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Hyde Park Fashion Design Meetup Group","link":"","description":"Hi, this a group dedicated to networking, having fun, meeting new people and building connections.","city":"New Hyde Park","state":"NY","country":"us","isPrivate":false,"isNewGroup":true,"groupPhoto":null,"stats":{"__typename":"GroupStats","memberCounts":{"__typename":"GroupMemberCounts","all":1}}},"Image:523757650":{"__typename":"Image","id":"523757650","baseUrl":""},"Group:37774023":{"__typename":"Group","id":"37774023","name":"🥾 Happy Trails🌲","link":"","description":"**Join the Happy Trails Adventure Group!** 🥾🌲\n\nAre you ready to escape the hustle and bustle and immerse yourself in nature? Join our hiking club, Happy Trails, for unforgettable outdoor adventures and more!\n\n**Beyond the Trails:**\n\nWe're not just about hiking! We're a community of like-minded individuals who love to connect. Join us for:\n\n* **Fun Activities:** BBQs, bowling, book clubs, museum visits, dinners, karaoke, happy hours, pickleball, weekend trips, ski trips, international travel, and much more!\n* **Strong Bonds:** Build lasting friendships and create unforgettable memories.\n\nLet's break free from the digital world and connect on a deeper level.\n\nJoin us and let's get lost together!\n\n**#hiking #nature #adventure #outdoors #Travel #Food #Wine #Beer #Music #Books**\n**#Movies #Art #Gaming #Sports #Outdoors #Camping #Travelgram #Foodie #Bookworm #Gamer #SportsFan #30something #40something #GenX #Millennial #SelfCare #MentalHealth #Wellness #Mindfulness #HealthyLiving #henrylove**","city":"New York","state":"NY","country":"us","isPrivate":true,"isNewGroup":true,"groupPhoto":{"__ref":"Image:523757650"},"stats":{"__typename":"GroupStats","memberCounts":{"__typename":"GroupMemberCounts","all":649}}},"Image:468076005":{"__typename":"Image","id":"468076005","baseUrl":""},"Group:27336899":{"__typename":"Group","id":"27336899","name":"HabituallyChic NYC","link":"","description":"This group is for women 40-60 who are relaxed, easy going and love girlfriend time!\nLunch, dinner, fun events, happy hours, travel, craft making, self-care, design, cooking lessons, beach time, yummy food, and most of all, laughter!\nI want to keep this group genuine and close-knit, so not everyone will be a good fit. My hopes are to have an amazing group of strong, like-minded women who will form incredible lifelong friendships..\nCan't wait to meet you! xx Heather","city":"New York","state":"NY","country":"us","isPrivate":true,"isNewGroup":false,"groupPhoto":{"__ref":"Image:468076005"},"stats":{"__typename":"GroupStats","memberCounts":{"__typename":"GroupMemberCounts","all":207}}},"Image:524886279":{"__typename":"Image","id":"524886279","baseUrl":""},"Group:10911182":{"__typename":"Group","id":"10911182","name":"DESI OUTDOORS: Nature.Adventure.Experience.Community","link":"","description":"**Welcome to Desi Outdoors, oldest running Desi-oriented Outdoors community in USA.**\nEst.2013, 4400+ Events, 40+ different activities. Exploring Great American Outdoors for 27+ years\n[](\n\n***STAY ACTIVE WITH NATURE. MEDITATE WITH NATURE. DISCOVER YOUR NATURE***\nELEVATE YOUR MIND, BODY AND SPIRIT **.** BE ADVENTUROUS. EXPLORE A NEW FRONTIER WITH \u003e\u003e\u003eDESI OUTDOORS\u003e\u003e\u003e\n***Featured on [](*** ***, Meetup's Facebook and Instagram channels ([]( and*** []( on Nov 21, 2019\n **Desi Outdoors** meetup group consists of and oriented towards Outdoors enthusiasts primarily from the Indian subcontinent, the land of Himalayas and numerous languages. We bring with us a culture of togetherness, sharing and love of nature. Group membership is kept selective and based on many factors that fit into core values of the group.\n **Doeres** continuously engage in various Outdoor activities for enriching, strengthening and balancing mind, body and spirit in **Harmony with Nature**. See [Past Events photos]( Activities are low to moderate risk,moderate to strenuous difficulty, adventurous to challenging, with a mix of exploration, recreation, learning, fun, freedom and building a better Self \u0026 Society. Some activities involve kids and families. \n We are active year-around, enjoying all seasons and terrains of the North-East and around the world. Organizers expect new members to join for active participation in group meetups as per the mission above and not for increased meetup memberships, business or professional networking, socialization etc. **We keep the group small to outdoors active members** and **No Attendance** within 3 months of joining or prolonged non-attendance removes you from the group. We can adequately prepare you for safe and warm winter outdoor activities during the season.\n Please read the [Disclaimer]( page. Approval to join the group implies that you have read this and do not hold any meetup group member responsible for any mishap during activity. ['Desi']( is a term for the people, cultures, and products of the Indian subcontinent.\n\n[Past Events photos]( \n![](\n\n[Summer Outdoors Gear List](\n[Winter Activities Gear List](\n[Useful articles/information](\n[A chance encounter with a Desi 7-summit climber](\n[Good readings on Mountain stories](\nA[mericas Day hikes with amazing scenery](\u0026ocid=mailsignout#image=1)\n[List of mountains of New York (state)](\n*[What Hiking Does To The Brain Is Pretty Amazing](* \n*[YosemiteHalfDome](* \n*[MountRainerExpedition](*\n**[What 10 Things Should You Do Every Day To Improve Your Life?]( (Times article)**\n\n1. **Get out in nature** You probably seriously underestimate how important this is. (Actually, there’s research that says you do.) Being in nature reduces stress, makes you more creative, improves your memory and may even make you a better person.\n \\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\n Outdoor activities done by members in past years (25+ yrs):\n Hiking, Backpacking, Camping: Northeast mountains and peaks of Catskills, Harriman, Adirondacks NY, White Mountains NH, Mt Washington, Katahdin ME, NJ, MA, GA, VA, TN, AK, Colorado Rockies Longs Peak, Canadian Rockies Banff, Glacier Park, MT; Winter/Ice Climbing etc.\n Trekking: Kilimanjaro (Tanzania), Mt Kailash, Manasarovar (Tibet), Annapurna Sanctuary (Nepal), Himalayas Kashmir, Uttrakhand (India), EBC(Nepal), ABC (Nepal)\n Skiing: Northeast mountains of Poconos, Catskills, Mt Snow, Okemo, Kilington, Smugglers Notch, Jay Peak, Bretton Woods\n Trail, Mountain Biking: D\u0026R Canal SP, Leigh Gorge SP, Sandy Hook, RoundValley, Jim Thorpe PA\n Running: 5K, 20K, Half-marathon\n Water activities: Whitewater Rafting, Kayaking, Lehigh River Gorge, PA, D\u0026R canal\n Air activities: Hang Gliding\n Wildlife Safari: Ngorongoro, Manyara (Tanzania), Six Flags :)\n Future (Big) Plans: Pikes peak, Mt.Rainier, Mt Whitney, Mt. Orizaba, Mt.Denali, Everest Base Camp, Skiing West, Heli Skiing, Full-marathon, 7-Summits - Dream Big!","city":"Hoboken","state":"NJ","country":"us","isPrivate":true,"isNewGroup":false,"groupPhoto":{"__ref":"Image:524886279"},"stats":{"__typename":"GroupStats","memberCounts":{"__typename":"GroupMemberCounts","all":3940}}},"Image:515150125":{"__typename":"Image","id":"515150125","baseUrl":""},"Group:36452670":{"__typename":"Group","id":"36452670","name":"Autistic Adults NYC","link":"","description":"A group to connect with other Autistic adults in the NYC area, in-person and online. Led by Autistics and for Autistics.\n\n**[SUPPORT AUTISTIC ADULTS NYC HERE!! \u003c3](**\n\nWe are a diverse and inclusive group open to all Autistic adults (18+)! LGBTQ+ friendly, diagnosed or self-diagnosed, and all support needs welcome. And check out our [PAUSE events](, open to attendees and their friends/family/support workers!\n\nHave a question? Be sure to check out our \"[Information for New Members](\" to see if your answer is there. If not, please reach out!\n\n**Important Links:**\n[Discord]( (online group chat)\n[Group Rules](\n[Anonymous Feedback and Reporting Form](\n**[](**","city":"New York","state":"NY","country":"us","isPrivate":false,"isNewGroup":false,"groupPhoto":{"__ref":"Image:515150125"},"stats":{"__typename":"GroupStats","memberCounts":{"__typename":"GroupMemberCounts","all":1808}}},"Image:523179837":{"__typename":"Image","id":"523179837","baseUrl":""},"Group:35479589":{"__typename":"Group","id":"35479589","name":"World Virtual Tours NY: FREE Archeology, Art, History Events","link":"","description":"Free LIVE Walking Tours and Webinars on Art, History, w/ Professional Archeologists and Guides Only.\nVisit Our Website for all our Free events: [](\n\n[World Virtual Tours](\nis a project by a group of **professionals** who want to make **people from all over the world** travel virtually and enjoy **cultural experiences** in space and time, for FREE.\n\nLearn about **History** and **masterpieces of Art**, visit **beauties of the Ancient and Modern World** with the aid of modern technologies, reconstructions, exclusive video footage, **live walks** and **live narration**.\n\nJoin **our community of more than 100k people** that are already following us, since 2021, through **more than 5000 event dates**, all over our channels!\n\n**ENJOY OUR EVENTS AND THEIR AMAZING TOPICS**\n\n* 🏛️ **7 Wonders of the World**, like Machu Picchu, the Pyramids of Egypt, the Colosseum of Rome, Petra and Chichen Itza...\n* 🏆 **UNESCO Heritage Sites**\n* 🎨 Greatest **Masters of Classical and Modern Art**, their lives and their works: Michelangelo, Caravaggio, Leonardo, Gaudi, Dalì, etc.\n* 🌍 **Cities of greatest historical and artistic interest**, like Rome, Paris, Barcelona, Venice, Berlin, London, Athens...\n* 👑 **Insights on big characters who made history** from Cyrus the Great, to Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Montezuma, Cleopatra, Tutankhamun…\n\n--\n\n💬 **YOU CAN INTERACT AND ASK QUESTIONS**:\nthe skill and knowledge of our guides will satisfy all your curiosity at the end of each tour!\n\n🎁 **ALL OUR VIRTUAL TOURS ARE FREE!**\n\nIf you want you can support our guides by leaving a tip here:\n[](\n\n❤️ **WVT CARES**\nWe are glad that our events are enjoyed by nursing homes, care homes, senior centers and veteran organizations and we are happy to bring pleasant cultural entertainment to all of them.\n\n**FOLLOW US ON:**\n\n**Facebook**: [](\n**Youtube**: [](\n**Instagram**: [](\n**Twitter**: [](\n**EventBrite**: [](\n**Tiktok:** [](","city":"New York","state":"NY","country":"us","isPrivate":false,"isNewGroup":false,"groupPhoto":{"__ref":"Image:523179837"},"stats":{"__typename":"GroupStats","memberCounts":{"__typename":"GroupMemberCounts","all":2897}}},"Image:524780530":{"__typename":"Image","id":"524780530","baseUrl":""},"Group:37822768":{"__typename":"Group","id":"37822768","name":"Speaking Practice","link":"","description":"Join in diverse and engaging conversations at our Speaking Practice group! This is a great space for ESL speakers of all levels to enhance their English communication skills through discussions on a wide range of topics. Come to share your experiences, learn from others, and make new friends in a supportive environment. Everyone is welcome!","city":"New York","state":"NY","country":"us","isPrivate":false,"isNewGroup":true,"groupPhoto":{"__ref":"Image:524780530"},"stats":{"__typename":"GroupStats","memberCounts":{"__typename":"GroupMemberCounts","all":65}}},"Image:524815724":{"__typename":"Image","id":"524815724","baseUrl":""},"Group:36118271":{"__typename":"Group","id":"36118271","name":"The Boroughs of NYC Soccer Pickup","link":"","description":"Hi all! We are soccer admirers attempting to organize competitive but friendly pickup soccer games on a drop-in basis in order to avoid the time commitments required for Leagues.\nVarious organizers host competitive but civil games in the New York metropolitan area. It's easy to join our soccer community and meet other footballers; come alone, with pals, or as a group.\nWe form arbitrary teams for most games when participants arrive. Join our free online Meetup group to stay up to date on upcoming sessions, chat with other players, and RSVP to participate in the games.\nYou will automatically receive game invitations via email after registration. To guarantee your spot in games, show up 15 minutes early- after that it becomes first come first serve!\nNo commitment is involved, the fee is between 3$ - 10$ per player and will go towards equipment purchases/maintenance, organizer traveling expenses, meetup dues, field permits etc.. Game time is 1 hour minimum but varies depending on venue/day/time, every session is supervised by an organizer and includes game balls, cones, goals, scrimmage vests for every player, and lots of game play.\nEach organizer is responsible for securing field permits, player sign in, setup and balance teams if necessary, provide equipment, field/goal setup and game supervision. Most game plays are setup 7v7, 8v8, or 9v9 but can carry on different days. We allow team rotations and subbing depending on numbers.\nMost venues we utilize have an artificial grass surface, we recommend turf shoes or flats shin guards are not mandatory but recommended. Some games are with referees but most games are not. Each game needs a minimum of 15 RSVP'S in order to be viable or 8 players present to play after 10 min of the scheduled time. If a game is not viable after 15 min of the scheduled time the event will be canceled and a full refund will be issued. No refunds will be issued for absence to an RSVP or cancellation 6 hours prior to the game.\nVery important: We want to keep it safe for everyone, so rough plays and/or slide tackles are NOT Allowed !\n**Please Note:** we are not liable for any injuries that may occur while playing. By RSVPing to attend our games, you accept full responsibility of your person and belongings, waiving any right to hold the group responsible anyone who loves pickup soccer. We host pick up games in Brooklyn and Manhattan. We also send players to organized soccer leagues with cash prizes.","city":"New York","state":"NY","country":"us","isPrivate":false,"isNewGroup":false,"groupPhoto":{"__ref":"Image:524815724"},"stats":{"__typename":"GroupStats","memberCounts":{"__typename":"GroupMemberCounts","all":2045}}},"Image:524880805":{"__typename":"Image","id":"524880805","baseUrl":""},"Group:37043260":{"__typename":"Group","id":"37043260","name":"The Group With No Name 😆","link":"","description":"**The dark days of 2020 are gone. It's 2024, and a brand new year to turn up the H.E.A.T.** **and CARPE DIEM BABY** 😆\n\nWe will aim to provide a welcoming social platform for those outdoor enthusiasts of all skill levels who love and enjoy a good hike, or a peaceful nature walk, or calling those wanderlust with that yen to skip out of town for an enchanting day trip or weekend getaway, or calling that adrenaline junkie with a yen for ... wait for it ... stepping off that perfectly good airplane ... or rappel down a waterfall ... move that mountain ... we will do it all. ***CARPE DIEM BABY!!!*** 😁😆\n\nSo whether you’re a seasoned adventurer or a total beginner, put on that adventure hat, forget your weekday woes, come out and play with us and expand your social circle, embrace the outdoors, and have lots of fun along the way. There's only one life to live, so **live it to the fullest and embrace all that it has to offer** 😁😆\n\nAll our events are casual and low key and held throughout the five boroughs of New York City and ... we'll also venture beyond NYC ... north to Hudson Valley ... over the river to New Jersey ... east to Long Island ... south to Philadelphia and Connecticut ... all reachable by public transportation! In due course we will even head overseas for international trips 😆\n\nAll are welcome regardless of age, race or creed. As long as you are open to adventures, possess a “wanna do” spirit, maintain a positive attitude and a willingness to try new things ... we want to meet you 😁😆\n\nSo whatchu waitin' for? Hit that join button already and let the adventures begin 😆🤩\n\nGroup Founded: May 7, 2023","city":"New York","state":"NY","country":"us","isPrivate":true,"isNewGroup":false,"groupPhoto":{"__ref":"Image:524880805"},"stats":{"__typename":"GroupStats","memberCounts":{"__typename":"GroupMemberCounts","all":1665}}},"Image:521856025":{"__typename":"Image","id":"521856025","baseUrl":""},"Group:36888489":{"__typename":"Group","id":"36888489","name":"The Sad Losers Movie Club","link":"","description":"Mooooooooooooom, I'm talking to my internet friends!\nAs a couple of friends who have run movie discussions in the past our goal is to host a movie chat every couple of weeks. The movie selections will be random. The hope is to have energetic, fun and educational film meets between friends and those friends we have not yet met.\n\n**\\*\\*\\*For the newbies, you must RSVP for an event to get access to the zoom link.\\*\\*\\***","city":"New York","state":"NY","country":"us","isPrivate":false,"isNewGroup":false,"groupPhoto":{"__ref":"Image:521856025"},"stats":{"__typename":"GroupStats","memberCounts":{"__typename":"GroupMemberCounts","all":1416}}},"Image:459959739":{"__typename":"Image","id":"459959739","baseUrl":""},"Group:23246424":{"__typename":"Group","id":"23246424","name":"Feel Good Soccer (Co-ed NYC, Brooklyn, \u0026 Queens)","link":"","description":"Welcome to Feel Good Soccer! We're an inclusive co-ed community of players who don't care what the score is at the end of the game - the true goal is to get a good workout and have fun! We believe that everyone deserves a chance to play, regardless of ability to pay, which is why many of our games are free or just a buck or two. We're not in this to make money - we're in this to feel good.\n\nWe host balanced games where you'll get lots of playing time, lots of touches, and no sitting on the sidelines (unless you want a break). At the end of the game we want everyone to walk away with a smile. It's all about positive vibes!\n\nRight now we host Sunday morning games at Pier 5 down at Brooklyn Bridge Park and at Asphalt Green on the Upper East Side - the best fields in the city (for real).\n\nAll skill levels are welcome and our members are very supportive, but we have 2 types of games so you can choose the best fit:\n\n**CHILL**\nThis is a laid-back kickaround for people who want to improve their skills, get into shape, and just mess around. If you're looking for a judgement-free game where you don't have to worry about \"messing up\" then this is the game for you.\n\n**CHALLENGE**\nThese are faster moving, more competitive games for experienced players. Your teammates will expect you to play at a higher level, possess and distribute the ball, and make good decisions. It's a competitive game but it's still got a supportive feel.\n\nWe'll add more games when we can find space. I'd love to have games going all over NYC on different days, times, and locations, so whenever you're in the mood you can sign up and jump in. If you see an empty field and would like to help host a game, please message me and I'll help set you up.\n\nSo why are you still reading this?\n\nSign up for a game and let's kick it!\n![](","city":"Brooklyn","state":"NY","country":"us","isPrivate":false,"isNewGroup":false,"groupPhoto":{"__ref":"Image:459959739"},"stats":{"__typename":"GroupStats","memberCounts":{"__typename":"GroupMemberCounts","all":5741}}},"Image:521529889":{"__typename":"Image","id":"521529889","baseUrl":""},"Group:3637432":{"__typename":"Group","id":"3637432","name":"Outdoors Club","link":"","description":"Join Outdoors Club around the New York City area. Visit interesting places and meet new people. Some activities are easy, and others difficult. Most are easily reached by public transportation.\n\nARE YOU A MEMBER? Joining this Meetup group does not make you an Outdoors Club member. Non-members pay one-day dues of $5 to attend an Outdoors Club event. By becoming an annual dues paying member, you won't have to pay $5 per event, you'll receive our semi-annual hike schedule in advance, be notified of Member-Only events not posted on Meetup and help pay for Outdoors Club expenses.\n\nRSVP COURTESY: We appreciate you being a considerate Outdoors Club community member. There are often more people wanting to attend than spots available. Sign up only if you intend to show up. If you have to cancel, please change your RSVP as early as possible to allow someone on the waitlist an opportunity attend.\n\nQUESTIONS? If you have any questions about an event, please contact the leader directly (email/phone included in event description). For general questions about Outdoors Club, please email us at\n\nYour participation in any of our activities is your acknowledgment that you are solely responsible for your own assessment of your abilities and your physical fitness to participate in that activity. Participants in any Outdoors Club activity are encouraged to discuss with the hike leader any limitation they may have that could affect their ability to fully participate in an event. The hike leader may refuse to take anyone who lacks proper equipment or adequate ability. Walkers must be physically fit and by joining any event you agree to waive all rights and claims for damages against Outdoors Club, its hike leaders, officers, directors, employees or volunteers.\n\nOutdoors Club does not tolerate inappropriate behavior during its events. If you are subject to or witness any inappropriate behavior during an Outdoors Club event, please report the behavior to us at We will investigate and take necessary action.\n\nWe encourage and appreciate the posting of photos taken during Outdoors Club events and we reserve the right to use the photos in any manner and for any reason, except for commercial purposes, without remuneration or credit.","city":"New York","state":"NY","country":"us","isPrivate":false,"isNewGroup":false,"groupPhoto":{"__ref":"Image:521529889"},"stats":{"__typename":"GroupStats","memberCounts":{"__typename":"GroupMemberCounts","all":11778}}},"Image:506535229":{"__typename":"Image","id":"506535229","baseUrl":""},"Group:8403962":{"__typename":"Group","id":"8403962","name":"Eliane Delage Guitar Events","link":"","description":"**Welcome, new EDGEr!**\n\nThis group brings people together through guitar playing.\nWhether you're taking one of our workshops or participating in ensembles, jams or our open mic you'll get a chance to meet great people, have a great experience and expand your guitar skills in the process.\nUkulele players, bassists and singers are also welcome. Play another instrument and want to join us? Just ask!\nGet on the [mailing list for upcoming events here.](\n\n#### \n\nCheers!\n![](","city":"New York","state":"NY","country":"us","isPrivate":true,"isNewGroup":false,"groupPhoto":{"__ref":"Image:506535229"},"stats":{"__typename":"GroupStats","memberCounts":{"__typename":"GroupMemberCounts","all":992}}},"Image:524694220":{"__typename":"Image","id":"524694220","baseUrl":""},"Group:1128237":{"__typename":"Group","id":"1128237","name":"Jersey City Runners","link":"","description":"\u003cp\u003eJersey City's running group. Road runs and folks to run with - whatever you are training for.\u0026nbsp;For our rules/FAQ, please click here:\u0026nbsp;\u003ca href=\"\"\u003e\u003c/a\u003e\u003cbr\u003eFor all club info plus our other social media platforms, click here:\u0026nbsp;\u003ca href=\"\"\u003e\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cbr\u003e\u003c/p\u003e","city":"Jersey City","state":"NJ","country":"us","isPrivate":false,"isNewGroup":false,"groupPhoto":{"__ref":"Image:524694220"},"stats":{"__typename":"GroupStats","memberCounts":{"__typename":"GroupMemberCounts","all":5909}}},"Image:513476926":{"__typename":"Image","id":"513476926","baseUrl":""},"Group:33450886":{"__typename":"Group","id":"33450886","name":"Manhattan Fine Wine and Dine Group","link":"","description":"We are a Wine and Dine Group! We share some good (sometimes Great!) bottles of wine over food and conversation.\n\nA few times per month, we have small group dinners, either 6, 8 or 10 people at each event. The group organizers will host dinners on both weeknights and weekends. The organizer will supply 4 bottles of wine for 6 person dinners, 5 bottles of wine for 8 person dinners, and 6 bottles of wine for 10 person dinners. Most of the time, the wines will come from the event organizer's personal collection.\n\nThe cost of each event will be for an individual's share of the wine and in some cases the wine corkage charge of the restaurant. Dinner is not included and must be paid for at the event.\n\nTo attend an event, the wine payment must be made in advance, and reservations are on a first come, first serve basis. Once you pay, refunds or credits are only available if you cancel AND your spot gets filled by someone else. All refunds are subject to a cancellation fee from $3 to $5, depending on the cost of the event. There is no refund or credit for no-shows.\n\nNo other outside wine will be permitted, unless prior arrangements have been made with the host, but attendees may order wine or spirits from the restaurant, at their own expense. Attendees are expected to order at least an entree and one other item from the menu, either an appetizer, a side dish or a dessert.\n\nAlong with the wine charge, everyone will be expected/required to pay for their own meal, along with a 33% charge for tax and tip.\n\nWe will be dining at restaurants that we have established relationships with, where we can bring our own wine for us to enjoy. Corkage varies from restaurant to restaurant, from Zero to $25 per bottle.\n\nPLEASE NOTE: IF YOU DON'T HAVE A PROFILE PICTURE WHERE I CAN SEE YOUR FACE, YOU WILL BE REJECTED FOR MEMBERSHIP IN THIS GROUP.","city":"New York","state":"NY","country":"us","isPrivate":false,"isNewGroup":false,"groupPhoto":{"__ref":"Image:513476926"},"stats":{"__typename":"GroupStats","memberCounts":{"__typename":"GroupMemberCounts","all":455}}},"Image:497603449":{"__typename":"Image","id":"497603449","baseUrl":""},"Group:26962767":{"__typename":"Group","id":"26962767","name":"LIC Pickup Soccer - Advanced","link":"","description":"This meetup is created to play high quality, safe and friendly pick up soccer games. Players should have an advance level and technique so we can have slightly more competitive games but be safe at the same time. The overall goal is to have a good work-out, share our love for this sport, make new friends from all over the world and have fun. \n**Group Policy:**\n\\- Fair play and respect at all times\\! \n\\- Our games are open to ALL GENDERS and open to all good soccer players\\.\n\\- We do not have a referee\\. RESPECT each others' calls and do not argue about them\\. If somebody calls a FOUL\\, it is a FOUL\\. \n\\- NO fighting\\, swearing\\, threats and/or any physical aggressive behavior\\. If observed you will be permanently removed from the group\\. \n\\- NO verbally abusing other players or criticizing their abilities when they make a mistake\\. You don't gain anything by winning a game in this meet up nor loose anything when lost\\. However thou\\, you will gain a lot of new friends if you have a clean game\\. \n\\- NO Cleats allowed\\, TURF SHOES ONLY\\! \\(for both real or artificial grass\\) We play on a turf field\\! \n\\- NO slide tackling\\. \n\\- Failure to show results in a 4 WEEKS match ban penalty\\. Repeat offenders coudl be permanently removed from the group\\.\n\\- You must play full games\\, can not leave early\\. You are expected to play two games\\! from 7AM to 9AM\\. Any shows after 7:30AM will be subject to a 1 WEEK match game penalty\\.\n\\- In the event of no show until 7:25AM and if there is a substitute player available\\, you would lose your spot for both games that day and substitute player takes your place\\.\n\\- Bring one WHITE JERSEY and ONE COLORED JERSEY to all games\\. If teams are uneven\\, the organizers might ask you to switch with another player to balance the teams\\. \\(JERSEYS with WHITE STRIPES are never allowed\\. It is neither white nor colored and it is confusing to others\\)\n\\- Teams are announced between 8PM\\-10PM the night before the game and you can change your RSVP until the teams are announced\\. Once teams are announced you have to show up in the game\\. Failure to show up will be subject to no show policy mentioned above\\.\n\\- We play rain or shine\\! as long as the park is open\\. \n\\- Please do not play if you are injured\\. \n\\- No refunds or credits will be provided\\. Money collected will be use to pay Meetup fee \\(Monthly\\)\\, improve the game equipment or donate to a local organization\\. Revenue \u0026 Expense report is open to the community at all times\\. This is a Non\\-Profit group\\.\n**Game details:**\n\n\u003e \\- We play 8v8\\, field divided in two\\, total of 4 teams\\.\n\n\u003e - Game starts at 7:15AM sharp! Arrive at the field by 7 AM and warm up so we can kick off on time.\n\n\u003e \\- One team wears WHITE and other team wears COLORED shirts\\.\n\n\u003e \\- In the half time WHITE TEAM switches\\.\n\n\u003e \\- Two games of approximately 45 min with short water break in between\\.\n\n\u003e \\- Rotating goalies every 5\\-6 mins\\. Everyone must go at least once\\.\n\n**ADULT SOCCER WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY**\n\nAcknowledgement and Assumption of Risk.\n\nI acknowledge and fully understand that I will be engaging in friendly soccer matches that still involve risk of damage to personal property, serious injury, including permanent disability and death, and severe social and economic losses which might result not only from my own actions, inactions or negligence, but the actions, inactions or negligence of others, the condition of the premises or of any equipment, including turf, balls and nets used, contact with other players, other attendees or equipment, and the effect of weather, including heat, humidity, cold and/or precipitation. Further, there may be other risks not known or not reasonably foreseeable at this time.\n\nI acknowledge that I have received a recent physical examination by a licensed medical doctor and have been found physically capable of participating in the sport of soccer. Should I have any medical condition I will provide notice setting forth any specific issue, condition, ailment that may affect my ability to participate in the activities hosted by the Group. I also agree that should I have any condition that may affect my ability to participate in the sport of soccer, if deemed acceptable by the Group’s agents, I participate under my own risk and further waive any liability that the Group, its organizers and any other agents of the Group, may have, should that condition cause any injury, loss, be temporary or permanent, including death, to myself before, during, and after the participation in the soccer matches.\n\nBY JOINING THIS MEET UP AND ANY OF ITS EVENTS YOU ASSUME ALL THE FOREGOING RISKS AND ACCEPT PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ALL EXPENSES, MEDICAL OR OTHERWISE, FOLLOWING ANY SUCH DAMAGES, INJURY, PERMANENT OR TEMPORARY DISABILITY OR DEATH TO OR OF MYSELF.\n\nRelease, Waiver and Discharge. I release, waive and discharge and covenant not to sue the Organizers, Hosts, Co-Organizers, or the Group LIC Pickup Soccer – Advanced, and each of their respective agents, all of which are hereinafter referred to as “Releasees,” from any and all liability to myself as a participant, my heirs and next of kin or any other person, for any and all claims, demands, losses, or damages, including injury or death to myself or damage to property, which, in whole or in part, arise from, relate to or are alleged to arise from or relate to the soccer matches organized by LIC Pickup Soccer – Advanced, any and all related events and activities in which I am participating on the facilities or equipment used by myself or by others, or are cause or alleged to be caused in whole or part by the negligence of the Releasees or otherwise, and covenant not to sue the Releasees with respect to these actions, events and activities. If any part of this waiver is determined to be invalid by law, all other parts of this waiver shall remain valid and enforceable.\n\nCODE OF CONDUCT:\n\nI acknowledge that the LIC Pickup Soccer – Advanced Group welcomes diversity and will not discriminate or tolerate discrimination against any individual on the basis of race, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, color, creed, religion, age, national origin, ethnicity, disability, or on any other legally prohibited basis. I understand that if I engage in prohibited discrimination or harassment I will be subject to appropriate discipline by the Group organizers and agents, up to and including termination from the Group membership with no refunds for any games and a life-time ban. I also understand that at no time should I lay a hand upon, shove, strive, threaten or be guilty of physical attach as an aggressor or in retaliation upon any player, spectator or attendee anywhere on the premises or be guilty of verbally abusive behavior, before, during or after the games and that any game related argument or conversation will be handled with the proper decorum as a responsible, law-abiding adult would deem reasonable.\n\nBY SIGNING UP TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THE GAMES LISTED UNDER THIS GROUP, I AGREE WITH THE ABOVE TERMS AND ACCEPT THEM AS I HAVE READ THEM AND FULLY UNDERSTAND THEM. I UNDERSTAND THAT BY AGREEING TO THE TERMS I HAVE GIVEN UP SUBSTANTIAL RIGHTS AND THAT I HAVE VOLUNTARILY ACCEPTED, AND SIGNED UP, WITHOUT ANY INDUCEMENT OR ASSURANCE OF ANY NATURE AND INTEND IT TO BE A COMPLETE AND UNCONDITIONAL RELEASE OF ALL LIABILITY TO THE GREATEST EXTENT ALLOWED BY LAW AND AGREE THAT IF ANY PORTION OF THIS AGREEMENT IS HELD TO BE INVALID, THE BALANCE, NOTWITHSTANDING, SHALL CONTINUE IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT.\n\n**\\*\\*INJURIES \u0026DISCLAIMER\\*\\*:** Group Organizer(s) and Group Organization Assumes NO Risk Or individual Liability For Personal Injuries Incurred By Members/Players On The Field Or During Any Of Our Activities: Pick Up Games, Or Other Events. By Agreeing To Play, You Are in Receipt Of This Information, And Thereby Warrant That You Are In Good Health And Assume Personal Responsibility For ALL Physical And Accidental Risks Involved With Playing in Our Group, Including But Not Limited to Falls, Injuries, Contact with Other Players, and Field Conditions.","city":"Long Island City","state":"NY","country":"us","isPrivate":true,"isNewGroup":false,"groupPhoto":{"__ref":"Image:497603449"},"stats":{"__typename":"GroupStats","memberCounts":{"__typename":"GroupMemberCounts","all":1673}}},"Image:503136885":{"__typename":"Image","id":"503136885","baseUrl":""},"Group:36246743":{"__typename":"Group","id":"36246743","name":"Fabulous females seeking female friends over 50","link":"","description":"This is a dues paying women only group. The members are wonderful, friendly women who like to socialize, go to live music and other shows, museums etc to make friends. If you are looking for great friends and fun times, you will fit right in. Please see below for how to pay dues.\n\nI spend a lot of time looking for fun and interesting, free and discount activities, and running the group. I’ve had at least 70 free events in the past year and I’ve had over 400 events altogether in the past 3 years All events are in the evening, 2 to 3 a week. If we go to a music show where dinner is served, we go an hour early to chat and eat. We often go out for dinner before the theater or other activities.\n\n\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*\\*The dues are $40 a year to attend free events only or $60 a year to attend free and paid events. Dues are paid when you join and paid events when you RSVP. Both are paid for through PayPal, Venmo or Zelle as follows:\n\n\\*\\*\\*\\*through PayPal under the “family \u0026 friends” option or Zelle, at your bank, both at 973-202-8298 or by Venmo “friends and family“ option at @Barbara-Silverstein-7.\n\nI purchase tix to shows mostly at discount prices so that we are assured of sitting together.\n\nFor full price shows at City Winery, money is paid in advance so I can purchase tix. There is no service charge as I have an annual membership there. You save anywhere from $5 to $12 service charge per person at these shows. We have been to great shows there, including, but not limited to, seeing Kevin Bacon, his brother and their band, twice; Bettye LaVette, a long time soul singer in her 70’s, who btw, still has it; a benefit for gun safety and other great artists such as Sophie B. Hawkins, Suzanne Vega, The Bowie Bday Bash tribute, twice; Paul Reiser, the comedian. I can pick out our seats at City Winery.\n\nI have many websites where I can get discount tix for shows. Some of these websites charge for my membership. Even though I don’t know where our seats will be at some venues, we always sit together and I have never gotten bad seats. City Winery has no food/drink minimum. Most other places do. I keep my eye out for free or discount tix daily. I only set up shows for later in the day/ evenings due to medical issues that I have. For any further info please look at past, pending, and future events. Hope to meet you soon!\n\n\\*\\*\\*Sometimes group members cancel from attending free events at the last minute or next to last minute or simply do not show up. That is not fair to women on a waitlist or to me as I spend a lot of time setting up events. I keep track of these women and if you cancel twice last minute without good reason you will be placed on probation. After a 3rd time you will be dropped. Other groups do this after 2 no shows.\n\nIf a member with a paid ticket has to cancel in advance, I try to resell the ticket. If not, the ticket is offered as a free tix to members on a rotating basis.","city":"New York","state":"NY","country":"us","isPrivate":false,"isNewGroup":false,"groupPhoto":{"__ref":"Image:503136885"},"stats":{"__typename":"GroupStats","memberCounts":{"__typename":"GroupMemberCounts","all":330}}},"Image:518189183":{"__typename":"Image","id":"518189183","baseUrl":""},"Group:37435670":{"__typename":"Group","id":"37435670","name":"Sapphics of Jersey City","link":"","description":"If you identify as sapphic and want to meet and get to know other sapphics in the JC/Hoboken area,, this group is for you. Brunch, coffee, walks and other events to come!\n\nWe are gender-inclusive and welcoming to trans, non-binary and gender-nonconforming sapphics. TERFS are not welcome. We also welcome bisexual and pansexual folks and other sexual identities so long as you identify as sapphic. We do NOT tolerate man-bashing in the Meetup or WhatsApp groups, as many of our members are bi, pan and/or poly with male partners and/or metamours and/or are masc-leaning themselves. This is NOT a place where \"ew, men!\" or \"why are men\" commentary is accepted.\n\nWe are also very diverse in makeup, as we have members in theirs 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s and even 60s, as well as members of varying ethnic and racial backgrounds, members who speak foreign languages, members who have lived in and/or grown up in different parts of the world, members who go to various churches (or don't follow religion at all), etc., etc. Again, if you identify as sapphic, you're welcome here!\n\nYou're also welcome to join if you don't live in Jersey City and Hoboken; just know most events are located in those cities.\n\nCurrently, we run:\n\n* **After-work socials** every other Thursday\n* **Sapphic Sunday events** (e.g. coffee, weaving, crafting, hikes, etc.); location varies\n\nWe're always looking to add new events, so send the organizer a note if you have ideas you want to share!","city":"Jersey City","state":"NJ","country":"us","isPrivate":true,"isNewGroup":false,"groupPhoto":{"__ref":"Image:518189183"},"stats":{"__typename":"GroupStats","memberCounts":{"__typename":"GroupMemberCounts","all":175}}},"Image:515176674":{"__typename":"Image","id":"515176674","baseUrl":""},"Group:37229880":{"__typename":"Group","id":"37229880","name":"Black Everywhere® - New York","link":"","description":"Black Everywhere® [](\n\nWe are committed to nurturing a vibrant community for Black people--online and in person. Participating in this group indicates that you have read and agree to adhere to our group rules.\n\nJoin your local group chat:\n[](\n\nFollow us on IG @black.everywhere:\n[](","city":"Brooklyn","state":"NY","country":"us","isPrivate":false,"isNewGroup":false,"groupPhoto":{"__ref":"Image:515176674"},"stats":{"__typename":"GroupStats","memberCounts":{"__typename":"GroupMemberCounts","all":1201}}},"Image:524086640":{"__typename":"Image","id":"524086640","baseUrl":""},"Group:37699394":{"__typename":"Group","id":"37699394","name":"Loneliness Support","link":"","description":"Welcome to The Loneliness Support Group Meetup! This group is based on member's shared interests. Those members who wish to connect with others that may be experiencing feelings of isolation and loneliness. Whether you enjoy hiking, cooking, reading, or any other hobby, this group provides a safe and inclusive space for individuals to come together, share experiences, and build meaningful connections. In order to complete this task, we ask that everyone be respectful and courteous to each other. This helps the members be more open with one another without feeling isolated in such a group where we already are isolated. Otherwise we would never have been here. Join us for our meetups and let's support each other in navigating the feelings of loneliness while building friendships based on common interests.","city":"New York","state":"NY","country":"us","isPrivate":true,"isNewGroup":false,"groupPhoto":{"__ref":"Image:524086640"},"stats":{"__typename":"GroupStats","memberCounts":{"__typename":"GroupMemberCounts","all":1056}}},"Image:521527911":{"__typename":"Image","id":"521527911","baseUrl":""},"Group:882440":{"__typename":"Group","id":"882440","name":"Williamsburg Soccer","link":"","description":"According to our city permit, you must be at least **18 years or older** to play with us.\n\n**We are a community soccer league running permitted games in Williamsburg since 2007.**\n\n**OUR MISSION**\nWe value skills, experience and good sportsmanship regardless of background. This isn't a group where the popular kids have their own game and leave everyone else on their own. We create blended teams, so everyone has a chance to meet new people and have a fun, high-quality game.\n\n**Skill level:** Minimum 10+ years experience at the club, college, traveling team level. Ideally, you have played on a formal team with a coach. This is for your safety and the safety of the other players.\n\n**You must RSVP to each game in order to play.**\n\n**HOW TO JOIN**\nClick the \"join us\" button and fill out all of the profile questions:\n\n* Use a CLOSE UP, RECOGNIZABLE picture of your face, with NO ONE ELSE in it\n* Introduce yourself for real - don't just type letters.\n* Use your real first name and last initial - no screen/nicknames\n\n**OUR SCHEDULE**\n• Tues Nights: 8-10pm - All Year Round\n• Sunday AM (Dec-Aug): 10am-Noon\n• Friday PM (Sept-Nov): 8-10pm\n\n**WHEN TO RSVP**\n• Tues PM game opens at 10PM Sun\n• Sun AM (Dec-Aug only) game opens at 10pm Wed\n• Fri PM (Sept-Nov only) game opens at 10PM Wed\n*• We are first come first serve for 42 spots, and you must RSVP to play.*\n\n**WHERE WE PLAY**\nWe Play permitted games at McCarren \u0026 Bushwick Inlet Park, please see individual game details for more information.","city":"Brooklyn","state":"NY","country":"us","isPrivate":true,"isNewGroup":false,"groupPhoto":{"__ref":"Image:521527911"},"stats":{"__typename":"GroupStats","memberCounts":{"__typename":"GroupMemberCounts","all":3369}}}},"_sentryTraceData":"76d8a83df0ed46728717f2957e2bcdf7-13bf74ec8d15f8cd-0","_sentryBaggage":"sentry-environment=production,sentry-release=005f71f3bfe088e396067ce8ccddfa55851f1e24,sentry-public_key=5d12cd2317664353456ab4c40d079af2,sentry-trace_id=76d8a83df0ed46728717f2957e2bcdf7,sentry-sampled=false"},"__N_SSP":true},"page":"/find","query":{"source":"GROUPS"},"buildId":"005f71f3bfe088e396067ce8ccddfa55851f1e24","isFallback":false,"isExperimentalCompile":false,"gssp":true,"locale":"en-US","locales":["en-US","en-AU","de","de-DE","es","es-ES","fr","fr-FR","it","it-IT","ja","ja-JP","ko","ko-KR","nl","nl-NL","pl","pl-PL","pt","pt-BR","ru","ru-RU","tr","tr-TR","th-TH"],"defaultLocale":"en-US","scriptLoader":[]}</script></body></html>