User Manuals - HelpDocs

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Note: To ensure each customer gets the most relevant and updated information at all times, we have transitioned to online user manuals that are kept up to date by our team. We also help save a few trees along the way! Download the User Manual for our bikes below: XP and XP Step-Thru 1.0 Click to download \u003e XP 1.0 User Manual. XP and XP Step-Thru 2.0 Click to download \u003e XP 2.0 User Manual. XP and XP Step-Thru 3.0 Click to download \u003e XP 3.0 With Mechanical Disc Brakes User Manual Click to download \u003e XP 3.0 With Hydraulic Disc Brakes User Manual. XP Lite 1.0 Click to download \u003e XP Lite U ser Manual. XP Lite 2.0 Click to download \u003e XP Lite 2.0 with a Chain Drive User Manual Click to download \u003e XP Lite 2.0 with a Belt Drive User Manual Click to download \u003e Gates Belt Drive User Manual. XPremium Click to download \u003e XPremium User Manual. XPedition 1.0 Click to download \u003e XPedition User Manual. XP Trike Click to download \u003e XP Trike User Manual. XPeak 1.0 Click to download \u003e XPeak Front Wheel Installation Instructions Click to download \u003e XPeak User Manual. XPeak 2.0 Click to download \u003e XPeak 2.0 User Manual. XPress Click to download \u003e XPress User Manual. Lectric ONE Click to download \u003e Lectric ONE User Manual Click to download \u003e Pinion C-Line Gearbox User Manual Click to download \u003e Pinion Smart.Shift User Manual Click to download \u003e Gates Belt Drive User Manual. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our support team at or (602) 715-0907.","articleSection":"Owner Resources","author":{"@type":"Person","image":"","name":"Lectric eBikes"},"dateCreated":"2020-11-25T22:18:38Z","dateModified":"2024-11-21T23:24:37Z","datePublished":"2020-11-25T22:18:38Z","headline":"User Manuals","mainEntityOfPage":"","publisher":{"@type":"Organization","logo":"","name":"lectricebikes"},"url":"","version":74,"wordCount":289}</script> <link rel="canonical" href=""> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <style> #main[data-hd-template="boxedinstantv3"] nav a { color: #e5f5fb !important; } #main[data-hd-template="boxedinstantv3"] nav .nav-items a.btn-contact, #main[data-hd-template="boxedinstantv3"] nav .navbar-brand b, #main[data-hd-template="boxedinstantv3"] nav .navbar-brand { color: #e5f5fb !important; 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We&#39;ve got your back!</h4><p></p><div class="note-callout">Note: To ensure each customer gets the most relevant and updated information at all times, we have transitioned to online user manuals that are kept up to date by our team. We also help save a few trees along the way!</div><p><strong>Download the User Manual for our bikes below:</strong></p><details><summary>XP and XP Step-Thru 1.0</summary><div>Click to download &gt; <a href=""><u>XP 1.0 User Manual</u></a></div></details><details><summary>XP and XP Step-Thru 2.0</summary><div> Click to download &gt; <a href=""><u>XP 2.0 User Manual</u></a></div></details><details><summary>XP and XP Step-Thru 3.0</summary><div>Click to download &gt; <a href=""><u>XP 3.0 With Mechanical Disc Brakes User Manual</u></a><u><br/></u>Click to download &gt; <a href=""><u>XP 3.0 With Hydraulic Disc Brakes User Manual</u></a></div></details><details><summary>XP Lite 1.0</summary><div>Click to download &gt; <a href=""><u>XP Lite U</u><u><u>ser Manual</u></u></a></div></details><details><summary>XP Lite 2.0</summary><div>Click to download &gt; <a href=""><u>XP Lite 2.0 with a Chain Drive User Manual</u></a><u><br/></u>Click to download &gt; <a href=""><u>XP Lite 2.0 with a Belt Drive User Manual</u></a><u><br/><br/></u>Click to download &gt; <a href=""><u>Gates Belt Drive User Manual</u></a></div></details><details><summary>XPremium</summary><div>Click to download &gt; <a href=""><u>XPremium User Manual</u></a></div></details><details><summary>XPedition 1.0</summary><div>Click to download &gt; <a href=""><u>XPedition User Manual</u></a></div></details><details><summary>XP Trike</summary><div>Click to download &gt; <a href=""><u>XP Trike User Manual</u></a></div></details><details><summary>XPeak 1.0</summary><div>Click to download &gt; <a href=""><u>XPeak Front Wheel Installation Instructions</u></a><u><br/></u>Click to download &gt; <a href=""><u>XPeak User Manual</u></a></div></details><details><summary>XPeak 2.0</summary><div>Click to download &gt; <a href=""><u>XPeak 2.0 User Manual</u></a></div></details><details><summary>XPress</summary><div>Click to download &gt; <a href=""><u>XPress User Manual</u></a></div></details><details><summary>Lectric ONE</summary><div>Click to download &gt; <a href=""><u>Lectric ONE User Manual</u></a><u><br/><br/></u>Click to download &gt; <a href=""><u>Pinion C-Line Gearbox User Manual</u></a><u><br/></u>Click to download &gt; <a href=""><u>Pinion Smart.Shift User Manual</u></a><br/>Click to download &gt; <a href=""><u>Gates Belt Drive User Manual</u></a></div></details><p></p><p>If you have any questions, please don&#39;t hesitate to contact our support team at or (602) 715-0907.</p> </div> <hr/> <div id="feedback" class="card-block" data-thanks="Got it!"> <h3>How did we do?</h3> <div class="btn-group" role='group' aria-label='Feedback'> <button class="feedback-positive btn btn-link" type='button'> <i class="fa fa-2x fa-smile-o hvr-back-pulse"></i> </button> <button class="feedback-neutral btn btn-link" type='button'> <i class="fa fa-2x fa-meh-o hvr-back-pulse"></i> </button> <button class="feedback-negative btn btn-link" type='button'> <i class="fa fa-2x fa-frown-o hvr-back-pulse"></i> </button> </div> </div> <hr/> <div id="related" class="card-block"> <h3>Related Articles <ul> <li> <a href="/article/mw3gq0x6wl-what-comes-with-the-bike">What comes with the bike?</a> </li> <li> <a href="/article/6wyvri0vxw-accessories-wag-along-pet-trailer-instructions">Accessories: Pet Trailer Installation</a> </li> <li> <a href="/article/bucb3ctizg-what-type-of-maintenance-should-i-be-performing-on-my-bike">What type of maintenance should I be performing on my bike?</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script> (function() { $(function() { $('#article pre').each(function(i, el) { $el = $(el); 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