The Docutils Version Repository
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Attention: this is not a standalone document. --> <aside class="admonition admonition-quick-instructions"> <p class="admonition-title">Quick Instructions</p> <p>To get a checkout of the Docutils source tree (with the sandboxes) with <a class="reference external" href="">SVN</a>, type</p> <pre class="literal-block">svn checkout docutils-code</pre> <p>Users of <a class="reference external" href="">Git</a> can clone a mirror of the docutils repository with</p> <pre class="literal-block">git clone git://</pre> <p>If you are going to commit changes to the repository, please read the <strong>whole document</strong>, especially the section "<a class="reference internal" href="#information-for-developers">Information for Developers</a>"!</p> </aside> <p>Docutils uses a <a class="reference external" href="">Subversion</a> (SVN) repository located at <span class="docutils literal"></span>.</p> <p>While Unix and Mac OS X users will probably prefer the standard Subversion command line interface, Windows user may want to try <a class="reference external" href="">TortoiseSVN</a>, a convenient explorer extension. The instructions apply analogously.</p> <p>There is a <a class="reference external" href="">Git</a> mirror at <a class="reference external" href=""></a> providing <a class="reference internal" href="#web-access">web access</a> and the base for <a class="reference internal" href="#creating-a-local-git-clone">creating a local Git clone</a>. <a class="brackets" href="#github-mirrors" id="footnote-reference-1" role="doc-noteref"><span class="fn-bracket">[</span>1<span class="fn-bracket">]</span></a></p> <p>For the project policy on repository use (check-in requirements, branching, etc.), please see the <a class="reference external" href="policies.html#subversion-repository">Docutils Project Policies</a>.</p> <nav class="contents" id="contents" role="doc-toc"> <p class="topic-title"><a class="reference internal" href="#top">Contents</a></p> <ul class="simple"> <li><p><a class="reference internal" href="#accessing-the-repository" id="toc-entry-1">Accessing the Repository</a></p> <ul> <li><p><a class="reference internal" href="#web-access" id="toc-entry-2">Web Access</a></p></li> <li><p><a class="reference internal" href="#repository-access-methods" id="toc-entry-3">Repository Access Methods</a></p></li> <li><p><a class="reference internal" href="#checking-out-the-repository" id="toc-entry-4">Checking Out the Repository</a></p></li> <li><p><a class="reference internal" href="#switching-the-repository-root" id="toc-entry-5">Switching the Repository Root</a></p></li> </ul> </li> <li><p><a class="reference internal" href="#editable-installs" id="toc-entry-6">Editable installs</a></p></li> <li><p><a class="reference internal" href="#information-for-developers" id="toc-entry-7">Information for Developers</a></p> <ul> <li><p><a class="reference internal" href="#setting-up-your-subversion-client-for-development" id="toc-entry-8">Setting Up Your Subversion Client For Development</a></p></li> </ul> </li> <li><p><a class="reference internal" href="#repository-layout" id="toc-entry-9">Repository Layout</a></p></li> </ul> </nav> <section id="accessing-the-repository"> <h2><a class="toc-backref" href="#toc-entry-1" role="doc-backlink">Accessing the Repository</a><a class="self-link" title="link to this section" href="#accessing-the-repository"></a></h2> <section id="web-access"> <h3><a class="toc-backref" href="#toc-entry-2" role="doc-backlink">Web Access</a><a class="self-link" title="link to this section" href="#web-access"></a></h3> <p>The repository can be browsed and examined via the web at <a class="reference external" href=""></a>.</p> <p>Alternatively, use the web interface at <a class="reference external" href=""></a>. <a class="brackets" href="#github-mirrors" id="footnote-reference-2" role="doc-noteref"><span class="fn-bracket">[</span>1<span class="fn-bracket">]</span></a></p> <aside class="footnote-list brackets"> <aside class="footnote brackets" id="github-mirrors" role="doc-footnote"> <span class="label"><span class="fn-bracket">[</span>1<span class="fn-bracket">]</span></span> <span class="backrefs">(<a role="doc-backlink" href="#footnote-reference-1">1</a>,<a role="doc-backlink" href="#footnote-reference-2">2</a>)</span> <p>There are also 3rd-party mirrors and forks at GitHub, some of them orphaned. At the time of this writing (2021-11-03), <a class="reference external" href=""></a> provides an hourly updated clone.</p> </aside> </aside> </section> <section id="repository-access-methods"> <h3><a class="toc-backref" href="#toc-entry-3" role="doc-backlink">Repository Access Methods</a><a class="self-link" title="link to this section" href="#repository-access-methods"></a></h3> <p>To get a checkout, first determine the root of the repository depending on your preferred protocol:</p> <dl> <dt>anonymous access: (read only)</dt> <dd><p><a class="reference external" href="">Subversion</a>: <span class="docutils literal"><span class="pre"></span></span></p> <p><a class="reference external" href="">Git</a>: <span class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">git://</span></span></p> </dd> <dt><a class="reference internal" href="#developer-access">developer access</a>: (read and write)</dt> <dd><p><span class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">svn+ssh://<USERNAME></span></span></p> </dd> </dl> </section> <section id="checking-out-the-repository"> <h3><a class="toc-backref" href="#toc-entry-4" role="doc-backlink">Checking Out the Repository</a><a class="self-link" title="link to this section" href="#checking-out-the-repository"></a></h3> <p id="creating-a-local-git-clone"><a class="reference external" href="">Git</a> users can clone a mirror of the docutils repository with</p> <pre class="literal-block">git clone git://</pre> <p>and proceed according to the <a class="reference external" href="">Git documentation</a>. Developer access (read and write) is possible with <a class="reference external" href="">git svn</a>.</p> <p><a class="reference external" href="">Subversion</a> users can use the following commands (substitute your preferred repository root for ROOT):</p> <ul> <li><p>To check out only the current main source tree of Docutils, type</p> <pre class="literal-block">svn checkout ROOT/trunk/docutils</pre> </li> <li><p>To check out everything (main tree, sandboxes, web site, and parallel projects), type</p> <pre class="literal-block">svn checkout ROOT/trunk docutils</pre> <p>This will create a working copy of the whole trunk in a new directory called <span class="docutils literal">docutils</span>.</p> </li> </ul> <p>Note that you probably do <em>not</em> want to check out the ROOT itself (without "/trunk"), because then you'd end up fetching the whole Docutils tree for every branch and tag over and over again.</p> <p>To update your working copy later on, <span class="docutils literal">cd</span> into the working copy and type</p> <pre class="literal-block">svn update</pre> </section> <section id="switching-the-repository-root"> <h3><a class="toc-backref" href="#toc-entry-5" role="doc-backlink">Switching the Repository Root</a><a class="self-link" title="link to this section" href="#switching-the-repository-root"></a></h3> <p>If you changed your mind and want to use a different repository root, <span class="docutils literal">cd</span> into your working copy and type:</p> <pre class="literal-block">svn switch --relocate OLDROOT NEWROOT</pre> </section> </section> <section id="editable-installs"> <h2><a class="toc-backref" href="#toc-entry-6" role="doc-backlink">Editable installs</a><a class="self-link" title="link to this section" href="#editable-installs"></a></h2> <p>There are several ways to ensure that edits to the Docutils code are picked up by Python.</p> <p>We'll assume that the Docutils "trunk" is checked out under the <span class="docutils literal">~/projects/</span> directory.</p> <ol class="arabic"> <li><p>Do an <a class="reference external" href="">editable install</a> with <a class="reference external" href="">pip</a>:</p> <pre class="literal-block">python3 -m pip install -e ~/projects/docutils/docutils</pre> </li> <li id="manual-install"><p>Install "manually".</p> <p>Ensure that the "docutils" package is in the module search path (<span class="docutils literal">sys.path</span>) by one of the following actions:</p> <ol class="loweralpha"> <li><p>Set the <span class="docutils literal">PYTHONPATH</span> environment variable.</p> <p>For the bash shell, add this to your <span class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">~/.profile</span></span>:</p> <pre class="literal-block">PYTHONPATH=$HOME/projects/docutils/docutils export PYTHONPATH</pre> <p>The first line points to the directory containing the <span class="docutils literal">docutils</span> package, the second line exports the environment variable.</p> </li> <li><p>Create a symlink to the docutils package directory somewhere in the <span class="docutils literal">sys.path</span>, e.g.,</p> <pre class="literal-block">ln -s ~/projects/docutils/docutils \ /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/</pre> </li> <li><p>Use a <a class="reference external" href="">path configuration file</a>.</p> </li> </ol> <p>Optionally, add some or all <a class="reference external" href="../user/tools.html">front-end tools</a> to the binary search path, e.g.:</p> <ol class="loweralpha"> <li><p>add the <span class="docutils literal">tools</span> directory to the <span class="docutils literal">PATH</span> variable:</p> <pre class="literal-block">PATH=$PATH:$HOME/projects/docutils/docutils/tools export PATH</pre> <p>or</p> </li> <li><p>link idividual front-end tools to a suitable place in the binary path:</p> <pre class="literal-block">ln -s ~/projects/docutils/docutils/tools/ \ /usr/local/bin/docutils</pre> </li> </ol> </li> <li><p>Do a regular install. Repeat after any change.</p> <aside class="admonition caution"> <p class="admonition-title">Caution!</p> <p>This method is <strong>not</strong> recommended for day-to-day development!</p> <p>If you ever forget to reinstall the "docutils" package, Python won't see your latest changes. Confusion inevitably ensues.</p> </aside> </li> </ol> <dl> <dt>Tip:</dt> <dd><p>A useful addition to the <span class="docutils literal">docutils</span> top-level directory in <em>SVN branches</em> and <em>alternate copies</em> of the code is a <span class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">set-PATHS</span></span> shell script containing the following lines:</p> <pre class="literal-block"># source this file export PYTHONPATH=$PWD:$PYTHONPATH export PATH=$PWD/tools:$PATH</pre> <p>Open a shell for this branch, <span class="docutils literal">cd</span> to the <span class="docutils literal">docutils</span> top-level directory, and "source" this file. For example, using the bash shell:</p> <pre class="literal-block">$ cd some-branch/docutils $ . set-PATHS</pre> </dd> </dl> </section> <section id="information-for-developers"> <span id="developer-access"></span><h2><a class="toc-backref" href="#toc-entry-7" role="doc-backlink">Information for Developers</a><a class="self-link" title="link to this section" href="#information-for-developers"></a></h2> <p>If you would like to have write access to the repository, register with <a class="reference external" href=""></a> and send your user names to <a class="reference external" href=""></a>. (Note that there may be a delay of several hours until you can commit changes to the repository.)</p> <p>Sourceforge SVN access is documented <a class="reference external" href="">here</a></p> <p>Ensure any changes comply with the <a class="reference external" href="policies.html">Docutils Project Policies</a> before <a class="reference external" href="policies.html#check-ins">checking in</a>,</p> <section id="setting-up-your-subversion-client-for-development"> <h3><a class="toc-backref" href="#toc-entry-8" role="doc-backlink">Setting Up Your Subversion Client For Development</a><a class="self-link" title="link to this section" href="#setting-up-your-subversion-client-for-development"></a></h3> <p>Before committing changes to the repository, please ensure that the following lines are contained (and uncommented) in your local ~/.subversion/config file, so that new files are added with the correct properties set:</p> <pre class="literal-block">[miscellany] # For your convenience: global-ignores = ... *.pyc ... # For correct properties: enable-auto-props = yes [auto-props] *.py = svn:eol-style=native;svn:keywords=Author Date Id Revision *.rst = svn:eol-style=native;svn:keywords=Author Date Id Revision *.txt = svn:eol-style=native;svn:keywords=Author Date Id Revision *.html = svn:eol-style=native;svn:keywords=Author Date Id Revision *.xml = svn:eol-style=native;svn:keywords=Author Date Id Revision *.tex = svn:eol-style=native;svn:keywords=Author Date Id Revision *.css = svn:eol-style=native;svn:keywords=Author Date Id Revision *.patch = svn:eol-style=native *.sh = svn:eol-style=native;svn:executable;svn:keywords=Author Date Id Revision *.png = svn:mime-type=image/png *.jpg = svn:mime-type=image/jpeg *.gif = svn:mime-type=image/gif</pre> </section> </section> <section id="repository-layout"> <h2><a class="toc-backref" href="#toc-entry-9" role="doc-backlink">Repository Layout</a><a class="self-link" title="link to this section" href="#repository-layout"></a></h2> <p>The following tree shows the repository layout:</p> <pre class="literal-block">docutils/ |-- branches/ | |-- branch1/ | | |-- docutils/ | | |-- sandbox/ | | `-- web/ | `-- branch2/ | |-- docutils/ | |-- sandbox/ | `-- web/ |-- tags/ | |-- tag1/ | | |-- docutils/ | | |-- sandbox/ | | `-- web/ | `-- tag2/ | |-- docutils/ | |-- sandbox/ | `-- web/ `-- trunk/ |-- docutils/ |-- sandbox/ `-- web/</pre> <p>The main source tree lives at <span class="docutils literal">docutils/trunk/docutils/</span>, next to the sandboxes (<span class="docutils literal">docutils/trunk/sandbox/</span>) and the web site files (<span class="docutils literal">docutils/trunk/web/</span>).</p> <p><span class="docutils literal">docutils/branches/</span> and <span class="docutils literal">docutils/tags/</span> contain (shallow) copies of either the whole trunk or only the main source tree (<span class="docutils literal">docutils/trunk/docutils</span>).</p> </section> </main> <footer> <p><a class="reference external" href="repository.rst">View document source</a>. Generated on: 2024-08-15 08:45 UTC. Generated by <a class="reference external" href="">Docutils</a> from <a class="reference external" href="">reStructuredText</a> source. </p> </footer> </body> </html>