Evrnu® — Terms & Conditions

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class="gradient-wipe-right py-5" style="mask-position:center right 0%;-webkit-mask-position:center right 0%"><h1 class="font-serif text-s-hero-title tracking-[-0.03em] short-screen:text-s-hero-title-landscape">Consumer Terms of Use</h1></div><div class="pt-8 lg:pt-6" style="opacity:0;transform:translateY(-20%) translateZ(0)"><p class="inline w-[52ch] font-sans text-s-hero-description font-medium md:inline-block">Last updated: September 18, 2023 </p></div></div></div><div class="site-container z-10 flex w-full items-center justify-end md:absolute md:bottom-0 md:right-0 md:bg-transparent md:py-10" style="opacity:0;transform:translateY(-20%) translateZ(0)"><button data-testid="IconButton" class="group flex items-center"><span class="pr-4 font-sans text-xxs font-semibold uppercase text-primary-base">Scroll down</span><span class="inline-flex cursor-pointer place-content-center place-items-center rounded-full border outline-none transition-colors group-disabled:cursor-default 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class="mb-7 font-serif text-[40px] leading-[52px] tracking-[-0.03rem]">Consumer Terms of Use</h2><div class="prose max-w-none prose-p:text-[15px] prose-p:font-light prose-p:leading-[21px] text-primary-base"><p>These Consumer Terms of Use (these “<b>Terms</b>”) are entered into by and between you and Evrnu Inc., a Washington social purpose corporation (“<b>Evrnu</b>,” “<b>we</b>,” “<b>our</b>,” or “<b>us</b>”). These Terms, together with any documents they expressly incorporate by reference, govern your access and use of this website, including any content, functionality, products and services offered on or through the website (collectively, the “<b>Site</b>”). Users of the Site are referred to herein as “you” or “your”.</p><p><b> </b></p><p><b>Agreement to Terms</b></p><p>Please read these Terms carefully before you start to use the Site. By accessing or using the Site, you agree to be bound by these Terms. If you do not want to agree to these Terms, you must not access or use the Site.</p><p><b> </b></p><p><b>Changes to Terms</b></p><p>Evrnu may modify and update the Terms at any time, in its sole discretion. If we do so, we will let you know, either by posting the modified Terms on the Site or through other forms of communication. All changes are effective immediately when we post them. Your continued use of the Site following the posting of revised Terms means that you accept and agree to the changes. If you do not agree to be bound by the revised Terms, you must stop using the Site. You are expected to check this page from time to time so you are aware of any changes, as they are binding on you.</p><p> </p><p><b>User Eligibility</b></p><p>You may use the Site only if you are at least 13 years old and are not barred from using the Site under applicable law.</p><p> </p><p><b>Accessing the Site</b></p><p>We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Site, and any services or material we provide on the Site, in our sole discretion without notice. We will not be liable if for any reason all or any part of the Site is unavailable at any time or for any period of time. We may restrict access to some parts of the Site, or the entire Site, from time to time. You may be asked to provide certain information when using the Site, including when you purchase or inquire about our products and services. It is a condition of your use of the Site that all information you provide on or through the Site is correct, current, and complete. You agree that all information you provide is governed by our Privacy Policy [<!-- -->ADD LINK TO NEW PRIVACY POLICY<!-- -->], and you consent to all actions we take with respect to your information consistent with our Privacy Policy [<!-- -->ADD LINK TO NEW PRIVACY POLICY<!-- -->]. </p><p> </p><p><b>Feedback</b></p><p>We welcome feedback, comments and suggestions regarding the Site and any products or services offered on or through the Site (“<b>Feedback</b>”). You can submit Feedback by emailing us at <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#cba2a5ada48baebdb9a5bee5a8a4a6"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="137a7d757c537665617d663d707c7e">[email&#160;protected]</span></a>.  You grant to us a non-exclusive, worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, fully-paid, royalty-free, sublicensable and transferable license under any and all intellectual property rights that you own or control to use, copy, modify, create derivative works based upon and otherwise exploit the Feedback for any purpose.</p><p> </p><p><b>Intellectual Property Rights</b></p><p>For purposes of these Terms, “<b>Content</b>” means the Site and its entire contents, features, and functionality, including but not limited to all information, software, text, graphics, displays, images, music, software, video, audio, works of authorship of any kind, and other materials that are posted, generated, provided or otherwise made available on or through the Site.</p><p> </p><p>Evrnu and its licensors exclusively own all right, title and interest in and to the Site and Content, including all associated intellectual property rights therein. You acknowledge that the Site and Content are protected by copyright, trademark, patent and other laws of the United States and foreign countries. You agree not to remove, alter or obscure any copyright, trademark, service mark or other proprietary rights notices incorporated in or accompanying the Site or Content.</p><p> </p><p><b>Trademarks</b></p><p>Evrnu’s name, all related names, logos, product and service names, designs, and slogans are trademarks of Evrnu or its affiliates or licensors. You must not use such marks without the prior written permission of Evrnu. All other names, logos, product and service names, designs, and slogans on this Site are the trademarks of their respective owners.</p><p><b> </b></p><p><b>Reporting Claims of Copyright Infringement</b></p><p>Evrnu takes claims of copyright infringement seriously. We will respond to notices of alleged copyright infringement that comply with applicable law. If you believe any materials accessible on or from the Site infringe your copyright, you may request removal of those materials (or access to them) from the Site by submitting written notification to our copyright agent designated below. In accordance with the Online Copyright Infringement Liability Limitation Act of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (17 U.S.C. § 512) (&quot;<b>DMCA</b>&quot;), the written notice (the &quot;<b>DMCA Notice</b>&quot;) must include substantially the following:</p><p>·      <!-- -->Your physical or electronic signature.</p><p>·      <!-- -->Identification of the copyrighted work you believe to have been infringed or, if the claim involves multiple works on the Site, a representative list of such works.</p><p>·      <!-- -->Identification of the material you believe to be infringing in a sufficiently precise manner to allow us to locate that material.</p><p>·      <!-- -->Adequate information by which we can contact you (including your name, postal address, telephone number, and, if available, email address).</p><p>·      <!-- -->A statement that you have a good faith belief that use of the copyrighted material is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.</p><p>·      <!-- -->A statement that the information in the written notice is accurate.</p><p>·      <!-- -->A statement, under penalty of perjury, that you are authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner.</p><p>Our designated copyright agent to receive DMCA Notices is: </p><p>Copyright Compliance</p><p>Lane Powell PC</p><p>1420 5<!-- -->th<!-- --> Ave, Suite 4200</p><p>Seattle, WA 98101</p><p>(206) 223-7000</p><p><a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#54373b242d263d333c20271438353a31243b233138387a373b39"><u><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="f99a9689808b909e918d8ab99598979c89968e9c9595d79a9694">[email&#160;protected]</span></u></a></p><p> </p><p>If you fail to comply with all of the requirements of Section 512(c)(3) of the DMCA, your DMCA Notice may not be effective.</p><p>Please be aware that if you knowingly materially misrepresent that material or activity on the Site is infringing your copyright, you may be held liable for damages (including costs and attorneys&#x27; fees) under Section 512(f) of the DMCA.</p><p> </p><p><b>Rights in Content Granted by Evrnu</b></p><p>Subject to your compliance with these Terms, Evrnu grants you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable license to download, view, copy and display the Content solely in connection with your permitted use of the Site and solely for your personal and non-commercial purposes.</p><p> </p><p><b>Prohibitions</b></p><p>You may use the Site only for lawful purposes and in accordance with these Terms. 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62.9992H0.475464C0.0988876 62.9992 0.0993333 62.9992 0.0993333 62.6279C0.0993333 61.9835 0.104235 61.3391 0.0957681 60.6947C0.0935398 60.5251 0.140333 60.4454 0.31592 60.4616C0.402377 60.4693 0.490616 60.4625 0.577964 60.4625L19.6416 60.4621ZM6.83492 2.59431C6.35852 2.59431 5.90707 2.60196 5.45607 2.58531C5.39368 2.58351 5.30678 2.47326 5.27915 2.39586C5.05632 1.77351 4.59997 1.44051 3.97472 1.36356C3.24965 1.27401 2.63777 1.54401 2.29283 2.19336C1.76696 3.18381 1.73176 4.22286 2.26431 5.23176C2.58028 5.83071 3.10749 6.12411 3.788 6.12411C4.42394 6.12411 4.89678 5.85231 5.17665 5.27001C5.25241 5.11341 5.3148 4.94421 5.346 4.77411C5.37586 4.61481 5.43112 4.54461 5.59913 4.54911C5.93961 4.55901 6.28053 4.55766 6.62101 4.55001C6.82155 4.54551 6.8728 4.62606 6.8523 4.82451C6.71727 6.12501 5.76892 7.15011 4.48722 7.36701C3.29822 7.56861 2.22465 7.33326 1.35117 6.45981C0.767366 5.87571 0.475018 5.13726 0.393909 4.31241C0.29542 3.31251 0.417529 2.35356 0.974149 1.49946C1.68897 0.402809 2.74383 -0.0161412 4.00815 0.0401088C4.84241 0.0770088 5.57551 0.361409 6.14906 0.995459C6.54837 1.43646 6.76094 1.96251 6.83492 2.59431ZM37.8786 4.75521C37.8176 4.43706 37.785 4.14771 37.7048 3.87231C37.5858 3.46281 37.3113 3.17256 36.8884 3.10731C36.4057 3.03306 35.9507 3.12846 35.6958 3.61086C35.3313 4.30071 35.3357 5.01936 35.6637 5.71506C35.8607 6.13221 36.2208 6.36306 36.699 6.34506C37.1535 6.32841 37.486 6.09486 37.6495 5.67816C37.7659 5.38116 37.8073 5.05401 37.8786 4.75521ZM37.8184 6.72126C37.0608 7.68111 35.4743 7.50876 34.825 6.85176C34.3865 6.40806 34.1623 5.86851 34.0687 5.26416C33.9324 4.38666 34.0549 3.56181 34.5843 2.82696C35.2813 1.85991 36.7778 1.73436 37.5747 2.51196C37.6099 2.54616 37.6607 2.56326 37.7463 2.61276C37.7587 2.49126 37.7757 2.40216 37.7761 2.31261C37.7779 1.70331 37.7828 1.09401 37.773 0.484709C37.7699 0.286709 37.8425 0.216509 38.0328 0.221009C38.3385 0.227309 38.6447 0.223709 38.9504 0.213809C39.1211 0.208409 39.2053 0.255209 39.2044 0.450509C39.2 2.64066 39.2009 4.83036 39.204 7.02051C39.204 7.20501 39.1309 7.27251 38.9526 7.26621C38.6904 7.25656 38.4279 7.25656 38.1656 7.26621C37.9508 7.27521 37.8269 7.21491 37.8577 6.96786C37.8657 6.90486 37.8381 6.83736 37.8184 6.72126ZM9.8453 4.17831C10.1327 4.17831 10.4206 4.17156 10.7081 4.18056C10.9345 4.18776 10.9902 4.08516 10.9211 3.88671C10.7607 3.42636 10.5583 3.04116 9.74369 3.09516C9.29715 3.12486 8.8671 3.48891 8.78732 3.92676C8.75613 4.10001 8.80693 4.17921 8.98207 4.17876C9.26997 4.17696 9.55741 4.17786 9.8453 4.17876M10.5962 5.06706C10.0721 5.06706 9.54805 5.06976 9.02352 5.06571C8.83278 5.06391 8.74053 5.09856 8.77752 5.33841C8.85595 5.84781 9.11176 6.18891 9.60777 6.30636C10.1292 6.42966 10.6074 6.31986 10.951 5.88066C11.0838 5.71056 11.217 5.65791 11.4144 5.67006C11.623 5.68266 11.8334 5.67006 12.0428 5.67366C12.2848 5.67816 12.3147 5.73711 12.2206 5.96391C11.8628 6.82521 11.2224 7.29591 10.3043 7.37736C9.62069 7.43811 8.9638 7.36296 8.37866 6.95706C7.75163 6.52191 7.44636 5.88831 7.36391 5.15481C7.24091 4.05951 7.51721 3.09741 8.46467 2.44536C9.56098 1.69071 11.3792 1.84056 12.086 3.30801C12.3182 3.79086 12.4203 4.30611 12.4109 4.84431C12.4078 5.01261 12.3374 5.07291 12.1685 5.07021C11.6444 5.06211 11.1203 5.06751 10.5962 5.06706ZM31.065 4.17786C31.3449 4.17786 31.6243 4.18011 31.9037 4.17741C32.1685 4.17471 32.2268 4.10811 32.1377 3.85971C31.9786 3.41736 31.7883 3.04791 30.9612 3.09426C30.5155 3.11946 30.1434 3.43311 30.0137 3.90336C29.954 4.12071 30.0405 4.17831 30.2268 4.17831H31.0655M31.7999 5.06706C31.2843 5.06706 30.7687 5.06436 30.2531 5.06796C29.9794 5.06976 29.9554 5.12196 30.0035 5.38341C30.0971 5.88786 30.3662 6.22086 30.8725 6.31626C31.4095 6.41706 31.8721 6.28116 32.2291 5.83296C32.2932 5.75196 32.4203 5.68896 32.5237 5.67996C32.7665 5.65746 33.0125 5.67096 33.2572 5.67321C33.5117 5.67546 33.5331 5.71551 33.4435 5.94771C33.0722 6.90621 32.3427 7.33821 31.3601 7.39176C30.7566 7.42416 30.1782 7.33686 29.6563 6.99576C29.052 6.60156 28.7276 6.02106 28.6113 5.32761C28.4745 4.51131 28.5596 3.71841 29.0739 3.03666C29.7169 2.18436 30.5922 1.89366 31.6221 2.05206C33.128 2.28336 33.6895 3.76971 33.6244 4.88841C33.6151 5.04726 33.5308 5.07021 33.3989 5.06886C32.8659 5.06436 32.3329 5.06706 31.7999 5.06706ZM24.1833 7.26396C23.5112 7.26396 23.5112 7.26396 23.5112 6.57951C23.5112 5.51121 23.505 4.44291 23.5166 3.37506C23.5188 3.14781 23.4435 3.09156 23.2314 3.09336C22.6743 3.09966 22.6743 3.09066 22.6743 2.53761C22.6743 2.13531 22.6743 2.13531 23.0856 2.13576C23.1467 2.13576 23.2082 2.13126 23.2688 2.13666C23.4479 2.15241 23.5112 2.07816 23.517 1.89276C23.525 1.64886 23.5384 1.39461 23.6124 1.16601C23.7929 0.608909 24.2082 0.304259 24.7742 0.242159C25.1018 0.206159 25.4369 0.239459 25.7685 0.235409C25.9284 0.233609 25.9891 0.305609 25.9717 0.462209C25.9641 0.531959 25.973 0.603059 25.9699 0.673709C25.961 0.865859 26.0131 1.10796 25.9173 1.23351C25.846 1.32666 25.5808 1.26861 25.4017 1.27851C25.0478 1.29741 24.7836 1.69926 24.9293 2.01786C24.956 2.07636 25.0639 2.12226 25.1387 2.12991C25.3042 2.14394 25.4705 2.14514 25.6361 2.13351C25.7921 2.12451 25.8669 2.18616 25.8625 2.34501C25.8616 2.36211 25.8625 2.38011 25.8629 2.39766C25.8857 3.08796 25.8857 3.09786 25.2109 3.09246C24.9609 3.09066 24.9052 3.18381 24.9079 3.42006C24.9186 4.56756 24.9124 5.71506 24.9124 6.86256C24.9124 7.26351 24.9128 7.26351 24.5242 7.26396H24.1833ZM17.5858 4.76871C17.5858 4.29171 17.5783 3.81516 17.5903 3.33861C17.5947 3.15006 17.5279 3.09741 17.3487 3.09426C16.7449 3.08436 16.7453 3.07806 16.7485 2.47461C16.7507 2.14701 16.7605 2.13666 17.0916 2.13576C17.6518 2.13396 17.5823 2.18436 17.5854 1.64391C17.5872 1.37886 17.5934 1.11381 17.5827 0.849659C17.5765 0.683159 17.6228 0.605759 17.8011 0.611159C18.1157 0.619743 18.4304 0.619743 18.745 0.611159C18.9232 0.607109 18.9963 0.672809 18.9901 0.858659C18.9794 1.18536 18.9963 1.51251 18.9838 1.83876C18.9754 2.05341 19.0494 2.15106 19.2691 2.13801C19.4429 2.12766 19.618 2.13801 19.7932 2.13531C19.9424 2.13216 20.0231 2.19381 20.0204 2.35311C20.0039 3.25851 20.1577 3.07896 19.3573 3.09651C18.987 3.10506 18.987 3.09921 18.9874 3.47991C18.9874 4.13286 18.9852 4.78626 18.9887 5.43966C18.9892 5.56206 19.0039 5.68581 19.0262 5.80641C19.0819 6.11016 19.1955 6.20151 19.5057 6.20826C20.0204 6.21906 20.0204 6.21906 20.0204 6.73026C20.0204 7.29951 20.0204 7.32381 19.4585 7.32696C19.069 7.32876 18.6741 7.28106 18.2917 7.20321C17.8715 7.11681 17.5925 6.67806 17.5867 6.17271C17.5814 5.70471 17.5854 5.23671 17.5858 4.76871ZM4.17616 54.0941C4.07099 54.0941 3.96046 54.1148 3.86287 54.0878C3.77195 54.0622 3.6543 54.0055 3.61776 53.9285C3.43504 53.5447 3.1672 53.2747 2.73626 53.2265C2.21039 53.168 1.75627 53.3107 1.49512 53.8142C1.12166 54.5333 1.10784 55.2722 1.50403 55.9823C1.77008 56.4593 2.2242 56.6515 2.75319 56.566C3.255 56.485 3.52996 56.1394 3.65207 55.6493C3.67034 55.5746 3.77997 55.4792 3.85529 55.4716C4.08926 55.4482 4.32634 55.4653 4.56254 55.4608C4.71896 55.4576 4.76219 55.5373 4.73679 55.6781C4.58304 56.5385 4.03712 57.3017 3.02326 57.4655C2.14087 57.6082 1.35652 57.4183 0.742409 56.7212C0.255312 56.1686 0.101116 55.4995 0.125627 54.7822C0.157268 53.843 0.501757 53.0492 1.33513 52.574C2.3784 51.9791 3.80092 52.2226 4.40121 53.1856C4.53714 53.4038 4.60577 53.6675 4.68376 53.9173C4.69579 53.9569 4.60131 54.0703 4.54115 54.0847C4.42528 54.1117 4.29827 54.0923 4.17571 54.0923L4.17616 54.0941ZM14.9739 55.6592C14.9311 55.4149 14.9177 55.2088 14.8558 55.0189C14.7533 54.7075 14.5514 54.4879 14.2051 54.446C13.8571 54.4046 13.5696 54.5185 13.4145 54.8375C13.1828 55.3127 13.1717 55.8145 13.4021 56.2915C13.5273 56.5516 13.7488 56.7212 14.0696 56.7257C14.4012 56.7302 14.6597 56.6105 14.7916 56.3054C14.8838 56.0926 14.9204 55.8554 14.9739 55.6592ZM13.2724 57.0484C13.2724 57.5326 13.2617 57.9547 13.2768 58.3759C13.2853 58.6193 13.2064 58.7152 12.9604 58.6819C12.8125 58.6641 12.6631 58.6642 12.5152 58.6823C12.3205 58.7039 12.2763 58.613 12.2768 58.438C12.2803 56.9543 12.2812 55.4711 12.2768 53.9875C12.2759 53.7994 12.345 53.7296 12.5263 53.7557C12.5945 53.7656 12.6658 53.7557 12.7358 53.7584C12.9756 53.7683 13.2884 53.6513 13.243 54.1882C13.5995 53.7697 13.9761 53.6621 14.4061 53.6743C15.1218 53.695 15.711 54.2102 15.8621 54.9221C15.9864 55.5089 15.9806 56.0696 15.7315 56.6258C15.3643 57.4448 14.3246 57.7531 13.587 57.2504C13.5023 57.1928 13.4154 57.1402 13.2724 57.0484ZM14.456 2.90256C14.7305 2.44806 15.1232 2.16456 15.6316 2.04756C15.6825 2.03586 15.7333 2.02191 15.785 2.01606C16.2591 1.96656 16.3153 2.01831 16.3153 2.49846C16.3153 2.70096 16.3055 2.90481 16.3184 3.10686C16.33 3.29496 16.2538 3.34986 16.0746 3.35166C15.8072 3.35481 15.522 3.33501 15.2756 3.41916C14.5937 3.65046 14.4422 4.24266 14.4248 4.87896C14.4096 5.56692 14.4096 6.25515 14.4248 6.94311C14.4293 7.18296 14.3535 7.28061 14.1097 7.26756C13.8217 7.25479 13.5333 7.25419 13.2452 7.26576C13.0714 7.27116 13.0166 7.19601 13.017 7.02951C13.0201 5.47701 13.0201 3.92451 13.0175 2.37201C13.0175 2.21316 13.0558 2.12496 13.2389 2.13216C13.5442 2.14431 13.8504 2.14251 14.1557 2.13261C14.321 2.12721 14.3727 2.20101 14.3691 2.35311C14.3647 2.53131 14.3678 2.70951 14.3678 2.88861L14.456 2.90256ZM25.7194 55.8932C25.7052 55.8716 25.6361 55.7146 25.5982 55.7218C25.2337 55.7915 24.8558 55.8451 24.5188 55.9913C24.2189 56.1218 24.2648 56.5921 24.5598 56.7401C25.1249 57.0245 25.7007 56.6461 25.7194 55.8932ZM26.711 57.3877C26.3955 57.295 25.9717 57.5942 25.6691 57.1222C25.301 57.4493 24.8517 57.4988 24.3802 57.479C23.7572 57.4529 23.3116 57.0434 23.3093 56.4175C23.3076 55.855 23.5776 55.4743 24.2586 55.3492C24.567 55.2925 24.8803 55.2592 25.1909 55.2128C25.5167 55.1642 25.7203 54.9982 25.7123 54.7903C25.7021 54.5158 25.4886 54.3551 25.1347 54.3443C24.8201 54.3353 24.5697 54.4177 24.4467 54.7493C24.423 54.8132 24.3192 54.8798 24.2479 54.8857C24.0309 54.9037 23.8116 54.8956 23.5937 54.8902C23.4395 54.887 23.4154 54.8132 23.4515 54.662C23.5562 54.2273 23.8196 53.9488 24.2301 53.8151C24.8629 53.6095 25.5002 53.6063 26.1254 53.8412C26.531 53.9938 26.715 54.3119 26.7119 54.7475C26.7083 55.2326 26.711 55.7177 26.711 56.2033V57.3877ZM17.3924 55.5652L17.4174 55.5737C17.4307 55.7222 17.4379 55.8716 17.4597 56.0192C17.5105 56.3567 17.7917 56.6609 18.093 56.714C18.4918 56.7842 18.8038 56.6456 18.9865 56.2879C19.1839 55.9027 19.1732 55.4945 19.0757 55.0819C18.9905 54.7237 18.7178 54.4739 18.3688 54.4424C17.9611 54.4055 17.6901 54.5522 17.5431 54.9329C17.4655 55.1327 17.4406 55.3537 17.3924 55.5652ZM18.2815 57.4777C17.1879 57.5371 16.408 56.7577 16.4209 55.5773C16.4334 54.3938 17.1286 53.6761 18.2877 53.677C19.4126 53.6783 20.131 54.4127 20.1452 55.5431C20.1604 56.7266 19.38 57.5308 18.2815 57.4777ZM7.06354 56.7239C7.36569 56.7266 7.6108 56.5858 7.75163 56.2649C7.93836 55.8415 7.93435 55.4063 7.79441 54.9806C7.67988 54.6341 7.42496 54.4397 7.04259 54.437C6.66602 54.4348 6.40264 54.6049 6.27251 54.9541C6.11029 55.3897 6.11207 55.8293 6.3037 56.2631C6.44497 56.5826 6.68875 56.7253 7.06354 56.7239ZM7.0065 57.4772C5.90262 57.5168 5.15347 56.7545 5.15793 55.5791C5.16239 54.4465 5.83176 53.6554 7.05953 53.6756C8.25209 53.6959 8.90319 54.4618 8.89606 55.5944C8.88893 56.7748 8.17188 57.5096 7.0065 57.4772ZM32.4109 55.5296C32.4483 55.7497 32.4702 55.9328 32.5121 56.111C32.5909 56.4485 32.8534 56.6893 33.1569 56.7185C33.5825 56.7608 33.8526 56.633 34.0152 56.2726C34.2158 55.828 34.206 55.3681 34.0331 54.9158C33.9047 54.5797 33.6431 54.442 33.2942 54.4397C32.951 54.437 32.6957 54.5887 32.5651 54.8983C32.4786 55.1035 32.4559 55.3361 32.4109 55.5296ZM33.2666 57.4772C32.2531 57.5263 31.389 56.7725 31.4358 55.4891C31.4746 54.4258 32.1493 53.6459 33.3659 53.6729C34.4542 53.6972 35.153 54.4429 35.1583 55.6066C35.1641 56.7509 34.3606 57.5546 33.2666 57.4772ZM36.7622 54.0991C37.0368 53.9636 37.2863 53.7809 37.5622 53.7211C37.8336 53.6626 38.1398 53.6882 38.4152 53.7494C38.7472 53.8237 38.9887 54.0586 39.0605 54.4096C39.1197 54.7021 39.1652 55.0009 39.1737 55.2983C39.1906 55.9067 39.1737 56.5165 39.1821 57.1258C39.1844 57.3175 39.1251 57.4043 38.9268 57.3899C38.7609 57.3791 38.5945 57.3789 38.4285 57.3895C38.2445 57.3998 38.1817 57.3175 38.1834 57.1384C38.1892 56.5736 38.1897 56.008 38.1834 55.4432C38.1828 55.2846 38.1643 55.1265 38.1282 54.9721C38.0368 54.5972 37.8447 54.4573 37.4713 54.4681C37.1464 54.4775 36.9 54.6895 36.8358 55.0261C36.8165 55.139 36.8075 55.2535 36.809 55.3681C36.8064 55.9508 36.8032 56.5336 36.8108 57.1163C36.8135 57.3071 36.7471 57.3922 36.5537 57.389C35.6642 57.3751 35.8081 57.5024 35.801 56.6654C35.7943 55.8001 35.8054 54.9347 35.7961 54.0689C35.7934 53.8277 35.875 53.7206 36.1174 53.7566C36.1602 53.7634 36.2047 53.758 36.2484 53.758C36.6633 53.7589 36.6633 53.7589 36.7622 54.0991ZM26.7052 4.68681C26.7052 3.94611 26.7128 3.20631 26.7008 2.46561C26.6972 2.22216 26.7542 2.10741 27.0212 2.13081C27.281 2.15331 27.5453 2.14971 27.8055 2.13126C28.0497 2.11416 28.1255 2.21001 28.1242 2.44941C28.117 3.87726 28.1206 5.30466 28.1206 6.73251C28.1206 7.26396 28.1206 7.26351 27.6001 7.26351C27.3906 7.26351 27.1803 7.25316 26.9717 7.26666C26.7605 7.28016 26.6999 7.18791 26.7021 6.98676C26.7097 6.21996 26.7052 5.45361 26.7052 4.68681ZM20.7009 4.68816C20.7009 3.93801 20.7076 3.18786 20.6974 2.43816C20.6938 2.20686 20.7736 2.12091 21.0018 2.13216C21.2807 2.14611 21.5611 2.14296 21.84 2.13306C22.0392 2.12586 22.1226 2.19696 22.1217 2.40711C22.1168 3.94251 22.1172 5.47791 22.1217 7.01286C22.1217 7.19736 22.045 7.26711 21.8708 7.26486C21.5651 7.25953 21.2593 7.25968 20.9536 7.26531C20.7584 7.26981 20.6969 7.17981 20.6983 6.99081C20.7045 6.22356 20.7009 5.45586 20.7009 4.68816ZM27.7084 55.6516C27.7084 55.3334 27.6995 55.0153 27.7115 54.6985C27.7191 54.5032 27.6545 54.4307 27.4575 54.4361C27.1602 54.4451 26.9748 54.0977 27.15 53.8457C27.1968 53.7782 27.3496 53.7602 27.4521 53.7629C27.6438 53.7683 27.724 53.7053 27.7115 53.5042C27.6944 53.2931 27.6962 53.0809 27.7168 52.8701C27.7249 52.8004 27.8336 52.7419 27.8973 52.6793C27.9018 52.6748 27.9147 52.6784 27.9232 52.6784C28.8662 52.6955 28.6826 52.5353 28.7004 53.4187C28.7071 53.7521 28.7062 53.7517 29.0373 53.7607C29.1608 53.7643 29.3724 53.7697 29.3894 53.8241C29.4402 53.9848 29.4268 54.1715 29.4076 54.3443C29.4032 54.3835 29.2748 54.4366 29.2035 54.4361C28.6032 54.4352 28.7075 54.4397 28.7022 54.9568C28.6977 55.3622 28.6991 55.7686 28.7022 56.1745C28.7049 56.5399 28.798 56.6474 29.1545 56.62C29.3903 56.6015 29.4344 56.6888 29.4308 56.8994C29.4197 57.5227 29.4665 57.4318 28.8907 57.4304C28.6912 57.4304 28.4924 57.4078 28.298 57.3629C27.8982 57.2684 27.716 57.0241 27.7097 56.6042C27.7044 56.2865 27.7084 55.9693 27.7084 55.6516ZM10.4674 54.2732C10.7099 53.956 10.9844 53.7413 11.3605 53.6887C11.7175 53.6392 11.7777 53.6851 11.7772 54.0446V54.0977C11.7772 54.581 11.7772 54.581 11.3146 54.6049C10.811 54.6305 10.4487 55.0621 10.4362 55.67C10.4263 56.1461 10.4268 56.6223 10.4376 57.0983C10.442 57.313 10.3747 57.3926 10.1532 57.3922C9.4402 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3.92676C8.75613 4.10001 8.80693 4.17921 8.98207 4.17876C9.26997 4.17696 9.55741 4.17786 9.8453 4.17876M10.5962 5.06706C10.0721 5.06706 9.54805 5.06976 9.02352 5.06571C8.83278 5.06391 8.74053 5.09856 8.77752 5.33841C8.85595 5.84781 9.11176 6.18891 9.60777 6.30636C10.1292 6.42966 10.6074 6.31986 10.951 5.88066C11.0838 5.71056 11.217 5.65791 11.4144 5.67006C11.623 5.68266 11.8334 5.67006 12.0428 5.67366C12.2848 5.67816 12.3147 5.73711 12.2206 5.96391C11.8628 6.82521 11.2224 7.29591 10.3043 7.37736C9.62069 7.43811 8.9638 7.36296 8.37866 6.95706C7.75163 6.52191 7.44636 5.88831 7.36391 5.15481C7.24091 4.05951 7.51721 3.09741 8.46467 2.44536C9.56098 1.69071 11.3792 1.84056 12.086 3.30801C12.3182 3.79086 12.4203 4.30611 12.4109 4.84431C12.4078 5.01261 12.3374 5.07291 12.1685 5.07021C11.6444 5.06211 11.1203 5.06751 10.5962 5.06706ZM31.065 4.17786C31.3449 4.17786 31.6243 4.18011 31.9037 4.17741C32.1685 4.17471 32.2268 4.10811 32.1377 3.85971C31.9786 3.41736 31.7883 3.04791 30.9612 3.09426C30.5155 3.11946 30.1434 3.43311 30.0137 3.90336C29.954 4.12071 30.0405 4.17831 30.2268 4.17831H31.0655M31.7999 5.06706C31.2843 5.06706 30.7687 5.06436 30.2531 5.06796C29.9794 5.06976 29.9554 5.12196 30.0035 5.38341C30.0971 5.88786 30.3662 6.22086 30.8725 6.31626C31.4095 6.41706 31.8721 6.28116 32.2291 5.83296C32.2932 5.75196 32.4203 5.68896 32.5237 5.67996C32.7665 5.65746 33.0125 5.67096 33.2572 5.67321C33.5117 5.67546 33.5331 5.71551 33.4435 5.94771C33.0722 6.90621 32.3427 7.33821 31.3601 7.39176C30.7566 7.42416 30.1782 7.33686 29.6563 6.99576C29.052 6.60156 28.7276 6.02106 28.6113 5.32761C28.4745 4.51131 28.5596 3.71841 29.0739 3.03666C29.7169 2.18436 30.5922 1.89366 31.6221 2.05206C33.128 2.28336 33.6895 3.76971 33.6244 4.88841C33.6151 5.04726 33.5308 5.07021 33.3989 5.06886C32.8659 5.06436 32.3329 5.06706 31.7999 5.06706ZM24.1833 7.26396C23.5112 7.26396 23.5112 7.26396 23.5112 6.57951C23.5112 5.51121 23.505 4.44291 23.5166 3.37506C23.5188 3.14781 23.4435 3.09156 23.2314 3.09336C22.6743 3.09966 22.6743 3.09066 22.6743 2.53761C22.6743 2.13531 22.6743 2.13531 23.0856 2.13576C23.1467 2.13576 23.2082 2.13126 23.2688 2.13666C23.4479 2.15241 23.5112 2.07816 23.517 1.89276C23.525 1.64886 23.5384 1.39461 23.6124 1.16601C23.7929 0.608909 24.2082 0.304259 24.7742 0.242159C25.1018 0.206159 25.4369 0.239459 25.7685 0.235409C25.9284 0.233609 25.9891 0.305609 25.9717 0.462209C25.9641 0.531959 25.973 0.603059 25.9699 0.673709C25.961 0.865859 26.0131 1.10796 25.9173 1.23351C25.846 1.32666 25.5808 1.26861 25.4017 1.27851C25.0478 1.29741 24.7836 1.69926 24.9293 2.01786C24.956 2.07636 25.0639 2.12226 25.1387 2.12991C25.3042 2.14394 25.4705 2.14514 25.6361 2.13351C25.7921 2.12451 25.8669 2.18616 25.8625 2.34501C25.8616 2.36211 25.8625 2.38011 25.8629 2.39766C25.8857 3.08796 25.8857 3.09786 25.2109 3.09246C24.9609 3.09066 24.9052 3.18381 24.9079 3.42006C24.9186 4.56756 24.9124 5.71506 24.9124 6.86256C24.9124 7.26351 24.9128 7.26351 24.5242 7.26396H24.1833ZM17.5858 4.76871C17.5858 4.29171 17.5783 3.81516 17.5903 3.33861C17.5947 3.15006 17.5279 3.09741 17.3487 3.09426C16.7449 3.08436 16.7453 3.07806 16.7485 2.47461C16.7507 2.14701 16.7605 2.13666 17.0916 2.13576C17.6518 2.13396 17.5823 2.18436 17.5854 1.64391C17.5872 1.37886 17.5934 1.11381 17.5827 0.849659C17.5765 0.683159 17.6228 0.605759 17.8011 0.611159C18.1157 0.619743 18.4304 0.619743 18.745 0.611159C18.9232 0.607109 18.9963 0.672809 18.9901 0.858659C18.9794 1.18536 18.9963 1.51251 18.9838 1.83876C18.9754 2.05341 19.0494 2.15106 19.2691 2.13801C19.4429 2.12766 19.618 2.13801 19.7932 2.13531C19.9424 2.13216 20.0231 2.19381 20.0204 2.35311C20.0039 3.25851 20.1577 3.07896 19.3573 3.09651C18.987 3.10506 18.987 3.09921 18.9874 3.47991C18.9874 4.13286 18.9852 4.78626 18.9887 5.43966C18.9892 5.56206 19.0039 5.68581 19.0262 5.80641C19.0819 6.11016 19.1955 6.20151 19.5057 6.20826C20.0204 6.21906 20.0204 6.21906 20.0204 6.73026C20.0204 7.29951 20.0204 7.32381 19.4585 7.32696C19.069 7.32876 18.6741 7.28106 18.2917 7.20321C17.8715 7.11681 17.5925 6.67806 17.5867 6.17271C17.5814 5.70471 17.5854 5.23671 17.5858 4.76871ZM4.17616 54.0941C4.07099 54.0941 3.96046 54.1148 3.86287 54.0878C3.77195 54.0622 3.6543 54.0055 3.61776 53.9285C3.43504 53.5447 3.1672 53.2747 2.73626 53.2265C2.21039 53.168 1.75627 53.3107 1.49512 53.8142C1.12166 54.5333 1.10784 55.2722 1.50403 55.9823C1.77008 56.4593 2.2242 56.6515 2.75319 56.566C3.255 56.485 3.52996 56.1394 3.65207 55.6493C3.67034 55.5746 3.77997 55.4792 3.85529 55.4716C4.08926 55.4482 4.32634 55.4653 4.56254 55.4608C4.71896 55.4576 4.76219 55.5373 4.73679 55.6781C4.58304 56.5385 4.03712 57.3017 3.02326 57.4655C2.14087 57.6082 1.35652 57.4183 0.742409 56.7212C0.255312 56.1686 0.101116 55.4995 0.125627 54.7822C0.157268 53.843 0.501757 53.0492 1.33513 52.574C2.3784 51.9791 3.80092 52.2226 4.40121 53.1856C4.53714 53.4038 4.60577 53.6675 4.68376 53.9173C4.69579 53.9569 4.60131 54.0703 4.54115 54.0847C4.42528 54.1117 4.29827 54.0923 4.17571 54.0923L4.17616 54.0941ZM14.9739 55.6592C14.9311 55.4149 14.9177 55.2088 14.8558 55.0189C14.7533 54.7075 14.5514 54.4879 14.2051 54.446C13.8571 54.4046 13.5696 54.5185 13.4145 54.8375C13.1828 55.3127 13.1717 55.8145 13.4021 56.2915C13.5273 56.5516 13.7488 56.7212 14.0696 56.7257C14.4012 56.7302 14.6597 56.6105 14.7916 56.3054C14.8838 56.0926 14.9204 55.8554 14.9739 55.6592ZM13.2724 57.0484C13.2724 57.5326 13.2617 57.9547 13.2768 58.3759C13.2853 58.6193 13.2064 58.7152 12.9604 58.6819C12.8125 58.6641 12.6631 58.6642 12.5152 58.6823C12.3205 58.7039 12.2763 58.613 12.2768 58.438C12.2803 56.9543 12.2812 55.4711 12.2768 53.9875C12.2759 53.7994 12.345 53.7296 12.5263 53.7557C12.5945 53.7656 12.6658 53.7557 12.7358 53.7584C12.9756 53.7683 13.2884 53.6513 13.243 54.1882C13.5995 53.7697 13.9761 53.6621 14.4061 53.6743C15.1218 53.695 15.711 54.2102 15.8621 54.9221C15.9864 55.5089 15.9806 56.0696 15.7315 56.6258C15.3643 57.4448 14.3246 57.7531 13.587 57.2504C13.5023 57.1928 13.4154 57.1402 13.2724 57.0484ZM14.456 2.90256C14.7305 2.44806 15.1232 2.16456 15.6316 2.04756C15.6825 2.03586 15.7333 2.02191 15.785 2.01606C16.2591 1.96656 16.3153 2.01831 16.3153 2.49846C16.3153 2.70096 16.3055 2.90481 16.3184 3.10686C16.33 3.29496 16.2538 3.34986 16.0746 3.35166C15.8072 3.35481 15.522 3.33501 15.2756 3.41916C14.5937 3.65046 14.4422 4.24266 14.4248 4.87896C14.4096 5.56692 14.4096 6.25515 14.4248 6.94311C14.4293 7.18296 14.3535 7.28061 14.1097 7.26756C13.8217 7.25479 13.5333 7.25419 13.2452 7.26576C13.0714 7.27116 13.0166 7.19601 13.017 7.02951C13.0201 5.47701 13.0201 3.92451 13.0175 2.37201C13.0175 2.21316 13.0558 2.12496 13.2389 2.13216C13.5442 2.14431 13.8504 2.14251 14.1557 2.13261C14.321 2.12721 14.3727 2.20101 14.3691 2.35311C14.3647 2.53131 14.3678 2.70951 14.3678 2.88861L14.456 2.90256ZM25.7194 55.8932C25.7052 55.8716 25.6361 55.7146 25.5982 55.7218C25.2337 55.7915 24.8558 55.8451 24.5188 55.9913C24.2189 56.1218 24.2648 56.5921 24.5598 56.7401C25.1249 57.0245 25.7007 56.6461 25.7194 55.8932ZM26.711 57.3877C26.3955 57.295 25.9717 57.5942 25.6691 57.1222C25.301 57.4493 24.8517 57.4988 24.3802 57.479C23.7572 57.4529 23.3116 57.0434 23.3093 56.4175C23.3076 55.855 23.5776 55.4743 24.2586 55.3492C24.567 55.2925 24.8803 55.2592 25.1909 55.2128C25.5167 55.1642 25.7203 54.9982 25.7123 54.7903C25.7021 54.5158 25.4886 54.3551 25.1347 54.3443C24.8201 54.3353 24.5697 54.4177 24.4467 54.7493C24.423 54.8132 24.3192 54.8798 24.2479 54.8857C24.0309 54.9037 23.8116 54.8956 23.5937 54.8902C23.4395 54.887 23.4154 54.8132 23.4515 54.662C23.5562 54.2273 23.8196 53.9488 24.2301 53.8151C24.8629 53.6095 25.5002 53.6063 26.1254 53.8412C26.531 53.9938 26.715 54.3119 26.7119 54.7475C26.7083 55.2326 26.711 55.7177 26.711 56.2033V57.3877ZM17.3924 55.5652L17.4174 55.5737C17.4307 55.7222 17.4379 55.8716 17.4597 56.0192C17.5105 56.3567 17.7917 56.6609 18.093 56.714C18.4918 56.7842 18.8038 56.6456 18.9865 56.2879C19.1839 55.9027 19.1732 55.4945 19.0757 55.0819C18.9905 54.7237 18.7178 54.4739 18.3688 54.4424C17.9611 54.4055 17.6901 54.5522 17.5431 54.9329C17.4655 55.1327 17.4406 55.3537 17.3924 55.5652ZM18.2815 57.4777C17.1879 57.5371 16.408 56.7577 16.4209 55.5773C16.4334 54.3938 17.1286 53.6761 18.2877 53.677C19.4126 53.6783 20.131 54.4127 20.1452 55.5431C20.1604 56.7266 19.38 57.5308 18.2815 57.4777ZM7.06354 56.7239C7.36569 56.7266 7.6108 56.5858 7.75163 56.2649C7.93836 55.8415 7.93435 55.4063 7.79441 54.9806C7.67988 54.6341 7.42496 54.4397 7.04259 54.437C6.66602 54.4348 6.40264 54.6049 6.27251 54.9541C6.11029 55.3897 6.11207 55.8293 6.3037 56.2631C6.44497 56.5826 6.68875 56.7253 7.06354 56.7239ZM7.0065 57.4772C5.90262 57.5168 5.15347 56.7545 5.15793 55.5791C5.16239 54.4465 5.83176 53.6554 7.05953 53.6756C8.25209 53.6959 8.90319 54.4618 8.89606 55.5944C8.88893 56.7748 8.17188 57.5096 7.0065 57.4772ZM32.4109 55.5296C32.4483 55.7497 32.4702 55.9328 32.5121 56.111C32.5909 56.4485 32.8534 56.6893 33.1569 56.7185C33.5825 56.7608 33.8526 56.633 34.0152 56.2726C34.2158 55.828 34.206 55.3681 34.0331 54.9158C33.9047 54.5797 33.6431 54.442 33.2942 54.4397C32.951 54.437 32.6957 54.5887 32.5651 54.8983C32.4786 55.1035 32.4559 55.3361 32.4109 55.5296ZM33.2666 57.4772C32.2531 57.5263 31.389 56.7725 31.4358 55.4891C31.4746 54.4258 32.1493 53.6459 33.3659 53.6729C34.4542 53.6972 35.153 54.4429 35.1583 55.6066C35.1641 56.7509 34.3606 57.5546 33.2666 57.4772ZM36.7622 54.0991C37.0368 53.9636 37.2863 53.7809 37.5622 53.7211C37.8336 53.6626 38.1398 53.6882 38.4152 53.7494C38.7472 53.8237 38.9887 54.0586 39.0605 54.4096C39.1197 54.7021 39.1652 55.0009 39.1737 55.2983C39.1906 55.9067 39.1737 56.5165 39.1821 57.1258C39.1844 57.3175 39.1251 57.4043 38.9268 57.3899C38.7609 57.3791 38.5945 57.3789 38.4285 57.3895C38.2445 57.3998 38.1817 57.3175 38.1834 57.1384C38.1892 56.5736 38.1897 56.008 38.1834 55.4432C38.1828 55.2846 38.1643 55.1265 38.1282 54.9721C38.0368 54.5972 37.8447 54.4573 37.4713 54.4681C37.1464 54.4775 36.9 54.6895 36.8358 55.0261C36.8165 55.139 36.8075 55.2535 36.809 55.3681C36.8064 55.9508 36.8032 56.5336 36.8108 57.1163C36.8135 57.3071 36.7471 57.3922 36.5537 57.389C35.6642 57.3751 35.8081 57.5024 35.801 56.6654C35.7943 55.8001 35.8054 54.9347 35.7961 54.0689C35.7934 53.8277 35.875 53.7206 36.1174 53.7566C36.1602 53.7634 36.2047 53.758 36.2484 53.758C36.6633 53.7589 36.6633 53.7589 36.7622 54.0991ZM26.7052 4.68681C26.7052 3.94611 26.7128 3.20631 26.7008 2.46561C26.6972 2.22216 26.7542 2.10741 27.0212 2.13081C27.281 2.15331 27.5453 2.14971 27.8055 2.13126C28.0497 2.11416 28.1255 2.21001 28.1242 2.44941C28.117 3.87726 28.1206 5.30466 28.1206 6.73251C28.1206 7.26396 28.1206 7.26351 27.6001 7.26351C27.3906 7.26351 27.1803 7.25316 26.9717 7.26666C26.7605 7.28016 26.6999 7.18791 26.7021 6.98676C26.7097 6.21996 26.7052 5.45361 26.7052 4.68681ZM20.7009 4.68816C20.7009 3.93801 20.7076 3.18786 20.6974 2.43816C20.6938 2.20686 20.7736 2.12091 21.0018 2.13216C21.2807 2.14611 21.5611 2.14296 21.84 2.13306C22.0392 2.12586 22.1226 2.19696 22.1217 2.40711C22.1168 3.94251 22.1172 5.47791 22.1217 7.01286C22.1217 7.19736 22.045 7.26711 21.8708 7.26486C21.5651 7.25953 21.2593 7.25968 20.9536 7.26531C20.7584 7.26981 20.6969 7.17981 20.6983 6.99081C20.7045 6.22356 20.7009 5.45586 20.7009 4.68816ZM27.7084 55.6516C27.7084 55.3334 27.6995 55.0153 27.7115 54.6985C27.7191 54.5032 27.6545 54.4307 27.4575 54.4361C27.1602 54.4451 26.9748 54.0977 27.15 53.8457C27.1968 53.7782 27.3496 53.7602 27.4521 53.7629C27.6438 53.7683 27.724 53.7053 27.7115 53.5042C27.6944 53.2931 27.6962 53.0809 27.7168 52.8701C27.7249 52.8004 27.8336 52.7419 27.8973 52.6793C27.9018 52.6748 27.9147 52.6784 27.9232 52.6784C28.8662 52.6955 28.6826 52.5353 28.7004 53.4187C28.7071 53.7521 28.7062 53.7517 29.0373 53.7607C29.1608 53.7643 29.3724 53.7697 29.3894 53.8241C29.4402 53.9848 29.4268 54.1715 29.4076 54.3443C29.4032 54.3835 29.2748 54.4366 29.2035 54.4361C28.6032 54.4352 28.7075 54.4397 28.7022 54.9568C28.6977 55.3622 28.6991 55.7686 28.7022 56.1745C28.7049 56.5399 28.798 56.6474 29.1545 56.62C29.3903 56.6015 29.4344 56.6888 29.4308 56.8994C29.4197 57.5227 29.4665 57.4318 28.8907 57.4304C28.6912 57.4304 28.4924 57.4078 28.298 57.3629C27.8982 57.2684 27.716 57.0241 27.7097 56.6042C27.7044 56.2865 27.7084 55.9693 27.7084 55.6516ZM10.4674 54.2732C10.7099 53.956 10.9844 53.7413 11.3605 53.6887C11.7175 53.6392 11.7777 53.6851 11.7772 54.0446V54.0977C11.7772 54.581 11.7772 54.581 11.3146 54.6049C10.811 54.6305 10.4487 55.0621 10.4362 55.67C10.4263 56.1461 10.4268 56.6223 10.4376 57.0983C10.442 57.313 10.3747 57.3926 10.1532 57.3922C9.4402 57.3917 9.4402 57.3994 9.4402 56.6938C9.4402 55.8118 9.44644 54.9298 9.43575 54.0482C9.43307 53.8201 9.49546 53.7152 9.73166 53.7562C9.79093 53.7665 9.85377 53.7584 9.91438 53.758C10.3297 53.758 10.3293 53.758 10.3984 54.1679C10.4024 54.1904 10.4251 54.2102 10.4674 54.2732ZM21.7464 54.2741C21.8391 54.1891 21.898 54.131 21.9608 54.0793C22.0825 53.9803 22.1934 53.8534 22.3325 53.794C22.5607 53.6968 22.8797 53.5438 23.0344 53.7566C23.1618 53.9321 23.0914 54.2593 23.0861 54.5189C23.0856 54.5504 22.9412 54.6134 22.8722 54.6035C22.2113 54.5095 21.7438 55.0166 21.7701 55.7231C21.7874 56.1902 21.7674 56.6591 21.7767 57.1262C21.7803 57.317 21.7215 57.4048 21.5227 57.3904C21.348 57.3805 21.1729 57.3799 20.9982 57.3886C20.8404 57.3944 20.7785 57.3211 20.7789 57.1667C20.7812 56.1079 20.7812 55.049 20.7794 53.9897C20.7794 53.8291 20.8284 53.7332 21.0076 53.7562C21.0592 53.7629 21.1127 53.758 21.1649 53.758C21.6529 53.7593 21.6529 53.7593 21.7464 54.2741ZM29.93 55.5728C29.93 55.0526 29.9349 54.5329 29.9273 54.0127C29.9246 53.825 29.9772 53.7346 30.1813 53.7539C30.3553 53.7676 30.5301 53.7676 30.7041 53.7539C30.8658 53.7436 30.9251 53.8156 30.9251 53.969C30.9242 55.0355 30.9242 56.102 30.9264 57.1681C30.9264 57.3224 30.8627 57.3823 30.7067 57.3908C29.93 57.434 29.93 57.4376 29.93 56.6564V55.5728ZM21.4006 1.36716C20.7023 1.36806 20.7023 1.36806 20.7009 0.662009C20.7009 0.591809 20.7063 0.520259 20.6992 0.450509C20.6827 0.293009 20.7477 0.221909 20.9055 0.223259C21.2375 0.226409 21.5691 0.225959 21.9006 0.223259C22.0486 0.222359 22.1279 0.273659 22.1217 0.440159C22.1128 0.677975 22.1128 0.916043 22.1217 1.15386C22.1275 1.32216 22.0446 1.37076 21.898 1.36806C21.7322 1.36491 21.5664 1.36716 21.4006 1.36716ZM27.3897 1.36806C26.7057 1.36806 26.7057 1.36806 26.7057 0.676859C26.7057 0.615209 26.7119 0.552659 26.7043 0.492359C26.6776 0.282209 26.7681 0.211109 26.9717 0.220109C27.2676 0.232709 27.5644 0.229109 27.8603 0.221459C28.0448 0.216959 28.1362 0.276359 28.1233 0.479309C28.1104 0.689459 28.1104 0.902309 28.1233 1.11246C28.1358 1.31541 28.0444 1.37886 27.8603 1.36986C27.7035 1.36221 27.5466 1.36806 27.3897 1.36806ZM30.3667 52.3859C30.9594 52.3976 30.9247 52.2581 30.9269 53.0096C30.9273 53.1514 30.8845 53.2252 30.7344 53.2211C30.5249 53.2166 30.3154 53.2202 30.1055 53.2198C30.0792 53.2198 30.044 53.2265 30.0289 53.2121C29.8185 53.02 29.9661 52.7716 29.9429 52.5506C29.938 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All other names, logos, product and service names, designs, and slogans on this Site are the trademarks of their respective owners.","type":"text"}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":" ","type":"text","marks":[{"type":"bold"}]}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":"Reporting Claims of Copyright Infringement","type":"text","marks":[{"type":"bold"}]}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":"Evrnu takes claims of copyright infringement seriously. We will respond to notices of alleged copyright infringement that comply with applicable law. If you believe any materials accessible on or from the Site infringe your copyright, you may request removal of those materials (or access to them) from the Site by submitting written notification to our copyright agent designated below. In accordance with the Online Copyright Infringement Liability Limitation Act of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (17 U.S.C. § 512) (\"","type":"text"},{"text":"DMCA","type":"text","marks":[{"type":"bold"}]},{"text":"\"), the written notice (the \"","type":"text"},{"text":"DMCA Notice","type":"text","marks":[{"type":"bold"}]},{"text":"\") must include substantially the following:","type":"text"}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":"·      ","type":"text","marks":[{"type":"textStyle","attrs":{"color":""}}]},{"text":"Your physical or electronic signature.","type":"text"}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":"·      ","type":"text","marks":[{"type":"textStyle","attrs":{"color":""}}]},{"text":"Identification of the copyrighted work you believe to have been infringed or, if the claim involves multiple works on the Site, a representative list of such works.","type":"text"}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":"·      ","type":"text","marks":[{"type":"textStyle","attrs":{"color":""}}]},{"text":"Identification of the material you believe to be infringing in a sufficiently precise manner to allow us to locate that material.","type":"text"}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":"·      ","type":"text","marks":[{"type":"textStyle","attrs":{"color":""}}]},{"text":"Adequate information by which we can contact you (including your name, postal address, telephone number, and, if available, email address).","type":"text"}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":"·      ","type":"text","marks":[{"type":"textStyle","attrs":{"color":""}}]},{"text":"A statement that you have a good faith belief that use of the copyrighted material is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.","type":"text"}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":"·      ","type":"text","marks":[{"type":"textStyle","attrs":{"color":""}}]},{"text":"A statement that the information in the written notice is accurate.","type":"text"}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":"·      ","type":"text","marks":[{"type":"textStyle","attrs":{"color":""}}]},{"text":"A statement, under penalty of perjury, that you are authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner.","type":"text"}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":"Our designated copyright agent to receive DMCA Notices is: ","type":"text"}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":"Copyright Compliance","type":"text"}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":"Lane Powell PC","type":"text"}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":"1420 5","type":"text"},{"text":"th","type":"text","marks":[{"type":"superscript"}]},{"text":" Ave, Suite 4200","type":"text"}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":"Seattle, WA 98101","type":"text"}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":"(206) 223-7000","type":"text"}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":"","type":"text","marks":[{"type":"link","attrs":{"href":"","uuid":null,"anchor":null,"target":null,"linktype":"url"}},{"type":"underline"}]}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":" ","type":"text"}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":"If you fail to comply with all of the requirements of Section 512(c)(3) of the DMCA, your DMCA Notice may not be effective.","type":"text"}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":"Please be aware that if you knowingly materially misrepresent that material or activity on the Site is infringing your copyright, you may be held liable for damages (including costs and attorneys' fees) under Section 512(f) of the DMCA.","type":"text"}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":" ","type":"text"}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":"Rights in Content Granted by Evrnu","type":"text","marks":[{"type":"bold"}]}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":"Subject to your compliance with these Terms, Evrnu grants you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable license to download, view, copy and display the Content solely in connection with your permitted use of the Site and solely for your personal and non-commercial purposes.","type":"text"}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":" ","type":"text"}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":"Prohibitions","type":"text","marks":[{"type":"bold"}]}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":"You may use the Site only for lawful purposes and in accordance with these Terms. You agree not to use the Site to do any of the following:","type":"text"}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":"·       ","type":"text","marks":[{"type":"textStyle","attrs":{"color":""}}]},{"text":"Post, upload, publish, submit or transmit any Content that: (i) infringes, misappropriates or violates a third party’s patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret, moral rights or other intellectual property rights, or rights of publicity or privacy; (ii) violates, or encourages any conduct that would violate, any applicable law or regulation or would give rise to civil liability; (iii) is fraudulent, false, misleading or deceptive; (iv) is defamatory, obscene, pornographic, vulgar or offensive; (v) promotes discrimination, bigotry, racism, hatred, harassment or harm against any individual or group; (vi) is violent or threatening or promotes violence or actions that are threatening to any person or entity; or (vii) promotes illegal or harmful activities or substances;","type":"text"}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":"·       ","type":"text","marks":[{"type":"textStyle","attrs":{"color":""}}]},{"text":"Use, display, mirror or frame the Site, or any individual element within the Site, Evrnu’s name, any Evrnu trademark, logo or other proprietary information, or the layout and design of any page or form contained on a page, without Evrnu’s express written consent;","type":"text"}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":"·       ","type":"text","marks":[{"type":"textStyle","attrs":{"color":""}}]},{"text":"Access, tamper with, or use non-public areas of the Site, Evrnu’s computer systems, or the technical delivery systems of Evrnu’s providers;","type":"text"}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":"·       ","type":"text","marks":[{"type":"textStyle","attrs":{"color":""}}]},{"text":"Attempt to probe, scan, or test the vulnerability of any Evrnu system or network or breach any security or authentication measures;","type":"text"}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":"·       ","type":"text","marks":[{"type":"textStyle","attrs":{"color":""}}]},{"text":"Avoid, bypass, remove, deactivate, impair, descramble or otherwise circumvent any technological measure implemented by Evrnu or any other third party (including another user) to protect the Site;","type":"text"}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":"·       ","type":"text","marks":[{"type":"textStyle","attrs":{"color":""}}]},{"text":"Attempt to access or search the Site or download Content from the Site through the use of any engine, software, tool, agent, device or mechanism (including spiders, robots, crawlers, data mining tools or the like) other than the software and/or search agents provided by Evrnu or other generally available third party web browsers;","type":"text"}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":"·       ","type":"text","marks":[{"type":"textStyle","attrs":{"color":""}}]},{"text":"Send any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional materials, email, junk mail, spam, chain letters or other form of solicitation;","type":"text"}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":"·       ","type":"text","marks":[{"type":"textStyle","attrs":{"color":""}}]},{"text":"Use any meta tags or other hidden text or metadata utilizing a Evrnu trademark, logo URL or product name without Evrnu’s express written consent;","type":"text"}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":"·       ","type":"text","marks":[{"type":"textStyle","attrs":{"color":""}}]},{"text":"Use the Site for any commercial purpose or the benefit of any third party or in any manner not permitted by these Terms;","type":"text"}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":"·       ","type":"text","marks":[{"type":"textStyle","attrs":{"color":""}}]},{"text":"Attempt to decipher, decompile, disassemble or reverse engineer any of the software used to provide the Site;","type":"text"}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":"·       ","type":"text","marks":[{"type":"textStyle","attrs":{"color":""}}]},{"text":"Interfere with, or attempt to interfere with, the access of any user, host or network, including, without limitation, sending a virus, overloading, flooding, spamming, or mail-bombing the Site;","type":"text"}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":"·       ","type":"text","marks":[{"type":"textStyle","attrs":{"color":""}}]},{"text":"Collect or store any personally identifiable information from the Site from other users of the Site without their express permission;","type":"text"}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":"·       ","type":"text","marks":[{"type":"textStyle","attrs":{"color":""}}]},{"text":"Impersonate or misrepresent your affiliation with any person or entity;","type":"text"}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":"·       ","type":"text","marks":[{"type":"textStyle","attrs":{"color":""}}]},{"text":"Violate any applicable law or regulation; 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We reserve the right, but are not obligated, to remove or disable access to any Content, at any time and without notice, including, but not limited to, if we, at our sole discretion, consider any Content to be objectionable or in violation of these Terms. We have the right to investigate violations of these Terms or conduct that affects the Site. We may also consult and cooperate with law enforcement authorities to enforce these Terms or identify users who have violated applicable law.","type":"text"}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":" ","type":"text"}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":"Online Purchases","type":"text","marks":[{"type":"bold"}]}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":"Additional terms and conditions may apply to purchases made through the Site for any of our products or services, which will be displayed upon submission of your order, or at any other time during the sales process, and are hereby incorporated into these Terms.","type":"text"}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":" ","type":"text"}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":"Links to Third Party Websites or Resources ","type":"text","marks":[{"type":"bold"}]}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":"The Site may contain links to third-party websites or resources. We provide these links only as a convenience and are not responsible for the content, products or services on or available from those websites or resources or links displayed on such websites. You acknowledge sole responsibility for and assume all risk arising from, your use of any third-party websites or resources.","type":"text"}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":" ","type":"text"}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":"Termination ","type":"text","marks":[{"type":"bold"}]}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":"We may terminate your access to and/or use of the Site, at our sole discretion, at any time and without notice to you. Upon any such termination, discontinuation or cancellation, all provisions of these Terms which by their nature should survive, will survive, including, without limitation, ownership provisions, warranty disclaimers, limitations of liability, and dispute resolution provisions.","type":"text"}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":" ","type":"text","marks":[{"type":"bold"}]}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":"Warranty Disclaimers","type":"text","marks":[{"type":"bold"}]}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":"Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, the Site and Content are provided “as is,” without warranty of any kind. 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We make no warranty regarding the quality, accuracy, timeliness, truthfulness, completeness or reliability of any Content.","type":"text"}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":" ","type":"text"}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":"Indemnity ","type":"text","marks":[{"type":"bold"}]}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":"You will indemnify and hold harmless Evrnu and its officers, directors, employees and agents, from and against any claims, disputes, demands, liabilities, damages, losses, and costs and expenses, including, without limitation, reasonable legal and accounting fees, arising out of or in any way connected with (i) your access to or use of the Site or Content or (ii) your violation of these Terms.","type":"text"}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":" ","type":"text"}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":"Limitation of Liability","type":"text","marks":[{"type":"bold"}]}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":"TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PROVIDED BY LAW, IN NO EVENT WILL EVRNU, IS AFFILIATES, OR THEIR LICENSORS, SERVICE PROVIDERS, EMPLOYEES, AGENTS, OFFICERS, OR DIRECTORS, INCLUDING THOSE INVOLVED IN CREATING, PRODUCING, OR DELIVERING THE SITE OR CONTENT, BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOST PROFITS, LOSS OF DATA OR GOODWILL, SERVICE INTERRUPTION, COMPUTER DAMAGE OR SYSTEM FAILURE OR THE COST OF SUBSTITUTE SERVICES ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THESE TERMS OR FROM THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE SITE OR CONTENT, WHETHER BASED ON WARRANTY, CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), PRODUCT LIABILITY OR ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY, AND WHETHER OR NOT EVRNU HAS BEEN INFORMED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE, EVEN IF A LIMITED REMEDY SET FORTH HEREIN IS FOUND TO HAVE FAILED OF ITS ESSENTIAL PURPOSE. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU.","type":"text"}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":"IN NO EVENT WILL EVRNU’S TOTAL LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THESE TERMS OR FROM THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE SITE OR CONTENT EXCEED THE AMOUNTS YOU HAVE PAID TO EVRNU FOR PRODUCTS AND SERVICES PURCHASED ON OR THROUGH THE SITE, OR FIFTY DOLLARS ($50), IF YOU HAVE NOT HAD ANY PAYMENT OBLIGATIONS TO EVRNU, AS APPLICABLE. THE EXCLUSION AND LIMITATIONS OF DAMAGES SET FORTH ABOVE ARE FUNDAMENTAL ELEMENTS OF THE BASIS OF THE BARGAIN BETWEEN EVRNU AND YOU.","type":"text"}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":" ","type":"text","marks":[{"type":"bold"}]}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":"Governing Law; Dispute Resolution","type":"text","marks":[{"type":"bold"}]}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":"You agree that all matters relating to your access to or use of the Site, including all disputes, will be governed by the laws of the United States and the State of Washington without regard to its conflicts of laws provisions. You agree to the personal jurisdiction by and venue in the state and federal courts in King County, Washington, and waive any objection to such jurisdiction or venue. Any claim under these Terms must be brought within one (1) year after the cause of action arises, or such claim or cause of action is barred. In the event of any controversy or dispute between Evrnu and you arising out of or in connection with your use of the Site, the parties shall attempt, promptly and in good faith, to resolve any such dispute. If we are unable to resolve any such dispute within a reasonable time (not to exceed thirty (30) days), then either party may submit such controversy or dispute to mediation. If the dispute cannot be resolved through mediation, then the parties shall be free to pursue any right or remedy available to them under applicable law.","type":"text"}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":" ","type":"text","marks":[{"type":"bold"}]}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":"General Terms","type":"text","marks":[{"type":"bold"}]}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":"These Terms constitute the entire and exclusive understanding and agreement between Evrnu and you regarding the Site and Content, and these Terms supersede and replace any and all prior oral or written understandings or agreements between Evrnu and you regarding the Services and Content. If any provision of these Terms is held invalid or unenforceable, that provision will be enforced to the maximum extent permissible and the other provisions of these Terms will remain in full force and effect.","type":"text"}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":"You may not assign or transfer these Terms, by operation of law or otherwise, without Evrnu’s prior written consent. Any attempt by you to assign or transfer these Terms, without such consent, will be null and void, and of no effect. Evrnu may freely assign or transfer these Terms without restriction. Subject to the foregoing, these Terms will bind and inure to the benefit of the parties, their successors and permitted assigns.","type":"text"}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":"Any notices or other communications provided by Evrnu under these Terms, including those regarding modifications to these Terms, will be given: (i) by Evrnu via email; or (ii) by posting to the Site. For notices made by e-mail, the date of receipt will be deemed the date on which such notice is transmitted.","type":"text"}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"text":"Evrnu’s failure to enforce any right or provision of these Terms will not be considered a waiver of such right or provision. The waiver of any such right or provision will be effective only if in writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of Evrnu. 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