Accessibility - Standard Ebooks: Free and liberated ebooks, carefully produced for the true book lover
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Consequently, we put a great deal of effort into making sure that our ebooks are as accessible as possible, for both the books’ content and the supporting metadata.</p> <section id="ebooks"> <h2>Our ebooks</h2> <p>Our ebooks are built using semantic <abbr>XHTML</abbr>. All images and other non-textual content have alternative text to describe their contents, and where appropriate longer descriptions in a list of illustrations. All our ebooks are, to the best of our knowledge, compliant with <a href=""><abbr>WCAG</abbr> 2.2</a> level AA and <a href="">EPUB Accessibility 1.1</a>.</p> <p>We use metadata to indicate the accessibility of our ebooks. Each title comes with an <a href="">ONIX</a> 3 declaration detailing its accessibility, and we also include <a href=""></a> accessibility feature declarations in the package document.</p> <p>Ebooks obtained from our website will never use any <abbr title="Digital Rights Management">DRM</abbr> technology so you’re free to amend or process them to better fit your own needs.</p> </section> <section id="website"> <h2>Our website</h2> <p>Our website is built using valid semantic <abbr>XHTML</abbr>. Non-decorative images have alternative text to describe their contents. The site has a dark mode if preferred, and if you’d like to override this you can do that from the <a href="">settings</a> page. To the best of our knowledge, the site is compliant with <abbr>WCAG</abbr> 2.2 level AA, with the exception of the newsletter sign-up page. If you can’t use this and would like to receive a newsletter, please <a href="">contact the mailing list</a>.</p> </section> <section id="support"> <h2>Support</h2> <p>If you find that anything isn’t working for you then please <a href="">get in touch on our mailing list</a>. We’ll be happy to help directly, and will also investigate if there are any improvements we can make to our processes and corpus to better support you and other readers.</p> </section> </section> </main> <footer> <ul class="social-media"> <li> <p> <a href="" rel="me">X</a> </p> </li> <li> <p> <a href="" rel="me">Facebook</a> </p> </li> <li> <p> <a href="" rel="me">Instagram</a> </p> </li> <li> <p> <a href="" rel="me">Mastodon</a> </p> </li> <li> <p> <a href="" rel="me">Bluesky</a> </p> </li> </ul> <p class="newsletter"><a href="/newsletter">Subscribe to our free newsletter</a></p> <ul class="nav-links"> <li> <a href="/ebooks">Ebooks</a> </li> <li> <a href="/about">About</a> </li> <li> <a href="/contribute">Get Involved</a> </li> <li> <a href="/donate">Donate</a> </li> <li> <a href="/settings">Settings</a> </li> <li> <a href="">GitHub</a> </li> <li> <a href="/bulk-downloads">Bulk downloads</a> </li> <li> <a href="/feeds">Ebook Feeds</a> </li> <li> <a href="/about/accessibility">Accessibility</a> </li> </ul> <p>Content produced by or for Standard Ebooks L<sup>3</sup>C is dedicated to the <a href="">public domain</a> via the <a href="">CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication</a>.</p> <p>Content not produced by or for Standard Ebooks L<sup>3</sup>C but displayed on this website may be subject to copyright.</p> <p> <a href="/">Standard Ebooks</a> </p> </footer> </body> </html>