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class="featured-media__media"><figure class="featured-media__media-wrapper"> <div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9 youtube-embed"> <iframe title="Staff Networks at University of St Andrews (Video)" class="embed-responsive-item" src="" allowfullscreen></iframe> </div> <!-- Begin pattern: accordion //--> <div class="accordion-item"> <div class="accordion-item__toggle"> <div class="accordion-item__toggle-title"> <button class="accordion-item__toggle-button" aria-expanded="false">Video transcript</button> </div> </div> <div class="accordion-item__content" aria-hidden="true"> <p>>> Hi, I'm Paulette Nhlapo, Head of EDI at the University of St Andrews.</p> <p>The University is committed to making St Andrews a beacon of inclusivity, and places diversity and equality at the centre of everything we do in our efforts to create an environment in which all can flourish.</p> <p>Our staff networks provide supportive spaces for colleagues who share particular circumstances to come together, share experiences and socialise.</p> <p>Staff networks also make a valuable contribution to the creation of an inclusive environment by helping inform the development of EDI policies and strategies, and by raising awareness of key concerns and issues.</p> <p>We therefore encourage you to consider joining a network appropriate to you and your experiences.</p> <p>Should you have any questions, please reach out to each of our networks directly.</p> <p>>> I'm Akira O'Connor. </p> <p>I'm a senior lecturer in psychology and neuroscience and also the Race Equality Charter Chair at the University. </p> <p>We don't have formal positions within the Staff BAME network, but I'm a regular attendee.</p> <p>I think I started coming to the network meetings maybe eight years ago.</p> <p>We spoke about whatever was on our minds and found solidarity with each other.</p> <p>It was the first time I'd spoken honestly about what it was like to navigate St Andrews as a person of colour, and it was so liberating to know that there were other people at the institution who were carrying similar experiences around with them.</p> <p>It's also a bit of an awakening, finding the group.</p> <p>I realised that I didn't need to shut off the non-white part of me in order to work here, that it was possible to celebrate my experience of being a person of colour at St Andrews, and to find solidarity with other people as I did this.</p> <p>It was magic.</p> <p>I think it's really important that we use this group as a space where we build each other up again, celebrate ourselves and our experiences, and protect each other from some of the things that get thrown our way, too.</p> <p>It's called the BAME Network, which stands for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic.</p> <p>I know there are issues with this terminology, so I think it's important to say that it's open to anyone who identifies as being from a background that would be considered an ethnic minority in the UK.</p> <p>Joining the network was the best thing that happened to me in my first ten years at St Andrews.</p> <p>I met people from across the University, I got put in touch with people who have helped me in various aspects of my professional and personal life, and had a meeting to look forward to every few weeks.</p> <p>If you'd like to be a part of the Staff BAME Network, come along to a meeting. We'd love to see you there.</p> <p>>> MADDY: My name is Maddy Haywood.</p> <p>I work in the administrative and communications division of the International Education and Lifelong Learning Institute, and I'm one of the co-chairs of the Staff with Disabilities or Neurodiversity Network.</p> <p>>> REBECCA: And I'm Rebecca Smith.</p> <p>I am an education focused lecturer in physical chemistry and one of the other co-chairs of this network.</p> <p>I joined the network to develop a support mechanism with other staff who are presented with similar challenges, so that I can work within an inclusive environment rather than being disabled by my environment.</p> <p>>> MADDY: I wanted to find a community that would be easy to talk to about the difficulties of being a full-time employee and autistic.</p> <p>The Staff with Disabilities or Neurodiversity Network provides a safe and supportive space to meet, share experiences, opinions and concerns, and take action to promote equality for staff with disabilities.</p> <p>We also like to raise awareness and understanding to help create a more open, supportive and inclusive culture across the University for staff with disabilities.</p> <p>>> REBECCA: Our network includes staff with disabilities, including physical differences like mobility issues and limb loss, hidden or invisible differences including neurodiversity such as ADHD, autism, dyslexia and dyspraxia, learning disabilities, sensory differences or loss, hearing loss or deaf, and mental health and chronic illness conditions, whether or not you use the word disability to describe your differences.</p> <p>>> MADDY: The network is a really lovely and supportive group of people.</p> <p>From my own experience and talking with some others, I find that there is such imposter syndrome about joining the staff networks, so my encouragement would be, if you think you fit the description in any way, please come along.</p> <p>>> Hi, my name is Kathryn Herschell.</p> <p>My pronouns are they or she and I'm an interim coordinator of the LGBTQI+ Employee Network along with my colleague, Avery Hawkins.</p> <p>I'm queer, disabled and neurodivergent and I've been working at the University for a little over three years as part of the EDI team.</p> <p>The network is a welcoming community, and we're open to any member of staff who identifies with any part of the LGBTQI+ acronym. </p> <p>You are valid and you are very welcome.</p> <p>We're very much guided by what the membership wants the network to be.</p> <p>There's an active Teams group and we have in-person meetups after work in a local café for socialising.</p> <p>We also have a film club where members share recommendations and opinions, and a book club where we pick a book with queer characters and or themes to read and discuss together.</p> <p>I and the rest of the network look forward to welcoming any and all new members.</p> <p>>> My name is Tim Childs.</p> <p>I work in the Technology Enhanced Learning Department of the International Education and Lifelong Learning Institute.</p> <p>I am also one of the co-chairs of the Parents and Carers Network.</p> <p>Since working for the University, I've had two children and I decided that joining the network would be useful for learning about the support available to parents.</p> <p>One of the main objectives of our network is to provide representation at institution level on issues impacting the lives of parents and carers, both inside and outside the workplace.</p> <p>The network also provides a community hub for members to share knowledge, experiences and resources.</p> <p>The network welcomes all staff who are carers or parents, or about to become parents, or anyone considering parenthood.</p> <p>I encourage parents and carers to join the network to gain access to a community of people who are at all stages of life in respect to both caring and parental responsibilities, and benefit from a wealth of knowledge and experience.</p> <p>The more people we have in the network, the better our resources will become, and we can support even more staff to navigate working whilst being a carer, parent or both.</p> </div> </div> <!-- End pattern: accordion //--> </figure></div></div></div></div><div class="container"><div class="row"><div class="col-xs-12"> </div> </div> </div> <div id="d.en.127603" class="section__anchor--sticky"> <div class=""> <div class="container"> <div id="d.en.57294" class="panel-grid"> <div class="row"><div id="d.en.57291" class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4"><div class="panel panel-primary"><div class="panel-heading"><h3 class="panel-title"><a href="">Computer and IT support</a></h3></div><div class="panel-body"><ul> <li><a href="/it-support/services/printing/">Printing</a></li> <li><a href="/it-support/services/email/">Email</a></li> <li><a href="/it-support/new-staff/">Information for new staff</a></li> <li><a href="/it-support/services/purchasing/">Purchasing</a></li> <li><a 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