"Jungly Glow Up": First-of-its-kind festival prioritises wellness through fun
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(Photo/ANI)</i></small> </header> <article> <div class="content"> <h1 itemprop="headline" class="title">"Jungly Glow Up": First-of-its-kind festival prioritises wellness through fun</h1> <p class="time"><span class="time-gray"> <span itemprop="author creator" itemscope itemtype=""> <span itemprop="name">ANI |</span> </span> Updated: </span><span class="time-red" itemprop="dateModified">Mar 31, 2024 19:25 </span><span class="first red-ist"> IST</span> </p> </div> <div class="hidden-md hidden-lg hidden-xl"> <a target="_blank" class="green-btn" href="">ANI News <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M256 48a208 208 0 1 1 0 416 208 208 0 1 1 0-416zm0 464A256 256 0 1 0 256 0a256 256 0 1 0 0 512zM369 209c9.4-9.4 9.4-24.6 0-33.9s-24.6-9.4-33.9 0l-111 111-47-47c-9.4-9.4-24.6-9.4-33.9 0s-9.4 24.6 0 33.9l64 64c9.4 9.4 24.6 9.4 33.9 0L369 209z" fill="#fff"/></svg> Join our Whatsapp channel</a></div> <div class="content count-br" itemprop="articleBody"> <br/><p>New Delhi [India], March 31 (ANI): Prioritising "wellness" these days, particularly in today's fast-paced life, has become a need of the hour. Neglecting it can lead to increased stress, anxiety and depression, impacting the overall health of a person. But what if wellness could be achieved through fun?<br/>One such event, "<a href="/topic/jungly-glow-up">Jungly Glow Up</a>" was organised today in <a href="/topic/araya-bagh">Araya Bagh</a> in Ghitorni, New Delhi, where two young entrepreneurs tried to make people aware of wellness with some elements of fun.<br/>Ananaya Bhandare, founder of Jungly Delights, said that they wanted to show that wellness is fun and it's not something that one is forced to do.<br/>"There is a gap in the market when it comes to wellness and our aim is to make wellness fun. <a href="/topic/wellness">Wellness</a> is about enjoying and feeling good. Post-pandemic, people are valuing and taking care of their health. The <a href="/topic/jungly-glow-up">Jungly Glow Up</a> is a first-of-its kind wellness festival. We have had an art therapy class, and outside there is a bazaar (market). We had a reflexologist, a tarot reader, and even a glitter tattoo artist. We had some kid yoga sessions as well. We wanted to make it accessible to as many people as possible and show them that wellness is fun and it's not something that you are forced to do," she said.<br/><img itemprop="image" src="" alt="" class="img-responsive"></img><br/>Ananya also mentioned that wellness is about thriving, not just surviving, and it's about leading a happy life and feeling good.<br/>The wellness festival had several activities planned for people of different age groups, starting from yoga sessions for kids to shopping for adults, a live smoothie station, snacks and a lot more.<br/><img itemprop="image" src="" alt="" class="img-responsive"></img><br/>"We want to make it accessible to all and something that appeals to everyone," the organiser of the event, Ananya Bhandare, said.<br/>Pratishtha, founder of <a href="/topic/glow-glossary">Glow Glossary</a>, said that wellness is important for mental and physical health.<br/>"We have the industry experts coming in to give out sessions. We have demos, kid's activities and something for everyone. Post-COVID, we have all become more aware of wellness and wellbeing. <a href="/topic/wellness">Wellness</a> is important for mental and physical health," she said.<br/></p><div id="M58040ScriptRootC713570"> </div> <script src="" async></script><p>The kids could be seen performing yoga enthusiastically. People were seen enjoying healthy snacks and smoothies at the event.<br/><img itemprop="image" src="" alt="" class="img-responsive"></img><br/>The shopping stalls also attracted a large number of people, as they also offered a good stop to shop for handicrafts and wear accessories.<br/><a href="/topic/wellness">Wellness</a> therapies were also conducted, where many people could be seen getting hydration and red light therapy.<br/><img itemprop="image" src="" alt="" class="img-responsive"></img><br/>A visitor, Pranav Goswami, was very excited to be at the wellness festival and said "I am here at the Jungly Glow up event and it is the coolest beauty and wellness first-of-its-kind event. Do come and check it out. It has everything related to wellness. There are different sessions, talks and everything in one place."<br/><img itemprop="image" src="" alt="" class="img-responsive"></img><br/>Another visitor, Himanshu Bhalla, added that It is great that the festival brings all aspects of wellness under one roof, be it food, personal care, or sexual health.<br/><img itemprop="image" src="" alt="" class="img-responsive"></img><br/>"It's great to see Delhi have a festival like this. I am glad that the owner has been able to put it together. We need more events like this. We are already committed that we will be part of this festival every year when it happens," the visitor said.<br/>Dr Garima, who visited and also provided wellness therapy at the festival, said that this wellness festival seems to be a very good initiative. It has brought up a lot of things in terms of diet, exercise, lifestyle modifications and wellness therapy and made people aware of it. (ANI)<br/></p> </div> </article> <div class="social-tags"> <div class="tags"> <div class="box-head"> <h3 class="title">Tags</h3> </div> <div class="box-tag"> <a href="/topic/wellness/"> <p class="text">Wellness</p> </a> </div> <div class="box-tag"> <a href="/topic/jungly-glow-up/"> <p class="text"> Jungly Glow Up</p> </a> </div> <div class="box-tag"> <a href="/topic/araya-bagh/"> <p class="text"> Araya Bagh</p> </a> </div> <div class="box-tag"> <a href="/topic/depression/"> <p class="text"> Depression</p> </a> </div> <div class="box-tag"> <a href="/topic/anxiety/"> <p class="text"> Anxiety</p> </a> </div> <div class="box-tag"> <a href="/topic/glow-glossary/"> <p class="text"> Glow Glossary</p> </a> </div> <div class="box-tag"> <a href="/topic/jungly-delights/"> <p class="text"> Jungly delights</p> </a> </div> <div class="box-tag"> <a href="/topic/mental-health/"> <p class="text"> mental health</p> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="social"> <div class="addthis_inline_share_toolbox"></div> </div> </div> <!-- ads --> <!-- <div class="inner-page mt-4"> <div class="right-block"> <div class="extra-news-block section-gap"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="mt-4"> <div style="float:left;"> <div id="M58040ScriptRootC393150"> <div id="M58040PreloadC393150"> Loading... </div> </div> <script> (function () { var script = document.createElement('script'); script.src = "//" + ((d = new Date()) ? 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