Subscriptions - General Terms and Conditions - The Mail

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They tell you who we are, how we will provide the Subscription, how you and we may change or end the Subscription, what to do if there is a problem and other important information.</p> <p data-gid="e80YFJ21zaUt" id="e1dWMljirFjX"><strong>We draw your attention in particular to:</strong></p> <p data-gid="e7MK0clP70vb" id="eU1mlvMSffer">• &nbsp;The Key Subscription Information available <a class="dmg-article-embed-body-link" href=""><u>here</u></a> </p> <p data-gid="e-0a3HeW0KmU" id="exAsg8h3hbnn">• &nbsp;Clause 3.9 (Auto Renewal); and&nbsp;</p> <p data-gid="e1gV8r5l-rmO" id="eFj5uTqK7iNL">• &nbsp;Clause 9 (which explains how we limit our liability to you).</p> <h3 data-gid="e9RVPwMOZOoL">To purchase a Subscription</h3> <p data-gid="eezDjkWBPY9Y" id="eZi6I1VeyCFM">Please visit <a class="dmg-article-embed-body-link" href=""><u>here</u></a> </p> <p data-gid="e44KzU5ngLJc" id="e2tsqix6RDOZ">These Terms apply only to the Subscription taken out directly via our website <a class="dmg-article-embed-body-link" href="">here</a> . If you subscribe to a Subscription via Apple App Store, Amazon’s Appstore or Google Play Store, your Subscription will be managed through those applications and native stores.</p> <p data-gid="erGTug2snrZb" id="ep6LCZXmOv0X">Other terms and conditions may also apply to your use of our websites and/or a Subscription:</p> <p data-gid="eutZPt58QW9p" id="e6Ek_i1iZ-Ho"><a class="dmg-article-embed-body-link" href=""><em data-gid="eoexLZ94VE">• &nbsp;MailOnline Terms</em></a> shall govern your use of the website; and</p> <p data-gid="euO6Ld_1Q11b" id="e660Tnh1FpFb"><a class="dmg-article-embed-body-link" href=";true&amp;cc&#x3D;perf%2Cfunc%2Ctarg&amp;_mxid&#x3D;OA-673R7lzwg52PpYInBFzb78m4Zhw&amp;_gl&#x3D;1*1jtan4s*_gcl_au*MTY5MTI2MjIxMi4xNzA0OTAxOTUz*_ga*MTM1NDAzMDg1NC4xNjI1ODI1MjY2*_ga_W91T53X1FY*MTcwNjAwOTUyMy4yMzcuMS4xNzA2MDEyNjM4LjM0LjAuMA..&amp;_ga&#x3D;2.30986559.1811864813.1705778793-1354030854.1625825266"><em data-gid="e4ZuCZBZrr">&nbsp;• &nbsp;Mail+, Mail+ Editions and Mail Print Subscriptions</em></a> <em data-gid="exFfMN-Nnh">&nbsp;</em>- General Terms and Conditions shall govern your use of Mail + and/or Mail + Editions as applicable if you have in addition to the Subscription purchased a Mail+ and/or Mail+ Editions subscription.</p> <h3 data-gid="eVO3DLF-jPAs">1. Information about us</h3> <p data-gid="etM9VJ_o-5Xb" id="e3mWxo2aOpQp">1.1. This website is operated by Associated Newspapers Limited, trading as Mail Subscriptions (“we”, “our”, or “us”). We are registered in England and Wales under company number 84121 and have our registered office at Northcliffe House, 2 Derry Street, London W8 5TT. Our VAT number is GB 243571174.</p> <h3 data-gid="e0T5Ni1jeSTV">2. How to contact us&nbsp;</h3> <p data-gid="e02lKWBBOJzg" id="e4e4D7wzQ2mu">2.1. You can contact us by telephoning our customer services team on 0800 083 5000 9am-6pm Monday-Sunday or by using the following email address: <a class="dmg-article-embed-body-link" href=""><u data-gid="eqXc90RGcfog"></u></a> <u data-gid="e8EZHpooG_Id">.</u></p> <h3 data-gid="eC_3KSnyAVc4">3. Purchasing a Subscription and creating an account</h3> <p data-gid="eoClZ8Oi9pmT" id="eDnPS3iD7aaL">3.1. We recommend that you read our “<a class="dmg-article-embed-body-link" href="">Key Subscription Information</a> ” before purchasing a Subscription for more details about our digital Subscriptions.</p> <p data-gid="eOhFIqRKCCfC" id="ec-x24q_X1AO">3.2. You may only place an order for a Subscription, if you are a consumer (not a business) and you are 18 years of age or older.&nbsp;</p> <p data-gid="eXmiv8atds_7" id="eFXEyJ984vzf">3.3. In order to purchase and use a Subscription you will need to have a MailOnline account (an “<strong data-gid="e0YLtjqI0I">Account</strong>”). You can register for an Account by providing your name, your email address, password and other data that may be required for the Subscription of your choosing (“<strong data-gid="ePcuGYNwDc">Registration Data</strong>”).</p> <p data-gid="ebdLv1uAbNHX" id="e0-hMloZHE-a">3.4. You will ensure that your Registration Data, and any other information that you provide to us in relation to your Account, is accurate and kept up to date. We will use your Registration Data and such other information, as set out in our <a class="dmg-article-embed-body-link" href=";true&amp;cc&#x3D;perf%2Cfunc%2Ctarg&amp;_mxid&#x3D;%24device%3A18cd4a360967ca-03cddbb4bd1c47-1f525637-1ea000-18cd4a360977ca&amp;_gl&#x3D;1*zu43g4*_gcl_au*MTY5MTI2MjIxMi4xNzA0OTAxOTUz*_ga*MTM1NDAzMDg1NC4xNjI1ODI1MjY2*_ga_W91T53X1FY*MTcwNjAxMjk5My4yNDkuMC4xNzA2MDEyOTk0LjU5LjAuMA..&amp;_ga&#x3D;2.221349848.1509362432.1705944485-1354030854.1625825266"><u data-gid="esI0qU3feNIQ">Privacy Policy.</u></a> &nbsp;</p> <p data-gid="elQqyaHN8JXJ" id="eeYvFhPs1FIk">3.5. You are also responsible for keeping your Registration Data and Account secure and protecting it against unauthorised use and for ensuring the security of any device from which you sign into your Account. If you believe that someone has accessed your Account using your username and password without your authorisation, it is your responsibility to set up a new password. You agree to notify us immediately of any unauthorised use of your Account.&nbsp;</p> <p data-gid="e4snrU-rQbLA" id="ebQc2WSKpWa4">3.6. By submitting your payment and other Subscription details and clicking “<strong data-gid="eowshVPbF-ND">Confirm Purchase</strong>”, you are making an offer to us to buy a Subscription. Your offer will only be accepted by us and a contract formed when we have successfully verified your details and sent you a confirmation email, at which point we will provide you with access to your Subscription.&nbsp;</p> <p data-gid="eqR7pAq4biCf" id="ehbCnxCFjllw">3.7. The Subscription will continue until you end the Subscription as described in Clauses 5.1 - 5.3, or we end the Subscription by written notice to you as described in Clause 5.5.</p> <p data-gid="ev46-Y5uzGtg" id="eP7fxX8KjJrG">3.8. <strong data-gid="ePsuxA_0rBPa">Auto renewal</strong>: After any minimum term specified in the Key Subscription Information or order process, your Subscription will automatically renew monthly, at the rate notified to you at the time you take out your Subscription. We will take payment using the same card or other payment method that you previously used or supplied to us in the order process.</p> <p data-gid="eXnWhdfbfky-" id="eMUrelTTwpay">3.9. You are responsible for making all arrangements necessary to access your Subscription. In particular, you are responsible for ensuring that your computer and/or portable device is compatible with our Subscription.</p> <p data-gid="eZXkxAOkB5cC" id="e0uCM27h6D23">a) &nbsp;<strong data-gid="eDoSgWmsUyRd">MailOnline app:</strong> latest version of operating system, and previous two versions, for each of iOS and Android.&nbsp;</p> <h3 data-gid="eg5emFiP-e8p">4. Prices and Payment</h3> <p data-gid="exFh6kg9yFcs" id="e5s7iuYGIZfq">4.1. You agree to pay the price at the rate notified to you at the time you take out your Subscription. We may change the price of any Subscription, remove and/or offer certain other Subscription services from time to time. We will always tell you in advance of any increase in the price of your Subscription and will offer you an opportunity to cancel your Subscription before the new price takes effect.&nbsp;</p> <p data-gid="eg6uupGjBAOr" id="eeC25lzZdKAl">4.2. When you place an order for a Subscription, you must provide us with complete and accurate payment information. By submitting payment details you promise that you are entitled to purchase a Subscription using those payment details. If we do not receive payment authorisation from the card issuer or bank or any authorisation is subsequently cancelled, we will not accept your order and we may immediately terminate or suspend your access to your Subscription. It is your responsibility to ensure that your payment details are up-to-date, and funds are available for continuation of the service. &nbsp;This can be done via the MyAccount section <a class="dmg-article-embed-body-link" href=""><u data-gid="eLlUz6p3HnYq">here.</u></a> &nbsp;</p> <p data-gid="eso009QVpDlv" id="eWOMhAWvbFbo">4.3. In addition to the Subscription payment, you are responsible for paying any internet connection or other telecommunications charges that you may incur by accessing, as may be applicable, any Subscriptions via a mobile application (“App”) or using the services available on it. For example, your mobile network operator may charge you for data or roaming services.</p> <p data-gid="ekL4nwUtl5BM" id="ebu9cxXffV8s">4.4. If the rate of VAT changes between your order date and the date we supply the product, we will adjust the rate of VAT that you pay, unless you have already paid for the product in full before the change in the rate of VAT takes effect.</p> <h3 data-gid="eEGCxDMgCDl2">5. Your rights to end the Subscription</h3> <p data-gid="eVxmWXu_lx_U" id="eEZw-GmJ-wBD">5.1. <strong data-gid="ex725dijkTiv">Ending the Subscription because of something we have done or are going to do:</strong> if you are ending a Subscription for a reason set out at (a) to (b) below, your Subscription will end immediately and we will refund you in full for any part of the Subscription that has not been provided. You may also be entitled to compensation if you terminate under 5.1(b) below. The reasons are:</p> <p data-gid="eNQ-Q5CGJ0lb" id="elFtLBekHLE_">a) &nbsp;we have told you about an upcoming change to the Subscription or these Terms which you do not agree to (Clause 7.3), including a price change (Clause 4.1);</p> <p data-gid="et-w6pkXYGU9" id="e82AWEredeog">b) &nbsp;you have a legal right to end the Subscription because of something we have done wrong.</p> <p data-gid="eG0hiJBoP_lY" id="eT92aU3cwGiv">5.2. <strong data-gid="etrzIq0JNdA">How to end your Subscription:</strong></p> <p id="eOFrBbOJy57">a) &nbsp;If you have taken your Subscription out with us directly and would like to end your subscription, you can either:</p> <p id="eb5HMFtZtms">(i) &nbsp;Switch off your auto renew via the My subscriptions section of My account [<a class="dmg-article-embed-body-link" href=""><u>here</u></a> ] , by selecting “Cancel this subscription” and clicking on “Keep access at no extra cost”.</p> <p id="eLJmMhyv9YI">(ii) &nbsp;Select the “Cancel this subscription” from the My subscriptions section of My account [<a class="dmg-article-embed-body-link" href=""><u>here</u></a> ] and click on “Lose access immediately”.</p> <p data-gid="e789_0oC31zP" id="eJSZ_A8kS58R">b) &nbsp;If you purchased your Subscription via Google Play, Apple App Store or Amazon Appstore, you will need to end your Subscription via visiting the relevant platform. If you have any questions relating to amending or ending your Subscription, please go to your account on the relevant platform. Please see our <a class="dmg-article-embed-body-link" href=""><u data-gid="eMlwdTIzUzkw">Frequently Asked Questions</u></a> for further guidance.</p> <p data-gid="eVlQdZ513jZn" id="e2dcyTbo-SWz">5.3. We may end your Subscription by writing to you if:&nbsp;</p> <p data-gid="eyMkbSo_nh-8" id="ehRucE68dGHX">a) &nbsp;you do not make any payment to us when it is due and you still do not make payment within 14 days of us reminding you that payment is due;&nbsp;</p> <p data-gid="eZSzQt8o3Nsn" id="eDsRFQwHdDPk">b) &nbsp;you do not, within a reasonable time of us asking for it, provide us with information that is necessary for us to provide the Subscription;</p> <p data-gid="eNeZ9SHRVUqo" id="exA_HZ_bd3TP">c) &nbsp;there are activities on your account that might cause harm to us or others; and/or</p> <p data-gid="ea2PPFn6rd-J" id="e_HStKBqm1a6">d) &nbsp;acting at all times reasonably and by our sole discretion, we believe you have been acting fraudulently.&nbsp;</p> <p data-gid="eMVhRMmZunY2" id="eRZLFu8Cyfq6">5.4. We may terminate, suspend, or restrict your Subscription immediately without notice where the grounds for this are serious, for example, there is a real risk of loss or harm if your Subscription were to continue. Where the grounds are less serious, we will give you reasonable notice before we terminate, suspend, or restrict your Subscription.&nbsp;</p> <p data-gid="eELOA2Sb0Eo8" id="eGiIpk-0Rp5m">5.5. Complaints</p> <p data-gid="eDZDzz-_y_R9" id="eldLVgp8yjHb">a) &nbsp;Our aim is to resolve any complaint efficiently and professionally though our customer services team. You can contact our team on 0345 071 2721 between 9am–6pm Monday-Sunday.&nbsp;</p> <p data-gid="eVQA4FUnKlt9" id="enN5bqk8RG1c">b) &nbsp;We are under a legal duty to supply you with a Subscription that complies with these Terms. &nbsp;Nothing in these Terms affects your legal rights. For information about your legal rights, please visit the Citizens Advice website at: <a class="dmg-article-embed-body-link" href=""><u data-gid="eilj14h_VToa"></u></a> <u data-gid="eM2_MiPZTwZe">&nbsp;</u></p> <p id="e1YCXjj5dYBu" data-gid="e7AHhMENQw5_"></p> <h3 data-gid="e_aNyhLT0Mfp">6. Specifications and Changes to the Subscriptions and these Terms</h3> <p data-gid="eGsuTIEl9P_B" id="ecLs1PU7x6Eu">6.1. We may change the Subscriptions, Terms or an App from time to time, including to reflect (i) changes in laws or regulatory requirements; and (ii) to implement minor technical adjustments and improvements, for example to address a security threat. These changes will not have any material adverse impact on your Subscription.</p> <p data-gid="eII4WirIt-0_" id="eVicWcnjW4nd">6.2. We may update, or require you to update, digital content in the App. We shall ensure that the type of digital content always matches the description that we provided to you before you bought it.</p> <p data-gid="eqrnH-alVGgX" id="ek7f3Mr50qkq">6.3. Sometimes, we may have to make more important changes to the Terms and/or the Subscription we provide you. This might include for example, changing the price as set in Clause 4.1. For the more important changes that may have an adverse impact on you, we will always provide you with notice before we make any such changes and you will have the option to cancel your Subscription before such changes come into force.&nbsp;</p> <p data-gid="eaQmVhtCBAdp" id="eeR7vyDkX5-0">6.4. You can check when these Terms were last updated by looking at “Last Updated” at the top of this page.</p> <h3 data-gid="e8nfozIxFOJj">7. Data Protection and Privacy&nbsp;</h3> <p data-gid="eEYfk4UWrgss" id="e-qD8bzNekon">Your personal data will be processed in accordance with relevant Data Protection Laws. Please see our <a class="dmg-article-embed-body-link" href=";true"><u data-gid="ey2c4cuaA2iz">Privacy Policy</u></a> for information about how we process your personal information and how we use cookies. To update or change your privacy settings, please click Privacy Settings. &nbsp;Privacy Settings can also be accessed via our <a class="dmg-article-embed-body-link" href=";true"><u data-gid="e4TtAAZTMAl">Privacy Policy</u></a> . &nbsp;Please note as the Subscription is for a personalised ad free service, you will not be able to turn on certain cookie or other tracking technologies unless you terminate your Subscription.&nbsp;</p> <h3 data-gid="eb457l4bK5Pv">8. Our Liability</h3> <p data-gid="eC4199XAk2xl" id="ez3AveR16HY5">8.1. Nothing in these Terms affects any liability which we may have for death or personal injury arising from our negligence, fraud or any other liability which cannot be excluded or limited by law.</p> <p data-gid="eTWPm4xkaxq3" id="eRvxCum_IKcB">8.2. We do not voluntarily accept responsibility for any loss or damage that:</p> <p data-gid="e5d3e9vgen4P" id="eSHF8bBeAScH">a) &nbsp;was not caused by us breaching these Terms;</p> <p data-gid="eT9uWKoHH8wq" id="ePK7vZmXlKZi">b) &nbsp;was not, at the time you agreed to these Terms, a reasonably foreseeable consequence of us breaching these Terms (loss or damage if foreseeable if either it is obvious that it will happen or if, at the time these Terms were entered into, both we and you knew it might happen); or</p> <p data-gid="eijYQYve1Opn" id="expOxRuTvNsO">c) &nbsp;was caused by an event outside of our reasonable control. &nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p data-gid="efkWMCV3XU7T" id="e-MMcOY2MBhm">8.3. Any App relies in part on software to work. Almost all software typically has bugs. While we try to fix bugs promptly, we do not guarantee that the App will be entirely error free, available all the time and /or be free from all viruses.</p> <p data-gid="ega-5gjr-qSD" id="eoOUV-TP9nQk">8.4. If defective digital content or the App that we supply damages a device or digital content belonging to you and this is caused by our failure to use reasonable care and skill we will either repair the damage or pay you compensation. However, we will not be liable for damage (i) &nbsp;that you could have avoided by following our advice to apply an update offered to you free of charge or (ii) &nbsp;caused by you failing to correctly follow installation instructions or to have in place any minimum usage requirements advised by us.&nbsp;</p> <p data-gid="elBDVJ4wHCsh" id="etUipcrzpeh1">8.5. We are not liable for business losses. We supply the Subscriptions only for domestic and private use. We will have no liability to you for any loss of profit, loss of business, business interruption, or loss of business opportunity.</p> <p data-gid="e-WiCNSEP6Cx" id="e4nx_Tf37o1K">8.6. Certain other content and content or material published in the physical newspapers is or may not be available on the App and we reserve the right to vary the content and resources that we make available on the App from time to time.</p> <p data-gid="e8kostwG4E69" id="ekd0xAtVy6xr">8.7. We are not liable or responsible for the third-party content on the App or via the Subscription. Third party content includes, for example, comments posted by other users and display advertising. Where the Subscription contains links to other sites and resources that are provided by third parties, these links and resources are provided for your information only and you access them at your own risk. We are not liable or responsible for the content of third-party sites or resources.</p> <h3 data-gid="edu7PNqScpWf">9. Intellectual Property and Permitted Use</h3> <p data-gid="eRIyP3f3jEtV" id="eJ2pxjzsT_JW">9.1. We are the owner or licensee of all intellectual property rights in the Subscription, our websites, the App and the content and material published on them. Those works are protected by copyright laws and treaties around the world. All such rights are reserved.</p> <p data-gid="e3Ns6lMPu2yE" id="eW1aVHCHIlxU">9.2. You may print and download extracts from the Subscription for personal non-commercial use on the following basis:</p> <p data-gid="eZNZci-Qbb9o" id="emUXWqr9a7NL">a) &nbsp;no documents or related graphics are modified in any way;</p> <p data-gid="eY8q7tlgAVvR" id="ebgtO3DSfp4y">b) &nbsp;no graphics are used separately from accompanying text; and</p> <p data-gid="erS3jpLeX-K9" id="eRZffwjFkcqD">c) &nbsp;no copyright and trade mark notices are removed.</p> <p data-gid="eqJawfXil9xi" id="e5IAF57jwTmC">9.3. You agree not to use the Subscription for commercial purposes without obtaining our prior written agreement; and shall not copy, reproduce, distribute, republish, download, display, post or transmit in any form or by any means any content of the Subscription except as permitted above.</p> <h3 data-gid="eAROKsWM9G-p">10. Applicable Law and Disputes&nbsp;</h3> <p data-gid="eioQoFyANNdY" id="e6Qy3C2o5gea">These terms are governed by English law, and you can bring legal proceedings in respect of the Subscriptions in the English courts. If you live in Scotland, you can bring legal proceedings in respect of the Subscriptions in either the Scottish or the English courts. If you live in Northern Ireland, you can bring legal proceedings in respect of the Subscriptions in either the Northern Irish or the English courts.</p> <h3 data-gid="enlpRTCorHzm">11. Other important terms</h3> <p data-gid="eXa2OvRHB9j2" id="e7KPOEWd4Mbl">11.1. Transferring rights: You may not transfer, assign, charge or otherwise dispose of any rights or obligations arising under or in connection with these Terms, without our prior written consent. You agree that we may transfer our rights and obligations under our contract with you to a third party purchaser of our business or to an affiliate, in which case we shall notify you and explain your options.&nbsp;</p> <p data-gid="eL5i3YDWVOgP" id="eT5GPHUQF0kI">11.2. Third party rights: These Terms are between you and us. Nobody else can enforce them and neither of us will need to ask anybody else to sign-off on ending or changing them.</p> <p data-gid="emnw14r_YpQR" id="eMF0aoIisFMb">11.3. If the Terms are invalidated: If a court or other authority decides that some of these Terms are unlawful, the rest will continue to apply.&nbsp;</p> <p data-gid="e7BgtaCmfWzq" id="eKofyiOYITCP">11.4. Delays: We might not immediately chase you for not doing something (like paying) or for doing something you're not allowed to, but that doesn’t mean we can't do it later.</p> <p id="ezulHAEK6TkZ" data-gid="e7BgtaCmfWzq"></p> </div></div><p id="elIh-78XCNah" style="text-align: center;"></p><div class="confirmation-content-panel-wrapper"><div class="confirmation-content-panel-content"> <h3 data-gid="eN7RK3FOFsSA" style="text-align: center;">Mail+, Mail+ Editions and Mail Print Subscriptions<br>- General Terms and Conditions</h3> <p data-gid="ebaB0bXB090k" id="eDazofXcZ4JH">Please read these Terms and Conditions (“Terms”) carefully before purchasing a digital (i.e. Mail+ or Mail+ Editions) &nbsp;and/or Print subscription (“Subscription”). They tell you who we are, how we will provide the Subscription, how you and we may change or end the Subscription, what to do if there is a problem and other important information.</p> <p data-gid="el8Eheg2g9n5" id="eWHcW78BuHHm"><strong>We draw your attention in particular to:</strong></p> <p data-gid="etFp9d8t8xqr" id="ekZ3TWv0ZbxW">• &nbsp;The Key Subscription Information available at <a class="dmg-article-embed-body-link" href=""><u data-gid="eYWG2_cWbWwo"></u></a> </p> <p data-gid="eBbTzyhGJzO_" id="eXTFMgJrg5qu">• &nbsp;Clause 3.9 (Auto Renewal); and&nbsp;</p> <p data-gid="eLc8Dl2bRDdb" id="eSGaSQ0LzHnU">• &nbsp;Clause 9 (which explains how we limit our liability to you).</p> <p id="e5txRjcZE6b7" data-gid="ev7taKEmdQVR"></p> <h3 data-gid="egb_Z49QejN_">To purchase a Subscription</h3> <p data-gid="elgFw4gw8ZN7" id="eDXlVH3eOXBA">Please go to <a class="dmg-article-embed-body-link" href=""><u data-gid="egUK9268ZvSv"></u></a> <u data-gid="ehmpJVxnSjG6">.&nbsp;</u>&nbsp;</p> <p data-gid="ee3h6IX1ejN6" id="eL5k-8rV09Im">These Terms apply only to Subscriptions taken out directly via our website. If you subscribe to a digital Subscription via Apple App Store, Amazon’s Appstore or Google Play Store, your Subscription will be managed through those applications and native stores.</p> <p data-gid="eNtX3uGfZ0SR" id="efplFbAueehJ">Other terms and conditions may also apply to your use of our websites and/or a Subscription:</p> <p data-gid="eAG33v77voII" id="ekbI-7REMxRA"><a class="dmg-article-embed-body-link" href=""><u data-gid="eu0yY-qLwK8U">• &nbsp;Offer Terms and Conditions govern any Subscription offers we may offer;</u></a> </p> <p data-gid="eGTQKwFrCMsL" id="ecHVQOYwN22y"><a class="dmg-article-embed-body-link" href=""><u data-gid="e_m0SvGxC2AS">• &nbsp;MailOnline Terms govern your use of the website; and</u></a> </p> <p data-gid="eYXxPsn-eF_Y" id="eWMoLpBAwBf4"><a class="dmg-article-embed-body-link" href=";true&amp;cc&#x3D;perf%2Cfunc%2Ctarg&amp;_mxid&#x3D;OA-673R7lzwg52PpYInBFzb78m4Zhw&amp;_gl&#x3D;1*1jtan4s*_gcl_au*MTY5MTI2MjIxMi4xNzA0OTAxOTUz*_ga*MTM1NDAzMDg1NC4xNjI1ODI1MjY2*_ga_W91T53X1FY*MTcwNjAwOTUyMy4yMzcuMS4xNzA2MDEyNjM4LjM0LjAuMA..&amp;_ga&#x3D;2.30986559.1811864813.1705778793-1354030854.1625825266"><u data-gid="eEv3H6vC-L-z">• &nbsp;Mail+ Editions website Terms &amp; Conditions govern your use of the Mail+ Editions website.</u></a> </p> <p data-gid="ez_AE_16td" id="ew4GOMcnKDbe"><u data-gid="eJ7EM886vL">• Mail Essential Subscription - General Terms and Conditions shall govern your use of Mail Essential if you purchase a Mail Essential subscription alongside another digital Subscription</u></p> <p data-gid="eUhjlRn-eCiE" id="eaH4CASlKrkF">&nbsp;</p> <h3 data-gid="e_Teb0QB2Hx4">1. Information about us</h3> <p data-gid="eDGstkeskaEt" id="e3nHMajbfLD-">1.1. This website is operated by Associated Newspapers Limited, trading as Mail Subscriptions (“we”, “our”, or “us”). We are registered in England and Wales under company number 84121 and have our registered office at Northcliffe House, 2 Derry Street, London W8 5TT. Our VAT number is GB 243571174.&nbsp;</p> <h3 data-gid="ef-ufgEv5dEP">2. How to contact us&nbsp;</h3> <p data-gid="eMFPM3alvXVV" id="eXMTQ5D8LQhb">2.1. You can contact us by telephoning our customer services team on 0800 083 5000 9am-6pm Monday-Sunday or by using the following email address: <a class="dmg-article-embed-body-link" href=""><u data-gid="eOlfpdsPi8AE"></u></a> <u data-gid="eXVT4q7cioMW">.</u>&nbsp;</p> <h3 data-gid="eaQtHefvBWi8">3. Purchasing a Subscription and creating an account</h3> <p data-gid="e0bCv6A122Ve" id="eY7K6z-AZ24E">3.1. We recommend that you read our “Key Subscription Information” before purchasing a Subscription for more details about our digital and/or Print Subscriptions.</p> <p data-gid="eG8khnfFymmh" id="eRHhDi4C2ja1">3.2. You may only place an order for a Subscription, if you are a consumer (not a business) and you are 18 years of age or older.&nbsp;</p> <p data-gid="eE_SnEVbht5p" id="ef3YCfV1aBhC">3.3. In order to purchase and use a Subscription you will need to register for an account (an “Account”) by providing your name, your email address, password and other data that may be required for the Subscription of your choosing (“Registration Data”).</p> <p data-gid="eM6tOvu7eEjC" id="ePPQwPfOsVX7">3.4. You will ensure that your Registration Data, and any other information that you provide to us in relation to your Account, is accurate and kept up to date. We will use your Registration Data and such other information, as set out in our <a class="dmg-article-embed-body-link" href=";true&amp;cc&#x3D;perf%2Cfunc%2Ctarg&amp;_mxid&#x3D;%24device%3A18cd4a360967ca-03cddbb4bd1c47-1f525637-1ea000-18cd4a360977ca&amp;_gl&#x3D;1*zu43g4*_gcl_au*MTY5MTI2MjIxMi4xNzA0OTAxOTUz*_ga*MTM1NDAzMDg1NC4xNjI1ODI1MjY2*_ga_W91T53X1FY*MTcwNjAxMjk5My4yNDkuMC4xNzA2MDEyOTk0LjU5LjAuMA..&amp;_ga&#x3D;2.221349848.1509362432.1705944485-1354030854.1625825266"><u data-gid="e7Au8h-IMqyr">Privacy Policy.</u></a> &nbsp;</p> <p data-gid="eVHxVhWV4OxL" id="e9AI82cF27lF">3.5. You are also responsible for keeping your Registration Data and Account secure and protecting it against unauthorised use and for ensuring the security of any device from which you sign into your Account. If you believe that someone has accessed your Account using your username and password without your authorisation, it is your responsibility to set up a new password. You agree to notify us immediately of any unauthorised use of your Account.&nbsp;</p> <p data-gid="eoGG_J1D_28e" id="e5pKAQykQNct">3.6. By submitting your payment and other Subscription details and clicking “Confirm Purchase”, you are making an offer to us to buy a Subscription. Your offer will only be accepted by us and a contract formed when we have successfully verified your details and sent you a confirmation email, at which point we will provide you with access to your digital Subscription and/or send you your Print Subscription vouchers, depending on the type of Subscription that you have purchased. We reserve the right to reject any offer by you at our discretion.</p> <p data-gid="eU7jEgK3pvzE" id="eHLkCa9fIvat">3.7. If your Subscription features digital content, we will make the digital content available as soon as we accept your order.</p> <p data-gid="eITtUz523UT-" id="erUmiI1KS1r7">3.8. We will supply the Subscription to you until you end the Subscription as described in&nbsp;</p> <p data-gid="ehrAMFsItOl6" id="e5htjtWBK7df">Clauses 5.1 - 5.3, or we end the Subscription by written notice to you as described in Clause 5.5.</p> <p data-gid="eY86-VDIrArK" id="ee5XxpdJyFz5">3.9. Auto renewal:&nbsp;After any minimum term or free-trial period specified in the Key Subscription Information or order process, your Subscription will automatically renew monthly, quarterly and/or annually (depending on the type of Subscription you have purchased), at the rate notified to you at the time you take out your Subscription. We will take payment using the same card or other payment method that you previously used or supplied to us in the order process.</p> <p data-gid="etW3qu8q6Xb3" id="e8P_kev6CZC6">3.10. You are responsible for making all arrangements necessary to access your Subscription. In particular, you are responsible for ensuring that your computer and/or portable device is compatible with our Subscription.</p> <p data-gid="euA9lB8OVYiB" id="eLxZfYVeKgEh">a) &nbsp;<strong data-gid="eLj95zHD4loU">Mail+ Editions app:</strong> latest version of operating system, and its previous two versions, for each of iOS and Android.&nbsp;</p> <p data-gid="exu3WZjE-xBH" id="eIf-_pdB-_TZ">b) &nbsp;<strong data-gid="ezh9WJ7Fljpp">MailOnline app:</strong> latest version of operating system, and previous two versions, for each of iOS and Android. &nbsp;</p> <h3 data-gid="e30dPm2a9rPmt">4. Prices and Payment</h3> <p data-gid="ejaQaTK-QrzTZ" id="egxj2-qdMYPz">4.1. You agree to pay the price at the rate notified to you at the time you take out your Subscription. We may change the price of any Subscription, remove and/or offer certain other Subscription services from time to time. We will always tell you in advance of any increase in the price of your Subscription and will offer you an opportunity to cancel your Subscription before the new price takes effect.&nbsp;</p> <p data-gid="e-vVVMlQJVodO" id="ejPPMRjrgZSy">4.2. When you place an order for a Subscription, you must provide us with complete and accurate payment information. By submitting payment details you promise that you are entitled to purchase a Subscription using those payment details. If we do not receive payment authorisation from the card issuer or bank or any authorisation is subsequently cancelled, we will not accept your order and we may immediately terminate or suspend your access to your Subscription. It is your responsibility to ensure that your payment details are up-to-date, and funds are available for continuation of the service. &nbsp;This can be done via the MyAccount section <a class="dmg-article-embed-body-link" href=""><u data-gid="ecN_Rid3ITetW">here.</u></a> &nbsp;</p> <p data-gid="e_n3nKClpjFz5" id="eMM_gjCMJvTi">4.3. In addition to the Subscription payment, you are responsible for paying any internet connection or other telecommunications charges that you may incur by accessing, as may be applicable, any digital Subscriptions via a mobile application (“App”) or using the services available on it. For example, your mobile network operator may charge you for data or roaming services.</p> <p data-gid="eda3PBMIj0ulb" id="e7bJfHIwo1d8">4.4. It is possible that, despite our best efforts, the Subscription prices listed on our website may be incorrectly priced. If we discover a pricing error, we will inform you of this error and give you the option of continuing to purchase the Subscription at the correct price or cancelling your order. If we are unable to contact you using the contact details you provided, we will treat the order as cancelled and notify you by email.&nbsp;</p> <p data-gid="eS6SbufnxLI6D" id="eboXp1y-N-DZ">4.5. If the rate of VAT changes between your order date and the date we supply the product, we will adjust the rate of VAT that you pay, unless you have already paid for the product in full before the change in the rate of VAT takes effect.</p> <p data-gid="eVIN1epHVpfOC" id="eLo8eIdEVPJM">4.6. If your chosen payment method is Direct Debit, we will adhere to the guidelines set out in the Direct Debit Guarantee scheme. For further details please contact our customer services team on 0345 071 2721 between 9am–6pm Monday-Sunday.&nbsp;</p> <h3 data-gid="erkidKsDi9JJz">5. Your rights to end the Subscription</h3> <p data-gid="ex8F_T2QLL5Im" id="e2L3XW96q_Q4">5.1. Ending the Subscription because of something we have done or are going to do: if you are ending a Subscription for a reason set out at (a) to (c) below, your Subscription will end immediately and we will refund you in full for any part of the Subscription that has not been provided but for Print Subscriptions you will first need to return any unused vouchers in accordance with Clause 6.4 to obtain a refund. You may also be entitled to compensation if you terminate under 5.1(c) below. The reasons are:</p> <p data-gid="ek0GMDXBnN1de" id="ec4fbHsqAjFX">a) &nbsp;we have told you about an upcoming change to the Subscription or these Terms which you do not agree to (Clause 7.3), including a price change (Clause 4.1);</p> <p data-gid="e3CxGAqGyknKr" id="eWb3lDbEnALr">b) &nbsp;we have told you about an error in the price or description of the Subscription you have ordered and you do not wish to proceed;</p> <p data-gid="e6Tf4VTsrxs8G" id="e36YY9ndCm3L">c) &nbsp;you have a legal right to end the Subscription because of something we have done wrong.</p> <p data-gid="e7bvdwYIodL9Y" id="eGCY5cXwl5P-">5.2. Ending the Subscription within 14 days from the start of your Subscription</p> <p data-gid="e-3xJ2DCPhu-x" id="ePFKxyfYDCwD">a) &nbsp;You may cancel the Subscription at any time in the first 14 days from the date of the start of your Subscription. The date your Subscription starts will depend on which type of Subscription you have purchased:</p> <p data-gid="eG8bzyFlhHcb5" id="erifko2cjEK2">• &nbsp;If you have purchased a digital Subscription, the Subscription start date will be the date we confirm that we have accepted your order;</p> <p data-gid="ewhBmVAbBLTn8" id="e6fiAlccWojS">• &nbsp;If you have purchased a Print Subscription, the Subscription start date will be the date on which your set of vouchers is delivered;</p> <p data-gid="enZTr130gaD3k" id="edIbR4rsQa36">• &nbsp;If you have opted for a free trial Subscription which then automatically rolls onto a paid Subscription, the Subscription start date will be the first day of your paid Subscription if you have purchased a digital Subscription, or, the date on which your first paid paper or set of vouchers is delivered if you have purchased a Print Subscription.&nbsp;</p> <p data-gid="e7RHPh8c9yZQq" id="eyjaQjkjxQQE">b) &nbsp;If you cancel within the first 14 days of your Subscription, you will immediately cease receiving the Subscription and may receive a refund for the full amount that you have paid but for Print Subscriptions you will first need to return all unused vouchers in accordance with Clause 6.4 to obtain a refund.</p> <p data-gid="ecYKMWkvcNfNh" id="ejdfhgIsBuu0">5.3. &nbsp;Ending the Subscription after 14 Days from the start of your Subscription: After any minimum term specified in the order process that applies to your Subscription has expired, you may cancel your Subscription at any time and cancellation will only take effect at the next payment date. Except as set out elsewhere in these Terms, there are no refunds for unused parts of your Subscription if you cancel the Subscription more than 14 days after the start date.&nbsp;</p> <p data-gid="enhy0qc1NM6zi" id="e8dY-rC3Mzzp">5.4. How to end your Subscription:</p> <p data-gid="eV0AYWZiHdUh_" id="eQGjvcTDygPo">a) &nbsp;If you have taken your Subscription out with us directly, you can notify us of your wish to cancel by telephoning our customer services team on 0345 071 2721 between 9am–6pm Monday-Sunday.</p> <p data-gid="eKmenu8LHZhKv" id="eAt85OcLujoW">b) &nbsp;If you purchased your Subscription via Google Play, Apple App Store or Amazon Appstore, you will need to end your Subscription via visiting the relevant platform. If you have any questions relating to amending or ending your Subscription, please go to your account on the relevant platform. Please see our <a class="dmg-article-embed-body-link" href=""><u data-gid="eMZFEDuCPMvTD">Frequently Asked Questions</u></a> for further guidance.</p> <p data-gid="edoEQleYZkGiT" id="ecYEFiq5ckZJ">5.5. We may end your Subscription by writing to you if:&nbsp;</p> <p data-gid="erVPC9d05DtEQ" id="ew7RnbrzkRZS">a) &nbsp;you do not make any payment to us when it is due and you still do not make payment within 14 days of us reminding you that payment is due;&nbsp;</p> <p data-gid="emR03jTCVjGgr" id="eU9FlBE11XRZ">b) &nbsp;you do not, within a reasonable time of us asking for it, provide us with information that is necessary for us to provide the Subscription;</p> <p data-gid="ecGuzlA9OUIy1" id="eg2vNuu2yRJ1">c) &nbsp;there are activities on your account that might cause harm to us or others; and/or</p> <p data-gid="eYG_1UE_VdT3U" id="e1YPw29nSDxd">d) &nbsp;acting at all times reasonably and by our sole discretion, we believe you have been acting fraudulently.&nbsp;</p> <p data-gid="eWyBrK_J9xSIQ" id="eNLNwm4cnDq7">5.6. We may terminate, suspend, or restrict your Subscription immediately without notice where the grounds for this are serious, for example, there is a real risk of loss or harm if your Subscription were to continue. Where the grounds are less serious, we will give you reasonable notice before we terminate, suspend, or restrict your Subscription.&nbsp;</p> <p data-gid="evzeikVk1Vn4g" id="eDq3kqCf7CZR">5.7. Complaints</p> <p data-gid="e86pg0G2oRbBi" id="e8YK9apERSH0">a) &nbsp;Our aim is to resolve any complaint efficiently and professionally though our customer services team. You can contact our team on 0345 071 2721 between 9am–6pm Monday-Sunday.&nbsp;</p> <p data-gid="eaCAan6eg29SQ" id="elRVjqQuLehg">b) &nbsp;We are under a legal duty to supply you with a Subscription that complies with these Terms. &nbsp;Nothing in these Terms affects your legal rights. For information about your legal rights, please visit the Citizens Advice website at: <a class="dmg-article-embed-body-link" href=""><u data-gid="eE4hBZN3HBRBk"></u></a> <u data-gid="ebcc9cSfW7XJi">&nbsp;</u></p> <h3 data-gid="eFNX16Tpk13ZM">6. Print Subscriptions and Voucher Books</h3> <p data-gid="envewCD_31FED" id="elEhRbMM-WrO">6.1. Print Subscriptions: In addition to the other clauses set out in these Terms, this Clause 6 applies if you purchase a Print Subscription. We recommend that you also read our Key Subscription Information available <a class="dmg-article-embed-body-link" href=""><u data-gid="e5RlOZwn2cnHp">here</u></a> before purchasing a Print Subscription.</p> <p data-gid="eNcw1Lx6ClkVs" id="eXvVXArmGutp">6.2. Print Subscription Delivery&nbsp;</p> <p data-gid="eUSramcEUXMuf" id="eU9aBWMlDmn0">Some Print Subscriptions also include a “home delivery” option which means that print papers will be delivered to your home or other nominated address. “Home delivery” is not included as standard and is subject to an additional charge which is displayed during the checkout process. Please carefully check what type of Subscription you are signing up to before making a purchase.</p> <p data-gid="eNRfXMixJj5wY" id="eXQCulKXQ3HH">6.3. Voucher Books:&nbsp;</p> <p data-gid="e1AarazCymuPr" id="ejN_cKCXWNkh">a) &nbsp;If you purchase a Print Subscription, we will send you a voucher book which we shall deliver to you as soon as we can.</p> <p data-gid="etX5m-Yd7r-Hm" id="eBzrE4eTGV03">b) &nbsp;The vouchers within the book can be redeemed at your local newsagent to receive papers during your Subscription term in accordance with the type of Print Subscription that you have purchased. You cannot use vouchers to redeem a paper on Christmas Day when no newspaper is published.</p> <p data-gid="emInLRRP_jm7n" id="elPVSCa-Rdd3">c) &nbsp;Only the original vouchers will be accepted. No scanned, printed or photocopies will be accepted. The vouchers will immediately become void if sold or transferred. The vouchers cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer, have no cash alternative and cannot be exchanged.</p> <p data-gid="eAJ9Vz7UkRCZO" id="eGKy6XLlRnsw">6.4. Returning Voucher Books:</p> <p data-gid="e1Zz0ExXUwGA_" id="eavctEQqTukh">a) &nbsp;If you are cancelling your Print Subscription in accordance with Clause 5.1 or 5.2, you will need to return any remaining vouchers in your voucher book to us in order to receive a refund, if you are eligible for one.&nbsp;</p> <p data-gid="eWbxSiyX3xPtv" id="eM94mSC8a7Xg">b) &nbsp;After you have let us know that you would like to cancel a Print Subscription by using the contact details set out in Clause 5.4, if you are eligible for a refund, we will provide you with further instructions on how to return any remaining vouchers. You are responsible for the cost of returning any remaining vouchers. Please keep a receipt or other evidence from the delivery service that proves that you have sent the vouchers and when you sent them. If you don’t do this and we don’t receive the vouchers at all or within a reasonable time, we won't refund you.</p> <p data-gid="eS-lO_KzGEmfK" id="eRoWwogaHiCr"><strong data-gid="eWmqlFeOFg">Specifications and Changes to the Subscriptions and these Terms</strong></p> <p data-gid="eCXlb0Ei5JN_L" id="e2IoSPsJR0T7">6.5. We may change the Subscriptions, Terms or an App to reflect (i) changes in laws or regulatory requirements; and (ii) to implement minor technical adjustments and improvements, for example to address a security threat. These changes will not have any material adverse impact on your Subscription.</p> <p data-gid="eCtItPHzbhy82" id="ePdDQ0KB746y">6.6. We may update, or require you to update, digital content in the App. We shall ensure that the type of digital content always matches the description that we provided to you before you bought it.</p> <p data-gid="ea3sT09FLRVRz" id="e9IRlpU9Y5FZ">6.7. Sometimes, we may have to make more important changes to the Terms and/or the Subscription we provide you. This might include for example, changing the price as set in Clause 4.1. For the more important changes that may have an adverse impact on you, we will always provide you with notice before we make any such changes and you will have the option to cancel your Subscription before such changes come into force.&nbsp;</p> <p data-gid="eIrtyWRzXHOoe" id="e-h-JW4fV5O0">6.8. You can check when these Terms were last updated by looking at “Last Updated” at the top of this page.</p> <h3 data-gid="ei-8QdFcgpw76">7. Data Protection and Privacy&nbsp;</h3> <p data-gid="e5GFQr75oWRZ2" id="eiRlvqDsikmZ">Your personal data will be processed in accordance with relevant Data Protection Laws. Please see our <a class="dmg-article-embed-body-link" href=";true"><u data-gid="e5D7ipPCJhLRC">Privacy and Cookies Policy</u></a> for information about how we process your personal information and how we use cookies.</p> <h3 data-gid="egW_ccAi3GDRY">8. Our Liability</h3> <p data-gid="e9lh95Hr21ac6" id="ecfHsafCIt8m">8.1. Nothing in these Terms affects any liability which we may have for death or personal injury arising from our negligence, fraud or any other liability which cannot be excluded or limited by law.</p> <p data-gid="esre7VgRrub0u" id="e2IvmQ_N1exY">8.2. We do not voluntarily accept responsibility for any loss or damage that:</p> <p data-gid="e8WS2-ZMePL-j" id="ehYrdz10olFx">a) &nbsp;was not caused by us breaching these Terms;</p> <p data-gid="exorTHbtetyvA" id="e5WBdWEozh6N">b) &nbsp;was not, at the time you agreed to these Terms, a reasonably foreseeable consequence of us breaching these Terms (loss or damage if foreseeable if either it is obvious that it will happen or if, at the time these Terms were entered into, both we and you knew it might happen); or</p> <p data-gid="eRJNakwtQirG5" id="eTAGRfjX8RjT">c) &nbsp;was caused by an event outside of our reasonable control. &nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p data-gid="eWcV5Aw9vUJ3R" id="eZmAU1oj-YgN">8.3. Any App relies in part on software to work. Almost all software typically has bugs. While we try to fix bugs promptly, we do not guarantee that the App will be entirely error free, available all the time and /or be free from all viruses.</p> <p data-gid="eKK44mlAI-dcN" id="eB3-PJJy8JnH">8.4. If defective digital content or the App that we supply damages a device or digital content belonging to you and this is caused by our failure to use reasonable care and skill we will either repair the damage or pay you compensation. However, we will not be liable for damage (i) &nbsp;that you could have avoided by following our advice to apply an update offered to you free of charge or (ii) &nbsp;caused by you failing to correctly follow installation instructions or to have in place any minimum usage requirements advised by us.&nbsp;</p> <p data-gid="ePCkrflLGsVc4" id="erBtGGpmGSgm">8.5. We are not liable for business losses. We supply the Subscriptions only for domestic and private use. We will have no liability to you for any loss of profit, loss of business, business interruption, or loss of business opportunity.</p> <p data-gid="e3kmxA5mjbDCp" id="e8auW8ZygIEl">8.6. Certain other content and content or material published in the physical newspapers is or may not be available on the App and we reserve the right to vary the content and resources that we make available on the App from time to time.</p> <p data-gid="eYElezlu9iGDx" id="euGlGDR5ZUsR">8.7. We are not liable or responsible for the third-party content on the App or via the Subscription. Third party content includes, for example, comments posted by other users and display advertising. Where the Subscription contains links to other sites and resources that are provided by third parties, these links and resources are provided for your information only and you access them at your own risk. We are not liable or responsible for the content of third-party sites or resources.&nbsp;</p> <h3 data-gid="eMpwXv1qmsAG0">9. Intellectual Property and Permitted Use</h3> <p data-gid="eOYnZseKm1PGL" id="e6Mo8LVQ-lGf">9.1. We are the owner or licensee of all intellectual property rights in the Subscription, our websites, the App and the content and material published on them. Those works are protected by copyright laws and treaties around the world. All such rights are reserved.</p> <p data-gid="eI-waJp9iSAQ_" id="eJYD4CDSmNXv">9.2. You may print and download extracts from the Subscription for personal non-commercial use on the following basis:</p> <p data-gid="ekhX9wZPAu0ee" id="e1DwTlWs_Q4M">a) &nbsp;no documents or related graphics are modified in any way;</p> <p data-gid="ejzJmSDDzbWUW" id="e739rJ3r_SLF">b) &nbsp;no graphics are used separately from accompanying text; and</p> <p data-gid="eU373fAw4vCyu" id="eowoHknZFbTW">c) &nbsp;no copyright and trade mark notices are removed.</p> <p data-gid="e0KFvRRWe94FE" id="eXISm380OaNP">9.3. You agree not to use the Subscription for commercial purposes without obtaining our prior written agreement; and shall not copy, reproduce, distribute, republish, download, display, post or transmit in any form or by any means any content of the Subscription except as permitted above.</p> <h3 data-gid="eFzu9Ae0aS31W">10. Applicable Law and Disputes&nbsp;</h3> <p data-gid="ehCjaUgB-xWrz" id="e2vgVo6Rv_b1">These terms are governed by English law, and you can bring legal proceedings in respect of the Subscriptions in the English courts. If you live in Scotland, you can bring legal proceedings in respect of the Subscriptions in either the Scottish or the English courts. If you live in Northern Ireland, you can bring legal proceedings in respect of the Subscriptions in either the Northern Irish or the English courts.</p> <h3 data-gid="e9Zh-5gFpzT9Q">11. Other important terms</h3> <p data-gid="eCJrUuhr0n-KB" id="e-IVN9xfGYsFF">11.1. Transferring rights: You may not transfer, assign, charge or otherwise dispose of any rights or obligations arising under or in connection with these Terms, without our prior written consent. You agree that we may transfer our rights and obligations under our contract with you to a third party purchaser of our business or to an affiliate, in which case we shall notify you and explain your options.&nbsp;</p> <p data-gid="e1JIZJgzLtuo8" id="eA1x3EKtvzEt1">11.2. Third party rights: These Terms are between you and us. Nobody else can enforce them and neither of us will need to ask anybody else to sign-off on ending or changing them.</p> <p data-gid="eCbuFXJRXdu2C" id="edut2zByIBW4x">11.3. If the Terms are invalidated: If a court or other authority decides that some of these Terms are unlawful, the rest will continue to apply.</p> <p data-gid="elnX4OqWjKI1G" id="e3mrD7vRnhen6">11.4. Delays: We might not immediately chase you for not doing something (like paying) or for doing something you're not allowed to, but that doesn’t mean we can't do it later.</p> </div></div><div class="fr-embedded"> <style> .confirmation-content-panel-wrapper .confirmation-content-panel-content p, .confirmation-content-panel-wrapper .confirmation-content-panel-content a, .confirmation-content-panel-wrapper .confirmation-content-panel-content ul, .confirmation-content-panel-wrapper .confirmation-content-panel-content u, .confirmation-content-panel-wrapper .confirmation-content-panel-content em, .confirmation-content-panel-wrapper .confirmation-content-panel-content ol, .confirmation-content-panel-wrapper .confirmation-content-panel-content li { font-size: 14px; font-family: Open Sans,sans-serif; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; word-wrap: break-word; padding-left: unset; padding-right: unset; } .confirmation-content-panel-wrapper .confirmation-content-panel-content h3 { font-size: 24px; } </style> </div><p id="eoLqRgw6N52"></p><div class="tracking-helper" data-type="undefined" data-id="368160" data-headline="Subscriptions - General Terms and Conditions" data-taxonomy="info" data-section="info" data-path="/info/368160/subscriptions-general-terms-and-conditions" data-flags="" data-flags="" data-author="" data-byline="" data-kicker="", data-pubdate="2024-07-23", ></div> </div> <div class="gc-col-12" style="width: 100.0%;"> <style> .confirmation-content-panel-wrapper { margin-bottom: 30px !important; } .confirmation-content-panel-wrapper .confirmation-content-panel-content .confirmation-content-panel-button { margin-bottom: 20px; } .app-download-links-wrapper { margin-bottom: 30px; } .app-download-links-wrapper .logo-menu-button-wrapper { min-width: 200px; margin-right: unset; } .app-download-links-wrapper .app-download-links-items { flex-wrap: wrap; justify-content: space-evenly; gap: 20px 10px; } </style> </div> </div> <div class="gc-col-12 gc-row"> <div class="gc-col-12" style="width: 100.0%;"> <div class="page-footer gd-frame"> <div class="footer-wrapper"> <div class="footer-section"> <a href="/"> <img src="" alt="The logo image"> </a> </div> <div class="footer-section"> <a href="">Help &amp; FAQs</a><span></span> <a href=";true">Privacy &amp; Cookies Policy</a><span></span> <a href=";true">Website Terms &amp; Conditions</a><span></span> <a href=";true">Purchase Terms &amp; Conditions</a> </div> <div class="footer-section"> <p class="legal-text">Associated Newspapers Limited is a company registered in England and Wales (Company No. 084121), Northcliffe House, 2 Derry Street, Kensington, London, W8 5TT. 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