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- Oct.2023, Procinorte Series</a></li> --> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Procinorte - Intro to the CT Webinar Series, Oct. 2023</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Intro to the CT - - Oct.2023, USDA Webinar Series</a></li> </ul> </li> <!-- Resources --> <li class="dropdown"> <a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" role="button" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">Resources<span class="caret"></span></a> <ul class="dropdown-menu"> <li class="dropdown-header">Help Desks</li> <li><a>NPGS GRIN-Global Help Desk</a></li> <li><a>International GRIN-Global Help Desk</a></li> <li><a href="">Genesys Helpdesk</a></li> <!-- <li><a href="mailto:helpdesk@>GGCE Helpdesk</a></li> --> <li role="separator" class="divider"></li> <li class="dropdown-header">Crop Trust</li> <!-- <li><a href="" target="_blank">Crop Trust</a></li> --> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Genesys</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Genesys FAQs</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">GGCE GitLab Home Page</a></li> <li role="separator" class="divider"></li> <li class="dropdown-header">NPGS</li> <li><a href="">GRIN</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">NPGSweb CT Password Reset</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">NPGS TRAINING CT Password Reset</a></li> <li><a href="">NPGS GG Enhancements Requests (trac)</a></li> <li><a href="" target='_blank'>NPGS Employee Entrance/Exit Checklist</a></li> <li><a href="./NPGS_news.htm">NPGS News & Training Page</a></li> <li role="separator" class="divider"></li> <li class="dropdown-header">Plant Genetic Resources</li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Genebank Terms</a></li> <li><a href="">GRIN-U</a></li> <li><a href="*&institute_code=DEU146&full_scientific_name_op_=~*&full_scientific_name=Lactuca+serriola+L.&filter_field=&filter_op=~*&filter_value=&field_display=country_code&collection_name_display_=true&offset=0" target="_blank">Svalbard Global Seed Bank</a></li> <li><a href="#"></a></li> <li><a href="./download_ct.html" target="_blank">Curator Tool Installation Page</a></li> <li role="separator" class="divider"></li> <li class="dropdown-header">Installers </li> <li><a href="./download_ct.html" target="_blank">CT Installation page</a></li> <li><a href="./docs/gg_server_install.pdf">Server Components (DBAs only)</a></li> <li role="separator" class="divider"></li> <li class="dropdown-header">Files</li> <li><a href="">GG Cab File</a></li> <li><a href="">Codes (Values & Descriptions)</a></li> <li><a href="dynamic_folders.htm" target="_blank">Dynamic Folder Examples</a></li> <li><a href="">GitLab Source Files</a></li> <!-- <li><a href="" target="_blank">Logos (GRIN-Global)</a></li> --> <!--<li><a href="./reports.html" target="_blank">Reports </a></li> --> <li><a href="">SMTA Wizard Files</a></li> <li><a href="./sql_examples.htm" target="_blank">SQL Queries (Resource Page)</a></li> </ul></li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div><!--/.nav-collapse --> </div> </nav> <!-- <div class="page-header"> --> <h1><img src="./images/GGlogo.gif">The GRIN-Global Project</h1> <!-- </div> --> <div class="gcse-search"></div> <div class="col-md-8"> <div class="well"> <div id="map" style="height: 400px;"></div> <script> /** * *** The Gene Bank Map *** * */ // Set the marker colors here. const markerColorImplemented = "#2a9749"; // green const markerColorEvaluating = "#A6DE10"; // blue /** * The list of genebanks is customizable. Add, edit, or remove objects here to change the markers * on the map and their associated popup information. Each item should include coords, name, optional url, and optional isEvaluating. */ const genebanks = [ { "coords": { "lat": 55.67594, "lng": 12.56553 }, "name": "Aarhus University" }, { "coords": { "lat": 7.6902354, "lng": -5.0253998 }, "name": "AfricRice (CGIAR)", "isEvaluating": true }, { "coords": { "lat": -32.9944168, "lng": 137.8796165 }, "name": "Australia (APG)", "url": "" }, { "coords": { "lat": 40.1725521, "lng": 46.6335262 }, "name": "Azerbaijan", "isEvaluating": true }, { "coords": { "lat": 50.8758925, "lng": 4.6997033 }, "name": "Bioversity International", "isEvaluating": true }, { "coords": { "lat": -17.3901065, "lng": -66.2123641 }, "name": "Bolivia (INIAF)" }, { "coords": { "lat": 50.2896673, "lng": -107.8447632 }, "name": "Canada PGRC" }, { "coords": { "lat": -36.5964326, "lng": -72.0896586 }, "name": "Chile (INIA)" }, { "coords": { "lat": -12.113165, "lng": -77.0114809 }, "name": "CIP (CGIAR)" }, { "coords": { "lat": 4.6951888, "lng": -74.2077051 }, "name": "Colombia Agrosavia" }, { "coords": { "lat": 50.0865583, "lng": 14.3005534 }, "name": "CRI - Czech Republic", "url": "" }, { "coords": { "lat": 55.6712474, "lng": 12.5237841 }, "name": "Denmark (Pometet)(Copenhagen)" }, { "coords": { "lat": 55.2969112, "lng": 10.3079977 }, "name": "Denmark (Vegetable collection)(Arslev)" }, { "coords": { "lat": -0.4074059, "lng": -78.5452325 }, "name": "Ecuador-Denaref", "isEvaluating": true }, { "coords": { "lat": 58.7432069, "lng": 26.372921 }, "name": "Estonia (CRI)(Jogeva)" }, { "coords": { "lat": 58.1251, "lng": 23.2958 }, "name": "Estonia (Polli Horticultural Research Centre)" }, { "coords": { "lat": 9.0335259, "lng": 38.7801044 }, "name": "Ethiopia (EBI)", "isEvaluating": true }, { "coords": { "lat": 60.8038419, "lng": 23.4770035 }, "name": "Finland (National genebank), Jokioinen" }, { "coords": { "lat": 5.5912, "lng": -0.2497 }, "name": "Ghana (PGRRI)", "isEvaluating": true }, { "coords": { "lat": 64.1334735, "lng": -21.9224817 }, "name": "Iceland (National genebank)(Reykjavik)" }, { "coords": { "lat": 1.2921, "lng": 36.8219 }, "name": "ICRAF (CGIAR)", "isEvaluating": true }, { "coords": { "lat": 17.5110831, "lng": 78.2730053 }, "name": "ICRISAT (CGIAR)" }, { "coords": { "lat": 7.4966772, "lng": 3.9017961 }, "name": "IITA (CGIAR)", "isEvaluating": true }, { "coords": { "lat": 9.0157209, "lng": 38.8122619 }, "name": "ILRI (CGIAR)", "isEvaluating": true }, { "coords": { "lat": 48.856613, "lng": 2.352222 }, "name": "INRA, France", "isEvaluating": true }, { "coords": { "lat": 14.1677057, "lng": 121.2535979 }, "name": "IRRI (CGIAR)" }, { "coords": { "lat": 32.0787, "lng": 35.8406 }, "name": "Jordan (NARC)" }, { "coords": { "lat": -1.2159264, "lng": 36.6289234 }, "name": "Kenya (GeRRI)", "isEvaluating": true }, { "coords": { "lat": 56.8684971, "lng": 24.3255998 }, "name": "Latvia (GRC)(Salaspils)", "isEvaluating": true }, { "coords": { "lat": 55.396835, "lng": 23.865024 }, "name": "Lithuania, Plant gene bank, Akademija" }, { "coords": { "lat": 32.6499656, "lng": -16.9115964 }, "name": "Madeira Island" }, { "coords": { "lat": 35.8965, "lng": 14.441944, }, "name": "Malta's National Gene Bank" }, { "coords": { "lat": 20.8734047, "lng": -102.7126458 }, "name": "Mexico (INIFAP)", "isEvaluating": true }, { "coords": { "lat": -40.3804024, "lng": 175.6115754 }, "name": "New Zeland (Agresearch)", "isEvaluating": true }, { "coords": { "lat": 7.3814, "lng": 3.8376 }, "name": "Nigeria (NACGRAB)", "isEvaluating": true }, { "coords": { "lat": 60.0431063, "lng": 10.3998602 }, "name": "Norway (National Genebank), As, Akershus" }, { "coords": { "lat": 23.6004989, "lng": 58.3737945 }, "name": "Oman (OAPGRC)" }, { "coords": { "lat": 30.3753, "lng": 69.3451 }, "name": "Pakistan" }, { "coords": { "lat": 41.5769229, "lng": -8.4530713 }, "name": "Portugal" }, { "coords": { "lat": -18.124809, "lng": 178.450073 }, "name": "SPC, Fiji", "isEvaluating": true }, { "coords": { "lat": 55.6579937, "lng": 13.0897965 }, "name": "Sweden (National genebank)(Alnarp)" }, { "coords": { "lat": 55.6576446, "lng": 13.0736054 }, "name": "Sweden (NordGen)(Alnarp" }, { "coords": { "lat": 36.8420269, "lng": 10.209696 }, "name": "Tunisia" }, { "coords": { "lat": -34.3380686, "lng": -57.6926806 }, "name": "Uruguay" }, { "coords": { "lat": 42.0258989, "lng": -93.6613958 }, "name": "USDA-NPGS", "url": "" }, { "coords": { "lat": 21.0131, "lng": 105.507 }, "name": "Vietnam", "isEvaluating": true }, { "coords": { "lat": 52.275233, "lng": -1.6150158 }, "name": "Warwick, UK Vegetable Genebank" }, { "coords": { "lat": -16.1338, "lng": 27.1485 }, "name": "Zambia (NPGRC)", "isEvaluating": true } ]; const mapFeatures = => { return { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "description": `${} ${gb.isEvaluating ? " (evaluating)" : ""}`, "url": `${gb.url}`, "isEvaluating": gb.isEvaluating }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [gb.coords.lng,] } } }); const map = new maplibregl.Map({ container: 'map', style: { "version": 8, "sources": { "osm": { "type": "raster", "tiles": ["{z}/{x}/{y}.png"], "tileSize": 256, "attribution": "&copy; OpenStreetMap Contributors", "maxzoom": 19 } }, "layers": [ { "id": "osm", "type": "raster", "source": "osm" } ] }, center: [-77.04, 38.907], zoom: 0.25 }); // Create a popup, but don't add it to the map yet. const popup = new maplibregl.Popup({ closeButton: false, closeOnClick: false }); // Add features and listeners for each layer. ["genebanks-implemented", "genebanks-evaluating"].forEach(layer => { map.on('load', async () => { map.addSource(layer, { 'type': 'geojson', 'data': { 'type': 'FeatureCollection', 'features': mapFeatures.filter(f => layer === "genebanks-evaluating" ? === true : !== true) } }); map.addLayer({ 'id': layer, 'type': 'circle', 'source': layer, 'paint': { 'circle-color': layer === "genebanks-evaluating" ? markerColorEvaluating : markerColorImplemented, 'circle-radius': 6, 'circle-stroke-width': 2, 'circle-stroke-color': '#ffffff' } }); // Set popup on hovered marker. map.on("mouseenter", layer, (e) => { const coordinates = e.features[0].geometry.coordinates.slice(); const description = e.features[0].properties.description; const url = e.features[0].properties.url; const hasUrl = url && url.includes("http"); // Change the cursor style if url exists (hyperlink functionality added elsewhere). map.getCanvas().style.cursor = hasUrl ? "pointer" : "crosshair"; // Ensure popup is attached to correct marker. while (Math.abs(e.lngLat.lng - coordinates[0]) > 180) { coordinates[0] += e.lngLat.lng > coordinates[0] ? 360 : -360; } // Set the popup and its coordinates. popup.setLngLat(coordinates).setHTML(description).addTo(map); }); // Remove the popup when mouse leaves marker. map.on("mouseleave", layer, () => { map.getCanvas().style.cursor = ''; popup.remove(); }); // Open new tab with genebank url when a marker is clicked. map.on("click", layer, (e) => { const url = e.features[0].properties.url; if (url && url.includes("http")) {, "_blank"); }; }); }); }); </script> <br><br> The GRIN-Global project's mission is to provide a scalable version of the Germplasm Resource Information Network <a href="" target="_blank">(GRIN)</a> suitable for use by any interested genebank in the world. The GRIN-Global database platform has been and is being implemented at various genebanks around the world. For more information about GRIN-Global, review this website's pages or contact the <a>GG International Help Desk</a>.<br><br>The first version, 1.0.7, was released in December, 2011 in a joint effort by the Global Crop Diversity Trust, Bioversity International, and the Agricultural Research Service of the USDA. The U.S. National Plant Germplasm System version ( entered into production on November 30, 2015.<br><br>For working demonstrations of several GRIN-Global Public Websites, click on any of the "GG Sites" links listed under Resources on the above menu.<br><br> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-4"> <div class="well_rt"> <h3>News & Notes</h3> <!-- <p class="greentxt">eMail Support<br> Please use the NPGS GRIN-Global Helpdesk<br> <a href="">NPGS:</a><br><br> --> <!--GRIN-Global International Helpdesk<br> <a href=""></a></p><br> --> <p class="bluetxt">September 28, 2024 - GG Server Release 2.3.10</p><a href="" target="_blank"><img class="img-responsive" align="center" src=""></a> <br> <p class="bluetxt">December 2023 - GG Training held at NordGen for Ukrainian Genebank Staff</p> <p>Seven participants attended a series of workshops and were introduced to GRIN-Global at NordGen in Alnorp, Sweden. Welcome to the GG family!<br>Click image below for more details.</p> <a href="" target="_blank"><img class="img-responsive" align="center" src=""></a> <br> <p class="bluetxt">October-November 2023 - GG Webinar Series for Procinorte</p> <p>Approximately 30 staff from the Canadian and Mexican National genebanks participated in a series of online webinars to learn GRIN-Global's applications.<br>Click image below for details on Procinorte.</p><br> <a href="" target="_blank"><img class="img-responsive" align="center" src=""></a> <br> <p class="bluetxt">September 23, 2023 - GG Server Release 2.3.6</p><a href="" target="_blank"><img class="img-responsive" align="center" src=""></a> <br> <p class="bluetxt">April 26, 2023 - CT Release: v1.23.1.26</p><a href="" target="_blank"><img class="img-responsive" align="center" src=""></a><p> <br> <p class="bluetxt">October 18 -21, 2022</p><p class="redtxt">GG Workshop for European Genebanks</p><img class="img-responsive" align="center" src=""><br> <p>The international ECPGR workshop was attended by 20 representatives of European gene banks as well as representatives of the world organization Crop Trust. Additionally, 20+ participants attended remotely. <br><br>The workshop's aim was to strengthen cooperation between European gene banks, to provide know-how and expertise to gene banks interested in migrating to the GRIN-Global database system, and to initiate the development of the European GRIN-Global network. Many thanks to the hosts <a href ="" target="_blank")> Crop Research Institute (VURV) </a> and especially to the facilitator Ing. Ludmila Papouskova. <br><img class="img-responsive" align="center" src=""><br> </p> <!-- *** GG INSTALLATIONS *** --> <p class="redtxt">Congratulations to the Latest GG Installation</p> <strong>December 3, 2020</strong><br> <img class="img-responsive" align="center" src=""><p><!--<a href="" target="_blank">National Genebank of Pakistan</a> --> National Genebank of Pakistan recently installed the GRIN-Global documentation system and launched the <a href="" target="_blank">Pakistani-GRIN</a> website by technical support provided by Global Crop Diversity Trust and a valuable consultation of IT specialist Yassine Nahdi from the National Genebank of Tunisia. Computer equipment provided by the financial support of Agricultural Linkage Program’s (ALP) project and installation by the support of Management Information System’s (MIS) team from the Pakistan Agricultural Research Council (PARC), is greatly appreciated. <br><br> <!-- ***** --> <strong>July 3, 2020</strong><br> <img class="img-responsive" align="center" src=""><p><a href="" target="_blank">Nordgen Nordic Baltic Genebanks</a> <strong>July 3, 2020</strong><br> NordGen is the Nordic countries’ genebank and knowledge center for genetic resources. Nordic Baltic Genebanks Information System (NBIS) replaces the previous system SESTO. NBIS will be hosted by NordGen, but also used by the national genebanks in all of the Nordic and Baltic countries. <br><br> <!-- ***** --> <strong>June 3, 2020</strong><br> <img class="img-responsive" align="center" src=""><p><a href="">IRRI - International Rice Research Institute</a> </p> In the past five years, IRRI has distributed 159,815 samples to 1419 recipients in 61 countries. In June, 2020, IRRI began accepting requests using the GRIN-Global system. Congratulations to the IRRI staff, Grace Lee Capilit, Lilibeth Sison, and all the many others in their genebank, as well as the GG "Frontrunner" Juan Carlos Alarcon, who with their persistent efforts made GRIN-Global a reality. Welcome to the GG community! <br><br> <!-- ***** --> <p class="redtxt">NordGen Workshops-2020,Mar.9-Mar.20</p> <img class="img-responsive" align="center" src=""><br> <p>Two NordGen-sponsored workshops were scheduled at Malm&ouml;, Sweden for the weeks of March 9 and March 16. Shown here are a few of the participants from the first week's workshop. Due to the travel restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the participants in the second workshop worked remotely from their home countries and participated in a webinar series. </p> <p class="redtxt">Vietnam GOAL Workshop - 2019, Oct.29-Oct.31</p> <img class="img-responsive" align="center" src=""><br> <p>Participants from 15 countries attended a three day workshop sponsored by the Crop Trust, the Crawford Fund, and the Vietnam Plant Resources Center (PRC) of the Vietnam Academy of Agricultural Sciences at PRC's site in Ha Noi, Vietnam. </p> <p class="redtxt">IRRI GG Workshop - 2019, Oct.21-Oct.25</p> <img class="img-responsive" align="center" src=""><br> <p>The International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) genebank participated in a GRIN-Global workshop at Manila, Philippines during the week of October 21, 2019. </p> <p class="redtxt">Congratulations to the Latest GG Installation</p><p>Jordan's <a href="">National Agricultural Research Center (NARC)</a> </p><a href="">NARC GRIN-Global</a> - October 10, 2019<br><br> NARC recently installed the GRIN-Global documentation system at the National Genebank and Herbarium and also launched the JORDAN-GRIN website. With a generous grant from the Global Crop Diversity Trust and a valuable consultation from the National Genebank of Tunisia IT specialist Yassine Nahdi.<br><br> <img class="img-responsive" align="center" src=""> <strong>Thumbs up from the Participants</strong><br> The Director General of the National Center, Dr. Nizar Haddad, highlighted the importance of the program to researchers locally and worldwide to get access to data regarding plant genetic resources in Jordan.</p> <p class="redtxt">ICRAF GG Workshop - 2019, Aug.5-Aug.9</p> <img class="img-responsive" align="center" src=""><br> <img class="img-responsive" align="center" src=""><br> <p>ICRAF genebank personnel hosted a GG workshop in August 2019 at their center in Nairobi, Kenya. In addition to their staff, other participants attended from the ICRISAT, ILRI, and GeRRI genebanks. All four genebanks are in the process of mapping their genebank data to the GG schema and expect to have working systems shortly. </p> <p class="redtxt">GRIN-Global at GeRRI</p> <img class="img-responsive" align="center" src=""><br> <p>GRIN-Global representatives Juan Carlos Alarcon and Marty Reisinger visited the Genetic Resources Research Institute (GeRRI) during their visit to Kenya. Reviewing the GG setup and server, are from left to right, Juan Carlos (CIMMYT & Crop Trust GG Front Runner), Ndungu Kimani (Manager of the Documentation & Information Management Unit), Dr. Desterio Nyamongo (Director of the Genetic Resources Research Institute), Dr. Victor Wasike (Centre Director, Plant Genetic Resources Centre), and Marty Reisinger, GG Training Consultant. </p> <p class="redtxt">NordGen GG Workshop - 2019, Jan.28-Feb.1</p> <img class="img-responsive" align="center" src=""><br> <p>The Nordic Genetic Resource Center (NordGen) scientists and IT personnel participated in a GRIN-Global workshop at Malmö, Sweden the week of January 28, 2019. Participants - front row: Linnea Oskarsson, Jan Svensson; back row: Martin Reisinger (instructor), Ulrica Carlson-Nilsson, Anna Palmé, Annette Hägnefelt, Jette Nydam Hansen, Mohammed El-Khalifeh, Ludmila Papouskova (Czech Republic Crop Research Institute), Kjell-Åke Lundblad. <a href="">Check out the video</a>! </p> <p class="redtxt">GG/Genesys Planning Session - 2018, Nov.6-8</p> <img class="img-responsive" align="center" src=""><br> <p>The National Germplasm Resources Lab hosted a GRIN-Global/Genesys planning meeting in Beltsville November 6-8, 2018. Participants - front row: Melanie Schori (USDA), Matija Obreza (Crop Trust), Juan Carlos Alarcon (CIMMYT); back row: Pete Cyr (USDA), Karen Kittel (USDA), Martin Reisinger, Quinn Sinnott (USDA), Kurt Endress (USDA). Not Shown: Gary Kinard (USDA). During the international GRIN-Global steering committee session on November 8, the group was joined by Edwin Rojas (Peru-CIP) and Eugene Timmermans (Canada-PGRC). </p> <p class="redtxt">RDA GRIN-Global Workshop - 2018,Oct.29-Nov.2</p> <img class="img-responsive" align="center" src=""><br> <p>USDA's National Germplasm Resources Laboratory in Beltsville Maryland hosted three colleagues from the National Agrobiodiversity Center of the Rural Development Administration of Korea (RDA) for GRIN-Global training on October 29-November 1, 2018. Participating in the training were (front): Eun-Ae Yoo, Jongsun Kim, and Gyu Taek Cho. (back): Martin Reisinger, Instructor.</p> <p class="redtxt">Two New GG Organizations - 2018, October 31</p> <p>Welcome to the family of GG sites -- International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) [<a href=""></a>] and Australian Pastures Genebank (APG) [<a href=""></a>]. </p><br> <p class="redtxt">GG CT & Server Updates - 2018, August 27</p> <p>New releases of the Curator Tool and server components are available. Please see the respective Release Notes for details. </p><br> <p class="redtxt">GG Updater - 2018, July 26</p> <p>It is now possible with the GG Updater to upgrade an existing GRIN-Global database server with a new GG software environment without overlaying the existing curatorial data in the database.<br><br>If your organization will be installing GRIN-Global, the server components release 1.10.2 is available from the USDA server. Please refer to the GG Server Installation documentation at <a href="" target= "_blank"></a>.<br><br>The US NPGS is planning on having new releases of both the Curator Tool and the server components available in August, 2018.</p> <br><p class="redtxt">June 2018 GRIN-Global & Genesys Workshop</p> <img class="img-responsive" align="center" src=""><br> 48 participants attended the successful GG/Genesys Workshop held in Porto, Portugal from June 4-8. Thanks is extended to the wonderful hosts from the Portugal National Genebank (INIAV), especially Ana Barata. Presentations may be viewed from <a href=""></a><br><br> <p class="redtxt">2017 Help Desk Activity - Mexico City (CIMMYT)</p>In 2017, the GRIN-Global Help desk received 80 requests from: Bolivia, Brazil, China, CIAT, CIMMYT, CIP, Colombia, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Guatemala , ICRISAT, IITA, India, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Oman, Pakistan, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, South Africa, Uruguay and USA. <br><br><p class="redtxt">GRIN-Global / Genesys workshop October, 2017 - Mexico City (CIMMYT)</p> You can download the presentations material at <a href=""></a> <br><br><p class="redtxt">Wizards</p> <ul> <li>Batch upload (add-on) Developed by CIP</li> <li>Attachment (add-on) Developed by CIP </li> <li>Lists (add-on) Developed by CIP </li> <li>Viability data (add-on) Developed by USDA, available with Curator-Tool version</li> <li>EASY-SMTA wizard (Add-on)  Evaluation phase. </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-8"> <br><br> <p class="center"> <img src="./images/gcdt_h.png">&nbsp &nbsp <img src="./images/Usdalogo.png">&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp <img src="./images/Bioversity.png"></p> </div> <!-- /container --> <!-- Bootstrap core JavaScript ================================================== --> <!-- Placed at the end of the document so the pages load faster --> <script src="theme2_files/jquery.js"></script> <script src="theme2_files/bootstrap.js"></script> <script src="theme2_files/docs.js"></script> <!-- IE10 viewport hack for Surface/desktop Windows 8 bug --> <script src="theme2_files/ie10-viewport-bug-workaround.js"></script> <div data-original-title="Copy to clipboard" title="" style="position: absolute; left: 0px; top: -9999px; width: 15px; height: 15px; z-index: 999999999;" class="global-zeroclipboard-container" id="global-zeroclipboard-html-bridge"> <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" id="global-zeroclipboard-flash-bridge" height="100%" width="100%"> <param name="movie" value="/assets/flash/ZeroClipboard.swf?noCache=1439414515849"> <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain"> <param name="scale" value="exactfit"> <param name="loop" value="false"> <param name="menu" value="false"> <param name="quality" value="best"> <param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff"> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"> <param name="flashvars" value=""> <embed src="theme2_files/ZeroClipboard.swf" loop="false" menu="false" quality="best" bgcolor="#ffffff" name="global-zeroclipboard-flash-bridge" allowscriptaccess="sameDomain" allowfullscreen="false" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" pluginspage="" flashvars="" scale="exactfit" height="100%" width="100%"> </object></div><svg style="display: none; visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: -100%; left: -100%;" preserveAspectRatio="none" viewBox="0 0 1140 500" height="500" width="1140"><defs><style type="text/css"></style></defs><text style="font-weight:bold;font-size:57pt;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, Open Sans, sans-serif" y="57" x="0">Thirdslide</text></svg><svg style="display: none; visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: -100%; left: -100%;" preserveAspectRatio="none" viewBox="0 0 1140 500" height="500" width="1140"><defs><style type="text/css"></style></defs><text style="font-weight:bold;font-size:57pt;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, Open Sans, sans-serif" y="57" x="0">Thirdslide</text></svg></body></html>

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