Black Lives Matter
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class="container"> <div class="dailykos-quote"> <div class="icon-holder"> <svg width="70" height="70" viewBox="0 0 70 70" fill="none" xmlns=""> <circle cx="35" cy="35" r="35" fill="#6B696A"/> <path d="M53 25.2826L51.9012 20C41.8431 20.1677 36.2646 24.6118 36.2646 35.6801V47H49.9572V33.5838H44.7168C44.2942 28.8043 47.168 25.8696 53 25.2826ZM33.7354 25.2826L32.6366 20C22.5785 20.1677 17 24.6118 17 35.6801V47H30.6926V33.5838H25.4522C25.0296 28.8043 27.9034 25.8696 33.7354 25.2826Z" fill="white"/> </svg> </div> <blockquote> <p> <strong>…think: once, a white girl</strong> <br> was kidnapped & that’s the Trojan war.</p> <p>later, up the block, Troy got shot <br> & that was Tuesday. are we not worthy</p> <p>of a city of ash? of 1000 ships <br> launched because we are missed?”</p> <span class="dot">...</span> <div class="line-height"> <p>from <span class="quote">"not an elegy for Mike Brown"</span> <br> A poem by <span class="capitalize">danez smith.</span></p> </div> <div class="small"> <p>Smith, Danez (lines 19–27). “not an elegy for Mike Brown.” 2014. Split This Rock, <br> <a href=""></a> <br> Accessed 23 Jun 2020.</p> </div> </blockquote> </div> <div class="display-flex"> <div class="banner"> <span class='inline-image-lg'> <svg width="260" height="260" viewBox="0 0 260 260" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M133.43 100.588C125.37 101.638 125.407 101.638 121.433 102.35C118.321 102.913 113.71 104.3 110.711 103.888C108.536 103.588 104.45 102.238 103.962 102.125C103.55 102.013 102.913 102.388 102.65 102.838C102.388 103.288 102.538 104.037 102.875 104.187L114.722 109.811L122.708 112.66C124.208 113.185 125.857 113.223 127.019 112.023L133.43 103.7C134.63 101.788 135.305 100.288 133.43 100.588Z" fill="#3B3839"/> <path d="M134.593 39.1781L118.509 26.5061C117.234 25.4939 115.772 25.4189 114.722 26.5061L95.602 52.1874C94.1773 54.3994 94.5522 55.9365 96.2393 56.9488L116.484 65.4967C118.284 66.2091 119.671 65.9466 120.608 64.7844L135.267 43.1896C136.205 41.69 136.467 40.3028 134.593 39.1781Z" fill="#3B3839"/> <path d="M141.079 82.3302L140.216 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129.981 259.963C201.777 259.963 259.963 201.777 259.963 129.981C259.963 58.186 201.777 0 129.981 0ZM171.259 235.443V233.194V194.016C171.334 190.229 172.683 186.968 174.858 184.793C174.858 184.793 179.432 180.444 184.643 170.846C189.854 161.249 190.792 154.125 192.141 148.389C194.728 137.367 195.141 127.882 195.141 127.882C195.216 126.42 194.541 125.857 193.229 126.832L180.032 136.467L170.959 143.103C169.384 144.228 167.885 143.853 166.46 141.903C166.46 141.903 162.636 137.817 160.874 135.942C159.112 134.068 148.652 126.307 143.74 124.02C138.829 121.733 133.693 119.221 128.969 118.209C124.245 117.197 118.472 117.197 118.472 117.197C117.872 117.272 117.647 117.609 117.872 118.247L154.238 178.12C155.063 179.769 154.838 180.669 152.926 180.369L148.614 179.469C147.415 179.394 146.702 180.219 146.59 181.081L141.079 241.517C140.966 242.079 140.741 242.454 140.516 242.679C139.579 242.754 138.679 242.829 137.742 242.904C137.404 242.717 137.217 242.267 137.255 241.404L141.453 181.156C141.603 179.319 141.079 178.532 139.242 179.057C139.242 179.057 137.517 179.319 136.767 179.357C136.017 179.394 134.443 179.432 134.443 178.307C134.443 177.407 136.017 176.395 137.404 175.42C139.054 174.258 141.453 172.721 141.453 172.721C143.028 171.709 142.653 169.234 141.004 166.947L113.448 119.521L106.962 113.673L89.641 106.437C88.7412 105.8 88.5912 105.125 89.641 104.412L97.589 102.838C98.6763 102.5 99.0512 101.188 98.2264 98.2639L95.0771 90.0159C94.3648 88.2163 95.4146 88.2538 96.6518 89.4535L106.549 97.889C108.274 99.3511 110.298 100.401 113.598 99.9135L133.918 96.9517C136.055 96.3143 136.505 93.69 136.992 91.403C137.517 89.0411 137.404 88.3663 137.854 85.067C138.304 81.8803 137.742 78.8061 130.881 76.9315L90.7657 58.8983C88.2163 57.7736 85.6294 58.5234 84.5422 60.473L52.2999 106.174C50.5753 109.624 51.2877 112.173 52.9373 114.423L95.602 177.707C97.2891 180.444 97.814 183.106 97.7015 185.693L90.3533 236.081C47.3886 219.997 16.7585 178.57 16.7585 129.981C16.7585 67.4463 67.4463 16.7585 129.981 16.7585C192.516 16.7585 243.204 67.4463 243.204 129.981C243.204 177.97 213.361 218.985 171.259 235.443Z" fill="#3B3839"/> </svg> </span> <span class='inline-image-md'> <svg width="168" height="168" viewBox="0 0 168 168" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M86.2166 64.9955C81.0083 65.6738 81.0325 65.6738 78.4646 66.1341C76.454 66.4975 73.4743 67.3938 71.5363 67.1273C70.1313 66.9335 67.4907 66.0614 67.1758 65.9887C66.9093 65.9161 66.4975 66.1583 66.3279 66.449C66.1584 66.7397 66.2553 67.2242 66.4733 67.3211L74.1284 70.9549L79.2883 72.796C80.2573 73.1351 81.3232 73.1593 82.0742 72.3841L86.2166 67.0062C86.9918 65.7707 87.4279 64.8017 86.2166 64.9955Z" fill="#3B3839"/> <path d="M86.9675 25.3151L76.575 17.127C75.7514 16.473 74.8066 16.4245 74.1283 17.127L61.7736 33.7211C60.8531 35.1504 61.0953 36.1436 62.1854 36.7977L75.2669 42.321C76.4297 42.7813 77.326 42.6117 77.9316 41.8607L87.4036 27.9071C88.0092 26.9381 88.1788 26.0418 86.9675 25.3151Z" fill="#3B3839"/> <path d="M91.1585 53.198L90.6013 59.23C90.6013 60.7077 91.1343 60.417 91.7399 59.8841L105.306 42.4421C106.105 41.4004 106.202 40.4557 105.306 39.632L93.2661 28.3917C92.2002 27.6649 91.3281 27.9556 90.5771 29.0942L81.2263 42.7328C80.3299 44.0167 80.6449 44.8404 81.5654 45.4218L88.8814 48.9829C90.3591 49.54 91.1827 51.4054 91.1585 53.198Z" fill="#3B3839"/> <path d="M120.156 53.7551L110.054 43.944C109.303 42.9993 108.116 43.1204 107.438 44.2347L86.3862 72.2388C85.5383 73.4258 85.5625 74.3706 86.3862 75.0973L97.3601 79.9423C98.5229 80.4268 99.5646 80.1846 100.509 79.2883L120.156 56.9528C121.028 55.9354 121.44 55.0148 120.156 53.7551Z" fill="#3B3839"/> <path d="M124.637 58.2125C124.056 57.8492 123.475 57.7765 122.893 58.2125L102.883 80.5722C101.817 82.0257 101.987 82.9462 102.883 83.6003L108.116 88.8813C109.109 90.0199 110.102 90.141 111.144 89.5112L133.673 70.9791C133.94 70.4461 134.061 69.889 133.673 69.2833L124.637 58.2125Z" fill="#3B3839"/> <path d="M83.9879 0C37.5971 0 0 37.5971 0 83.9879C0 130.379 37.5971 167.976 83.9879 167.976C130.379 167.976 167.976 130.379 167.976 83.9879C167.976 37.5971 130.379 0 83.9879 0ZM110.66 152.133V150.679V125.364C110.708 122.917 111.58 120.81 112.985 119.405C112.985 119.405 115.941 116.595 119.308 110.393C122.675 104.191 123.281 99.5888 124.153 95.8823C125.824 88.7602 126.091 82.6313 126.091 82.6313C126.139 81.6865 125.703 81.3231 124.855 81.953L116.328 88.1788L110.466 92.4666C109.448 93.1934 108.479 92.9511 107.559 91.6914C107.559 91.6914 105.088 89.0509 103.949 87.8397C102.811 86.6284 96.0519 81.6138 92.8784 80.1361C89.705 78.6584 86.3862 77.0353 83.3338 76.3812C80.2815 75.7272 76.5508 75.7272 76.5508 75.7272C76.1632 75.7756 76.0179 75.9937 76.1632 76.4055L99.6614 115.093C100.194 116.159 100.049 116.74 98.8136 116.546L96.0277 115.965C95.2525 115.916 94.7922 116.449 94.7195 117.006L91.1585 156.057C91.0858 156.42 90.9404 156.663 90.7951 156.808C90.1895 156.857 89.6081 156.905 89.0024 156.953C88.7844 156.832 88.6633 156.542 88.6875 155.984L91.4007 117.055C91.4976 115.868 91.1585 115.359 89.9715 115.698C89.9715 115.698 88.8571 115.868 88.3726 115.892C87.8881 115.916 86.8707 115.941 86.8707 115.214C86.8707 114.632 87.8881 113.978 88.7844 113.349C89.8503 112.598 91.4007 111.604 91.4007 111.604C92.4182 110.95 92.1759 109.351 91.11 107.874L73.3047 77.2291L69.1138 73.45L57.9218 68.7746C57.3405 68.3628 57.2435 67.9268 57.9218 67.4665L63.0575 66.449C63.7601 66.231 64.0023 65.3831 63.4694 63.4936L61.4345 58.1641C60.9742 57.0013 61.6525 57.0255 62.4519 57.8007L68.8473 63.2513C69.9616 64.1961 71.2698 64.8744 73.4016 64.5595L86.5315 62.6457C87.9123 62.2339 88.203 60.5381 88.518 59.0604C88.8571 57.5342 88.7844 57.0982 89.0751 54.9664C89.3658 52.9073 89.0024 50.9208 84.5693 49.7096L58.6486 38.0574C57.0013 37.3306 55.3298 37.8151 54.6273 39.0748L33.7938 68.605C32.6795 70.8337 33.1397 72.481 34.2056 73.9345L61.7736 114.826C62.8637 116.595 63.2029 118.315 63.1302 119.986L58.3821 152.544C30.6203 142.152 10.8286 115.383 10.8286 83.9879C10.8286 43.5807 43.5807 10.8286 83.9879 10.8286C124.395 10.8286 157.147 43.5807 157.147 83.9879C157.147 114.996 137.864 141.498 110.66 152.133Z" fill="#3B3839"/> </svg> </span> <span class='inline-image-sm'> <svg width="186" height="186" viewBox="0 0 186 186" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M95.4541 71.9593C89.6877 72.7103 89.7145 72.7103 86.8715 73.2199C84.6454 73.6222 81.3465 74.6146 79.2009 74.3195C77.6453 74.105 74.7219 73.1394 74.3732 73.059C74.0782 72.9785 73.6222 73.2467 73.4345 73.5685C73.2467 73.8904 73.354 74.4268 73.5954 74.5341L82.0707 78.5572L87.7834 80.5955C88.8563 80.971 90.0364 80.9978 90.8678 80.1396L95.4541 74.1854C96.3124 72.8176 96.7951 71.7448 95.4541 71.9593Z" fill="#3B3839"/> <path d="M96.2855 28.0274L84.7796 18.9621C83.8677 18.2379 82.8217 18.1843 82.0707 18.9621L68.3923 37.3341C67.3731 38.9165 67.6413 40.0161 68.8482 40.7403L83.3313 46.8554C84.6186 47.365 85.611 47.1772 86.2815 46.3458L96.7683 30.8972C97.4388 29.8244 97.6266 28.832 96.2855 28.0274Z" fill="#3B3839"/> 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92.9866C0 144.348 41.6254 185.973 92.9866 185.973C144.348 185.973 185.973 144.348 185.973 92.9866C185.973 41.6254 144.348 0 92.9866 0ZM122.516 168.433V166.823V138.796C122.57 136.087 123.535 133.754 125.091 132.198C125.091 132.198 128.363 129.087 132.091 122.221C135.819 115.355 136.489 110.259 137.455 106.155C139.306 98.2702 139.601 91.4846 139.601 91.4846C139.654 90.4387 139.171 90.0363 138.233 90.7337L128.792 97.6265L122.301 102.374C121.175 103.178 120.102 102.91 119.083 101.516C119.083 101.516 116.347 98.5921 115.087 97.2511C113.826 95.91 106.343 90.3582 102.83 88.7221C99.3162 87.0861 95.6418 85.2891 92.2624 84.565C88.8831 83.8408 84.7527 83.8408 84.7527 83.8408C84.3236 83.8945 84.1627 84.1358 84.3236 84.5918L110.339 127.424C110.929 128.604 110.769 129.248 109.401 129.033L106.316 128.39C105.458 128.336 104.949 128.926 104.868 129.543L100.925 172.778C100.845 173.18 100.684 173.448 100.523 173.609C99.8526 173.663 99.2089 173.716 98.5384 173.77C98.2971 173.636 98.1629 173.314 98.1898 172.697L101.194 129.597C101.301 128.282 100.925 127.719 99.6113 128.095C99.6113 128.095 98.3775 128.282 97.8411 128.309C97.3047 128.336 96.1782 128.363 96.1782 127.558C96.1782 126.915 97.3047 126.19 98.2971 125.493C99.4771 124.662 101.194 123.562 101.194 123.562C102.32 122.838 102.052 121.068 100.872 119.432L81.1588 85.5037L76.5188 81.3197L64.1278 76.1433C63.4841 75.6874 63.3768 75.2046 64.1278 74.695L69.8137 73.5686C70.5915 73.3272 70.8597 72.3885 70.2697 70.2965L68.0167 64.396C67.5071 63.1086 68.2581 63.1354 69.1432 63.9937L76.2238 70.0283C77.4575 71.0743 78.9058 71.8252 81.266 71.4766L95.8027 69.3578C97.3315 68.9018 97.6534 67.0244 98.002 65.3883C98.3775 63.6986 98.2971 63.2159 98.6189 60.8557C98.9407 58.5759 98.5384 56.3766 93.6303 55.0356L64.9324 42.135C63.1086 41.3304 61.258 41.8668 60.4802 43.2614L37.4146 75.9556C36.1808 78.4231 36.6904 80.2469 37.8705 81.8561L68.3922 127.129C69.5991 129.087 69.9746 130.991 69.8942 132.842L64.6374 168.889C33.9011 157.383 11.9888 127.746 11.9888 92.9866C11.9888 48.25 48.25 11.9888 92.9866 11.9888C137.723 11.9888 173.984 48.25 173.984 92.9866C173.984 127.317 152.635 156.658 122.516 168.433Z" fill="#3B3839"/> </svg> </span> </div> <div class="content"> <div class="introduction"> <h1>Daily Kos moves in solidarity with the Black community across the country and around the world in demanding an end to the murders of Black people at the hands of police and white supremacist vigilantes. </h1> </div> <div class="italic"> <p>At Daily Kos, the Equity Council works to build a better organization and community by focusing on issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion at Kos Media. The Equity Council issues this statement as a commitment to these ideals, and to encourage Daily Kos to take action internally and externally to support the movement:</p> </div> <p>We unequivocally condemn police brutality, state-sanctioned violence, and the use of militarized force against protestors. We also denounce curfews, which have been used as a tool to arrest thousands of civilians, including journalists and essential workers. This continues a long history of flagrant abuse of power by police departments to maintain control over Black and brown communities and those who speak up against police violence.</p> <p>The national and international protests in the wake of the murder of George Floyd by Derek Chauvin and fellow Minneapolis police officers in May, 2020, marked but the latest flashpoint of a worldwide movement against racist, state-sanctioned violence at the hands of police.</p> <p>This country was founded on the notion of racism. The fundamental infrastructure of the United States has always valued white lives over the lives of Black, Indigenous, and other persons of color. This is not solely a historical fact, but a systemic problem: America idolizes wealth, civility, whiteness, and the status quo. When we ignore the implicit racism in our societal structure, we enable this oppression to continue unchecked. When white America chooses not to condemn—or is simply silent about—racist violence, they are complicit in upholding a white supremacist system. This white supremacist system continues to exact an unbearable toll on Black communities every day, by exploiting Black labor and taking away Black people’s right to live safely and free of fear.</p> <p>As we join others in outrage at the recent murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, Atatiana Jefferson, Ahmaud Arbery, David McAtee, Rayshard Brooks, Nina Pop, Riah Milton, Dominique “Rem’mie” Mills, Ma’Khia Bryant, Patrick Lyoya, and <a href=“>thousands of other Black lives that were cut short by police brutality,</a> we simultaneously recognize the physical, mental, and emotional tolls that state-sanctioned violence and systemic racism exact on Black people every day. We also remember Sandra Bland, Tamir Rice, Michael Brown, Natasha McKenna, Elijah McClain, Botham Jean, Philando Castile, Eric Garner, Muhlaysia Booker, and countless other Black people, including Black trans women, whose deaths are often forgotten. We honor and support the efforts of those who seek to end this most brutal manifestation of racism, <a href=“”>through the #SayHerName campaign</a> and many other initiatives devoted to transforming our culture.</p> <p>Every city government in the U.S. faces a stark choice: whether to fund social services–including housing, food security, and mental healthcare–or to fund policing. History has shown us we cannot spend our way toward better police; to achieve genuinely safe communities for everyone, we must first demand fewer police and fewer police resources. We have seen time and time again that superficial reforms don’t work: the police continue to break the laws every day when they murder and injure Black and brown people. Many of the reforms being called for are already in place in several cities, such as New York, Minneapolis, and Chicago, so we know that’s not enough to stop police brutality. In addition, many of these reforms, such as body cameras and anti-bias training, actually increase the police’s budget without a corresponding increase in public safety. Policing’s history is inherently anti-Black and completely racist: its roots are linked to the capture of those escaping slavery and the enforcement of Black Codes.</p> <p>We will be sharing some resources that imagine a world that redistributes police funding to community resources and breaks down our current police organizations in order to rebuild something that supports our communities as opposed to trying to destroy them. We hope you will read them and start to imagine this world, too, and then help us take action to make it possible.</p> <p>Progressives supposedly believe in anti-racism, but we haven’t done enough, and we have often been silent or complicit. We support Black communities when they co-sign our goals, but don’t do enough to place their voices and strategies front and center on our podium. We have a lot of work to do to make the Black community feel more comfortable in our movement and address the racism within.</p> <p>As part of Daily Kos’ racial justice work, we are making the following external and internal organizational commitments.</p> <div class="content-list"> <div class="list-title">Externally, Daily Kos will:</div> <ul class="work-list"> <li>Continue the efforts that have already raised close to $1,000,000 from our community for Black-led groups fighting police brutality and white supremacy since 2020. We also commit to granting 1% of our revenue to organizations fighting for Black liberation;</li> <li>Use grant money to support organizations who work with and uplift BIPOC candidates;</li> <li>Continue to center racial justice in its activism work via the <a href="">Daily Kos Liberation League</a>, along with highlighting and amplifying the racial justice work of partner organizations on the ground;</li> <li>Outline action items on hiring more BIPOC writers, editors, and Content Division staff and provide those staff with mentorship, professional development opportunities, and paths to leadership;</li> <li>Track, measure, and report our front page coverage of stories that center marginalized groups and people as part of our ongoing engagement strategy with the goal of increasing our front-page coverage of marginalized groups and people.</li> <li>Provide a list of anti-racism resources on the Daily Kos website in an accessible and static location;</li> <li>Amplify Black- and brown-led organizations by sharing information about on-the-ground organizing that our community can follow, connect, and volunteer with; and</li> <li>Broaden the sites our editors and writers read and uplift and cite more Black- and brown-led media organizations in our editorial work whenever possible. This also applies to our reporting on protests against police brutality and our goals to center Black people who are doing on-the-ground coverage. We also commit to publish more stories focused on Black joy rather than solely Black pain.</li> </ul> </div> <div class="content-list"> <div class="list-title">Internally, Daily Kos:</div> <ul class="work-list"> <li>Has an Equity Council devoted to doing racial justice work and dismantling white supremacy within the organization;</li> <li>Offers Traumatic Grief Leave for staff directly or indirectly impacted by racist, antisemitic, or police violence; and</li> <li>Offers Juneteenth as a company holiday, and has done so since 2020.</li> </ul> </div> <p>The road to dismantling white supremacy is long, and we know we have more work to do. The above list is just the beginning.</p> <p><strong>In conclusion: Black Lives Matter.</strong></p> <p>In solidarity, <br>Daily Kos Equity Council</p> </div> </div> <div class="row" id="resources"> <div class="col"> <div class="col-wrapper"> <span class="meta-tag">start here</span> <h2>General Anti-Racist Resources:</h2> <ul class="list"> <li><a href="">So you've declared that Black Lives Matter. Now What?</a></li> <li><a href="">Multimedia Anti-Racist Resources</a></li> <li><a href="">11 Things You Can Do To Help Black Lives Matter End Police Violence</a></li> <li><a href="">‘Latinos must acknowledge our own racism, then we must pledge to fight it’</a></li> <li><a href="">Pride Cannot—and Must Not—Exist Without Anti-Racist Work</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="col"> <div class="col-wrapper"> <span class="meta-tag">MEDIA</span> <h2>Books, Films & Podcasts:</h2> <ul class="list"> <li><a href="">Layla Saad’s Anti-Racist Reading List</a></li> <li><a href="">The Anti-Racist Starter Pack: 40 TV Series, Documentaries, Movies, TED Talks, and Books to Add to Your List</a></li> <li><a href="">16 anti-racism books for young children</a></li> <li><a href="">NPR: List of books, films, and podcasts about racism</a></li> <li><a href="">18 books on race and white privilege</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="col"> <div class="col-wrapper"> <span class="meta-tag">FRAMEWORK</span> <h2>Moving from Reformist to Abolitionist Framework:</h2> <ul class="list"> <li><a href="">8 to Abolition</a></li> <li><a href="">Article: ‘Defund the Police’ Actually Means Defunding the Police</a> </li> <li><a href="">M4BL: What we mean when we say "defund the police"</a> </li> <li><a href="">Police “Reforms” You Should Always Oppose<br>What are we talking about when we talk about “a police-free future?”</a> </li> <li><a href="">VIDEO: So after we abolish prisons and policing...then what?: A Black Feminist Dialogue</a> </li> <li><a href="">Security Does Not Mean Safety: #1</a></li> <li><a href="">PODCAST: Ruth Wilson Gilmore Makes The Case For Abolition</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="col"> <div class="col-wrapper"> <span class="meta-tag">policy demands</span> <h2>Policy Demands:</h2> <ul class="list"> <li><a href="">M4BL Policy Change Demands for Organizers</a></li> <li><a href="">#8toAbolition collective</a></li> <li><a href="">M4BL Policy Platform</a></li> <li><a href="">Black to the Future AF Black Agenda</a></li> <li><a href="">Covid-19 Relief and Recovery Plan for Black America</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </main> </div> <script> function onIframeLoad(iframeFooter) { = iframeFooter.contentWindow.document.body.offsetHeight + 'px'; }; </script> <iframe src="/footer" class="iframe-footer" onload="onIframeLoad(this)"></iframe> </body></html>