Indico Conference Paper, Slides, Poster Edit
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <xml> <records> <record> <contributors> <authors> <author>Ciabini, Luca</author> <author>Ferreira, Pedro</author> </authors> </contributors> <titles> <title>Indico Conference Paper, Slides, Poster Edit</title> <secondary-title/> </titles> <doi/> <pages/> <volume/> <number/> <dates> <year>2020</year> <pub-dates> <date>2020</date> </pub-dates> </dates> <abstract><!--HTML--><p>In this short e-learning video you can walk through the new Paper, Slides, Poster Edit functionality in Indico Conference.</p> <ol> <li>Who and how informs the author of the need to re-edit.</li> <li>How the author re-submits the edited version.</li> </ol> <p>Luca Ciabini is 2020 volunteer CERN Summer Student, contributing from his home station.</p> <p>Enjoy!</p></abstract> </record> </records> </xml>