{"title":"Web Application for Evaluating Tests in Distance Learning Systems","authors":"Bogdan Walek, Vladimir Bradac, Radim Farana","volume":107,"journal":"International Journal of Educational and Pedagogical Sciences","pagesStart":3844,"pagesEnd":3849,"ISSN":"1307-6892","URL":"https:\/\/\/pdf\/10002882","abstract":"Distance learning systems offer useful methods of\r\nlearning and usually contain a final course test or another form of\r\ntest. The paper proposes a web application for evaluating tests using\r\nan expert system in distance learning systems. The proposed web\r\napplication is appropriate for didactic tests or tests with results for\r\nsubsequent studying follow-up courses. The web application works\r\nwith test questions and uses an expert system and LFLC tool for test\r\nevaluation. After test evaluation, the results are visualized and shown\r\nto the student.","references":"[1] Nicola A., Missikoff M., Schiappelli F. Towards an Ontological Support\r\nfor eLearning Courses, On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems\r\n2004: OTM 2004 Workshops, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2004, pp.\r\n773-777\r\n[2] Gruber T. R. A translation approach to portable ontologies, Knowledge\r\nAcquisition, 1993, pp. 199-220\r\n[3] Brad\u00e1\u010d V., Walek B., Klime\u0161 C., Farana R. A new way how to assess\r\nstudent's knowledge of the English language in e-learning. ICERI2014\r\nProceedings. Sevila: IATED Academy, 2014. pp. 1708-1717\r\n[4] Habiballa H., Nov\u00e1k V., Dvo\u0159\u00e1k A., Pavliska V. Using software package\r\nLFLC 2000, 2nd International Conference Aplimat 2003, Bratislava,\r\n2003, pp. 355-358\r\n[5] Klime\u0161 C. Expert System Utilization for Modeling the Decision Making\r\nProcesses upon Indetermination, Acta Electrotechnica et Informatica,\r\nVol. 1, No. 1, 2007\r\n[6] Klime\u0161 C. Model of adaptation under indeterminacy, Kybernetika,\r\nVol.47, No.3, 2011, pp. 355 \u2013 368\r\n[7] Huang M., Huang H., Chen M. Constructing a personalized e-learning\r\nsystem based on genetic algorithm and case-based reasoning approach,\r\nExpert Systems with Application, Vol. 33, Issue 3, 2007, pp. 551-564\r\n[8] Tzouveli P., Mylonas P., Kollias S. An intelligent e-learning system\r\nbased on learner profiling and learning resources adaptation, Computers\r\n& Education, Vol. 51, Issue 1, 2008. pp. 224-238\r\n[9] Woolf B. P. Building Intelligent Interactive Tutors: Student-centered\r\nstrategies for revolutionizing e-learning, Elsevier Inc., Burlington, 2009,\r\nch. 1, 6, 7, 9\r\n[10] Gladun A., Rogushina J., Garcia-Sanchez F., Mart\u00ednez-B\u00e9jar R.,\r\nFern\u00e1ndez-Breis J. T. An application of intelligent techniques and\r\nsemantic web technologies in e-learning environments, Expert Systems\r\nwith Application, Vol. 36, Issue 2, 2009, pp. 1922-1931\r\n[11] Brad\u00e1\u010d V., Klime\u0161 C. Language E-learning Based on Adaptive\r\nDecision-Making System. Proceedings of the 12th European Conference\r\non e-Learning. Reading: ACPI, 2013. pp. 48-58\r\n[12] Brad\u00e1\u010d V. Adaptive model to support decision-making in language\r\nlearning. EDULEARN2013. Barcelona: International Association of\r\nTechnology, Education and Development (IATED), 2013. pp. 4036-\r\n4045\r\n[13] Brad\u00e1\u010d V. Adaptive e-Learning System for Language Education. Ph.D.\r\nThesis. University of Ostrava, 2015","publisher":"World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology","index":"Open Science Index 107, 2015"}