ACNS Conference Series: Social Sciences and Humanities

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <base target="_blank"> <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="acnsproc.css"> <title>ACNS Conference Series: Social Sciences and Humanities</title> </head> <body> <!--<div id="ACNSLOGO"></div>--> <a href="/"><div id="ACNSPROCLOGO"></div></a> <p> <div class="boxout"> <span class="ACNSVOL">ACNS Conference Series: Social Sciences and Humanities</span><p> <span class="ACNSCONFTITLE">Open Access proceedings in Social Sciences and Humanities</span><p> <span class="ACNSCONFEDITORS"><i>ACNS Conference Series: Social Sciences and Humanities</i> is an Open Access proceedings journal dedicated to archiving and worldwide dissemination of the conference proceedings dealing with all areas of social sciences and humanities: anthropology, art, economy, education, geography, history, linguistics, philosophy, psychology, sociology, etc.</span><p> <details><summary><b>Journal scope</b></summary> <p><b><i>ACNS Conference Series: Social Sciences and Humanities</i></b> is an Open Access proceedings journal provides a fast and versatile proceedings publication service. <p><i>ACNS Conference Series: Social Sciences and Humanities</i> prefers to publish articles in English; papers in other languages must include English title, abstracts and keywords. Proceedings are published under the scientific responsibility of the conference editors. <h3>Main benefits</h3> <ul> <li>Open Access: All the documents are free to read and download. Copyright is retained by the author(s) under the Creative Commons Attribution license.</li> <li>Policy on re-use: Conference papers may be subsequently updated, or enhanced, for further publication as a regular journal article.</li> <li>Identification: Each document receives a DOI (Digital Object Identifier), and is indexed to Crossref.</li> </ul> <h3>Subjects</h3> <ul> <li>Anthropology</li> <li>Archaeology</li> <li>Area studies</li> <li>Art and art history</li> <li>Business studies</li> <li>Civics</li> <li>Classical studies</li> <li>Communication studies</li> <!--<li>Criminology</li>--> <li>Cultural studies</li> <li>Demography</li> <li>Development studies</li> <li>Economics</li> <li>Education</li> <li>Environmental studies</li> <!--<li>Folkloristics</li>--> <li>Gender studies</li> <li>Human geography</li> <li>History</li> <!--<li>Industrial relations</li>--> <li>Information science</li> <li>International relations</li> <!--<li>Language</li>--> <li>Law</li> <li>Library science</li> <li>Linguistics</li> <li>Literature</li> <li>Management</li> <li>Media studies</li> <li>Musicology</li> <li>Philosophy</li> <li>Political science</li> <li>Psychology</li> <li>Public administration</li> <li>Public health</li> <li>Religious studies and theology</li> <li>Social work</li> <li>Sociology</li> <li>Sustainable development</li> </ul> </details> <details><summary><b>Editorial board</b></summary> <p> Editor-in-Chief: <strong><a href="" target="_blank">Serhiy Semerikov</a></strong>, Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University, Ukraine<p> <strong><a href="" target="_blank">Leon A. Abdillah</a></strong>, Universitas Bina Darma, Indonesia<br> <strong><a href="" target="_blank">George Abuselidze</a></strong>, Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University, Georgia<br> <strong><a href="" target="_blank">Svitlana Amelina</a></strong>, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine<br> <strong><a href="" target="_blank">Spencer A. Benson</a></strong>, Education Innovations International, LLC and University of Maryland, United States<br> <strong><a href="" target="_blank">Irina Georgescu</a></strong>, Bucharest University of Economics, Romania<br> <strong><a href="" target="_blank">Dragos-Daniel Iordache</a></strong>, National Institute for Research and Development in Informatics - ICI Bucuresti, Romania<br> <strong><a href="" target="_blank">Arnold Kiv</a></strong>, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel<br> <strong><a href="" target="_blank">Oleksandr G. Kolgatin</a></strong>, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, Ukraine<br> <strong><a href="" target="_blank">Milan Kubiatko</a></strong>, Jan Evangelista Purkyn臎 University in 脷st铆 nad Labem, Czechia<br> <strong><a href="" target="_blank">Stamatios Papadakis</a></strong>, University of Crete, Greece<br> <strong><a href="" target="_blank">Eugenia Smyrnova-Trybulska</a></strong>, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland<br> </details> <details><summary><b>Publishing policies & ethics</b></summary> <h3>Ethical publication practices</h3> <p><i>ACNS Conference Series: Social Sciences and Humanities</i> is committed to the standards of publishing integrity and academic honesty. Editors, reviewers and authors are encouraged to refer to <strong><a href="" target="_blank">The Committee on Publishing Ethics (COPE)</a></strong> and to follow its <strong><a href="" target="_blank">Code of conduct</a></strong> and <strong><a href="" target="_blank">guidelines</a></strong>.</p> <p>Serious misconduct (for example, data fabrication, falsification or plagiarism) is taken seriously into consideration and is further investigated. When a suspicion of misconduct turns out to be confirmed, the available sanction is applied.</p> <h3>Journal' requirements</h2> <p>The journal make clear his <em>aims and scope, editorial policy and manuscript requirements</em> in terms of presentation and submissions.</p> <ul class="simple"> <li>Journal' instructions are available to any contributor. </li> <li>Authors are expected to pursue objectiveness and rigour in all aspects of their work. Authors are obligated to provide retractions or corrections of mistakes.</li> <li>The list of authors should accurately reflect who did the work. </li> <li>Journal only consider work that has not been published and is not being considered for publication elsewhere.</li> <li>Editors, authors and peer reviewers must disclose interests that might appear to affect their ability to present or review data objectively.</li> <li>Journal recommend the use of a specific copyright and make it available on the journal pages.</li> </ul> <h3>Editorial committee</h3> <p>Editorial decisions and editorial processes are run by the editors of the proceedings who are members of the organizing committee of the event. The detailed procedures may vary from event to event according to the custom and practice of each community.</p> <ul class="simple"> <li>The editors of the proceedings are committed to ensuring the quality of the publication and that what is reported is ethical, accurate and relevant to the journal. </li> <li>They have full independence and are not dictated to or influenced by any factors (political, commercial, etc.). Their decision to accept or reject a paper for publication has been based only on the merits of the work and the relevance to the journal.</li> <li>When errors are found, the editors should promote publication of corrections or retraction.</li> </ul> <h3>Peer review</h3> <p>All published articles are peer reviewed.</p> <ul class="simple"> <li>Journal' policy encourages the use of blinded peer review and, when it is possible, multiple reviewers. </li> <li>Reviews must be conducted by expert referees, who have been requested to provide unbiased and constructive comments aimed, whenever possible, at improving the work.</li> <li>Proceedings editors must take all reasonable steps to ensure the quality of the materials they publish. </li> </ul> </details> <details><summary><b>Indexed in</b></summary> <p><i>ACNS Conference Series: Social Sciences and Humanities</i> is indexed in: <ul> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Google Scholar</a></li> </ul> </details> <details><summary><b>Processing charge</b></summary> <p><i>ACNS Conference Series: Social Sciences and Humanities</i> offers a low-cost alternative to other publishers and venues. The production charges for events whose proceedings are accepted for publication in journal as of January 2022 are: <ul> <li>Base rate for volumes with up to 30 papers: USD 60</li> <li>For volumes with more than 30 papers: base rate of USD 60, plus USD $2 for each paper above 30</li> </ul> We charge the total cost of the entire volume to the conference organizers. We do not charge individual authors. </details> <details><summary><b>Information for authors</b></summary> <h3>Preparation of manuscripts</h3> Please download the <a href="" target="_blank">current template and example files</a> for the <i>ACNS Conference Series: Social Sciences and Humanities</i> and see the guidelines therein for detailed instructions. <p><i>ACNS Conference Series: Social Sciences and Humanities</i> uses author-supplied PDFs for online publication. Authors <b>must</b> prepare their papers using LaTeX and then convert these files to PDF. <p>It is important to ensure that when you submit your paper, it is in its final form ready for publication, and has been thoroughly proofread. ACNS do not copy edit or reformat papers and will not send out author proofs prior to publication. Post-publication changes are not permitted, so please ensure that your paper has been checked for errors. <h3>License</h3> Articles published by Academy of Cognitive and Natural Sciences (ACNS) are open access under a Creative Commons license that <ul> <li>clarifies the authorship,</li> <li>enables the conference organizers to efficiently prepare the proceedings, and</li> <li>enables the publisher (ACNS) to publish the articles.</li> </ul> By submitting a paper an author and all co-authors are assumed to agree with the terms of the <a href="">Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)</a>. <!--We typically ask the author to sign an author agreement mainly to document the publishing process and to provide transparency about the activities of the publisher and the conference organizers. --> <h3>Submission of manuscript</h3> Do not submit your papers directly to <i>ACNS Conference Series: Social Sciences and Humanities</i>; please contact your conference organizer for submission instructions. </details> <details><summary><b>Instruction for editors</b></summary> <h3>Preconditions for publishing</h3> <ol> <li><b>Peer review by international program committee</b>: Proceedings papers must be peer-reviewed by a program committee of well-known international scholars, who are experts in the topics presented in the proceedings. Invited papers may be included without being peer-reviewed, provided that the majority of papers in the proceedings are not invited papers. The members of the program committee and the rules for paper selection must be publicly announced, e.g. on the web page of the conference and/or in the preface of the proceedings.</li> <li><b>Minimum size</b>: There shall be at least six papers in a submitted volume. The minimum length of a regular or short paper should be six ACNSPROC pages (around 2500 characters / 380-400 words per page). Invited papers can have less pages. The whole proceedings volume should have at least 40 pages excluding frontmatter.</li> <li><b>Open submission</b>: Submission of papers to the conference should be open. For example, it should not be restricted to members of a certain project. </li> <li><b>Use of English</b>: The majority of the papers in a proceedings volume shall be in English. All papers written in other languages must include English title, abstracts and keywords. All references must be in the Latin alphabet.</li> <li><b>Timeliness</b>: The submission of a proceedings volume should be close to the event date, not more than 25 years after the event. Exceptions may be possible but need to be negotiated with us. </li> </ol> <h3>Overview of the publication procedure</h3> <ol> <li><a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#afccdc82dcdcc7efceccc1dcccc681c0ddc8">Contact us</a> with details of the conference.</li> <li>The <i>ACNS Conference Series: Social Sciences and Humanities</i> team will review the details of your conference and write to confirm if we can accept it.</li> <li>Accepted conference is announced at the journal site.</li> <li>Authors submit their papers to the conference organizers who manage the peer review. Once review of the papers is completed the conference organizers submit the final papers to <i>ACNS Conference Series: Social Sciences and Humanities</i> in one batch. Papers submitted to us must be PDFs and must be in their final form ready for publication (as we do not edit or proofread papers after they are submitted to us). Please ensure that all changes have been approved by authors prior to the PDFs being submitted to <i>ACNS Conference Series: Social Sciences and Humanities</i>.</li> <li>Papers should be submitted to us via dedicated service recorded in the acceptance letter.</li> <li>On submission of the manuscripts, organizers should also return a completed table of contents and editor agreement.</li> </ol> </details> <details><summary><b>FAQ</b></summary> <ol> <li> <details><summary><b>Which journal peer review policy?</b></summary> <p><i>ACNS Conference Series: Social Sciences and Humanities</i> adhere to the following main standards: <ul> <li>Unbiased consideration is given to all papers regardless of race, gender, religious belief, ethnic origin, citizenship or political philosophy of the authors.</li> <li>Ensuring that no terminology is used that is offensive or might be perceived to be offensive to others.</li> <li>All papers should meet the following key points related to scientific content, quality and presentation: <ol> <li>Technical Criteria <ul> <li>Scientific merit: notably scientific rigour, accuracy and correctness.</li> <li>Clarity of expression; communication of ideas; readability and discussion of concepts.</li> <li>Sufficient discussion of the context of the work, and suitable referencing.</li> </ul> </li> <li>Quality Criteria <ul> <li>Originality: Is the work relevant and novel?</li> <li>Motivation: Does the problem considered have a sound motivation? All papers should clearly demonstrate the scientific interest of the results.</li> <li>Repetition: Have significant parts of the manuscript already been published?</li> <li>Length: Is the content of the work of sufficient scientific interest to justify its length?</li> </ul> </li> <li>Presentation Criteria <ul> <li>Title: Is it adequate and appropriate for the content of the article?</li> <li>Abstract: Does it contain the essential information of the article? Is it complete? Is it suitable for inclusion by itself in an abstracting service?</li> <li>Diagrams, figures, tables and captions: Are they essential and clear?</li> <li>Text and mathematics: Are they brief but still clear? If you recommend shortening, please suggest what should be omitted.</li> <li>Conclusion: Does the paper contain a carefully written conclusion, summarizing what has been learned and why it is interesting and useful?</li> </ul> </li> <ol> </li> </ul> </details> </li> <li> <details><summary><b>What about paper length?</b></summary> <p>Unlimited number of pages in each article and use of colour in figures. </details> </li> </ol> </details> <details><summary><b>Published by</b></summary> <div id="ACNSLOGO"></div> <p><a HREF="">Academy of Cognitive and Natural Sciences (ACNS)</a>, <p>Ukrainian branch,<br> 54 Gagarin Ave.,<br> Kryvyi Rih,<br> 50086, Ukraine<br> <p> <strong>Publications manager:</strong> Iryna Mintii<br /> <strong>Publishing editor:</strong> Serhiy Semerikov<br /> </p> <p> <strong>Production manager:</strong> Pavlo Nechypurenko<br /> <strong>Production editor:</strong> Viacheslav Osadchyi<br /> </p> </details> </div> <div class="ACNSTOC"> <span class="ACNSTOCVOL"> <details><summary><b>Forthcoming volumes</b></summary> <span class="ACNSTOCCONF"> <ul> <!--<li><a href="" target="_blank">2nd International Conference on New Trends in Linguistics, Literature and Language Education (3L-Edu 2022)</a>, 2nd Quarter 2022</li>--> <li>Conference on Computer Simulation and Information Technology in Education (KMITO 2000), 3rd Quarter 2023</span></li> <li>Conference on Computer Simulation and Information Technology in Education (KMITO 2001), 4th Quarter 2023</li> </ul> </span> </details> </span> <ul> <li><a href="3/"> <span class="ACNSTOCVOL"><u>Volume 3 (2023)</u></span></a> <br> <span class="ACNSTOCCONF">2nd International Conference on New Trends in Linguistics, Literature and Language Education (3L-Edu 2022)</span> </li> <li><a href="2/"> <span class="ACNSTOCVOL"><u>Volume 2 (2022)</u></span></a> <br> <span class="ACNSTOCCONF">V International Conference on Digital Education at Environmental Universities (DEEU 2018)</span> </li> <li><a href="1/"> <span class="ACNSTOCVOL"><u>Volume 1 (2022)</u></span></a> <br> <span class="ACNSTOCCONF">Conference on Computer Simulation and Information Technology in Education (KMITO 1999)</span> </li> </ul> </div> <hr> <span class="unobtrusive"> Copyright &copy; 2022-2023 Academy of Cognitive and Natural Sciences <a HREF="">(ACNS)</a> </span> <script data-cfasync="false" src="/cdn-cgi/scripts/5c5dd728/cloudflare-static/email-decode.min.js"></script></body> </html>

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