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<div class="image1"><a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="UNAM.png" width="115" height="115"> </a> </th></div> <th >Revista Mexicana de Astronom铆a y Astrof铆sica</th> <th ><div class="image2"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="IA.png" width="100" height="100" float= "right"> </a> </th></div> </thead> </table> </h1> <hr> <br> <div class="col-4-center"> <ul> <li><a href="accepted.html" target="_blank">Accepted Articles Volume 61 Number 1 (Advance Access) </a> <p> <li><a href="vol60.html" target="_blank">2024 RMxAA, Vol. 60 </a> <li><a href="vol59.html" target="_blank">2023 RMxAA, Vol. 59 </a> <li><a href="vol58.html" target="_blank">2022 RMxAA, Vol. 58 </a> <li><a href="vol57.html" target="_blank">2021 RMxAA, Vol. 57 </a> <li><a href="vol56.html" target="_blank">2020 RMxAA, Vol. 56 </a> <li><a href="vol55.html" target="_blank">2019 RMxAA, Vol. 55 </a> <li><a href="vol54.html" target="_blank">2018 RMxAA, Vol. 54 </a> <li><a href="vol53.html" target="_blank">2017 RMxAA, Vol. 53 </a> <li><a href="vol52.html" target="_blank">2016 RMxAA, Vol. 52 </a> <li><a href="vol51.html" target="_blank">2015 RMxAA, Vol. 51 </a> <li><a href="vol50.html" target="_blank">2014 RMxAA, Vol. 50 </a> <li><a href="vol49.html" target="_blank">2013 RMxAA, Vol. 49 </a> <li><a href="vol48.html" target="_blank">2012 RMxAA, Vol. 48 </a> <li><a href="vol47.html" target="_blank">2011 RMxAA, Vol. 47 </a> <li><a href="vol46.html" target="_blank">2010 RMxAA, Vol. 46 </a> <li><a href="vol45.html" target="_blank">2009 RMxAA, Vol. 45 </a> <li><a href="vol44.html" target="_blank">2008 RMxAA, Vol. 44 </a> <li><a href="vol43.html" target="_blank">2007 RMxAA, Vol. 43 </a> <li><a href="vol42.html" target="_blank">2006 RMxAA, Vol. 42 </a> <li><a href="vol41.html" target="_blank">2005 RMxAA, Vol. 41 </a> <li><a href="vol40.html" target="_blank">2004 RMxAA, Vol. 40 </a> <li><a href="vol39.html" target="_blank">2003 RMxAA, Vol. 39 </a> <li><a href="vol38.html" target="_blank">2002 RMxAA, Vol. 38 </a> <li><a 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