Football Gameday 2024

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Michigan opened The Game with the ball after Jayden Fielding’s kickoff hit Michigan’s Jordan Marshall and was returned from the goal line out to the 11.<br >\n<br >\n• The Wolverines moved to the UM30 on a 14-yard pass play from Davis Warren to Tyler Morris after a couple short rushes.<br >\n<br >\n• Ohio State’s defense stopped Michigan at the UM36, forcing a punt on third-and-4. Tommy Doman delivered a 33-yard boot out of bounds at the OSU31.<br >\n<br >\n• Quarterback Will Howard came out throwing for the Buckeyes, connecting with receiver Carnall Tate for catches of 9 and 8 yards to the OSU 48.<br >\n<br >\n• After a rush for no gain, Howard found receiver Jeremiah Smith for 8 yards and then Tate for 13 more to the UM31. Howard then targeted Smith deep in the back right corner of the endzone but Michigan’s Quinten Johnson was called for pass interference, moving the Buckeyes 15 yards to the UM16.<br >\n<br >\n• TreVeyon Henderson got the Buckeyes to the OSU11 on a rush of 5 yards before Fielding converted on a 29-yard field goal for a 3-0 Ohio State lead with six minutes, 14 seconds on the clock. The drive covered 58 yards on nine plays while using 4:19.<br >\n<br >\n• Michigan took over at its 25 following a touchback. Alex Orji entered at quarterback and rushed left for 29 yards to the OSU27. The Wolverines rushed again on the next two plays for gains of 8 and 7 yards to the OSU12.<br >\n<br >\n• The Wolverines stayed on the ground for 3 yards before an incompletion from the OSU9. Michigan was held just short of a first down on the next play after a completion for 6 yards to the OSU3. That played ended the opening quarter.</div>\n\n<div class=\"notes__slider-swiper-slide swiper-slide\"><b>Second Quarter</b><br >\n<br >\nNo. 2 Ohio State 10, Michigan 10<br >\n<br >\n• Ohio State stopped the Wolverines on the first play of the quarter to take over on downs after a review confirmed the stop on fourth-and 1.<br >\n<br >\n• The Buckeyes gained a yard on the first two plays of the next drive. Howard was then intercepted by Aamir Hall at the OSU 13. He returned it down the right sideline 11 yards to the OSU2.<br >\n<br >\n• Michigan scored two plays later on a Kalel Mullings 1-yard rush up the middle for a 7-3 lead for the Wolverines.<br >\n<br >\n• Ohio State started its next drive from the OSU25 after a touchback. Quinshon Judkins opened the drive with a rush of 15 yards on an option play to the right out to the OSU40.<br >\n<br >\n• Howard threw next to the right side and found Emeka Egbuka for a gain of 18 to the UM42. Smith caught Howard’s next pass for a gain of 5 to the UM37. Both teams were called for unsportsmanlike conduct penalties near the Michigan bench that offset.<br >\n<br >\n• When play resumed Judkins and Howard each carried for 2 yards to the UM33. Howard was injured on the third-down play and left the game. The Buckeyes then faced a fourth-and-1 with Devin Brown at quarterback. Ohio State earned the first down on a 10-yard Judkins rush left to the UM23.<br >\n<br >\n• Michigan then called timeout<br >\n<br >\n• Howard returned and handed to Judkins for a loss of 1. Michigan was called for an offsides penalty on the next play to move the ball to the UM19.<br >\n<br >\n• Fielding then came in but missed a 38-yard field goal attempt wide to the right. The Wolverines took over on their 20.<br >\n<br >\n• The Buckeyes forced a punt from the Michigan 25. Doman then connected on a 68-yarder that rolled to the OSU7.<br >\n<br >\n• Ohio State punted it right back from the OSU9. Joe McGuire then came and delivered a 31-yard kick to the OSU39.<br >\n<br >\n• The Wolverines did not muster a first down on its next possession before Dominic Zvada entered and connected on a 54-yard field goal for a 10-3 lead with 2:15 remaining in the half.<br >\n<br >\n• Just prior to the two-minute timeout, Howard completed a pass for 6 yards to Gee Scott Jr. to the OSU31. After the break, Egbuka gained 18 on a pass over the middle to the OSU49.<br >\n<br >\n• Tate caught consecutive passes for gains of 4 and 11 yards to the UM27. After a short gain of 2 by Henderson, Michigan was called for pass interference on a deep ball to Smith. The ball moved to the UM10.<br >\n<br >\n• Howard went to Smith again on the next play for a 10-yard touchdown grab in the back right corner to tie it at 10-all with 30 seconds to go. The Buckeyes needed just 1:45 to go 75 yards on nine plays to send the game to the halftime break all square.</div>\n\n<div class=\"notes__slider-swiper-slide swiper-slide\"><b>Third Quarter</b><br >\n<br >\nNo. 2 Ohio State 10, Michigan 10<br >\n<br >\n• Ohio State started the half with the ball at its 6 following a Henderson return from the goal line.<br >\n<br >\n• Howard started moving the ball with completions of 9 yards to Egbuka and 13 to Tate out to the OSU32. Henderson then caught a short pass on the left side and turned it into a 24-yard gain to the UM41.<br >\n<br >\n• The next three plays totaled 3 yards to the UM38. McGuire punted it away and the Buckeyes downed it at the UM2 after a 36-yard effort.<br >\n<br >\n• Michigan did not produce a first down and punted it away from its 6 out to the UM47 where it was fair caught by Caleb Downs after a 41-yard kick.<br >\n<br >\n• Judkins got the Buckeyes started on their next drive with a 17-yard rush around the left side to the UM30. He gained 5 more on the next two rushes before a 6-yard completion to Egbuka for a first down at the UM19.<br >\n<br >\n• Henderson rushed for a gain of 6 on the next play before a Judkins rush for 2 to the UM16. Howard was then intercepted by Makari Paige at the UM9.<br >\n<br >\n• Downs then intercepted Warren at the UM16 on third-and-7 to give the ball back to the Buckeyes.<br >\n<br >\n• Howard returned and handed to Judkins for a loss of 1. Michigan was called for an offsides penalty on the next play to move the ball to the UM19.<br >\n<br >\n• The Buckeyes were stopped at the UM16 before Fielding came in and missed a 34-yard field goal attempt that hooked wide left.<br >\n<br >\n• The Buckeyes forced a punt from the Michigan 25. Doman then connected on a 68-yarder that rolled to the OSU7.<br >\n<br >\n• Michigan took over at their 20 and got to the UM31 for a first down after a completion of 7 yards to Martin Klein. The quarter ended after a short gain of 2 yards to the UM 33.</div>\n<!--END NOTE--><!--NOTE--></div>\n</div>\n\n<div class=\"bar rightside\"></div>\n</div>\n\n<div class=\"bar rightside\"></div>\n<script>\nrequire(['jquery', ''], function($) {\n // Initialize Swiper\n const swiper = new Swiper('.notes__slider', {\n loop: false,\n\t\tspaceBetween: 75,\n\t\tslidesPerView: 1,\n\t\tbreakpoints: {\n 1024: {\n slidesPerView: 2,\n\t\t\t\t \n }\n },\n navigation: {\n nextEl: \".notes-swiper-button-next\",\n prevEl: \".notes-swiper-button-prev\",\n }\n });\n});\n<\/script></div>\n", "custom_styles": "/*REMOVE THE BELOW SLASHES AND ASTERISKS TO HIDE THIS SECTION DURING THE WEEK IF NEEDED. 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