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9159287" data-timestamp="1735023624" > <figure> <a href="" title="Year in Review: Top La Jolla lifestyle stories from 2024" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Year in Review: Top La Jolla lifestyle stories from 2024"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Books, businesses and big anniversaries are highlights" title="Books, businesses and big anniversaries are highlights" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Year in Review: Top La Jolla lifestyle stories from 2024"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Year in Review: Top La Jolla lifestyle stories from 2024 </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2024-12-24 22:08:48">December 24, 2024 at 10:08 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Books, businesses and big anniversaries are highlights </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9158979 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-bird-rock location-california location-la-jolla location-la-jolla-shores location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9158979" data-timestamp="1734969646" > <figure> <a href="" title="La Jolla crime and public safety news: Gun arrest, police blotter" class=""></a> <a href="" title="La Jolla crime and public safety news: Gun arrest, police blotter"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Crime and public safety" title="Crime and public safety" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="La Jolla crime and public safety news: Gun arrest, police blotter"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> La Jolla crime and public safety news: Gun arrest, police blotter </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2024-12-23 16:00:56">December 23, 2024 at 4:00 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Crime and public safety </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9158813 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-california location-la-jolla location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9158813" data-timestamp="1734958802" > <figure> <a href="" title="Let there be light: La Jolla Recreation Center tree shines again" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Let there be light: La Jolla Recreation Center tree shines again"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Ceremony caps a whirlwind local effort to revive a Christmastime tradition that started 40 years ago but had been absent since before the COVID-19 pandemic" title="Ceremony caps a whirlwind local effort to revive a Christmastime tradition that started 40 years ago but had been absent since before the COVID-19 pandemic" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Let there be light: La Jolla Recreation Center tree shines again"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Let there be light: La Jolla Recreation Center tree shines again </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2024-12-23 13:00:25">December 23, 2024 at 1:00 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Ceremony caps a whirlwind local effort to revive a Christmastime tradition that started 40 years ago but had been absent since before the COVID-19 pandemic </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9158537 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-bird-rock location-california location-la-jolla location-la-jolla-shores location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9158537" data-timestamp="1734944426" > <figure> <a href="" title="Year in Review: Top La Jolla news stories from 2024" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Year in Review: Top La Jolla news stories from 2024"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="From cell towers to the &#039;Turquoise Tower&#039; and from Cove sea lions to &#039;Slow down,&#039; there was no shortage of hot topics" title="From cell towers to the &#039;Turquoise Tower&#039; and from Cove sea lions to &#039;Slow down,&#039; there was no shortage of hot topics" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Year in Review: Top La Jolla news stories from 2024"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Year in Review: Top La Jolla news stories from 2024 </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2024-12-24 22:12:39">December 24, 2024 at 10:12 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> From cell towers to the 'Turquoise Tower' and from Cove sea lions to 'Slow down,' there was no shortage of hot topics </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9157064 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-california location-la-jolla location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9157064" data-timestamp="1734703229" > <figure> <a href="" title="White Sands residents treat children from Father Joe’s to lunch and gifts for the holidays" class=""></a> <a href="" title="White Sands residents treat children from Father Joe’s to lunch and gifts for the holidays"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Photo gallery" title="Photo gallery" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="White Sands residents treat children from Father Joe’s to lunch and gifts for the holidays"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> White Sands residents treat children from Father Joe’s to lunch and gifts for the holidays </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2024-12-20 14:00:50">December 20, 2024 at 2:00 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Photo gallery </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9154585 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-california location-la-jolla location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9154585" data-timestamp="1734508843" > <figure> <a href="" title="‘Kaia and her Magical Kite’: La Jolla author writes second book based on her children" class=""></a> <a href="" title="‘Kaia and her Magical Kite’: La Jolla author writes second book based on her children"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Jillian Sterling Wilson says her new book inspired by her daughter, a follow-up to a book based on her son, encourages kids &#039;to not give up on their dreams&#039;" title="Jillian Sterling Wilson says her new book inspired by her daughter, a follow-up to a book based on her son, encourages kids &#039;to not give up on their dreams&#039;" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="‘Kaia and her Magical Kite’: La Jolla author writes second book based on her children"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> ‘Kaia and her Magical Kite’: La Jolla author writes second book based on her children </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2024-12-23 18:08:30">December 23, 2024 at 6:08 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Jillian Sterling Wilson says her new book inspired by her daughter, a follow-up to a book based on her son, encourages kids 'to not give up on their dreams' </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9154308 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-california location-la-jolla location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9154308" data-timestamp="1734451222" > <figure> <a href="" title="La Jolla News Nuggets: Holiday tree and sign go forward; Adelante appeal postponed; local dancer going to worlds; more" class=""></a> <a href="" title="La Jolla News Nuggets: Holiday tree and sign go forward; Adelante appeal postponed; local dancer going to worlds; more"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="News and events in brief" title="News and events in brief" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="La Jolla News Nuggets: Holiday tree and sign go forward; Adelante appeal postponed; local dancer going to worlds; more"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> La Jolla News Nuggets: Holiday tree and sign go forward; Adelante appeal postponed; local dancer going to worlds; more </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2024-12-17 16:00:42">December 17, 2024 at 4:00 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> News and events in brief </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9153830 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-california location-la-jolla location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9153830" data-timestamp="1734429629" > <figure> <a href="" title="La Jolla merchants group prepares strategic plan for 2025" class=""></a> <a href="" title="La Jolla merchants group prepares strategic plan for 2025"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Small groups present ideas for organization, merchant engagement, marketing and events" title="Small groups present ideas for organization, merchant engagement, marketing and events" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="La Jolla merchants group prepares strategic plan for 2025"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> La Jolla merchants group prepares strategic plan for 2025 </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2024-12-17 10:00:59">December 17, 2024 at 10:00 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Small groups present ideas for organization, merchant engagement, marketing and events </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9153379 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-bird-rock location-california location-la-jolla location-la-jolla-shores location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9153379" data-timestamp="1734368457" > <figure> <a href="" title="La Jolla crime and public safety news: Police blotter" class=""></a> <a href="" title="La Jolla crime and public safety news: Police blotter"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Crime and public safety" title="Crime and public safety" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="La Jolla crime and public safety news: Police blotter"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> La Jolla crime and public safety news: Police blotter </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2024-12-16 17:01:20">December 16, 2024 at 5:01 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Crime and public safety </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9152436 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-california location-la-jolla location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9152436" data-timestamp="1734332435" > <figure> <a href="" title="Founder of La Jolla-based foundation is named an Environmental Hero" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Founder of La Jolla-based foundation is named an Environmental Hero"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Tara Hammond of the Hammond Climate Solutions Foundation is recognized for the state 77th Assembly District" title="Tara Hammond of the Hammond Climate Solutions Foundation is recognized for the state 77th Assembly District" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Founder of La Jolla-based foundation is named an Environmental Hero"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Founder of La Jolla-based foundation is named an Environmental Hero </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2024-12-16 07:00:49">December 16, 2024 at 7:00 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Tara Hammond of the Hammond Climate Solutions Foundation is recognized for the state 77th Assembly District </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9151481 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-california location-la-jolla location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9151481" data-timestamp="1734110798" > <figure> <a href="" title="Appeal against five-mansion plan at Foxhill in La Jolla looks to ‘slow things down’" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Appeal against five-mansion plan at Foxhill in La Jolla looks to ‘slow things down’"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Resident Chris Connolly lives next to the site that the San Diego Planning Commission approved for new homes ranging from 8,493 to 13,544 square feet" title="Resident Chris Connolly lives next to the site that the San Diego Planning Commission approved for new homes ranging from 8,493 to 13,544 square feet" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Appeal against five-mansion plan at Foxhill in La Jolla looks to ‘slow things down’"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Appeal against five-mansion plan at Foxhill in La Jolla looks to ‘slow things down’ </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2024-12-13 17:26:41">December 13, 2024 at 5:26 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Resident Chris Connolly lives next to the site that the San Diego Planning Commission approved for new homes ranging from 8,493 to 13,544 square feet </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9151163 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news" data-id="9151163" data-timestamp="1734092815" > <figure> <a href="" title="La Jolla cityhood group ‘remains committed’ despite questions raised by San Diego officials" class=""></a> <a href="" title="La Jolla cityhood group ‘remains committed’ despite questions raised by San Diego officials"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Mayor Todd Gloria says San Diego won&#039;t lease services to the new city if it detaches, and Councilman and La Jolla resident Joe LaCava says &#039;to run a city takes more than just imagining&#039;" title="Mayor Todd Gloria says San Diego won&#039;t lease services to the new city if it detaches, and Councilman and La Jolla resident Joe LaCava says &#039;to run a city takes more than just imagining&#039;" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="La Jolla cityhood group ‘remains committed’ despite questions raised by San Diego officials"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> La Jolla cityhood group ‘remains committed’ despite questions raised by San Diego officials </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2024-12-13 12:34:47">December 13, 2024 at 12:34 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Mayor Todd Gloria says San Diego won't lease services to the new city if it detaches, and Councilman and La Jolla resident Joe LaCava says 'to run a city takes... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9150454 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-california location-la-jolla location-la-jolla-shores location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9150454" data-timestamp="1734028202" > <figure> <a href="" title="Project to install new crossing is underway on Torrey Pines Road in La Jolla" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Project to install new crossing is underway on Torrey Pines Road in La Jolla"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="The work, which includes a pedestrian-activated HAWK beacon, is expected to be completed in May, according to the city of San Diego" title="The work, which includes a pedestrian-activated HAWK beacon, is expected to be completed in May, according to the city of San Diego" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Project to install new crossing is underway on Torrey Pines Road in La Jolla"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Project to install new crossing is underway on Torrey Pines Road in La Jolla </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2024-12-12 18:30:09">December 12, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> The work, which includes a pedestrian-activated HAWK beacon, is expected to be completed in May, according to the city of San Diego </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9149675 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-espanol tag-espanol-primera-plana" data-id="9149675" data-timestamp="1734003549" > <figure> <a href="" title="Los opositores a la propuesta de la torre de celular en el sendero para bicicletas de La Jolla buscan una voz unificada" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Los opositores a la propuesta de la torre de celular en el sendero para bicicletas de La Jolla buscan una voz unificada"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Miembros de la junta de Parques y Playas escuchan los argumentos en contra de la torre y de un rascacielos " title="Miembros de la junta de Parques y Playas escuchan los argumentos en contra de la torre y de un rascacielos " subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Los opositores a la propuesta de la torre de celular en el sendero para bicicletas de La Jolla buscan una voz unificada"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Los opositores a la propuesta de la torre de celular en el sendero para bicicletas de La Jolla buscan una voz unificada </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2024-12-12 11:39:09">December 12, 2024 at 11:39 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Miembros de la junta de Parques y Playas escuchan los argumentos en contra de la torre y de un rascacielos </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9148200 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-california location-la-jolla location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9148200" data-timestamp="1733900458" > <figure> <a href="" title="Opponents of proposed La Jolla Bike Path cell tower seek united voice" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Opponents of proposed La Jolla Bike Path cell tower seek united voice"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Parks &amp; Beaches board members hear arguments against that and a proposed high-rise in north Pacific Beach and express interest in joining in" title="Parks &amp; Beaches board members hear arguments against that and a proposed high-rise in north Pacific Beach and express interest in joining in" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Opponents of proposed La Jolla Bike Path cell tower seek united voice"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Opponents of proposed La Jolla Bike Path cell tower seek united voice </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2024-12-11 07:01:32">December 11, 2024 at 7:01 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Parks &amp; Beaches board members hear arguments against that and a proposed high-rise in north Pacific Beach and express interest in joining in </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9145917 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-california location-la-jolla location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9145917" data-timestamp="1733817637" > <figure> <a href="" title="La Jolla author finishes second novel based on true life stories" class=""></a> <a href="" title="La Jolla author finishes second novel based on true life stories"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Alma Lazar&#039;s &#039;Dominance Delusions&#039; sheds light on &#039;the ups and downs of life that awaken our spirits&#039; " title="Alma Lazar&#039;s &#039;Dominance Delusions&#039; sheds light on &#039;the ups and downs of life that awaken our spirits&#039; " subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="La Jolla author finishes second novel based on true life stories"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> La Jolla author finishes second novel based on true life stories </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2024-12-10 08:01:00">December 10, 2024 at 8:01 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Alma Lazar's 'Dominance Delusions' sheds light on 'the ups and downs of life that awaken our spirits' </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9145815 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news category-la-jolla-light-sports location-bird-rock location-california location-la-jolla location-la-jolla-shores location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9145815" data-timestamp="1733814041" > <figure> <a href="" title="La Jolla News Nuggets: Windansea wreath, girls cross country, Bishop’s football honor, more" class=""></a> <a href="" title="La Jolla News Nuggets: Windansea wreath, girls cross country, Bishop’s football honor, more"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="News and events in brief" title="News and events in brief" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="La Jolla News Nuggets: Windansea wreath, girls cross country, Bishop’s football honor, more"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> La Jolla News Nuggets: Windansea wreath, girls cross country, Bishop’s football honor, more </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2024-12-10 07:00:55">December 10, 2024 at 7:00 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> News and events in brief </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9144511 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-bird-rock location-california location-la-jolla location-la-jolla-shores location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9144511" data-timestamp="1733745640" > <figure> <a href="" title="La Jolla crime and public safety news: Hillside Drive intruders; blotter" class=""></a> <a href="" title="La Jolla crime and public safety news: Hillside Drive intruders; blotter"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Crime and public safety" title="Crime and public safety" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="La Jolla crime and public safety news: Hillside Drive intruders; blotter"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> La Jolla crime and public safety news: Hillside Drive intruders; blotter </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2024-12-09 12:00:44">December 9, 2024 at 12:00 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Crime and public safety </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9144134 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-california location-la-jolla location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9144134" data-timestamp="1733734809" > <figure> <a href="" title="La Jolla’s Joe LaCava reflects on first S.D. council term while looking ahead to second" class=""></a> <a href="" title="La Jolla’s Joe LaCava reflects on first S.D. council term while looking ahead to second"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="From taking office during the pandemic to achievements and unfinished projects, LaCava says he&#039;s &#039;learned a lot&#039; " title="From taking office during the pandemic to achievements and unfinished projects, LaCava says he&#039;s &#039;learned a lot&#039; " subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="La Jolla’s Joe LaCava reflects on first S.D. council term while looking ahead to second"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> La Jolla’s Joe LaCava reflects on first S.D. council term while looking ahead to second </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2024-12-09 09:00:26">December 9, 2024 at 9:00 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> From taking office during the pandemic to achievements and unfinished projects, LaCava says he's 'learned a lot' </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9142453 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news category-la-jolla-light-things-to-do location-california location-la-jolla location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9142453" data-timestamp="1733497253" > <figure> <a href="" title="‘Wonder and excitement’: Two La Jolla schools ready their floats for Christmas Parade" class=""></a> <a href="" title="‘Wonder and excitement’: Two La Jolla schools ready their floats for Christmas Parade"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="For Stella Maris Academy and All Hallows Academy, building elaborate entries for the annual parade is a long tradition. But don&#039;t call them rivals." title="For Stella Maris Academy and All Hallows Academy, building elaborate entries for the annual parade is a long tradition. But don&#039;t call them rivals." subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="‘Wonder and excitement’: Two La Jolla schools ready their floats for Christmas Parade"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> ‘Wonder and excitement’: Two La Jolla schools ready their floats for Christmas Parade </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2024-12-06 15:01:03">December 6, 2024 at 3:01 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> For Stella Maris Academy and All Hallows Academy, building elaborate entries for the annual parade is a long tradition. But don't call them rivals. </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9142413 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news category-la-jolla-light-real-estate location-california location-la-jolla location-la-jolla-shores location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9142413" data-timestamp="1733492411" > <figure> <a href="" title="La Jolla planners support replacing Shores house with one six times the size" class=""></a> <a href="" title="La Jolla planners support replacing Shores house with one six times the size"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="The project also would include six parking spaces and a front-yard pool" title="The project also would include six parking spaces and a front-yard pool" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="La Jolla planners support replacing Shores house with one six times the size"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> La Jolla planners support replacing Shores house with one six times the size </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2024-12-06 13:40:19">December 6, 2024 at 1:40 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> The project also would include six parking spaces and a front-yard pool </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9141584 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-california location-la-jolla location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9141584" data-timestamp="1733414435" > <figure> <a href="" title="Rotary Club helps make spirits bright at La Jolla’s League House" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Rotary Club helps make spirits bright at La Jolla’s League House"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Club members treat senior residents to holiday brunch, flowers and gifts" title="Club members treat senior residents to holiday brunch, flowers and gifts" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Rotary Club helps make spirits bright at La Jolla’s League House"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Rotary Club helps make spirits bright at La Jolla’s League House </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2024-12-05 16:01:04">December 5, 2024 at 4:01 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Club members treat senior residents to holiday brunch, flowers and gifts </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9140196 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-california location-la-jolla location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9140196" data-timestamp="1733314329" > <figure> <a href="" title="La Jolla cityhood petition drive ends with ‘well over’ 7,000 signatures" class=""></a> <a href="" title="La Jolla cityhood petition drive ends with ‘well over’ 7,000 signatures"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="The Association for the City of La Jolla now has until Dec. 15 to submit the petitions for validation before the next steps in the process can begin" title="The Association for the City of La Jolla now has until Dec. 15 to submit the petitions for validation before the next steps in the process can begin" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="La Jolla cityhood petition drive ends with ‘well over’ 7,000 signatures"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> La Jolla cityhood petition drive ends with ‘well over’ 7,000 signatures </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2024-12-04 12:12:12">December 4, 2024 at 12:12 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> The Association for the City of La Jolla now has until Dec. 15 to submit the petitions for validation before the next steps in the process can begin </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" author-view archive-view has-image post-9139611 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news location-bird-rock location-california location-la-jolla location-la-jolla-shores location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9139611" data-timestamp="1733245223" > <figure> <a href="" title="La Jolla News Nuggets: Cityhood petition, online trash meeting, Kiwanis Club, Torrey Pines work, more" class=""></a> <a href="" title="La Jolla News Nuggets: Cityhood petition, online trash meeting, Kiwanis Club, Torrey Pines work, more"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="News and events in brief" title="News and events in brief" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h3 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">La Jolla Light | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="La Jolla News Nuggets: Cityhood petition, online trash meeting, Kiwanis Club, Torrey Pines work, more"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> La Jolla News Nuggets: Cityhood petition, online trash meeting, Kiwanis Club, Torrey Pines work, more </span> </a> </h3> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <time datetime="2024-12-03 17:01:06">December 3, 2024 at 5:01 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> News and events in brief </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <nav class="navigation posts-navigation" aria-label="Posts"> <h2 class="screen-reader-text">Posts navigation</h2> <div class="nav-links"><div class="nav-previous"><a href="" rel="nofollow" class="load-more">Load More</a></div></div> </nav></div></div></div></div></main> </div><!-- #content --> <footer class="site-footer"> <div class="main-footer-wrapper"> <div class="footer-logo"> <div class="logo custom-logo"><a href="" aria-label="San Diego Union-Tribune"><img src="" alt="San Diego Union-Tribune"></a></div> </div> <ul id="footer-menu" class="footer-menus"><li id="menu-item-129" class="menu-item 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