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104.744 33.7872ZM109.613 33.7872C110.804 33.7872 111.453 33.2021 111.548 31.6702H110.74C110.666 32.734 110.336 33.0851 109.581 33.0851C108.71 33.0851 108.369 32.6383 108.369 31.0106C108.369 29.4894 108.699 29.0319 109.581 29.0319C110.336 29.0319 110.623 29.3298 110.74 30.3298H111.548C111.442 28.9681 110.921 28.2553 109.613 28.2553C108.125 28.2553 107.519 29.0851 107.519 31.0106C107.519 33.0106 108.103 33.7872 109.613 33.7872ZM113.526 33.7021V30.3191C113.526 29.3191 113.909 29.0319 114.643 29.0319C115.398 29.0319 115.695 29.383 115.695 30.3298V33.7021H116.546V30.1064C116.546 28.9574 116.004 28.2553 114.855 28.2553C114.217 28.2553 113.749 28.4894 113.526 28.9574V26.1277H112.676V33.7021H113.526ZM119.81 33.7872C121.075 33.7872 121.607 33.1809 121.713 32.117H120.948C120.852 32.8298 120.544 33.0851 119.81 33.0851C118.928 33.0851 118.556 32.734 118.545 31.0957H121.745V30.8936C121.745 29.1383 121.256 28.2553 119.8 28.2553C118.343 28.2553 117.694 29.0745 117.694 31.0106C117.694 33 118.311 33.7872 119.81 33.7872ZM120.927 30.4362H118.566C118.651 29.3404 119.034 29.0319 119.768 29.0319C120.544 29.0319 120.863 29.3404 120.927 30.4362ZM127.062 33.7872C128.327 33.7872 128.859 33.1809 128.965 32.117H128.199C128.104 32.8298 127.795 33.0851 127.062 33.0851C126.179 33.0851 125.807 32.734 125.796 31.0957H128.997V30.8936C128.997 29.1383 128.508 28.2553 127.051 28.2553C125.594 28.2553 124.946 29.0745 124.946 31.0106C124.946 33 125.562 33.7872 127.062 33.7872ZM128.178 30.4362H125.818C125.903 29.3404 126.286 29.0319 127.019 29.0319C127.795 29.0319 128.114 29.3404 128.178 30.4362ZM131.028 33.7021V30.3298C131.028 29.3191 131.411 29.0319 132.144 29.0319C132.899 29.0319 133.197 29.383 133.197 30.3298V33.7021H134.047V30.1064C134.047 28.9574 133.505 28.2553 132.357 28.2553C131.676 28.2553 131.209 28.5106 130.996 29.0319V28.3404H130.177V33.7021H131.028ZM139.885 33.8298C141.533 33.8298 142.32 33.0319 142.32 31.7872C142.32 30.4681 141.618 29.9362 140.374 29.6064L139.779 29.4468C138.97 29.234 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" /> </div> <div class="teaser-content "> <div class="teaser-header"> <span class="teaser-category seperator-after" title=""><img class="flag" src="/.resources/porsche-templating/local-content-icons/Schweiz.png"> Sport automobile (CH)</span> <time class="teaser-date " datetime="13/11/2024">13/11/2024</time> </div> <div class="teaser-body"> <h3 class="teaser-title "> <a href="" title="L’expérience s’impose" class="teaser-link"> L’expérience s’impose </a> </h3> <p > Dans le cadre de l’Auto Zürich, Pascal Gehrig s’est assuré le titre dans la catégorie Pro de la Porsche E-Sports Carrera Cup Suisse, le championnat officiel suisse de simracing. </p> </div> </div> </article></div><div class="col-s-12 col-m-6 col-l-4"> <article class="teaser "> <div itemscope itemtype="" class="teaser-image"> <img class="" itemprop="thumbnailUrl" src="/.imaging/mte/porsche-templating-theme/teaser_720x406x1_5/dam/CH-local/2024/Motorsport/Sports-Cup-Suisse/PSCS-Lauf-6-Misano/PCH24_0377_fine.jpg/jcr:content/PCH24_0377_fine.jpg" alt="Tomas Guedes est le nouveau champion du groupe GT4 Clubsport" /> <meta itemprop="representativeOfPage" content="false" /> <meta itemprop="caption" content="Tomas Guedes est le nouveau champion du groupe GT4 Clubsport" /> <meta itemprop="name" content="Tomas Guedes est le nouveau champion du groupe GT4 Clubsport" /> <meta itemprop="description" content="Tomas Guedes a remporté le titre dans le groupe GT4 Clubsport lors de la finale de la saison du Porsche Sprint Challenge Suisse." /> </div> <div class="teaser-content "> <div class="teaser-header"> <span class="teaser-category seperator-after" title=""><img class="flag" src="/.resources/porsche-templating/local-content-icons/Schweiz.png"> Sport automobile (CH)</span> <time class="teaser-date " datetime="29/10/2024">29/10/2024</time> </div> <div class="teaser-body"> <h3 class="teaser-title "> <a href="" title="Tomas Guedes est le nouveau champion du groupe GT4 Clubsport" class="teaser-link"> Tomas Guedes est le nouveau champion du groupe GT4 Clubsport </a> </h3> <p > Tomas Guedes a remporté le titre dans le groupe GT4 Clubsport lors de la finale de la saison du Porsche Sprint Challenge Suisse. </p> </div> </div> </article></div><div class="col-s-12 col-m-6 col-l-4"> <article class="teaser "> <div itemscope itemtype="" class="teaser-image"> <img class="" itemprop="thumbnailUrl" src="/.imaging/mte/porsche-templating-theme/teaser_720x406x1_5/dam/CH-local/2024/Motorsport/Sports-Cup-Suisse/PSCS-Lauf-5-Mugello/2FB07118-3F5E-41FE-A761-1523215AAE51_1_201_a.jpeg/jcr:content/2FB07118-3F5E-41FE-A761-1523215AAE51_1_201_a.jpeg" alt="Le nouveau champion de la GT3 Cup Felix Hirsiger domine également au Mugello" /> <meta itemprop="representativeOfPage" content="false" /> <meta itemprop="caption" content="Le nouveau champion de la GT3 Cup Felix Hirsiger domine également au Mugello" /> <meta itemprop="name" content="Le nouveau champion de la GT3 Cup Felix Hirsiger domine également au Mugello" /> <meta itemprop="description" content="Felix Hirsiger a également livré une performance convaincante à l'Autodromo del Mugello et a remporté prématurément le titre de champion GT3 Cup du Porsche Sprint Challenge Suisse." /> </div> <div class="teaser-content "> <div class="teaser-header"> <span class="teaser-category seperator-after" title=""><img class="flag" src="/.resources/porsche-templating/local-content-icons/Schweiz.png"> Sport automobile (CH)</span> <time class="teaser-date " datetime="24/09/2024">24/09/2024</time> </div> <div class="teaser-body"> <h3 class="teaser-title "> <a href="" title="Le nouveau champion de la GT3 Cup Felix Hirsiger domine également au Mugello" class="teaser-link"> Le nouveau champion de la GT3 Cup Felix Hirsiger domine également au Mugello </a> </h3> <p > Felix Hirsiger a également livré une performance convaincante à l'Autodromo del Mugello et a remporté prématurément le titre de champion GT3 Cup du Porsche Sprint Challenge Suisse. </p> </div> </div> </article></div><div class="col-s-12 col-m-6 col-l-4 hide-small"> <article class="teaser "> <div itemscope itemtype="" class="teaser-image"> <img class="" itemprop="thumbnailUrl" src="/.imaging/mte/porsche-templating-theme/teaser_720x406x1_5/dam/CH-local/2024/Motorsport/Sports-Cup-Suisse/PSCS-Lauf-4-Portimao/PCH24_0285_fine.jpg/jcr:content/PCH24_0285_fine.jpg" alt="Felix Hirsiger domine la GT3 Cup en Algarve également " /> <meta itemprop="representativeOfPage" content="false" /> <meta itemprop="caption" content="Felix Hirsiger domine la GT3 Cup en Algarve également " /> <meta itemprop="name" content="Felix Hirsiger domine la GT3 Cup en Algarve également " /> <meta itemprop="description" content="Avec ses sixième et septième victoires de la saison, Felix Hirsiger a posé des jalons en vue du titre en GT3 Cup du Porsche Sprint Challenge Suisse. " /> </div> <div class="teaser-content "> <div class="teaser-header"> <span class="teaser-category seperator-after" title=""><img class="flag" src="/.resources/porsche-templating/local-content-icons/Schweiz.png"> Sport automobile (CH)</span> <time class="teaser-date " datetime="03/09/2024">03/09/2024</time> </div> <div class="teaser-body"> <h3 class="teaser-title "> <a href="" title="Felix Hirsiger domine la GT3 Cup en Algarve également " class="teaser-link"> Felix Hirsiger domine la GT3 Cup en Algarve également </a> </h3> <p > Avec ses sixième et septième victoires de la saison, Felix Hirsiger a posé des jalons en vue du titre en GT3 Cup du Porsche Sprint Challenge Suisse. </p> </div> </div> </article></div><div class="col-s-12 col-m-6 col-l-4 hide-small hide-medium"> <article class="teaser "> <div itemscope itemtype="" class="teaser-image"> <img class="" itemprop="thumbnailUrl" src="/.imaging/mte/porsche-templating-theme/teaser_720x406x1_5/dam/CH-local/2024/Motorsport/Esports-carrera-cup-Suisse-bleibt-koenigsklasse/5.jpg/jcr:content/5.jpg" alt="La « Porsche Esports Carrera Cup Suisse » reste la catégorie reine en Suisse." /> <meta itemprop="representativeOfPage" content="false" /> <meta itemprop="caption" content="La « Porsche Esports Carrera Cup Suisse » reste la catégorie reine en Suisse." /> <meta itemprop="name" content="La « Porsche Esports Carrera Cup Suisse » reste la catégorie reine en Suisse." /> <meta itemprop="description" content="Porsche Schweiz AG prolonge son partenariat avec les « Swiss Simracing Series » et reste le partenaire le plus important dans le domaine des courses de simulation en Suisse. " /> </div> <div class="teaser-content "> <div class="teaser-header"> <span class="teaser-category seperator-after" title=""><img class="flag" src="/.resources/porsche-templating/local-content-icons/Schweiz.png"> Sport automobile (CH)</span> <time class="teaser-date " datetime="23/07/2024">23/07/2024</time> </div> <div class="teaser-body"> <h3 class="teaser-title "> <a href="" title="La « Porsche Esports Carrera Cup Suisse » reste la catégorie reine en Suisse." class="teaser-link"> La « Porsche Esports Carrera Cup Suisse » reste la catégorie reine en Suisse. </a> </h3> <p > Porsche Schweiz AG prolonge son partenariat avec les « Swiss Simracing Series » et reste le partenaire le plus important dans le domaine des courses de simulation en Suisse. </p> </div> </div> </article></div><div class="col-s-12 col-m-6 col-l-4 hide-small hide-medium"> <article class="teaser "> <div itemscope itemtype="" class="teaser-image"> <img class="" itemprop="thumbnailUrl" src="/.imaging/mte/porsche-templating-theme/teaser_720x406x1_5/dam/CH-local/2024/Motorsport/Sports-Cup-Suisse/PSCS-Lauf-3-Imola/PCH24_0237_fine.jpg/jcr:content/PCH24_0237_fine.jpg" alt="Le vainqueur surprise William Mezzetti remporte le poker des pneus en GT3 Cup" /> <meta itemprop="representativeOfPage" content="false" /> <meta itemprop="caption" content="Le vainqueur surprise William Mezzetti remporte le poker des pneus en GT3 Cup" /> <meta itemprop="name" content="Le vainqueur surprise William Mezzetti remporte le poker des pneus en GT3 Cup" /> <meta itemprop="description" content="Des conditions météorologiques changeantes avec des précipitations ont marqué le troisième week-end de course de la Porsche Sports Cup Suisse." /> </div> <div class="teaser-content "> <div class="teaser-header"> <span class="teaser-category seperator-after" title=""><img class="flag" src="/.resources/porsche-templating/local-content-icons/Schweiz.png"> Sport automobile (CH)</span> <time class="teaser-date " datetime="25/06/2024">25/06/2024</time> </div> <div class="teaser-body"> <h3 class="teaser-title "> <a href="" title="Le vainqueur surprise William Mezzetti remporte le poker des pneus en GT3 Cup" class="teaser-link"> Le vainqueur surprise William Mezzetti remporte le poker des pneus en GT3 Cup </a> </h3> <p > Des conditions météorologiques changeantes avec des précipitations ont marqué le troisième week-end de course de la Porsche Sports Cup Suisse. </p> </div> </div> </article></div> </div> <div class="col-s-12 col-m-12 col-l-12 align-center"> <span class="loader is-hidden"></span> <a href="#" class="btn btn-outline red btn-load-more "> Plus </a> </div> </section> <section class="content-section full-page-width-wrapper flex-wrap"> <h2 class="section-headline col-s-12 col-m-12 col-l-12 no-mb"> News de la rubrique « Sport automobile » </h2> </section> <section class="comp-load-teaser content-section" data-template="news-teaser" data-lang="fr_CH" data-teaser="3,4,6" data-servlet-url="/.rest/pnr/articles/v1/search?excludes=aedfa41b-8b63-43e0-8c9f-549f8ed1f376,c040b812-ba31-46a7-be3c-bbfa5fb7be42,d4544517-5d82-4a98-8f46-c4fe2560395d,459a2f50-ae08-4918-a980-6c35d6d57b73,c92f6972-a3c5-4c90-a27f-103c070cc2ac,1cd66993-2e5c-4193-9b71-2d27eb6491e7"> <ul class="filter-list is-hidden"> <li> <input value="Sport automobile" name="filter-2b97e798-3aa7-49d8-80ec-020e0102dd2f" id="filter-2b97e798-3aa7-49d8-80ec-020e0102dd2f" class="is-visuallyhidden" checked="checked" type="radio"> </li> </ul> <div class="result-wrapper"> <div class="col-s-12 col-m-6 col-l-4"> <article class="teaser "> <div itemscope itemtype="" class="teaser-image"> <img class="" itemprop="thumbnailUrl" src="" alt="Porsche 718 Cayman GT4 RS Clubsport thrills racing customers worldwide" /> <meta itemprop="representativeOfPage" content="false" /> <meta itemprop="caption" content="Porsche 718 Cayman GT4 RS Clubsport thrills racing customers worldwide" /> <meta itemprop="name" content="Porsche 718 Cayman GT4 RS Clubsport thrills racing customers worldwide" /> <meta itemprop="description" content="The 718 Cayman GT4 RS Clubsport has established itself as a pivotal and successful customer racing vehicle within the growing GT4 segment. " /> </div> <div class="teaser-content "> <div class="teaser-header"> <span class="teaser-category seperator-after" title=""> Sport automobile</span> <time class="teaser-date " datetime="17/02/2025">17/02/2025</time> </div> <div class="teaser-body"> <h3 class="teaser-title "> <a href="" title="Porsche 718 Cayman GT4 RS Clubsport thrills racing customers worldwide" class="teaser-link"> Porsche 718 Cayman GT4 RS Clubsport thrills racing customers worldwide </a> </h3> <p > The 718 Cayman GT4 RS Clubsport has established itself as a pivotal and successful customer racing vehicle within the growing GT4 segment. </p> </div> </div> </article></div><div class="col-s-12 col-m-6 col-l-4"> <article class="teaser "> <div itemscope itemtype="" class="teaser-image"> <img class="" itemprop="thumbnailUrl" src="" alt="La star de football Sergio Agüero devient pilote de course pour Porsche" /> <meta itemprop="representativeOfPage" content="false" /> <meta itemprop="caption" content="La star de football Sergio Agüero devient pilote de course pour Porsche" /> <meta itemprop="name" content="La star de football Sergio Agüero devient pilote de course pour Porsche" /> <meta itemprop="description" content="L'ancien professionnel et champion olympique de football Sergio Agüero va devenir, le temps d'un week-end, pilote de course à bord de la Porsche 99X Electric. " /> </div> <div class="teaser-content "> <div class="teaser-header"> <span class="teaser-category seperator-after" title=""> Sport automobile</span> <time class="teaser-date " datetime="11/02/2025">11/02/2025</time> </div> <div class="teaser-body"> <h3 class="teaser-title "> <a href="" title="La star de football Sergio Agüero devient pilote de course pour Porsche" class="teaser-link"> La star de football Sergio Agüero devient pilote de course pour Porsche </a> </h3> <p > L'ancien professionnel et champion olympique de football Sergio Agüero va devenir, le temps d'un week-end, pilote de course à bord de la Porsche 99X Electric. </p> </div> </div> </article></div><div class="col-s-12 col-m-6 col-l-4"> <article class="teaser "> <div itemscope itemtype="" class="teaser-image"> <img class="" itemprop="thumbnailUrl" src="" alt="Porsche claims 20th victory at the 24 Hours of Daytona" /> <meta itemprop="representativeOfPage" content="false" /> <meta itemprop="caption" content="Porsche claims 20th victory at the 24 Hours of Daytona" /> <meta itemprop="name" content="Porsche claims 20th victory at the 24 Hours of Daytona" /> <meta itemprop="description" content="Porsche Penske Motorsport has clinched its second consecutive victory at the 24 Hours of Daytona. " /> </div> <div class="teaser-content "> <div class="teaser-header"> <span class="teaser-category seperator-after" title=""> Sport automobile</span> <time class="teaser-date " datetime="26/01/2025">26/01/2025</time> </div> <div class="teaser-body"> <h3 class="teaser-title "> <a href="" title="Porsche claims 20th victory at the 24 Hours of Daytona" class="teaser-link"> Porsche claims 20th victory at the 24 Hours of Daytona </a> </h3> <p > Porsche Penske Motorsport has clinched its second consecutive victory at the 24 Hours of Daytona. </p> </div> </div> </article></div><div class="col-s-12 col-m-6 col-l-4 hide-small"> <article class="teaser "> <div itemscope itemtype="" class="teaser-image"> <img class="" itemprop="thumbnailUrl" src="" alt="How Porsche Penske Motorsport prepares for the classic in Daytona" /> <meta itemprop="representativeOfPage" content="false" /> <meta itemprop="caption" content="How Porsche Penske Motorsport prepares for the classic in Daytona" /> <meta itemprop="name" content="How Porsche Penske Motorsport prepares for the classic in Daytona" /> <meta itemprop="description" content="The 24 Hours of Daytona serves as the season opener for the IMSA WeatherTech SportsCar Championship." /> </div> <div class="teaser-content "> <div class="teaser-header"> <span class="teaser-category seperator-after" title=""> Sport automobile</span> <time class="teaser-date " datetime="22/01/2025">22/01/2025</time> </div> <div class="teaser-body"> <h3 class="teaser-title "> <a href="" title="How Porsche Penske Motorsport prepares for the classic in Daytona" class="teaser-link"> How Porsche Penske Motorsport prepares for the classic in Daytona </a> </h3> <p > The 24 Hours of Daytona serves as the season opener for the IMSA WeatherTech SportsCar Championship. </p> </div> </div> </article></div><div class="col-s-12 col-m-6 col-l-4 hide-small hide-medium"> <article class="teaser "> <div itemscope itemtype="" class="teaser-image"> <img class="" itemprop="thumbnailUrl" src="/.imaging/mte/porsche-templating-theme/teaser_720x406x1_5/dam/pnr/2025/Motorsport/Formel-E/Mexico/304716_4000x2667.jpg/jcr:content/304716_4000x2667.jpg" alt="Front row lock-out and double podium for Porsche in Mexico City" /> <meta itemprop="representativeOfPage" content="false" /> <meta itemprop="caption" content="Front row lock-out and double podium for Porsche in Mexico City" /> <meta itemprop="name" content="Front row lock-out and double podium for Porsche in Mexico City" /> <meta itemprop="description" content="Porsche has started into its racing year with a 1-2 qualifying lock-out followed by a double podium and moved into the lead of all three standings in the ABB FIA Formula E World Championship at the Mexico City E-Prix." /> </div> <div class="teaser-content "> <div class="teaser-header"> <span class="teaser-category seperator-after" title=""> Sport automobile</span> <time class="teaser-date " datetime="12/01/2025">12/01/2025</time> </div> <div class="teaser-body"> <h3 class="teaser-title "> <a href="" title="Front row lock-out and double podium for Porsche in Mexico City" class="teaser-link"> Front row lock-out and double podium for Porsche in Mexico City </a> </h3> <p > Porsche has started into its racing year with a 1-2 qualifying lock-out followed by a double podium and moved into the lead of all three standings in the ABB FIA Formula E World Championship at the Mexico City E-Prix. </p> </div> </div> </article></div><div class="col-s-12 col-m-6 col-l-4 hide-small hide-medium"> <article class="teaser "> <div itemscope itemtype="" class="teaser-image"> <img class="" itemprop="thumbnailUrl" src="" alt="Porsche Formula E stars tackle the 24-hour race in Daytona" /> <meta itemprop="representativeOfPage" content="false" /> <meta itemprop="caption" content="Porsche Formula E stars tackle the 24-hour race in Daytona" /> <meta itemprop="name" content="Porsche Formula E stars tackle the 24-hour race in Daytona" /> <meta itemprop="description" content="Porsche works driver Pascal Wehrlein will contest the 24 Hours of Daytona. António Félix da Costa will also be competing." /> </div> <div class="teaser-content "> <div class="teaser-header"> <span class="teaser-category seperator-after" title=""> Sport automobile</span> <time class="teaser-date " datetime="20/12/2024">20/12/2024</time> </div> <div class="teaser-body"> <h3 class="teaser-title "> <a href="" title="Porsche Formula E stars tackle the 24-hour race in Daytona" class="teaser-link"> Porsche Formula E stars tackle the 24-hour race in Daytona </a> </h3> <p > Porsche works driver Pascal Wehrlein will contest the 24 Hours of Daytona. António Félix da Costa will also be competing. </p> </div> </div> </article></div> </div> <div class="col-s-12 col-m-12 col-l-12 align-center"> <span class="loader is-hidden"></span> <a href="#" class="btn btn-outline red btn-load-more "> Plus </a> </div> </section> <section class="comp-slider content-section slider-base full-page-width-wrapper flex-wrap" data-slides=" 1,2,2 "> <h2 class="section-headline col-s-12 col-m-12 col-l-12 "> Guides média </h2> <div class="swiper-outer-wrapper col-s-12 col-m-12 col-l-12"> <div class="swiper-container pb-xl no-p-b"> <div class="swiper-wrapper"> <div class="swiper-slide"> <article class="teaser "> <div itemscope="" itemtype="" class="teaser-image "> <div class="preload-wrapper"> <img class="" itemprop="thumbnailUrl" src="/.resources/porsche-templating/img/placeholder.png" data-src="/.imaging/mte/porsche-templating-theme/image_690x388/dam/pnr/2022/Motorsports/Formula-E/Themenseite-Formula-E/0U6A9143.jpeg/jcr:content/5AM_2852_.jpeg" alt="99X 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La procédure d'essai mondiale harmonisée (Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicles Test Procedure, WLTP) pour voitures particulières et véhicules utilitaires légers est une procédure plus réaliste de mesure de la consommation de carburant et des émissions de CO₂. Les valeurs varient en fonction de l'équipement optionnel choisi.<br /> Pour plus d'informations sur la procédure d'essai WLTP, veuillez consulter le site <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.<br /> <br /> La valeur moyenne des émissions de CO₂ de toutes les voitures neuves vendues en Suisse est de 113 g/km (WLTP).<br /> Valeur cible de CO₂ selon le cycle WLTP : 93.6 g/km<br /> <br /> ** Vous trouverez ici des <a href="" target="_blank">informations</a> importantes sur les modèles Porsche tout-électriques.</p> </div> </div> <div class="col-xl-8 no-mt-xl"> <nav class="footer-nav bottom-nav no-mb-xl" role="navigation"> <ul class="flat" role="menu"> <li role="menuitem"> <a href="" title="VW Group Media" class="link link-pure" target="_self"> <span class="icon icon-medium icon-pds fill-white"><svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="100%" height="100%"><path d="M14.81 18 20 11.5 14.81 5h-1.25l4.81 6H4v1h14.37l-4.81 6h1.25z"/></svg></span> VW Group Media </a> </li> <li role="menuitem"> <a 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29.0319C79.0866 29.0319 79.4588 29.4468 79.4588 31.0213C79.4588 32.5745 79.1185 33.0851 78.2147 33.0851ZM83.6162 33.7872C84.8815 33.7872 85.4131 33.1809 85.5195 32.117H84.7539C84.6582 32.8298 84.3498 33.0851 83.6162 33.0851C82.7337 33.0851 82.3615 32.734 82.3509 31.0957H85.5513V30.8936C85.5513 29.1383 85.0622 28.2553 83.6056 28.2553C82.1489 28.2553 81.5003 29.0745 81.5003 31.0106C81.5003 33 82.117 33.7872 83.6162 33.7872ZM84.7326 30.4362H82.3721C82.4572 29.3404 82.84 29.0319 83.5737 29.0319C84.3498 29.0319 84.6688 29.3404 84.7326 30.4362ZM90.0277 33.7021V30.6915H91.5057C92.888 30.6915 93.6854 30.1809 93.6854 28.4468C93.6854 26.7447 93.0475 26.1277 91.527 26.1277H89.1452V33.7021H90.0277ZM91.5057 29.9574H90.0277V26.9362H91.527C92.452 26.9362 92.8029 27.2553 92.8029 28.4468C92.8029 29.6702 92.452 29.9574 91.5057 29.9574ZM96.6201 33.7872C98.1193 33.7872 98.7254 32.9468 98.7254 31.0213C98.7254 29.0957 98.1512 28.2553 96.6201 28.2553C95.0996 28.2553 94.5148 29.0957 94.5148 31.0213C94.5148 32.9468 95.089 33.7872 96.6201 33.7872ZM96.6201 33.0851C95.7163 33.0851 95.3654 32.5745 95.3654 31.0213C95.3654 29.5 95.7163 29.0319 96.6201 29.0319C97.5239 29.0319 97.8747 29.5 97.8747 31.0213C97.8747 32.5745 97.5239 33.0851 96.6201 33.0851ZM100.724 33.7021V29.8723C100.724 29.3511 100.99 29.0851 101.511 29.0851H102.319V28.3404H101.479C100.416 28.3404 99.8737 28.9149 99.8737 29.9362V33.7021H100.724ZM104.744 33.7872C106.094 33.7872 106.615 33.2021 106.615 32.3191C106.615 31.4681 106.232 31 105.222 30.7553L104.658 30.617C103.978 30.4468 103.787 30.2234 103.787 29.766C103.787 29.2553 104.01 29 104.765 29C105.435 29 105.732 29.1809 105.775 29.9362H106.551C106.54 28.6915 105.913 28.2553 104.765 28.2553C103.616 28.2553 102.968 28.7447 102.968 29.766C102.968 30.6915 103.457 31.1064 104.233 31.2979L104.807 31.4362C105.605 31.6277 105.786 31.766 105.786 32.3191C105.786 32.8617 105.541 33.1064 104.775 33.1064C104.084 33.1064 103.765 32.8936 103.691 32.1809H102.915C103 33.117 103.383 33.7872 104.744 33.7872ZM109.613 33.7872C110.804 33.7872 111.453 33.2021 111.548 31.6702H110.74C110.666 32.734 110.336 33.0851 109.581 33.0851C108.71 33.0851 108.369 32.6383 108.369 31.0106C108.369 29.4894 108.699 29.0319 109.581 29.0319C110.336 29.0319 110.623 29.3298 110.74 30.3298H111.548C111.442 28.9681 110.921 28.2553 109.613 28.2553C108.125 28.2553 107.519 29.0851 107.519 31.0106C107.519 33.0106 108.103 33.7872 109.613 33.7872ZM113.526 33.7021V30.3191C113.526 29.3191 113.909 29.0319 114.643 29.0319C115.398 29.0319 115.695 29.383 115.695 30.3298V33.7021H116.546V30.1064C116.546 28.9574 116.004 28.2553 114.855 28.2553C114.217 28.2553 113.749 28.4894 113.526 28.9574V26.1277H112.676V33.7021H113.526ZM119.81 33.7872C121.075 33.7872 121.607 33.1809 121.713 32.117H120.948C120.852 32.8298 120.544 33.0851 119.81 33.0851C118.928 33.0851 118.556 32.734 118.545 31.0957H121.745V30.8936C121.745 29.1383 121.256 28.2553 119.8 28.2553C118.343 28.2553 117.694 29.0745 117.694 31.0106C117.694 33 118.311 33.7872 119.81 33.7872ZM120.927 30.4362H118.566C118.651 29.3404 119.034 29.0319 119.768 29.0319C120.544 29.0319 120.863 29.3404 120.927 30.4362ZM127.062 33.7872C128.327 33.7872 128.859 33.1809 128.965 32.117H128.199C128.104 32.8298 127.795 33.0851 127.062 33.0851C126.179 33.0851 125.807 32.734 125.796 31.0957H128.997V30.8936C128.997 29.1383 128.508 28.2553 127.051 28.2553C125.594 28.2553 124.946 29.0745 124.946 31.0106C124.946 33 125.562 33.7872 127.062 33.7872ZM128.178 30.4362H125.818C125.903 29.3404 126.286 29.0319 127.019 29.0319C127.795 29.0319 128.114 29.3404 128.178 30.4362ZM131.028 33.7021V30.3298C131.028 29.3191 131.411 29.0319 132.144 29.0319C132.899 29.0319 133.197 29.383 133.197 30.3298V33.7021H134.047V30.1064C134.047 28.9574 133.505 28.2553 132.357 28.2553C131.676 28.2553 131.209 28.5106 130.996 29.0319V28.3404H130.177V33.7021H131.028ZM139.885 33.8298C141.533 33.8298 142.32 33.0319 142.32 31.7872C142.32 30.4681 141.618 29.9362 140.374 29.6064L139.779 29.4468C138.97 29.234 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